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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
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and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
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IS 1893 (Part 4) (2005): Criteria for Earthquake Resistant

Design of Structures, Part 4: Industrial Structures
Including Stack-Like Structures. ICS 91.120.25

! $ ' +-
Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
Invent a New India Using Knowledge

! > 0 B

Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen
IS 1893 (Part 4) : 2005

717 '? m4 4F1 Cf)

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Indian Standard

(Second Reprint SEPTEMBER 2008)

ICS 91.120.25

BIS 2005
NEW DELH1 110002
A llgllst 2005 Price Group 9
E(lrthquake Engineering Sectional Committee, CED 39

'fhis Indian Standard (Part 4) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, aftcr the draft finalized by the
Earthquake Engineering Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division CounciL
H imalayan-Naga Lushai region, Indo-Gangetic Plain, Western India, Kutch and Kathiawar regions arc geologically
unstable parts of the country \vhere some devastating earthquakes of the world have occurred. A major part of
the peninsular India has also been visited by strong earthquakes, but these \vere relatively few in number occurring
at rnllch larger time intervals at any site, and had considerably lesser intensity. The earthquake resistant design
ofstTucturCS, taking into accollnt seismic data from studies of these Indian earthquakes, has become very essential,
particularly in view of heavy construction programme at present allover the country". It is to serve this purpose
tlLlt IS 1893 : 1962 'Recommendations for earthquake resistant design of structures' was published and
subsequently revised in 1966, 1970, 1975 and 1984.
In view of the present state or knowledge and in order to update this standard, the committee has decided to
cover the provisions for different types of structures ill. separate parts. This standard has been split into five
parts. Other parts in this series are:
Part I General provisions and buildings
Part 2 Liquid retaining tanks-elevated and grollnd supported
Part 3 Bridges and retaining walls
Part 5 Dams and embankments
Part I contains provisions that are general in nature and applicable to all types of structures. Also, it contains
provisions that arc specific to buildings only. Unless stated otherwise, the provisions ill Part 2 to Part 5 shall be
rC;ld necessarily in conjullction with Part I.
This standard contains provisions on earthquake resislant design of industrial structures including stack-like
structures . .Industrial structures are covered in Section I al)cI Stack-like structures are covered in Section 2.
All sub-clclLlses under the main clause 0.0 of IS 1893 (Part I) are also applicable to this part except the 0.4.1.
In the preparation orthis standard considerable assistance has been provided by SHEL, lIT Roorkee, lIT Bombay,
11'1' J<.anpur, N'fPC, ElL, TCE, DCE, NPC and various other organizations.

For the plll'pose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a te~;t or analysis, shall be rounded off in ac"cordance with
IS:2 : 1960 'Rules 1'01' rounding oflnull1crical values (revised)'. The IlLllllber of significant places retained in the
rOlllldeci ofT vallie should be the same as that or the specified value in this standard.
IS 1893 (Part 4) : 2005

Indian Standard

I SCOPE In addition to the above, the following structures are

classified as stack-like structures and are covered by
1. t The industrial structures shall be designed and this standard:
constructed to resist the earthquake effects in
accordance with the requirements and provisions of a) Cooling towers and drilling towers;
this standard. This standard describes the procedures b) Transmission and communication towers;
for earthquake resistant design of industrial structures. c) Chimneys and stack-like structures;
It provides the estimates of earthquake loading for
design of such structures. d) Silos (including parabolic silos used for urea
storage );
1.2 All sub-clauses under 1 of IS 1893 (Part 1) are e) Support structures for refinery columns, boilers,
also applicable to this part except 1.1. crushers, etc; and
1.3 This standard deals with earthquake resistant f) Pressure vessels and chemical reactor columns.
design of the industrial structures (plant and auxiliary
structures) including stack-like structures associated 2 REFERENCES
with the following industries: The following standards contain provisions which,
a) Process industries; through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this standard. At the time of publication the editions
b) Power plants;
indicated were valid. All standards are subject tC)
c) Petroleum, fertilizers and petro-chemical revision and parties to agreements based 011 this
industries; standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility
d) Steel, copper, zinc and aluminum plants; of applying the most recent editions of the standards
indicated below:
e) Pharmaceutical plants;
IS No. Title
n Cement industries;
g) Automobile industries; 456 : 2000 Code of practice for plain and
rei n forced concrete (fourth rev is ion)
h) Sugar and alcohol industries;
800 : 1984 Code of practice for genera I
j) G I(lss and ccram ic industries; construction in steel (second
k) Textile industries; revision)
111) Foulldries: 875 Code of practice for design loads
n) Electrical and electronic industries; (other than earthquake) for building
p) Consumer product industries;
(Part J) : 1987 Dead loads - U 11 it we ights of
q) Structures for sewage and water treatment building material and stored
plants and pump houses; materials (second revision)
r) Leather industries;
(Part 2) : ) 987 Itilposed loads (second revision)
s) Off-shore structures and marine/port/harbour
(Part 3) : 1987 Wind loads (second revision)
t) Mill structures;
(Part 4): 1987 Snow loads (second revision)

u) Telephone exchanges; (Part 5): ) 987 Special loads and load combinations
(second revision)
v) Water and waste water treatment facilities; and
1343 : 1980 Code of practice for prestressed
w) Paper plants. concrete (second revision)
This standard shall also be considered applicable to 1888 : 1982 Method of load test on soils (second
the other industries not mentioned above. revision)
IS 1893 (Part 4) : 2005

IS No. Tille EL -- Response quantity due to earthquake

18S13 (Part I) : Criteria for earthquake resistant
2002 design of structures: Part 1 General Response quantity due to earthquake
provisions and buildings loads in X-direction
4326 : 1993 Earthq uake resistant design and EL y Response quantity due to earthquake
construction of buildings - Code of loads in Y -direction
practice (second revision)
4998 (Part I) : Criteria for design of reinforced Response quantity due to earthquake
1992 concrete chimneys: Part 1 loads in Z-direction
Assessment of loads (second e.SI Static eccentricity at floor, i
g Acceleration due to gravity
6403 : 1981 Code of practice for determination
of bearing capacity of shallow ! Importance factor
foundations (firsl revision)
IL Response quantity due to imposed loads
6533 (Part 2) : Code of practice for design and
1989 construction of steel chimney: M Mass matrix of the structural system
Part 2 Structural aspects (first
revision) A1p Mass matrix of the primary system
13920 : J 993 Ductile detailing of reinforced MCE Maximum considered earthquake
concrete structures su bjected to
seismic forces Total mass of all the equipment that are
fiexible mounted at different locations
SP 6 (6): 1972 Handbook for structural engineers in the structure
-- Application of plastic theory in
design of steel structures Mk Modal lllass of mode, k
3 GENERAL TERMINOLOGY FOR Total mass of all the equipment that are
EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING rigidly mounted at different locations
in the structure
A" sub-clauses under 3 of IS 1893 (Part 1) are also
applicable to this standard. Iv!5 Total mass of structural system, which
supports secondary system
STRUCTURES R Response reduction factor
The following definition and the others given r - Number of modes being considered
in IS 1893 (Part 1) except 4.10 and 4.]6 are
applicable. Sa Spectral acceleration

4.1 Com bined Structu res S,/g Spectral acceleration coefficient

SIDL Super imposed dead loads
A structure with lateral load resisting elements
constructed from a combination of reinforced! N Standard penetration test value (SPT
prestressed concrete and structural steel. value) of the soil
5 SYMBOLS SRSS Square root of sum of squares
5.1 Symbols and notations applicable to Section 1 are T Undamped natural period of vibration
given as undcr: of the structure
Design horizontal seismic coefficient Seismic weight of floor, i
1:;'1001' plan dimension of floor ;, Z Zone factor
perpendicular to direction of force
o - jth normalized mode shape
c --- Indcx for closely spaced modes
Influence vector-displacement vector of
CQC Co III pIe t e qua d rat icc 0 m bin at ion the structural system
Mode shape coefficient at noor, i, in
DL Response quantity due to dead load mode, k
Design eccentricity at floor, i O.
Mode vector value from the pri mary

