The Hopfield Model - Emin Orhan - 2014 PDF

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The Hopfield Model

Emin Orhan

February 4, 2014

In this note, I review some basic properties of the Hopfield model. I closely follow Chapter 2 of Herz,
Krogh & Palmer (1991) which is an excellent introductory textbook on the theory of neural networks. I
motivate the mean field analysis of the stochastic Hopfield model slightly differently than Herz, Krogh &
Palmer (1991) and my derivations are a little longer, filling in some of the gaps in the original text, to
make them more accessible to the beginners.

1 Deterministic dynamics

The Hopfield model consists of N binary variables or bits, Si {+1, 1}. These binary variables will be
called the units of the network. In the deterministic version of the model (we will later incorporate noise
or stochasticity into the model), the units are updated according to:
Si = sign( Wij Sj ) (1)

where Wij is the weight of the connection between Si and Sj and sign() is the sign function which
equals +1 if its argument is 0 and 1 otherwise. The dynamic update described in Equation 1 can be
done either synchronously (at each clock cycle updating all Si simultaneously according to Equation 1),
asynchronously (choosing either a random or fixed update order and updating Si according to that order
at each clock cycle) or using a combination of synchronous and asychronous updates. Different update
rules can have different consequences for the behavior of the model. In what follows, we will stick to the
asynchronous update rule which seems biologically more plausible.
The basic problem setup is that we want to store a number of patterns ( = 1, . . . , P ) in the connection
matrix of the network. By storing a pattern, we mean that the pattern should be a stable fixed point
of the network, i.e. when the network is initialized with and the units are updated according to
Equation 1, the network should stay in the same state. In addition, when the network is initialized with
a configuration close to , it should eventually converge to through the update dynamics.

Storing a single pattern

We first consider the case of a single pattern to be stored in the weight matrix of the network. Let us
denote this pattern by = [1 , . . . , N ]. From Equation 1, the condition for to be a fixed point of the
network dynamics is: X
i = sign( Wij j ) i {1, . . . , N } (2)

So, we need to find a weight matrix W such that Equation 2 is satisfied. It is easy to see that this condition
is satisfied if Wij i j , because then the argument of sign() becomes proportional to i which has the
same sign as i . The constant of proportionality is generally taken to be 1/N . Therefore, Wij = N1 i j .
If the network is initialized with a pattern S =P [S1 , . . . , SN ] close (but not identical) to , the network
will still converge to . This is because the sum j Wij Sj inside the sign function will still be dominated
by the bits that are identical in S and and will not be affected much by a few misaligned bits in S.
Hence, the inside of the sign function will still have the same sign as , attracting the network state to .
Therefore, is a stable fixed point of the network dynamics, as desired.
Also, note that if is a stable fixed point of the network, so is (where all bits are flipped with respect
to ). This is again easy to verify from Equation 2. In fact, all initial configurations with more than half
the bits different from will end up in the reverse attractor .
Storing multiple patterns

Now, suppose we want to store multiple patterns ( = 1, . . . , P ) in the connection matrix of the
network. How should we design the connection matrix W so that all of these patterns are stable fixed
points of the network? A straightforward generalization of the prescription suggested above for storing a
single pattern in the weight matrix leads to the following expression:
1 X
Wij = i j (3)

This is also called the Hebbian prescription. Let us first check that this prescription works as desired,
that is, the patterns are stable fixed points of the network. The condition for a particular pattern
to be a fixed point of the network dynamics is given by:

i = sign( Wij j ) = sign(hi ) i {1, . . . , N }


where we just called the sum inside the sign function hi . We first note that:

1 XX
hi = Wij j =
i j j (5)
j j

where we plugged in the Hebbian prescription (Equation 3) for Wij . We now separate hi into two terms
corresponding to the pattern and all the other ones.
1 X 1 XX
hi = i j j + i j j (6)
j j 6=
1 1 XX
= (N i ) + i j j (7)
j 6=
= i + (8)

where is called the crosstalk term. The crucial idea is that if || is smaller than 1, it will not affect the
sign of hi and hence we can conclude that is a fixed point of the network dynamics. It turns out that
|| is smaller than 1, if P is small and N is large. To understand why this is the case, note that is a
random variable that is equal to 1/N times the sum of about N P random variables that are equally likely
to be +1 or 1. Thus, has a distribution with mean 0 and variance P/N . To see this, note that a single
binary random variable that is equally likely to be +1 or 1 has a variance of 21 (+1 0)2 + 12 (1 0)2 = 1.

