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The biofilm matrix

Hans-Curt Flemming and Jost Wingender
Abstract | The microorganisms in biofilms live in a self-produced matrix of hydrated
extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) that form their immediate environment. EPS are
mainly polysaccharides, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids; they provide the mechanical
stability of biofilms, mediate their adhesion to surfaces and form a cohesive,
three-dimensional polymer network that interconnects and transiently immobilizes biofilm
cells. In addition, the biofilm matrix acts as an external digestive system by keeping
extracellular enzymes close to the cells, enabling them to metabolize dissolved, colloidal and
solid biopolymers. Here we describe the functions, properties and constituents of the EPS
matrix that make biofilms the most successful forms of life on earth.

Microorganisms do not live as pure cultures of dis- source, although some components of EPS are only
A loose definition for microbial persed single cells but instead accumulate at interfaces slowly biodegradable and, owing to the complexity of
aggregates that usually to form polymicrobial aggregates such as films, mats, EPS, complete degradation of all components requires a
accumulate at a solidliquid flocs, sludge or biofilms (Ref. 1). In most biofilms, the wide range of enzymes. The matrix protects organisms
interface and are encased in a
microorganisms account for less than 10% of the dry against desiccation, oxidizing or charged biocides, some
matrix of highly hydrated ePS.
Included in this definition are mass, whereas the matrix can account for over 90%. The antibiotics and metallic cations, ultraviolet radiation,
cell aggregates such as flocs matrix is the extracellular material, mostly produced by many (but not all) protozoan grazers and host immune
(floating biofilms) and sludge, the organisms themselves, in which the biofilm cells defences. Ecologically, competition and cooperation in the
which are not attached to an are embedded. It consists of a conglomeration of dif- confined space of the EPS matrix lead to a constant
interface but which share the
characteristics of biofilms.
ferent types of biopolymers known as extracellular adaptation of population fitness.
Multispecies biofilms can form polymeric substances (EPS) that forms the scaffold for It is unclear whether the matrix confers an ecologi-
stable microconsortia, develop the three-dimensional architecture of the biofilm and cal advantage on all cells in the biofilm, in particular
physiochemical gradients, and is responsible for adhesion to surfaces and for cohe- those that are furthest from the surface. Simulations of
undergo horizontal gene
sion in the biofilm. The formation of a biofilm allows competition in a biofilm revealed a strong evolution-
transfer and intense cellcell
communication, and these a lifestyle that is entirely different from the planktonic ary benefit for polymer producers at the expense of
consortia therefore represent state. Although the precise and molecular interactions non-producers, possibly because polymers push the
highly competitive of the various secreted biofilm matrix polymers have daughter cells of polymer producers closer to oxygen-
environments. not been defined, and the contributions of these com- rich environments3.
ponents to matrix integrity are poorly understood at a EPS have been called the dark matter of biofilms
molecular level (Ref. 2), several functions of EPS have because of the large range of matrix biopolymers and
been determined (TABLe 1), demonstrating a wide range the difficulty in analysing them4. EPS can vary greatly
of advantages for the biofilm mode of life. between biofilms, depending on the microorganisms
EPS immobilize biofilm cells and keep them in present, the shear forces experienced, the temperature and
close proximity, thus allowing for intense interactions, the availability of nutrients. EPS were initially denoted
including cellcell communication, and the formation extracellular polysaccharides but were renamed, as
of synergistic microconsortia. Owing to the retention it became clear that the matrix also contains proteins,
of extracellular enzymes, a versatile external diges- nucleic acids, lipids and other biopolymers such as humic
Biofilm Centre,
University of Duisburg-Essen, tive system is generated, sequestering dissolved and substances1,5. Extracellular bacterial structures such as
Geibelstrasse 41, D-47057 particulate nutrients from the water phase and allow- flagella, pili and fimbriae can also stabilize the matrix 6.
Duisburg, Germany. ing them to be utilized as nutrient and energy sources. Membrane vesicles derived from outer membranes of
Correspondence to H.-C.F. The matrix also acts as a recycling centre by keeping all Gram-negative bacteria can contain a range of enzymes
of the components of lysed cells available. This includes and DNA and can alter matrix properties7, sometimes
doi:10.1038/nrmicro2415 DNA, which may represent a reservoir of genes for hori- acting as killer vesicles targeted at competing biofilm
Published online 2 August 2010 zontal gene transfer. EPS can also serve as a nutrient organisms.

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Table 1 | Functions of extracellular polymeric substances in bacterial biofilms

Function relevance for biofilms EPS components involved
Adhesion Allows the initial steps in the colonization of abiotic and biotic Polysaccharides, proteins, DNA and
surfaces by planktonic cells, and the long-term attachment of whole amphiphilic molecules
biofilms to surfaces
Aggregation of bacterial cells Enables bridging between cells, the temporary immobilization of Polysaccharides, proteins and DNA
bacterial populations, the development of high cell densities and
cellcell recognition
Cohesion of biofilms Forms a hydrated polymer network (the biofilm matrix), mediating Neutral and charged polysaccharides,
the mechanical stability of biofilms (often in conjunction with proteins (such as amyloids and lectins), and
multivalent cations) and, through the EPS structure (capsule, slime DNA
or sheath), determining biofilm architecture, as well as allowing
cellcell communication
Retention of water Maintains a highly hydrated microenvironment around Hydrophilic polysaccharides and, possibly,
biofilm organisms, leading to their tolerance of dessication in proteins
water-deficient environments
Protective barrier Confers resistance to nonspecific and specific host defences during Polysaccharides and proteins
infection, and confers tolerance to various antimicrobial agents
(for example, disinfectants and antibiotics), as well as protecting
cyanobacterial nitrogenase from the harmful effects of oxygen and
protecting against some grazing protoza
Sorption of organic Allows the accumulation of nutrients from the environment and Charged or hydrophobic polysaccharides
compounds the sorption of xenobiotics (thus contributing to environmental and proteins
Sorption of inorganic ions Promotes polysaccharide gel formation, ion exchange, mineral Charged polysaccharides and proteins,
formation and the accumulation of toxic metal ions (thus including inorganic substituents such as
contributing to environmental detoxification) phosphate and sulphate
Enzymatic activity Enables the digestion of exogenous macromolecules for nutrient Proteins
acquisition and the degradation of structural EPS, allowing the
release of cells from biofilms
Nutrient source Provides a source of carbon-, nitrogen- and phosphorus-containing Potentially all EPS components
compounds for utilization by the biofilm community
Exchange of genetic Faciliates horizontal gene transfer between biofilm cells DNA
Electron donor or acceptor Permits redox activity in the biofilm matrix Proteins (for example, those forming pili and
nanowires) and, possibly, humic substances
Export of cell components Releases cellular material as a result of metabolic turnover Membrane vesicles containing nucleic
acids, enzymes, lipopolysaccharides and
Sink for excess energy Stores excess carbon under unbalanced carbon to nitrogen ratios Polysaccharides
Binding of enzymes Results in the accumulation, retention and stabilization of enzymes Polysaccharides and enzymes
through their interaction with polysaccharides
EPS, extracellular polymeric substances.

