Selecting Offshore LNG Processes: Engineering Forum

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Selecting offshore LNG processes Michael Barclay and Noel Denton, Foster Wheeler Energy Limited, UK

The authors consider the crieria for selection of the technology for offshore floating LNG production, and
review natural gas liquefaction cycles. The single and dual expander processes, although lower in efficiency
than alternatives, appear most suitable because of their greater compactness, ease of operation, and safety.

s LNG production capacity con- bined import capacity of 10.0 MTPA, and and Chiyoda Corp. of Japan completed the currently operating Floating Production
tinues to grow and the value of more are planned [3]. engineering, procurement and construc- Storage and Offloading (FPSOs) and
natural gas remains high, the The US is re-emerging as a large LNG tion (EPC) contract for Oman LNG. Floating Production Systems (FPSs) , a
impetus to monetise non-traditional gas importer. With one new offshore receiving At the time of start-up (February 2000 further 22 under construction or conver-
resources also grows. terminal opened this year, the US now has for Train 2), this plant had the largest sion, and 139 prospects were being con-
Offshore floating LNG production has five import terminals on the Atlantic and trains in operation at 3.3 MTPA and set a sidered [7].
generated interest because it offers the Gulf coasts with a combined capacity of 25 benchmark for process efficiency with a The offshore market is dominated by
potential to avoid flaring or reinjection of MTPA. reported average specific power of 10.15 FPSO facilities with more FPSO deploy-
associated gas and to monetise smaller or Receiving capacity is expected to kW per tonne per day of LNG [5]. Five ments worldwide than all the other float-
remote fields of non-associated gas. increase dramatically in the next five years years later, installed train capacities are ing production systems put together
With the realisation of large floating with four or five (of the over two dozen over 5 MTPA with projects in develop- (Spars, Tension Leg Platforms and Semi-
production, storage, and off-loading proposed) new LNG receiving terminals ment for 7.8 MTPA. Submersibles) [8].
(FPSO) facilities for oil production and expected to be constructed on the Atlantic The liquefaction process typically These FPSO production systems range
more recently LPG production, an LNG and Gulf coasts from 2007 through 2010 to accounts for 30-40 percent of the capital of from Aframax-based systems processing -
FPSO project appears to be increasingly meet LNG imports projected to increase the overall plant [6] and has a large impact 30,000 barrels per day (BPD) of crude to
more likely in the future. nearly 60 percent during that period [4]. on utilities and operating costs. Selection ULCC (Ultra Large Crude Carrier) based
Offshore natural gas liquefaction has Import terminals are also planned on the of the appropriate cycle is critical to cost- systems processing 200,000 BPD of crude.
different process requirements to the tra- West Coast to support high demand in effective LNG projects. The use of FPSOs provides a number of
ditional on-land baseload plants. While California and along the Mexican boarder. Historically, liquefaction cycle selection benefits as the production facility also pro-
thermodynamic efficiency is arguably the was an easy choice to make: the APCI vides storage for the crude. This elimi-
most important process selection criteria Traditional onshore C3MR. Table 1 shows the baseload lique- nates the requirement for local infrastruc-
for large onshore natural gas liquefiers, liquefaction faction trains currently operating, in vari- ture to transport the crude to shore.
