Evangelism Manual

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Introduction 3

CHAPTER ONE When Evangelism doesn’t work 4

CHAPTER TWO The Evangelism Cycle 6

CHAPTER THREE Pre-Work Events 9

CHAPTER FOUR Outreach Leadership Team 11

CHAPTER FIVE “Share and Care” 12

CHAPTER SIX Bridge Events: Short Community Seminars 15

CHAPTER SEVEN Pre-Registration 16

CHAPTER EIGHT Prayer Ministry 17

CHAPTER NINE Reclaiming Lost Members 19

CHAPTER TEN Bible School Interests 22

CHAPTER ELEVEN Evangelistic Campaign 25

CHAPTER TWELVE Spiritual Friends 28

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 2


COME.” Matt 24:14, 28:19.

Amazing Facts is delighted that your church is committed to doing evangelism. We are an
evangelistic church, called by God to proclaim the everlasting Gospel to the world in the final
moments of earth’s history. A number of unique and exciting opportunities are opening up
for many churches to get involved in lay-evangelism. Without lay-evangelism the church will
never accomplish the work God has given it to do. We are convinced that with the right
commitment, resources and training, every Adventists church can greatly multiply its
effectiveness in reaching souls for the kingdom of Heaven.

Evangelism can seem daunting, and some of the members of the church might feel
overwhelmed by the thought of fitting something else in their busy schedules. To help
alleviate the stress and strains of evangelism, we have prepared this manual which outlines
step-by-step what a church needs to do to maximize its effectiveness and opportunities for

This manual will provide an easy-to-follow outline of the process of running successful
evangelistic meetings from pre-work to establishing of new believers in the truth. We
encourage you to read the materials carefully and adapt them to your specific needs.

In order to make this evangelism program as practical and helpful as possible Amazing Facts
has teamed up with Share Him, formerly Global Evangelism, to bring you cutting edge
training and helpful evangelistic resources. This manual is built on a two evangelistic
campaigns per year schedule and encourages church members to participate in every aspect
of evangelism.

Thank you for your commitment to be involved in the greatest work ever entrusted to man,
that of seeking and saving the lost. Our hope is that you will prayerfully consider how God
can use you to reach your community in ways that will lead others to see Jesus.

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 3

And it came to pass that a certain farmer decided to grow wheat. He spent weeks
researching the best methods of planting. He cultivated the soil carefully, fertilizing and
setting up his sprinkler system. He drove his battered truck to town and bought a tractor
and a harvester. Then he impatiently waited for the first emerald sprouts to appear.

But day after day as he bounded out of bed and peered across the misty fields, he was
disappointed. His precious wheat simply wasn’t growing. He checked the sprinklers,
researched the soil, and prayed earnestly. Finally he bit his lip, went to his wheat farmer
neighbors and asked the obvious question, “Why do you think my wheat isn’t growing?”

His farmer friends’ trucks charged into his driveway in clouds of dust. Together in
silence the farmers marched out to view his dark fields, in strange contrast to the brilliant
green all around. They scratched their heads and asked, “What kind did you plant?”

Our farmer friend was speechless. He kicked a clod of dirt around, shuffled his boots and
mumbled awkwardly. “I prayed for wheat. I worked hard. I really wanted it to grow. But
I guess I never actually planted seeds.”

No one needs to tell you that the parable of the farmer isn’t a true story. No farmer would
expect a harvest when he hadn’t planted anything. Unfortunately, the same is not true of
all churches. Professional public evangelists can all testify that successful evangelism is
90 % pre-work and 10% preaching. To often churches sow few or no seeds in the
community and end up frustrated and bitterly disappointed because their evangelistic
meetings fail to be successful. Time after time the disillusioned words have been heard,
“Evangelism just doesn’t work anymore.”

As II Corinthians 9:6 reminds us, “He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly;
and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.” Galatians 6:7 adds,
“Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” This is our promise to claim: If we
sow wisely and bountifully, God will give us a rich harvest.

Thousands of dollars were poured into evangelistic meetings in which few, if any,
baptisms resulted. Why hasn’t evangelism worked as well as it should? There are three
principal reasons:

1. In this busy age, churches tend to rely on handbills and advertising to bring
people to the meetings. (However, typically only 1 per thousand comes from
handbills alone.) If members do not invite their friends, very few people turn
out for the evangelistic series. It is impossible for the meetings to reap a
harvest that has not been sown.

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 4

2. Some churches expect people to drop their former lives and spontaneously
join the church. With no personal encouragement, few will be so inspired.
Successful evangelism includes, pre-work, personal invitations, a well-
organized meeting, and effective follow-up.

3. Little or no money, time or energy is expended in preparing for the meetings.

If evangelism is simply one more program in church members’ overstuffed
calendars, then the churches evangelistic efforts will likely bring
disappointing results. We invest in what we value. Investing prayer, money,
time and enthusiasm in pre-work will transform your church’s evangelism

This is not to discourage those who have worked hard to share the gospel, and still have
been disappointed. Sowing seeds does not necessarily ensure a rich harvest. However,
God has promised to bless our wise and earnest efforts, and the proven process of sowing
and cultivation is the best preparation for abundant reaping!

The truth is, public evangelism does work. It is one of the most effective forms of harvest
available. However, public evangelism alone seldom works! Often we have overlooked
the secret of the harvest: sowing seeds. As your church launches its evangelistic plans
remember the simple Biblical principle of sowing and reaping.

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 5

Barns full of ripened wheat come from hard work in the field and a careful process of
nurturing seeds to full growth. And the barns are not the end of the journey, for from that
crop come new seeds ready to be replanted for the next harvest. Thus, the harvest is not
simply an event, but part of a cycle. The key to successful evangelism is implementing
the evangelism cycle.

When we compare evangelism with the harvest cycle, we see that the cycle of evangelism
consists of several specific steps, each of which is important for a successful harvest:

1. Training the Sower (training and equipping)

2. Preparing the Soil (literature distribution, community outreach)
3. Planting Seeds (Bible studies, prophecy seminars)
4. Cultivating the Crop (short bridge events)
5. Harvesting (public evangelistic seminar)
6. Preserving the Harvest (nurturing & discipling)

Remember to REPEAT THE CYCLE! The seed is in the harvest.

