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THE ANATOMICAL RECORD 294:119131 (2011)

The Tail of Tyrannosaurus: Reassessing

the Size and Locomotive Importance of
the M. caudofemoralis in Non-Avian
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Unlike extant birds and mammals, most non-avian theropods had
large muscular tails, with muscle arrangements similar to those of
modern reptiles. Examination of ornithomimid and tyrannosaurid tails
revealed sequential diagonal scarring on the lateral faces of four or more
hemal spines that consistently correlates with the zone of the tail just an-
terior to the disappearance of the vertebral transverse processes. This se-
quential scarring is interpreted as the tapering boundary between the
insertions of the M. caudofemoralis and the M. ilioischiocaudalis. Digital
muscle reconstructions based on measurements of fossil specimens and
dissections of modern reptiles showed that the M. caudofemoralis of
many non-avian theropods was exceptionally large. These high caudofe-
moral mass estimates are consistent with the elevation of the transverse
processes of the caudal vertebra above the centrum, which creates an
enlarged hypaxial region. Dorsally elevated transverse processes are
characteristic of even primitive theropods and suggest that a large M.
caudofemoralis is a basal characteristic of the group. In the genus Tyran-
nosaurus, the mass of the M. caudofemoralis was further increased by
dorsoventrally lengthening the hemal arches. The expanded M. caudofe-
moralis of Tyrannosaurus may have evolved as compensation for the ani-
mals immense size. Because the M. caudofemoralis is the primary hind
limb retractor, large M. caudofemoralis masses and the resulting con-
tractile force and torque estimates presented here indicate a sizable
investment in locomotive muscle among theropods with a range of body
sizes and give new evidence in favor of greater athleticism, in terms of
overall cursoriality, balance, and turning agility. Anat Rec, 294:119131,
2011. V C 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: dinosaurs; Tyrannosaurus; locomotion; tail

musculature; biomechanics

Abbreviations used: AMNH American Museum of Natural *Correspondence to: W. Scott Persons IV, Department of Biological
History, New York, New York, USA; BHI Black Hills Sciences, CW 405 Biological Sciences Bldg., University of Alberta,
Institute of Geological Research, Hill City, South Dakota, USA; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E9. E-mail:
FMNH Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois, Received 11 January 2010; Accepted 9 August 2010
USA; NMNH Smithsonian Institution National Museum of
DOI 10.1002/ar.21290
Natural History, Washington, District of Colombia, USA; TCM
Published online 12 November 2010 in Wiley Online Library
The Childrens Museum of Indianapolis; TMP Royal Tyrrell (
Museum of Palaeontology, Drumheller, Alberta, Canada