Globally, EPS represent a dominant fraction of the and maintenance of structured multicellular microbial
reduced-carbon reservoir in soils and in sediments, and communities crucially depend on the production and
suspended aggregates in oceans and freshwater. There, quantity of EPS13. The concentration, cohesion, charge,
they serve as nutrients and thus play an important part sorption capacity, specificity and nature of the individual
in microbial ecology 812. components of EPS, as well as the three-dimensional
Extracellular polymeric In this review, we focus on the role of these matrix architecture of the matrix (the dense areas, pores and
substances components in the architecture of bacterial biofilms, channels), determine the mode of life in a given biofilm.
Hydrated biopolymers discuss the challenges of isolating EPS and describe the The resulting biofilm morphology can be smooth and
(including polysaccharides,
different components of biofilms. Box 1 provides infor- flat, rough, fluffy or filamentous, and the biofilm can
proteins, nucleic acids and
lipids) that are secreted by mation about EPS of other organisms. also vary in its degree of porosity, having mushroom-like
biofilm cells to encase and macrocolonies surrounded by water-filled voids. All of
immobilize microbial EPS and biofilm architecture these morphologies have the same effect: to transiently
aggregates. These biopolymers Cells in a biofilm are surrounded by EPS, which consti- immobilize biofilm cells and allow the existence of long-
are responsible for the
macroscopic appearance of
tute the immediate environment of these cells. Some EPS, term mixed-species microconsortia, with their interac-
biofilms, which are frequently in particular those forming capsules, are associated more tions and gradients; this provides very diverse habitats
referred to as slime. closely with cell surfaces than others. The formation on a small scale, favouring biodiversity.

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Box 1 | Extracellular polymeric substances from fungi, algae and archaea of mature biofilms21,22 (fIG. 2e,f). biofilm architecture can
also be strongly influenced by the interaction of anionic
Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) are not unique to bacteria. Some of the most EPS, containing carboxylic groups, with multivalent
abundant EPS producers are microalgae (in particular, diatoms)103. Microalgal EPS play cations. For example, Ca2+ can form a bridge between
important parts in the stabilization of sediments104 and the entrainment of sand105, but
polyanionic alginate molecules, stimulating the devel-
they are also involved in marine fouling. The green alga Penium margaritaceum has
opment of thick and compact biofilms with increased
been shown to produce large amounts of EPS (predominantly polysaccharides106,107)
that, in turn, support the growth of heterotrophic bacteria which use EPS as a mechanical stability24 (fIG. 2d).
substrate. Fungi (yeasts and moulds) also produce EPS. Examples are certain
Candida spp.108 that produce EPS which are involved in the processes of flocculation, Isolation of EPS
adhesion and biofilm formation109. The archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus produces The identification of EPS components depends on the
polysaccharides in response to adhesion110; other than this, there is surprisingly little isolation method used. However, efficient EPS isola-
information about the EPS matrices of archaea. tion is challenging, particularly for EPS from environ-
mental biofilms, which can contain an immense range
of components that each require different extraction
The use of microelectrodes (to monitor oxygen methods. In a mixed-species biofilm, many members
levels, for example) revealed spatial heterogeneity in of the microbial community contribute their own (and
biofilms on a micrometre scale14 (fIG. 1). On the basis often specific) EPS that then merge into a complex mix-
of staining with lectins and imaging with confocal laser ture11 and remain in the matrix even after their pro-
scanning microscopy to differentiate various EPS com- ducers have died or left the biofilm. Furthermore, it is
ponents and biofilm organisms, it was concluded that next to impossible to quantitatively isolate EPS from a
the EPS matrix provides a physical structure that segre- given biofilm, because some of the EPS fraction remains
gates microdomains15. These regions harbour different bound to the bacteria, and because the isolation pro-
Humic substance
biochemical environments that are enzymatically mod- cedure damages cells, causing intracellular material to
A component of the natural ified in response to changing conditions. For further leak into the matrix.
organic matter in soil and investigation of the matrix architecture, a reliable alloca- There is no universal EPS isolation method the
water enviroments. Humic tion of the binding sites of lectins is crucial. Chemical extraction procedure has to be adapted to the specific
substances are mixtures of
analyses can possibly be put into a spatial context by type of biofilm under investigation. Centrifugation,
compounds that are formed
by limited degradation and combining confocal laser scanning microscopy and filtration, heating, blending, sonication, and treatment
transformation of dead organic Raman microscopy16 (Box 2). with complexing agents and with ion exchanger resins
matter and that are resistant The architecture of biofilms is influenced by many have been described25,26, and the use of sodium hydrox-
to complete biodegradation. factors, including hydrodynamic conditions, concen- ide has even been reported27, although this method
They can be divided into three
main fractions: humic acids,
tration of nutrients, bacterial motility and intercellu- almost certainly leads to contamination with cytoplas-
fulvic acids and humin. They lar communication as well as exopolysaccharides and mic components. One popular method uses a cation
usually include phenolic and proteins, as demonstrated by the altered morphology exchanger resin28, which removes the cations that bridge
polyaromatic compounds of biofilms produced by mutants lacking components the negatively charged groups of the polysaccharide and
(containing peptide and
of EPS. For example, exopolysaccharides of Vibrio chol- protein moieties of EPS. Alginate from P. aeruginosa is
carbohydrate moieties with
carboxylic substituents), erae17 and colanic acid of Escherichia coli 18 are involved comprised solely of uronic acids, which are not found
providing the acidic character. in the formation of a three-dimensional biofilm archi- inside the cells and can therefore be used as EPS mark-
tecture. The Bacillus subtilis biofilm matrix consists of an ers during isolation29. The presence of intracellular
Flagellum exopolysaccharide and the secreted protein TasA, both enzymes, such as glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase
A long, thin, helically shaped
bacterial appendage that
of which are required for the structural integrity of the (G6PD, also known as Zwf), indicates contamination
provides motility. A flagellum matrix and the development of biofilm architecture in with cellular components. Following extraction, a com-
consists of several components the form of fruiting body-like structures19. During aggre- mon concentration step is to precipitate solubilized EPS
and moves by rotation, much gation of the soil bacterium Myxococcus xanthus, the by adding ethanol or acetone11; however, this method
like a propeller. The motor is
polysaccharide component of the extracellular matrix primarily precipitates polysaccharides, leading to an
anchored in the cytoplasmic
membrane and the cell wall. forms a scaffold within the fruiting-body structure20. underestimation of the other components of EPS.
One of the best studied exopolysaccharides involved in Common EPS isolation techniques inherently select
Pilus biofilm formation is alginate in the biofilms of mucoid for water-soluble EPS and lose insoluble EPS, including
A bacterial surface structure strains of the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas cellulose, which is an important constituent of the matri-
that is similar to a fimbria but
is typically a longer structure,
aeruginosa21,22. Alginate is not essential for P. aeruginosa ces of many bacteria. Cellulose plays an important part
and that is present on the cell biofilm formation23, but it has a notable effect on bio- in biofilm-related infections caused by Escherichia coli,
surface in one or two copies. film architecture when it is present. under conditions in Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter spp., Citrobacter spp.
Pili can be receptors for which alginate producers form structurally heterogene- and Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar
bacteriophages and also
ous biofilms, non-mucoid strains develop flat and more Typhimurium6,3032. Isolation of cellulose requires harsh
facilitate genetic exchange
between bacterial cells during homogeneous biofilms (fIG. 2ac). conditions, such as treatment with acetic acid and nitric
conjugation. Type IV pili Acetyl groups are common substituents of exopoly- acid at 95 C3.
mediate twitching motility, saccharides, and they increase the adhesive and cohe-
which is a flagella-independent sive properties of EPS and alter biofilm architecture. The Exopolysaccharides
form of bacterial translocation
over surfaces, and can be
modification of alginate with acetyl groups strongly influ- Polysaccharides are a major fraction of the EPS matrix 28,29.
involved in biofilm ences the aggregation of bacteria into microcolonies and Most are long molecules, linear or branched, with a
development. determines the structurally heterogeneous architecture molecular mass of 0.5 106 daltons to 2 106 daltons.

