Revelation's Beast V 13

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Rev. 13
by Ulrike
Moving from Revelation 12 to Revelation 13
Who controls the Sea and the Earth (Rev. 10 compared to Rev. 12:18)
The Two Contenders
The Beast from the Sea
War against God's covenant
The Wounded Head
The Dragons's Healthy Head
The Beast with two Lamb-like Horns

Seeing Revelation 13 in Context


Rev. 12.13
And when the
dragon saw that he
was cast unto the
earth, he persecuted
the woman which
brought forth the
man child.

And to the woman
were given two
wings of a great
eagle, that she
might fly into the After reading Revelation 12. A great question arises:
wilderness, into her How is it that a woman, who symbolically represents the
place, where she is
nourished for a time,
church of God; who symbolically represents God's
and times, and half a people, ends up sitting upon the dragon in Rev. 17?
time, (1260 days How could she be sitting on the power who is seeking to
(vs.6) from the face destroy the Messiah and the pure
of the serpent. church? How is it that, with the
exception of the faithful remnant, the
And the serpent cast
out of his mouth
water as a flood
after the woman,
that he might cause
her to be carried
away of the flood.

And the earth
helped the woman,
and the earth
opened her mouth, woman ends up sitting on this seven headed red monster
and swallowed up
the flood which the in Revelation 17?
dragon cast out of How is it that she exchanges the crown of the heavenly
his mouth. Jerusalem upon her head, to having the earthly kingdom
of Babylon and it's mysteries upon her forehead? How
12.17 can this happen when we know that the dragon is
And the dragon was defeated by the blood of the Lamb? Why does this
angry with the
woman, and went to
woman take on the name of MESSIAH the PRINCE, the
make war with the name of Christ, (Christian) and then plays the harlot with
remnant of her seed, the dragon prince and his kings of the earth?
which keep the
commandments of These are the issues explained in Revelation 13.
God, and have the
testimony of Jesus However, scriptures triumphantly point out that not all
Christ. play the harlot. There is STILL A "PURE WOMAN", a
people who are faithful to Christ
12:18 Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem still has her citizens!
13:1 These are the "remnant" of her seed, the children of the
true church of Christ.
depends on which version
14.1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with
him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name
written in their foreheads.
Then the Revelation 12 makes it clear that the true church is not
dragon took the popular recognized church. The true church is in the
his stand upon Wilderness during the 1260 years
the sand of the Some will ask, should we not look to the church which
for ages has been the favored of kings and nations to
find the true church instead of looking to a people who
through those centuries were a despised and obscure

No, the true church is not the prominent church. The

Bible teaches the true church is a "remnant". The true
church is the offspring, not of the church which is
prominent with the kings of the earth, but the offspring of
the church which was hiding in the wilderness
throughout almost thirteen centures: namely, the 1260
year period.

Who Controls the earth and the sea?

The connecting link between Revelation 12 and 13 shows

the dragon going forth to war against the faithful remnant
and he, that is the dragon, took his stand on the sand of
the seashore, where he orchestrates his war upon God's

Some bibles omit verse 18, others place it in Rev. 13:1,

sea. still others say, it is John, who was standing on the
seashore in Rev. 13:1, but the Greek reads "And he
stood"--thus refering back to the dragon. The dragon
takes his stand on the seashore.

