Computerized Examination Management Tool Abstract

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CreativeSoft (Corporate Office) v

# 412, Annpurna Block,Aditya Enclave,Ameerpet,Hyderabad

500016 Tel : +91-40-40159158Mobile : 91-9247249455

Computerised Examination Management Tool


Current examination system provides less scope for justified evaluation because it takes
handwriting into consideration while evaluation, which is an extrinsic parameter. At the same
time current system provides minimum security to the answer sheets of the student from
illegitimate modifications. So the proposing Electronic Descriptive Examination Management
System is a computerized way of conducting present day paper-based descriptive
examinations in a university.

Proposed system allows the students to type the answers in the space provided for each
question. When students submit the exam, system automatically collects all the questions and
corresponding answers into a file and converts it into pdf and then uploads it to the server by
encrypting the person-specific details. Staff related to corresponding subject can only access
these answersheets for evaluation and allots marks base on the performance.

Students can view their answer script and marks obtained for each question, when the results
are announced. It improves transparency and credibility on the examination system. It will
minimize the utilization of manpower to great extent.
CreativeSoft (Corporate Office) v
# 412, Annpurna Block,Aditya Enclave,Ameerpet,Hyderabad
500016 Tel : +91-40-40159158Mobile : 91-9247249455


Present system conducts the exam manually where the student has to write the exams on the
paper with a pen. Answer sheets of all the students will be handed over to the invigilator. The
invigilator will submit the bundle to the university. There evaluation of the papers will be done
by the concerned staff. The person who evaluated the paper has to sign on the paper indicating
that he himself has evaluated the paper. After evaluating marks are allotted to the student basing
on his performance. After marks are allotted they are displayed to the students.

Merits and Demerits of the existing system


1. The present system is applicable to any type of descriptive examination.

2. No need of having any computer knowledge to write the exam.
3. No chances of arising any technical problems during the process of writing, evaluating
the exam.
4. This existing system is familiar to all the actors of the system for the long time, so it is
easy to conduct exam in this pattern.
5. Evaluator can mark the mistakes done by the student on answer paper with red ink so that
he can easily understand why he has reduced the marks for the answer written by the
student when he review the answer sheet.

1. It provides less security to the answer sheets from third party manipulations.
2. It is costly process which requires resources like pens, papers and lot of man power to
maintain security to the answer sheets.
3. It is bit difficult to handle because it involves entering marks on answer-sheet as well as in
database separately thereby increasing the redundancy of work.
CreativeSoft (Corporate Office) v
# 412, Annpurna Block,Aditya Enclave,Ameerpet,Hyderabad
500016 Tel : +91-40-40159158Mobile : 91-9247249455

4. Existing pattern of examination doesnt provide ideal justice in evaluating the answer of
the student, because it implicitly gives priority to hand writing of the student which should
not be taken into the consideration.


Present system conducts the exam manually where the student has to write the exams on
the paper with a pen. Answer sheets of all the students will be handed over to the invigilator. The
invigilator will submit the bundle to the university. There the concerned staff will do evaluation
of the papers. The person who evaluated the paper has to sign on the paper indicating that he
himself has evaluated the paper. After evaluating marks are allotted to the student basing on his
performance and then feed into the system.


In this current system entire examination process is being conducted manually where
there is a lot of scope for security threats, improper evaluation. This system places lot of burden
over students in writing their exam, staff in evaluating the answers and entering the marks
separately in the system. It requires lot of man power to conduct the exam. . It provides less
security to the answer sheets of the students from third party manipulations. As mentioned
earlier, it takes extrinsic parameters like handwriting, presentation into consideration for
evaluation. It provides less transparency to the students from the evaluation process. It also
requires lot of man power for conducting the exams.


Electronic descriptive examination managing system is a computerized way of

conducting present day paper-based descriptive examinations in a university by providing much
user-friendliness to students, staff and administrator.
CreativeSoft (Corporate Office) v
# 412, Annpurna Block,Aditya Enclave,Ameerpet,Hyderabad
500016 Tel : +91-40-40159158Mobile : 91-9247249455

Every student has to submit his user-id, password, and course, year of study, branch, and
subject-code details before taking the exam. After entering into the system he can answer to the
question paper in the text boxes provided to him under each question. After writing the exam, the
student has to submit the test to the server. To protect the answer sheet from illegitimate
modifications, the system converts it into pdf before storing in the server. Depending on the
subject code, answer sheets belonging to a particular subject are automatically uploaded to
corresponding staffs user. Staff member who is going to correct this particular subject can
access these answer sheets by logging into his account. After evaluating the paper, marks are
allotted for each answer depending on his performance. These marks will be entered into the
database by the staff after correcting the paper. This newly proposed system provides better
security, transparency and reduces the cost of conducting the examinations.

System Requirements Specification:

Hardware requrements:

Hard Disk Drive 40 to 80 Gb

Processor 2.2 GHz Pentium P3 (or) P4.

Ram 256MB Minimum

. 56k Faster Internet Connection

Software requirements:

Programming Languages : Java

Operating System : Windows 95/98/XP

Server : Apache Tomcat 5.0

Data Base : Oracle 9i

CreativeSoft (Corporate Office) v
# 412, Annpurna Block,Aditya Enclave,Ameerpet,Hyderabad
500016 Tel : +91-40-40159158Mobile : 91-9247249455

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