There are two main reason why evangelism often falls short of its goals:
A. Reason #1 We plant few or no seeds in preparation.
B. Reason #2 We forget to keep the cycle going.

Many people take time to warm up and “ripen” for harvest. Most of us can remember a
time when someone had to patiently sow seeds and wait for us to “sprout” spiritually.
This is part of why the cycle of evangelism must never cease—at the end of almost any
evangelistic effort many promising prospects have not yet made their decisions. But
many of these “disappointments” will yet ripen if they are not left to wither and die.
Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 promises, “Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after
many days…. In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand:
for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether both shall be
alike good.” We must keep inviting until the banquet hall is full (Matthew 22:1-14).

Success with the evangelism cycle demands a definite plan, a continuing cycle, and
“waterproof” links between phases in the cycle, ensuring that people do not “slip through
the cracks,” but progress to reaping if possible. In order to be most effective, there must
be specific objectives for each phase as well as the entire cycle. Goals for measurable
results are amazingly inspirational.

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 6

To accomplish this, your church must implement an evangelistic calendar. This simple
tool helps all church members to easily follow the church’s progress and become aware
of the cycle. Emphasize its importance and where you are on it weekly. This will go far
in motivating and uniting your church.

On the following page we have listed a sample chart that you can use to start planning for
your church’s own evangelistic cycle.

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 7



REVIVAL Month 1 – Focus on Revival week-end To create an atmosphere

revival. Video – AF revival series. of prayer and nurture
spiritual growth within the
church family.

PHASE 1: Month 2 – Organizing Outreach Leadership team Organize the training and
and training the church Setting evangelism goals outreach efforts of the
Training the Sower
for outreach. church.

PHASE 2: Month 3 – Community Mail out Bible study cards Connect with the
outreach and literature Distribute literature community and prepare
Preparing the soil.
distribution. Community Prayer teams the way for Bible studies.
Community surveys

PHASE 3: Month 4 - Bible Studies Visitations Involve as many church

and small groups. Bible studies members as possible in
Planting the seeds.
Prophecy seminars small groups and Bible
Small groups Studies.

PHASE 4: Month 5 – Bridge events Felt needs seminars Break down prejudice,
and health seminars. Health seminars awaken interest in the
Cultivate the Crop.
Musical concerts biblical topics, and invite
visitors to evangelistic

PHASE 5: Month 6 – Evangelistic Evangelistic campaign Reaping from pre-work

campaign interests.
Reaping the

PHASE 6: Month 7 – Establish new Spiritual friends Establishing new

believers in the truth and Small Bible study groups believers in the truth and
Preserve the
getting them involved in Revelation seminar involve them in ministry
ministry. and outreach.

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 8

This chapter consists of an overview of the programs available to your church, and gives
organizational tools to help in their implementation. It is designed to make you familiar
with the big picture so that your church can develop an effective evangelism calendar.

There are a number of excellent resources for igniting revival in your
church. The following are some outstanding resources that can be
obtained from Amazing Facts. 10 part DVD – Annual Revival series (04
Revival; 05 Revive). Revival books – To live in His sight and Twelve
steps to revival.


The Outreach Leadership Team launches two important aspects of church
outreach: 1) organizing church outreach and 2) empowering and
mobilizing the church membership through “Share and Care” program—
see next section.


“Share and care” is a weekly program for the church family to come
together for fellowship and service. The program provides inspiration and
organization through prayer, hospitality, literature distribution, visitation,
mailing, Bible studies and many other ministries. It is one of the most
effective ways to develop “togetherness” and simultaneously mobilize in
the great work of seeking and saving the lost.

When Jesus came to save sinners, He caught those sinners’ attention in a
variety of ways. Today many thirsty souls do not even know they are
longing for the Water of Life. In their search for meaning, they long for
health, happy families, financial stability, and other things. These bridging
programs help the church minister to felt needs. They are an ideal
opportunity to invite friends and family, break down prejudice, and
awaken interest in the biblical and prophetic topics that will be presented
in the evangelistic seminar.

The high point of the evangelism calendar is the evangelistic seminar. This
needs to be a dynamic, Christ-centered presentation of end-time
prophecies and biblical teachings.
There are a number of excellent resources to help in conducting a
successful series of meetings. To get information on evangelistic sermons

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 9

and slides contact Share Him, formerly Global Evangelism, at

The Spiritual Friends program is an excellent follow up for new believers
in the church. It guides church members and leaders in effective follow-
up and can be downloaded from the Empowered church website.


Pre-work Overview Task List

(Adjust dates to meet your (Find resources online at www.empoweredchurch.org)
church’s specific needs.)
REVIVAL EVENTS • Week of prayer
First Month • Revival weekend
• Special emphasis on prayer
OUTREACH LEADERSHIP TEAM • Gather core group of potential leaders and organize the Outreach
Start the second month Leadership Team.
Weekly planning meetings • Order needed resources for the churches outreach.
• Assign leaders for the churches various outreach ministries.
• Set up time and place for Share and Care program.
• Promote and invite members to attend Share and Care program.
“SHARE AND CARE” OUTREACH • Start weekly training program.
Weekly outreach program • Divide members into various outreach teams and ministries.
Start the third month and continue to the • Set up a Bible School in your church.
end of the fifth month • Do a mailing of Bible study interest cards.
• Mobilize Prayer ministry team.
• Involve youth in literature distribution.
• Compile contact interest list.
• Follow up media interests.
• Visit inactive members.
• Give Bible Studies.
BRIDGE EVENTS • Distribute bulletin inserts for bridge events.
Bridge events to built attendance for • Encourage members to invite friends and interests to attend.
evangelistic seminar • Mail invitations to church interest list, informing them of the events
Start the fifth month and programs.
• For a suggested list bridge events at to www.empoweredchurch.org.
PRE-REGISTRATION • Send invitations and handbills to friends and church interest list.
Pre-register friends and contacts for the • Pre-register interests for evangelistic seminar.
evangelistic series • Review instructions for pre-registration (available at
Two weeks before evangelistic meetings empoweredchurch.org).
EVANGELISTIC SEMINAR • Conduct an evangelistic series at the church or auditorium.
Six month • For sermon outlines and slides go to www.global-evangelism.org
FOLLOW-UP PROGRAM • Start the “Spiritual Friends” program in your local church.
Seventh month onwards • Start a new believers Sabbath School class.
• Invite new believers to a Revelation seminar at the church.