other factors become more important for The logical starting point for any new ous stages of construction, and planned The floating production industry has
offshore projects. LNG production scheme should be the (in the case of AP-X). recently moved to processing gas and con-
Thermodynamic efficiency is likely to existing industry and processes. The base- The table illustrates two key points: densate as well as crude. Traditionally,
remain critically important. However, for load LNG industry
offshore applications criteria such as com- now has more than 40 Liquefaction Process Licensor Number of Trains Startup % of
pactness and process safety become more years of history start- Nov-04 Running Constr. Planned Year Market
significant considerations. The high effi- ing with permanent Propane Precooled MR APCI 55 9 ? 1972 77%
ciency pre-cooled mixed refrigerant cycles operations of the
Optimised Cascade Conoco-Phillips 3 4 ? 1999 9%
that dominate onshore LNG installations Camel plant in
will likely not meet the needs of the future Algeria in 1964. Single Refrigerant MR APCI 4 - - 1970s 5%
mobile and offshore liquefaction projects. The earliest plants Classic Cascade Marathon/Phillips 1 - - 1969 1%
The authors review natural gas lique- consisted of fairly Teal Dual Pressure MR 1 - - 1%
faction cycles in the context of compact- simple liquefaction Prico Single Stage MR Black & Vea tch 2 - - 2%
ness, ease of operation, process safety, and processes based on
MR Processes (C3MR & Dual -MR) Shell - 3 ? 2005 4%
efficiency for offshore liquefaction. Partic- either cascaded refrig-
ular attention is paid to the lower-efficien- eration or single
Multifluid Cascade Linde-Statoil - 1 ? 2006 1%
cy single and dual expander processes. mixed refrigerant AP-X Process APCI - - 3 (4) 2007/2008 0%
These cycles offer several advantages processes and train Note : % of Market based on percentage of total trains running and under construction
over traditional cascade and mixed refrig- capacities were less
erant (MR) liquefiers for offshore, on- than 1 MTPA. Table 1. LNG trains by liquefaction process (References [6], [18], [19])
board and mobile applications. The In 1972 Brunei
authors share their insights gained Lumut 1 utilised the
through their design and operating expe- first two-cycle process using a propane first, the APCI C3MR process dominates associated gas has been re-injected and
rience on small-scale N2 cycle LNG plants pre-cooled mixed refrigerant (C3MR) the industry; secondly there has been a remote gas reserves were left untapped
and marginal field developments. developed by Air Products and Chemicals considerable diversification of liquefac- due to the difficulty in delivering gaseous
Int. (APCI). This process became the dom- tion processes in the last five to seven (low energy density) products to market.
Global LNG developments inant liquefaction process technology by years. This increased competition has led How can we benefit from the associated
LNG trade in 2004 was approximately 131 the late 1970s and continues to be the to increased train capacity, improved driv- gas or stranded gas reserves? This chal-
million tonnes per annum (MTPA) and is workhorse of the LNG industry today. er integration, and decreased capital costs. lenge has led to the development of LPG
expected to increase by about 50 percent to During this period APCI and others Four trains of APCI's new AP-X lique- FPSOs such as the Sanha for Chevron situ-
more than 190MTPA in 2010 [1]. As of have made significant improvements on faction process are planned in Qatar for ated offshore Angola. This project helps
October 2005, there were a total of 19 liq- the original C3MR process. Economies of Qatargas II trains 4 and 5 and RasGas II to eliminate routine flaring and provides
uefaction facilities in operation worldwide scale, improved process simulation tools, trains 6 and 7. marketable products, but still requires
with a total of 69 trains, including three and improved equipment performance These planned plants represent the residue gas to be re-injected.
new trains at Atlantic LNG in Trinidad, (i.e. liquid expanders and gas turbine driv- state-of-the-art in land-based liquefaction Floating offshore LNG production
Egypt LNG and Woodside Petroleum in ers) have all dramatically decreased featuring single train liquefaction capaci- offers the potential to avoid such re-injec-
Australia respectively, and a combined installed liquefaction plant costs, ties of 7.8 MTPA using an N2 expander tion and captures the other benefits associ-
production capacity of more than 150 improved performance, and increased the cycle to affect the sub-cooling of the LNG. ated with crude installations. It eliminates
MTPA. capacity of liquefaction trains. the need for infrastructure and provides
China's first LNG receiving terminal The continued development of tradi- State of development storage to enable LNG carriers to be
(3.3 MTPA) in Guangdong is scheduled tional LNG plant design can be seen by for FPSO utilised to transfer the product to market.
for completion in 2006/2007. India now comparing recently commissioned plants The use of floating production systems This concept is now being studied by
has two LNG receiving terminals in oper- to current and planned facilities. within the offshore oil and gas industry is numerous organisations such as Royal
ation, at Dahej, and Hazira, with a com- Less than five years ago Foster Wheeler maturing technology with more than 119 Dutch Shell with their Floating LNG

LNG journal October 2005 page 34

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(FLNG) and Floating Oil and Natural Gas vaning configurations are often used, pos- age and management. process lines, and extensive overpressure
(FONG) concepts for processing gas and sibly with tandem offloading being Two-way, two-phase flow requires spe- potential and flare requirements. This
associated gas respectively [9]. The float- required. To facilitate this a number of cific equipment (heat exchanger) and pip- makes these processes inherently less safe
ing production concept has not yet been technology suppliers have looked at flexi- ing layout. The flammable nature of the than expander processes.