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a c CH2
CH2 attractive
forces COO
COO CH2 Ionic
OH attractive
Fimbria forces Ca2+
A filamentous structure Repulsive
composed of one or a few forces CH2
proteins that extends from the
b prevent OOC OH
surface of a cell and can have collapsing COO
+ + + + +
diverse functions. fimbriae are CH2
involved in attachment to
both animate and inanimate Hydrogen OH - - - - -
bonding van der Waals
surfaces and in the formation
Protein OH interactions + + + +
of pellicles and biofilms. They
assist in the disease process CH2
of some pathogens, such as - - - - -
S. enterica, Neisseria
gonorrhoea and Bordetella
Membrane vesicle Polysaccharide
A vesicle that is formed from
the outer membrane of
Gram-negative bacteria, is
secreted from the cell surface
and contains extracellular
enzymes and nucleic acids.
These vesicles may represent
mobile elements in the ePS

A discrete polysaccharide
(sometimes also protein) layer
that is firmly attached to the
surface of a bacterial cell,
closely surrounding it, in
contrast to less compact,
amorphous slime that is shed
into the more distant
extracellular environment. Figure 1 | The extracellular polymeric substances matrix at different dimensions. a | A model of a bacterial biofilm
attached to a solid surface. Biofilm formation starts with the attachment of a cell to a surface. Nature
A microcolony
Reviews forms
| Microbiology
Lectin through division of the bacterium, and production of the biofilm matrix is initiated. Other bacteria can then be recruited
A protein or glycoprotein of as the biofilm expands owing to cell division and the further production of matrix components. b | The major matrix
plant, animal or microbial components polysaccharides, proteins and DNA are distributed between the cells in a non-homogeneous pattern,
origin that binds to setting up differences between regions of the matrix. c | The classes of weak physicochemical interactions and the
carbohydrates with a
entanglement of biopolymers that dominate the stability of the EPS matrix47. d | A molecular modelling simulation
characteristic specificity.
of the interaction between the exopolysaccharide alginate (right) and the extracellular enzyme lipase (left) of
fluorescently labelled lectins
can be used as probes to
Pseudomonas aeruginosa in aqueous solution. The starting structure for the simulation of the lipase protein was obtained
investigate ePS composition, from the Protein Data Bank117. The coloured spheres represent 1,2-dioctylcarbamoyl-glycero-3-O-octylphosphonate in
enabling the microscopic in situ the lipase active site (which was present as part of the crystal structure), except for the green sphere, which represents a
detection of ePS and their Ca2+ ion. The aggregate is stabilized by the interaction of the positively charged amino acids arginine and histidine
distribution in biofilms. (indicated in blue) with the polyanionic alginate. Water molecules are not shown. Image courtesy of H. Kuhn, CAM-D
Technologies, Essen, Germany.
Raman microscopy
A spectroscopic technique
based on inelastic light
scattering (Raman scattering) Several polysaccharides have been visualized by elec- pure-culture experimental biofilms. In recent years,
of monochromatic laser light tron microscopy as fine strands that are attached to the exopolysaccharides from an extensive range of bacterial
in the near-ultraviolet range, cell surface and form complex networks. Microscopic species from diverse environments have been isolated
revealing vibrational, rotational
techniques in combination with specific carbohydrate and characterized33.
and other low-frequency
modes in a system. The staining using fluorescently labelled lectins or antibod- Several exopolysaccharides are homopolysaccharides,
technique is used for the ies (Box 2), as well as biochemical analyses for inde- including the sucrose-derived glucans and fructans pro-
analysis of chemical bonds pendent verification, have demonstrated the ubiquity duced by the streptococci in oral biofilms, and cellulose
and is suitable for very small of matrix polysaccharides not only in biofilms from formed by Gluconacetobacter xylinus, Agrobacterium
volumes, allowing spectra and
chemical information to be
natural marine, freshwater and soil environments and tumefaciens, Rhizobium spp. and various species from
obtained for the molecules from man-made water systems, but also in biofilms the Enterobacteriaceae 6 and Pseudomonadaceae
present in that volume. associated with chronic infections in humans and in families 29. However, most exopolysaccharides are

