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A tool for estimating physical and chemical properties of

organic molecular compounds

v. 1.0
September, 2016

Users guide


This file contains detailed information about OCTOPUS: an Excel add-in

developed to help students, researchers and engineers in the estimation of
physical and chemical properties of pure organic molecular compounds. The
following sections contain detailed information about the installation and use of
this tool.

About the authors

Nathan S. Evangelista obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering

from the Federal University of Cear in 2013 and 2015, respectively. He is
currently a Ph.D. student at the same university and member of the Applied
Thermo-fluid-dynamics Research Group (GPTA).
Frederico R. do Carmo obtained his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Chemical
Engineering from the Federal University of Cear in 2009, 2012 and 2014,
respectively. He is currently a professor of Thermodynamics at Federal Rural
University of the Semi-Arid and associate researcher at the GPTA.


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Table of Contents

1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 6
2. Installation .................................................................................................. 6
3. Getting started ........................................................................................... 7
3.1 Using the Interface ...................................................................................................... 7
3.1.1 Connecting to the Databank file ............................................................................................ 9
3.1.2 Adding a compound ................................................................................................................ 9 Adding an image file of a compound .................................................................................................... 10
3.1.3 Deleting a compound ............................................................................................................ 11
3.1.4 Editing a compound .............................................................................................................. 11
3.1.5 Fragmentizing a compound into functional groups ................................................................ 12
3.1.6 Creating an estimation list ..................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Applying a function ................................................................................................... 17
4. Models and Properties ............................................................................ 18
4.1 Density (liquids) ......................................................................................................... 19
4.1.1 Group contribution................................................................................................................. 19
4.1.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principle .......................................................................... 19
4.2 Viscosity (liquids) ...................................................................................................... 20
4.2.1 Group contribution................................................................................................................. 20
4.2.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principles ........................................................................ 21
4.3 Viscosity (gases) ....................................................................................................... 21
4.3.1 Group contribution................................................................................................................. 21
4.3.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principle .......................................................................... 21
4.4 Thermal conductivity (liquids) ................................................................................. 22
4.4.1 Group contribution................................................................................................................. 22
4.4.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principle .......................................................................... 22
4.5 Thermal conductivity (gases) ................................................................................... 22
4.5.1 Group contribution................................................................................................................. 22
4.5.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principles ........................................................................ 23
4.6 Heat capacity (ideal gases) ...................................................................................... 23
4.7 Heat capacity (liquids) .............................................................................................. 24
4.7.1 Group contribution................................................................................................................. 24
4.7.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principles ........................................................................ 24
4.8 Normal melting temperature .................................................................................... 24
4.9 Normal boiling temperature ..................................................................................... 25
4.10 Critical temperature................................................................................................... 25
4.10.1 Group contribution ............................................................................................................ 25
4.10.2 Correlations ...................................................................................................................... 26
4.11 Critical pressure ........................................................................................................ 26
4.11.1 Group contribution ............................................................................................................ 26
4.11.2 Correlations ...................................................................................................................... 27
4.12 Critical volume ........................................................................................................... 27
4.12.1 Group contribution ............................................................................................................ 27
4.12.2 Correlations ...................................................................................................................... 28
4.13 Acentric factor ........................................................................................................... 28
4.13.1 Group contribution ............................................................................................................ 28
4.13.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principle ...................................................................... 28
4.14 Surface tension .......................................................................................................... 29
4.14.1 Group contribution ............................................................................................................ 29
4.14.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principles .................................................................... 29
4.15 Standard enthalpy of formation (at 298 K) .............................................................. 30
4.16 Standard Gibbs energy of formation (at 298 K) ..................................................... 30
4.17 Enthalpy of fusion ..................................................................................................... 30
4.18 Enthalpy of vaporization ........................................................................................... 31
4.18.1 Group contribution ............................................................................................................ 31
4.18.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principle ...................................................................... 31
4.19 Entropy of vaporization (at Tb) ................................................................................ 32
4.19.1 Group contribution ............................................................................................................ 32
4.19.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principle ...................................................................... 33
4.20 Vapor pressure .......................................................................................................... 33
4.20.1 Group contribution ............................................................................................................ 33
4.20.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principle ...................................................................... 34
4.21 Van der Waals volume .............................................................................................. 34
5. Acknowledgements ................................................................................. 35
6. References ............................................................................................... 35