extended to LNG production offshore but ble loading arms for transfer of LNG refrigerant also places additional con- Expander processes have higher inher-
Foster Wheeler and others are prepared to between the production vessel and the straints on process and piping layout, off- ent safety because the refrigerant is inert.
engineer such projects [10], [11]. tanker such as the SBM soft yoke mooring set distances, and restricted area classifica- Recent studies suggest that although MR
Different floating LNG production and offloading (SYMO) system. tions to ensure adequate process safety liquefaction cycles have significantly
process selection criteria have long been These factors have all been examined in and code compliance. increased risk, the effect on overall facility
recognised with early studies on the topic various studies such as Project Azure and Using dual mixed refrigerant processes risk may be small.
occurring over 25 years ago [12]. N2 the Shell development work on FLNG and may be acceptable for offshore liquefac- Risk analysis studies completed for
expander cycles for offshore liquefaction FONG [14],[9]. tion as seen in concepts using either Shell project AZURE suggest that the total
were discussed and studied by Foster or APCI processes [14]. process risk for the FPSO is not dramati-
Wheeler and others in the 1980s [13]. Expander processes Expander cycles using N2 as the refrig- cally increased by the large increase in liq-
During the 20 years since initial con- The process criteria outlined in the previ- erant have the potential to be extremely uefaction process risk associated with a
ceptual design, the development of hydro- ous section suggest that gas turbo- compact because they feature: dual mixed refrigerant process [14].
carbon processing on FPSOs has matured expander based processes are well suited All gas service so there is no large Marine Environment:
with several production facilities currently for offshore liquefaction. A simple refrigerant storage and management Hydraulic design of the liquefaction
operating in a variety of environments expander refrigeration cycle, the reverse- system, decreasing plot requirements process should consider the special con-
and configurations. Brayton, is shown in Figure 1. and weight straints created by the marine environ-
While this process has been used to liq- Decreased offset distances because the ment. Previous articles have highlighted
Offshore liquefaction
process criteria
Offshore liquefaction facilities have differ- The working fluid in the refrigeration exchanger with simultaneous pre-cool- ducing LNG. The warm, low-pressure
ent technology selection criteria than their system, typically N2, is compressed in ing of the incoming high-pressure N2 refrigerant in Stream 7 is then recom-
onshore counterparts leading to different the main compressor with Stream 1 as its refrigerant and removal of the sensible pressed in the primary compressor to
optimal processes. discharge. The heat is rejected from the and latent heat in the process stream pro- complete the refrigeration cycle.
Offshore facilities must be compact, cycle to the environment as the heat
light, and offer high inherent process safe- of compression in the after-cooler
ty. They must also consider the addition- prior to a second stage of compres- Q1

al constraints placed on the system in the sion in the compressor loading the
marine environment such as vessel motion turbo-expander. The Stream 3 has 2
and offer a high degree of modularity, the highest pressure developed in COOLER
ease of operation, low equipment count, the cycle. Stream 3 then flows N2 COMPRESSOR TURBO - W2
quick start-up, and high availability. through a second after-cooler to COMPRESSOR
Additionally, because FPSOs will be reject additional heat to the environ- SHAFT
processing gas from marginal fields they ment. Next, Stream 4 enters the 3
must be tolerant of a variety of process recuperative heat exchanger where
conditions and have a high degree of the refrigerant is cooled to well 4
inherent process robustness. High process below ambient temperature. After 7
efficiency remains an important selection leaving the heat exchanger, the
criterion because, even with inexpensive cooled gas undergoes an isentropic
feed gas, poor efficiency must be paid for expansion in the turbo-expander, MAIN RECUPERATIVE HEAT EXCHANGER
with increased utilities, compressor capac- which causes a large temperature
ity, and other major capital expenditure drop in the refrigerant and pro-
items. duces shaft work. The lower pres-
The technology in use on existing sure cold refrigerant in Stream 6 is Figure 1. Modified-Brayton cycle refrigerator.
