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‘Test Methods for Determination of Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Hong an’, Chengmou Fan? ‘ABSTRACT In this paper bamboo as a structural material i introduced , itis attractive in short growth period, considerable high available strength and local material, bt the lack of codes and standards has kept architects and designers away from bamboo. The purpose of this paper is to provide a sound basis for laying down a standard of test methods 10 determine mechanical properties of bamboo. Eight mechanical properties were studied, simultancously the effect of ‘unit weight and the relation between mechanical properties and moisture content were also studied.. The selection ‘of specimen was put in the first place for reflecting the real properties. The statistical method was used to determine the number of specimens in one group of test for ensuring the testing accuracy, Keywords: Bamboo, specimen, strength, moisture content. Introduction Bamboo is a special quick growth species, it grows to maturity only 4-5 years. Although its cross section area is smaller than that of wood owing tothe ube shape, but the avaiable strenth of bamboo is about 2 times higher than that of ordinary wood , consequently the whale bamboo culm could be used for constructing the oof trusses, and the bamboo fibers could be used to produce bamboo fiber board, orient bamboo strand board and etc, forthe design of ‘bamboo structures and bamboo based panel, we have to obtain the normal design values of mechanical properties First ofall it is necessary to determine the test methods for mechanical properties of bamboo, based on which we can compile the standard of test methods of mechanical properties of bamboo. In this paper eight mechanical ‘properties of bamboo such as tensile compressive, bending strength and modulus of elasticity, shear parallel to fiber land impact bending were studied, the influences of unit weight and moisture content were also included. Unit Weight and Moisture Content of Bamboo . In PRChina the mao-bamboo is most in use, its breast-high diameter is generally 10~15 cm. The diameter decreases along the trunk from root to top, but the length between bamboo joins increases along the trunk. Iti of interest to note that 1) The thickness ofthe bamboo wall (ofits hollow cross section) decreases along the trunk, on the contrary the unit weight of bamboo increases along the trunk(Tablel), 2) The bamboo wal in the sunny side is thicker than that in the back side, on the contrary the unit weight in the sunny side is lower than that in the back side; 3) The unit weight between bamboo trunks are different each other (Tablet); 4) The unit weight changes with the moisture content, 3) The strength of bamboo changes with its unit weight Table 1. Unit weight and compressive strength along trunk Nob oftunktmy [15] 25 as [as 35 os 78 | foe_kgen 0 | 915 952 997 Tooo| 1000 10 1 e700} — ors o7s3 | 0781 | 0762 | 074 agen? | 858 [#97] 919 | 968 | 1018 | — = 2 _ o727| 0736 | 0742| 0733 [0772 | — | —} ‘ce_kgiem™ 908 917 943 977 1023 = — 36 Y o739| 0751] 0758 [07m | ores [= | } Research Engineer , Harbin University of Civit Engineering and Architecture 2 Professor, Hasbin University of Civil Engineering and Architecture ‘Table 2, Unit weight changes with moisture content [ ] w% [0 [36 [48] tia [ 13 [193 [ 390 No. 2" y [0659 [0.670] 0.696, [0710 | 0.719 | 0.760_| 0.778 of we | o [| — | 49 m2 149] 181 | 317 trunk |60 [7 y [oma [0746 [0.767 | 0.766 | 0.786 | 0.802 | 0.858 w% | 0 | 25 | 46 | 62 [115] 163 | 200 | 316 __| 36 — [0739 [0752 [0.766 [0.766 | 0.78) | o8it | 0822 | 0860 | Based on testing data the relation equation between compressive strength and unit weight was derived as following (under moisture content 15% ) « 1490) 480 ‘The strengths or moduli of elasticity of bamboo change with the moisture content, so that we must know well the ‘elation between them, consequently we can use this relation to adjust the testing data of strengths or moduli of elasticity under arbitrary moisture content to the normal strengths or moduli of elasticity under average equilibrium moisture content 15 %. It is necessary to point out emphatically that, only thus can we obtain the normal design values. What Kind of specimen should be Adopted ‘There are two kinds of specimen, the piece of the bamboo wall and the whole bamboo culm, the former was adopted for this study, the reasons are as following: 1) tis very difficult to measure the area of the circular