1. Introduction
OCTOPUS is a library of Excel functions developed to provide estimations
of physical and chemical properties of pure organic molecular compounds.
Values of these properties are often required for the solving of problems often
encountered by chemistry/chemical engineering students, researchers and
A total of 215 functions (related to 154 estimation methods) was
implemented in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and can be directly accessed
in the spreadsheet environment. The properties covered in this version of the tool
include density (liquids), viscosity (liquids/gases), thermal conductivity
(liquids/gases), heat capacity (liquids/ideal gases), normal melting temperature,
normal boiling temperature, critical properties, acentric factor, surface tension
(liquids), standard enthalpy of formation, standard Gibbs energy of formation,
enthalpy of fusion, enthalpy of vaporization, entropy of vaporization, vapor
pressure and van der Waals volume. In general, the implemented methods are
based either on the Corresponding States Principle (CSP) and/or the group
contribution concept (GC) or are correlations that may be of general or of organic-
class specific application.
Our focus was to exclusively implement the models. Hence, this manual
does not contain detailed comments about them (e.g., organic-class applicability,
expected uncertainties, etc.). This information can be found in the original papers
or in reviews of thermodynamic models. Therefore, an appropriate use of this tool
requires a previous knowledge of the methods.
OCTOPUS has open source code and is distributed under the GNU Public
License v. 31.

2. Installation
This tool can be installed in any computer containing the Microsoft Office
software package (2010 or a more recent version). The distribution package
contains the following content:

the OCTOPUS installation file (.xlam extension);

A folder name Files which contains:
o a folder name Structures2;
o this manual3;
o an access file named Databank2.
o a README file;
o a file containing the GNU Public License v. 3.

2 It stores an image file named NOT_AVAILABLE which must not be moved or deleted.
3 These files must not be moved or deleted.

The installation procedure is simple and can be synthetized as follows:

1) unzip the OCTOPUS v. 1.0 file to a directory of your choice;
2) unzip the Files folder to the same directory of the active Excel
workbook (that is, the Excel file that will be used for the calculations);
3) start Excel;
4) click on the FILE tab and then on the Options button;
5) click on Add-Ins and select Excel Add-ins on the Manage pull
down menu. Then, click on Go;
6) click on browse and search the directory chosen in step 1. Browse
the OCTOPUS.xlam file and then click on OK;
7) close Excel.
From now on, the functions of OCTOPUS will be available every time you
open Excel. Additionally, a new tab (ADD-INS) will be available in the
workbook menu bar. It contains a button (Figure 1) which you can press to load
the OCTOPUS initial window.

Figure 1 - The "OCTOPUS" interface button.

3. Getting started
Before learning about the estimation procedure, we strongly suggest that
you become familiar with the developed interface and its main features.

3.1 Using the Interface

The following window will be displayed when you press the OCTOPUS
button (Figure 1):

Figure 2 - The starting window.

This interface contains two buttons: Open database and Supporting

Material. The later can be used to open this guide.

Warning! An error will occur either if the folder Files is not in the same directory of the active
workbook or if this manual file has been moved from its original directory. Please check the
installation steps.

The former will take you to the following window:


Figure 3 - The Database interface.

This window allows you to create a data bank which can store up to 32767
compounds whose properties you wish to estimate. In the next sections, you will
learn how to use its main functionalities, starting off with setting the connection
between the OCTOPUS interface and the Access Databank file.

3.1.1 Connecting to the Databank file

The Databank file is distributed within the Files folder (check Section 2).
In the present section, you will learn how to connect the OCTOPUS interface to
the referred file. This connection allows you to transfer information between them.
Whenever you open the Excel workbook file and try to load the interface
shown in Figure 3 for the first time, you will notice that the Registered
compounds list is empty. If you click on the Import button, this list will be
automatically updated with the information stored in the Databank file.
Obviously, if this is the very first time you use this tool, the Databank file will be
empty and you wont need to import its data. In fact, as it will be shown further,
you will constantly need to update this file with the information you register in the
developed interface. This can be done by pressing the Export button.
In the following sections, you will learn how to create and edit your own
database. We suggest that you read the instructions carefully and try to
reproduce the examples shown.

3.1.2 Adding a compound

To add a new compound, click on the button New compound presented in

Figure 3. The following window will be automatically displayed.

Figure 4 - Registering a compound.

The above fields correspond to some of the new compounds most relevant
information. In fact, the blue highlighted fields are required as input parameters
for the application of several functions from the OCTOPUS library. Therefore,
although a complete specification is not mandatory, we suggest that you include
as many information as possible when registering a compound. Occasionally, the
values of one or more properties may not be available for a substance. In these
cases, keep the referred field empty as shown above.
The acronyms of each property will be clearly understood when you click on
the .? button. The fields highlighted in green are locked, that is, you cannot
modify them. The ID field will be automatically specified when you click on the
New Compound button. The Yes and No check buttons will be determined
by the content of the Structures folder (check Section 2). Adding an image file of a compound

We highly recommend that you create an image file for each compound you
register in the database. This will be very helpful in the group fragmentation
procedures (Section 3.1.5). The image files must be inserted into the Structures
folder and have the .JPEG extension. Additionally, each of them must be named
with the compounds identification number, denoted by the ID field (Figure 4).