The associations between muscle mass, vertebrae mor-

phology, and function have been well studied in the tails
of extant mammals, particularly procyonids and prima-
tes, and tail biomechanics are better understood among
mammals than any other group of terrestrial vertebrates
(Dor, 1937; German, 1982; Lemelin, 1995; Organ et al.,
2009). However, in terms of mass and volume, most fully
terrestrial mammals have unimpressive tails. Large ter-
restrial mammals, in particular, tend to have minimalist
y-swatter tails, and our own species, with nothing but
a vestigial stub, is at the furthest extreme. As a result,
when considering the relatively large tails of most non-
avian dinosaurs, there has been a misleading tendency
to regard tails as predominantly dead weight or, at best, Fig. 1. Tyrannosaurus dorsal silhouette (A) previously used in body-
as either defensive lashing weapons or (in bipedal taxa) mass estimation (Modied from Paul, 1997), compared with a modern
as mere counterbalances for the crania. Modern reptiles Alligator dorsal silhouette (B) (Modied from Cong, 1998). The basal
represent the best modern analogs for the tails of most bulge in the tail of the Alligator is primarily the result of a large M.
dinosaurs and demonstrate that large tails may serve a caudofemoralis.
variety of consequential functions, including femoral re-
traction during the locomotive power stroke via the et al., 2009). As a consequence of this confusion, the tails
M. caudofemoralis.
of non-avian dinosaurs are commonly reconstructed with
The M. caudofemoralis is a tail muscle that inserts improbable muscle morphology and overly conservative
directly onto the fourth-trochanter of the femur, and masses, which appear altogether emaciated when com-
acts as a femoral retractor. Extant mammals lack the M. pared to the tails of modern reptiles (Fig. 1).
caudofemoralis; instead, the gluteal muscles ll the role Here, basic caudal musculature of modern reptiles is
of primary limb retractors. Some mammals do have a
used for more accurately reconstructing the muscle anat-
muscle that is commonly termed the M. caudofemora- omy of dinosaur tails. The locomotive implications of the
lis, but this muscle is not homologous to the M. caudo- reconstructions are considered both qualitatively and
femoralis of saurians and birds (Appleton, 1928; Howell,
quantitatively for non-avian theropods (the primarily
1938). In modern Aves, knee exion is more important carnivorous group of dinosaurs that gave rise to birds
to locomotion than femoral retraction (Gatesy and Biew-
and for which the majority of previous locomotive biome-
ener, 1991; Carrano, 1998; Farlow et al., 2000), and the chanical research has been done).
M. caudofemoralis is greatly reduced in most birds and
altogether absent in others (Gatesy, 1990). In crocodili-
ans and the majority of non-serpente squamates, how- MATERIALS AND METHODS
ever, the M. caudofemoralis is both the primary and the
single largest retractor muscle of the hind limb (Snyder,
1962; Gatesy, 1990). Electromyographic studies of walk- The pelvic and post pelvic musculature of a Basiliscus
ing and running crocodiles have shown the M. caudofe- vittatus (brown basilisk), Caiman crocodilus (spectacled
moralis to be consistently active at all speeds, whenever caiman), Chamaeleo calyptratus (veiled chameleon),
femoral retraction occurs (Gatesy, 1997). Iguana iguana (green iguana), and Tupinambis meria-
The presence of large caudofemoral muscles in non- nae (Argentinean black and white tegu) were dissected.
avian dinosaurs was noted as early as 1833, when Louis All specimens had been preserved via deep freezing and
Dollo inferred their existence from the large femoral showed no signs of desiccation prior to dissection. Imme-
fourth trochanter of the herbivorous dinosaur Iguanodon diately following in situ observations and measurements,
(Dollo, 1883). In Gatesys 1990 study of the M. caudofe- individual muscles were removed from each specimen
moralis and its reduction in the lineage leading to and massed (Table 1). Epaxial muscles that were contin-
extant birds, he argued that the muscles gradual uous into the pre-pelvic region were severed in line with
shrinkage resulted from a push towards overall tail the midpoint of the acetabulum.
weight reduction and from the tails functional shift Three advanced non-avian theropods are considered in
from locomotion to dynamic stabilization, with both this study: Gorgosaurus libratus (TMP 1991.36.500),
trends relating to the evolution of ight (Gatesy, 1990). Ornithomimus edmontonicus (TMP 1995.11.001), and
Gatesy also argued insightfully that the M. caudofemor- Tyrannosaurus rex (cast of BHI 3033 currently on loan
alis undoubtedly made the locomotion of most non-avian to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural His-
dinosaurs (perhaps, particularly the bipedal taxa) funda- tory). The specimens were chosen based on the complete-
mentally different from what can be observed in any ness of the caudal series. Osteological dimensions of the
modern mammalian or avian analogue (Gatesy, 1990). femora, pelvic girdle, and caudal series were taken, and
Despite such arguments, the M. caudofemoralis has these measurements were later used in modeling digital
been undervalued in the majority of dinosaur biome- skeletons. TMP 1991.36.500 is a juvenile; however, com-
chanical studies, and its contribution to locomotion has parisons between the measurements of TMP 1991.36.500
not been quantitatively analyzed. Moreover, the M. cau- and those of less complete but more mature Gorgosaurus
dofemoralis has become a point of anatomical confusion, specimens (TCM 2001.89.1 and AMNH 5458) indicate
with different authors using different osteological corre- that proportions of the caudal skeleton varied little
lates to infer its overall size and shape (Madsen, 1976; through ontogeny. Because both TMP 1991.36.500 and
Carpenter et al., 2005; Arbour, 2009; Schwarz-Wings TMP 1995.11.001 are panel mounts, some measurements
TABLE 1. Caudal muscle mass of theropods and extant reptiles
M. M. ilio-
M. spinalis longissimus ischiocaudalis M. caudofemoralis
Caiman Crocodilus Mass (g) 1.4 9.6 9 13.8
Spectacled caiman Percent 4.1% 28.4% 26.6% 40.8%
Tupinambis merianae Mass (g) 3.9 22.5 12.2 13.3
Black and white tegu Percent 7.5% 43.4% 23.5% 25.6%
Iguana iguana Mass (g) 20.8 52.6 70 49.2
Green iguana Percent 18.8% 27.3% 36.3% 25.5%
Basiliscus vittatus Mass (g) 0.6 2.4 3 3.4
Brown basilisk Percent 6.4% 25.5% 31.9% 36.2%
Chamaeleo calyptratus Mass (g) 0.2 0.6 0.8 0.6
Veiled Chameleon Percent 9.1% 27.3% 36.4% 27.3%
Ornithomimus edmontonicus Mass (g) 860 2440 5050 9890
TMP 95.11.001 Percent 4.7% 13.4% 27.7% 54.2%
Gorgosaurus libratus Mass (g) 3900 6900 10300 17,300
TMP 91.36.500 Percent 10.2% 18.0% 26.8% 45.1%
Tyrannosaurus rex Mass (g) 65200 154200 159400 522200
BHI 3033 Percent 7.2% 17.1% 17.7% 58.0%

(such as transverse centrum width) could not be made the true muscle masses as measured during the
for every vertebra in the series, and measurements had dissections.
to be supplemented with those made on other similarly
sized specimens (including AMNH 514, AMNH 5355,
TMP 1999.33.1, and NMNH 2164). Likewise, the Biomechanics
mounted skeleton of BHI 3033 was so large and difcult To evaluate the potential contribution of the M. caudo-
to reach that some measurements were supplemented femoralis to femoral retraction, the digital muscle recon-
with those made indirectly from photographs. Whenever structions of each theropod were used in combination
possible, previously collected data on the original speci- with a series of standard biomechanical equations. First,
men of BHI 3033 were used to verify the accuracy of M. caudofemoralis mass was calculated using a standard
these measurements. Measurements were also made on muscle density of 1.06 g/cm3 (Mendez and Keys, 1960).
published illustrations of other Tyrannosaurus speci- Then, the physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) of
mens (Paul, 1996; Brochu, 2002) and were used to sup- the M. caudofemoralis was calculated according to Eq.
plement portions of the tail that were not preserved in (1) (Sacks and Roy, 1982; Snively and Russell, 2007),
BHI 3033. where m is the total mass (the mass of one M. caudofe-
moralis, not the mass of the total bilaterally symmetric
muscle set); r is the pennation angle of the muscle bers
within the M. caudofemoralis and, based on measure-
Computer Modeling ments of the dissected specimens, is assumed to be
approximately equal to 1.00 (0.95), d is muscle density
Using the modeling software Rhinoceros (McNeel Rob-
(again, assumed to be 1.06 g/cm3), l is the average fasci-
ert and Associates, 2007), the hips and caudal series of
cle length within the M. caudofemoralis and was calcu-
each of the three theropod specimens were digitally
lated for each taxa based on the digital model and close
sculpted based on the skeletal measurements. Three-
examination of the fascicles in the spectacled caiman
dimensional models of the various caudal muscles were
then sculpted overtop of the digital skeleton, according
to the osteological relations determined from the dissec-
tions. The volume of each restored muscle was then cal- PCSA m cos r=dl (1)
culated by the software. Because muscle is known to
have a fairly constant density of 1.06 g/cm3 (Mendez and Because calculating physiological cross-sectional area
Keys, 1960), the muscle volume estimates could then be requires several assumptions, many authors favor the
multiplied by this density value to obtain estimates of simpler method of measuring anatomical cross-sectional
muscle mass. area (ACSA), which is simply the cross-sectional area
To verify the accuracy of the restoration techniques through the muscle at its greatest width (Snively and
used in sculpting the various theropod caudal muscles, Russell, 2007). Anatomical cross-sectional areas were
digital skeletons were also made from measurements also measured from the digital models and compared to
taken on three of the dissected reptiles: the Argentinean the calculated physiological cross-sectional areas. In all
black and white tegu, green iguana, and spectacled cai- three instances, the two values varied only slightly from
man. Digital skeletons were not made for the brown bas- one another, as would be expected, given the assumed r
ilisk and the veiled chameleon, because these specimens value of approximately 1 (Bamman et al., 2000)
were too small to measure using the same methods and (Table 2).
equipment. The same modeling techniques were then Specic tension (ST), also sometimes referred to as
used to reconstruct the musculature and to estimate specic force (Brooks and Faulkner, 1994), is a ratio of
muscle volume and mass for the three extant reptiles, the strength of a muscle to its area and has been shown
and these muscle mass estimates were then compared to to vary among different muscles and among different