IS 1893 (Part 4) :2005

system's modal displacement at the N Number of locations of lumped weight

location where the secondary system is
connected Radius of circular raft foundation

A -- Peak response quantity due to closely R Response reduction factor

spaced modes Sa
Spectral acceleration coefficient for
Pij Cross-modal correlation co-efficient: rock and soil sites
Modal damping ratio Characteristic length of pile
Frequency ratio = --
OJ i Weight lumped at itb location with the
weights applied simultaneously with
Absolute value of quantity in mode k
the force applied horizontally
Peak response due to all modes
Total weight of the structure
including weight of lining and contents
Maximum value of deflection above the base

Circular frequency, in rad/sec, in ith z Zone factor

8., Lateral static deflection under its own
Response quantity in mode i, j, k lumped weight at ith location (chimney
respectively weight lumped at to or more locations)
8 8 8
;0\, ";I, Z
Maximum value of deflection in X, Y, v - Poisson's ratio of soil
Z direction respectively
1~1 Modulus of sub grade reaction of soil
5.2 Symbols and notations applicable to Section 2 in horizontal direction
are defined as under:
A Area of cross-section at the base of the
structural shell 6.1 Ground Motion

Design horizontal seismic coefficient 6.1.1 The characteristics (intensity, duration, etc) of
seismic ground vibrations expected at any location
Coeffic ient depend ing upon the
depends upon the magnitude of earthquake, its depth
slenderness ratio of the structure
of focus, distance from the epicentre, characteristics
Coefficient of shear force depending on of the path through which the seismic waves travel,
slenderness ratio, k and the soil strata on which the structure stands. The
random earthquake ground motions, which cause the
d Thickness of pile cap or raft
structures to vibrate, can be resolved in any three
Dt\1ax Maximum lateral detlection mutually perpendicular directions. The predominant
direction of ground vibration is horizontal.
Dy ' Don Distribution factors for shear and
moment respectively at a distance X Earthquake generated vertical inertia forces are to be
from the top considered in design unless checked and proven to be
not significant. Vertical acceleration should be
E Modulus of elasticity of pile material
considered in structures with large spans, those in
Modulus of elasticity of material of the which stability is a criterion for design, or for overall
structu ra I shell stability analysis of structures. Reduction in gravity
g Acceleration due to gravity force due to vertical component of ground motions
can be particularly detrimental in cases of prestressed
G Shear modulus of soil = pV/ horizontal members and of cantilevered members.
Vs Shear wave velocity of the medium Hence, special attention should be paid to the effect
of vertical component of the ground motion on
h I-I eight of structure above the base prestressed or cantilevered beams, girders and slabs.
Height of centre of gravity of structure
6.1.2 The response of a structure to ground vibrations
above base
is a fu nction of the nature 0 r foundat ions, so ii,
Importance factor materials, form, size and mode of construction of
structures; and the duration and characteristics of
Moment of inertia of pile section
ground motion. This standard specifics design forces
11 Number of piles for structures standing on rocks or soils, which do not
IS 1893 (Part 4) : 2005

liquify or slide due to loss of strength during

.'lettie, analysis unless a more definite value is available
vibrations. for usc in sllch condition (see IS 456. IS 800
and IS 1343).
6.1.3 The design approach adopted in th is standard
is to ensure thal structures possess 111 in il1lull1 strength
to withstilnd minor eart.hquakes DBE) which OCCLlr SECTION 1 INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURES
frequently, without damage; resist moderate 7 DESIGN CRITERIA
earthquakes (DBE) without significant structural
damage though some nOll-structural damage may 7.1 Categorizatioll of Structures
oce LI r: all d vv i t hst a n cl a III aj or earthq 1I ake (M C E)
To perform well in an earthquake, the industrial
withollt collapse. Actual forces that appear on
structure should possess adequate strength. sl.iflllCSS,
structures during earthquakes arc much greater than
and ductility. Generally structures have large
tile design forces speci1Jed in this standard. However,
capacities of energy absorption in its inelastic regioll.
ductility. arising fwm inclastic material behaviour and
Structures wll ieh are delai led as per IS 13920 or
detailing, and overstrength, arising from the additional
SP 6 (6) and equipment which are ma(16 of ductile
reserve strength in structures over and above the design
materials can withstJnd earthquakes many folel higher
strength, are relied upon to account for this difference
than the design spectra without collapse; and damage
in actual and design lateral loads.
in slIch cases is restricted to cracking only.
Reinforced and prestressed concrete members shall be
Structures are classified into the following four
su it(lbly designed to ensure that j)\"emature fai lure
to shear or bond docs not occur, subject to the
provisions of IS 456 (lnel IS 1343. Provisions ror a) Category Structures whose Llilure call
~lppropriale ductile detailing of reinforced concrete cause conditions that can lead
members ~lIT given in IS 13920. directly or indirectly to extensive
loss ofli fe/property to population
In steel structures, members and their connections
<It large in the areas adjacent to
should be so proportioned that high ductility is
the plant complex.
obt(lincd, as specified in SP 6 (6), avoiding premature
failure due to clastic or inelastic bLickling orany type. b) Category 2 S t r u c t LI res w 11 0 s e fa i ILI r e can
calise cond it ions that can lead
6.1.4 The design force specified in this standard shall
directly or indirectly to serious
be cOllsiuercd ill each of the two prillcip'-1l horizontal
fire hazard/extensive damage
direct ions of the structure and in vertical directioll.
\V it hi 11 the p Ia 11 teo III pie x.
6.1.5 Equipment and other systems, which arc Structures. which are required to
supported at vclriolls noor levels ortllc structure, shall halldle emergencies imlllcdiately
be subjected to motions corresponding to vibration at aftcr ~lll earthquake. are also
their support points. III important cases. it may be inc ludcd.
necessary to obtain floor response spectra for analysis
c) Category 3 Structures whose failure,
and design or equipment.
although expensive, does not
6.2 AsslImptions lead to serious hazard within the
plallt complex.
Tile following assLimptions shall be made in the
earthquake rcsistJllt design of structures: d) Category 4: A II other structures.
Earthquake ({llISeS impUlsive ground motions.
which are complex and irregular ill charncter,
Typical categorization or industrial structures is given
in Table 5 .
challging in period and amplitude each lasting
NOTI': ----- Ti1~ 't~rlll (ail lire used in the tieiillitioll
ur categories
for ,I small eluration. cfhcreforc, resonance of
irnplies loss offlinetiull ,1IHIIl(lt completC" WIl;1jlSC. Pressurizcd
the type as visualized under steady-st(1[C equipmcilt "hcre cracking call lead III rupture milV be
sinusoicbl cxci(;lIiol1s. will 110t occLir. as it would catl'gorized by tl1~' cOI1:--equcnccs nl'rllplurc.
Ileed time to build up such amplitudes.
7.2 Design LO~ltrs
NOTL--l::\ceptioll<i1. resonallce-like conditions have been
distance waves and tall structures
:il'Clllll llCCllf helWCcllllll1g
7.2.1 Dead Load (Df-)
I(HlIlt!ed Oil deep suit soils.

b) Earthquake is not likely to occur simultaneously These shall be taken as per IS 875 (Part 1).
\\' i thIn (l x i III LI III W i 11 cl 0 r 111 a x i 1l1Ll m fI () 0 d 0 r
maximum sea \vaves. 7.2.2 Super Ill/jJosed Dead [,()ods (S[DL)

c) The value of clastic modulus or materials, Industrial structures contain scveriti equiplllcnt ~lnd
wilercvcr required. may be taken as for static associated auxiliaries and <lccessorics that ~lre
IS 1893 (Part 4) : 2005

permanently mounted all the structures. These loads response due to earthquake force (EL) is the maximum
shall be taken as per equipment spccincatiolls. of the following cases:

7.2.3 Il1Iposed Loads (IL)

These shall be taken as per IS 875 (Part 2). EL 00

[L n,'
i- 0.3 EL J::