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 10

The Outreach Leadership Team is essential for equipping and empowering your church
family for outreach. It organizes pre-work, visitation, and follow-up in your community.
It organizes and leads out in training and mentoring church members during a weekly
outreach program called “Share and Care.”

Each member of the Outreach Leadership Team should be selected based on love for
Jesus, desire to reach out to the community, and their potential for leadership and training
of others. We recommend a core group of about 6 people. Team members will be asked
• Attend weekly organizational meetings—consistency is important.
• Participate in Share and Care program.
• Mentor & train church members during the outreach time.

The Outreach Leadership Team can best be implemented as follows:

• Pastoral staff chooses a leader for the team.
• Venue and start date for meetings are determined.
• Pastoral staff and team leader select and contact team members.
• Review schedule of Share and Care program. (See next section in manual)
• Set up place and time for Share and Care program. (See next section in manual)
• Think about ways of promoting the program to get maximum participation.
• Create the churches outreach calendar.
• Order Winsome Witnessing from Amazing Facts 1800-538-7275 during office
hours 8:30am-6:00pm Pacific Time (Monday-Thursday).

Winsome Witnessing Resources

• Winsome Witnessing DVD which consists of 12 half-hour programs on 3 DVDs.
• Winsome Witnessing book (order one per person attending Care and Share
• Winsome Studies in Prophecy (order one for each person planning on giving Bible

Prophecies of Hope
• Prophecies of Hope is a series of Bible studies designed to go along with
Winsome Witnessing training materials. They need to be ordered from the
Adventist Book Center online at www.adventistbookcenter.com or from your
local ABC store.

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 11

People love to get together for food and fellowship. Why not try a weekly experience of
community outreach? That’s what the early Christians did in the book of Acts (see Acts
chapter 2), and the gospel quickly reached throughout the then-known world. It can
happen again when believers come together with love for Jesus, love for the lost, and a
common mission.

Share and Care is a weekly program to bring your church family together for fellowship
and service. The program provides inspiration and organization in prayer, children’s
ministry, hospitality, literature distribution, visitation, mailing, Bible studies and more. It
is one of the most effective ways to mobilize Christian fellowship in the great work of
seeking and saving the lost.

PLEASE NOTE: Do not overload. Start with a realistic number of ministries you can
manage with the leadership and people available, even if this means only one or two.
By not overwhelming the members you will help keep the program fun and inspiring.


Suggested schedule: Sabbath Afternoon
• 1:00-2:00pm Fellowship Lunch
• 2:00-2:30pm Training video (see accompanying schedule)
• 2:30-3:30 pm Ministry activity
• This schedule may be adapted to meet the needs of your church. Find a time that
works for your church. (Some congregations meet one evening during the week.)

Suggested Ministry Activities:

• Hospitality Ministry
o Prepare the meal for those who participate in Share and Care program.
o Bring baked goods to share with others (Cookies or bread for visitation
• Children’s Ministry
o Provide a program for the children of moms and dads who are involved in
the various ministries.
o Think of mission projects for the kids to do: make cards for the shut-ins,
o Have the older children join the teams that go into the community to
distribute literature.
• Secretarial Ministry
o Handle copying, record keeping, and other administrative services.
o Prepare visitation cards for teams.
o Organize mailing of letters, brochures, or other items.
o Mail & grade lessons for correspondence Bible studies.

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 12

• Prayer Ministry
o Pray while visitation and Bible study teams are out in the field.
o Pray specifically for names of those being visited (secretary provides copy
of interest cards) and for the needs of the church family.
o Take prayer walks in the community praying for the families that will be
• Literature Distribution Ministry
o Distribute literature door-to-door (Literature may include Bible study
enrollment cards, advertisements/invitations for up-coming programs and
seminars, small non-confrontational books such as Happiness Digest, etc.)
• Visitation Ministry
o Visit members, people in the hospital, new residents of the community,
non-attending members, and others.
o Bring gifts or minister to needs.
o Pray with those visited.
• Bible Study Ministry
o Offer Bible studies to those on the church interest list, follow up on
requests for Bible studies, conduct door-to-door surveys, give Bible
o Generate Bible study interests within each person’s circle of influence
(family, friends, work associates, neighbors) and include interests
generated from mailing.
o Bible studies can be given in one or more of the following ways:
Weekly drop-off self-study lessons
In-home studies
Video drop off studies
• Phone Ministry
o Make calls of encouragement to sick, shut-ins, or those who miss church.
o Call members to ask about their friends, neighbors, or work associates
who might be open to a Bible study, visit, or invitation to special
o Call to invite people to upcoming seminars.

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 13



Week 1 Winsome Witnessing DVD part 1 Organize ministry teams
Witnessing must be Winsome Plan ministry activities
Taming your nerves Consider ministry resources
Week 2 Winsome Witnessing DVD part 2 Compile an interest list for each ministry
Winning ‘Em without killing ‘Em Review ministry activities and add new activities
Remedy for Laodicea Order ministry resources / Mail Bible study interest cards
Pray for the names on interest list
Week 3 Winsome Witnessing DVD part 3 Add names to interest list; create visitation cards
Thawing Frozen Churches Organize to start ministry activities the next week
How to double God’s Joy Review ministry materials
Pray for names on interest list
Week 4 Winsome Witnessing DVD part 4 Add names to interest list, create visitation cards
Favorite Fishing Holes Organize for ministry
Pray over ministry names
Ministry activity
Week 5 Winsome Witnessing DVD part 5 Report on last weeks ministry activity
Jesus’ Method Works Add names to interest list; create visitation cards
Pray for names on interest list
Ministry activity
Week 6 Winsome Witnessing DVD part 6 Report on last weeks ministry activity
Leading a Person to Chris Add names to interest list; create visitation cards
How to Give your Testimony Pray for names on interest list
Ministry activity
Week 7 Winsome Witnessing DVD part 7 Report on last weeks ministry activity
Sit Down or Drop Off Add names to interest list; create visitation cards
Which Studies should I use Pray for names on interest list
Ministry activity
Week 8 Winsome Witnessing DVD part 8 Report on last weeks ministry activity
Resources Available Add names to interest list; create visitation cards
Answering Difficult Questions Pray for names on interest list
Ministry activity
Week 9 Winsome Witnessing DVD part 9 Report on last weeks ministry activity
Tiny Tots and TV Add names to interest list; create visitation cards
Avoiding Common Mistakes Pray for names on interest list
Ministry activity
Week 10 Winsome Witnessing DVD part 10 Report on last weeks ministry activity
Studies on Steroids Add names to interest list; create visitation cards
Spend time with Qualified People Pray for names on interest list
How to Get Friends to Church Ministry activity
Week 11 Winsome Witnessing DVD part 11 Report on last weeks ministry activity
Overcoming Obstacles to a Decision Add names to interest list; create visitation cards
Pray for names on interest list
Ministry activity
Week 12 Winsome Witnessing DVD part 12 Report on last weeks ministry activity
Decision Signals Add names to interest list; create visitation cards
Steps to Victory Pray for names on interest list
Organizing For Success Ministry activity
Give a Portion to Seven
Le’ts Get Started