TABLE 2. Cross-sectional area in the M. caudofemoralis among theropod taxa

Average fascicle PCSA ACSA PCSA/ACSA
Mass (g) length (cm) (cm2) (cm2) variation
Ornithomimus edmontonicus (TMP 95.11.001) 4945 31.423 141.038 127.675 1.105
Gorgosaurus libratus (TMP 91.36.500) 8650 50.585 153.254 144.486 1.061
Tyrannosaurus rex (BHI 3033) 261,100 129.697 1804.242 1794.442 1.005

TABLE 3. Summary of previously reported specic tension values for hind limb
muscles of extant animals
Animal Muscle(s) ST (N/cm2) Source
Domestic cat Caudofemoralis 31.2 Brown et al. (1997)
Human Thigh average 27.330.0 Storer et al. (2003)
Quarter horse Gluteus medius 25.9 Marx et al. (2005)
White rhinoceros Hamstring 34.4 Marx et al. (2005)

taxa. Known ST values for hind limb muscles likely offer length of the moment arm (again assuming a femur
the best basis for estimating the ST value appropriate positioned perpendicular to the ground).
for the M. caudofemoralis of non-avian theropods. An
overview of previously reported ST values that might be
good analogs for the specic tension of the M. caudofe-
moralis of non-avian theropods is provided in Table 3.
Estimates within the range of 2535 N/cm2 would seem Caudal Musculature and Osteological
reasonable. Here, ST is assumed to be 25 N/cm2 for all Correlates of Extant Reptiles
the theropod taxa (certainly a conservative estimate). The literature is lled with inconsistent and often
The total contractile force (Ft) of the M. caudofemora- redundant terminology schemes for the caudal muscles
lis was estimated by multiplying the calculated PCSA by of reptiles. Following the recent scheme established by
the assumed ST (25 N/cm2): Arbour (2009), I will acknowledge four major paired
muscle sets: the M. spinalis, M. longissimus, M. ilio-
Ft PCSA ST (2) ischiocaudalis, and M. caudofemoralis. It should be
noted that these four muscles form a good general, but
Although the calculated total contractile force of the M. overly simplistic, scheme, and subdivisions are clearly
caudofemoralis is useful as a comparable factor between visible within many of these muscles, particularly in the
taxa, a more accurate measure of its true contribution to posterior portions of the M. longissimus and M. ilio-
locomotion is its capacity to generate torque. As outlined ischiocaudalis. Like those of the limb, caudal muscles
in Snively and Russell (2007), a muscles torque-generat- vary widely in size and relative proportions across reptil-
ing capacity is proportional to the force the muscle ian taxa; however, the overall pattern of muscle inser-
exerts in a direction orthogonal to its moment arm (the tions and positions remains relatively uniform (Figs. 2
moment arm being measured from the joints center of and 3). The results presented here are based on the dis-
rotation to the muscles insertion). This orthogonal force sections of ve taxa (one specimen each) and, combined
is here termed the effective force (Fe). The Fe of the M. with the previous literature, are intended to offer only a
caudofemoralis is calculated with the following equation, cursory overview of reptilian tail musculature.
where y is the angle between the vector of line of pull of On the basis of the dissections, the arrangement and
the M. caudofemoralis and a vector orthogonal to the osteological insertion sites of the caudal muscles are as
moment arm (for the M. caudofemoralis, the moment follows.
arm is the dorsal-ventral distance from the midpoint of
the femoral head to the midpoint of the femoral fourth M. spinalis. The M. spinalis is the most dorsal of the
trochanter), calculated for a femur positioned perpendic- caudal muscles and is present along the full length of
ular to the ground: the tail. The M. spinalis inserts onto the dorsal tips and
the full lateral surfaces of the neural spines.
Fe Ft  cos h (3)
M. longissimus. Composing the primary bulk of the
epaxial tail musculature, the M. longissimus is also
Finally, the potential torque generation of the M. caudo-
present along the full length of the tail and may be dif-
femoralis is calculated with the equation:
cult to distinguish from the M. spinalis. This distinction
becomes more difcult posteriorly, when subdivisions in
sm R  Fe  sin U (4) the two muscles become increasingly independent. The
M. longissimus has two strong dorsoventrally stacked
Here, U is the angle between the vectors of the moment subdivisions that are distinguishable in even the most
arm and the effective force (this angle is assumed to be anterior of cross sections. These two subdivisions are of-
90 and the sinU is, therefore, equal to 1), and R is the ten regarded as separate muscles, with the more ventral