cross section , because the bamboo culm is not a normal circle, and the thickness of the bamboo wall changes around the circular cross section; 2) Itis dificult to measure and contro! the moisture content ofthe whole section, 3) Itis difficult to eliminate the influence of the unit weight, which changes along the trunk of the culm and around the circular cross section; 4) We could not reply the question How many specimens of whole bamboo culm are enough to ensure the accuracy of the test ? since the COV of certain testis an unknown; 3) A bending test method of whole bamboo culm has been suggested, but the testing results of this test are the Toad carrying capacities of whole bamboo culm, not the bending strength of the bamboo. Compressive Strength Parallel tothe Bamboo Fiber. In orderto determine the dimensions of the specimen, a comparative test was arranged. The cross section 1.Sx6em \was fixed, for contrast six groups of specimens with different hiS ratios were cut from one interval of bamboo culm, there were 14 specimens in each group ( around the circular of bamboo culm ). The moisture content of ali specimens was controlled to 5.1%. The velocity of load was adopted 1200kg/min. For the sake of accurate ‘measurement, the mercurial volumeno-meter was used to measure the volume of the specimen, then which would be divided by the height ofthe specimen to get the accurate area of the specimen, since the width of the specimen is in fact a curve, which could not be measured accurately. Testing results were listed in Table3, Ratio WS 10 fia 30 [33 ‘Compressive strengths oc kgjem® | 1220 [1229 1076 | 1030 ‘Mean square deviation kglem? | 6.8 | 442.0 #264 | 339.7 ‘Arithmetic mean deviation e110 | an i741 _| 2109 ‘Coefficient of variance 52 34 “28 25 | 39 Degree of accuracy Pp % 14 oo o7 {19 {10 From the relation curve ( Fig.1 ) we found that the compressive strength keeps constant under the ratio v5 = 1.5, after which the compressive strength decreases with the increase of the ratio WS. It was the reason why the 1.Sx1.5x6 specimen was adopted In order to obtain the equation of relation between compressive strength and moisture content, we have arranged sight groups of specimen with different moisture contents, and one group of specimen was kept in reserve, the total was 9 groups. Setkgem?) Fig] Fig2 wll For the purpose of eliminating the effect of the unit weight of bamboo, it means that every group of specimens should be under the same condition ( along the height and around the citcular of bamboo culm ), then the average tunit weight of each group should be equal to each other ,as shown in Fig, 2. In order to meet the condition that, the COV should be Tess than 7, thus 14~16specimens in one group were adopted. The specimens were put on the frame in a seal airtight glass pot, in which the sulphuric acid solution was poured under the frame. The moisture content of the specimens was controlled by the concentration of sulphuric acid solution. The relation curve between the ‘moisture content and the concentration of sulphuric acid solution was shown in Fig,3. Where the concentration of sulphuric the equilibrium moisture content of bamboo just equals acid solution keeps 29.5%(or the density of suph 15%. Table 4 Compressive strengths change with moisture contents huric acid solution equal to 1.21) at 16 degrees centigrade, Moisture contents w 26 | 48 | 62 [113 | 152] 193] 250 No | 2 | Compressive strengths os iios [996 [392 [661 | $97 | sez _[ 325 | ture contents w 25 | 45 | 60 | 108] 152] 168| 23.8] 45.7 OF | 10 | Compressive strengths oe W212 [1056 | 964 | 736 | e37 [633 | 575 | a3 Trunk ‘Moisture contents wr 25 [47 | 62 | 11/148 | 209 | 291] 500 32 [ Compressive strengths os kyvem™ [1190 | 1076 | 1002 | 769 | @&s | 654 | 592 | 62 Moisture contents w% | 27| 46 | 62 | 115] ies | 200) 316] 536 {36 [ Compressive srengis oe kwjem® | 1296 | 1143 | 1027 | 760 | 691 | 648 | 18 | 61s ‘The testing results of 4 bamboo trunks were listed in the Tables. The relation curves were shown in Fig.4. The ‘equation of relation between compressive strength and ‘moisture content was as following: ‘Gew=550++1020expl-0.160] ‘The strength under arbitrary moisture content should be convert to normal strength Gels = Kow ew ‘The conversion coefficient would be: Kew =1/0,85+1 43expl-0.15w]) (w= 5~30%) Density tpl? & Coneensation if R Fig3 ‘Tensile Strength Parallel to Bamboo Fiber ‘Two kinds of specimens have been contrasted, one of them is similar to wood specimen ( Fig, 5,b ) another one is improved by authors ( Fig 5,a ).The method of clamping also to be improved. from “ clamped in front and back of ‘bamboo wall to “ clamped in two sides“. The velocity of load was adopted 800 kg/min. ‘The calculating area of ‘cross section is the mean value of center and_ two points 2.Sem from the center. When the failure occurred within the middle Som, the testing results would be adopted. Testing results were listed in TableS. It was very clearly that, the degree of accuracy of improved specimen was in 3 times higher than the original one. ‘Table $_Contrast test between original and improved [ Kinds of specimens Improved | Original Tensile strength orkwen?