is equal to 1/N times the sum of about N P such binary random variables. Since these binary variables
are pairwise uncorrelated (why?), variances add up and then multiplying by 1/N has the effect of scaling
the variance by 1/N 2 resulting in a variance of N P/N 2 = P/N for . Therefore, as long as the ratio of
the number of stored patterns to the number of units in the network is small enough, || will be highly
unlikely to be larger than 1.
This argument demonstrates that the patterns are fixed points of the network dynamics as long as P is
small compared to N . As in the case of storing a single pattern, if the networkP is initialized with a pattern
S = [S1 , . . . , SN ] that is close to one of the stored patterns , the sum j Wij Sj will be dominated by
the bits that are identical in S and and thus the network will be quickly pulled toward the pattern
. Therefore, the stored patterns are not only fixed points of the network dynamics, but stable fixed
points, as desired.
Spurious attractors

We have shown that the desired patterns are stable fixed points of the network dynamics. But are they
the only stable fixed points or are there other stable fixed points as well? It turns out that there are in fact
many other stable fixed points than the patterns . We have previously seen that if is a stable fixed
point of the network dynamics, so is . These reverse attractor states may be considered innocuous,
but there are less trivial stable fixed points as well. We now show that mixtures of an odd number of
stored patterns are also stable fixed points of the network. For concreteness, we consider mixtures of
three patterns, but the same argument applies to any mixture of an odd number of patterns. Specifically,
we show that patterns of the form:

imix = sign(i1 i2 i3 ) (9)

are stable fixed points of the network. Again, the argument applies for all sign combinations in Equation 9,
but for concreteness, let us consider the case where all signs are +. When the network is initialized with
this mixture pattern, the total input for the i-th unit can be written as follows:
1 X 1 X X mix
i = Wij jmix = i j j (10)
j j

Now pulling out the terms corresponding to the component patterns 1 , 2 and 3 , we get:
1 X 1 1 mix 1 X 2 2 mix 1 X 3 3 mix
i = i j j + i j j + i j j + crosstalk term (11)
j j j

On average, j1 jmix has a value of 1/2. This is because with probability 3/4, j1 and jmix have the same
sign (j1 and jmix have opposite signs only when both j2 and j3 have the opposite sign to that of j1 ),
in which case j1 jmix evaluates to +1, and with probability 1/4 they have opposite signs, in which case
j1 jmix evaluates to 1. Thus, on average j1 jmix has a value of 3/4 1/4 = 1/2. Similarly for j2 jmix
and j3 jmix . Inserting these average values in Equation 11, we get:

1 1 1
i = i1 + i2 + i3 + crosstalk term (12)
2 2 2
Again, the crosstalk term can be shown to be small. Thus, hmax i has the same sign as imix . Similarly, if
the network is initialized in a state close to , the aligned bits will dominate in the total input and the
network will quickly converge to the mixture pattern mix . This establishes that the pattern mix will be
a stable fixed point of the network.

Storage capacity (small P , deterministic dynamics)

Consider the quantity:

1 XX
Ci = i i j j (13)
j 6=

which is just minus the i-th bit in the -th pattern times the crosstalk term. If Ci is smaller than 1, from
Equation 7, the crosstalk term cannot change the sign of hi and thus i is stable. If Ci is larger than 1,
the crosstalk term has the opposite sign to that of i and again from Equation 7, i is unstable. Thus
the probability that any bit i is unstable is given by:

Perror = P (Ci > 1) (14)

Ci is 1/N times the sum of about N P independent random binary variables. Thus it has a distribution
with mean 0 and variance 2 = P/N . For large N P , this distribution can be approximated with a
Gaussian distribution with the same mean and variance. Thus:
1 x2
Perror = P (Ci > 1) = exp( 2 )dx (15)
2 1 2
1 1 1 p
= [1 erf( )] = [1 erf( N/2P )] (16)
2 2 2 2

