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S Title Author Journals & Summary

n Publications
1 (IOT) : 1 Somayya Journal of 1. IOT combination of two words 1) Internet 2) Things.
A Madakam computer and 2. Internet uses Tcp/IP protocol suite to connect
Literature 2 Siddharth communication computers and world.
Review Tripathi, ,2015,3,164,173 3. Things :- are real objects in this physical or material
Mumbai, Published on may world.
India 2015. 4. Definition: - An open and comprehensive network
of intelligent objects that have the capacity to auto
organize, share information, data and resources,
reacting and acting in face of situation and changes in
the environment. It allows communication b/w human
to human, human to things and things to things. It
provides unique identity of every object connected
through out in the world.
5. In IOT actuators and sensors are embedded into
physical objects. The objects connected via wire or
wireless use IP address that connects to the internet.
6. IOT has been created through coded RFID Tags and IP
addresses linked into EPC (Electronic product code).
7. IOT works with or without human intervention.
8. Requirement: - For Implementation of IOT three things
are needed.. 1) Hardware composed of sensors,
actuators, IP cameras CCTV and Embedded
communication hardware 2) Middleware on demand
storage, computing tools with cloud and big data
analysis. 3) Presentation ( easy to understand
visualization & Interpretation tool that can be
designed for different applications.
9. IOT is so broad field that is why it has no proper
architecture. Below are different architectures given
by different researches. (A) European Fp7 Research
Project :- it is tree architecture combination of leaves,
trunk and roots. Where leaves enable the creation of
interoperable IOT systems. Like health care, smart
transport, smart energy, smart city, smart houses.
Trunk is a potentially set of enablers or building
(Internet). Root is a interoperable technologies ( Wifi,
Bluetooth, actuators, sensors, ZIG BEE, RFID.
(B) ITU Architecture :- International telecommunication
union propose layers 1) the sensing layer 2) the access
layer 3) the Network layer 4) the middleware layer 5) the
application layer. These are like OSI layers
(C) IOT Forum Architecture:- the architecture is
categorized into 3 types 1) Application 2) Transportation 3)
10. Technologies used in IOT:- A) RFID :- Radio frequency
Identification is a system that transmits identity of an
object wirelessly using radio wave in the form of serial
no. The technology is classified into 3 categories.
Active RFID, Passive RFID, Semi passive RFID. The main
components of RFID is tags, antenna access

controllers, software and serversB) IP Address IPV4

and IPV6. C) electronic product code(EPC) is a 64 bit or
98 bit code. Electronically recorded on RFID tag. EPC
store information about unique serial no of product,
specification and manufacturer info. D) Barcode :- is
ways of encoding nos and letters by using
combinational bars. E) WIFI that allows devices to
communicate wirelessly F) Blue tooth is a short range
wireless technology, inexpensive. It has range 10 to
100 meters and bandwith less than 1mpbs. G) Zigbee
is a protocol developed for enhancing the feature of
wireless sensor network. It has low cost, low data rate,
short transmission range. It is a low power wireless
network protocol based on IEEE 802.15.4 . it has range
of 100 meters and bandwith 250 kpbs. H) Near Field
communication (NFC) is a short range wireless
technology at 13.56 MHz typically requires distance of
4 cm. it is used to make transactions, exchange digital
contents and connect electronic devices with touch. I)
Actuators is something which converts energy into
motion and motion into mechanical system. It takes
hydraulic fluid, electric current and some other source
of power. It creates linear, rotary, oscillatory
motion.covers short distance upto 30 feet and
communicate upto lessthan 1 mpbs. J) wireless sensor
networks (WSN) is a distributed autonomous devices
uses sensors to monitor physical or environmental
condition such as temperature, vibration, sound .
pressure, motion or pollutants. Wsn is an important
element of IOT. Sensors may have not global ID
because of many in numbers K) Artificial intelligence

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