In the case of Propan-2-one, an image file named 1 was inserted in the

referred folder:

Figure 5 Content of the Structures folder.

After this, the values of the highlighted buttons were automatically updated,
as presented in Figure 6:

Figure 6 Updated check button after inserting the image file.

Once you have finished registering a compound, save it in the database by

pressing the Save Information button. Then, return to the previous interface and
continue to register other compounds until your database is completed.

Warning! After you complete the registration procedure, click on the Export button to
update the Databank file with the information you have just inserted. If you close the Excel
workbook file without pressing this button, your data bank will be lost.

3.1.3 Deleting a compound

Before deleting a compound, you have to select it in the Registered

compounds list. By clicking on Delete compound (Figure 4), you will
permanently remove it and all of its registered data. As a result, the ID field of
the removed compound will also be lost. The only way to recover it is by manually
registering a new compound in the Databank file.

3.1.4 Editing a compound

You can select a compound in the Registered compounds list and click on
the Edit/Check Info. button to modify its information. The following window will
be displayed:

Figure 7 - Editing a compound.

Before you can edit the selected compound (note that the fields in the
previous figure are grayed out), you must click on Edit information. The Clear
information button will erase all the registered information of the selected
compound. Once you have finished, do not forget to save the changes by clicking
on Save Information. To edit other compounds, you can use the highlighted
scrollbar to navigate through your data bank. Once you have completely finished
editing your database, return to the previous window and press on the Export
button to update the Access Databank file.

3.1.5 Fragmentizing a compound into functional groups*

Before applying any function that corresponds to a group contribution

method, you must divide the compounds structures into the functional groups of
each method. When you press the Edit groups button (Figure 4), the following
screen will be displayed:

* If you are not interested in applying a group contribution method, you can skip to the next section.

Figure 8 - Available GC methods.

You can filter the models that will be shown in the Organic molecular
compounds list by checking the properties you are interested in. The meaning of
the properties acronyms can be seen in the Nomenclature list. To start entering
the functional groups specifications, you must choose a method in the list and
press the Selected method button. For the Constantinou-Gani method1,2, the
following window will be displayed.

Figure 9 - Specifying the functional groups of Propan-2-one - Part 1.

Notice that the availability of a compounds structural formula depends on

the content of the Files folder (check Section You must insert the
number of appearances of each group into the Compound list. To do so, select
a group in the Method list. Then, specify its quantity and click on the Insert
button. If you have incorrectly specified a group quantity, select it again in the
Method list, correct the quantity and click on the Insert button. If you have
inserted a wrong functional group, select it in the Compound list and press the
Remove button. If you want to clear the whole groups specification, click on the
Clear all button.
Figure 10 shows the fragmentation of Propan-2-one by the functional
groups of the selected method:

Figure 10 - Specifying the functional groups of Propan-2-one - Part 2.

Notice that there are no second-order groups in this case. Finally, you must
save the fragmentation by clicking on the Save groups button. After that, select
another method and re-fragmentize the structure of the selected compound using
the other methods functional groups. Then, choose another compound and
repeat this whole process. To conclude, return to the Database interface (Figure
4) and click on the Export button to transfer the fragmentations to the Access

3.1.6 Creating an estimation list

Once you have created your database and have specified all the relevant
compounds information, you can return to the window presented in Figure 4 and
create an estimation list. Doing this will be very helpful in applying the
implemented functions.
To create an estimation list, you must select compounds in the Registered
compounds list and press the Add to list button. The Estimation list box will
be filled with the selected compounds, as presented in Figure 11.

Figure 11 - Creating an estimation list.

If you have inserted a wrong compound in the list, selected it in the

Estimation list box and press the Remove from list button. If you want to
completely clear the created list, click on Remove all. When you finish, click on
the Confirm and leave button to close the interface and return to the
spreadsheet environment. The properties that will be used as input parameter for
one or more of the implemented functions will be automatically transferred to the
spreadsheet cells, as presented in Figure 12.

Figure 12 - Estimation list in the spreadsheet environment.

The units of the printed properties are in accordance to the International

System (IS). The empty cells correspond to the properties whose values have not
been specified in the registration procedure.

Warning! Although when registering a compound you have entered its properties values
according to the units shown in Figure 4 (e.g., pressure in [bar], molar volumes in [cm3/mol],
etc.), the implemented functions require the input variables to be in the IS units. Thus, it is
really important that you create an estimation list, since the values of the properties printed by
the OCTOPUS interface are the appropriate ones for a function application.