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Box 2 | In situ detection of extracellular polymeric substances to biofilm development and architecture: alginate, Pel
and Psl37. Alginate is one of the most extensively studied
The most important tool for non-destructive in situ detection of components of the exopolysaccharides, but it consists of only uronic acids
extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in biofilms is confocal laser scanning and so is not representative of all exopolysaccharides.
microscopy (CLSM) in combination with fluorescent dyes15. Using fluorescently
Alginate is a high-molecular-mass, unbranched heter-
labelled lectins, exopolysaccharides are visualized according to their interaction with
opolymer consisting of 1,4-linked uronic residues of -d-
specific target sugars. Such approaches have revealed the complex composition and
arrangement of EPS in natural biofilms15. Fluorescently labelled antibodies against mannuronate and -l-guluronate. These components are
exopolysaccharides have been used in a similar way111; this technique is well arranged in homopolymeric blocks of polymannuronate
established for use with pure cultures. In an excellent overview of the topic, Neu and and heteropolymeric sequences with a random distribu-
Lawrence112 reported clear-cut specific multilabelling but also nonspecific binding tion of guluronate and partially O-acetylated mannuro-
patterns with both lectins and antibodies. nate residues. Overproduction of alginate is characteristic
A promising approach is the use of CLSM-based lectin-binding analysis in combination of mucoid strains and is usually as a result of mutations
with Raman microscopy16. This combination gives a more in-depth insight into EPS in the gene encoding the -factor Algu negative regu-
composition. However, the allocation of spectra to individual lectin-stained clusters lator (MucA). Alginate is involved in the establishment
remains a challenge and requires substantial further development.
of microcolonies at the beginning of biofilm formation,
An approach to localizing enzymatic activity in biofilms is direct microscopic
but it is also responsible for the mechanical stability of
visualization by staining with fluorogenic substrates43. Phosphatase activity in
laboratory biofilms and in activated sludge flocs was detected using the water-soluble mature biofilms. However, in non-mucoid wild-type
substrate ELF-97 phosphate, which yields an insoluble fluorescent precipitate upon strains, which do not express alginate biosynthesis genes,
cleavage by the enzyme. This method allowed the spatial distribution of phosphatase the polysaccharides Pel and Psl are involved in the estab-
activity to be studied in whole flocs and in vertical sections of biofilms. Extracellular lishment of biofilms. Pel is a glucose-rich polysaccharide,
redox activity was visualized by reduction of the tetrazolium salt 5-cyano-2,3-di-4-tolyl whereas Psl consists of a repeating pentasaccharide con-
tetrazolium chloride (CTC) to CTC formazan crystals at the point of reaction. taining d-mannose, d-glucose and l-rhamnose38. Pel is
Extracellular DNA can be detected with dye specific for nucleic acid. For example, a essential for the formation of biofilms (called pellicles)
4-day-old culture of the at airliquid interfaces and biofilms that are attached to
gammaproteobacterium strain
a surface, and Psl is involved in the adherence to abiotic
F8 (which was isolated from
and biotic surfaces and in the maintenance of biofilm
the Saskatchewan river,
Canada) was grown on architecture. During attachment, Psl is anchored to
freshwater basal-medium agar the cell surface in a helical pattern, possibly promoting
and subsequently stained with cellcell interactions39. It then accumulates in the periph-
the dye SYTO9 to visualize the ery of microcolonies during biofilm maturation, prepar-
DNA (see the figure). Aside ing a Psl-free cavity in the microcolony centre for the
from the DNA, the bacteria are subsequent dispersal stage (Box 3), during which this
visible as small rods between matrix cavity contains swimming cells together with dead
the DNA strands. Image cells and extracellular DNA (eDNA)39.
courtesy of U. Boeckelmann
In many bacteria, exopolysaccharides are indispensa-
and U. Szewzyk, Technische
ble for biofilm formation, and mutants that cannot syn-
Universitt Berlin, Germany.
thesize exopolysaccharides are severely compromised or
unable to form mature biofilms17,18,39 (although bacteria
heteropolysaccharides that consist of a mixture of may still attach to surfaces and form microcolonies to a
neutral and charged sugar residues. They can contain limited extent). However, in mixed-species biofilms the
organic or inorganic substituents that greatly affect their presence of a species that produces exopolysaccharides
physical and biological properties. Owing to the pres- may lead to the integration of other species that do not
ence of uronic acids (and, in some cases, ketal-linked synthesize matrix polymers13. Therefore, the proportions
pyruvate or, rarely, sulphate), many known exopoly- of different exopolysaccharides in mixed biofilms do not
saccharides, including alginate, xanthan and colanic necessarily reflect the proportions of the cells present,
acid, are polyanionic. Polycationic exopolysaccharides nor do the different exopolysaccharides add equally to
also exist, such as intercellular adhesin, which is com- the structure and properties of the resulting biofilms40.
posed of -1,6-linked N-acetylglucosamine with partly
deacetylated residues. This adhesin was discovered in Extracellular proteins
important nosocomial pathogens such as Staphylococcus The biofilm matrix can contain considerable amounts of
aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis, which can colo- proteins that, together, can far exceed the polysaccharide
nize medical implants and lead to biofilm-related infec- content, on a mass basis28,41. This has been reported for
tions34, and it has since been detected in a range of other environmental biofilms as well as for activated sludge
bacteria35. and biofilms in sewers42.
Exopolysaccharides can be diverse even between
strains of a single species; for example, various Enzymes. various extracellular enzymes have been
Streptococcus thermophilus strains produce heteropolysac- detected in biofilms, many of which are involved in the
charides of different monomer compositions and ratios degradation of biopolymers. The substrates of these
and different molecular masses36. P. aeruginosa, one of extracellular enzymes include water-soluble polymers
the best studied models for biofilm formation, produces (such as many polysaccharides, proteins and nucleic
at least three distinct exopolysaccharides that contribute acids) and water-insoluble compounds (such as cellulose,