0.3 EL>:, c1.:

0.3 EL.1.

0.3 EL!

7.2.4 I~(/r'hqllake Loads (EL) f LI. 1. 0.3 fl.).. -1: 0.3 EL '.

The earthquake load 011 the different members of a where x and y arc (wo orthogonal directions (lnd 1 is
structure shall be determined by carrying aLit analysis the vertical direction.
following the procedure described in to Llsing the
design spectra specified in 8. Earthquake loads in x As an alternative to the procedure in,
and y (horizontal) d ircctiol1s are denoted by ELx and the response (EL) due to the combined effect of the
three components can be obtained on the square root
EI ... and earthquake loads in vertical direction are
del~oted by EL z of the Sllm of the squares (SRSS) basis, that is

7.3 Load Combinations EL = !c1~L , )2 + (EL y )2 -+- (EL /. )2

When earthquake forces arc considered on a structure, NOTE - The combination procedures 0(' 7..1.2.1 and
the response quantities due to dead load (OL), imposed apply to the samc response quanlily (say. 1l1OI11elll in a colulllll
10;ld (ll.), super imposed dead loads (SIDL) and design about its major axis. or storey shear in a i'ralllL~) due lo dillnelll
earthquake load (EL) shall be combined as per 7.3.1 componenls ui'lhe ground motion. Tlte~e cOlllbinalinns arc In
be made at the; member i'orce/stress levels.
and 7.3.2. The factors defined in 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 are
applicable for Category 1 to 4 structures only under 7.3.3 For structures under Category I, wh icll are
DBE (sce 7.5). designed under MCE (see 7.5.1) and checked under
DBE, all load factors in combination with MeE shall
7.3.1 Load Faclol's for Plastic Design of Sleel
S'tructures be taken as unity.

In the plastic design of steel structures, the following 7.4 Increase in Permissible Stresses
load combinations shall be accollntedn)r: 7.4.] Increase in Permissiblc .')'Iresses il1 Ala1erials
a) 1.7 (DL -+- SIOL + IL),
When earthquake forces are considered along with
b) I. 7 CD!. -I- SI DO F.L, and other normal design forces, the permissible stresses in
c) 1.3 (DL -[- S'ID!. +- IL:l: EL). material, in the clastic method of design, may be
Nt)'lT -- Ilnposed load (II,) in load combination shall not increased by one-third. However, for steels having a
include crcclion 1():lds and crane payload. definite yield stress, the stress be limited to the yield
stress, for steels without a definite yield point, the stress
7.3.2 Purtitt! S({/ely Foclotsfor Limit Slate Design q/
\,vill be limited to 80 percent of the ultimate strength
Rt'injiHced COl7crete and Prestressed C Ol1crele
or 0.2 percent proof stress, whichever is smaller; and
that in pre-stressed concrete members, the tens iIe stress
In the limit state design of reinforced and prestressed in the extreme fibers of the concrete may be penn ilted
concrete structures, the following load combinations so as not to exceed two-thirds oftlle modulus orrupture
shall be accounted for: of concrete.
a) 1.5 (OL -+ 5'IDL + IL), 7.4.2 Il1crease il1 Allowable Pressures in ,\'oils
b) 1.2 (DL -+ SIDL + IL :1:: EL),
When earthquake forces are illcluded, the allowable
c) 1.5 (DL + SID!. :1: EL), and bearing pressure in soils shall be increased as per
d) 0.9 (DL + SIDL) 1.5 EL. Table I, depending upon type of foundation of the
NUlL .-.- Il1Ip(lscd \(lad (n) in load combination shall not structure and the type of soil.
includc cn.:clioll iliad and cram: payload.
In soil deposits consisting of submerged loose sands When responses from the three earthquake and soils falling under classification SP with standard
components are to be considered, the response due to penetration N values less than 15 in scism ic zones Ill,
each component may be combined using the IV, V and less than 10 in seismic zone II. lhe vibration
assllmption that when the maximum response from caused by earthquake may cause liquefaction or
one component occurs, the responses from the other excessive total and differential settlcmcnts. Such sites
two components are 30 percent of the corresponding sh ou Id pre fera bly be avo ided w hi Ie loca tin g 11 ew
maximum. All possible combinations of the three set{ [C 111 en ts or i III porta n t proj eclS. Ot h erw i S('. t his
c()mponents (El." EL\, and EL) including variation~ asp.egt of the problem needs to be investigaled and
in sign (plus or minus) shall be considered. Thus, the npprc;priatc methods 0 r com paction nr st,lb iIi z~ll ion

IS 1893 (Part 4) : 2005

adopted to achieve suitable N values as indicated NOTE - Structures in Category I shall be designed for seismic
in Note 3 under Table I. Alternatively, deep pile force twice that fOllnd lIsing the provisions of this clause.
foundation may be provided and taken to depths well where
into the layer. which is 110t likely to liquify. Marine Z zone factor, given in Annex A [Th is is in
clays and other sensitive clays are also known to accordance with Table 2 of IS 1893 (Part I)].
liquefy clue to collapse of soil structure and wi!! need
S/g = spectral acceleration co.efficient for rock and
special treatment according to site condition.
soil sites given in Annex B [This is in
7.5 Design Basis Earthquakc (DBE) accordance with Fig. 1 of IS 1893 (PaI1 1)].
Design basis earthquake (DBE) for a specific site is to I = importance factor given in Table 2 is relative
be determined based on either: (a) site specific importance assigned to the structure to take into
stud ies, or (b) in accordance with provisions of account consequences of its damage.
IS 1893 (Part I). R = response reduction factor to take into account
the margins of safety, redundancy and ductility
7.5. I Structures in Category I shall be designed for of the structure given in Table 3.
maximum considered earthquake (MCE) (which is
twice of DBE). Categorization of some individual structure and
components of typical industries are given in
7.5.2 Structures in Category 2, 3 and 4 shall be Table 5.
designed for DBE for the project site.
8.4 Vertical acceleration values are to be taken as
8 DESIGN SPECTRUM 2/3 of the corresponding horizontal acceleration
8.1 For all important projects, and all industries values.
dealing with highly hazardous chemicals, evaluation 9 MATHEMATICAL MODELLING
of site-specific spectra for earthquake with probability
of exccedence of 2 percent in 50 years (MCE) and 9. t Modelling Requirements
10 percent in 50 years (DBE) is recommended. All
The mathematical model of the physical structure shall
Category 1 industrial structures shall be analyzed using
include all elements of the lateral force-resisting
site-speciflc spectra. However, if site-specific studies
system. The model shall also include the stiffness
arc not carried out, the code specified spectra may be
and strength of clements. which are significant to the
L1sed with modifications as per 8.3.2. If time-history
distribution of forces. The model shall properly
analysis is to be carried out, spectra-compliant time-
represent the spatial distribution of the mass and
history shall be determined based on the site-specific
stiffness oCthe structures, as well as mass of equipment,
cable trays and piping system along with associated
8.2 For all other structures not covered in 8. t, the accessories, 25 percent of the live load shall also
spectra and seismic zone as given in Annex A and be included 8S suitably distributed mass on the
Annex B is recommended [these are in accordance structure.
with IS 1893 (Part 1) ].
9.1.1 5"oil-5'(rllctllre Intcraction
8.3 Horizontal Seismic Force
The soil..,structure interaction refers to the effects of
The horizontal seismic coefficient Ah , shall be the supporting foundation medium on the motion of
obtained using the period 7: described as under. structure. The soil-structure intpraction may not be
considered in the seIsmIc ana1]ysis for structures
8.3.1 When lIsing site specific spectra, the seism ic supported on rock or rock-like material.
coeflicient shall be calculated from the expression:
9.2 Interaction Effects lJetween Structure and
Ah= (R./!) Interaction effects between structure and equipment
shall be considered as under:
Sn/ a) For Category 2, 3 and 4, simplified considera-
where / g = spectral acceleration coefficient
. tions as pCI' 9.2.1 may be used.
corresponding to site specific spectra.
b) For Category I, dctailed considerations as per
8.3.2 When llsing code specific spectra, the seismic 9.2.2 shall be adopted.
co-effiCient shall be calculated from the expression:
9.2.1 For the purpose of 9.2, the following notations
r~.. "I r cr "I
I' : 1')3/. I shall be used:
l 2 J L/ g
J /1,( = total mass of the structural system on which the
(R/J) . secondary system is supported,