3.2 Applying a function

The estimation procedure is very simple. First, you must choose a property
and obtain its acronym from Table 1 (Section 4.1). Then, you must select the
appropriate model (that will be used to estimate this property) and obtain its
acronym. The acronyms of all the group contribution methods are shown in the
Identification column from the list of methods presented in Figure 8. For the
methods based in the Corresponding States Principle or in correlations, you can
check the next section or become familiar to the rule we adopted to generate the
acronyms1. Then, the appropriate formula must be applied in a spreadsheet cell.
The syntax for a formula application depends on the acronyms for the property
and the method. The general formula is:

Figure 13 - General syntax for a function application.

For example, if one wishes to obtain the value of a compounds critical

temperature (property acronym = Tc) outputted by the method of Constantinou
and Gani (1994) (model acronym = CG), the following formula shall be applied:

Figure 14 - General syntax for the application of the "Tc_CG" function.

In order to return the value of a property, each function requires the

specification of input variables. These variables are denoted by the
(parameters) term in Figures 13 and 14. If the input parameters are wrong or
missing, the applied function will return a wrong value or, occasionally, an
instruction. As presented in Figure 15, you can inspect the required parameters
for each function by simultaneously pressing CTRL + SHIFT + A after the first

Figure 15 - Inspecting the input variables of a function.

For the Tc_CG function, the only input parameter is the identification
number of the compound (variable ID_Comp). If we apply this function to
estimate the critical temperature of Propan-2-one (ID_Comp = 1; check Figure
12), we obtain the following result:

1 If the model was proposed by only one author, the acronym is equal to the name of that author (e.g.,
Riedel, Vetere, Somayajulu); if the model had 2 or 3 authors, the acronym equals the initial letter of
each author name (e.g., AW denotes the method proposed Ambrose and Walton (1989); MRR denotes
the method proposed by Moller, Rarey and Ramjugernath (2008)); if the method was proposed by more four
or more authors, the acronym equals the name of the first author from the published paper (e.g., Ponce
denotes the method proposed by Ponce et al. (2013)).

Figure 16 - Estimating the critical temperature of Propan-2-one.

4. Models and Properties

The updated status of the OCTOPUS library is summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 - Summary of the OCTOPUS library functions

Available functions
Property Acronym
Correlation/CSP GC
Density (liquids) DensL 15 7

Viscosity (liquids) ViscL 2 10

Viscosity (gases) ViscG 3 1

Thermal conductivity (liquids) LambdaL 6 2

Thermal conductivity (gases) LambdaG 6 1

Heat capacity (ideal gases) CpIG 0 3

Heat capacity (liquids) CpL 3 10

Normal melting temperature Tm 0 4

Normal boiling temperature Tb 0 9

Critical temperature Tc 1 18

Critical pressure Pc 1 13

Critical volume Vc 3 13

Acentric fator Omega 5 4

Surface tension SigmaL 4 3

Standard enthalpy of formation (at 298 K) DeltaHf 0 3

Standard Gibbs energy of formation (at 298 K) DeltaGf 0 4

Enthalpy of fusion DeltaHm 0 2

Enthalpy of vaporization DeltaHv 15 11

Entropy of vaporization (at Tb) DeltaSv 10 3

Vapor pressure Pvap 10 8

Van der Waals volume Vvdw 0 2

Total 84 131

The column Acronym denotes the acronyms adopted for each property
covered by this tool (check the previous section). Probably, you will consult this
table very often until you become familiar with the adopted nomenclature.
Although we have focused on implementing most of the very widely used
methods, we have included several recently published models in the OCTOPUS
The following sections contain more information about the implemented
library. You can skip to the method you are interested in applying.

4.1 Density (liquids)

4.1.1 Group contribution

Table 2 summarizes the implemented GC methods capable of estimating

the referred property.

Table 2 - Available GC methods for estimating liquids density

Function syntax Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym
Elbro/Ihmels/Gmehling GCVOL60 DensL_GCVOL60 ID_Comp, T, MM 3,4

Ihmels/Gmehling GCVOLOL60 DensL_GCVOLOL60 ID_Comp, T, MM 4

GCVOL60Pratas DensL_GCVOL60Pratasb ID_Comp, T, MM

Pratas et al. 35
GCVOLOL60Pratas DensL_GCVOLOL60Pratasc ID_Comp, T, MM
Constantinou/Gani CG DensL298_CGd ID_Comp, MM 2,6

Schroeder Schroeder DensLTb_Schroeder e

ID_Comp, MM 6

Le Bas Le Bas DensLTb_LeBase ID_Comp, MM 6

Nomenclature: ID_Comp = Compound's identification number (in the database); T = Temperature; MM = Molar mass; Tb =
Normal boiling temperature.
These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. Occasionally, these have not been found.
It considers the group parameters of the GCVOL60 method in combination to the refit proposed by Pratas et al (2011).
It considers the group parameters of the GCVOLOL60 method in combination to the refit proposed by Pratas et al (2011).
Estimates this property at T = 298 K.
Estimates this property at T = Tb.

