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Table of Contents

Item No Item Page

147/17 Confirmation of Minutes 17 July 2017 4
148/17 Confirmation of Closed Session Minutes 17 July 2017 4
149/17 Confirmation of Agenda 4
150/17 Declaration of an Interest by Councillors 5
151/17 Management Team Briefing Report 5
152/17 Council Workshops Held Since Last Council Meeting 5
153/17 Councillor Applications for Leave of Absence 5
154/17 Public Question Time 5-6
155/17 Deputations 6
156/17 Councillor Question Time 6-7
157/17 Notices of Motion by Councillors 7
158/17 Notice of Motion Cr S J Arnold Bentley Street Redesign 7-8
159/17 Notice of Motion Cr G J Howard Motion of No Confidence 8-9
160/17 Road Policy Review 9
161/17 Community Grants Policy Review 9-10
162/17 Emergency Relief Grant Policy 10-11
163/17 Variation to Annual Plan 2017-18 Bridport Cemetery 11
164/17 Move to Closed Session 11

Closed Session Agenda Items

165/17 Contract 2017/18-04 Bituminous Sealing of Roads
166/17 Contract 2017/18-01 Main Street Bridport Street
167/17 Aminya/James Scott Update
168/17 Move to Open Council

Dorset Council Meeting Minutes 21 August 2017

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Dorset Council Meeting
21 August 2017

The Meeting Opened: 6.00pm

Present: Crs G J Howard (Mayor), M A Hall (Deputy Mayor), S Y Martin, L C

Stein, S J Arnold, L D Archer, D R Jessup

General Manager T J Watson, Director Corporate Services G R

Jetson, Director Infrastructure D J Griffin, Director Community &
Development R P Willis

Apologies: Crs L S Quilliam, S D Moore

147/17 Confirmation of Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes 17 July 2017

Ref: 17/7038

Crs Martin/Arnold
That the Minutes of Proceedings of the Dorset Council Ordinary Meeting held on 17
July 2017, having been circulated to all Councillors, be confirmed as a true record.
Carried Unanimously

148/17 Confirmation of Ordinary Council Meeting Closed Session Minutes

17 July 2017
Ref: 17/7041

Crs Stein/Jessup
That the Minutes of Proceedings of the Dorset Council Ordinary Meeting Closed
Session held on 17 July 2017, having been circulated to all Councillors, be confirmed
as a true record.
Carried Unanimously

149/17 Confirmation of Agenda

Crs Stein/Arnold
That Council confirm the Agenda and order of business for the 21 August 2017
Council Meeting.
Carried Unanimously

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150/17 Declaration of an Interest of a Councillor or Close Associate

Cr S Y Martin Item 167/17

Cr G J Howard Item 167/17

151/17 Management Team Briefing Report

The purpose of this agenda item is to provide Councillors and the community with a
briefing on matters of interest dealt with during the past month by Councils
Management Team.

That the Management Team Briefing Report be received and noted.
Crs Stein/Hall
That the Management Team Briefing Report be received and noted.
Carried Unanimously

152/17 Council Workshops Held Since Last Council Meeting

1 August 2017 - Councillor Briefing/Workshop

153/17 Applications for Leave of Absence


154/17 Public Question Time

The following Question was Taken on Notice at the 17 July 2017 Council

Ms Louise Brooker:
(Question in relation to the Dorset Council Strategic Plan)
In the section, Natural and Built Environment, the third goal which covers Councils
preparation for and response to the effects of climate change in the coastal
environment, it has been totally deleted I noticed could you please explain your

Response from Director Community & Development, Rohan Willis:

The relevant goal that Ms Brooker is referring to (Encourage a resilient response to
the effects of climate change in coastal settlements) was removed in the 2016
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annual review of Councils Strategic Plan. Actions identified for that goal namely
the procurement of LiDAR mapping for coastal settlements of the municipality were
completed (prepared by the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPAC) and
supported financially by Council). This mapping now assists decision-making for
development in areas identified as at risk of future coastal inundation.

