Chapter 1 Notes-Social 7 1

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Name: ______________________________

Chapter 1 Notes First Nations Societies

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Culture is _____________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Believing ones own cultural group is superior to anothers is called ____________________________.

____________ ________________ are important ideas about how people should live. These values make up a persons
or group of peoples ________________________________.

A pluralistic society is a _______________________ made up of different groups of ______________________. Individuals

respect the ______________________ and ___________________________ of others.

Four Core Values of First Nations People

People are not separate from _____________________or the non-living world; everything is

The wisdom of the ____________________* is highly valued; Elders deserve __________________________ from
all community members.

A ____________________ ___________________ exists; it plays an important role in all that happens on Earth.

People must live in _____________________ with each other and in balance with ____________________________.

*An Elder is

Economy is the way in which people

Hunter-gatherer economy:

Farming economy:

First Nations trade networks:

Comparing First Nations Socieites Use the chart you filled in to complete the the Venn Diagram to compare the three
First Nations groups you learned about. Find at least two unique facts about each group, four facts they all have in
common (write at the bottom if you run out of room) and one fact that each of the neigbors have in common.


Geography/ Decision Making and
Role of Women Economy Government Interesting Facts
Where They Lived Problem Solving
p. 14 p. 16 p. 15 p. 14 p. 15


p. 22 p. 24 p. 25 p. 22/24 (Cycle of life/Wild Rice)


p. 17 p. 19 p. 20 p. 17-18 p. 20


Modern Day

Consensus means: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Compromise means: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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