4.1.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principle

Table 3 summarizes the implemented Correlations/CSP methods capable

of estimating the referred property.

Table 3 - Available Correlations/CSP methods for estimating liquids density

Function syntax Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym
Rackett Rackett DensL_Rackett T, MM, Tc, Vc, Zc 7

YG1 DensL_YG1 T, MM, Tc, Vc, Omega 6,8

YG2 DensL_YG2 T, MM, Tc, Omega, Tref, DensLTref 6,8

Bhirud Bhirud DensL_Bhirud T, MM, Tc, Pc, Omega 9

Spencer/Danner SD DensL_SD T, MM, Tc, Pc, Zra 10

Rackett/Soave RS DensL_RS T, MM, Tc, Pc, Omega 7,11

Yen/Woods YW DensL_YW T, MM, Tc, Vc, Zc 12

Chueh/Prausnitz CP DensL_CP T, MM, Tc, Vc, Omega 1315

Reid/Prausnitz/Sherwood RPS DensL_RPS T, MM, Tc, Vc, Omega 15

Campbell/Thodos CT DensL_CT ID_CompClassb, T, MM, Tb, Tc, Pc, Mi 16

VA1 DensL_VA1 T, MM, Tb, Tc, Vc 17

VA2 DensL_VA2 T, MM, Tb, Tc, Pc, Vc 17

Hankinson/Thomson/Brobst COSTALD DensL_COSTALD T, MM, Tc, Vc, Omega 18,19


Function syntax Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym
Mchaweh et al. simplifiedMchaweh DensL_simplifiedMchawehc T, MM, Tc, Vc, Omega 20,21

Tyn/Calus TC DensLTb_TCd MM, Vc 6

Nomenclature: ID_CompClass = Compound's class identification number; T = Temperature; MM = Molar mass; Tb = Normal boiling temperature;
Tc = Critical temperature; Pc = Critical pressure; Vc = Critical volume; Zc = Critical compressibility factor; Zra = Adjustable parameter proposer by
the authors; Omega = Acentric factor; Mi = Modulus of the dipole moment vector; Tref = Reference temperature; DensLTref = Liquid density at

These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.
1) Nonpolar; 2) Polar; 3) Polar containing a hydroxyl group.
This corresponds to the SNM0 model tested by Mulero, Cachadia and Parra (2006).
Estimates this property at T = Tb.

4.2 Viscosity (liquids)

4.2.1 Group contribution

Table 4 summarizes the implemented GC methods capable of estimating

the referred property.

Table 4 - Available GC methods for estimating liquids viscosity

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Joback/Reid JR ViscL_JR ID_Comp, T, MM 6,22

Orrick/Erbar OE ViscL_OE ID_Comp, T, MM, DensL293 6

Thomas Thomas ViscL_Thomas ID_Comp, T, Tc DensL 15,23

Morris Morris ViscL_Morris b

ID_CompClass , ID_Comp, T, Tc 15

Hsu/Sheu/Tu HST ViscL_HST ID_Comp, T, Pc 24

Yinghua-Peisheng-Ping YPP ViscL_YPP ID_CompClassc, ID_Comp, T, MM, Tb 25

Ceriani-Gonalves-Coutinho CGC ViscL_CGC d e

ID_CompClass , ID_EsterClass , ID_Comp, T, MM 26

Souders Souders ViscL_Souders ID_Comp, MM, DensL 27

Nannoolal et al. Nannoolal ViscL_Nannoolal ID_Comp, T, Tb 28

Marrero-Pardillo MP ViscL293_MPf ID_Comp, MM 29

Nomenclature: ID_CompClass = Compound's class identification number; ID_EsterClass = Ester class identification number; ID_Comp
= Compound's identification number (in the database); T = Temperature; MM = Molar mass; Tb = Normal boiling temperature; Tc = Critical
temperature; Pc = Critical pressure; DensL293: Liquid density at T = 293 K; DensL = Liquid density at the temperature of interest.

These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.
1) Hydrocarbon; 2) Halogenated hydrocarbon; 3) Benzene derivative; 4) Halogenated benzene derivative; 5) Alcohol; 6) Organic acid; 7)
Ether/Ketone/Aldehyde/Acetate; 8) Phenol; 9) Miscellaneous.