Furthermore, Council will undertake review of its planning scheme zoning

configuration in coastal settlement areas during preparation of the incoming
Tasmanian Planning Scheme to ensure zoning duly considers and responds to
potential impacts from future coastal inundation.


155/17 Deputations


156/17 Councillor Question Time

Cr Sheryl Martin:
Whats the charge for organisations to run small events on the mountain bike trails at
Derby and when was this passed by Council?

Response by General Manager, Tim Watson:

I treat that as an operational matter. Basically the model is we charge $10 per head,
so for a small event its around $1,000 typically what we charge. This is the way
weve been doing it for the past two years and no-one has said anything to date but I
can bring it back to Council for a decision if you so wish.

Cr Lawrence Archer
Could the Councillors please have the specifications, the costings and construction
schedule of the Brid River to Sandy Points Road section of the new Bridport Western
Access Road?

Response by Director Infrastructure, Dwaine Griffin & Mayor Greg Howard:

Yes, they can be provided.

Cr Lawrence Archer:
In the City of Launceston agenda today (Monday 21 st) Item 16.1 in open Council
seeks approval to purchase turf stabiliser valued over the $250,000 threshold without
calling public tenders. This matter is very similar to the Derby Bike trails which Dorset
Council dealt with at our July meeting in closed session. If Launceston deals with
such matters in open Council why cannot we at Dorset do the same?
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Response by Mayor Greg Howard:
Thats a matter for Council to decide. Launceston Council doesnt dictate how we run
our Council Meetings.
Response by General Manager, Tim Watson:
Weve had this discussion before, the practice has been that when Council makes
decisions about contracts where there is commercial in confidence information, that is
why they are held in closed session.

Cr Dale Jessup:
TasWater had an information session with local businesses (I believe) regarding the
issues with trade waste. Did any Council staff attend, and if they did were there any
issues identified with the traders in Dorset?

Response by Mayor Greg Howard:

I know a number of local businesses has a meeting with the Treasurer where they
aired their issues, however I didnt go. There are a lot of unhappy customers in the
north east about the trade waste conditions that have been applied by TasWater.

Further Question from Cr Dale Jessup:

Second question then, Im just wondering then if there is something we may be able to
do to try and collate a response from Dorset traders in line with being able to go back
to TasWater with a response from our local businesses.

Response by Mayor Greg Howard:

Dont quote me on this, but I think the initial idea of organising a meeting with the
Treasurer may have come from the North East Tasmania Chamber of Commerce
because there were complaints that come to the Chamber of Commerce about the
trade waste conditions put on them by TasWater, so I would have to check that. I
could certainly speak with the Treasurer and find out what the concerns were, and
whether we should be a coordinated response.

157/17 Notices of Motion by Councillors


158/17 Notice of Motion Cr S J Arnold Bentley Street Redesign

Ref: 17/8348 | NoM: 17/8346

The purpose of this agenda item is to consider a notice of motion proposed by
Councillor S J Arnold.

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Recommendation Cr Arnold
That Dorset Council should conduct a survey of Bridport residents (or the wider
community) regarding the future traffic arrangements for Bentley Street.
Crs Arnold/Hall
That Dorset Council should conduct a survey of Bridport residents (or the
wider community) regarding the future traffic arrangements for Bentley Street.

Voting For the Motion: Cr Arnold

Voting Against the Motion: Mayor Howard, Deputy Mayor Hall, Crs Stein,
Martin, Archer, Jessup
Motion Lost

Mayor Howard vacated the Chair for Item 159/17 and Deputy Mayor Hall took the

159/17 Notice of Motion Cr G J Howard Motion of No Confidence

Ref: 17/8378 | NoM: 17/8379

The purpose of this agenda item is to consider a notice of motion proposed by
Councillor G J Howard.