FPSOs such as turbines, compressors, tow- warmed in the recuperative heat
ers and separators has already set the
groundwork for installing machinery on
floating facilities. This development over uefy natural gas it has low efficiency refrigerant is non-flammable and the impact of moving floating production
the past 20 years allows the step to be tak- because a gas with uniform flowrate places fewer constraints on equipment on various LNG process equipment items
en to offshore LNG with a large number of through the cycle cannot closely match the positioning [16],[17}. Appropriate design of the
already proven components. cooling requirements in the process gas. Most of the surface area is dedicated to process equipment and plant layout can
Other factors that must be considered Several variations on a single expander gas-gas service with flexible orienta- ensure either expander or MR processes
are LNG storage and offloading. The reverse-Brayton cycle may improve effi- tion. Heat exchanger cores can be are fit for purpose.
transport in LNG carriers is well estab- ciency significantly [15]. These variations arranged as needed. This allows the Ease of operation, low equipment
lished. However partial fill conditions in include using two expanders (with or design of conformal coldboxes and count, quick start-up:
the LNG FPSO will occur as the LNG is without the same working fluid), pre-cool- modularized plant layout. Turboexpander-based processes have
being processed prior to offtake. ing the feed gas with a MR or propane Note that although the refrigerant circula- the advantage in all three of these
This may result in sloshing, which is of chiller, and expanding a saturated LNG tion rate and main heat exchanger duty process selection criteria. Turboex-
particular concern in membrane tanks. product in controlled stages. are significantly decreased in expander pander processes are extremely easy to
The consideration of loss of containment cycles, the required heat transfer surface operate and control.
must also be addressed when considering Comparing Conventional may not decrease because the refrigerant The high equipment count and start-
hull fabrication. to Expander Processes heat transfer coefficient is also much up time for MR processes is a function of
The use of concrete for the hull pro- All large-scale LNG production processes lower. refrigerant management and the inherent
vides benefits in the storage of cryogenic use either an MR or pure component cas- High inherent safety properties of the process. The number of
fluids as it retains its structural integrity caded refrigeration cycle. Expander cycles The LNG industry has built an excellent storage tanks, separators, valve mani-
when in contact with the LNG; however, use all gas (or mostly gas) refrigerants and safety record that must continue to be folds, and instruments and controls
this must be measured against potential offer lower efficiency but many benefits aggressively protected as existing plants required to adjust and control the refrig-
cost reductions if traditional steel ship for offshore liquefaction. The following age and novel processes and production erant charge and composition in the MR
designs could be utilised. compares how each of the offshore schemes are commercialised. processes is high.
If offloading is considered with a typi- process selection criteria is satisfied by tra- Transitioning established MR processes Cold production in a turboexpander
cal spread-moored configuration such as ditional baseload and turboexpander liq- to offshore production facilities has an process is largely independent of the
might be found offshore West Africa, then uefaction cycles. advantage in that their risks and hazards process gas. MR processes are more com-
side-by-side offloading could be consid- Compact and Light: are well understood, documented and plicated because refrigerant composition,
ered. This provides the benefit in that typ- The lack of compactness for the MR mitigated. process pressures and temperatures, and
ically LNG carriers load at midships - cycles is potentially their largest disad- MR and Cascade processes have large the feed gas conditions are all coupled.
therefore providing more flexibility. vantage. MR cycle liquefiers require flammable refrigerant inventories, high Start-up times may be limited by either
However in less benign seas, weather extensive plot space for refrigerant stor- refrigerant circulation rates through thermal shock and equipment cool down

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times or by non-mechanical issues. further decreased efficiency, including the expander processes to date are relatively specialized, it is
Heat exchangers and piping must be use of modular stainless steel heat Propane pre-cooled dual expander apparent that some expander-based
cooled down in a controlled fashion to exchangers. Third, the plant has a small processes may be approaching the effi- processes offer potential for the more gen-
ensure thermal stresses associated with production rate and some equipment is ciencies of state-of-the-art C3MR eral offshore market.
the change in temperature do not damage inherently less efficient. cycles but have surrendered their Based on the efficiencies reported by
the equipment. Non-mechanical issues The second N2 expander plant is inherent advantages of low flammable ABB and Kryopak, expander processes
relate to refrigerant charging and tuning onboard the LNG Jamal, an LNG carrier refrigerant inventory, low equipment may offer adequate efficiency for offshore
in both processes. built for the Oman LNG project. Kryopak count, and simplicity liquefaction on FPSOs in either single or
High Efficiency: provides details for a "typical", actually Regardless of reporting and site specific double expander configurations depend-
There are only incremental improve- operating, single expander plant using the differences, it is clear that some small ing on process specific details.