1) Phenol; 2) Acid; 3) Others.
1) Fatty acid; 2) Alcohol; 3) Ester; 4) Acylglycerol.
0) Not an ester; 1) Methyl esters; 2) Ethyl esters; 3) Propyl esters; 4) Butyl esters.
Estimates this property at T = 293 K.

4.2.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principles

Table 5 summarizes the implemented Correlations/CSP methods capable

of estimating the referred property.

Table 5 - Available Correlations/CSP methods for estimating liquids viscosity

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Przezdziecki/Sridhar PS ViscL_PS T, MM, Tm, Tc, Pc, Vc, Omega, Tref, DensLTref 30

Letsou/Stiel LS ViscL_LS T, MM, Tc, Pc, Omega 31

Nomenclature: T = Temperature; MM = Molar mass; Tm = Normal melting temperature; Tc = Critical temperature; Pc = Critical
pressure; Vc = Critical volume; Omega = Acentric factor; Tref = Reference temperature; DensLTref = Liquid density at Tref.

These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.

4.3 Viscosity (gases)

4.3.1 Group contribution

Table 6 summarizes the only implemented GC method capable of

estimating the referred property.

Table 6 - Available GC method for estimating gases viscosity

Function syntax Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym

Reichenberg Reichenberg ViscG_Reichenberg ID_Comp, T, MM, Tc, Pc, Mi 32,33

Nomenclature: ID_Comp = Compound's identification number (in the database); T = Temperature; MM = Molar
mass; Tc = Critical temperature; Pc = Critical pressure; Mi = Modulus of the dipole moment vector.
These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.

4.3.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principle

Table 7 summarizes the implemented Correlations/CSP methods capable

of estimating the referred property.

Table 7 - Available Correlations/CSP methods for estimating gases viscosity

Function syntax Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym
Lucas Lucas ViscG_Lucas ID_CompClassb, T, MM, Tc, Pc, Zc, Mi 15

Golubev Golubev ViscG_Golubev T, MM, Tc, Pc 15

Yoon/Thodos YT ViscG_YT ID_CompClassc, T, MM, Tc, Pc, Zc 34

Nomenclature: ID_CompClass = Compound's class identification number; T = Temperature; MM = Molar mass; Tc =

Critical temperature; Pc = Critical pressure; Zc = Critical compressibility factor; Mi = Modulus of the dipole moment vector.
These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.
1) He; 2) H2; 3) D2; 4) Others
1) Nonpolar; 2) Polar hydrogen-bonding; 3) Polar non-hydrogen-bonding

4.4 Thermal conductivity (liquids)

4.4.1 Group contribution

Table 8 summarizes the implemented GC methods capable of estimating

the referred property.

Table 8 - Available GC methods for estimating liquids thermal conductivity

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Nagvekar/Daubert ND LambdaL_ND ID_Comp, T, Tc 35

Sastri/Rao SR LambdaL_SR ID_Comp, T, Tb, Tc 36

Nomenclature: ID_Comp = Compound's identification number (in the database); T = Temperature;

Tb = Normal boiling temperature; Tc = Critical temperature.

These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.

4.4.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principle

Table 9 summarizes the implemented Correlations/CSP methods capable

of estimating the referred property.

Table 9 - Available Correlations/CSP methods for estimating liquids thermal conductivity

Function syntax Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym
Latini et al. Latini LambdaL_Latini ID_CompClassb, T, MM, Tb, Tc 6

Riedel/Sato RS LambdaL_RS T, MM, Tb, Tc 33

Riedel/Missenard RM LambdaL_RM T, Tc, LambdaL273 33

Lakshmir/Prasad LP LambdaL_LP T, MM 37

Sato Sato LambdaLTb_Satob MM 33

Missenard Missenard LambdaL273_Missenardc MM, Tb, Nat, DensL273, CpL273 33

Nomenclature: ID_CompClass = Compound's class identification number; T = Temperature; MM = Molar mass;

Tb = Normal boiling temperature; Tc = Critical temperature; Nat = Number of atoms in the molecule; DensL273 =
Liquid density at T= 273 K; CpL273 = Liquid heat capacity at T = 273 K; LambdaL273 = Thermal conductivity at T
= 273 K.
These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.
1) Saturated hydrocarbon; 2) Olefin; 3) Cycloparaffin; 4) Aromatic; 5) Alcohol; 6) Organic acid; 7) Ketone; 8) Ester; 9) Ether; 10)
R20/R21/R22/R23 (Refrigerant); 11) Other refrigerant.
Estimates this property at T = Tb.
Estimates this property at T = 273 K.

4.5 Thermal conductivity (gases)

4.5.1 Group contribution

Table 10 summarizes the only implemented GC method capable of

estimating the referred property.

