Andrea Bradley

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2919.22 ENDANGERING CHILDREN casenos IGAIUS6 {Mt} [F5}(F4] 13 [F2] (circle one) COMPLAINT HAMILTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL COURT ARREST Ey HE DEF; surtoron. _ Aveea Beanery __ was PHYStoaL cy AReREN Fam t A267 Htetbeaeyr 2 DATE. ae ‘Sina Lntpnir! O41 dsseol, Tiapalacy DAE EngneueeFE | PERAD , being first duly cautioned and sworn, deposes and says that Aymeed (SeaDleY on or about_ 3/29/75, in Hamilton County, ond State of Ohio, being the» een“ of. child, we Mot Eishlecn yeats of age i wivt__ Geenavs Bares , id create a substantial risk to thers _se nero Y Savery of such chil by violating aduy of 86%" Geet + Faorearhe sveees g £2 contrary end involton f Section 2919.22___of the Ohio Revised Cade “The complainant states that this complaint is based on Subseore-Ch-Debenllat” pee hath ube iyo ahi tet-adleuL Seuiors Chysial Muse buco. 3p fie- 3 fori whh hidades $a Hla Gre Fafeton a (EB Fe Chk ip poet Geen sae RB Bg io B2Y Baosoe4e A. (ade) (Clerk of Hamitton Co, Municipal Cx) By CA Hs Caerwtre OF SSCCR Deputy Clerk sae”, "protection" or "supp nse’ degree “MH (FS] 4] (09) 2" 110045354

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