The dragon, the accuser of the brethren has been thrown

down, (12:10) he's been "conquered by the blood of the
Lamb and the word of their testimony, (12:11), but he "yet
is" and he is "filled with wrath because he knows his time
is short" (12:12). For 1260 years that old serpent sent
God's true church into the wilderness (12:14) till the earth
beast helps her (12:16) but then the dragon's rage
increases, as he makes war against those who keep
God's commandments and have the testimony of Jesus.
(12:17) He takes his stand on the sands of the seashore
in his effort to control the land and the sea. (12:18)
Revelation 10
before we
10.1 go into the
And I saw a mighty dragon's
angel come down activities,
from heaven, as he
clothed with a
gathers the
cloud: and a
rainbow was upon people of
his head, and his earth to
face was as it were worship him, let's look back to see
the sun, and his feet that there is ANOTHER, standing
as pillars of fire:
upon the earth and the sea, ONE clothed with a cloud and
And he had in his a rainbow upon his head, and his face as the sun and his
hand a little book feet as pillars of fire. This Being stands upon the sea and
open: and he set his upon the earth. (Rev. 10:1,5)
right foot upon the THIS ONE is none other than the ONE declared worthy of
sea, and his left foot
worship in chapter 5!
on the earth,
10.3 He declares the end of Prophetic time, (Rev. 10:6) (1260
And cried with a years ended in 1798, the 2300 years ended in 1844)
loud voice, as when This declaration is made as the seventh trumpet angel
a lion roareth: and prepares to sound and announces the investigative
when he had cried,
judgment (10:7;11:18,19)
seven thunders
uttered their voices. YES, He will judge, righteousness will prevail!
10.5 The finishing of the mystery of God is in progress. (10:7)
And the angel which
I saw stand upon the The rainbow is (Genesis 9:14-17) the token of God's
sea and upon the
earth lifted up his
"everlasting covenant" which He established with every
hand to heaven, creature upon earth. The rainbow is seen around the
10.6 throne of God as Christ takes the book of the covenant at
And sware by him His inauguration as Priest and executor of the covenant
that liveth for ever in Revelation 5. So in Revelation 10 we see this mighty
and ever, who
created heaven, and
angel who is no less a personage than Jesus Christ,
the things that setting His right foot on the sea, and His left upon the dry
therein are, and the land, showing His supreme power and authority over the
earth, and the things whole earth. He will act His part in the closing scenes of
that therein are, and the great controversy with Satan. He will fulfill the
the sea, and the
things which are
covenant made with mankind in mercy and justice.
therein, that there
should be time no He is standing on the earth and the sea with an open
longer: "little scroll" in His hand. Could this be a portion of the
10.7 covenant that was not yet understood concerning God's
But in the days of
the voice of the
endtime dealings with man? The prophecies of Daniel
seventh angel, when which point to the investigative judgment and endtime
he shall begin to events, had been sealed until the time of the end?
sound, the mystery
of God should be The announcement of the end of prophetic time (1260
finished, as he hath years ended in 1798, the 2300 years ended in 1844)
declared to his
servants the
brought great sweetness to the believers in God, but then
prophets. bitterness follows, for they thought Christ would come
10.10 and take them home to heaven, but Christ has not yet
And I took the little come. The great proclaimation that sounded round the
book out of the world at the close of the prophetic timelines that did not
angel's hand, and
ate it up; and it was
end with Christ's 2nd coming, but announced that HE has
in my mouth sweet entered into judgment and stands upon the sea and earth
as honey: and as with authority. Christ began the pre-advent judgment in
soon as I had eaten 1844. When HE comes He will execute the results of that
it, my belly was judgment and deliver His followers.
And he said unto But the dragon ALSO MAKES HIS LAST STAND.
me, Thou must
prophesy again Can we keep the picture of CHRIST in our minds, and not
before many be discouraged as we see the dragon with his two beasts
peoples, and
nations, and take their stand?
tongues, and kings. Will we trust that JESUS is implimenting the everlasting

Revelation 10 is situatated between the 6th and 7th

trumpet. Christ is shown IN CONTROL. This is just prior
. to the seventh trumpet, or "the days of the voice of the
seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery
. of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his
servants the prophets."
12:18 What does the seventh trumpet announce?
Then the "The time has come for the judgment of the dead, and
that you should reward your servants the prophets and
dragon took
the saints, and those who fear your name, small and
his stand upon great, and should destroy those who destroy the earth.
the sand of the Then the temple of God was opened in heaven and the
sea.And he ark of His covenant was seen in His temple." Rev. 11:18-
said unto me, 19