| 2240 | _2188, Mean square deviation o kgfem?|—& 713 [2211 ‘Arithmetic mean deviation m | + 206 | +747 Coeflicient of variance v % | 32 97 Degree ofaccuracy _p % | 09) 34 5 groups of specimens under different moisture content were tested, the testing results of relation between tensile strength and moisture content were listed in Table6, and the relation ‘curve was shown in Fig.6. As the moisture content is lower than 20% the bamboo becomes brittle material under tension ‘The tensile strength decreases with the decrease of moisture content. Based on the testing data relation equations were derived as following: Gow =2100--1100expf-0.15w] (w= 5 ~20%) ‘ww =3040-S0w (w=20-30%) ‘The conversion equation is as following; Gus-Kwow Kw 1/(1.06—0.56exp[-0.15w}) (w= $~20%) Kww=l/(1 5400250) (w-20-30%) Figs Table 6 Tensile strength changes with moisture content [Moisture coment w_% | 55 [95 | 136 | 172 [292 “essile strength ot kg/en®| 1500 | 1720 | 1960} 2012 | 1580 [Number ofspecimen mn [ 138 | “1361169 [ 31 [132 af o LW a be be = ] pea S ghee | Figs Fig6 Bending_Applied to The Chord Direction of Barnboo Wall ‘The specimen 3x1.5x20em was adopted for bending test, the span 15 em was used for testing, specimen was loaded at 4 points ( Fig. 7 ):The velocity of load was adopted S00kg + 20¥6/min.The bending strength never occurs in bamboo, because the ultimate tensile stresses are two times higher then the ultimate compressive stresses under loads. The sketch of the stresses and strains of bending member at the moment of failure is shown in Fig. 8, from which the hypothetic bending. strength could be derived as OF GL 3IGIG-I(G-Oe) therefore the theoretical hypothetic bending strength O was obtained from the compressive strength Ge and the tensile strength Ot measured before. L | T 4&b eb LAT io Fig? Figs ___ Table7 Hypothetic bending strength changes with moisture content Moisture content _w % | 54 { 109 | 158] ise | 230] 432] alculating strength ky/em* | 1480 | i440_| 1360 | 1320 | 1230 | 1140 Testing strength kg/em® [1525 | 1490 | 1400 | 1390_| 1290 | 1100 Testing results of hypothetic bending strength under different moisture contents were listed in the Table 7, the theoretical hypothetic bending strength were listed in this table too, Each pair of testing and calculating, bending Strengths were very closely. The relation equation derived from both testing and calculating data for two different parts were as following: 1 w= 5-20% Testing strength Ow vw 1250 + 350exp{- 0.15] 1300+ 350exp{~ 0.150] 2yw=20-30% Testing strength ‘Gow = 1070 + 600expl-0.15¥] Calculating strength Obw = 1070+ S00exp{-~ 0.15] ‘The relation curves between both calculating, testing bending strengths and moisture content were shown in Fig 9 Obviously each curve may be divided into 2 pparts at point of moisture content 20%. Inthe range ‘w=5~20% the bending strength decreases with the increase of moisture content slowly, because in this range the tensile strength increases with the increase of moisture content but inthe range w=20~30%, the bending strengths decrease rapidly with the increase ‘of moisture content, because both compressive and tensile strengths decrease with increase of moisture content. The conversion equation is as following: O15 “KowOow Figo Kow =1(0.9740,28expl -0.15]) (w 20%) Kbw =1/(0.77+ 43 expf ~ 0.15} (w =20-30%) ‘Modulus of elasticity ‘The specimen used for measuring the modulus of elasticity under compression is shown in Fig 10. The lever strain ‘gauge was used to measure the strain, So that the specimen was 6cm in height. Two thin celluloid pieces were glued 102 one third points and covered in full thickness of specimen at each side for fixing a pair of lever strain gauge The specimen was loaded and unloaded from 0 to 250kg ( the lower elastic limit), and repeated 6 times for measuring the strains, the mean value of last 3 times would be: