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Contrast and exception

Use while, and in contrast to present contrasting information

While many Americans drive every day, people in my country use public

Unlike the average American, people in my country dont use credit cards
very often.

In contrast to the average American, people in my country dont usually

eat out.

Use except that and except for to show an exception

Im very similar to the average American except (that) I dont have a car.

People in my country dont eat out except (for) on special occasions.


1. While my mom has a dog, ____________

2. Unlike my high school, my sisters school________________

3. In contrast to the average Mexican,________________

4. While I always spend all my money in clothes, _______________

5. Unlike Peru, The United States_______________

6. In contrast to my former boyfriend, _________________

7. While most singers have a lot of dates in every country they visit,


8. Unlike Eva Ayllon, Lucia de la Cruz___________________

9. IN contrast to my mom, my dad____________

10.Unlike my father-in-law, ____________________

11.I ________________except (that)________________

12.My school doesnt ______________except (for) _______________

13. In contrast to people from Venezuela, ______________________

14.__________________except (that)_________________________

Describing Future Perfect

Use present continuous will or be going to for futur events or situations.

They are coming out with a new computer.

Ill be able to recognize any voice command, you wont need to use a

Computers are going to take over our lives one of these days.

Use future continuous for ongoing actions in the future.

Soon everybody will be using computers that fit into the palm of your

All our news will be coming through computers.

Use future perfect for actions that will be completed by a certain time in the

Within 20 years, they will have found a way for us to get all our news
through computers.

By then, maybe even newspapers will have dissapeared.


1. Soon They_____computers that can translate perfectly from one

language to another. (sell)

2. In ten years, flights from New York to Tokyo________ more than two

hours. (not take)

3. Within 50 yers, many people_____on the moon. (live)

4. In less than a century, global warming______most of the polar ice

caps and mamy coastal cities______(melt/disappear)

5. By the middle of the twenty-first century, scientist ____a way to

prevent aging. (discover)

6. Maybe in the future, scientist _____a way for us to transmit our

thoughts to one another. (find)


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