This implies, for instance, that if we want Perror < 0.01, P cannot be larger than about 0.185N .
The above result gives the single-bit error probability. Since there are N bits in a stored pattern, the
probability of error-free recall of a stored pattern is given by (1 Perror )N . We may require that this
probability be greater than some set value, say, 0.99, i.e. (1 Perror )N > 0.99. Using the binomial
expansion of the left-hand side and keeping the two lowest-order terms with respect to Perror (because
Perror is small), we get Perror < 0.01/N . Thus, Perror 0 as N . From Equation 16, this implies
P/N 0 as N . Therefore, we can use the following asymptotic approximation for the erf function
in Equation 16:
1 erf(x) exp(x2 )/ x as x (17)
This yields:
1 1
log Perror log 2 N/2P log log(N/2P ) (18)
2 2
If we now require Perror < 0.01/N :
1 1
log 2 N/2P log() log(N/2P ) < log 0.01 log N (19)
2 2
Keeping only terms of leading order in N :

N/2P > log N (20)

2 Stochastic (Glauber) dynamics

So far, we have assumed that the units are updated deterministically according to the update rule in
Equation 1. This means that a unit i will produce the same response Si given the same set of inputs, Sj ,
to the unit. In reality, neurons are noisy devices, so even when the same set of inputs are presented to
the neuron, it is not guaranteed to produce the same response. To capture this important characteristic
of neurons, we now assume that their responses are stochastic or noisy. In particular, we assume that the

output of the unit i is determined according to the following probabilistic update rule:
P (Si = 1|hi ) = f (hi ) = (21)
1 + exp(2hi )

where we denote the total input to unit i with hi :

hi = Wij Sj (22)

In Equation 21, = 1/T is an inverse temperature parameter that determines the noise level of the
unit. Large values correspond to low noise (or low temperature) and thus the unit behaves more
like a deterministic unit as in Equation 21 for large , whereas smaller values correspond to higher
noise (high temperature) and thus the unit behaves more randomly for smaller values (for = 0,
the units response becomes independent of its input and thus its output is completely random with
P (Si = +1) = P (Si = 1) = 0.5).
One should think of Equation 21 as defining conditional probability distributions p(Si |Si ) (where i
denotes all indices other than i). The conditional distributions collectively determine the joint distribution
over the units, p(S1 , S2 , . . . , SN ). Once we know this joint distribution, we know everything about the
system (at least, as far as the equilibrium properties are concerned). The joint distribution corresponding
to the conditional distributions in Equation 21 can be written down explicitly:
1 X
p(S1 , S2 , . . . , SN ) = exp( Wij Si Sj ) (23)
Z 2

where Z is the normalization constant (called the partition function in statistical mechanics). It is easy
to check that this joint distribution gives rise to the conditional distributions in Equation 21 (check this
for yourself!). Notice that the variables Si are coupled in the joint distribution, hence there are statistical
dependencies between the variables (assuming of course that the weight matrix W is not diagonal).
The problem with the joint distribution in Equation 23 is that it is difficult to work with. For example,
suppose we want to find the average configuration hS1 , S2 , . . . , SN i. This would require taking a sum over
2N terms.
Mean field theory

In the mean field approximation, dependencies between the stochastic variables Si are ignored. Si are
treated as independent variables and one tries to find the best factorized approximation to the joint
distribution in Equation 23. One might think that whatever interesting behavior this model exhibits
arises due to the interactions between the units. So, treating them as independent might seem like a
severe approximation, but sometimes it works, that is, it gives a qualitatively accurate description of the
models behavior. The exact conditions under which mean field theory works are rather complicated,
but for Hopfield-type models mean field theory becomes exact for infinite range interactions between units,
i.e. when there are infinite products of the form Si Sj Sk . . . in the joint distribution (in Equation 23, there
are only pairwise interactions between the units).
Mean field approximation to the joint distribution in Equation 23 can be derived as follows. Lets first
express each variable Si as a sum of its mean value plus some fluctuations around this mean: Si = mi +Si
where mi = hSi i is the mean and Si is the fluctuation around the mean. Note that mi is not a random

variable any more. Equation 23 then becomes:
1 X
p(S1 , S2 , . . . , SN ) = exp( Wij (mi + Si )(mj + Sj )) (24)
Z 2
1 X
= exp( Wij (mi mj + mi Sj + mj Si + Si Sj )) (25)
Z 2
1 X
exp( Wij (mi Sj + mj Si )) (26)
Z 2

where in the last step, we absorbed the mi mj terms into the new normalization constant Z (because they
are constant with respect to Si s) and we also ignored the second order terms Si Sj which is the crucial
step in the mean field approximation. The joint distribution now becomes separable in Si . Equation 26
can be written as:
1 X
p(S1 , S2 , . . . , SN ) = exp( Wij (mi (Sj mj ) + mj (Si mi ))) (27)
Z 2
1 X
= exp( Wij (mi Sj + mj Si )) (28)
Z 2
1 X X
= exp( Sj Wij mi ) (29)
j i
exp(Sj Wij mi ) (30)
j=1 i

