Janna Engineering Heat Transfer (BookFi) - 492-496

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484 Engineering Heat Transfer

- 1= 1 + -1 = -1 + - 1 (9.35)
U, hi(IDJ0Dt) h, hi, h,

As with double-pipe exchangers, shell-and-tube-exchanger surfaces are subject to fouling. The

fouling factors of Table 9.1 apply, and the overall heat-transfer coefficient becomes


In a number of cases involving shell-and-tube equipment, the inlet temperatures of the fluid
streams are known, and the outlet temperatures are to be determined. By appropriately combining
the defining equation for the correction factor F,(Equation 9.33) with the definition of the log-
mean temperature difference and the overall heat-transfer coefficient, it is possible to derive the
following equation for 1-2 shell-and-tube exchangers:

(- )
UAO =F,("-)
'ccpc actual 'ccpc countemow

- -In[
1 2-S(R+l-J=)
2--S(R+l+,/S) 1 (9.36)

Equation 9.36 is graphed in Figure 9.13 as S vs. ( UAo/rhc~pr)actua,

with R as an independent variable.
For an existing 1-2 exchanger, A, and I1l,cpc are known, R can be calculated, and U can be computed
from the film coefficients. Then, using Figure 9.13 gives S, from which tz for the cooler fluid can
be determined. Finally, the outlet temperature for the warmer fluid is found from a heat balance:

T, = T ,-R(r2-tl) (9.37)

A suggested order for performing calculations on shell-and-tube exchangers is provided in the

Summary section.

Example 9.5

In an electricity-generating facility, steam leaves a turbine and is piped to a condensing unit. After
condensation occurs, it is desired to further cool the (distilled) water by means of a shell-and-tube
exchanger. The water enters the heat exchanger at 110F with a flow rate of 170,000 lbm/hr. The
heat will be transferred to raw water from a nearby river. The raw water is available at 65"F, and
the mass flow rate is 150,000 Ibm/hr. It is proposed to use a heat exchanger that has a 17-1/4-in-
ID shell and 3/4-in-OD, 18-BWG tubes that are 16 ft long. The tubes are laid out on a 15/16-in
triangular pitch. The tube fluid will make two passes. The shell contains baffles that are spaced
1 ft apart. Determine the outlet temperature of the distilled water and the pressure drop for each
Heat Exchangers 485

. , , . . .

0.1 1 10

U A I mcCpc

FIGURE 9.1 3 Ten Broeck graph for determining outlet temperature when inlet temperatures, flow rates,
and fluid properties are known.

The flow rates here are much larger than those encountered with double- pipe exchangers.

1. Fluid properties are constant and evaluated at or near the inlet temperatures.
2. Raw- and distilled-water properties can be obtained from the same water-property tables.
3. The system is at steady state.
4. All heat lost by the distilled water is gained by the raw water.

From Appendix Table C.11, for (distilled) water at 104F (an estimate), we read

p = 0.994 (62.4) lbm/ft3 kf = 0.363 BTU/(hr-ft."R)

c/, = 0.998 BTU/lbm."R a = 5.86 x ft2/hr
I, = 0.708 X ft'/s Pr = 4.34

Also, T , = 110F and inh = 170,000 lbmhr .

From Appendix Table C.11 for (raw) water at 68F (estimated):

p = 62.4 lbm/ft3 kf = 0.345 BTU/lbm.ft."R

cI, = 0.9988 BTU/lbm."R a = 5.54 x lO-"t*/hr
v = 1.083 x 1 0-5 ft2/s Pr = 7.02

Also, t , = 65F and tn, = 150,000 I b d h r

From Table 9.2 for 3/4-in-OD, 18-BWG tubes,

OD, = 3/4-in = 0.0625 ft ID, = 0.652 in = 0.0543 ft

486 Engineering Heat Transfer


N, = 224 (Table 9.3) Np = 2 tube passes

Shell dimensions and other miscellaneous data:

D,= 17.25 in = 1.438 ft Nb = 15 baffles

B=lft S, = 15/16 in = 0.0781 ft
C = S, - OD,= 15/16 - 3/4 = 0.1875 in = 0.0156 ft

Calculations are performed in steps ( t subscript = tubes; s = shell; formulas are in Summary section):

I. Flow Areas

A , = 224~(0.0543)~/4(2)= 0.259 ft2

A , = 1.438(0.0156)( 1)/0.0781 = 0.287 ft2

Place the raw water through the tubes, because it has the lower flow rate.

