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SIOP Lesson Plan Template 2 Revised

Common Core Standards: GRADE 4

Standards presented for entire unit
Reading (literature):
RL 4.1- Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text
RL 4.2- Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text.
RL 4.3 - Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text.
RL 4.4 - Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text.
RL 4.9 - Compare and contrast the treatment of similar themes and topics (e.g., opposition of good and evil) and patterns of events (e.g., the
quest) in stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures.*
RL 4.10- Read and comprehends literature in the grades 45 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the
Speaking & Listening:
SL 4.1- Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics
and texts.
SL 4.4 - Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in an organized manner, using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive
details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace.
Language Standards:
L 4.1- Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking
L 4.2- Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing
L 4.4- Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 4 reading and content, choosing
flexibly from a range of strategies
L 4.5- Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
Writing Standards:
W 4.3- Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event
W 4.4- Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
W 4.5 - With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing.
W 4.10- Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day
or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.

ELD Standards:
(ALL ELD Standards Selected at the Intermediate Level: Grades 3-5)
Listen attentively to stories and information and identify important details and concepts by using both verbal and nonverbal responses.
Comprehension and Organization and Delivery of Oral Communication:
Participate in social conversations with peers and adults on familiar topics by asking and answering questions and soliciting information.
Retell stories and talk about school-related activities by using expanded vocabulary, descriptive words, and paraphrasing.

Phonemic Awareness
Pronounce most English phonemes correctly while reading aloud.
Decoding and Word Recognition
Use common English morphemes in oral and silent reading.
Vocabulary and Concept Development
Create a simple dictionary of frequently used words. *Will be given glossary*
Use knowledge of English morphemes, phonics, and syntax to decode and interpret the meaning of unfamiliar words in text.
Read grade-appropriate narrative and expository texts aloud with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression.
Use content-related vocabulary in discussions and reading.
Comprehension and Analysis of Grade Level-Appropriate Text
Use detailed sentences to respond orally to comprehension questions about text (e.g., The brown bear lives with his family in the forest).
Read text and use detailed sentences to identify orally the main ideas and use them to make predictions and support them with details.
Understand and follow some multiple step directions for classroom-related activities.
Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level Appropriate Text
Use expanded vocabulary and descriptive words in paraphrasing oral and written responses to texts.
Apply knowledge of language to derive meaning from literary texts and comprehend them.

Organization and Focus
Narrate with some detail a sequence of events.
Produce independent writing that is understood when read but may include inconsistent use of standard grammatical forms.
Capitalization, Punctuation, and Spelling
Produce independent writing that may include some inconsistent use of capitalization, periods, and correct spelling.
Use standard word order but may have inconsistent grammatical forms (e.g., subject/verb agreement).
Theme (Enduring Understanding):

Students will understand that:

Background knowledge supports understanding of text.
Readers interpret text by reading thoroughly and with purpose to determine main ideas and the facts and details used to support them.
Readers continually monitor and check their interpretations of the authors intent and meaning.

Essential Questions
How does what you know help you understand text?
How does thinking about the authors purpose and message deepen understanding?
How do text features and characteristics of informational and literary text influence reader interpretation?

Lesson Topic:

Cinderella Introduction Unit (5 days):

Activation of prior knowledge with a picture book of Cinderella will serve as an anchor text, which can then be used with other versions of the
story that reflect cultural diversity.

Lesson 3 Topics include:

Idiomatic Expressions Pre-teach Vocabulary Interactive Reading 1 Interactive Reading 2
Students will be able to:
Communicate with others in a range of settings (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher- led) about grade-level topics and texts. (SL 4.1)
Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in an organized manner, using appropriate facts and details to support main ideas
or themes. (SL 4.4)
Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. (L 4.5)