Thus, the variables are now decoupled. In order to find the mean configuration hS1 , S2 , . . . , SN i, it is
enough to calculate the means of individual variables separately. For a single variable Si , we find:
exp( i Wij mi ) exp( i Wij mi ) X X
hSj i = P P = tanh( Wij mi ) = tanh( Wij hSi i) (31)
exp( i Wij mi ) + exp( i Wij mi )
i i

When the connection weights Wij are set according to the Hebbian prescription (Equation 3), Equation 31
hSj i = tanh( j i hSi i) (32)

This simplifies things a bit, but Equation 32 is still a set of N coupled nonlinear equations. To make
progress in solving it, we make the ansatz (physicists term for an initial guess) that hSi i is proportional
to one of the stored patterns:
hSi i = mi (33)
Plugging this ansatz in Equation 32, we get:
m X X
mj = tanh( j i i ) (34)
m XX
= tanh( (N j + j i i )) (35)
6= i
tanh(mi ) (36)

1 1.5

0.5 1

0 0.5
T = 0.5
0.5 T=1 0
1 0.5
1 0 1 0 1 2
m T
Figure 1: Solution of Equation 37. The dashed line is the left hand side of Equation 37 (identity), the
solid lines are the right hand side of Equation 37 for different T values. The solutions of the equation are
given by the intersection points of the dashed line with the solid lines. The plot on the right shows the
non-negative solutions of Equation 37 as a function of T .

In the last step, we used the fact that the cross-talk term (the second term inside the tanh function) is
small as long as P N . Because tanh is an odd function, Equation 36 implies:

m tanh(m) (37)

Equation 37 tells us that the system undergoes a phase transition at T = 1/ = 1. For T > 1, the only
solution of Equation 37 is m = 0, hence the system is useless as a memory device. For T < 1, there is a
pair of symmetric solutions as shown in Figure 1.

Storage capacity (large P )

In Equation 36, we had to assume P N to make the cross-talk term negligible. If this assumption does
not hold, the cross-talk term is no longer negligible and a more detailed analysis of its effect is required.
To this end, let us first define:
1 X
m = i hSi i (38)

which is the overlap between the mean state of the network and the -th pattern. If we plug in the
mean-field expression for hSi i from Equation 32, we get:
1 X X
m = i tanh( i m ) (39)

Without loss of generality, suppose that we are interested in the retrieval of the first pattern. We can
then separate out the terms corresponding to the first pattern and the -th pattern from the sum inside

the tanh function:
1 X X
m = i tanh[(i1 m1 + i m + i m )] (40)
i 6=1,
1 X 1 X
= i i tanh[(i1 i1 m1 + i i1 m + i i1 m )] (41)
i 6=1,
1 X 1 X
= i i tanh[(m1 + i i1 m + i i1 m )] (42)
i 6=1,

where in the second step we used thePfact that tanh(x) = i1 tanh(i1 x). Now we make a Taylor expansion
of Equation 42 around A = (m1 + 6=1, i i1 m ) keeping only terms of order up to (and including) 1:

1 X 1 X
m = i i tanh(A) + {1 tanh2 (A)}m (43)
i i

where we used the facts that tanh = 1 tanh2 and (m1 + i i1 m + A = i i1 m .
6=1, i i m )
Note that the Taylor expansion is justified because i i1 m is small.
Now we assume that the overlaps m for 6= 1, are small Gaussian
P random variables withP zero mean and
variance r/P where = P/N is the memory load and r = 1 6=1 m2 . Then the sum 6=1, i i1 m
in A is Gaussian with zero mean and variance r and thus the average over i in Equation 43 is an average
over Gaussian noise with zero mean and variance r. Thus, Equation 43 becomes:
1 X 1
m = i i tanh(A) + m qm (44)
N 1 i i i1 tanh(A)
= (45)
1 (1 q)

where q is the average of tanh2 (A) over Gaussian noise with zero mean and variance r:

dz z2
q= exp( ) tanh2 [(m1 + rz)] (46)
2 2

Now we need self-consistent equations for r andPm1 so that together with q we have 3 equations and 3
unknowns. From the definition of r (i.e. r = 1 6=1 m2 ), we can obtain an equation for r by taking the
square of Equation 45:
1 1 X 1 1 X X
m2 = [ ]2 2 i i j j tanh[(m1 + i i1 m )] tanh[(m1 + j j1 m )] (47)
1 (1 q) N
i,j 6=1, 6=1,