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chitin and lipids), as well as organic particles that are to low-molecular-mass products that can then be taken
trapped in biofilms43 (TABLe 2). The presence of enzymes up and utilized as carbon and energy sources. In addi-
that degrade EPS components makes the matrix an tion, some enzymes can be involved in the degradation
external digestive system that breaks down biopolymers of structural EPS to promote the detachment of bacteria
from biofilms. Other enzymes act as virulence factors in
a b medical biofilms during infectious processes.
0 Some extracellular enzymes from bacteria (and some
from fungi) are of commercial interest and are produced
on a large scale industrially. In addition, extracellular
m 100
enzymes carry out self-purification processes in soils,
m 100 sediments and water, and these processes have been
adopted for the biological treatment of drinking water
and waste water, using biofilms and flocs to degrade
200 organic substances.
Extracellular enzymes are also used for the degrada-
0 0
m 200 100 0 70 m tion of synthetic polymers by degrading additives such as
200 100 0 120
m plasticizers (for example, terephthalates) or antioxidants,
or by attacking the polymer backbone44. Furthermore,
c d
0 extracellular redox enzymes play a part in microbially
influenced corrosion45.
Extracellular enzymes can be efficiently retained in
the biofilm matrix by their interaction with polysaccha-
m 100 rides43,46. For example, the association of extracellular
m 100
lactonizing lipase (lipA; also known as lip) with algi-
nate produced by P. aeruginosa is based on weak bind-
ing forces47; this hypothesis is supported by molecular
200 0 modelling (fIG. 1d). Such interactions result in a matrix
m of exopolysaccharides that are biochemically activated
200 100 0 90 m 200 by the attached enzymes. This arrangement retains the
100 0 300
m enzymatic activity close to the cell and keeps the dif-
e f 0 fusion distances of enzymatic products short, thereby
optimizing their uptake by bacteria. Moreover, the
interactions between enzymes and structural exopoly-
saccharides enhance the thermostability of the enzymes
m 100 m 100 and their resistance to proteolysis40.

EPS-modifying enzymes. various enzymes can poten-

tially degrade EPS components during starvation, target-
200 200
ing EPS made by the bacterium that produces the enzyme
0 0 or EPS made by other species29,48. Examples are the
200 100 0 70 m
200 100 0 45 m dextran, inulin and levan that are formed by oral strep-
m m
tococci49 and the levan that is present in the matrix voids
Figure 2 | Dynamics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm architecture. Confocal of Pseudomonas syringae biofilms50. Exopolysaccharides
laser scanning microscopy images (325 magnification) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa are degraded mainly by hydrolases and lyases31,50, but
biofilms grown for 70 h on glass in a flow cell at 30 C (with a flow Reviews
rate | Microbiology
of 20 ml per h). degradation is generally slow. In marine stromatolites,
Biofilms were stained with DNA-binding dye SYTO9, and cells are green. a | A mucoid
EPS polysaccharides and proteins are secreted by the
(alginate-overproducing) environmental strain, P. aeruginosa str. SG81 (Ref. 118), which
produces uneven, lumpy biofilms. b | A spontaneous non-mucoid revertant strain, bacteria and are then rapidly fragmented and rearranged
P. aeruginosa str. SG81R1 (derived from P. aeruginosa str. SG81), which has lost the ability by degradation, specifically by sulphate-reducing bac-
to produce alginate. The lack of alginate leads to the formation of smoother and flatter teria, to a more refractory polymer 11. Furthermore, a
biofilms. c | The typically non-mucoid wild-type strain P. aeruginosa str. PAO1, which is very important stage in biofilm development is the dis-
widely used in biofilm research. This strain also produces smooth, flat biofilms. d | The persion of sessile cells from the biofilms, which allows
effect of Ca2+ (1 mM Ca2+ in the growth medium) on biofilm architecture is shown for a new biofilms to be formed39,51. This dispersion occurs in
mucoid biofilm of P. aeruginosa str. SG81. Ca2+ stabilizes the crossbridges between response to environmental changes; it can be induced by
alginate, allowing a thicker and more stable biofilm to be formed. e | The dependency of nutrient starvation52 or sudden nutrient availability 51 and
mucoid biofilm architecture on the presence of O-acetyl groups in alginate: the clinical requires modification of the matrix by enzymes secreted
strain P. aeruginosa str. FRD1, which produces O-acetylated alginate, forms biofilms
from the bacteria 51. An example of an enzyme that
similar to the mucoid strain shown in part a. f | The mutant strain P. aeruginosa str. FRD1153
produces alginate in similar amounts to the parent strain, P. aeruginosa str. FRD1, but is degrades exopolysaccharides to allow detachment and
defective in alginate acetylation and loses it mucoid phenotype. Biofilms of this strain dispersal of biofilm cells is N-acetyl--hexosaminidase
resemble biofilms of the non-mucoid strains shown in parts b and c. Part ad images (encoded by dspB), which is produced by the periodon-
courtesy of M. Strathmann, IWW Water Centre, Germany. Part e and f images are tal pathogen Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans 53. A
reproduced, with permission, from REF. 21 (2004) Elsevier. dspB mutant formed biofilms that could not release cells.

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Box 3 | Dispersal of biofilms an exopolysaccharide20. Interestingly, complementation