Table 10 - Available GC method for estimating gases thermal conductivity

Function syntax Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym
Bromley Bromley LambdaG_Bromley ID_Comp, T, MM, Tb, Tc, DensLTb, DeltaSvTb, ViscG, CpIG 15

Nomenclature: ID_Comp = Compound's identification number (in the database); T = Temperature; MM = Molar mass; Tb = Normal boiling
temperature; Tc = Critical temperature; DensLTb = Liquid density at T = Tb; DeltaSvTb = Entropy of vaporization at T = Tb; ViscG = Gas
viscosity at the temperature of interest; CpIG = Ideal gas heat capacity at the temperature of interest.

These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.

4.5.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principles

Table 11 summarizes the implemented Correlations/CSP methods capable

of estimating the referred property.

Table 11 - Available Correlations/CSP methods for estimating gases thermal conductivity

Function syntax Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym
Chung et al. Chung LambdaG_Chung T, MM, Tc, Omega, ViscG, CpIG 38,39

Ely/Hanley EH LambdaG_EH T, MM, Tc, Vc, Zc, Omega, CpIG 40

Misic/Thodos MT LambdaG_MT b
ID_CompClass , T, MM, Tc, Pc, CpIG 15,41

Eucken LambdaG_Eucken MM, ViscG, CpIG 6

modifiedEucken LambdaG_modifiedEucken MM, ViscG, CpIG 6

Stiel/Thodos ST LambdaG_ST MM, ViscG, CpIG 42

Nomenclature: ID_CompClass = Compound's class identification number; T = Temperature; MM = Molar mass; Tc = Critical
temperature; Pc = Critical pressure; Vc = Critical volume; Zc = Critical compressibility factor; Omega = Acentric factor; ViscG =
Gas viscosity at the temperature of interest; CpIG = Ideal gas heat capacity at the temperature of interest.
These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.
1) Methane/Naphthalene/Aromatic hydrocarbon; 2) Other hydrocarbon.

4.6 Heat capacity (ideal gases)

Table 12 summarizes the implemented GC methods capable of estimating

the referred property.

Table 12 - Available GC methods for estimating ideal gases heat capacity.

Function syntax Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym
Joback/Reid JR CpIG_JR ID_Comp, T 6,22

Constantinou/Gani CG CpIG_CG ID_Comp, T 1

Harrison/Seaton HS CpIG_HS ID_Comp, T 43

Nomenclature: ID_Comp = Compound's identification number (in the database); T = Temperature.

These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.

4.7 Heat capacity (liquids)

4.7.1 Group contribution

Table 13 summarizes the implemented GC methods capable of estimating

the referred property.

Table 13 - Available GC methods for estimating liquids heat capacity

Function syntax Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym
Ruzicka/Domalski RD CpL_RD ID_Comp, T 44,45

Zabransky/Ruzicka ZR CpL_ZR ID_Comp, T 46,47

KolskaH CpL_KolskaH b
ID_Comp, T 48
Kolska et al.
KolskaNH CpL_KolskaNHc ID_Comp, T 48

Luria/Benson LB CpL_LB ID_Comp, T 49,50

Missenard Missenard CpL_Missenard ID_Comp, T 33

Ceriani/Gani/Meirelles CGM CpL_CGM ID_Comp, T 51

Chickos/Hesse/Liebman CHL CpL298_CHLd ID_Comp 52

Shaw Shaw CpL298_Shaw d

ID_Comp 53

Chueh/Swanson CS CpL293_CS e
ID_Comp 54

Nomenclature: ID_Comp = Compound's identification number (in the database); T = Temperature.

These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.
It considers the parameters obtained by the hierarchic estimation technique.
It considers the parameters obtained by the non-hierarchic estimation technique.
Estimates this property at T = 298 K.
Estimates this property at T = 293 K.

4.7.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principles

Table 14 summarizes the implemented Correlations/CSP methods capable

of estimating the referred property.

Table 14 - Available Correlations/CSP methods for estimating liquids heat capacity

Function syntax Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym
Rowlinson/Bondi RB CpL_RB T, Tc, Omega, CpIG 15,55

Poling/Prausnitz/O'Connel PPO CpL_PPO T, Tc, Omega, CpIG 6

Sterling/Brown SB CpL_SB T, Tc, Omega, CpIG 15

Nomenclature: T = Temperature; Tc = Critical temperature; Omega = Acentric factor; CpIG = Ideal gas heat capacity at
the temperature of interest.
These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.

4.8 Normal melting temperature

Table 15 summarizes the implemented GC methods capable of estimating

the referred property.

