Spaced Analysis Spaced Season 1 Episode 4 (Battles)

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William Edwards


Spaced Season 1 Episode 4 (Battles)

In this episode of Spaced Tim and his friend, mike go paintballing in which Tim tries
to get over his most recent relationship. The editing used in this episode is done in
order to create a dramatic effect and this is clearly visible to the audience in the
scene in which Mike, weaponised his paintballing attire, the editing is fast as well as
this the use of panned transition in order to create and link the two clearly outlined
plots of the paintball and the arrival of Daisy's Dog, as both of the two main
characters are struggling to come to terms with the ends of their relationships.
Spaced employes many other editing techniques one of these is the use of a J Cut
this is when the audio is carried through video, therefore it allows the viewer to gain
a different perspective of what may be happening and this is done in Spaced in
which Daisey, is on the phone, in which you can hear although not see her. The
effect in which this gives is very important in understanding in the mental aspects of
the characters and because of this create a add more contextuality to the
approaches and the characters feelings. In this episode the parody of many different
action conventions take place and ti so important to the is episode as it create a
comical value and therefore engages the audience in the storyline as a while as well
as understanding the different aspects to the characters personality, an example of
this would be the use of fast paced and dramatic music, in which is used in many
different film and television programs

Spaced Season 2 Episode 5 (Gone)

In this episode of Spaced, Tim, and Daisy relationship has seen to have grown in
between season 1 episode 4 and season 2 and episode 5, the relation is visualised
to the audience by the use of constant theme of relationships and the progression of
this story begins at home, in which the breakdown of another relationship of Tims
allows him to go out with Daisey, here is a clear contrast between the first episode,
and this one. In this episode the reference to the movie Platoon is used and this is
because the film is set during the Vietnam War this creates connotations as well as
a greater understanding on the more comical and parody effect of the war genre of
film, the use of Gun gestures is also used for this very same effect in i order to
create a false dramatic effect as the audience clearly understand that this is just
used to create a humors scene.. As well as referencing the movie Platoon, the use
of the Romantic Comedy thorpe is used in order to make it clear for the audience to
understand the progression of the relationship between Tim and daisy and this is
important in understanding the ideas as well as how they are feeling towards each
other after the traumatic evening in which they have had.

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