Fig. 3. Lateral view (anterior left and posterior right) of the dis-
sected tail of Tupinambis, with all muscles, except the M. caudofemor-
alis, removed. Highlighted regions correspond to cross-sections in
Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Sequential cross-sections through the tail of Tupinambis Romer (1956), the majority of these projections are prob-
merianae. Tupinambis merianae was chosen to illustrate the anterior/ ably homologues with the ribs of the dorsal series and
posterior changes in muscle arrangement and morphology, because are not true transverse processes. The term caudal
its tail is relatively unspecialized and its musculature is unremarkable ribs is likely more accurate for all but the most poste-
in most respects. The cross-sections are anatomical abstractions, as rior caudal vertebra]. Both the M. longissimus and M.
they depict neural arches and hemal arches in the same vertical plane
spinalis are continues into the dorsal region (Organ,
(these illustrations are similar in this way to those of Cong et al., 1998;
Arbour, 2009; Schwarz-Wings et al., 2009), but these views are prefer-
able to ones that would omit either hemal or neural arches. A: Caudal
vertebra 7; the M. caudofemoralis inserts across the lateral sides of M. ilio-ischiocaudalis. Consistent with its nomen-
the centrum and across the entire lateral face of the hemal arch. The clature, the M. ilio-ischiocaudalis is composed of two
M. ilio-ischiocaudalis is thin medially, but inserts across the entire
major subdivisions: the m. iliocaudalis and the m.
ventral surface of the transverse processes, and only inserts onto the
ventral tip of the hemal arch. B: Caudal vertebra 13; the M. caudofe- ischiocaudalis, with the former originating from the
moralis has begun to taper and the M. ilio-ischiocaudalis inserts ilium and the later from the ischium. The M. ilio-ischio-
across a ventral portion of the lateral face of the hemal arch. C: Cau- caudalis is relatively thin anteriorly, where it attaches
dal vertebra 18; the M. caudofemoralis is no longer present. The M. dorsally to the lateral tips and ventral surfaces of the
ilio-ischiocaudalis insets across the entire lateral face of the hemal transverse processes, raps around the M. caudofemora-
arch and the lateral sides of the centrum. The transverse processes lis, and attaches ventrally both to the ventral tips of the
are absent. (Note, the posterior portion the tail is also a fat storage hemal spines and to its bilaterally symmetric muscular
location in Tupinambis merianae; however, for simplicity, fat deposits doppelganger that raps around from the other side. Pos-
have been not been shown).
teriorly, the M. ilio-ischiocaudalis increases in relative
thickness as the thickness of the M. caudofemoralis
subdivision retaining the name M. longissimus, and the diminishes. After the disappearance of the M. caudofe-
more dorsal subdivision occasionally referred to as the moralis, the M. ilio-ischiocaudalis inserts onto the full
M. tendinoarticularis (although this term has also been lateral surface of the centrum and the hemal spines.
applied to the M. spinalis). There is no clear osteological
indicator of the level at which these two M. longissimus M. caudofemoralis. Unique among the caudal
subdivisions meet, and the functional differences muscles, the M. caudofemoralis is not partitioned by
between the two are currently unknown. Attempts conical myosepta, and its overall form more closely
herein to subdivide the M. longissimus of theropods resembles a limb muscle rather than an axial muscle.
would, therefore, be both highly speculative and ulti- The primary caudofemoral tendon attaches the M. cau-
mately uninformative. dofemoralis to the fourth trochanter of the femur, and
Anteriorly, the M. longissimus inserts onto the full the auxiliary caudofemoral tendon (present in most
dorsal surfaces of the transverse processes and to the extant reptiles but absent in birds) also anchors the M.
lateral faces of the neural arches. Posteriorly, after the caudofemoralis to the knee joint (Fig. 4).
transverse processes have terminated, the lateral faces The M. caudofemoralis is composed of the m. caudofe-
of the neural arches are the only osteological insertion moralis brevis, which lls the brevis fossa and may also
points of the M. longissimus. Throughout its anterior/ insert across the anteriormost caudal vertebra, and the
posterior length, the M. longissimus is separated dor- m. caudofemoralis longus. Throughout its anterior/poste-
sally from the M. spinalis by a septum that stems from rior length, the m. caudofemoralis longus inserts medi-
the lateral edges of the pre-zygapophyses and extends ally onto the lateral faces of the caudal vertebra.
lateral at an often strongly dorsally inclined angle. However, the insertion of the m. caudofemoralis longus
[Note: Consistent with convention the large lateral pro- across the lateral faces of the hemal spines varies across
jections of caudal vertebra are herein referred to as the caudal series (Fig. 2). The M. caudofemoralis does
transverse processes. However, as originally argued by not extend down the entire length of the tail (in none of

Fig. 5. Lateral view (anterior right and posterior left) of the M. cau-
dofemoralis termination point of Ornithomimus TMP 1995.11.001. Cau-
dal vertebra 14 bears the last transverse processes, which sit at
roughly mid dorsal/ventral height. Hemal arch 13 (between caudal ver-
tebra 13 and 14) is displaced slightly, with its posterior end tilted dor-
sally. Hemal arch 13 has a strong grove or scar across its lateral face.
Reproduced from Arbour, 2009.