studies with tasA mutants and exopolysaccharide synthesis
Mixtures of enzymes for the dispersal of biofilms are described and covered by various mutants revealed that TasA and the exopolysaccharide
patents, but they have poor long-term efficacy in the process of anti-fouling. were assembled correctly outside the cells to yield a func-
Dispersion by the induction of a prophage followed by cell death and subsequent cell
tional matrix even when each of the two EPS components
cluster disaggregation have been observed100. A substituted fatty acid, cis-11-methyl-
was produced by different cells in the same biofilm.
2-docecenoic acid (called diffusible signal factor), was recovered from Xanthomonas
campestris and found to be responsible for virulence as well as for inducing the release Another group of extracellular proteins are biofilm-
of endo--1,4-mannanase113. It has been suggested that certain species may encode associated surface protein (bap) from S. aureus and the
stress regulons involved in biofilm dispersion. It was reported that cis-2-decenoic acid bap-like proteins. These are high-molecular-mass pro-
produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa may act as a fatty acid messenger that can teins on the bacterial cell surface that promote biofilm
induce the dispersion of biofilms formed by Escherichai coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, formation in several bacterial species60. They contain a
Proteus mirabilis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and core domain of tandem repeats that is required for the
the yeast Candida albicans114. Such a universal biofilm disperser is of great interest in formation of a biofilm and plays a part in bacterial infec-
medical and technical systems and may be of environmental concern. Very recently, tious processes. Other ubiquitous proteinaceous com-
biofilm disassembly was reportedly triggered in B. subtilis, P. aeruginosa and S. aureus
ponents of the matrix are amyloids. These compounds
by a mixture of d-amino acids, releasing amyloid fibres that linked the cells together115.
have been defined as orderly repeats of protein molecules
This process could be a strategy used by biofilm bacteria to create pores and channels
locally, leading to better mass transport within the biofilm. arranged as fibres of indefinite length in a cross- struc-
Bacteriophages supply a wide range of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes. However, ture, in which the -strands are perpendicular to the fibre
these enzymes are very specific and rarely act on more than a few closely related axis61. Functional amyloids of bacterial origin have been
polysaccharide structures. Phages and bacteria can coexist stably in biofilms, detected in various habitats, including freshwater lakes,
suggesting that phages would make poor tools for the control of biofilm formation. brackish water, drinking-water reservoirs and waste-
However, combinations of phage enzymes and disinfectants have been recommended water treatment plants61. Amyloids are involved in
as possible control strategies under certain conditions116, and adding the phage and adhesion to inanimate surfaces and host cells, with sub-
then the disinfectant is more effective than adding either alone. sequent invasion of the host cells, and they also function
The existence of an organism or enzyme that could disperse all biofilms would lead to
as cytotoxins for both plant cells and bacteria61.
a global environmental disaster, because it would find its substrates on a global scale
lastly, proteinaceous appendages such as pili, fim-
and could compromise the self-purification function of soils and sediments as well as
the functions of all biological water treatments. It is the great variability of EPS that briae and flagella can also act as structural elements by
protects biofilms and, in turn, limits the success of enzymatic anti-fouling strategies. interacting with other EPS components of the biofilm
For fast and complete biofilm removal as is required in anti-fouling strategies, for matrix. For example, type Iv pili of P. aeruginosa bind
example existing enzymes are too slow and their activities are too limited. However, DNA62 and so possibly act as cross-linking structures.
for destabilization of the matrix, they may have their virtues. In S. Typhimurium and E. coli, the co-production of
thin aggregative fimbriae and cellulose results in the
formation of a rigid, hydrophobic extracellular matrix,
However, there is no single enzyme or simple enzyme whereas the production of either fimbriae or cellulose
mixture that can degrade all of the polysaccharides in results in a fragile network6, underlining the functional
a biofilm matrix. role of fimbriae for matrix stabilization.

Structural proteins. The non-enzymatic proteins in the Extracellular DNA

matrix, such as the cell surface-associated and extra- biofilms of various origins have been found to contain
cellular carbohydrate-binding proteins (called lectins), eDNA, but it is reported to occur in particularly large
are involved in the formation and stabilization of the amounts in waste-water biofilms28, although the amount
polysaccharide matrix network and constitute a link produced can vary even between closely related species.
between the bacterial surface and extracellular EPS. eDNA is a major structural component in the biofilm
Examples include glucan-binding proteins in biofilms matrix of S. aureus, whereas it is only a minor component
of the dental pathogen Streptococcus mutans 54, lectin- of biofilms formed by S. epidermidis 63.
like proteins in the matrices of activated sludge flocs55,
outer-membrane lectins of Azospirillum brasiliense 56 Role of eDNA. Although eDNA was initially seen as resid-
and the galactose-specific lectin lecA and fucose- ual material from lysed cells, it has become increasingly
specific lectin lecb57,58 of P. aeruginosa, both of which clear that it is in fact an integral part of the matrix1 and
Matrix void
A pore or channel in the biofilm
have been implicated in biofilm formation. Synthetic of the biofilm mode of life64. The importance of nucleic
matrix that contains liquid high-affinity multivalent ligands that target lecb inhibit acids in microbial aggregation was observed in a species
water and is not filled with P. aeruginosa biofilm formation and induce complete from the genus Rhodovulum, members of which are self-
hydrated ePS molecules. dispersion of established biofilms59, underscoring the flocculating bacteria; this species produces EPS consisting
stabilizing effect of lecb in intact biofilms of P. aeru- of carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids65. Treatment
A laminated microbial mat that ginosa. The secreted protein CdrA was shown to bind of flocculated cells with nucleolytic enzymes resulted in
is typically built from layers directly to Psl in P. aeruginosa biofilms19, leading to the deflocculation, whereas polysaccharide-degrading and
of filamentous cyanobacteria suggestion that extracellular CdrA cross-links Psl mol- protein-degrading enzymes had no effect. eDNA is also
and other microorganisms ecules and thereby strengthens the matrix, whereas a major matrix component in P. aeruginosa biofilms, in
that become fossilized.
Stromatolites are the oldest
cell-associated CdrA anchors the cells to Psl in the which it functions as an intercellular connector66. In addi-
records of life on earth, dating matrix. The extracellular protein TasA is required for tion, DNase inhibits the formation of biofilms in P. aeru-
back 3.5 billion years. the structural integrity of B. subtilis biofilms, along with ginosa67, and Bacillus cereus uses DNA as an adhesin68.