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 14

In today’s restless world, many who are thirsting for the gospel don’t even know it. In
their search for satisfaction they are troubled about health, finances, marriage, and
parenting. Programs on such topics provide a great way to break down prejudice, and
awaken interest in the biblical and prophetic topics that will be presented in the
evangelistic seminar.

1. Short bridge events are best. Long programs wear people out and overload
them, sapping their energy for attending the next program you offer. Short
programs leave them hungry for more—that’s what you want!

2. Offer the bridge events close to the opening night of the evangelist seminar
(within 30 days) and be sure to include an “advertisement” for the upcoming
prophecy seminar. Promote and give out pre-registration cards for evangelistic

1. Cooking 8. Finance
2. Stress 9. Debt reduction
3. Health 10. Musical concerts
4. Weight control 11. Holiday features
5. Parenting 12. Creation vs. evolution
6. Marriage 13. Much more….
7. Auto maintenance

To order material and resources for bridge events contact plusline

http://www.plusline.org/resource.php?id=1993 DivorceCare
http://www.plusline.org/resource.php?id=1903 LifeLong Health
http://www.plusline.org/resource.php?id=1902 LifeLong Health
http://www.plusline.org/resource.php?id=4101 LifeLong Health
http://www.plusline.org/resource.php?id=2106 Parenting with Grace
http://www.plusline.org/resource.php?id=4059 Stress
http://www.plusline.org/resource.php?id=3822 Women in Driver's Seat
http://www.plusline.org/resource.php?id=3640 Cooking School
http://www.plusline.org/resource.php?id=1632 Loving Relationships
http://adventsource.org/dvdvideo_2.aspx?ID=30498 FTDF Marriage Conf
http://adventsource.org/dvdvideo_2.aspx?ID=21293 Pre-marriage
http://adventsource.org/dvdvideo_2.aspx?ID=19786 Kay Kuzma
http://adventsource.org/book.aspx?ID=20759 marriage & parenting
http://adventsource.org/dvdvideo_2.aspx?ID=30792 Family Success
http://adventsource.org/dvdvideo_2.aspx?ID=19678 Parenting w/Grace
http://adventsource.org/dvdvideo_2.aspx?ID=19674 Parenting/teens
http://www.plusline.org/resource.php?id=2607 Weight Control

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 15

Two principles show us to how to effectively promote religious events:
• Repeat & enlarge. When inviting people to a religious event, it is wise to mention
it, then give more detail next time you talk about it, letting interest build.
• Remind. Satan will try to get them to forget, so wise soulwinners make a point to
remind interests of the upcoming evangelistic meetings.


1. First invitation—one month ahead. One month before opening night, make
public announcements at church and encourage members to give verbal invitations to
friends and family, promising a handbill later with details.
2. Second invitation—two weeks ahead. Two weeks before opening night,
personally distribute handbills to all names on church interest list as well as to friends and
family. When you share each handbill, have each person complete a pre-registration card
(if these are being used) to ensure seating or try to get some kind of commitment from
them. Handbills and pre-registration cards are available from Color Press at
www.adventistevangelism.com or by phone at 800-222-2145.
3. Third invitation—as soon as pre-registered. Mail confirmation letters to all
who have pre-registered.
4. Fourth invitation—three days ahead. Call all pre-registered guests three days
prior to opening night to remind of meeting, see if they have any extra guests who would
like to come, and see if they have any transportation needs.
5. Fifth invitation—after opening night. Visit or call those who pre-registered
but didn’t make it to opening night. Bring them a handout from the meeting. Don’t say,
“We missed you”—that can make them feel guilty or pressured. Try, “I know you wanted
to come, so I saved you an outline from the meeting. Just look it over and you’ll be
caught up for the next meeting. Tonight’s meeting is about ____. Hope you can make it!”
If you don’t have time to visit everyone, call them and let them know what the next topic
is and that you will save some materials for them to pick up.

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 16

An excellent neighborhood-based intercessory prayer ministry is outlined below and has
been adapted from material by Russell Burrill, Director of the North American Division
Evangelism Institute.

1. Get together with a few like-minded people who share your passion for
2. Communicate your vision to the rest of the church. One possible approach is to
celebrate communion and invite others who wish to make a covenant with God to
join the effort at this time.
3. Have a week of prayer or prayer meeting series on intercessory prayer. Especially
focus on the principles of intercessory prayer and neighborhood prayer ministry.
Use one of the following as a guide:
a. Roger J. Morneau’s books and videos, focusing on faith stories and the
principles of intercessory prayer:
Incredible Answers to Prayer
More Incredible Answers to Prayer
When You Need Incredible Answers to Prayer (Hagerstown, MD:
Review & Herald Publishing Association, 1995)
b. Ron Halvorsen’s Prayer Warriors Manual (Fallbrook, CA: Hart Research
Center, 1995)
c. Joe Engelkemier’s Thirty Days to a More Effective Prayer Life (Nampa, ID:
Pacific Press, 1998)
4. Start small neighborhood intercessory prayer groups.
5. Decide together what geographic area your group is going to reach for God.
6. Recruit three levels of prayer warriors:

Level 1 Prayer Warrior: Pray daily for the church, evangelistic meetings, and
the requests coming in from the community. Meet for ten minutes with fellow
prayer warriors each Sabbath (time to be specified). Prayer requests should be
specific; when God answers, prayer warriors will be encouraged as they see their
petitions being fulfilled.