Fig. 4. The anterior end of the M. caudofemoralis, its insertion onto

the fourth trochanter of the femur, and the auxiliary tendon that inserts
at the knee joint, seen in (A) Caiman (oblique dorsolateral view, ante-
rior top, and posterior bottom) and (B) Tupinambis (oblique posterolat-
eral view, anterior upper right, and posterior bottom left). Fig. 6. Lateral view (anterior right and posterior left) of caudal verte-
bra 1017 of Ornithomimus TMP 1995.11.001. Arrows point to the an-
terior edges of the M. ilio-ischiocaudalis/M. caudofemoralis septum
scarring, visible on hemal arches 1114 and the posterior end of
the dissected reptiles did the M. caudofemoralis extend hemal arch 10. Reproduced from Arbour, 2009.
across even half of the tails total length). Rather, the M.
caudofemoralis extends posteriorly down the caudal se-
ries with a gradual reduction in overall size, then Evidence for the Posterior Taper Point and
reaches a point where it begins to rapidly taper, and, Ventral Boundary of the M. caudofemoralis in
shortly thereafter, terminates (Fig. 3).
Non-Avian Theropods
Prior to the taper point, the M. caudofemoralis medial
insertion extends ventrally across the entire lateral face Caudal 14 is the last transverse process-bearing verte-
of the hemal arches. As it tapers, the M. caudofemoralis bra of Ornithomimus TMP 1995.11.001 (Fig. 5). The
medial insertion shrinks dorsally; correspondingly, the transverse process is located at roughly the centrums
ventral insertion of the M. ilio-ischiocaudalis expands dorsoventral midpoint. Hemal arch 13 (positioned
dorsally, and the M. ilio-ischiocaudalis begins to insert between caudal vertebra 13 and 14) is displaced slightly,
across an increasing proportion of the lateral faces of the with its posterior end tilted dorsally. A groove or scar is
hemal arches. Past the termination of M. caudofemora- apparent running across its lateral face.
lis, the M. ilio-ischiocaudalis inserts across the entire The scar seen on hemal arch 13 is part of a continuous
lateral faces of both the hemal arches and the centrum. diagonal sequence of scars that runs anteroventral to
As they are no longer needed to provide dorsal insertion posterodorsal across hemal arches 1014 parallel to the
points for the M. ilio-ischiocaudalis, the transverse proc- axis of the tail (Fig. 6). This scar sequence coincides
esses are usually no longer present after the M. caudofe- with the rapid decent of the transverse processes from
moralis termination. However, because the transverse an elevated height above the centra (a full 19.8 mm
processes also serve as lateral insertion points for the M. above at caudal vertebra 1) to the mid-centrum elevation
longissimus, they may (as is the case in the Argentinean seen on caudal vertebra 14. Together, the descending
black and white tegu) remain present well after the M. transverse processes and hemal arch scarring are here
caudofemoralis has terminated. interpreted as demarcating the boundaries of the

Fig. 7. Lateral view (anterior right and posterior left) of caudal verte-
bra 13-8 of Gorgosaurus TMP 91.36.500. The last transverse process
is present on caudal vertebra 12. Although fainter than TMP
1995.11.001, the M. ilio-ischiocaudalis/M. caudofemoralis septum Fig. 8. Comparison of anterior caudal cross-section reconstructions
scarring is visible on hemal arches 11-7. Arrows point to the anterior for (A) Allosaurus (Modied from Madsen, 1976), with greatest width
edges of the scarring. assumed to be roughly equal to the lateral extent of the transverse
processes and (B) Caiman, reconstructed based on dissection and
showing greatest lateral extent to be at roughly mid hypaxial height.
tapering M. caudofemoralis. Under this interpretation,
the hemal arch scar is regarded as the insertion point
for the skeletogenous septum that divided the M. caudo-
femoralis from the M. ilio-ischiocaudalis, and the ante- arches indicate its ventral extent. Both the M. ilio-
roposterior ascent and eventual posterior disappearance ischiocaudalis/M. caudofemoralis septum scars and the
of this scar is, therefore, taken to mark the M. ilio- rapid descent of the transverse processes mark its poste-
ischiocaudalis gradual dorsal intrusion and eventual rior taper point. What remains is determining the lat-
usurpation of the M. caudofemoralis. eral extent of the M. caudofemoralis.
The M. ilio-ischiocaudalis/M. caudofemoralis septum Traditionally, the lateral width of the caudal trans-
scarring disappears anteriorly, reaching the ventral tip verse processes has been used as a correlate for the girth
of hemal arch 10. The scar does not reappear on any of of the M. caudofemoralis in all saurians. However, this
the more anterior hemal arches, and this is interpreted method is without sound anatomical basis. As described,
as evidence that, prior to the taper point, the M. caudo- and contrary to the depictions and descriptions of Cald-
femoralis inserted across the entire lateral surfaces of well (2006), Arbour (2009), Schwarz-Wings et al. (2009),
the hemal arches. This is in contradiction to some resto- and various others, the M. caudofemoralis does not
rations that have shown the M. caudofemoralis of dino- attach to the lateral tips or ventral surfaces of the trans-
saurs riding high on the caudal series (see Arbour, 2009; verse processes. Rather, both are insertion points of the
for one example), but is entirely consistent with the mor- M. ilio-ischiocaudalis (the near vertical caudal trans-
phology seen in all of the dissected reptiles. verse processes of some advanced abelisaurids are a pos-
TMP 1995.11.001 displays the M. ilio-ischiocaudalis/ sible exception).
M. caudofemoralis septum scar sequence more clearly When viewed casually in most reptile dissections the
than any of the other fossil specimens examined in this transverse processes are easily mistaken for an M. cau-
study; however, the scar sequence is by no means a fea- dofemoralis insertion point, because the portion of the
ture unique to TMP 1995.11.001 or to Ornithomimus. M. ilio-ischiocaudalis that attaches to the transverse
The scars of TMP 1991.36.500 (Gorgosaurus), which, processes is usually quite thin. Adding to this confusion
although faint, are unambiguously present (Fig. 7). The is the high prole and commonly cited 1923 reconstruc-
M. ilio-ischiocaudalis/M. caudofemoralis septum scars tion by Alfred Romer of the hip and hind limb muscula-
have not gone unnoticed by previous authors. For ture of Tyrannosaurus, in which the M. caudofemoralis
instance, although no explanation for the structure is is clearly, but incorrectly, shown attaching to the lateral
offered, Brochu (2002) notes it existence in his wonder- tips of transverse processes (Romer, 1923). Romer does
fully thorough description of the Tyrannosaurus speci- comment in the same manuscript that there is a lack of
men FMNH PR2081. good tail muscle data available for crocodilesthe ana-
logue on which he most heavily reliedand, 4 years
later, he did correct himself when reconstructing the hip
Evidence for the Lateral Boundary of the and hind limb musculature of ornithischian dinosaurs
(Romer, 1927). Nonetheless, his Tyrannosaurus recon-
M. caudofemoralis in Non-avian Theropods
struction remains the one to which most researchers
To model the M. caudofemoralis of theropods, the have paid attention.
muscles extent must be dened in all dimensions. The The transverse processes also do not appear to be good
femoral fourth trochanter is the muscles anteriormost indirect indicators of the M. caudofemoralis lateral
insertion point. The transverse processes cap its dorsal- extent. The spectacled caiman, for example, had the rel-
most limit, and the ventralmost margins of the hemal atively largest M. caudofemoralis of any of this studys

