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The two essays that I completed for this section are probably two of my three favorite

essays that I have written. The reason is because it helped me to really dig down and find some
supporting ideas and thoughts that help develop my research but also to help the reader
become that much more informed of the situation or the idea that was being described. In my
first essay which talks about the differences of Imperfect and Preterite tense is a problem that
many students encounter. The reason I wrote this persuasive essay is to help the common
problem that students have while learning Spanish and to be able to differentiate the imperfect
form from the preterite form. In my essay I wrote the characteristics of each form and what is
needed to distinguish them. For example, the preterite form can be distinguished by three
forms Punctual, Definite, and Terminal. We learn that preterite is only used in these situations
and that should only be used in these situations and for the imperfect the three forms are
Progressive, Habitual, and Intentional which in other words dictates that the imperfect is an
ongoing action and we can see that definite actions are preterite and continual actions are
imperfect but my essay dictates that this is wrong. There are better ways to describing these
forms to be more specific in when to use these forms as well as what is the correct way. The
preterite focuses that besides it being terminal it is also initiative, terminative, and global
meaning that it could be both at the same time. It is when an action is a beginning or an end or
has a beginning, middle, and end at the same time and sometimes has a different meaning with
different word usage. With the imperfect it not only is progressive but prospective and iterative
or in other words prospective is an action that hasnt started or hasnt been assigned,
progressive obviously means it is progressing, and iterative speaks of a series of situations or a
continual process. In this case I tried to persuade the audience in using these phases for
imperfect and preterite to distinguish which form should be used.
My other essay was by far my favorite essay that I have written thus far because my
research entailed how us as authors as well as readers use our imagination to incorporate ideas
and thoughts in what we read and write. The way we perceive things is different than how we
imagine them. The way I explained this is for example if I wrote: I had a delicious key lime pie.
The first thing that a reader would do is to imagine the last time they had key lime pie and how
it tasted and the senses would project an image of how it was and the way it looked and the
texture. For those that have never had key lime pie they would reflect on when they last saw
key lime pie and imagined in how it would taste. We do this every time we read but the author
may not have had the same thought process as us when we read this sentence. So I wanted to
capture how the imagination changes the way we read especially in the literary work La miel
Silvestre by Horacio Quiroga. I like this thought process because the author had his way of
writing the story but my way of interpreting the story with my imagination was obviously much
more empowering, exquisite, and detailed.
I realized that both of these essays have not only broadened my mind in some of the
ideas are out there but also to enrich my life and adapt them to the way that I think. I think a lot
goes into research than we think and I appreciated the time it took to research these papers
and come to a conclusion on my thought process. This for sure will be important in the
workplace because research is always used today to back opinions and facts so that we can pull
together and see the big picture through several ideas. My goals to continue my research is to
continue studying more into detail my thoughts and ideas especially with my career in Life
Insurance in which I study new terminology and plans everyday I also study that research in
Spanish and by doing so everyday I can continue to grow my knowledge and to help my clients
more fully understand where Im coming from and what they need to hear. This will further my
career along and help me be more successful.

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