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Republic of the Philippines)

Done: In the City of Baguio) s.s.


I DIVINA BASIWAG, of legal age, married, Filipino Citizen and with residence
address Balangbang, Beckel, La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines, after having been duly
sworn to in accordance with law hereby depose and state:

1. That I am the mother of JAIRA B. BASIWAG a Senior High School at the

University of Baguio with Student No. 20163025 and she is a recipient of Senior
High School Qualified Voucher Recipient/s (QVR);

2. That last June, 2016 she enrolled at the AMA College but just after one month of
school she dropped all her subjects and transferred to the University of Baguio.
AMA College started their School Calendar last June, 2016, while University of
Baguio started last August, 2016;

3. That during the First Semester 2016-2017 I paid the tuition fee of my daughter
(P18,800.00) which includes also her tuition fee for the Second Semester. For the
third grading I intend to pay but they advised me to process the voucher of my
daughter so that she could use it; hence this attestation;

4. That I am executing this attestation to attest to the veracity and truthfulness of

the foregoing and to request the University of Baguio to allow my daughter to use
her Qualified Voucher Recipient/s (QVR) and for all legal intents and purposes it
may serve.

IN WITNESS HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 17th day of April, 2017 at
Baguio City, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 17th day of April, 2017 at Baguio
City, Philippines. DIVINA BASIWAG personally appeared before me and represented to
me herself to be the same person who executed this instrument voluntarily.

Notary Public
Commission No. 35-NC-16-R/Until: December 31, 2017
PTR No. 2945281/01-05-2017/Baguio City
IBP No. 1056844/01-05-2017/Baguio-Benguet Chapter
Roll No. 31289/5-15-81/Manila
Doc. No. 188; MCLE COMPLIANCE No. VI-0000192/June 14, 2016
Page No. 38; BIR TIN No. 121-017-652
Book No. XXII; No. 19, 2nd Floor Old Market Bldg.,
Series of 2017. Magsaysay Ave., Baguio City, Philippines

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