. The Two Contenders

13.1 So once again we see the two contenders for the

And I saw a kingdom. Each has taken his stand over the land and the
beast rise up sea--over the peoples and nations of the earth.
out of the sea,
heads and ten
horns, and
--He stands upon the land and sea
upon his horns (Rev. 10:1) --He takes his stand on the
ten crowns, --Voice like a lion roars (Rev. 10:3) seashore (Rev. 12:18)
and upon his --The Lamb (Rev. 14:1) --His beast has the mouth of a lion
--Lives, was dead, yet alive evermore (Rev. 13:2)
heads the (Rev. 1:18) --His 2nd beast has horns like a
name of --He is on throne of God (Rev. 14:3, lamb (Rev. 13:11)
blasphemy. . 22:1) --His beast is fatally wounded yet
--He calls " whosoever will" come! heals (Rev. 13:3)
(Rev.22:17) --The dragon's throne (Rev. 13:2)
. --He will judge the people of earth --Forces and deceives people to
before the ark of the testament in the worship him (Rev. 13:13-15)
. sanctuary in heaven. (The ark of the --He makes war against those who
covenant contains the ten keep God's commandments and
commandments)Rev. 11:18-19, 1 have the testimony of Jesus. (Rev.
13.2 Kings 8:9 12:17)
And the beast
which I saw Another thing we see, is the emergence of a false, or
was like unto a counterfeit TRINITY! The dragon pretends to be God the
leopard, and father, and sends one "like unto himself" into the world.
his feet were Thus we have the "papacy" who claims to be "in the
place of" Jesus, upon earth! Later we have the 2nd beast
as the feet of a arriving out of the earth, acting the role of the Holy
bear, and his Spirit--bringing people to worship the "anti" (in the place
mouth as the of) Christ.
mouth of a
lion: and the The Lord of heaven permits the world to choose which
dragon gave ruler they would have over them. Every human being
him his power, must take sides, either for the true and living God, the
and his seat, Creator of heaven and earth, the sea and the fountains of
water, (Rev. 14:7)
and great or choose the dragon who takes his stand on the
authority. seashore and appears as an angel of light, whose
ministers are also transformed as the ministers of
. righteousness; whose end shall be according to their
works. (2Cor. 11:14-15)
And I saw one Now we come to the seven-headed sea beast.
of his heads as
it were It's heads are:
wounded to
4. Roman Empire .......................5. Papal Rome
death; and his
deadly wound 3. Greecian Empire .............................6. Wounded Head
was healed: ........................................................................(State/Church
seemingly dead
and all the 2. Medes and Persian empire ...........................7. Restored
world State/Church
wondered after .................................................................. with Papal
the beast. . Primacy
1. Babylonian
. Empire .....................................................................................
The dragon takes his stand upon the seashore and we
13.4 see a beast arise out of the sea.
And they ART by ASHLIN
the dragon
which gave
power unto the
beast: and they
the beast,
saying, Who is
like unto the
beast? who is
able to make
war with him?

And there was
given unto him
a mouth
speaking great
things and Remember the Beasts in Daniel 7 which came out of the
blasphemies; sea? This beast in Revelation is all four of those beasts
and power was wrapped into one.
given unto him A leopard body (Greece);
to continue bear feet (Media Persia),
a lion's mouth, (Babylon)
forty and two
months. the terrible beast (Roman)
These four constitute four of it's heads. The religious
. ideas and ideologies of these kingdoms are very much in
the thinking patterns of this beast from the sea.
Yet there are three heads left, and it is upon these three
heads that John's focus is drawn.
13.6 It is these three heads that identify this beast from the
And he opened dragon itself. The MAIN HEAD of this beast is the Roman
his mouth in Papal Power!
against God, to This is the 1260 year papal head, who blasphemed (took
blaspheme his God's preogatives) and persecuted God's saints.
name, and his The next head, is the wounded head, when the papal
tabernacle, and political power seems dead,
and the last head is the restored head, also described as
them that dwell "Babylon". Thus this is the Papal beast. It is identified as
in heaven. such. For it is the power that continued for forty-two
months (read more on the 1260 years) It sits on the same
. seat as imperial emperor of Rome

. In Daniel 7 the last beast is the dreadful beast--Rome, out

of which a horn with a "face" emerges. Now we will see
13.7 that all the rest of these heads is but a continuation of
And it was Rome.
given unto him
to make war As we look back in history we see that the Roman empire
was not only Pagan but also Christian.
with the saints, That is-- the Roman empire, under it’s emperors, itself
and to starts forcing Christianity from 313-538.
overcome Constantine, according to Church History books, was
them: and very concerned about the divisions in doctrine found in
power was Christianity and made every effort to secure agreement
given him over and make it “a proper religion for the empire.”
all kindreds, Constantine called for church councils and appointed the
presiding Bishop (which was not always the bishop of
and tongues,
Rome). It was Constantine who, in 321 A.D., legalized
and nations. Sunday. Albeit, he could not have done so, if Christianity
had not already apostasized and thought they could
. change God's law. Constantine legalized Sunday,
thinking he could unify Christians and pagans. This law
. of 321 was a bait thrown to compromising Christians, and
sun worshipping Romans who glorified the day exalted to
. the sun, as a rallying point of unity and peace.
Constantine wanted a religion that would unite his
empire. Constantine built magnificent churches adorned
with images and pictures, where the pope sat on a lofty
throne. Hereafter, this call for Sunday rest was ever
confirmed by emperors and other Christian princes, and
sanctioned by popes, with ever increased rigor, and