Students will be able to:
Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says and when drawing inferences. (RL 4.1)
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text. (RL 4.4)
Read and comprehend grade-level literature with scaffolding as needed (RL 4.10)
Learning Strategies:
Anticipation Guide- Open dialogue and whole group discussion about the story of Cinderella (previous readings and prior knowledge) to
prepare students and activate prior knowledge
Book Club (flexible groupings)- Students are put into groups to read and discuss literature - allows for mini workshops with teacher for students
that require more support and intervention, allows students moving at a quicker pace to continue
Small Group Workshops- teacher to work with group lowest reading group, (*introduce the text), and provide direct instruction on context
clues, vocabulary, and to lead the interactive readings leading to questions/discussions independent readers to work through tasks in pairs
Guided Questioning/Leveled Questions- When reading a passage, the teacher begins by asking questions that are followed by many clues about
what is happening. Then as comprehension improves, the questions become less supportive.
Vocabulary Instruction- Two types of vocabulary words are taught in this unit. These vocabulary words are selected because they frequently
appear in grade-level texts and are important for comprehension of the story.
*Level 1- These terms are less abstract but might be unfamiliar to ELLs. Teacher provides assistance to help students understand the meaning
of these words before or during the Interactive Reading, using vocabulary instruction techniques such as providing synonyms, using gestures,
pointing to the pictures, or asking students to draw on background knowledge.
*Level 2: These words are more abstract. For further instruction, students are shown word slides, which provide the words definition in
English, its translation in Spanish, and one to two age-appropriate visuals representing the words. Partner Talk activities require students to
discuss questions in pairs that draw on their own background knowledge and experiences. An average of two vocabulary words is instructed each
day using these techniques.
Vocabulary Role Play-encourages learners to make connections to content and vocabulary
Collecting/Processing Words-charting of words discovered through reading and discussion, collaborative vocabulary discussions/activities
Cloze Reading/ Sentence Frames - Students are given sentences or sequences with gaps (missing words) and are asked to fill in the gaps
Interactive Reading (2x)- teacher to lead group through first reading (pages 20-30) (*practicing with small versions of the text), stopping for
predictions, identifying vocabulary, embedding instruction, modeling use of glossary, asking comprehension questions, and leading small group
discussions (*encouraging verbal interactions). Second read (*rereading for additional practice) requires less supportive questions, pair students
to complete graphic organizers together, discuss answers and elaborate or revise as necessary

(*=Strategies found in 50 strategies for teaching English Language Learners)

The above strategies incorporate the following selected SIOP Learning Strategies as outlined in Chapter 5- Strategies of Making Content
Comprehensible for English Learners):
Cognitive: Metacognitive: Language Learning:
Previewing the story before reading Predicting and inferring Applying reading strategies (multiple
Establishing a purpose for learning Generating questions to guide reads)
Making connections to past learning comprehension Making logical guesses based on
Taking notes or outlining Monitoring and clarifying context
Graphic Organizers Determining importance Substituting a known word when
Identifying key vocabulary Summarizing other is unfamiliar
Making mental images Paraphrasing
Key Vocabulary:
Literal & Actual need to teach/explain, as these apply to definitions used in slide presentation

*Many other vocabulary words visited in lesson (as seen in Student Chart 3C)
Lesson Teaching guide and notes
Mini- Lesson Slide Presentation
Interactive Reading guide
Vocabulary Words Lesson
Text- Cinderella by Barbara McClintock (class copies & digital version)
Worksheets for students
Writing materials & Whiteboard
Various multi-cultural versions of Cinderella
Graphic Organizers:
Student Chart 3A Idiomatic Expressions
Modified version for workshop students *includes sentence frames
Student Chart 3B Context Clues
Modified version for workshop students *includes sentence frames
Student Chart 3C Vocabulary Glossary (1st Read)
For all students, independent and workshop
Student Chart 3D Comprehension Questions (2nd Read)
Modified version for workshop students *includes sentence frames
To build interest in Idiomatic Expressions- mini activity hooks students:
Idiom: Sit tight! is written on the board.
Meaning: to stay where you are
Teacher: Explains the definition of the idiom and practice the dialogue below. Student will come up with scenarios where they could use this
idiom in context and practice informally and conversationally with peers
Sample dialogue:
Sarah: Sam, are you okay? What happened?
Sam: I fell down the stairs and now my leg really hurts.
Sarah: Sit tight! Ill call the school nurse.
Teacher then tells students we need to investigate our story Cinderella and discover other idiomatic expressions within the text.

(Continued and built upon from previous lesson- sharing alternative versions of the story Cinderella to motivate students to read texts that
represent their culture)
Some examples of Cinderella cultural variations include:

Classroom Set Up:
24 students
6 heterogeneous table groups of 4
Large whiteboard
Flat screen TV for digital presentation materials
Large collaboration table at back of room for workshops

Teacher will ask students to discuss in their groups what they remember from reading the story of Cinderella, groups will discuss, teacher to
walk around and monitor discussions.
Teacher to motivate students to continue into the unit by tying their previous knowledge of Cinderella, and making predictions about what will
happen- linking past learning to new concepts with anticipation.
Teacher will state the importance of learning various reading and comprehension skills- providing students with clear purpose of lesson

Intro Lesson & Review

Students to follow along with teacher to learn about idiomatic expressions in English.
Defined as: phrases where the words put together have a meaning that is different from the meanings of each word.
Students to complete the first idiomatic expression together on Student Chart 3A (take a wife)

Teacher to quickly review Context Clues lessons (previous 2 days) to whole class, on large flat screen TV.
Teacher to remind students of Context Clues practice and guide students to underline target word, circle clues, and determine meaning
Students then to complete Student Chart 3B Vocabulary: mysterious and astonished