IS 1893 (Part 4) : 2005

Table 1 Percentage of Permissible Increase in Allowable

Bearing Pressure, Resistance of Soils
( Clause 7.4.2 )

SI No. Foundation Type of Soil Mainly Constituting the Foundatioll

Type I Rock or Hard Soils: Type II Mediul11 Soils: All Type III Soft Soils:
Well graded gravel and sand soils with N between 10 and All soils other that~.SP with
gravel mixtures with or 30, and poorly graded sands
N< 10
without clay binder, and or gravelly sands \-vith little or
clayey sands poorly graded no tines (SP) with N> 15
or sand clay mixtures (Gil,
CW, SB, SW and SC)
having N above 30, where
N is the standard penetration

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5)

i) Piles passing through 50 50 50

any soil hut resting on
soil Type I

ii) Piles not covered under 25 25

Sl No. (i)

iii) Raft foundations 50 50 50

iv) Combined / Isolated 50 25 25

RCC j()()tings with tie

v) Well foundations 50 25 25

1 The allowable bearing pressure shall be determined in accordance with IS 6403 or IS 1888.
2 If any increase in bearing pressure has already been permitted lor forces other than seismic forces, the total increasc in allowable
bearing pressure when seismic i<:'H"ce is also included shall not cxceed the limits specified above.
3 Desirable minimul1l field values ofN arc as 1Dllows:
SI /1/0. Seismic Zone Depth Beloll' N Vallie Remarks
Ground Level

i) 111. IV and V ::;5 15

For values of depths
~10 25

j ---~
- - . -r - - ' - -
betweell 5 III and 10 Ill,
---- linear interpolation is
i) II ::;5 15 recommcnded.

l ~10 20

Ifsoils orsmallcr N values arc l11et, compaction may be adopted 10 achieve these values or deep pile foundations going to stronger
strata should be used.
4 Thc piles should be designed for lateral loads neglecting lateral resistance of soil layers liable to liquify.
=' Following Indian Standards may also be referred:
a) IS 1498 Classification and identification of soils lDr general engineering purposcs.
b) IS 2131 Method of standard penetration test f(x soils.
c) IS 6403 Code of practice for determination of bearing capacity of shallow tDundations.
d) IS 1888 Method of load tests on soils.
6 Isolated RCC IDoting without tic beams or unreinlDfced strip tDulldation shall not he permitted in son soils with N <1 0.

IS 1893 (Part 4) : 2005

Table 2 Importance Factor for Various Industrial Structures

(Clause 8.3.2)

SI No. Categories ofStTllctlll'CS hli porta IH~l~ Factor

(see 7.1)

(I) (2) (3)

i) Structures in Category I 2.00

ii) Structures in Category 2 1.75

iii) Structures in Category 3 1.50

iv) Structures in Category 4 1.00

NOTE--- Higher importance ractor may be assigned to difrcrcnl structurcs at the discretion of the project authorities.

MI{ total 1113SS of all the equipment that are rigidly be considered and the most restrictive combination
mOllnted at different locations in the structure, shall be used.
and Coupled analysis of a primary structure and
/'v/l total mass or all the equipment that are flexible secondary system shall be performed when the effects
mounted at different locations in the structure. of interaction are significant based on and Wherever equipment are rigidly fastened to 9.2 2.11.
the !loor, the equipment mass (!vIR) shall be taken as Coupling is not required, if the total mass of
IUlTlped mass at appropriate locations. No interaction the equipment or secondary system is I percent or
between the structures and equipment shall be less of the mass of the supporting primary structure.
considered. If a coupled analysis will not increase the response of
9.2.].2 the primary system over that of a decoupled analysis
by more than 10 percent then a coupled analysis is
If < 0.25 not requireci. However, the requirements of section
A/s/-' Mt{ regarding the Inultiple supports should be
No interaction between the structures and equipment
shall be considered. In such case A1F should be In applying sections and, one
considered as lumped l11ass at appropriate locations. sub-system at a time may be considered, unless the
sub-systems are identical and located together, in I I' A1" /(k/R -+ k/s) ~ 0.25, interaction between which case the sub-system masses shall be lumped
the flexibly mounted equipment and the structure shall together.
be considered by suitably modelling the flexible
equipment support system while considering the When coupling is required, a detailed model
equipment (IS lumped mJSs. of the equipment or secondary system is not required,
provided that the simple 1lI0del adequately represents
9.2.2 Dccoupling criteria as given below shall be used
the major effects of interaction between the two parts.
for all Category 1 systems. When a simple model is used, the secondary system For the purpose of this clause, the following sl1all be re-analyzed in appropriate detai I using the
notations shall be used. output motions frolll the first analysis as input at the
points of connectivity .
. air M . Ub
.. ----

o, T AI 0..I Participation For applying the criteria of this section to

have a modal mass greater than 20 percent of the total
where system mass, the total system mass is c1enned by
A1 = mass matrix of tile structural system,

o I
ith normalized Illode shalJC ' .0IT M0 j = 1, and
AI CO" f ([')2

U,) cco in f1ucncc vector, displacement vector of the When carrying out simplified analysis (as
slrllctunll system when the base is displaced by per 9.3), equipment or secolldary system shall be
unity in the direction of earthquake motion. considered as per, and All combinations of the dominant secondary When detailed analysis is to be carried Ollt for
system modes and the dom inant primary modes must structures with equipment attached at a single point,

IS 1893 (Part 4) : 2005

Table 3 Response Reduction Factor I), R for I ndustrial Structures

(Clallse 8.3.2)

SINo. Lateral Load Resisjing Syst('m Il

(I) (2) (3)

Bllildil1g Frome S:rsrems

i) Ordinary RC Moment-Resisting frame (OMRF) 1) 3.0

ii) Special RC Moment--Rcsisting Frame (s rvlR F) 5.0

iii) Steel Frame with:

a) COllcentric brace 4.0

h) Eccentric hraces 5.0

iv) . Stecll11()ll1ent resisting frame designed as pCI' SI> 6(()) s.u
Building 1I'ilh Shear Walls 4)

v) Load bearing masonry wall buildings.')

a) Unreinforced 1.5
b) Reinforced with horizontal RC bands 2.5
c) Reinforced with horizontal RC bands and vertical bars at 3.0
corners of roo illS andjambs of openings

vi) Ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls") 3.0

vii) Ductile shear walls 7) 4.0

!Jllildings lI'i/1i f)uaI5)'sfcms S)

viii) Ordinary shear wall with OMRF 3,0

ix) Ordinary shear wall with SMRF 4.0

Ductile shear wall with OMRF 4,5

xi) Ductile shear wall with SMRF 5.0

I) The values or response reduction j~lclors arc to be used for hllildings with lateral load resisting elements. and not just lor the
lateral load resisting clements built in isolation.

2) OivlRF are those designed and detailed as per [S 456 or [S XO(), llowe"cr. OivlRF shall not he used in situations explained
in IS IJ92(),

1) SMRF has been defined in 4_15.2 of IS 1893 (Part I).

I) Buildings with shear walls also include buildings having walls an(! 1I,1Il11:S. but where:
a) frames arc not designed to carry lateral loads. or
b) 1I-<1Il1CS are designcd to carry lateral loads but do not rulfil the rcquiremcnts or dual systell1s.

'1 Reinforcement should be as per IS 4326.

I,) Prohibitcd in zones IV and V,

7) Ductile shear walls arc those designed and detailed as per IS 13920.