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Table 2 | Biofilm enzymes in natural and man-made aquatic environments* Origin of eDNA. The origin of eDNA seems to differ
between species. In gammaproteobacteria strain F8,
Enzyme Type of biofilm biofilm eDNA has similarities to but also distinct dif-
Protein-degrading enzymes ferences from genomic DNA71, indicating that this
Protease River biofilms and activated sludge eDNA is not simply released by lysed cells. However, in
P. aeruginosa and Pseudomonas putida biofilms, eDNA
Peptidase Drinking-water biofilms, river biofilms, waste-water
biofilms, sewer biofilms, marine aggregates and and genomic DNA seemed to be identical73. In S. epider-
activated sludge midis biofilms, eDNA is generated through the lysis of a
Polysaccharide or oligosaccharide-degrading enzymes subpopulation of the bacteria, mediated by bifunctional
autolysin (AtlE). This eDNA promoted biofilm forma-
Endocellulase River biofilms tion of the remaining population, supporting the con-
Chitinase River biofilms and estuarine-sediment biofilms cept of a structural function for eDNA, as suggested by
-glucosidase River biofilms, sewer biofilms, stream sediment Molin and Tolker-Nielsen64. However, lysed cells are not
biofilms, lake sediment biofilms, waste-water biofilms, the only source of eDNA, and active excretion of DNA
marine aggregates and activated sludge cannot be excluded.
-glucosidase River biofilms, biofilms from trickling biofilters, sewer
biofilms, stream sediment biofilms, lake sediment Surfactants and lipids
biofilms, marine aggregates and activated sludge Extracellular polysaccharides, proteins and DNA are
-xylosidase River biofilms and lake sediment biofilms highly hydrated hydrophilic molecules, but other EPS have
River biofilms, marine aggregates and activated sludge hydrophobic properties. For example, a Rhodococcus sp.
glucosaminidase strain74 that possesses a capsule but no fimbriae can
adhere to Teflon and colonizes waxy leaf surfaces using
Chitobiosidase Marine aggregates
EPS with hydrophobic properties. The hydrophobic char-
-glucuronidase Activated sludge acter of the EPS was attributed to substituents such as
Lipid-degrading enzymes polysaccharide-linked methyl and acetyl groups75.
Lipase Marine aggregates and activated sludge
lipids are also found in the matrix 41. lipopoly-
saccharides are crucial for the adherence of Thiobacillus
Esterase River biofilms, lake sediment biofilms, drinking-water ferrooxidans to pyrite surfaces76, and Serratia marcescens
biofilms, sewer biofilms, stream sediment biofilms and
activated sludge produces extracellular lipids with surface-active proper-
ties (known as serrawettins)77. Other surface-active EPS
include surfactin, viscosin and emulsan, which can dis-
Phosphatase River biofilms, sewer biofilms, stream biofilms, marine perse hydrophobic substances and make them bioavail-
aggregates and activated sludge able. They may be useful for microbially enhanced oil
Oxidoreductases recovery and for bioremediation of oil spills.
Phenol oxidase River biofilms Biosurfactants can have antibacterial and antifungal
properties and are important for bacterial attachment
Peroxidase River biofilms
and detachment from oil droplets78. The quest for green
Extracellular redox activity Activated sludge chemicals may enhance further work on this class of mol-
*Data from Ref. 46. ecule79,80. biosurfactants generated by microorganisms at
the airwater interface of surface waters obviously have
eDNA also has antimicrobial activity, causing cell lysis by an important role, influencing surface tension and, thus,
chelating cations that stabilize lipopolysaccharide and the the gas exchange between oceans and the atmosphere81.
bacterial outer membrane69. Interestingly, rhamnolipids, which can act as surfactants,
have been found in the EPS matrix of P. aeruginosa82.
Localization of eDNA. The localization of eDNA can They display surface activity and have been proposed
vary widely between biofilms. In P. aeruginosa bio- to act in initial microcolony formation, facilitating sur-
films eDNA forms a grid-like structure70, whereas in an face-associated bacterial migration and the formation of
aquatic bacterial isolate (a gammaproteobacterium called mushroom-shaped structures, preventing colonization of
strain F8) eDNA forms a filamentous network71 (Box 2). channels, and playing a part in biofilm dispersion83,84.
Surface-active property
The ability of a molecule to
In nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae biofilms, eDNA
alter the interface of two is present as a dense network of fine strands as well as Water
different phases. Substances in individual, thicker ropes that span water channels72. water is by far the largest component of the matrix,
with surface-active properties The eDNA seems to localize in a time-dependent man- leading K. C. Marshall to call biofilms stiff water. The
(surfactants) are amphipatic
ner in the stalks of mushroom-shaped microcolonies EPS matrix provides a highly hydrated environment that
molecules with both
hydrophilic and hydrophobic in biofilms. Particularly high concentrations of eDNA dries more slowly than its surroundings and therefore
(generally hydrocarbon) were found in the outer parts of the stalk, thus form- buffers the biofilm cells against fluctuations in water
moieties. They partition ing a border between stalk-forming and cap-forming potential. Many EPS are hygroscopic and seem to retain
preferentially at the interface P. aeruginosa subpopulations70. It was speculated that water entropically rather than through specific water-
between fluid phases with
different degrees of polarity
DNA in the mushroom stalks might cause the accumu- binding mechanisms. It has been proposed that EPS
and hydrogen bonding, such as lation of migrating bacteria, resulting in the formation result in hydraulic decoupling during rapid wetting or
oilwater interfaces. of mushroom caps. drying events, protecting the biofilm-embedded bacteria

