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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Interdisciplinary Unit Planner

Melissa Miller, Linda Wesley, Toni Straight, Cathy Glenn

Arts: Visual arts Mathematics: Mathematics

MYP Duration Start Date

Painting Polynomials

3 5
IB MYP Visual arts (Grade 8)
Second Term
(Feb 2016 - Jun 2016)

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Purpose of Integration
To help students visualize how numbers and variables are added and multiplied using picture models

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Form Arts: Visual arts Scientific and technical innovation

Presentation Representation Mathematical puzzles, principles and discoveries

Visual arts: Students esplore the natural world and its
laws by visualizing and drawing models of math

Statement of inquiry

Presenting visual representations help aid our understanding of form.

Inquiry questions

December 05, 2016 IB MYP Visual arts (Grade 8) by Melissa Miller Page 1 of 16
Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Interdisciplinary Unit Planner

Factual Conceptual Debatable

Visual arts Visual arts Visual arts

How do I mix colors? Why is it important to have visual models to How does the kind of paint I use affect the
understand math? experience of looking at it?
Visual arts
Visual arts Visual arts
What are expressions and equations and how do
you solve them using tiles? How are you able to identify the relationships of How do you apply what you have learned to other
systems? aspects of your life?

Summative assessment interdisciplinary performance(s) of understanding

Interdisciplinary Criteria Tasks in all classes QR


Disciplinary Synthesizing Communicating Reflecting



Class mean of assessed Interdisciplinary Criteria

Approaches to learning (ATL)


B Developing skills
i. demonstrate the acquisition and development of the skills and techniques of the art form studied
C Thinking creatively
i. outline a clear and feasible artistic intention

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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Interdisciplinary Unit Planner

I Communication skills Learning Experiences

Exchanging thoughts, messages and information effectively through interaction Develop an understanding of the concepts, principles, and processes of
Give and receive meaningful feedback polynomials, and apply these in different context, including Art.
Understand the application of polynomials, its impact on our society, past and
present, and its potential for the future.

III Organization skills

Managing time and tasks effectively
Plan short- and long-term assignments; meet deadlines
Keep an organized and logical system of information files/notebooks
IV Affective skills

Managing state of mind

- Practise focus and concentration
- Demonstrate persistence and perseverance
- Practise analysing and attributing causes for failure
V Reflection skills

(Re-)considering the process of learning; choosing and using ATL skills

Consider content
- What did I learn about today?
- What dont I yet understand?
- What questions do I have now?

X Transfer skills

Utilizing skills and knowledge in multiple contexts

Utilize effective learning strategies in subject groups and disciplines
Apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations

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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Interdisciplinary Unit Planner

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry


B Developing skills
i. demonstrate the acquisition and development of the skills and techniques of the art form studied
C Thinking creatively
i. outline a clear and feasible artistic intention

Related concept(s)
Presentation Representation

Illinois Art Standards
STATE GOAL 25: Know the language of the arts.
25.A. Understand the sensory elements, organizational principles and expressive qualities of the arts
STATE GOAL 27: Understand the role of the arts in civilizations, past and present.
27.A.3b Compare and contrast how the arts function in ceremony, technology, politics, communication and entertainment.
National Core Arts Standards
1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
3. Refine and complete artistic work.
Performing/Presenting/ Producing
4. Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.


A Knowing and understanding
ii. apply the selected mathematics successfully when solving problems

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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Interdisciplinary Unit Planner

B Investigating patterns
iii. verify and justify relationships and/or general rules.


Knowledge & Skills

Students will be able to:

How to mix colors to find equal contrasts

How to manipulate water colors
How to manipulate acrylic paint
How multiplying polynomials is the same as using an area model
Mixing a scheme of colors can create harmony
How generic rectangles can be used to translate the area model for more frequent use.
How math can create order in an abstract work of art.

-6.EE.2- Demonstrate knowledge and use of numbers in their many representations in a broad range of theoretical and practical settings.
-6.EE.2.b- Investigate, represent and solve problems using number facts, operations, and their properties, algorithms and relationships.
-7.EE.3-Select and use appropriate technology, instruments and formulas to solve problems interpret results and communicate findings.
-8.EE.8.b.- Use algebraic concepts and procedures to represent and solve problems.
-8.EE.8.c Formulate and solve linear and quadratic equations and linear inequalities algebraically and investigate nonlinear inequalities using graphs, tables, calculators and

How to mix colors to find equal contrasts

How to manipulate water colors
How to manipulate acrylic paint
How multiplying polynomials is the same as using an area model
Mixing a scheme of colors can create harmony

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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Interdisciplinary Unit Planner

How generic rectangles can be used to translate the area model for more frequent use.
How math can create order in an abstract work of art.