ments to be made in the existing MR process gas as the working fluid at a expander-based processes have been
cycle liquefiers. They were initially cho- capacity of 125 tonnes of LNG per day. selected even though they were consider- Conclusions
sen because they offered the highest effi- The final two values from an ABB ably less efficient than competing Consideration of many relevant process
ciency and have been refined for the past reference are simulated for a dual- technologies. selection criteria for onshore and off-
30 years. The high efficiency on Oman expander process using both N2 and flam- This is a testament that factors other shore natural gas liquefaction would
LNG and other recent plants are a testa- mable refrigerants in separate circuits than efficiency, notably project economics, suggest that expander cycles are better
ment to this. without and with propane pre-cooling are ultimately the drivers in project pro- suited to offshore liquefaction on FPSOs
Expander-based processes on the other respectively. gression. While these projects undertaken than traditional liquid refrigerant
Plant Liquefaction Process Status Licensor Efficiency Relative The expander cycle's primary disadvan-
kW*day/ton Power tage remains that it has an inherently low-
OMAN LNG, Trains 1,2 ( 1 ) C3 Precooled MR Operational APCI 12.2 100% er efficiency than common onshore
Wildwood LNG Plant ( 2 ) Single N 2 expander, closed Operational CFS 40.5 332% processes such as C3MR and Cascade
LNG Jamal BOG Reliquefier ( 3 ) Single Expander, N 2 processes.
Built, des. Cap. - 37.8 310%
When considering marginal field devel-
Kryopak EXP-Typical ( 4 ) Single expander, process fluid Operational?? KryoPak, Inc. 20.4 167%
Predicted / Patented ( 5 ) opments, either onshore or offshore, the
Dual Expander C1 / N 2 Simulated ABB 16.5 135%
use of non-proprietary turbo-expander
Predicted / Patented ( 5 ) C3 - Dual Expander C1 / N 2 Simulated ABB 13.5 111%
based processes should be considered
because they offer the potential for a com-
1. G. McLachlan, C. Ayres, K. Vink, M. Al Mukhainy, Efficient Production of LNG from the Oman LNG Project, Gastech 2002, Doha, Qatar, pact plant, simple robust operation, lower
Oct. 2002. initial CAPEX, and a high degree of
2. M. Barclay, D. Gongaware, Distributed Liquefied Natural Gas Infrastructure: Design of the Next Generation of Liquefiers, Proc. of 21st Intl. process safety.
Congress of Refrigeration, Washington D.C., Aug. 2003.
Higher operating costs must be consid-
3. N. Hatanaka et. al., A Challenge to Advance LNG Transport for the 21st Century- LNG Jamal: New LNG Carrier with Reliquefaction Plant,
ered with other costs for the shorter, less
LNG-13, 2001.
defined marginal project life. The ultimate
4. Kryopack, Inc. website,, Jan. 2005.
5. J. Foglietta, Production of LNG using Dual Independent Expander Refrigeration Cycles, Presented at AIChE Spring Meeting 2002, New choice of which process to select will
Orleans, March 2002. remain dependent on project specific vari-
ables and potential development state of
Table 2. Expander plant performance relative to Oman LNG novel processes.

hand have been steadily improving with Table 2 shows a wide range of perform- Michael Barclay is a Senior Process Noel Denton is a Process Engineer for
advances in plate fin heat exchangers, tur- ance for commercial expander natural gas Engineer in Foster Wheeler's Oil and Gas the Oil and Gas Division of Foster Wheeler
bomachinery, and process configuration. liquefiers. As in all such comparisons, Division. He has ten years experience with Energy Limited. He holds a MEng. degree
Expander cycles shift the key efficiency- scrutiny should be paid to what exactly is gas plant design including NGL recovery, in Chemical and Process Engineering from
determining element of the process from being measured and how data is reported natural gas liquefaction, and sour gas treat- Exeter University, England and is a Char-
the LNG heat exchanger to the expander. as they come from various sources. From ment. He holds a B.S. from the U.W.-Madi- tered Engineer. He has been working on
Expander efficiency is critical to effi- the table it is fair to say that: son and an M.S. from the Pennsylvania upstream oil and gas projects worldwide
cient operation as is compressor efficiency All expander cycle plants are less effi- State University. He is a Senior Member of for nearly 7 years and has been lead
and process configuration. Dual- cient than the C3MR benchmark the AIChE, and a member of the ASME and process engineer on two marginal field
expander processes for LNG liquefaction Dual-expander processes offer the Cryogenic Society of America. FPSO projects.