Fig. 9. Tyrannosaurus BHI 3033 in dorsal view with M. caudofemoralis musculature reconstructed and
in lateral view with full caudal musculature reconstructed. Skeletal image Modied from Paul, 1989.

extant reptiles, but the lateral widths of its transverse

processes, relative to other aspects of its caudal verte-
brae, were only average. In contrast, the dissected
Argentinean black and white tegu specimen had among
the relatively smallest caudofemoral muscles, but the
relatively widest transverse processes. The dissections
also revealed that the width of the M. caudofemoralis
varies relative to the length of the transverse processes
across the caudal series of the same individual, with the
caudofemoral muscles extending well beyond the lateral
tips of the transverse processes at the anterior base of
the tail, and usually extending well short of the tips at
and near the taper point.
Recognizing that the transverse processes do not bear
a M. caudofemoralis insertion and that they are not
good indicators of its lateral width is important, because
this has dramatic implications for the overall shape of
the hypaxial region of the tail. Figure 8a shows a
restored cross-section through the anterior tail base of
Allosaurus from Madsen (1976). Madsens reconstruction
follows the traditional restoration method, and assumed
a caudofemoralis that inserted onto the ventral surfaces
of the transverse processes and that did not bulge past
their ventral-most tips. As a result, the tail is widest
dorsal to its midpoint, at or just below the level of the
transverse processes, producing an inverted tear-drop
shaped cross-section. For comparison, the widest portion
of the tail of a modern caiman is at roughly mid-hypax-
ial height (Fig. 8b).

Muscle Reconstruction
In creating this studys reconstructions (Figs. 911), Fig. 10. Prior to the anterior tapering of the M. caudofemoralis
the vertical cross-section of the M. caudofemoralis was longissimus, its lateral margin was reconstructed at each vertebra, as
treated as elliptical in overall shapeconsistent with shown, by tracing a symmetric arch from below the medioventral base
the M. caudofemoralis in all the dissected specimens of the transverse process to the ventral tip of the nearest hemal arch.
and was modeled across the caudal series (Fig. 10) by
tracing an arc from below the medioventral base of the lis derived from digital reconstruction models and the
transverse process to the ventral tip of the hemal arch. M. caudofemoralis masses actually measured, conrm
Comparisons, based on the dissected reptile speci- the accuracy of this restoration technique (see Table 4).
mens, between mass predictions for the M. caudofemora- All predicted M. caudofemoralis masses are within 6% of

Fig. 11. Modeling sequence for the tail of Tyrannosaurus BHI 3033. A: Skeleton model constructed based
off dimensional measurements. B: Model with M. caudofemoralis longissimus sculpted overtop of the skele-
ton model. C: Full muscle restoration with M. spinalis, M. longissimus, and M. ilio-ischiocaudalis visible.

the true mass and slightly lower than the true value. the three theropods are presented with the percentages
This is probably because, at the anterior-most base of of total tail muscle mass (Table 1). These percentages
the tail, the M. caudofemoralis has a more extensive lat- offer one way to quantify the relative size of the differ-
eral bulge that diverges from the overall shape seen ent tail muscles across the various taxa.
more posteriorly. The mass estimates presented here Among the extant taxa, the spectacled caiman (the
are, therefore, conservative. only crocodilian considered in this study) had the high-
The measured tail muscle masses of the dissected est percentage of its tail muscle mass contributed by the
extant reptiles and the estimated tail muscle masses of M. caudofemoralis. The brown basilisk had the second

TABLE 4. True M. caudofemoralis mass versus

estimated mass, based on digital models, in the
extant reptiles
True Modeled
mass (g) mass (g) Accuracy
Caiman crocodilus 13.8 12.997 5.8%
Tupinambis merianae 13.3 12.692 4.6%
Iguana iguana 49.2 48.194 2.0%