adopted ‘The area of the specimen are measured at three points ( center of the height and under two edges of the knife of the strain gauges ), and the mean value would be adopted. The velocity of load is 200kg/min, 7 groups of specimens under different moisture contents were tested ,Testing results were listed in Table 8, Based on the testing data following equation was derived Moisture content w_% 1 63 96 | 136 | 178 | 286 a Modulus of elasticity E Kg/en?) 159000 | ‘Table’ Modulus of elasticity under a chances with moisture content 136000 131000 [125006 720000 [713000 | 708000 Bow 103000+-46000expl-0.10] ‘The relation curve was shown In Fig 11, The specimen used reasuring the modulus of under tension was Eetkteatx10 140} the same one used to measure tensile strength. 2 lever strain Ito} ‘gauges were clamped on the ‘middle of the specimen, The same method was used 10 measure the area of specimen as under compression, The Velocity of load was 100kg + Fig.10 20%4/min, The specimen was loaded and unloaded adopted. 7 groups of specimen under different moisture content were tested, Testing results were listed in Table 9. ‘Table 9 Moduli of elasticity un 109} a oO 20 30 Fig.11 0 % der tension change with moi ents from 40 to 100kg and the mean value of last 3 times would be Moisurecontet ww % | 16 32-]103 | BO mse] ‘Modulus of elasticiiy E kglen?”|"156000_| 152000 | 138000 | 130000 | T28000~[ T9000 [729000 } Enw= 120000+S0000expf-0.10] _(ov=5-30%) ‘The relation curve according the equation was shown in Fig.12. Obviously the curve tallies with the testing data very good, the errors were less than 5%, ‘The specimen for measuring the modulus of elasticity under bending is the same one used for measuring the bending strength. A dial indicator is fixed on a trestle, which would be fixed on the specimen just above the center of two ‘supports, and so the deflections could be read directly in indicator. The specimen is loaded and unloaded from 20 to SOkg and repeated 6 times, and the mean value of last 3 times would be adopted, The velocity of load is 400 kg, 220%lmin. The deflections of 7 groups of specimen under different moisture contents were measured, after that the trestle with indicator should be removed for measuring bending strengths, Testing results were listed in Table 10.Based on the testing data the following equation was derived: ‘Table10 modulus of elasticity under chord bending change with moisture contents - Moisture conten’ w _% [ 20 | 34 | 109 | 188 | ia8 | 230] aia Modulus of elasticity —E kg/en® | 113000_[ 08000 | 97000 | ~98700.|~90s00_| 99200 92600 Bbw = 91000+30000exp{-0.1¥] ‘The relation curve was shown in Fig. 13. The differences between the curve and testing data were within 5% For the ‘moduli of elasticity under compression ,tension and bending the unified conversation equation was as following, Fis= Kew Ew Kew=1/(0,91404expl-0,1W])— (w Exdeg/eat x10) ses ee as Fig.12 ‘Shear Parallel to Fiber in Radial Surface of Bar all ‘Two kinds of specimen ( Fig.14 ) were tested, the velocity of load was adopted 600 kw/imin, the specimen ‘a? showed the shear failure, but the specimen ‘b” showed two cracks due to bending moment of cantilever , thus the specimen ‘a’ was adopted. 7 groups of specimen ‘a’ under different moisture contents were tested. Testing results were listed in Table 11. Based on the testing data following equation was derived: a Table 1_Shear along bamboo fiber changes with moisture content _ Moisture content w% | 34 | 67 | ii | 64 | m6] aia] 302 Shear along bamboo ber x Kwen® | Yer_| 1s?) 139 [132-118 | — 101-98 “w= 91+105eap{-0.07W) ‘The conversation equation is as following 11s =Kewtw Kew =1(0:8240 Sexp{-0.1¥]) (95-30%) ‘The relation curve is shown in Fig. 15 Togfen’) 8 z om 2 30 Ow Fig hS Impact Bending ‘The same specimen 51.520 cm was used as in ordinary bending test, the same testing span 1Scm was adopted too. ‘A4-~ton Amsler wood testing machine was adopted for this test, but a pair of supports spanned 24cm were replaced by new one spanned 15cm ( Fig 16 ) 5 groups of specimen under different moisture contents were tested. Testing results were listed in Table12. Based on the testing data following relation equation between work of impact and ‘moisture content was derived, The relation curve of A was shown in Fig.17, which tallies with the testing data, and is alike to that of tensile strength, when moisture content is lower than 20%,the bamboo becomes the brittle material Fig 16 Fig.17 ,-

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