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Third Periodical Test in Science 10

Name: ________________________________________________ Score: __________________

Grade/ Section: _________________________________________ Date: __________________

I. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. NO ERASURES.

1. This is the absence of menstruation for 3 months or longer in a sexually active woman who is not
pregnant or breastfeeding
a. Menorrhagia c. Menopause
b. Menarche d. Amenorrhea

2. Menstruation is not for life. The first flow, also known as the
a. Menorrhagia c. Menopause
b. Menarche d. Amenorrhea

3. This is a condition of heavy or prolonged menstrual periods characterized by menstrual period longer
than 7 days or very heavy flow of blood.
a. Menorrhagia c. Menopause
b. Menarche d. Amenorrhea

4. When a woman reaches late forties or early fifties, her menstruation eventually stops. This is called
a. Menorrhagia c. Menopause
b. Menarche d. Amenorrhea

5. The process of release of a mature ovum from a mature follicle is called

a. fertilization c. ovulation
b. maturation d. fixation

6. This results as the sperm cell unites with the egg cell to form the zygote or fertilized egg.
a. fertilization c. ovulation
b. maturation d. fixation

7. This is a condition wherein one experiences severe pain and discomfort before/during menstruation
enough to interfere with normal daily activities.
a. Menopause c. PMDD
b. Menorrhagia d. PMS

8. This is characterized by depression or severe irritability before and during menstrual period.
a. Menopause c. PMDD
b. Menorrhagia d. PMS

9. This is the organ that forms during pregnancy. It serves as a structure to which nourishment for fetus
is received and wastes are eliminated. This is discharged shortly after birth.
a. cleavage c. morula
b. placenta d. amnion
10. This is the inner lining of the uterus.
a. endometrium c. morula
b. mesoderm d. ectoderm

11. Pregnancy of a human female lasts for

a. 9 days c. 1 year
b. 8 months d. 9 months

12. Infancy usually last from

a. birth to 3 years c. birth to 1 year
b. birth to 2 years d. birth to 1 month

13. Greatest increase in growth in a persons lifetime occurs during

a. puberty c. infancy
b. childhood d. aging

14. During the first to third day, the mammary glands secretion is turbid, low in calorie and fat content.
This must be given to the baby as it strengthens the immune system. This is called
a. milk c. am
b. colostrum d. water

15. At around which month can the baby sit unsupported?

a. 5 months c. 8 months
b. 10 months d. 12 months

16. At around which month can the baby grabs rattle or feeding bottle?
a. 5 months c. 8 months
b. 10 months d. 12 months

17. At around which month is the infant strong enough to stand?

a. 5 months c. 8 months
b. 10 months d. 12 months

18. During which stage does the child develops mental abilities such as reading and computing with
a. puberty c. infancy
b. childhood d. aging

19. It is the onset of sexual maturity and the ability to reproduce.

a. puberty c. infancy
b. childhood d. aging

20. Changes from the boys voice becomes deeper, hair begins to grow on the face & becomes more
a. puberty c. infancy
b. childhood d. aging
21. During which stage does acne or facial skin eruptions appear most?
a. puberty c. adulthood
b. childhood d. adolescence

22. During which stage does body functions decline like immunity & production of hormones,
metabolism also slows down?
a. puberty c. adulthood
b. childhood d. adolescence

23. Aging occurs around

a. 70 years onwards c. 60 years onwards
b. 80 years onward d. 75 years onwards

24. This is also known as birth control, is the prevention of pregnancy using several methods.
a. family planning c. abortion
b. contraception d. fertilization

25. It refers to the process of making decisions about when and how many children to have.
a. family planning c. abortion
b. contraception d. fertilization

26. The inability to ovulate, conceive or carry an infant.

a. Hypogonadism c. PID
b. Epididymitis d. Infertility

27. The testicles are not able to produce enough testosterone.

a. Hypogonadism c. PID
b. Epididymitis d. Infertility

28. The inflammation of the epididymis is called

a. Hypogonadism c. PID
b. Epididymitis d. Infertility

29. This disease occurs when the bacteria invades the uterus and into the abdominal cavity.
a. Hypogonadism c. PID
b. Epididymitis d. Infertility

30. This prevents egg and sperm contact, a sheath made of latex that can fit on an erect penis.
a. Diaphragm c. Condom
b. Spermicide d. IUD

31. This prevents the passage of sperm from vagina to uterus, shallow molded cup with thin rubber and
flexible rim.
a. Diaphragm c. Condom
b. Spermicide d. IUD
32. These are jellies, creams, foams that can be inserted or applied to the vagina 1 hour before
intercourse to kill the sperms.
a. Diaphragm c. Condom
b. Spermicide d. IUD

33. This prevents fertilization & pregnancy and may increase risk of pelvic inflammatory disease.
a. Diaphragm c. Condom
b. Spermicide d. IUD

34. Fallopian tubes are banded, cauterized, cut and tied.

a. Vasectomy c. BTL
b. Pills d. Vaginal ring

35. The vas deferens are cut at the ends tied off, prevents sperm from being ejaculated.
a. Vasectomy c. BTL
b. Pills d. Vaginal ring

36. These are small, soft plastic ring that releases estrogen & progesterone, prevents ovulation.
a. Vasectomy c. BTL
b. Pills d. Vaginal ring

37. This method relies on abstinence from sexual intercourse during the most fertile phase of a womans
menstrual cycle.
a. Cervical mucus method c. Temperature rhythm method
b. Calendar Rhythm method d. Coitus interruptus

38. This method is done by getting the temperature at the same time each morning before getting out
of bed.
a. Cervical mucus method c. Temperature rhythm method
b. Calendar Rhythm method d. Coitus interruptus

39. A woman can monitor her fertility period through the consistency of the cervical mucus.
a. Cervical mucus method c. Temperature rhythm method
b. Calendar Rhythm method d. Coitus interruptus

40. This is the deliberate removal of the penis from the vagina before ejaculation.
a. Cervical mucus method c. Temperature rhythm method
b. Calendar Rhythm method d. Coitus interruptus

41. The avoidance of sexual intercourse and other sexual activities. It is 100% effective in preventing
pregnancy and has no health risks.
a. Cervical mucus method c. Abstinence
b. Calendar Rhythm method d. Coitus interruptus

42. This system includes the organs of the body that secrete hormones directly into body fluids such as
a. reproductive system c. nervous system
b. endocrine system d. exocrine system
43. These are chemicals secreted by a cell that affects the functions of other cells
a. hormones c. amino acids
b. fats d. carbohydrates

44. This hormone stimulates increase in size of muscles and bones.

a. Thyroid stimulating hormone c. Luteinizing hormone
b. Prolactin d. Growth hormone

45. This stimulates milk production during pregnancy.

a. Thyroid stimulating hormone c. Luteinizing hormone
b. Prolactin d. Growth hormone

46. This stimulates the thyroid gland to release its hormones.

a. Thyroid stimulating hormone c. Luteinizing hormone
b. Prolactin d. Growth hormone

47. This stimulates ovulation in females & estrogen production and production of testosterone in males.
a. Thyroid stimulating hormone c. Luteinizing hormone
b. Prolactin d. Growth hormone

48. This causes contraction of uterus and ejection of breast milk

a. antidiuretic hormone c. follicle-stimulating hormone
b. adrenocorticotrophic d. oxytocin

49. It helps diabetic patients in lowering their blood glucose level

a. glucagon c. calcitonin
b. insulin d. T3 and T4

50. This lowers blood calcium levels by activating the osteoblasts.

a. glucagon c. calcitonin
b. insulin d. T3 and T4

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