X) Buildi!lgS wilh duill systcms consist of shear walls (or braced Ii'amcs) and moment resisting frall1es such that:
a) the two systems arc designed to resist the total design fim.:e in proportion to their lateral stiniless considering the
illtcraction of the dual system at al1l1oor levels. and
b) til(': moment resisting li'ames arc cksigncd to indepcmkntly resist at least 25 percent ortl1L: Jcsign seismic base shear.

NOTI: I'm sled buildings not covL:rcd in Table 3, value or!? shall be 2.
IS 1893 (Part 4): 2005

the coupling criteria SllOWli in Fig. I shall be used. . shall be made to specialized literature.
The Illass ratio ill Fig. I is the modal mass ratio
computed as per and the frequency ratio is 9.3 Time Period Estimation
the ratio or ullcoupled modal frequencies of the The time period ofdiJTercnl industrial structures would
s(,COI1(I~lry and primary systems.
vary considerably depending on the type or soiL span For a secondary system dom inant mode and and height of the structure, distribution of load in the
the primary system mode i, the modal mass ratio can structure and the type of structure (concrete, steel and
be estimated by: aluminium). It would be difficult to give one or two
generalized formulae to cover all such structures.
Accordingly, no simple guidelines can be given for
estimation of time periods of industrial structures.
\vhcre 9.3.1 The time perioel shall be estimated ba~del on
fl,1pI .:: (lio",.... Y: Eigen value analysis of the structural mathematical
model developed in accordance with 9.1 and 9.2.
(lei :-". the Illode vector value from the primary
system's modal displacement at the location 9.3.2 For prelim inary desigll, the time period can be
where the secondary system is connected, established based on its static deflection under mass
from the ith normalised modal vector, (0), proportional loading in each of the three principal
0' ci 111,> 0 "i I; directions. This load is applied by applying a force
/I.'~,:" mas.s matrix of tire primary system; and equal to the weight of the structure or equipment at
each mode in X, Y or Z direction. Where the founding
M, total mass of the secondary syskm. soil is soft soil, the effect of the same shall be
9.2.2. J I Multisupport secondary system shall be considered in the estimates for static deflection.
reviewed for the possibility of interaction of structure
The time period T, would then be :
and equipment stiffness between the support points,
and for tile eCfect of equipment mass distribution
bet ween support points. When these eHects can
significantly inlluence the structure response, reference

(UX) \ 0.010 O.llX) . i.lXX)


IS 1893 (Part 4) : 2005

Where 8 is the maximum value of deflection at any The design eccentricity, eoi to be used at floor
mode out of b" by bz and 'g' is acceleration due to' j shall be taken as:
gravity in the cOl-responding unit. (

l.5 e. + 0.05 bi
9.4 Damping
The damping factor to be used in determining spectral
e<Ii =
i or e

._ 0.05 b.I

acceleration coefficient (S/g) depends upon the whichever of these gives more severe effect.
material and type of construction of the structure and
e si = static eccentricity at floor i, defined as the
the strain level. The recol11mended damping factors
distance between centre of mass .and centre of
are given in Table 4.
rigidity; and
b; = floor plan dimension of floor i. perpendicular
10.1 Classification of Analysis Techniques to direction of force.

10.1.1 Detailed analysis shall be carried alit for The factor 1.5 represents dynamic amplification factor,
structures of Category 1, in all seismic zones. while the factor 0.05 represents the extent of accidental
10.1.2 Detailed analysis shall be carried out for all
structures of Category 2 and 3 in seismic zones Ill, IV NOTE - For the purposes of this clause, ull steel or aluminiull1
1looring system may be considered as llexible unless properly
and V. designed tloor brneings havc becn rrovided. Reinforced
1n.l.3 Simplified analysis may be lIsed for structures concrete l100ring system at;) level shall be considered rigid
only if the total arc;) oralltl1e cul-outs altha! \c\'el is less than
of Category 2 and 3 in seismic zone [I. 25 percent of its plan floor area.
10.1.4 Simplified analysis may be used for structures
10.2.3 Seism ie analysis shall be performed for the
of Category 4 in all seismic zones. However, those
three orthogonal (two horizontal ane! aile vertical)
structures of Category 4, which could be identified as
components of earthquake motion. The earthquake
bu i Idings, ll1ay be analysed as per provisions of
motion in each direction shall be combined as specified
IS 1893 (Part 1).
in 7.3.
10.2 Detailed Analysis
10.2.4 Til77e-l-lisiol)' Analysis I'defiJoc/
10.2.1 Second({!y Effcc:t
Time-history analysis of structures subjected to
The analysis shall also include the influence of
s e i s 111 i c loa d s s h a \I b c per fo r me d II sin g I i 11 ear
P -- 6. effect. analysis technique. The analysis shall be based on
10.2.2 Torsion well-established procedures. Both direct solution of
the equations or motion or model superposition
The effect of accidental eccentricity shall be method can be Llsed for this purpose.
considered for rigid floors/diaphragms. This shall be
applied as an additional torsion force equal to product In model superposition method, su fficiently
of the mass at floor level and 5 percent of the structure large number of modes shall be used for analysis to
dimcnsion perpendicular to the earthquake direction include the influence of at least 90 percent of the total
at the centre of mass of the floor. scism ic mass.

Table 4 Damping Ratio Coefficient for Different Construction

Materials for DBE and MCE Conditions
( Clause 9.4 )

SI No. Material DBE l\lCE

(I) (2) (3) (4)

i) Aluminium 0.02 0.04

ii) Stet:1 OJ)2 0.04

jii) Reinforced Concrete 0.05 O.()7

NOTE -- For combined structures, damping ratio coefficient shall be determined based on well establ ished procedures. ira composite
d~llllpillg ratio cocf'Jicient is not evaluated. it shall be taken as lhal corresponding to material having lower damping.

IS 1893 (Part 4) : 2005 Aloe/al mass modes, then the peak response quantity ( A )

due to all modes considered shall be obtained
The modal 1l1,\SS (M1) of mode k is given by :
( ,v--' 2

I (h
f"k .J'

g I, IF; (<Pikf where

i I

\vhere absolute value of quantity, in mode k; and

g :::. acceleration due to gravity, r ,-= number of modes being considered.
:::; mode shape coefficient at floor i, in mode k,
and b) If the structure has a few closely-spaced modes
[see 3.2 of IS 1893 (Part I )], then the peak
IV; =:= scism ic weight of noor i.
response quantity X due to these modes shall
10.2.5 Response Spec/rul1I Analysis be obtained as :

Response spectrum method of analysis shall be

performed using the design spectrum. Suf1iciently large number of modes shall be \vhere the summation is for the closely spaced modes
used for analysis to include the influence of at least only. This peak response quantity due to the closely
90 percent of the total seism ic mass. The model spaced modes (,.t*) is then combined with those of the
seismic mass shall be calculated as per the provisions remaining well-separated modes by the method
of described in Aloe/cd combination 10.3 Simplified Analysis

The peak response quantities (for example, member Structures of category 2, 3 and 4 located ill
forces, displacements, storey forces, and shears and seismic zones II and III may be analyzed using the
base rcuctions) should be combined as per complete provisions of this clause. For all other industrial
quadratic combination (CQC) method as follows: structures, the analysis procedure specified in 10.1 shall
be used.

10.3.1 Simplified analysis shall be carried Ollt by

applying equivalent static lateral loads along each of
the three principal directions. The equivalent static
lateral loads shall be determined from design
A':C: peak response quantity; acceleration spectrum value (AI) calculated from 8 ..3.2
and 9.3.2. Th~ static load at each node shall equal the
A, response quantity, in mode i (including sign); product of its !11(lSS and the design spectral acceleration
A, .c-c response quantity. in mode j (including sign); value.