Level 2 Prayer Warrior: All that Level 1 does, and in addition select a block in
the neighborhood that your group decided it would work to prepare for the series.
Walk the area with your family or with your prayer partner, and as you do, talk to
God about each neighbor. Take time to listen to what God tells you through the
indwelling Holy Spirit. (See John 10:27; 14:26; 16:13,14.) Don’t be surprised if,
as you walk by a certain house, the Holy Spirit leads you to pray in a very
specific way. (See Rom. 8:26; Eph. 6:18.)

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 17

Level 3 Prayer Warrior: Include all that Levels 1 and 2 do, and in addition,
leave a prayer request doorknob hanger (Available from Color Press) or a note to
let the neighbors know that you are praying for them regularly, and that you
would like to know their specific prayer requests. Ask residents to place these on
their doorknobs to be picked up at a specified time. The next week stop back at
the homes and ask how things are going, building relationships based on people’s
needs and interests.

7. Share reports of answered prayers to the church.

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 18

There’s good news: the Holy Spirit is convicting former members of your church to
return. These non-attending members are “ripe” for an invitation to come home.

There are three basic steps in reclaiming lost members:

1. Get names and find out why people left.
2. Visit the former members and seek to reclaim them, listening to them and inviting
them to events.
3. Nurture these new believers into a renewed commitment to Christ and His church.

Getting names of non-attending members

In large congregations many names on the church books may not be recognized by
church board members. Probably the simplest way to discover who these people are is to
distribute a list of unfamiliar names to the church members, asking them to fill in any
information they have about any names on the list

Visiting non-attending members

Wherever possible, “match up” visiting members with the ones being visited according to
similar cultural backgrounds, careers, income levels, family backgrounds, etc. Consult
with your pastor before setting out on your mission. Be a Christ-like friend. Remember
that most of your job consists of attentive and sympathetic listening. Pull over before you
are within view of the house and pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance. When you go to the
door, you can say something like this:

“Hi, I’m ___________ and this is ___________. We’re with the _________________
Seventh-day Adventist Church. We wanted to come by and get acquainted.”

Be friendly and warm but not too gushy. If they invite you inside, ask about job, family,
and other friendship builders. After a few minutes or when it comes up naturally in
conversation, ask:

“You used to attend our church. How long ago was that? Have you thought about coming
back to our church?”

This may open up a lengthy discussion. Listen attentively, making sure you hear all they
have to say. Reassure them that the church family will seek a resolution if needed, and
wants to see them back again.

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 19

A few do’s

1. Get to the point within a few minutes.

2. Listen kindly; listen interestedly; listen calmly.
3. Always close your visit with prayer.
4. Give a brief invitation to come out to the evening seminar meeting or to church
the next Sabbath.
5. Leave immediately after prayer.

Suggested closings to a visit

Close your visit something like this: ‘Well, we must be going. [That statement always
relaxes people!] But before we leave, let’s just bow our heads for a moment of prayer.’
And as you are saying this, just bow your head and start praying a short, sincere prayer.
In your prayer, you can say things like,

“Forgive us for the hurt we in the church have caused him, and may he know there’s a
welcome awaiting him upon his return.” “May he know that we love him and that You
love him, and in spite of all the unkindness he has endured, may he be willing to forgive
the past.” “Help us to be more careful in the future not to wound Your child again.” “We
remember that it says of Jesus, Those are the wounds with which I was wounded in the
house of my friends” (Seeking His Lost Sheep, p. 76).

A few don’ts

1. Don’t betray the backslider’s confidence.

2. Don’t act shocked.
3. Don’t defend anyone.
4. Don’t stay long. Ten to fifteen minutes is usually long enough.
5. Don’t dismiss a backslider as hopeless because he is too far away.
6. Don’t argue about church standards.

Nurturing them back

After your initial visit, put their name on the church list for social events (NOT
solicitation events).
Stay in touch. From time to time, telephone the former member, keeping him informed
on interesting church-family news.Use important coming events as an excuse for a return
visit to invite him out. Help solve personal problems that obstruct church attendance,
such as babysitting, transportation, or care-giving. Take a personal interest in his
children. Put forth every effort in your power to see that the former member is present
during a call for surrender or at a special Sabbath morning consecration service
(baptism). If the family has financial needs, present them to the appropriate church

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 20

The search for straying members is a real battle in a real life-or-death war. Intercessory
prayer is the most powerful weapon in this conflict. Solicit a commitment from your
church family to pray each day, perhaps at an established time, for the non-attending
members on the list. Pray for those doing visitations as well.

Additional Resources

• It’s About People, by Jim Hohnberger, offers a deeper appreciation for the ones
for whom Jesus gave His life. It will open new insights into the reason we seek
after the backslidden.
• Seeking His Lost Sheep by Fordyce Detamore provides a wealth of information in
seeking and responding to the needs of the backslidden. You will get a firsthand
look at many in-home encounters with lost members, and get practical, effective
know-how in reaching them for the Lord.
• Finally, you can also get in-depth programs and materials from Adventist
Reconciliation Services at the North Pacific Union

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 21


Having a Bible school is one of the most effective means of preparing your community
for a seminar or evangelistic meetings. The Bible lessons review and reinforce the
message heard from the pulpit, helping listeners to retain more of the message. They give
participants an opportunity to respond through the answer sheets, and to interact with
someone in addition to the evangelist. Some of the visitors attending the reaping meeting
will not fill out the decision cards; however, many will enroll in the Bible course during
the meetings and will record their decision on the answer sheets.

