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Name: Date: A2

The Outsiders Research

With your partner(s) research your selected topic from The Outsiders. Next, create 2 slides to add to the class
presentation. Use credible source(s) and reliable information. Finally, you will present your finding to the class.

Due: Oct. 12, 2017

My Topic: ___________________________________
Partner: ____________________________________ Phone #: ______________________________
Partner: ____________________________________ Phone #: ______________________________

Presentation Requirements and Rubric

Slide 1
20 pts
Title should be [Your Topic]

2-3 bullet points about the topic that you will

expand into a full paragraph during your ________/10
Link to your sources at the bottom of the slide
One graphic
Graphic should not cover any of the words or ________/5
overwhelm the slide

Slide 2
30 pts
Title should be [Element of fiction] and [Your
Topic] ________/5

Relate your topic to one of the Elements of

Fiction in 2-3 sentences. ________/10

Explain how that element of fiction influences

one of the other elements of fiction (for ________/15
example, how setting influences characters) in
4-5 sentences.
The Outsiders Research Project Topics
Topic Name
60s Fashion Trends

Back Injuries


Class Warfare

Class Warfare

Elvis (focus on 60s)

Gone with the Wind

High School Dropouts

International Politics

Juvenile Court

Mustang (car)

National Politics

Popular movies in the



Stages of Grief

The Beatles (focus on


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