(1" ~-:: cross-modal correlation co-'efficient; II DEFORMATIONS

11.1 Drift Limitations

The drift limitati.ons of horizontal and vertical

members shall be taken as those specified in IS 1893
(Part I).
1':::':: number of modes being considered;
11.2 Separation Between Adjacent Units
C; ';.-. modal damping ratio as specified in 9.4;
Il frequency ratio = oi- I
Two adjacent buildings, or adjacent units of the same
structure '.vith separation joint in between shall be
separated by a distance equal to the alllount R times
Wi circular frequency, in jth mode; and
the sum of the calculated storey displacements as
w; ~c- circular frequency, in ith mode. per 11.1 of each of them, to avoid damaging contact
when the two un its deflect towards each other. When
!\ Iternativcly. the peak response quantities Illay be floor levels of t\'\'o adjacent Ull its or structures are at
combined as follows: the same elevation levels, factor R in this requirement
(I) [I' the structure does not have Closely-spaced lllay be rcpbced by Ni2 +25 111m.

IS 1893 (Part 4) : 2005

12 MISCELLANEOUS Table 5 Categorization of Indllstrial

Structures (Typic~ll)
12.1 Foundations
( Clause 7.1
Tilt: use of fOLln dat ion s vulnerab Ie to sign ific an t
differential settlcment duc to ground shaking shall be SI No. SlrucllllTS

;lvoided for structures in seismic zones III, IV and V. (t) (2) (3)
[n seismic zones IV and V, individual spread footings
I. Adminislration building
()r pile caps shall be interconnected with tics
(.)'(!e of IS 4326) except when individual 2. Air waslh:r pump 11OUSl: 2
spread footings arc directly supported on rock. All
3. Air pre-hcallTs 2
tics shall be capable of carrying, in tension and in
compression. an axial force equal to A/4 titTles the 4. Ash colleclion silos 1
larger of the column or pile cap load. in addition to :". Ash dyke 2
the 0 the r w i sec 0 111 put c d 1'0 I' C C s. Her e. A his as
(l. Ash watel punlp hOlls\: 2
per 8.3.1 or 8.3.2.
7. Ash watel rl~-c;in.;ulali()n building 2
12.2 Call tilever Projections
8. Ash/slurry pUIllP hOllse
12.2.1 //eJ'lico/
0. Auto base
Towers. tanks. parapets, smoke stakes (chimneys) and 10. Bagging and pallctizing building
other vertical cantilever projections attached to
structures and projecting above the roof. shall be II. 11all111ill and silos 2
designed for rive times the design horizontal 11. Boikr and bnikr house 2.
a c c e I era t ion s p c c t r U 111 valli e s pc c ifi cd i\1 8.3. I
13. Ihidgcs l)Vl:r rivC)'s 2.
and 8.3.2.
14. C&'I nwinlenance stores
12.2.2 llo/'izonto/
I:". Canteen building
All horizont,ll projections like cornices and balconies
16. Callstic tanks
sh::111 Le dcsiglled for five times the design vertical
accelcration spectrum valuc specified in 8.4. 17. Chiller pl;lIll

12.2.3 The increased design forces specified 18. Chlorine storage handling/ dozing buildillgs
ill J 2.2.1 and 12.2.2 are only for designing the 19. Clarilloculalor 2
projecting pal1s and their connections with the main
20. Coal handling plmlt
structures. For the design of the main structure, such
increase need not be considered. 21 Coal slurry settling pond 2

22. Comprcssor foundatiun 2

23. Compressor house 2

13 DESIGN CRITERIA 24. Condenst:r polishing unit

SLack-like structures nre those in which the mass and 25. Construction \\orkshop
stillness is more or less uniformly distributed along 26. Control and inSlrLllllcllLllion building
the height. Cantilever structures like reinforced or
27. Control building :2
prl'stressed cement concrete electric poles; reinforced
concrete brick and steel chimneys (including ll1u!titllle lR. Clll1trol building (blast resistant)
eh illlncys), venti latioll stacks and refinery vessels are
29. Converters 2
e:\alllples of slich structures. The guyed structures
arc not covered here. 30. Conveyor galleries 2

31. Cooling towcrs (wei alld dry) and control 1'\J(1I11 2

32. Corex gas sl;ttioll (for cn-genl:ration plant) 2
Tillle period of vibration, T of such structures when
lixcd (It basco sh(lll be calculated using either of the 33. Crus iter house
following two formulae given (see J 4.1 and t 4.2). 34. Crushers 2
'rlle formulac given (It 14.1. is more accurate. Only
3:" Cryugcnic storage lank (double walled)
one of these two formulnc should be lIsed for design.
Tillle period of strucrure, ifavailablc. through vibration
mcasurement on similar structure and foundation soil 36. Cryogenic storage tanks with refrigerated 2
condition can also be adopted. liquefied g<lSSC;S

IS 1893 (Part 4) : 2005

Table 5---- COl1tinued Table 5 --.-- Concluded

SI No, Sfrurtun's Cah'gory SINo. Strudul'cs Catq~ory

(I) (2) (3 ) ( I) (2) (3)

.17. ew pllmp house 2 74 . PolYlllcrisation building 2

38. DG hall 2 75. Process huilding (closed) 2
J9. Dirty and ckan oil building 2 76. Process column on elevated structures
10. DM plant 2
77. Process column/vessel/reactors on low
41 Erllucnttreallm:nl plant 3 Ree pedestal

12. Electro static precipitator- ESP 2 n. Process water storage lank

,13. ESP cuntl'lll roOIll 2 79. Product storage sheds/building 2
14. Extrusion building 2 gO. RailloaJing gantry 3
45. F.O. pump house 2
81. ReC chimney 2
46. F.O. storage tank and day tank 2
82. Regeneration huilding 2
17. Fans - Pi\., FD, CR and ID fans 2
83. Scrubber 2
-lX. Filler 2
84. Settling tanks (ReC) 2
'I(). Filtralion and chlorination plant 3
85. Sheds (tall and large span, high capacity cranes) 2
'iO. Fin; statiun 2
86. Silos 2
'il. Firl'lender 2
87. Smelters on RC'C/stccl structllres 2
5~. I:ire water pUIl1P hOllse 2

.'13. Iir.: water res.:rv(lir 88. Sphcre/bulkts 2


'i4 rlar.: stack suppurting structure 2 89. Start-LIp Iransll)I'Jner 3

)). Gat.: and galc housc 4 90. Storage silos (RCC/steel/aluminum) on 2

elevated structure
'i6. Ge ncralor transformer
91. Storage tank (dome/cone roof) 2
.':;7. He plant building 2

:'iX. I kater /furnace 2 92. Stores J

:'it) . I katcrs with sled raek 2 9J. Substation 2

h() Iloriwntal VL:ssl'l/h.:at exchanger 2 94. Substation buildings

(>I. Intake stI'llCluJ'l: 9:'i. Switch-gear building

h2. Laboratory btl i Id i ng 4 96. Switchyard 2

(13 LP(i storage 2 97. Switchyard strLlctun.:s
M. [\'Iain conciensate storage lank 2 98. Tanks for refrigerated liquefied gases 2
(I). Main plant building (TCi, 13FI' including 2 99. Technological structures in RCC/stcd nr both 2
hUllker h,lY)
100. Track hopper 2
(lh. l'''lake-up \\'aU:r pump hOllse alld fore-bay 2
101. Trnnsforll1crs alld radiator bank 2
(l7. ivl iermv;J\\: I(l\N(TS 2
102. Truck loading gantry 3
hX. ()J) duch 2
(,() (J11l,'r nOll-plant hllildillgS and utility structures 103. 'I'unne I/trenclll:S