Small group (ELLs or other students requiring direct support as identified in informal assessment) to the collaboration table for support on
Student Chart 3A and 3B.
Teacher to work through and model thinking aloud how to complete task.
Teacher to pre-teach mysterious and astonished using the Vocabulary Lesson slides, as students follow along write definitions and examples
Students will (3A):
First, write the definition of each word.
Then write the definition of the phrase you get when you put the words together. (This is the literal meaning)
Finally, add the real or actual meaning of the idiom
Students will (3B):
Pre-teach mysterious and astonishment
Write each definition in student charts *collecting and processing words
Engage in partner talk to come up with example definitions/sentences *vocabulary role-play and write/draw in their student charts
Share their example sentences with the class
Differentiation two levels:
Whole Class
Student chart 3A and 3B to be completed without direct teacher support, students can work with tablemates and use digital resources
presented to support their learning. Students will work at own pace. Page is modified- worksheet does not include sentence frames for whole-
class group, online links and videos provided for idiom support.
Small Group
Student worksheet 3A will be completed with teacher support and modeling with support from slide presentation.
Student worksheet 3B is similar to previous lesson worksheets- continued practice with context clues with teacher support, as needed
Chart 3B is modified to include sentence frames and Spanish equivalent words
Interactive Read 1:
Interactive reading of pages 20-30 of the text.
Students reading at appropriate individual reading level to pair up (with previously determined fluency partner) and read, while stopping at
each designated section to answer provided questions.
Students at workshop table to follow along with text as teacher reads aloud
Teacher stops to identify and discuss vocabulary and students refer to glossary- Student Chart 3C
Teacher continues to read and have students read aloud- stops frequently for questions to allow students to engage in dialogue about the
story/vocabulary -supports comprehension
Asking students to predict, analyze, and summarize information along the way, correcting and elaborating on responses as necessary

Interactive Read 2:
Students re-read--if paired previously, 2nd read is done independently and if in small group, students will read in pairs
Students will re-read and then complete Student Chart 3D (higher level thinking- compare/contrast and how/why questions with sentence
frames)- Teacher to monitor reading and worksheet completion
Review answers whole-group, asking for student volunteers, correcting and elaborating as necessary

Students working with fluency partners to continue through tasks in a self-directed manner, answering questions without direct teacher
support and feedback. Students completing Read 1 in partners will complete second read and chart 3D alone.
Student Chart 3D (for this group) does not include sentence frames.

Students at workshop table to receive much support, teacher read aloud, teacher questioning/clarifying, guiding students through reading and
glossary checklist, constantly checking for understanding. Teacher to stop and explain concepts, vocabulary, details of text throughout
Interactive Read 1. Student Chart 3D- modified to include sentence frames and support.

Throughout Read 2, teacher to monitor student work, discussions, and identify areas of growth or needs for re-teaching. Students identified as
needing further support, will continue to work with teacher and benefit from further direct instruction. Students that demonstrate
understanding will continue without teacher support.
Review and Assessment (examples of two types- formative and summative):
INFORMAL Assessment
Monitoring Student Discussions/Partner Talk teacher to listen to student discussions and make note of understanding or misconceptions,
clarifying when necessary
Questioning teacher to ask questions about context clues, vocabulary, and the text to determine understanding, making note when
challenges for students arise
Student Chart 3A- Idiomatic Expressions worksheet: will determine understanding of idiomatic expressions, literal and actual definitions- used
informally, as formative assessment, to determine what further instruction is necessary.

FORMAL Assessment
Student Chart 3B- Context Clues- will determine understanding of identifying word meaning through use of context clues. Scores on this
worksheet can be used to determine which students require re-teaching.

Student Chart 3D- Comprehension Summative worksheet: allow students to demonstrate comprehension of text and answer higher order
thinking skills (compare/contrast and how/why questions).
Scores on this worksheet can be used to determine which students require re-teaching
Both forms of assessment allow me to identify which students have grasped the necessary concepts, knowledge, and skills required to continue
throughout the unit and which students would benefit from further support and instruction.

The formal assessments (student charts 3B and 3D) do come in modified versions, which allow students to show mastery at appropriate levels,
by accommodating for language needs.
Worksheet Samples:
Borrowed from Charts 3 A, B, C, & D
*Modified versions- for workshop group below- sentence frames included*

Lesson dialogue- Idioms-example:

Student Chart 3B:
Chart 3C used throughout readingaligns to text that is BOLDED in the interactive reading for whole
Definitions provided in digital platform, students to engage with text and collect/record definitions
Small group students provided with definitions and engage in discussions about each

Modified Chart 3D below:

Sentence frames included for mini group language support
3D Questions continued
Sample from text:
*Sample of textpictures and bolded vocabulary that aligns to glossary
Students not working in small groups will have interactive text boxes that appear for each of the bold words
Students in mini group will work with teacher- asking questions and initiating discussions to ensure comprehension

SIOP TEMPLATE 2 Revised 2015 Laqua. Template adapted from: Echevarria, Vogt & Short. Making Content Comprehensible for
English Learners. 2013. Pearson Education.
Links to Online Resources:

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