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Choke ( choking ) is a condition of entry of foreign matter (food, toys, etc.

) into the upper

airway causing respiratory distress. If this is not handled right away then the victim will die.

The following are the steps to do the Heimlich manuever :

Standing or kneeling on the back of the victim (in accordance with the position of your
body height victim's body, in pediatric patients may be a need to kneel)
Clench one palm of your hand
Put your fist with the thumb toward the victim's stomach against the wall, put your fist
two fingers above the center (center always aligned with the top of the hip bone), you do
not position your fist in the solar plexus .
Tighten your fist with your other hand so that your arms wrapped around the victim's
Apply pressure to the rear and top up foreign objects out or until the victim to fall

Abdominal thrust atau heimlich maneuver. If the choking

victim is a pregnant woman or adults who are overweight (obesity), we can make another
selection by doing a " chest thrust" is to put your fist in the middle of the chest bone

Substitute Heimlich manuever on pregnant women victims

Here's a choking aid measures to babies:

1. Hold your baby with you sitting or kneeling position.

2. Open baby clothes.
3. Hold your baby with the face down position face down on the lap of your hand. Create a
baby's head lower than his feet. Support the baby's head and lower jaw using your hands
(be careful not to press the baby's neck, as this will cause a blockage of the airway.
4. Give 5 times a pat on the back (pat backs, between 2 blades baby, DO pat on the neck!).
Use the heel of your hand while giving applause.
5. After providing 5 times pat the back, behind the neck sanggalah your baby with your
hands and turn it over so that the baby's body in a supine position. Create the position of
the baby's head lower than his feet.
6. Perform chest compressions 5 times (emphasis same location with the position of CPR
chest compressions on a process that is in mid-mid sternum / below the imaginary line
between two baby nipple). Only gunakan2 fingers (index finger and middle finger to
perform a chest thrust.
7. Repeat step No. 4,5,6 above until foreign objects out of the mouth of the baby or the baby
becomes unconscious.

Technic Back slaps or pat his back

Technic Chest Thrust atau Tekan Dada

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