Memo88 561

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88-561 June 21, 1988


SUBJECT : Rules and Regulations on Personnel Locator Slips

It has come to the attention of the undersigned that personnel locator slips have not
been properly used. In some cases, locator slips are submitted to the approving official
simultaneously or after the requesting official/employee has already left the Office for his
engagement. This practice defeats the purpose for requiring prior approval of locator slips. The
undersigned has, therefore, deemed it imperative to state the rules pertaining thereto.

Every official or employee who leaves his/her office during the prescribed working hours
shall accomplish a locator slip which is intended to pinpoint his or her whereabouts at anytime of
the day in order to have control over personnel movement during office hours. Said locator slip
shall indicate whether the timing out of the employee is for official or personal purpose, the time
of departure and expected time of arrival, and shall be approved by the Director or Head of
auditing unit concerned. Under no circumstance shall the official or employee concerned leave
the office, whether for personal or official purpose, unless a personnel locator slip is filed and is
duly approved by the Director or Head of auditing or their authorized representative before the
official or employee departs from the office. The locator slip duly signed by the proper authority
shall serve as the permission of the official/employee concerned to depart from the office. In the
case of Directors, the locator slips shall be signed by the Chairman while in the case of
Assistant Directors, the same shall be signed by the Director or in his/her absence, by the
Chairman himself.

The locator slip should be submitted to the Director or Head of unit who shall keep a
permanent file for verification purposes. The employee in charge of the leave and time records
in every office is hereby directed to reflect on the leave and time records of the personnel
concerned the undertime incurred in cases of timing out of the office for a personal reason.

Officials or employees whose regular duties involve daily field assignments or audit
engagements are exempt from the accomplishment of locator slips unless they leave the office
for personal business in which case they shall register the time of their departure and arrival in
the prescribed form of the locator slip. However, they shall advise their immediate superior of
their whereabouts before leaving the office.

Failure to comply with this requirement shall constitute a ground for administrative
action. All previous regulation on this subject are hereby modified.

For strict compliance.


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