11. Shell Equivalent Diameter

3.44(0.0781)* - ~(0.0625)' = o.0444 ft

D, =
X( 0.0625)

111. Reynolds Numbers

150,000 0*05423 = 1 . 2 9 ~ 1 0 ~
Raw water Re, =
3600(62.4)(0.259) 1,083 x lo-'

170,000 0'0444 = 1.66~10~

Distilled water Re, =

IV. Nusselt Numbers

4 415
Raw water Nu, = 0.023( 1.29 x 10 ) (7.02)0.4 = 97.4

4 0.55
Distilled water Nu, = 0.36( 1.66 x 10 ) (4.34)"3 = 123

V. Convection Coefficients

hi = 97.4(0'345) = 619;

h, = 619(0'0543) = 538 BTU(/hr.fC."R);

Raw water 0.0625

Distilled water ho = 123(0'363) = 1005 BTU(/hr.ft2.OR);

Heat Exchangers 487

VI. Exchanger Coefficient (clean or new)

-l ---l + - U , = 350 BTU/(hr.ft2."R)

U, 538 1005

Outlet temperatures

150,000(0.9988) =
R =

A,) = 224~(0.0625)(16)= 703.7 ft2

From Figure 9.13,

5' = 0.58 = -
T , - tl'

Raw water t , = 0.58(110-65) +65; t 2 = 91.1"F

Distilled water T2 = 110 - 0.883(91.1 - 6 5 ) ; T2 = 86.9"F

VII. Friction Factors

Raw water Re, = 1.29 x lo4 (Moody diagram)

f , = 0.029
smooth-wall tubing

Re, = 166x lo4

Distilled water
f, = exp[0.576 - 0.19 In( 1.66x lo4)] = 0.281

VIII. Velocities

Raw water v, = 3600(62.4)(0.259) = 2.58 ft/s

Distilled water v, = 3600(0.994)(62.4)(0.287) = 2.65 ft/s

IX. Pressure Drop

Raw water A p t = 62.4(2.58)2 0*029(16)(2)+ 4 ( 2 ) = 161.8 1bf/ft2= 1.1 psi

2(32.2) [ 0.0543

(0.994)(62.4)(2.65)' 1.438 o,281(15 + 1)

AP.7 = 2( 32.2) 0.0444

Distilled water = 985 lbf/ft2 = 6.8 psi

488 Engineering Heat Transfer

X. Summary of Requested Information

Outlet temperatures

Raw water = 91.1"F

Distilled water = 869F

Pressure drops

Raw water = 1.1 psi

Distilled water = 6.8 psi

The pressure drop for the streams is comparatively low, with -10 psi being an accepted maximum
for low pumping costs. If the pressure drop for either fluid is too high, then a decrease in the flow
rate of the respective fluid might be an acceptable solution. The outlet temperatures may change
along with the decrease in flow rate, however, and less heat will be transferred. Thus there will be
a trade-off between trying to recover as much heat as possible versus keeping the pressure drop as
low as possible. Such decisions are obviously based on economic factors. 0

A number of methods can be used to increase the heat recovered. For example, two 1-2 shell-
and-tube exchangers could be connected in series. Two 1-2 exchangers could be piped so that the
tube fluid passes through in series while the shell fluid passes through in parallel. The tubes could
be arranged so that the tube fluid passes through the same exchanger more than twice, or the shell
fluid could pass through more than once (e.g., 1-4, 1-6, 1-8 or 2-4, 2-6, 2-8 types). A number
of applications exist; for further information the interested reader is referred to the literature.


The effectiveness-NTU method of analysis is an alternative approach to the heat-exchanger analysis
just presented. Once the overall coefficient for the exchanger is calculated, the effectiveness-NTU
method can be used to predict outlet temperatures for the fluids. To begin, we must define the
maximum heat that can be transferred by the exchanger, qmaxIn a counterflow exchanger q,,, could
be achieved only if the exchanger had an infinite length (i.e., infinite surface area). One fluid would
experience the maximum possible temperature difference, which is the difference in the fluid inlet
temperatures: ATmax= TI - t,. Consider, for example, a situation where the product of mass flow
and specific heat (defined as the capacitance) for the cooler fluid is less than that for the warmer
fluid, or

mccpc < mhCph (9.38)

The heat transfer experienced by each fluid is written as

mccpcATc= m,c,,AT,

If Equation 9.38 applies, then we conclude that

* Process Heat Transfer by D.Q. Kern, McGraw-Hill, 1950, Chapters 7 and 8.

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