Saturate your community

Thousands of souls can be won by enrolling people in a Bible study course. Requests for
Bible lessons can be serviced by personal delivery, videos, in-home group studies,
correspondence or a combination of two or more of these. Following are several ways to
reach people:

1. Enroll friends: Enroll friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and casual daily
contacts using lesson #1 or an enrollment card. Keep a supply of enrollment cards
in your car, home, pocket, or purse, and offer to mail the enrollment card for
them. Have Sabbath School members take and hand out cards weekly. Hand out
cards during the “Soup and Salvation” program.
2. Cards in personal mail: Enclose an enrollment card with utility, credit card and
other payments, with Christmas, birthday, anniversary and graduation cards and
in other personal mail.
3. Mass distribution of enrollment cards: Enroll people by a mass distribution of
enrollment cards. The Voice of Prophecy has information regarding bulk mailing
services (1-877-955-2525 or 805-955-7659). Project: Steps to Christ is offering
bulk mailing of Steps to Christ with a Bible study enrollment card insert (1-800-
728-6872 or 518-358-2541). Color Press, Graphic Printing and Hamblin Press
offer a variety of Bible study enrollment cards. The cards come to a central
address and are distributed to your school on a daily basis.
4. Radio spots: Purchase radio spots for an advertising blitz that supports and
increases the results during a mass distribution of enrollment cards.
5. Newspaper inserts: Have Bible study enrollment cards or specially designed
newspaper inserts placed into the local newspaper.
6. Display ads: Place ads in newspapers, newsletters and local magazines. Amazing
Facts has excellent ads available in a number of sizes and styles. They can be
accessed online at www.amazingfacts.org by clicking on the link “Get Involved”
just under the Amazing Facts logo, and then clicking on “Advertise” (in the top
right-hand corner).
7. Small groups: Enroll people in a small group Bible study course.

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 22

The Amazing Facts Bible School will provide assistance by taking students through the
Bible correspondence course at the Amazing Facts corporate office, graduating them and
providing reports on their progress. These student activity reports are an excellent source
of names of persons to invite to any evangelistic meeting or seminar. For further
assistance, call the Bible school coordinator Carolyn Moxley, at (916) 434-3880,
extension 3018, or e-mail bibleschool@amazingfacts.org.

How to use Evangelistic Videos / DVDs

Amazing Facts is recommending the use of Millennium of Prophecy (Net New York ’99)
and the Prophecy Code (Net Washington DC ’05) videos and DVDs as pre-work for your
own evangelistic series. These videos can be obtained from Amazing Facts at 800- 538-

Instructions for Sharing the Video and Lessons:

1. Leave the Bible study and video/DVD with the interest.

Tell contact/friend a little about Pastor Doug (one of my favorite speakers,
very entertaining, etc.). Especially mention anything you think they will
relate to in his testimony or find interesting.
Tell them to write down questions to ask next week.
Explain that the Bible study is theirs to keep for free, and the video is
loaned to them for a week to enhance the study. (There are two studies on
each video.)
If they seem hesitant, suggest they try it for a couple of weeks and see how
it goes.
2. Set up an appointment for next week.
Write the date and time of next week’s appointment on the top of the
Let them know you will only have 15-30 minutes to review the lesson
with them, depending on how many questions they have.
If appropriate, ask if they have any prayer requests. Offer to pray with
them there, or at home tonight, whichever they prefer.

Instructions for Studying the Lesson Together

1. Mention that you have enjoyed going through the study this week yourself.
Tell a short personal testimony about how it inspired or helped you.
2. Ask if they had any questions about the study.
3. If you don’t know how to answer a question, say something like, “That’s a
good question. Let me study about that this week and get back to you. I know
what I think, but I don’t want to share what I think. I want to find what the
Bible has to say about it for you.”
4. If they ask about something that is to come in the future, say, “That’s a good
question. We have a study on that topic coming up later.”

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 23

5. At the end of study, summarize by:
reviewing the applications.
condensing these thoughts into a decision.
sealing the decision with prayer.

Online missionary program with Amazing Facts Bible Universe

If your church members have access to the internet, some of them may want to consider
becoming an “online missionary” with Amazing Facts. By attaching a link to their
emails, they can invite people to enroll in the free Bible Universe courses. Reports on the
students progress are then sent to the online missionary who in turn is able to follow up
with that person and give them gift booklets. The online missionary also receives
information on all Bible students in their area. For more information please go to

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 24


Evangelism is a team ministry. Your evangelism will be most effective and fulfilling if
you involve a team of committed believers in your effort. While the evangelist will
present Bible truth each evening, it is the relationships your members develop with
people that will help them decide to follow Jesus and join your church family.

Share Him, formerly Global Evangelism, has great evangelistic sermons and slides for
pastors and lay-members. You can visit them on the web at www.sharehim.org The New
Beginning evangelistic series is also a great source of sermons and slides, and can be
obtained from Advent Source at www.adventsource.org


The outreach leadership team is responsible to:
• Give overall direction to the plans and preparations for the meetings.
• Develop an overall evangelism plan and budget.
• Plan an effective friendship evangelism and outreach program prior to the
• Appoint committee coordinators.

The prayer coordinator is responsible to:
• Organize one or more prayer bands. Each prayer band should meet regularly to
pray for the upcoming meetings, for members’ contacts, and for the church’s
spiritual readiness.
• Give at least one short presentation on the power and necessity of prayer before
the seminar begins.
• Have a special prayer session before the meetings begin.
• Set up a prayer request box or other system for getting prayer requests from
seminar attendees.
• During the seminar, set aside a private room and gather a group each night to pray
during the meeting.

The usher/greeter coordinator is responsible to:
• Help people find seats.
• Make friends and give a good first impression.
• Distribute and collect quiz envelopes, decision cards and pens/pencils.
• Handle possible disturbances.
• Take up offerings (one bucket per row, so that it will be quick).
• Bring in extra chairs if necessary.

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 25

It is highly recommended that churches engage in a pre-registration and registration
process to track their visitors. This process has been used very successfully by Amazing
Facts to help create and maintain high attendance, and to facilitate effective follow-up.
Amazing Facts will supply free software for those able to track attendance with a
computer. This free software can be downloaded at www.gospelharvest.org

The materials coordinator is responsible to:
• Order materials to be handed out to attendees (study guides, decision cards,
offering envelopes, tickets, gift books/tapes/CDs/DVDs, etc.
• Buy pens/pencils for ushers.
• Appoint people to stand at each door and pass out materials when attendees
• Make sure materials from past nights are available each night.

The technical coordinator is responsible to:
• Ensure that the projector is functioning and has a spare bulb.
• Ensure that sound is correctly relayed through the sound system each night.

The visitation team will be responsible for reaching out to seminar attendees in a personal
way so as to help absent attendees to return, answer objections and clear people for
baptism. The teams responsibilities are as follows:
1. Invite people from the church’s interest list to the meetings
2. Follow-up on those who have stopped attending meetings after the first weekend.
The first visit should be both informal and brief. You will want to leave the
material from the night that they’ve missed and invite them to come to the next
3. Follow-up on those who have stopped attending the meetings, be prepared to
answer objections on the Sabbath as well as other doctrinal issues. Also follow-up
on those who have indicated an interest in baptism.
4. Third week of the meetings: Begin the clearing process for those who have been
filling out decision cards. Answer objections.
5. Continue to visit good interests and baptismal candidates following the meetings.