7() ()verhe;lll water lallk 101. W;lgun lippkr

71. Pipt.: Pl:(k:slal ;111(1 clhlc trl:st\cs 2 I US. Warel1ollsl: 2

72. Pipe rack 2 ]06. Water treatment plant 2

73. Pipe supports including anchor.~ 2 107. Workshop Ii

IS IS93 (Part 4) : 2005

14.1 The fundamental time period for stack-like 15 DAMPING

structures. 'r is given by:
The damping factor to be lIsed in determining .\/g
depends upon thc material and type of construCI iOIl of
the structure and the strain level. The following
clamping factors arc recolllmcnded as gu iclance for
different materials for fixed base condition and are
where given in the Table 7.
Cl coefficient depending upon the slenderness ratio 16 HORIZONTAL SEISMIC FORCE
of the strllcture given in Table 6,
IV, total weight of the structure including weight Using the period 7: as indicated in 14. the horizontal
oj' lining and contents above the base,
seismic coefficient A" sllall be obtained from the
spectrum given in IS 1893(P~Ht I). The design
"0= height of structure above the base, horizontal seismic coefficient for 1\ desigll basis
Es': III od u Ius
of elasticity of material of the earthquake (DBE) shall be determined by the following
structural shell, expression adopted in IS 1893 (Part I) :
A ::= area of cross-section at the base of the structural
For circular sections, A = 2 J[ rt, where r is the Ail ==
lr z/I 2 [Sa//g/]

mean radius of structural shell and I its (lVI)

til ickness, and where
g:.:: acceleration due to gravity. Z = zone factor given in Annex A. This is in
NOTE - This rormula is only applicable to stack-like structure accordance with Table 2 of" IS I Xl)3 (Part
in which the Illass and stiflill':ss are more or less 1I11irormly I),
distrihilled along the height.
I = importance I~lctor as given ill Table g,
14.2 The fundamental tirne period, T of a stack- R = response recluction factor as given in Table
like structure can be determilled by Rayleigh's
9. The ratio (lUI) shall not be less than 1.0,
approximatiuJ1 for fundamental Illode of vibration as
T /g = spectral acceleration coefficient for rock
and soil sites as given in Annex B. This
is in accordance with Fig. I of IS 1893
N (Part I).
L WiD;
i_ol The horizontal earthquake force shall be assumed to
act alone in ol1e lateral direction at a time.
L 11'0. 2
The effects clue to vertical component of c~lrthql1akcs
where are generally small and can be ignored. The vertical
H' weight lumped at jth location with the seismic coefficient where applicable may be taken as
weights applied simultaneously with the 2/3 of horizontal seismic coefficient, unless evidence
force applied horizontally, of factor larger than above is available.
lateral static deflection under its own lumped The effect of earthquake and maximum wind on the
weight at Ith location (eh imney weight structure shall not be considered simultaneously.
lumped at 10 or more locations),
N number of locations of lumped weight, and
g acceleration due to gravity. Either simplified method (that is. equivalent static
Norvs lateral force method) or the dynam ic respollse spectrulll
modal analysis method is n:commcnded for calculating
I /\11) clastic analysis procedure like illOlllent area theorclll
or colunlll <Inalllgy or Illatrix IlH:thod may b..: lIsed for the seismic forces developed in such structures. Site
dctl'rmillin1,'. the lateral stat'i,e deflection dvalue. spectra compatible lime history analysis may also be
2 For determining the lime period of vibration of structures carried out instead of response spectrum analysis.
resling on frames (lr skirts like bins. silos. hyperbolic cooling
[(l\\\:rs. relillcry columns. nnly the Ihrmlila given at 14.2 shnuld
17.1 Simplified Method (Equivalent Static Lateral
he used. Approximate methods may bc adopted to estimate Force -Method)
tlt-: lalL'ral stilllless of the frame or skirt in order to dctnilline
the laleral stalic delkctioll. Dynamic response spcclrull1l1lodal The simplified method can be lIsed for ordinary stack-
'1l1alysis will be Ill:cessary ill such caSl~S. like structures. The design shellr force, V, and design

IS 1893 (Part 4) : 2005

Table 6 Valul's of C r and C"

(Clauses 14.1 and 17.1)

SI No. k = Itlre Cocrlicil~lIt, CT Coefficient, Cv

(I) (2) (3) (4)

i) 14.4 1.02

ii) 10 21.2 1.12

ii) 15 29.6 I. F)

iv) 20 38.4 1.25

v) 25 47.2 1.30

vi) 30 56.0 1.35

vii) 35 65.0 1.39

viii) 40 73.8 1.43

ix) 45 82.8 1.47

x) 50 or more 1.8 k 1.50

NOTE - k =. slenderness ratio, and
ro = radius orgyration ofthe structural shcll at the base section.

Table 7 Material Damping Factor

(Clause \5)

SI No. l\ latcrial DUE MCE

(I) (2) (3) (4)

i) Stecl 0.02 0.04

ii) ReinlclI-ced Concrete 0.05 0.07

iii) Brick Masonry and Pla:n Concrete 0.07 0.10

I For clastic basc represcntcd by raft on soft soil or pilc foundation, the damping may be worked out as wcighted damping based on
IllOdal strain energics in superstructurc and substructures. As an approximation the values may bc assul1leu as 7 perccnt of critical
damping for rcinforced concrete structures.
2 Fur riveted steel stacks/chimneys, etc, a 5 perccnt of critical damping may be adopted to account for the frictional losses.
3 The damping values obtained from experimental tests on similar structures can also bc used.
... 111 case oj'l11ulti-llue RC chimncys, 3 percent of critical value for DBE anu 5 pcrcent for MCE is recommendcu.

bending moment, lvi, for such structures at a distance WI = total weight of structure including weight
)( from the top, shall be calculated by the following of lining and contents above the base,
formulae: h = height of centre of gravity of structure
a) /l= Cv . A h W. DI' above base, and

D", Dill =-~ distribution factors for shear and moment

respectively at a distance X from the top
as given in Table 10. The expressions for
these distribution for moment and shear
Cv = coefficient of shear force depending on along the height is given in Table 11 for
slenderness ratio k given in Table 6, LIse in computer programll)e.
/Ih =--= des ign horizontal seism ic coefficient The appropriate foundation soil and pile group stiffness
determ ined in accordance with 16, are given in Table 12.

IS 1893 (P~lrt 4) : 2005

Table 8 Importance Factor Applicable to Stack-Lil\c Structures

(Clallse 16)

SI No. Type ofStructllrc tm porIa nce Fado ..

(I) (2) (3)

i) Reillfc)J"(.:cd concretc vcntilation stacks 1.:1

ii) Reilltl)rced concrete chimllcys 1.5

iii) Reillforccd brick l11asonry chimncy for imlustry 1.5

iv) Un-rcinl(lrI.;cd brick masonry chimney rur industry

v) Reinforced concrctc T.V. towers 1.5

vi) Eketric/trartic light polr..:s

vii) Stcel stack 1.5

viii) Sillls 1"

1 In casc ofilllport:tllt 1;lctur givcn in Table 2 alld Table 8 fOlllld ditTcn:lll. higher values shall be considcn:d.
2 The vall1l:s oi"illlportance 1~lct()r.1 given in this table are j()r gllidance. A designer lIlil)' ch()ose suitabk V,t!IH:S depending ol11hc
irnportallce hased 011 economy, strategy and other consideration,.

Table 9 Reduction Factor Applicable to Stack-Like Structures

(Clallse 16)

SI No. Type ofSlructul"c Rcdudioll Factor. R

(I) (2) (3)

i) Reinforced COil crete, T. V. towcr 3.0

ii) Reinforced concrete ventilation stack 3.0

iii) Rcinfl)rced cOllcrete chimney 3.0

iVj Rcinl()rccd brick masonry 2.0

v) Steel chill1lley 2.0

vi) Sted relincry vessels 2.0

vii) Un-reinforced brick masonry chimlll'Y 1.0

viii) Rc i n forced ekclric/trartic pole 2.0

17.2 Dynamic Response (Spectrum Modal component 1110tion, sec ofScctioll I 'Industrial
Analysis) Structures' .

Till' dynam ie analysis using respollse spectrulll method 17.2.1 ;Halliclllolic'o! Model
s h 0 II I d bee a r r ie d 0 U t 1'0 r i III port a 11 t s t a c k -I ike The matllem3ticallllodel of stack-I ike structures should
structures. The number of mode to be considered in be able to represent sufficiently the variation in its
the analysis should be such that about 90 percent of stiffness (variation in cross-section and Ih ickness of
tlh)dal lllass is excited. The modes could then be shell), lining mass and foundation modelling (that is
combined by Inodal combination of corresponding foundation stiffness, soil clefolTnations). 'fhe nUl1lber
re~;ponse I ike shear, moment, etc, as suggested in of clements should be such as to capture the variation
IS 1893 (Part I). The detailed dynamic analysis lIsing of stiffness and n18SS of the system. A rninimul11 of
lime history shall be required where analysis is based ten beam clements should in general be suff~cicllt. For
un s~te-speci lic response spectrum and compatible time axi-s),llllTlctric structures axi-symmetric linitc elements
history of ground motioll. For cornbination of three- shall be used.