and averaging over the patterns :
1 1 X NX 1 1 X X
r = [ ]2 2 { i i j j } tanh[(m1 + i i1 m )] tanh[(m1 + j j1 m )]
1 (1 q) N P
i,j 6=1, 6=1,
1 1 X X X
= [ ]2 tanh[(m1 + i i1 m )] tanh[(m1 + j j1 m )] (48)
1 (1 q) N
i=j 6=1, 6=1,
1 1 X X
= [ ]2 tanh2 [(m1 + i i1 m )] (49)
1 (1 q) N
i 6=1,
= (50)
[1 (1 q)]2

Finally, to obtain an equation for m1 , we plug in = 1 in Equation 39, and separate out the term
corresponding to the first pattern inside the tanh function:
1 X 1 X
m1 = i tanh[(i1 m1 + i m )] (51)
i 6=1
1 X 1 1
i1 i m )]
= i i tanh[(i1 i1 m1 + (52)
i 6=1
1 X
i1 i m )]
= tanh[(m1 + (53)
i 6=1
dz z 2
= exp( ) tanh[(m1 + rz)] (54)
2 2

Equations 46, 50 and 54 (in magenta) can be solved simultaneously for q, r and m1 . In general, this has
to be done numerically, but in some special cases, e.g. in the limit of low temperature (T 0), we can
make further progress toward an analytical solution.
Let us investigate the low temperature (or low noise) limit, i.e. T 0 ( ), more closely. In this
limit, we can use the following approximations:

dz z2 1 z2
exp( )(1 tanh2 [(az + b)]) exp( )|tanh2 [(az+b)]=0 dz(1 tanh2 [(az + b)])
2 2 2 2
1 b2 1 d
= exp( 2 ) dz tanh[(az + b)] (55)
2 2a a dz
2 b2 1
= exp( 2 ) (56)
2a a


dz z2 dz z2
exp( ) tanh[(az + b)] exp( )sign[(az + b)] (57)
2 2 2 2
Z Z b/a
dz z2 dz z2
= exp( ) exp( ) (58)
b/a 2 2 2 2
Z b/a
dz z2
= 2 exp( ) (59)
0 2 2
= erf( ) (60)
a 2

Using these approximations in Equations 46, 50 and 54, we get the following three equations in the T 0
2 m2
C (1 q) = exp( 1 ) (61)
r 2r
r = (62)
(1 C)2
m1 = erf( ) (63)

Substituting y = m1 / 2r, we get:
y( 2 + exp(y 2 )) = erf(y) (64)

where we used the approximation r = 1C 1 + C in the derivation. Equation 64 can be solved
graphically. Figure 2 shows the solutions of Equation 64 for different values of the memory load, . For
a given , the solutions are the intersection points of the solid line (which represents the left hand side of
Equation 64) and the dashed line (which represents the right hand side of Equation 64). It can be seen
from the figure that there is a critical value of = c between 0.10 and 0.15 such that for < c the
system has non-zero solutions, and for > c it has no non-zero solution. This critical value turns out
to be c 0.138 for T 0. The transition at c is a very sharp one: around this point, the solution
m1 drops abruptly and discontinuously from around 0.97 suggesting a very high-fidelity memory, to 0
meaning a completely useless memory.
For a detailed analysis of the system in the full T - (temperature-memory load) space, see the two classic
papers by Amit, Gutfreund & Sompolinsky (1985a; 1985b).

[1] Amit, D.J., Gutfreund, H., & Sompolinsky, H. (1985a). Spin-glass models of neural networks. Physical Review
A, 32, 1007-1018.

[2] Amit, D.J., Gutfreund, H., & Sompolinsky, H. (1985b). Storing infinite numbers of patterns in a spin-glass
model of neural networks. Physical Review Letters, 55, 1530-1533.

[3] Hertz, J., Krogh, A., & Palmer, R.G. (1991). Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computation. Addison-

= 0.05
= 0.10
= 0.15
= 0.20

0 1 2 3
Figure 2: Solutions of Equation 64 for different values of the memory load, . The dashed line is the right
hand side of Equation 64, the solid lines are the right hand side of Equation 64 for different values. The
solutions of the equation are given by the intersection points of the dashed line with the solid lines.


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