Biology: Characteristic of Living Things and How Scientists Classify Living Things

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Characteristic of Living Things and

How Scientists Classify Living Things

Ryankirana Pratyahara
X-6 / 24
Characteristics of Living Things
How Scientists Classify Living Things
1. Cell
Smallest functional unit of living things.
2. Nutrition
As taking in which are organic substances and mineral ions, containing raw materials
or energy for growth and tissue repair, absorbing and assimilating them.
3. Sensitivity
The ability to detect or sense changes in the environment and to make responses.
4. Excretion
As removal from organism of toxic materials, the waste products of metabolism
(chemical reactions) in cells including respirations and substances in excess of
5. Respirations
As the chemical reactions that break down nutrient molecules in living cells to
release energy.
6. Reproduction
As the process that make more of the same kind of organism.
7. Growth
As a permanent increase in size and dry mass by an increase in cell number or cell
size or both.
8. Movement
As an action by an organism or part of an organism causing a change of position of
9. Energy
Animals and humans eat food to obtain their energy.
Plants however use the sunlight obtain their energy.
10. Homeostasis
Maintaining the inside of their bodies.
Eating the right foods and staying clean are parts of this maintaining process.
11. How scientists do classify?
Classify the living things by find the same characteristics into groups, then make a
bigger group which has more living things that have same characteristics.
12. 7 Classification of living things
Kingdom -> Phylum/ Division -> Class -> Order -> Family -> Genus -> Species
13. Binomial system / Binomial Nomenclature
A species is identified by both its genus name and spesific name.
14. Dichotomous key
A method for determining the identify of living things by going through a series of
choices that leads the correct name.
15. Example of living organism and non-living organism
Living organism : Plants, animals, humans.
Non-living organism : Building, stone, soil.

Translation terms into Indonesian

1. Sel
Satuan fungsional terkecil dari makhluk hidup.
2. Nutrisi
Pengambilan nutrisi yang terdiri dari zat organik dan ion mineral, mengandung bahan
mentah atau enrgi untuk tumbuh dan memperbaiki jaringan, menyerap, dan
3. Kepekaan
Kemampuan untuk mendeteksi atau merasa perubahan di lingkungan sekitar sekitar
dan meresponnya.
4. Ekskresi
Sebagai pembuangan dari zat zat beracun dari organisme, produksi zat sisa dari
metabolisme (reaksi kimia) pada sel termasuk respirasi dan zat zat lebih daripada
yang diperlukan.
5. Respirasi
Sebagai reaksi kimia yang menghancurkan molekul nutrisi pada sel untuk melepas
6. Reproduksi
Sebagai proses yang memproduksi organisme dengan jenis yang sama.
7. Pertumbuhan
Sebagai peningkatan permanen pada ukuran dan berat dengan peningkatan pada
jumlah sel, ukuran sel, atau keduanya.
8. Perpindahan
Sebagai tindakan dari organisme atau bagian dari organisme yang menyebabkan
perubahan posisi atau tempat dari organisme tersebut.
9. Energi
Binatang dan manusia memakan makanan untuk memperoleh energi mereka.
Sedangkan tumbuhan memerlukan sinar matahari untuk memperoleh energinya.
10. Homeostasis
Mempertahankan keadaan di dalam tubuh makhluk hidup.
Memakan makanan yang benar dan membersihkan diri adalah sebagian tindakan
pada proses mempertahankan kondisi diri.
11. Bagaimana ilmuwan mengklasifikasikan makhluk hidup?
Dengan mengklasifikasikan makhluk hidup dengan menemukan ciri ciri yang sama
pada kelompok kelompok, kemudian membuat kelompok yang lebih besar yang
memuat lebih banyak makhluk hidup dengan ciri ciri yang sama.
12. 7 Klasifikasi makhluk hidup
Kingdom -> Filum/ divisi -> Kelas -> Ordo -> Famili -> Genus -> Spesies
13. Sistem binomial/ binomial nomenklatur
Satu spesies diidentifikasi dengan nama genus dan nama spesies.
14. Kunci dikotomus/ kunci determinasi
Sebuah metode untuk menentukan identitas makhluk hidup dengan membuat
sebuah urutan pilihan yang mengantarkan pada nama yang tepat.
15. Contoh dari organisme hidup dan organisme tidak hidup
Organisme hidup: Tumbuhan, binatang, manusia.
Organisme tidak hidup: Gedung, batu, tanah.
Identification Of Ducks
Classification Groups Of Ducks :
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class : Aves
Ordo : Anseriformes
Family : Anatidae
Find out the example of determination key
1. a. Animal that you observe including
to vertebrate animal......................................................................... go to number 5
b. Animal that you observe including
to invertebrate animal...................................................................... go to number 2
2. a. There is skeleton outside................................................................. go to number 3
b. There is no skeleton outside.............................................................. go to number 4
3. a. Noded feet, five pairs............................................................................... Crustacea
b. The feet are not noded, have shell............................................................. Mollusca
4. a. Segmented body, living from organic wastes.............................................. Annelida
b. Body isnt segmented, gilig body shape
and live in human body................................................................... Nemathelmintes
5. a. Body covered by fur......................................................................... go to number 6
b. Body isnt covered by fur................................................................. go to number 8
6. a. The foot has claw............................................................................. go to number 7
b. The foot has no claw........................................................................ go to number 8
7. a. Short ear, the food is meat....................................................................... Carnivore
b. Have short ear or long ear, the food is plants............................................ Herbivore
8. a. Has wings......................................................................................... go to number 9
b. Has no wings................................................................................... go to number 10
9. a. Body is covered by feather................................................................................ Aves
b. Body isnt covered by feather....................................................................... Insecta
10. a. Body is scaled................................................................................. go to number 11
b. Bodi isnt scaled............................................................................... go to number 12
11. a. Live in the water, move by fin........................................................................ Pisces
b. Live in the land, move by a pair of feet........................................................ Reptiles
12. a. Body is covered by thin mucous layer
and metamorphosis occured................................................................... Amphibies
b. Body slippery and mucous, live in the mud or a hole........................................... Eel

Dichotomous Keys Of Ducks Is : [1. a] [5.b] [8.a] [9.a]

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