may be either open art or proprietary and higher efficiency than single
offer the potential to greatly increase effi-
ciency by better matching the natural gas References Extract from "World Floating Produc- of the GPA Spring Meeting 2001.
cooling curves. The efficiency of several [1] A. Smaal, Liquefaction Plants: Develop- tion Report 2003 - 2007" as published in [15] J. Foglietta, Production of LNG using
expander plants is shown in Table 2. ment of Technology and Innovation, Offshore Magazine, Aug. 2003. Dual Independent Expander Refrigera-
Data from the tables comes from a vari- Working Committee Contribution, 22nd [9] F. Faber, L.R. Resweber, P.S. Jones, tion Cycles, Presented at AIChE Spring
ety of sources. The Wildwood liquefac- World Gas Conference, Tokyo, 2003. A.E.J. Bliault; Floating LNG Solutions Meeting 2002, New Orleans, March
tion plant is a distributed-scale LNG facil-
[2] Tables of Liquefaction Terminals, The from the Drawing Board to Reality, Off- 2002.
ity operating near Stockton, California on
LNG Journal, May 2005 shore Technology Conference, Houston, [16] B. Waldie, Effects of Tilt and Motion on
a single N2 expander cycle.
[3] Tables of Reception Terminals, The LNG Texas, May 6-9, 2002. LNG and GTL Process Equipment for
The plant processes a low-BTU non-
Journal, June 2005 [10] B. Raine, A. Kaplan, Concrete-based Floating Production, GPA Europe Ann-
associated gas containing about 20% N2 at
[4] DOE/EIA, Annual Energy Outlook - Offshore LNG Production in Nigeria, al Conference, Rome, Italy, Sept. 2002.
a feed pressure of 280 psig (19 bar) and
2004, Energy Information Administra- LNG Journal, Sept./Oct. 2003, pp. 28-30. [17] N. Hatanaka, H. Yoneyama, T.
produces a 97%+ C1 LNG stream.
A variety of features contribute to the tion, U.S. Dept. of Energy, DOE/EIA- [11] B. Raine, A. Kaplan, G. Jackson, Mak- Mihashi, M. Oka, M. Ohmori, A Chal-
apparent low efficiency. First, the work 0383(2004), Jan. 2004. ing the Concrete Case, Offshore Engi- lenge to Advance LNG Transport for the
associated with lower pressure liquefac- [5] G. McLachlan, C. Ayres, K. Vink, M. Al neer, Dec. 2003, pp. 35-40. 21st Century - LNG Jamal: New Carri-
tion and N2 rejection is included in the Mukhainy, Efficient Operation of LNG [12] A. Kennett, D. Limb, B. Czarnecki, Off- er with Reliquefaction Plant, LNG-13,
provided value. Second, initial CAPEX for from the Oman LNG Project, Gastech shore Liquefaction of Associated Gas- a 2001.
the project was a key factor. 2002, Doha, Qatar, Oct. 2002. suitable process for the North Sea, Off- [18] DOE/EIA, The Global Liquefied Natur-
This supported the choice of an [6] T. Shukri, LNG Technology Selection, shore Technology Conference, May, al Gas Market: Status and Outlook,
expander process and other decisions that Hydrocarbon Engineering, Feb. 2004. 1981. Energy Information Administration, U.S.
[7] Global Perspectives Floating Production [13] A J Finn, G L Johnson, T R Tomlinson, Dept. of Energy, DOE/EIA-0637, Dec.
Market Update Report 2004/08, Infield LNG technology for offshore and mid- 2003.
Acknowledgement Energy Data Analysis, http://www. scale plants, 79th Annual GPA Conven- [19] M. Meyer, LNG Liquefaction Process- -
This article is based on a paper present- tion, Atlanta, March 2000. Why the Big Fuss about Selection,
ed by the authors at the AIChE 2005 market_reports.htm, Jan. 2005. [14] J.A. Sheffield, M. Mayer, The Chal- IChemE London SONG Meeting, Nov. 9,
Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. [8] D. Harbinson, S. Robertson, R. Knight, lenges of Floating LNG Facilities, Proc. 2004.

LNG journal October 2005 page 36

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