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in unsaturated soils, for example85. when embedded in until a break point is reached, after which the biofilm
EPS, the cyanobacterium Nostoc commune maintains behaves like a viscous fluid24. This raised the concept of
its photosynthetic activity during drying and rehydra- fluctuating binding points between EPS components
tion, whereas EPS-depleted N. commune was notably that are kept together by weak physicochemical interac-
impaired under these conditions86. tions such as hydrogen bonds, van der waals forces and
bacteria actively respond to desiccation by producing electrostatic interactions. Entanglement of biopolymers
EPS87. Desiccation seems to be one of the environmental further contributes to matrix stability 24. S. aureus bio-
conditions under which EPS provides global benefits to films show elastic-solid-like response to short-timescale
both EPS producers and other members of the biofilm stimuli and viscous-fluid-like response to long-timescale
A substance that is synthesized community 88. Desiccation concentrates EPS, increasing stimuli97. Elastic materials absorb stress energy through
by living cells (mostly bacteria the number of nonspecific binding sites that can react deformation, and transient stress events might be resisted
and yeasts) and that is surface with each other (compared with the number that can by reversible deformation. The result is a rearrangement
active. Biosurfactants reduce react when EPS components are separated at higher of the biofilm to mitigate exposure to external shear
surface tension, stabilize
emulsions, promote foaming
water content) and reducing biofilm volume. This can stress. It is possible that, on an intermediate timescale, a
and are generally non-toxic and be easily observed on phototrophic biofilms attached to biofilm can increase the strength of its structural matrix
biodegradable. When grown on walls, which curl up when they dry out. in response to mechanical stresses by increasing EPS pro-
hydrocarbon substrates as a The EPS matrix can act as a molecular sieve, seques- duction98. The interaction of multivalent inorganic ions
carbon source, microorganisms
tering cations, anions, apolar compounds and particles with EPS can greatly influence the mechanical properties
can synthesize a wide range of
biosurfactants, such as from the water phase89. EPS contain apolar regions, of biofilms. For example, the presence of Ca2+ increased
glycolipids and phospholipids. groups with hydrogen-bonding potential, anionic groups the mechanical stability of mucoid P. aeruginosa biofilms;
These chemicals are apparently (in uronic acids and proteins) and cationic groups (for this effect was explained by the Ca2+-mediated cross-
synthesized to emulsify the example, in amino sugars)90. Owing to this stickiness of linking of polyanionic alginate molecules24. when the
hydrocarbon substrate and
facilitate its transport into the
the matrix, particles and nanoparticles can be trapped rheological properties of a biofilm were examined on a
cells. In some bacterial species, and accumulated. Interestingly, heavy metals such as microscale level using a novel microfluidic device, finite
such as P. aeruginosa, Zn2+, Cd2+, and Ni2+ bind to cell walls of bacteria in acti- element analysis and confocal laser scanning micros-
biosurfactants are also involved vated sludge, whereas hydrophobic compounds such as copy, increased cohesion under shear stress (known as
in a group movement behaviour
benzene, toluene and xylene are present in the matrix 91. strain hardening) was observed for biofilms of Klebsiella
called swarming motility.
The response of biofilms to absorbed substances can be pneumoniae and S. epidermidis99.
Hydraulic decoupling complex; for example, toluene induces enhanced produc- Data about the cohesive strength of biofilms vary
The formation of areas that tion of carboxylic groups in P. putida biofilms92. greatly, depending on the method used to measure it.
have virtually no exchange of Although the magnitude of the elasticity modulus and the
water content with their
environment. An example is a
EPS and mechanical properties of biofilms viscosity vary among mixed-species biofilms94, the quali-
desiccated ePS layer that Although biofilms are commonly referred to as slime, tative viscoelastic responses to shear stress are consist-
covers an area with a high which implies that they are not rigid structures, their ent 93. Stress relaxation time (usually around 18 minutes)
water content but has very low mechanical stability is important. Interestingly, it seems is similar in a wide range of environmental biofilms98,
water transport through the
to be mainly the exopolysaccharides in the matrix that and it was speculated that this is the shortest period
layer, retaining the water
underneath. provide this feature. The process of anti-fouling, which over which a biofilm can mount a phenotypic response
entails the removal of unwanted biofilms, is carried out to transient mechanical stress. However, stress relaxation
Elasticity modulus by overcoming the cohesive and adhesive forces of the time can be much shorter than this in certain examples;
The tendency of an object or matrix. In the case of biofilms in catheters, matrix stabil- in the case of S. epidermidis biofilms, it was determined
material to reversibly develop
an elastic force in response to
ity determines biofilm detachment and the size of the to be only 13.8 seconds99.
deformation. Mathematically, resulting embolus93. During the treatment of waste water,
the elasticity modulus is the the cohesion of flocs and biofilms determines the stabil- Conclusions
proportionality factor between ity of several important processes, including floccula- Put simply, there is no biofilm without an EPS matrix
the force and the deformation,
tion, settling and dewatering 94. In natural environments, EPS are essential for biofilm formation and make
or, in other words, the slope on
a plot of stress versus strain in EPS play a crucial part in the stabilization of sediments95. possible a lifestyle that is entirely different from the
the elastic deformation region. Furthermore, biofilms in stagnant waters can be dis- planktonic state.
Stiff materials have a higher rupted by the low shear forces, and extremely stable However, despite much research on biofilms, basic
elasticity modulus, whereas bacterial biofilms with a rubber-like appearance serve as questions remain. One of these questions concerns the
soft materials have a lower one.
holdfasts for members of the family Podostemaceae (the extracellular enzymatic activity of the biofilm matrix and
Stress relaxation riverweeds) at waterfall impact points96. The mechanical its quantitative contribution to the carbon cycle. This
A deviation from the ideal properties of biofilms can be influenced by shear forces, contribution obviously has global relevance, because
elastic behaviour of a material suggesting that biofilms can undergo phenotypic adapta- these enzymes render enormous quantities of dissolved
due to an internal relief of
tion93. bacterial microcolonies have been observed roll- polymers and particulate substrates bioavailable for fur-
stress under constant strain.
Some materials, when put ing along surfaces when under steady shear forces97. ther decomposition, but this has not yet been quantified
under mechanical tension, In general, biofilms display viscoelastic properties. on a global scale.
undergo internal flow They undergo both reversible elastic responses and irre- How similar types of EPS influence biofilm develop-
processes (termed creep) that versible deformation, depending strongly on the forces ment in different bacterial species is largely unknown. A
are at least partially irreversible
and lead to a constant
acting on the EPS matrix. Compression experiments with first approach was recently reported for the staphylococ-
deformation of the test P. aeruginosa biofilms revealed that in response to pres- cal biofilm matrix polymers poly-N-acetylglucosamine
specimen. sure the biofilms go through a phase of elastic behaviour (PNAG; a polysaccharide) and eDNA63, which were

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found to have completely different structural roles in a prerequisite for which is the elucidation of the underly-
biofilms of S. aureus and S. epidermidis. PNAG made ing regulatory processes. It has already become clear in
a considerable contribution to biofilm integrity in several Gram-negative bacteria that cell-to-cell commu-
S. epidermidis, whereas this function was served by nication mechanisms (such as quorum sensing) and the
eDNA in S. aureus biofilms. Furthermore, the amount intracellular level of the second messenger cyclic di-GMP
and the temporal sequence of EPS formation in response are involved in regulating biofilm formation and the pro-
to various physical and biological conditions are largely duction of matrix components such as certain polysac-
unknown for environmental biofilms. One intriguing charides and proteins, DNA, and rhamnolipids101,102. A
theory is that cell lysis and subsequent local decomposi- better understanding of the regulation of EPS production
tion of the EPS matrix might be advantageous for the in mixed-species biofilms, as well as a spatial and tem-
biofilm population, creating new pores and channels that poral dissection of the phases in EPS production, will
improve nutrient access100. The weakest point in current reveal important aspects of the oldest, most successful
EPS research is the potential to predict EPS production, and widespread form of life on Earth.

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