highest caudofemoral percentage. Given the caimans

closer phylogenetic relation and the basilisks bipedal
running style, the large M. caudofemoralis found in both
of these taxa could be taken as indirect support for a
large M. caudofemoralis in bipedal non-avian theropods.
Among the three extinct taxa, Tyrannosaurus had the
largest relative (and absolute) M. caudofemoralis. How-
ever, all three theropods were estimated as having sub-
stantially larger caudofemoral muscles than any of the
modern reptiles. Given that the M. caudofemoralis is the
primary retractile muscle of the hind limb, and given
the numerous advanced locomotive adaptations present
in non-avian theropods, this high relative investment in
caudofemoral mass should, perhaps, not be surprising.
But the osteological features associated with this caudo-
femoral bulk-up do merit special note. Two such features
are readily identiable from this study: the strong dor-
sally inclined angle of the transverse processes and the
elevation of the transverse processes on the neural arch
(Fig. 12).
The caudal transverse processes of all the dissected
extant reptiles protrude at at, fully horizontal angles.
Anterior vertebrae with dorsally angled transverse proc- Fig. 12. Anterior view of caudal vertebra 1 of Ornithomimus NMNH
esses are present in many theropod taxa, and the angled 2164. Note the dorsally angled transverse processes, and the dorsal
transverse processes would have provided an expanded elevation of the transverse processes above the centrum, which cre-
ate an expanded hypaxial region.
hypaxial region that the M. caudofemoralis could have
lled. However, angled transverse processes are not
characteristic of all theropod taxa (they are absent in data can most condently be used to compare different
both Tyannosaurus and Gorgosaurus), and, when pres- theropod taxa, but it should be noted that the high tor-
ent, usually only occur on the rst three or four caudal que estimates calculated for all three theropod taxa are
vertebra. consistent with what would generally be predicted for
More important, then, would seem to be the elevation muscles of their size based on what is known about the
of the transverse processes on the neural arch, above physiology of smaller modern taxa.
the centrum. This too creates a greatly expanded hypax-
ial region (at the expense of the epaxial region), and the
M. caudofemoralis is the only muscle that is likely to DISCUSSION
have lled this space. Dorsally elevated transverse proc-
Among the three theropods examined here, an intrigu-
esses are found in even primitive theropods, including
ing comparison can be made between the estimated M.
Coelophysis and Herrerasaurus. This suggests that a
caudofemoralis masses of Tyrannosaurus BHI 3033 and
large M. caudofemoralis is a basal characteristic of the
the juvenile Gorgosaurus TMP 1991.36.500. As tyranno-
group and appears to have remained present in nearly
saurids, the taxa are closely related, and one might be
all non-avian theropod lineages (the character appears
surprised by the substantially larger tail mass percent-
to be absent in the highly derived and specialized tails
age that the M. caudofemoralis of Tyrannosaurus is pre-
of Paraves). Elevated transverse processes are not only
dicted to comprise (58.0%) compared with that of
present on the anteriormost tail vertebra of most non-
Gorgosaurus (45.1%). However, this discrepancy in rela-
avian theropods, but remain elevated down the series,
tive M. caudofemoralis mass makes sense when consid-
until rapidly descending at the taper point.
ering the absolute body mass discrepancy between the
two tyrannosaurids.
Based on mass estimates of other Gorgosaurus speci-
mens (Paul, 1988), the body mass of TMP 1991.36.500
Interpreting the results of the biomechanical calcula- can be estimated as roughly 400 kg, and the mass of
tions performed for each of the three theropods (Table 5) BHI 3033 has been estimated as in the range of 3,800
is hindered by the lack of analogous data available for 4,500 kg (Stevens et al, 2008; but see Bates et al., 2009
modern animals with muscles of equivalent size. The for an alternative interpretation). The need for relatively
TABLE 5. Summary of estimated biomechanical data for the M. caudofemoralis
of the theropods
Ornithomimus Gorgosaurus libratus Tyrannosaurus
(TMP 95.11.001) (TMP 91.36.500) rex (BHI 3033)
Mass (g) 4945 8650 261,100
PCSA (cm2) 141.038 153.254 1804.242
Total contractile force (N) 2820.762 3065.082 36084.831
Effective muscle pull (N) 2820.480 3064.775 36081.223
Moment arm (m) 0.081 0.147 0.505
Torque (Nm) 228.459 449.603 18208.028

