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/ Reversing a Transaction

A transaction can be refunded or reversed (only for Preauthorizations) directly from the BIP.

This can be done as follows:

1. Login to the BIP
2. Click on the customer transaction you want to refund
a. A new window will open up with the customers details
3. Click on the Action tab (see orange arrow in Figure 1 below)
4. Decide the amount to be refunded
a. Presentation Amount selecting this option refunds the original amount of the
b. Other Amount You can also refund any amount upto the original charged
amount of the customer
5. Click on the Refund button (see blue diamond in Figure 1 below)

Figure 1: The Action Tab

Figure 1: The Action Tab

NOTE: A Reversal is used to cancel / void a pre-authorization on a users card. This is applicable to merchants who
implement the 2 step processing i.e. Pre-authorize (PA) and then Capture (CP). The only use case where Reversal is
to be used is as follows: Preauthorize (PA) -> Reversal (RV)
Refunds Refunds are used to return money back to the customers credit card. Refunds are processed for all cases
where the transaction has been completely processed by the bank. i.e. in the following scenarios:
Debit (DB -straight charge) -> Refund (RF)
Preauthorize (PA) -> Capture (PA) -> Refund (RF)
Please DO NOT perform a REVERSAL(RV) after a DEBIT (DB) or a CAPTURE (CP) transaction type.

66 Albert Road, Unit A 401, Woodstock, Cape Town 8001 South Africa |

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