Socrates, a church historian of the fourth century, wrote: "For

although almost all the churches throughtout the world celebrate the
sacred mysteries on the Sabbath of every week, yet the Christians of
Alexandria and at Rome, on account of some ancient tradition, have
ceased to do this."
Sozomen writing in the same century: says "The people of
Constantinople, and almost everywhere, assemble together on the
Sabbath, as well as on the first day of the week, which custom is
never observed at Rome or at Alexandria."
13.8 History reveals that the emperors from Constintine to
And all that Justinian had heavy input into the forming of the "Roman
dwell upon the Church".
earth shall
worship him, Justinian never distinguished the Roman state tradition
whose names from Christianity. He considered himself the Christian
are not written Emperor, and defined his mission as “maintaining the
in the book of Christian faith in its purity and protecting the Holy
Catholic and Apostolic Church from any disturbance.” He
life of the felt he was the servant of God and executor of his will
Lamb slain and the empire was the instrument of God’s plan in the
from the world. He was ruthless in stamping out anything he
foundation of considered “heresy”.
the world.
Just like Revelation points out, the power of the papacy
actually traces it's roots back to Roman Emperors, it is
NOT a separate identity from Rome at all, that is; it is
simply ANOTHER HEAD, literally sitting in the seat of the
Roman Emperors. The Papal system has it's roots in
CHRISTIAN EMPERIAL ROME, whose whole focus was to
merge paganism with Christianity and come up with a
"unifying" religion. The papal system is NOT ROOTED in
apostolic Christianity. To this day it carries the name of

The Papacy says it is sitting in the seat of Peter. It claims

that it has a direct line to Peter. But history shows that
the Papacy, complete with much of it’s doctrines, has it’s
direct line to the so called “Christian Emperors” of
Rome--to the dreadful beast of Daniel 7,;, not to Peter, or
the apostles at all.

The true church flees into the wilderness because of


Revelation 13 deals with the last three heads. In 538 the

Emperor Justinian, by law, gave the Rome Pope his
power (see 1260 years) And in the west, the power of the
emperor waned as the power of the papacy grew.

The War against the Covenant

This beast speaks blasphemes, and blasphemied God's

name and sanctuary.
What is blasphemy? John 10:33 tells us: blasphemy; that
thou, being a man, makest thyself God.

Blasphemy is ascribing the prerogatives of God to

human beings. The accession of the Roman church to
power marked the dark ages. Faith in Christ for salvation
was transferred to faith in the church and the papacy.
People were taught that the pope was their earthly
mediator, and stood in the place of God to them, that the
priests forgave their sins, and that there was no salvation
outside that system. The ultimate blasphemy is their
claim to have the power of creation-- the power to create

From the book Dignity and Duties of the Priest by St. Alphonsus De
Liguori (Imprimatur 1927)
page 27 “The priest has the power of the keys, or the power of
delivering sinners from hell, of making them worthy of paradise and
of changing them from the slaves of Satan into the children of God.
And God himself is obliged to abide by the judgment of his priest,
and either not to pardon or to pardon, according as they refuse or
give absolution.”

Page 32-33
“O wonderful dignity of the priests,” cries out St. Augustine; “in their
hands, as in the womb of the Blessed virgin, the Son of God
becomes incarnate.”…Thus the priest may, in a certain manner, be
called the creator of his Creator, since by saying the words of
consecration he creates, as it were, Jesus in the sacrament, by
giving him a sacramental existence, and produces him as a victim
offered to the eternal Father….
The power of the priest,” says St. Bernardine of Sienna, “is the
power of the divine person; for the transubstantiation of the bread
requires as much power as the creation of the world.”
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Revelation 14--the Three Angels' Messages
The 1260 years explained
The Beast and the Woman in Revelation 17

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