Learner Profile
Inquirers: Students will think about how color affects the world around them and how color can be used to help understand the world. They will also ask questions about how
math can be modeled using the visual arts.
Risk takers: Students often put themselves into boxes, especially when it comes to subject areas of math and art. If students deem themselves untalented in either area, and
do not adopt a growth mindset, it will require more of a risk for them to combine the two.

Learning process
Math Lessons:
1. Area Model with variables
Students will know:
Area is the space taken up inside of a shape.
Areas of rectangles are found by multiplying the sides together.
Students will be able to:
Find many rectangles that have the same area.
Find area of rectangles using variables and constants.
Students will show many shapes that have the same areas both using constants and variables and turn it in for feedback.
Students will find many shapes and need to find the area of them. Students will also review the definition of area, and be reminded of how to find area for many different shapes
and figures.
Students will work with their groups to match the figures to each area. Students will then choose an area and create at least four more figures that have the same area.
Some students will be challenged to do the same exercise with variables.
Students will check the work of their group, and then turn them in for a grade and feedback
2. Drawing out Algebra tiles with binomial multiplication
Students will know:
That finding the area involves multiplying, and to make an area model, a sum can be broken up and multiplied appropriately.
The area and dimensions of each algebra tile.
Students will be able to:
Use algebra tiles to multiply binomials.
Multiply variables and constants.
Add like terms.
Show any given binomial multiplication using algebra tiles.
Effectively apply a negative to a problem


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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Interdisciplinary Unit Planner

Students will find binomial multiplication using algebra tiles, draw out the pictures, and turn it in for feedback as an exit ticket.
Teacher will introduce new vocabulary for this unit: monomial, binomial, trinomial, polynomial.
Teacher will model doing a two digit number times a two digit number on the board using a generic rectangle (so 13 times 16 by splitting 13 up to 10 and 3, and 16 to 10 and
6) and demonstrate how we can break things up and multiply.
Teacher will explain the lengths and areas of each algebra tiles.
Teacher will demonstrate how to do a binomial multiplication problem using tiles on the overhead projector. Students will follow along with their tiles and ask questions.
Students will practice problems with their groups. Teacher will check answers with class and clarify misunderstandings.
Students will practice problems on their own and check them with an answer key.

3. Generic Rectangles/ area models with binomial multiplication

Students will know:
What a generic rectangle is and how to use it.
That a multiplication problem done using algebra tiles can be translated to generic rectangles.
Students will be able to:
Multiply polynomials using generic rectangles.
Students will turn in three problems as an exit ticket at the end of class for a grade. The exit ticket will include a few variations of polynomials that need to be multiplied with a
generic rectangle.
Teacher will demonstrate another problem using tiles, and show how it can be translated to a generic rectangle, much like our two digit multiplication problem.
Students will try problems as a group.
Students will work on generic rectangles on their own.
Students can continue doing problems with the tiles, or begin to draw out the tiles if the generic rectangles arent making sense.
4. Advanced Generic Rectangles
Students will know:
That variations of polynomial problems can be done using generic rectangles.
Students will be able to:
Do many variations of generic rectangle problems including monomials by binomials, trinomials by binomials, trinomials by trinomials, using negatives, multiple variables, etc.
Students will take a quiz at the end of class to turn in for a grade.
Teacher will demonstrate many forms of variation that can be used to multiply.
Students will do Math Art where they are given a sheet of paper, and several practice problems. One student will choose one problem, which everyone will do on his or her
paper using some art material. The teacher will check the problem for the class, and students will pass their papers, but not their art material, to another paper, and complete
the next problem. Students will do a total of 8 problems with their tables in this fashion.
Students will choose five more problems to do on their own and check with the answer key. The teacher will circulate during this time to clarify misunderstandings.
Art Lessons:
Day 1
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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Interdisciplinary Unit Planner


Students will know:
That primary colors mix to secondary colors.
That secondary and primary colors can mix to tertiary colors
Which colors are complementaries of each other
That complementary colors mix to neutrals
That an ideal color mixing has equal contrast between each of the analogous colors (ie. Mixing blue and green does not ensure blue green, so the contrast to blue and to
green needs to be equal)
The qualities of using watercolors and acrylic paints
Students will be able to:
Identify primary, secondary, tertiary, and complimentary colors.
Mix all secondary and tertiary colors from the
Students will turn in a color wheel, and the reference sheet they have made of each color scheme to be graded on a rubric.
Students will create a color wheel by making a circle and dividing it into twelve sections.
Students will use primary colors in the appropriate places, and teacher will explain primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. For the first activity they will be using watercolors.
Students will then mix the secondary colors and put them into their appropriate places, making sure to use the same amount of contrast between the primary colors.
Students will mix tertiary colors making sure to show equal contrast between the secondary and primary in each combination.
Students will create the same exercise using acrylic colors.
Teacher will explain each color scheme including complimentary, analogous, split complimentary, and monochromatic.
Students will use the media of their choice to show samples on a reference sheet.