Many families simply cannot attend evangelistic meetings if there is no children’s
program. Children who are excited about the children’s programs also tend to bring their
parents back to the meetings. And children’s hearts are perfect ground for sowing the
seeds of the kingdom. For these reasons and more, the children’s meeting coordinator is
vital to the success of the overall evangelistic meeting.

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 26

The child care coordinator is responsible to:
1. Organize child care for ages 0-10. If possible, have at least two separate
programs, one for younger children and one for older.
2. Plan an effective program either using an existing children’s program or your
3. Recruit at least two staff members for each childcare program each night. Make
sure that they will be there early and be able to stay until all children have been
picked up. (Sometimes parents need time to ask questions after the meeting.)
Provide a sign-in sheet where parents sign their children’s names and their own
names. Be sure that the same person who signed the child in is the one who signs
him or her out.
4. Make sure you order your children’s materials well in advance.


The music coordinator is responsible for arranging the musical program in coordination
with the pastor/platform chairperson.

The transportation coordinator is responsible to:
1. Have phone number or contact details listed in the bulletin a few weeks in
advance so that they can be contacted by any church members who are aware of
people who need rides.
2. Either provide rides personally or get people’s names and phone numbers, and tell
them you will organize a ride for them. Call them back and let them know the
arrangements you have made. (IMPORTANT: DON’T COUNT ON SOMEONE
3. Give address or directions to homes, as well as names and phone numbers, to
those who are giving rides to others.

To make sure that this is a beautiful and unforgettable experience for each person
baptized, the baptism coordinator is responsible to:
1. Ensure the baptismal tank is in good working condition, with no leaks, and that
paint is not chipping or peeling . If available, make sure the heater is working.
2. Ensure that there are enough baptismal robes of various sizes to accommodate all
3. Provide handkerchiefs and/or washcloths to put over baptismal candidates’ faces
so that they don’t get water up their noses, etc.
4. Ensure that changing facilities are clean and privacy is available for changing
5. Ensure that there are extra towels in case anyone forgets to bring their own.
6. Enlist a couple of deacons or deaconesses to assist candidates getting in and out of
baptismal tank, as well as drying and dressing if needed.
7. Purchase a gift for each person being baptized. A card, rose or other symbolic
memento may be appropriate.

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 27

Follow-up is as equally important as the pre-work and the reaping meetings. The true
purpose of follow-up is much broader than just keeping new members in the church. It
involves fulfilling the Great Commission to “go therefore and make disciples” (Matthew
28:19, NKJV). A disciple does more than assent to the correctness of truth. For our
purpose, a disciple is a productive and useful member who is advancing the cause of
God through his/her life.

Research has shown that if a person can make at least seven new and close friends within
the first six months of joining a church they have a greater rate of remaining faithfully
involved. Notice the words “close friends.” This means more than just giving a
handshake on Sabbath and saying, “Happy Sabbath.” The level of friendship required
must go beyond the Sabbath hours. This chapter gives specific ministry activities to do
each week for 13 weeks that will build spiritual friendships with new believers.

Sample Activities for Spiritual Friends

1. Make weekly visits and/or phone calls.

2. Invite new members home for Sabbath dinners once a month. Include other
members who may have things in common with the new members. This will help
the new member become acquainted with more people in the church.
3. During the week, invite the new member to meet you for lunch at a local
4. Do social activities together. If you are planning a day of recreation, include your
new member friends. Train yourself to think in terms of including new members
in all of these activities.
5. Sit with your new member friends in church, at fellowship meals and church
6. When making friends with new members there are some areas where you will
need to exercise caution:
• Be careful not to take new members too fast in areas of diet, reforms, etc.
Ellen White cautioned that it is better to err on the side of the people and to be
one step behind them than to be one step ahead of them.
• It is never appropriate to give a new member materials from groups that have
an ax to grind. You may think this is grand material, but it will only suffice to
destroy their confidence in the church and message.
7. There is a need to be patient with new members. Conviction regarding lifestyle
issues often develops over time as the new member grows in knowledge and
experience. During this time of growth we need to be patient, loving, and kind.

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 28

Conversations with New Attendees

Here are some ideas for carrying a conversation. Remember this acronym—
TOPICS: ( Dale Cobb, How to Help Greeters Extend a Warm and Caring Welcome,
1989, Church Growth, Inc., Monrovia.CA)
T — Talk about Today’s immediate situation and surroundings. “Is this your first time
here? How did you learn about this church?”
O — Occupation & Educational Background. “What kind of work are you in?”
P — Place they’re from; Partner (Married?); Parents (Family?) “Do you live close by?
Are you originally from Xyz city?
I — Interests (hobbies, recreation) “What do you do for fun?”
C — Current events (news) “Did you see that Super Bowl/World Series...?”
S — Share (about yourself, church, Sabbath School class, etc.)

Another acronym that is very easily used is FORT:

F — Family: “Is this your family? Is your family from around here? Tell me about your
O — Occupation: “What kind of work are you in?”
R — Religion: “How did you hear about our church? What has been your religious
T — Testimony: (First, how the Lord led you to Himself. Then how you found Bible

Caution: The Gospel is the plan of salvation and this should be the theme of our
testimony, not how we found the church or the Sabbath.

When you ask a person these questions try to phrase them in such a way that they cannot
be answered by a “yes” or a “no.” By the way, once you have found a topic that a person
shares freely, it is best to stay with that topic. There is no need to go through all these
topics at once. Also, remember to keep the conversation from being one-sided. Don’t be
the one who is asking all the questions. After a person has shared an answer to your
question, you should share your own answer to that question.

