History of Goa Gong

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Goa Gong is lies inside the Gong-Gongan Mountain, administratively in Pule Hamlet,
Bromo Village, Punung Sub-district, Pacitan. It is about 37 Km to the west from down town
Pacitan. The name of Goa Gong is taken from the Stalactites and the Stalagmites that can make
sound if it hit, just like the sound of Gong, a traditional Javanese instrument.
Historically Gong Cave is long entered by humans, that our ancestors first, but over time the
cave seems to go away and there was just old stories / fables old people, but instead of fairy tales
and stories that eventually people Pule hamlet village Bomo determined to rediscover the cave.
Once upon a time, Pule Hamlet experienced a long drought, making it difficult to find
drinking water and water for various purposes everyday. So Mbah Noyo Semito and Mbah Joyo
tried to find water into the cave which he considered too far from the house of approximately 400
meters. By using traditional lighting tools such as torches (dried coconut leaves tied) to spend seven
bundles, the two grandfathers managed to trace the aisles of the cave to find a few springs and bathe
in it. The incident counted 65 years ago that counted back from 1995.
On the discovery, the next search was done, precisely on Sunday Pon on March 5, 1995,
departed a group of eight people to explore further about the existence of the cave. Short story
eventually the group managed to walk through the cave that its beauty can be felt until now.
Naming Gong cave itself is closely related to one of the names of Javanese gamelan devices.
It is said that at certain moments, in the mountain that there are often gongs sound like Javanese
gamelan, reog performances, flying and even often heard the people crying heartbreaking.
Therefore the community around named the cave as Gong Cave.


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