Day 2:
Students will know:
That the same problem can be done using many methods.
Students will be able to:
Show polynomial multiplication in many ways.
Measure out tiles and spaces consistently.
How to create their own problem and find the answer.
How to adjust their dimensions to use the most of their paper space.
Turn in a rough draft plan of their project for feedback.
Students will create problems that incorporate negatives, constants, and multiple variables.
Students will plan out sketches and decide what colors and dimensions they will decide to use on their final project.
Students will check each others problems before beginning their finals.
Enrichment Students can begin showing how to solve or evaluate equations using polynomials if they understand the multiplication easily. They will also be pushed to work
backwards. Given a polynomial, what would the two factors be?
Students can also choose from a list of problems instead.
Day 3:
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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Interdisciplinary Unit Planner

Students will know:

The advantages and disadvantages of each of the media.
The components of finishing a piece of art

Students will be able to:

Make a rough draft of their final problem in both acrylic and watercolor.
Conduct a mini-critique
Decide which material will be better for them to convey the problem
Students will turn in their final project to be graded on a rubric.
Students will create a smaller version of their project in both watercolor and acrylic paint.
Students will conduct a mini-critique in order to decide which medium they want to use.
Students will lightly measure and draw out their plan for the final project in pencil.
Students will paint their final projects.
Students will write an artist statement and turn it in.
Day 4:
Students will know:
That the thoughts and ideas of other observes strengthens and often guides artists.
Students will be able to:
Critique other students work
Self-assess and reflect on their own work.
Multiply polynomials.
Students will turn in the factors and product of every students artwork.
Students will be graded on their participation during the class critique.
Students will mount their own work and artist statement throughout the room.
Students will be given ten minutes as a mini-quiz, to walk around the room and observe work, writing down both the factors and the product of the polynomial
Students will come back together and critique each students work. Each artist will be featured for five minutes. Students will be allowed to share thoughts they had while
they were walking around independently observing, as well as what color schemes are represented, what elements and principles stand out, what aspects are working well, and
how the piece could improve.
Math Lessons:
Week 1-2:
Polynomial functions
Students will know definition of the terms monomials and polynomial.
Students will know Polynomials can be classified by degree or number of terms.
Students will be able to create a table for a pattern rule.
Students will be able to write a polynomial in standard form in order to more easily classify by degree.
Week 3-5:
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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Interdisciplinary Unit Planner

Students will know in order to give the real solutions to a polynomial equation, they must give the x-intercepts of the graph of the polynomial function.
Students will be able to factor out GCF, factoring polynomials (algebra tiles, x-method, box method) perfect squares binomials, difference of squares, factor by grouping.

Interdisciplinary learning process Formative Assessment QR

Wed Task 8:00 AM

Color Quiz

Wed Task 8:00 AM

Practice Area Model Polynomial Multiplication with Color

Wed Task 8:00 AM

Create problems and solve with one sketch

Fri Task 8:00 AM


Describe how you will differentiate teaching & learning for this unit?
Students can use the aid of color wheels, answer keys, and algebra tiles. I will also upload some videos via Explain Everything videos. There are also additional ideas for
differentiation and enrichment listed in the lesson plans. Students will take part in think-pair-shares and struggling students and SPED students will be placed strategically with
students who will help them process their information. I will also be working with students individually who need extra help to be successful. Additionally, I am available during
recess and before and after school to help students who need it.
Math - Students will be grouped to allow for peer mentoring throughout activity. Struggling students will be given problems appropriate for their understanding level.
I will challenging students to push themselves further by giving them polynomials with multiple variables, asking them to add patterns into their area model (ie. stripes for x's
and dots for 1's), which will help them further separate like terms, and think through how the model could adjust for polynomials including negative coefficients or multiplying
second degree polynomials.