Recommendation Cr Howard
That Council pass a motion of no confidence in Councillor Lawrence Archer for his
decision to publicly disclose commercial in confidence information (which has only
been made available to Councillors in Closed Sessions of Council) relating to the
financial performance of Aminya and State Government support.

Cr Lawrence Archer addressed the meeting, then declared an interest in Item 159/17
and stepped away from the table, but did not leave the room.
Crs Howard/Jessup
That Council pass a motion of no confidence in Councillor Lawrence Archer
for his decision to publicly disclose commercial in confidence information
(which has only been made available to Councillors in Closed Sessions of
Council) relating to the financial performance of Aminya and State
Government support.

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Voting For the Motion: Deputy Mayor Hall, Crs Howard, Jessup, Arnold,
Voting Against the Motion: Cr Martin
Abstained: Cr Archer

Mayor Howard re-took the Chair
Cr Archer re-joined Councillors at the table.

160/17 Road Policy Review

Reporting Officer: Director Infrastructure, Dwaine Griffin
Ref: 17/8376 | Reviewed Policy: 17/5848

The purpose of this report is for Council to review the Road Policy.

That Council adopt the revised Road Policy.
Crs Hall/Jessup
That Council adopt the revised Road Policy.
Carried Unanimously

161/17 Community Grants Policy Review

Reporting Officer: Director Community & Development, Rohan Willis
Ref: 17/8393 | Reviewed Policy: 17/8428

The purpose of this report is for Council to review the Community Grants Policy.

That Council adopt the revised Community Grants Policy.
Crs Martin/Arnold
Where funds from a grant stream or multiple streams remain(s) unallocated following
a grant round, a supplementary round may be conducted at the discretion of the
Dorset Council Community Grants Selection Panel until such time as all grant
stream funds (within the annual budget allocation) have been awarded.

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Voting for the Amendment: Deputy Mayor Hall, Crs Stein, Martin,
Archer, Arnold, Jessup
Voting Against the Amendment: Mayor Howard

The Amendment then formed part of the original Motion

Crs Stein/Archer
That Council adopt the revised Community Grants Policy.
Carried Unanimously

162/17 Emergency Relief Grant Policy

Reporting Officer: Director Community & Development, Rohan Willis
Ref: 17/8410 | Policy: 17/8411

The purpose of this report is for Council to adopt an Emergency Relief Grant Policy.

(i) Council adopt the attached Emergency Relief Grant Policy; and
(ii) Appoint the Mayor and two Councillors to become Councils Emergency Relief
Grant Panel.
Crs Stein/Martin
(ii) Appoint three Councillors to become Councils Emergency Relief Grant

Voting for the Amendment: Crs Stein, Martin, Archer, Arnold

Voting Against the Amendment: Mayor Howard, Deputy Mayor Hall, Cr

The Amendment then formed part of the original Motion

Crs Arnold/Hall
(i) Council adopt the attached Emergency Relief Grant Policy; and

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(ii) Appoint three Councillors to become Councils Emergency Relief Grant
Carried Unanimously

163/17 Variation to Annual Plan 2017-18 Bridport Cemetery

Reporting Officer: Director Corporate Services, Guy Jetson
Ref: 17/8337

The purpose of this item is to present a proposed variation to the Annual Plan for

That Council defer the following 2017-18 Annual Plan item to the June 2018 quarter:
Department Project Bridport Cemetery Recommend to Council preferred
Crs Hall/Jessup
That Council defer the following 2017-18 Annual Plan item to the June 2018
Department Project Bridport Cemetery Recommend to Council
preferred site.
Carried Unanimously

164/17 Closure of Meeting

Crs Stein/Hall
That pursuant to Regulation 15 (2) (d) of the Local Government (Meeting
Procedures) Regulations 2015, Council close the meeting to the public.

Time: 7.25 pm

Carried Unanimously

Adjourned Meeting: 7.25 pm

Resumed Meeting: 7.43 pm

Time Meeting Closed: 8.01 pm

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Minutes Confirmed: 18 September 2017
Minute No: 169/17


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