Be an Introducer

A simple, yet vital part of your ministry as a Spiritual Friend is to introduce new
members to other church members whom they have not already met. Just say, “I want
you to meet _________.” Then go to the member and say, “John, have you met (the new
member)?” Turning to the new member, say, “John runs a contracting company in town.”
Make certain you then steer the conversation through one of the acronyms above. At
different times it may be appropriate to suggest to a member to go over and visit with a
new member or attendee. Take the initiative and make these things happen. This is your

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 29


1. DON’T let two weeks pass without contacting your new friend.
2. DON’T preach at your new friend or criticize them for views they hold or things
they do.
3. DON’T answer their questions with “Ellen White says...” We are to be people of
the Bible. Before answering questions ask the person how they view the topic or
why they ask. Listen. Answering questions is two-thirds listening. Your ears
outnumber your mouth two to one.
4. DON’T be shocked at new members who make suggestions or remarks not in
harmony with the faith. They will grow in time as you give them love and
understanding coupled with sound Biblical teaching.
5. DON’T act superior or condescending because you’ve been a member longer.
6. DON’T give extra reading material above that which is provided for in this
program. If you feel they need a particular book, contact your pastor and talk to him
about it first. DON’T overload. DON’T push your own peculiar brand of theology
or hobbyhorse.
7. DON’T ever tell the new member that you are assigned to check up on him/her.
This is not what your ministry is about. You are making friends.
8. DON’T ever tell the new member that you fill out a ministry assignment card or let
them see your cards. Make your ministry activities a spontaneous expression of
your love for your new friend.
9. DON’T share church problems or gossip with the new member.
10. DON’T downgrade other denominations. If they mention another church, say,
“There are many wonderful people there.”


1. DO love this soul for whom Jesus died.

2. DO complete each assignment in sequence. Make it your week’s goal to complete
the project and to make it a spontaneous expression of your love for your new
3. DO give your ministry assignment cards to the coordinator as soon as the activity is
done. Make frequent reports to your pastor concerning the progress of your
4. DO greet the new member at all church services and programs. Invite them to stay
for fellowship dinners and to sit with you.
5. DO look for ways to involve the new members in church programs and activities.
6. DO introduce the new members to other members at every activity.
7. DO verbally express your appreciation to the new member often.
8. DO speak in only positive terms regarding the church, the pastor, the Conference,
9. DO leave each visit on a happy note. Keep visits short and sweet to begin with.
10. DO add any comments you wish to the assignment cards when you return them to
the team leader.

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 30

Sample Schedule for a Spiritual Friend

The following activities are suggestions for how one can build a friendship that has the
spiritual goal of making disciples for Christ. You can keep rotating through these
activities until your friendship is well established and your spiritual friends are well
grounded in the faith.

Week One: Invite your new friend to your home or to go out for a meal. You may
invite another member to join you in this activity. Please do not let vegetarianism
become an issue.

Week Two: Share a spiritual book or set of Bible studies. Examples of good books to
share include Desire of Ages, Steps to Christ, etc. It might be a good idea to encourage
them to start a Bible study course such as the Storacles Bible studies (Amazing Facts).

Week Three: Plan a recreational activity together. Plan to do something recreationally

together that suits both the age and interest of the new attendee. Here are a few
suggestions: miniature golf, tennis, golfing, nature walk, swimming, concert, hobby (this
is especially good for the elderly. Show them one of your hobbies, or let them show you
one of theirs. Examples: gardening, crafts, etc.)

Week Four: Deliver a church periodical. You can use one of the church magazines
(Review, Signs, etc.), Amazing Facts’ Inside Report, the local Union paper, etc. Read it
first to be able to interest them in some specifics. Explain that it tells about the work of
the SDA church and that it will be an inspiration to them as they read about how God is
leading in people’s lives. If appropriate, have a short prayer with them. Leave on a happy
note— “We feel so happy to have you as members and friends in our church!”

Week Five: Involve the person in a ministry or spiritual activity. Have them attend a
family worship with you. Invite them to come to a Bible study or to join a small group
that you attend. Have them share their testimony at a vespers or Sabbath School (but be
careful not to pressure them to do this). Keep any up-front time brief but meaningful.
Other good activities include literature distribution, visiting “shut ins,” helping with a
soup kitchen, etc.

Using a Ministry Assignment Card

The cards on the next page are designed for you to be able to fill out each week and
return to your pastor or team leader. We want to minister to our new friends in the most
effective way possible. In order to do this we need to be kept informed of areas of special
need. Remember, your purpose is not to be a “holy spy” or judge. Always keep in mind
that people need time to grow. Don’t expect perfection, or for people to look at things in
exactly the same manner you do. Respect people for who they are. Let God lead in their

Amazing Facts - Evangelism Manual 31

Ministry Assignment Card
Spiritual Friend: ___________________________ Date: ______________________
Your Name: ______________________ Telephone: _______________________
Contact made or activity with your spiritual friend this week:
1. Contact at church
2. Had meal together
3. Dropped off spiritual book
4. Socialized outside of church
5. Visited in their home
6. Family worship together
7. Assisted with crisis
8. Other _______________

Did this new member attend this week’s Sabbath services? Yes ___; No ___.
Circle any areas that might need the pastor’s personal attention:
1. They’re experiencing opposition from or conflict with family members
2. Previous church friends, or their former pastor, have visited them.
3. They have reverted to destructive habits (tobacco, alcohol, etc.).
4. Having job problems (Sabbath work problems, lost a job, etc.).
5. They need creative ideas to help enjoy the blessing of the Sabbath.
6. Lifestyle practices are not harmonizing with God’s principles.
7. Diet, health issues. (Reforms prematurely put upon them.)
8. Friendship. Social needs not being sufficiently met by the church.

Ministry Assignment Card

Spiritual Friend: ___________________________ Date: ______________________
Your Name: ______________________ Telephone: _______________________
Contact made or activity with your spiritual friend this week:
1. Contact at church
2. Had meal together
3. Dropped off spiritual book
4. Socialized outside of church
5. Visited in their home
6. Family worship together
7. Assisted with a crisis
8. Other _______________

Did this new member attend this week’s Sabbath services? Yes ___; No ___.
Circle any areas that might need the pastor’s personal attention:
1. They are experiencing opposition from or conflict with family members
2. Previous church friends, or their former pastor, have visited them.
3. They have reverted to destructive habits (tobacco, alcohol, etc.).
4. Having job problems (Sabbath work problems, lost a job, etc.).
5. They need creative ideas to help enjoy the blessing of the Sabbath.
6. Lifestyle practices are not harmonizing with God’s principles.
7. Diet, health issues. (Reforms prematurely put upon them.)

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