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Profit and Loss Statement Template

[Company Name]
[Street Address], [City, ST ZIP Code]
[Phone: 555-555-55555] [Fax: 123-123-123456]

Profit & Loss Statement

For the Period Ended -
Income Rs(in lakhs) Rs(in lakhs)
Sales 0000000
Services 00000000
Other Income 00000

Total Income 0000000

Accounting 0000000
Advertising 2.0
Assets Small
Bank Charges 000000
Cost of Goods Sold 5.0
Electricity 1.2
Hire of Equipment 0
Insurance 00000
Interest 00000
Motor Vehicle 5.0
Office Supplies 0.3
Postage and Printing 0.1
Rent 00000
Repairs and Maintenance 0.7
Stationary 0.10
Subscriptions 00000
Telephone 0.25
Training/Seminars 1.0
Wages and On costs 12.0

Total Expenses 00000000

Profit/Loss 00000000

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