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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Interdisciplinary Unit Planner


Summary index Journal 1 Website 1 Video 0 File 13 Photos 0 Books 0

Rubric Example 9
docx 100 KB jpg 4 KB
Added by Melissa Miller on December 04, 2016 Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016
Summary Summary

Example 8 Example 7
jpg 6 KB jpg 5 KB
Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016 Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016
Summary Summary

Example 6 Example 5
jpg 5 KB jpg 6 KB
Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016 Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016
Summary Summary

Example 4 Example 3
jpg 4 KB jpg 5 KB
Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016 Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016
Summary Summary

Example 2 Example 1
jpg 4 KB jpg 7 KB
Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016 Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016
Summary Summary

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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Interdisciplinary Unit Planner

Slide Show Notes, Artist Statement and Quiz

Website doc 60 KB
Added by Melissa Miller on November 16, 2016 Added by Melissa Miller on November 16, 2016
Summary Summary
Slide 179-207

Lesson Plan Unit Plan

docx 30 KB docx 100 KB
Added by Melissa Miller on November 16, 2016 Added by Melissa Miller on November 16, 2016
Summary Summary

Added on March 22, 2016


Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit
What have students encountered in this discipline What can we adjust or change? What was surprising?
before? What is the level of student engagement? What can students carry forward from this unit to
What does experience tell us about what to the next year/level of study?
expect in this unit? Timing needs to be adjusted for students working at
different paces. Also, there were absences that What was surprising?

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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Interdisciplinary Unit Planner

Neither of the teachers are teaching students in the made this tricky for students to make up. What was - Students had a hard time understanding the
other subject, so we foresee understanding student helpful is having students do the work in art and if it measurements for different values. Maybe when
experiences with another subject being difficult. wasn't finished or done correctly, it was transferred starting, have students use a particular
This was the first year these students have had art, to the math teacher who ensured they completed measurement for x, y and 1. Also, at first don't give
so we are starting with basic color mixing and color and was able to give more support. them the option of using a space between each row
theory. Students were initially confused why they had to do and column. Also, maybe teach specific ruler skills
The timing of this unit is tricky, as we are grappling math in their art class, but eventually took or give students a template that would help scaffold
with how to schedule the unit. In art, students have ownership of their own problem, as they chose the their ruler skills.
only one hour per week of class time. In math, they colors, the dimensions, and which mathematical - Students were interested in Mondrian and I think I
have over five hours each week, so if we started at sentence to use. could have better incorporated him into the unit, as
the same time, their math would be done far before his work directly relates both with the linear
their art. Because they should be developing skills at rectangles and with the color theory. Next time, I
the same time, this is tricky. might think more about how to incorporate his work
into their project. For instance, I will see if students
can find a work of art that uses binomial
multiplication and ask them to reflect on Mondrian's
intention in his artwork.
- When having students justify their answers in their
answers during their final exam/ gallery walk, I need
to think through a better way of having them explain
their thinking. This could be to just explain their
thinking. I am not sure that having them draw the
area model again is really show me how they are
thinking through the problem. For students who
needed to retake the exam, it was hard to give them
feedback when all of their answers were wrong
because I didn't really find their misconception right
away. Instead, I had them walk me through how they
got each number they wrote down and then we
addressed misunderstandings with those students
one on one.
- We didn't move well from the algebra tile area
model to the generic rectangle. This method is much
less tedious, but I was overly cautious to move into
it too quickly. As a result, we didn't really move from
the tiles to the generic rectangles so the next time
we teach that, we might want to focus more on that

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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Interdisciplinary Unit Planner

- I wasn't sure that students were really making the

explicit connection that understanding a model
visually helps us often better understand the
concept more deeply. I would have them reflect
more carefully on that next time and maybe more
throughout the unit.
What can students carry forward from this unit to
the next year/level of study?
This year's 7th graders will be 8th graders next year
and because they have already started done this
unit, they will be more prepared for using it in their
class as 8th graders. In addition, this method is
helpful for students who begin understanding how
to factor. They can reverse the method of the
generic rectangle to understand how to factor.

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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Interdisciplinary Unit Planner

Appendices: Assessment Index

Assessment Tasks

Calendar Summary Summative Formative

First Term

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb

Second Term

Feb Mar Apr May Jun

IB MYP Visual arts (Grade 8)

Assessment Criteria Tasks QR

Wed Task 8:00 AM

Color Quiz
2016 Students will take a quiz identifying the different kinds of color

Wed Task 8:00 AM

Practice Area Model Polynomial Multiplication with Color
Students will do a few problems with me, and then will practice their
own area models on their paper.

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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Interdisciplinary Unit Planner

Assessment Criteria Tasks QR

Wed Task 8:00 AM

Create problems and solve with one sketch
2016 Students will create their own problem, draw it out, and show how
colors will interact

IB MYP Mathematics 213 (Grade 8)

Assessment Criteria Tasks QR

Fri Task 8:00 AM

2016 1. Circulate throughout class during lesson.
2. Observe students when the are answering questions or discussing
with their partner.
3. Homework.

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