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Audio en ingls, estilo examen de Trinity, #2

This is a part 2 style listening (no questions) about an animal.

Giant Pandas are the largest Pandas in the world. They mainly live in China and they are known for
their distinctive black and white fur.

They normally live in high mountainous or isolated regions where they can find food. Their diet
mainly consists of bamboo sticks. Interestingly, giants pandas have an extra bone in their hand to be
able to grip the bamboo when they are eating it.

They have to spend a lot of time eating their vegetarian diet because the weight of an average adult
panda is between 75 to 160 kilos. Surprisingly, they are good at climbing trees, and they will
sometimes eat fruits and leaves when they cant find bamboo.

Nowadays, many giant pandas live in captivity in places such as zoos or animal centres. This is
because they are an endangered species. 20 years ago, they were hunted for their fur by
international hunters. Nowadays, the situation has improved for pandas, and some pandas can now
live for up to 30 years in the wild.

No questions because this is a part 2 style listening.

Audio en ingls, estilo examen de Trinity, #3

This is a part 1 style listening about an animal.

Questions/Preguntas pincha aqu

1.Where do Zebras live?

2.Why do Zebras have stripes on their bodies?

3.How fast can Zebras run ?

4.What do Zebras eat ?

5.How often can Zebras have babies?

6.Why do the Zebras travel 1,800 miles to Kenya every summer?


Zebras are part of the horse family and they live in the open grasslands of Africa. These beautiful
animals have black and white stripes on their bodies. In the long grass, these stripes help zebras to
camouflage themselves from predators such as lions and hyenas. If necessary, and when under
attack, they can run at speeds of up to 65 miles per hour.
They prefer to graze together in a large group rather than alone, and because they are herbivores
they only eat grass and shrubs.
Female zebras can give birth every two years. Amazingly, shortly after a zebra is born, the young
zebra or foal can stand up and walk.
Every summer, in order to find food and water, many zebras take the 1,800 mile journey through the
Serengeti to Kenya. If you have the opportunity to see it, its a very impressive sight!


1. Open grasslands in Africa.

2.To camouflage themselves from predators.

3.Up to 65 (sixty-five) miles per hour.

4.Grass and shrubs.

5.Every two years.

6.To find food and water.

Audio en ingls, estilo examen de Trinity, #4

This is a part 1 style listening about a famous place.

1.Where is Bondi Beach?

2.What happened in 1882?

3.How many international visitors does Bondi receive each year?

4.What types of sport can you do there?

5.How many people watched the volleyball during the Olympics?

6.When was Hotel Bondi built?

Bondi Beach is a popular beach in Sydney, Australia. At first, Bondi Beach was a private beach,
owned by Mr Francis OBrien, but the beach was very popular and so, in 1882 the Australian
government bought the beach, so that everyone could use it.

Bondi is 1 kilometre long with golden sand. It receives more than 3 million international tourists per
year. If you go you should look out for the sharks and penguins which migrate there during the
summer months.

In general, Australians enjoy the great outdoors and Bondi beach offers many kinds of sports clubs
such as surfing, swimming, volleyball and many more. In the year 2000, during the summer
Olympics, there was a volleyball tournament on the beach with around 10,000 spectators.

For those people who prefer to shop there is a commercial area called Campbell Parade with trendy
restaurants and bars with beach views. Perhaps the most famous hotel is Hotel Bondi built in 1915
and it is still is an important landmark in the area today.
Many Australian celebrities now live beside this beach because of its beauty and the many facilities
it offers.

1. Sdney, Australia.

2. The Australian Government bought the beach so that everyone could use it.

3. 3 million.

4. Surfing, swimming and volleyball.

5. 10,000.

6. 1915.

Audio en ingls, estilo examen de Trinity, #5

This is a part 1 style listening about a sport.


1. How many players are there in each team?

2. When was the first official match played?

3. How wide is the basketball court?

4. What height do most professional basketball players need to be in order to play?

5. Why was Michael Jordan sometimes called Air Jordan?

6. When was the most recent World Cup Tournament held?

Basketball is a sport with two teams and five players on each team. It was first invented by Dr.James
Naismith in Massachusetts in the USA. The first official match was played in 1892.

This sport is played on a rectangular court normally 28 metres long and 15 metres wide. The hoop
has a diameter of 18 inches and is normally more than 10 feet high above the floor.

Because the hoop is so high, most of the professional male basketball players need to be at least 6
feet, 3 inches tall in order to play.

Michael Jordan is one of the most famous professional basketball players. He played as a centre for
the Chicago Bulls and his nickname was Air Jordan because he could jump very high.

Today, basketball is still one of the worlds most popular sports. The most recent World Cup
Tournament was held in 2014 in Seville, in Spain. The USA came first, Serbia second and France
came third.
1. Five players.

2. In 1892.

3. 15 metres.

4. At least 6 feet, 3 inches tall.

5. Because he could jump very high.

6. In 2014.

Audio en ingls, estilo examen de Trinity, #6

This is a part 2 style listening (no questions) about an famous landmark.

The Statue of Liberty is one of New Yorks most famous landmarks and is situated on Liberty Island
in New York harbour.

The statue is of a woman, wearing a crown and carrying a torch. It was designed by a French
sculptor, Frdric Auguste Bartholdi. It was a gift from France to the United States of America in
1886, to celebrate the end of the American Civil War, and the end of slavery.

In the 19th Century, over 9 million people arrived in America to start a new life. They came by boat,
and the first thing they saw was this unusual, enormous monument.

From a distance this statue doesnt look very high, but at its tallest point it is exactly 150 feet tall
and it weighs around 225 tons.

It is a very popular tourist attraction and it is estimated that more than 4.2 million tourists visit the
site each year.

No questions because this is a part 2 style listening.

Audio en ingls, estilo examen de Trinity, #7

This is a part 1 style listening about a type of food.


1. What are the ingredients in traditional sushi?

2. How many sushi restaurants are in central Paris?

3. Why do young people prefer to eat sushi?

4. What are the ingredients used in vegetarian sushi?

5. How much can a basic box of sushi cost?

6. What do some people buy in addition?


Trying foods from other countries is one of the great pleasures of travelling, however, more and
more we can buy a range of exotic cuisines in restaurants and shops in our own countries.

One of the most popular is the Japanese speciality sushi. This is traditionally made with rice,
seaweed and raw fish and has become increasingly popular in the cities of Europe.

There are now an estimated 130 sushi restaurants in central Paris, and a similar number in London.

Young people concerned about their health see sushi as a light healthy option, rather than eating
sandwiches or a larger meal at lunchtime. The most popular fish in sushi are salmon and tuna, but a
vegetarian version can be made using only vegetables, tofu or cheese.

Sushi can be expensive in comparison to traditional lunchtime foods. A basic box of 12 pieces can
cost around 6 and is not very filling. Many people also buy a traditional soup because they dont
want to feel hungry.

Sushi is certainly one of the most popular foods exotic foods, and it seems to be here to stay.

1. rice, seaweed and (raw) fish

2. around/estimated/approximately 130

3. health/light option

4. vegetables, tofu, cheese

5. around/approximately 6

6. (traditional) soup

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