larger locomotive muscles in absolutely larger taxa has over 25% (and is conceivably off by as much as 45%).
been well established (Biewener, 1989; Roberts, 1998). A This by no means accounts for the 80% of total body
muscles strength is largely a factor of its cross-sectional mass that Hutchinson and Garcia (2002) assert must
area, and locomotive muscles must be strong relative to have been invested in the limb retractors, in order for
the mass of the body they are trying to accelerate. Sim- Tyrannosaurus to have been capable of rapid locomotion.
ple isometric growth of any animal would result in a Nonetheless, the new M. caudofemoralis data does sug-
three-fold increase in body mass (as mass is largely a gest that Tyrannosaurus should have fallen towards the
function of volume) and only a two-fold increase in the higher end of Hutchinson and Garcias (2002) advocated
strength of its muscles. Hence, the general rule that speed range, and the data are consistent with the faster
larger animals require relatively larger muscles to locomotive estimates advocated by other authors using
achieve the same speeds as smaller animals. different speed estimating techniques (Bakker, 1986;
That is not to suggest this relatively enlarged M. cau- Paul, 2000; Sellers and Paul, 2005).
dofemoralis estimation indicates that Tyrannosaurus Considering the results of this study in the context of
could have achieved the same degree of cursoriality as a such biomechanical studies points out the large gaps in
juvenile Gorgosaurus or other smaller tyrannosaurids. our current understanding of how tail muscularity is
Indeed, the relatively shorter metatarsals of Tyranno- involved in terrestrial locomotion. The M. caudofemora-
saurus (among other anatomical features) testify that it lis has been treated herein as the only tail muscle
could not (Holtz, 1995). Nonetheless, it seems likely that involved in femoral retraction, but this is likely a gross
the high relative M. caudofemoralis mass of Tyrannosau- oversimplication, and the case can be made for the par-
rus did evolve as partial compensation for its colossal tial involvement of other caudal muscles in femoral re-
body size, and it is worth noting how this increased M. traction as well. Studies of walking and running
caudofemoralis mass was achieved. The higher M. cau- alligators demonstrate that during retraction of the right
dofemoralis mass estimation for Tyrannosaurus is not femur, the tail consistently swings to the left, and vice
the result of relatively more dorsally angled or elevated versa (Reilly and Elias, 1998). Given the electromyogra-
transverse processes, but of more ventrally elongated phy evidence showing that during retraction of the right
hemal arches, which means that the hypaxial muscula- femur, the right M. caudofemoralis retracts, one might
ture was increased without decreasing the size of the instead have predicted the tail to swing towards, not
epaxial musculature. away from, the right side. Pelvic rotation is partially re-
The expanded masses and high contractile force and sponsible for this tail motion, but the left caudal muscles
torque estimates for all three theropods conrm previous also retract to pull the tail leftwards and do, thereby,
assertions that the M. caudofemoralis was indeed a mus- add to the right M. caudofemoralis femoral pull. The
cle of fundamental importance to non-avian theropod elongate zygapophyses of Tyrannosaurus would likely
locomotion. These results have implications for the have reduced the overall lateral exibility of the tail, but
ongoing discussion of the potential locomotive abilities of the assistance of other caudal muscles in femoral retrac-
non-avian theropods. For instance, in their assessment tion remains plausible, and the recruitment of muscle
of the cursoriality of Tyrannosaurus, Hutchinson and sets with no direct connections to limb bones has been
Garcia (2002) assumed a total femoral retractor muscle well documented in extant animals, such as the intercos-
mass of 297 kg for each leg of a 6,000 kg Tyrannosaurus. tal muscles in running dogs (Carrier, 1996) or neck
Here, the mass of the M. caudofemoralis alone has been muscles in galloping horses (Gellman et al., 2002).
conservatively estimated as 261 kg for each femur of a Elasticity is another complication likely to have
Tyrannosaurus previously estimated to have weighed as improved the tails locomotive contribution. Tails are
little as 4,500 kg, which implies that the M. caudofemor- naturally rich in tendons and septa, which are excellent
alis should have a mass of 348 kg in a 6,000 kg individ- stores of elastic energy. Elastic elements within the tails
ual. Hutchinson and Garcia (2002) did not provide mass of both large and small non-avian theropods may have
estimates for individual limb muscles, making it difcult greatly improved locomotive efciency beyond what
to assess how this new M. caudofemoralis data affects would be estimated based on the limb musculature of
their total estimation. However, it can surely be most modern birds and mammals.
assumed that the mass of the other femoral retractors In addition to considerations of absolute speed, large
(the M. adductor femoris, M. puboischiofemoralis exter- caudofemoral muscles also have implications for previ-
nus, and M. ischiotrochantericus) in a 6,000 kg Tyranno- ous estimates of theropod centers of mass and, are there-
saurus would weigh at least 25 kg. Under this fore relevant to Hutchinson and Garcias 2002 study and
assumption, the 297 kg estimation appears to be off by to Hutchinsons 2004 follow-up, which found via

Fig. 13. A fully rendered reconstruction of BHI 3033 created by Scott Hartman to illustrate the appear-
ance of a Tyrannosaurus with a tail of appropriate beeness.

numerous sensitivity analyses that repositioning the In overall appearance, the tails of most non-avian
axial center of mass more posteriorly had the potential theropods likely resembled those of their modern croco-
to signicantly decrease the estimated muscle mass dilian relatives, with relatively larger hypaxial muscles
needed by Tyrannosaurus to achieve higher speeds and (and relatively smaller epaxial muscles) but without (in
to support its own bulk. Obviously, a larger M. caudofe- most cases at least) dorsal osteoderms. At the anterior
moralis mass results in a more posterior position of any base, the tails of most non-avian theropods would have
center of mass estimation (although the center of mass been as broad or broader laterally as they were tall dor-
would also be determined by the dorsoventral angle of soventrally. At and near the transition point, the tails
the torso and by the amount of curvature in the neck). would be laterally compressed, and towards the poste-
The similar enlargement of any of the other hind limb rior tip, the tails would, as the neural spines and hemal
retractors would have a largely neutral effect on the arches steadily shrunk, return to being roughly round in
axial center of mass. With its center of mass positioned cross-section (Fig. 13).
closer to its hips, a theropods leg muscles would be rela-
tively less strained in supporting its weight, and the ani- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
mals overall balance and turning agility would be
improved, as it would be less front-end heavy and its This research was made possible by the nancial sup-
rotational inertia would be reduced. port of the Dinosaur Research Institute. We wish to
The last point that should be made is primarily an thank John Acorn, Victoria Arbour, Robert Bakker, Rob-
artistic one. The current prevalent fashion among paleo- ert Holmes, Pierre Lemelin, and Eric Snively for their
artists is to depict the tails of most dinosaurs, but partic- repeated council and for many fruitful discussions about
ularly theropods, as relatively unmuscular and laterally dinosaur tails. We also wish to extend our gratitude to
compressed. This is true not only of depictions made Mike Brett-Surman, Chris Norris, and Brandon Strilisky
strictly for aesthetic purposes but also of those intended for their indispensable assistance in navigating the enor-
to support scientic research, such as estimations of mous storerooms of their respective institutions. Scott
mass (for example, Paul, 1997; Bates et al., 2009). The Hartman merits our gratitude (and envy) for his stun-
less-than-robust tail depictions are consistent with the ning artistic skills and talents, which were graciously
more traditional tail muscle restoration technique lent to this project. Special thanks are also owed to Joe
described. They are also likely the result of the recent Barter for his hospitality and assistance in recording tail
trend towards depicting more lightly built and more measurements. Lastly, we thank Michael Caldwell for
eet-footed theropods, because skinny laterally com- his unhesitating willingness to sacrice many tails from
pressed tails have a more aerodynamic and supercially his sizable frozen reptile collection.
more athletic appearance. In reality, skinny tails are not
more athletic. Because the M. caudofemoralis is the pri-
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