IS 1893 (Part 4) : 2005

Table 10 Digitized MonH'nt and Shear Distribution

Factors Dm and Dv along the Hdght
(Clause 17.1)

SI1\o. X/IJII 1\'I01I\('lIt Distribution (D,) Shea,' Distrihutioll (D)

Fi\ccl Soil Pile
Fixl'd Soil Pile
Foundation I'(lundal inn
(I) (2) 0) (.1) (:'I) (6) (7) (X)
---_._--------- -.-----.----.--------------------.--~-

i) (lOll O.()(J O()O 0.00 (j()O (jO()

ii) 0.05 0.09 0.13 0.11 O.2X 0.21 014

iii) n.lo 0.13 0.19 0.16 0.'12 027 O.Il)

iv) 0.20 0.1 X 0.27 0.22 O.61 0.34 O.2()

v) 0.30 0.22 0.33 o.n 0.83 0.38 0.31

\i) OAO 0.27 0.39 0.33 1.00 0.41 0.35

vii) OJ() 0.32 (J.45 OJx 1.00 0.44 (lAO

viii) ()()() 0.39 ()j2 0.45 I.O() U.49 () ,Ill

i,..; ) 0.70 OAX 0.60 0.54 I.OU 055 0.54

,..;) (l.80 0.60 0.70 OJ)) 1.00 0.65 0.65

,\i) O,9() o,n O,X3 (J.XO 1,00 0,80 (J.80

,iii 0.95 0.88 0.91 0.89 1.00 0.89 <U\9

,..;iii) LOO 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 i.O()

:) 'X' is the distance hom top and 'fI' i~ the height ()rehillln('~' above the base.

Table 11 Values of J) jH and D \'

(Clause] 7.1)

SI i\'o. Soil FOlllldatioll COlldition D,

( I) (2) (3) (4)

i) Fix.:d ha~i': or nil'! (Ill hard soil

rL-~]JI2 1 0.75
- - - I Ill)
'X J.I

(h<lsl'd Ull N V:tllIl~S)

hut :':'; 1

:r ' II' (;r ~11 ' '\," 1112 (" ""'I ( X i'
ii) I{all (Ill suil 0.6
I--=---1 tlHI'-:.-1 1.1 --:-1
r~.hj .. O. 7) l-~;-II' + O.()) 1-----1
(bas~d ()Il N valll~s)
,--II j II '
\... ) _ j LhJ

iii) Pill.: rOlintlaliull

r .\' J'
r--j''1,1 o.66l---
X r III:
rX '') X j.1
1--1 +0.)41--.-
'-- II '- h . .h ) l h) l h

IS 1893 (Part 4) : 2()OS

Table 12 Foundation Soil and Foundation Pile G roup Stiffness

(Clause 17.1)

SI No. Type of FOllndation Stiffness

(I) (2) (3)

i) CirClilar rajijimlldul/nl/ 01/ soil:

I) Ilorizontai soil slilfness ;:.:" "" 32 ( 1-- v) Gr,.l (7 S IJ)

2) Rocking soil stiffness (full circular ran) ;:':,'"" S G/'oJ /3 ( I -- IJ)

ii) .1 1111 l/Iar roll:

I) Friction pile fi.)ulldation (under reamed piles not covered) ;:':10 .;.:, 11El,IO! 1.27:' -J Ill/F! 2

2) Translational stilllless of piles at the base ofpik cap 7~~" (U",! 17 Y'"


G shear modulus or soil == l' \1/,

r "" shear wave velocity (lfthe medium,
radius of circular ran foundation,
v PIlisson's ratio ofsnil,
II '" number or pi lcs,
,~. ,,= modulus llfclasticity of pile material,
I,,, == mOlTlent ofincrtia ofpilc section,
{= characteristic length ofpiic,
II"~ thickness ofpilc cap or rali. and
'II, _co modulus ol'sub grade reaction ofsnil ill horizontal directiun.

I For rectangular foundation cllcctivc radius /'" =
f::h may be taken. wllcre (I and b are the dimension of the rectang.ular

2 For N valucs > 50. li"ed base condition may be assumed.

3 Classilication of soil shall be as pcr IS 1893 (Part I).
4 Whcn soil structure interaction effects are to be considered; shear wave wlocitics are to be determined by suitable mcthods.

In case of chimneys, no stiffness is considered to be two layers of reinforcement arc required, thc
provided by the lining, however, the mass of lining circumferential reinforccment in each l~lCC shall nut
above any corbel is assumed to be IUlllped at the corbel be less than 0.1 percent of the concrete area at the
level. . section.
NOTF --_. MillilllUlll number ofcicmcnts should be adequate
\.() ensure tll,lt thc m(ldel represent lhe lI'cqucllcics up to 33 Hz. 18.3 The circumferential rcinfiJI"Celllent for a disrance
of 0.2 times diameter of the chimney (from top of the
18 SPECIAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR chimney) shall be twice the normal reinforcement.
18.4 Extra rein ro)'cement shall have to be provided
18.1 The total vertical reinforcement shall not be less
in addition to the reinforcement determined by design
than 25 percent of the concrete area. When two layers
at the sides, top, bottom and corners of these orenings.
or reinforcement are required, the outside vertical The extra reinl~)\"Cell1el1t shall be placed on both faces
reinforcement sh311not be less than 50 percent of the
of1he chimney shell as close to thc opening as rroj)cr
n:in forcel11ent.
spacing of bars wil! permit. Ulliess othenvise specified,
18.2 The (otal circLlmferential reinforcement shall not all extra reinforccment shall extend past the opening
be less than 0.20 percent of the concrete area. When a suff~cient distance [0 devclop the full bond strength.

IS 1893 (Part 4) : 2005

18.5 At cach side of the opening, the additional vertical steel shall be placed as close to the open ing as
reinforcement shall have an area at least equal to the practicable, but vvithin a height not to exceed twice
L'Slabl ished design reinforcement for one-half of thc the thickness.
width of the opening.
18.7 Dcllcction Criterion
18.6 A I both the top and bottom or each opcn ing, The rnaxinllllll 1~ltcral deflection of the top or a st(lck-
additional reinforcement shall be placed having an area like structure undcr ,til service conditions, prior to the
~It /t.:ast equal to olle-half of the establishcd design applicatioll of load factors, shall not exceed the limits
circumfercntial reinforcement interrupted by the set forth by the following equation:
open ing.
Di\Ia, "CC 0.003 II
Ol1e half or this extra rcinforcement shall extend
completely arollnd the circumfercntial ofihe chimney,
,1IId the other half shall extend beyond the opening to D~h\. "'- maximum lateral deflection, and
a su fficicnt distance to dcvelop the bars in bond. The Ii height of structure above the b(lse.

(Clauses 8.2 and 16)

Zone Factor Z for MCE

SeislIl ie ll Zone II In IV v
I 0.10 0.16 0.24 0.36

i\ Till" I()Jlill~ is as pcr IS I W)3 (part I).

IS 1893 (Part 4) : 2005

(Clauses 8.2)

/ Type I (Rock! or Hard Soil)
2.5 Type II (Medium Soil)
~co Type III (Soft Soil)
C 2.0
Q) 1.5

.b 1.0

0.0 1L---_-L-_--'--_---'_ _- L - _ - - L - 1 _ - - L 1 _ _..L

1 _---11
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Period (s)

FIG. 2 RrSI'ONSF S['I:CTR;\ FOR ROCK ;\ND SUIL SilLS rem 5 Pr:RCl-NT D;\i\1PIN(i

GMGIPN-47 BIS/ND/2008-500

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