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Disability category Emotional and Behavioral Disorder

Goal/Objective Peer-Election - To provide students with a multi-

faceted relationship with their peers, give the student
skills in public speaking, and to teach students greater
emotional intelligence.
When to use this strategy Students with emotional and behavioral disorder may
misunderstand the intent of others words. Sometimes
they have trouble forming relationships with other
people. This can be used effectively after the cliques
and friend groups have emerged among students. I
would wait at least 1 month.
Step by step instruction- How to use this in a 1. Students will choose their own partner
Social Studies classroom. You will partner 2. The partners will find a Presidential candidate
with a classmate to teach them your strategy debate of two people and print the transcript
so be explicit and provide a sample for your 3. They will practice reading excerpts (under 5
partner. minutes) from it like a play with each student
playing the role of one politician
4. They will present it in front of the class
5. The class will vote by hand on who won the
Assessment- How could this strategy be used Students can grade each other on how much weight
to evaluate student learning? they pulled. Students can give reasons why they chose
one or the other as the winner of the debate. This can
assess their ability to craft reasonable political points.
On a more basic level, students could be quizzed on
when certain people ran for office after this
Disability category Autism
Goal/Objective Fixation using a students likes and interests to
help them learn certain topics and ideas
When to use this strategy When teaching a new idea or topic, by using the
students favorite character, or favorite food, toy, etc.
the student is more likely to be engaged and

Step by step instruction- How to use this in a 1. Students will listen to a lecture about
English classroom. You will partner with a narratives
classmate to teach them your strategy so be 2. Student will choose one activity/object they
explicit and provide a sample for your have an interest in (sport, tv show, toy, etc.)
partner. 3. Students will share with the class or a partner a
memory they remember about this object or
4. Students will then write a short essay (one
page) using narrative characteristics, their fond
memory with their chosen activity
Assessment- How could this strategy be used If students are able to use their interests, they are more
to evaluate student learning? likely to make connections and understand a concept.
The final product (their narrative) would demonstrate
their ability to apply skills.

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