Table 15 - Available GC methods for estimating normal melting temperatures

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Joback/Reid JR Tm_JR ID_Comp 6,22

Constantinou/Gani CG Tm_CG ID_Comp 1,6

Marrero/Gani MG Tm_MG ID_Comp 56

Ponce et al. Ponce Tm_Ponce ID_Comp 57

Nomenclature: ID_Comp = Compound's identification number (in the database).

These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been

4.9 Normal boiling temperature

Table 16 summarizes the implemented GC methods capable of estimating

the referred property.

Table 16 - Available GC methods for estimating normal boiling temperatures

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Joback/Reid JR Tb_JR ID_Comp 6,22

Constantinou/Gani CG Tb_CG ID_Comp 1,6

Marrero/Gani MG Tb_MG ID_Comp 56

Stein/Brown SB Tb_SB ID_Comp 58

Marrero/Pardillo MP Tb_MP ID_Comp, MM 59

Cordes/Rarey CR Tb_CR ID_Comp 60

Devotta/Pendyalla DP Tb_DP ID_Comp 61

Ericksen et al. Ericksen Tb_Ericksen ID_Comp, MM, Vvdw 62

Nannoolal et al. Nannoolal Tb_Nannoolal ID_Comp 63

Nomenclature: ID_Comp = Compound's identification number (in the database); MM = Molar mass; Vvdw
= van der Waals volume.

These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.

4.10 Critical temperature

4.10.1 Group contribution

Table 17 summarizes the implemented GC methods capable of estimating

the referred property.

Table 17 - Available GC methods for estimating critical temperatures

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Joback/Reid JR Tc_JR ID_Comp, Tb 6,22

Constantinou/Gani CG Tc_CG ID_Comp 1,6

Marrero/Gani MG Tc_MG ID_Comp 56

Marrero/Pardillo MP Tc_MP ID_Comp, Tb 59

Riedel Riedel Tc_Riedel ID_Comp, Tb 64


Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Lydersen Lydersen Tc_Lydersen ID_Comp, Tb 15

Fedors Fedors Tc_Fedors ID_Comp 33,65

Klincewicz/Reid KR Tc_KR ID_Comp, MM, Tb 66

Tu Tu Tc_Tu ID_Comp 67

Wilson/Jasperson WJ Tc_WJ ID_Comp, Tb, Nr 6

Jalowka/Daubert/Bartakovits JDB Tc_JDB ID_Comp, Tb 68,69

Dalmazzone/Salmon/Guella DSG Tc_DSG ID_Comp 70

Ambrose Ambrose Tc_Ambrose ID_Comp, Tb, DeltaPlatt 33

WQ1 Tc_WQ1 ID_Comp

Wen/Qiang 71
WQ2 Tc_WQ2 ID_Comp, Tb
Li/Xia/Xiang LXX Tc_LXX ID_Comp, Tb 72

Nannoolal et al. Nannoolal Tc_Nannoolal ID_Comp, Tb 73

Somayajulu Somayajulu Tc_Somayajulu ID_Comp, Tb 74

Nomenclature: ID_Comp = Compound's identification number (in the database); MM = Molar mass; Tb = Normal boiling
temperature; Nr = Number of rings in the molecule; DeltaPlatt = Topological parameter proposed by the author.

These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.

4.10.2 Correlations

Table 18 summarizes the only implemented correlation capable of

estimating the referred property.

Table 18 - Available correlation for estimating critical temperatures

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Klincewicz/Reid simplifiedKR Tc_simplifiedKR MM, Tb 66

Nomenclature: MM = Molar mass; Tb = Normal boiling temperature.

4.11 Critical pressure

4.11.1 Group contribution

Table 19 summarizes the implemented GC methods capable of estimating

the referred property.

Table 19 - Available GC methods for estimating critical pressures

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Joback/Reid JR Pc_JR ID_Comp 6,22

Constantinou/Gani CG Pc_CG ID_Comp 1,6

Marrero/Gani MG Pc_MG ID_Comp 56

Marrero/Pardillo MP Pc_MP ID_Comp, Nat 59

Lydersen Lydersen Pc_Lydersen ID_Comp, MM 15

Klincewicz/Reid KR Pc_KR ID_Comp, MM 66


Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Wilson/Jasperson WJ Pc_WJ ID_Comp, Tc, Nr 6

Jalowka/Daubert/Bartakovits JDB Pc_JDB ID_Comp, Tb, Tc 68,69

Ambrose Ambrose Pc_Ambrose ID_Comp, MM, Tb, DeltaPlatt 33

Wen/Qiang WQ Pc_WQ ID_Comp 71

Li/Xia/Xiang LXX Pc_LXX ID_Comp, MM 72

Nannoolal et al. Nannoolal Pc_Nannoolal ID_Comp, MM 73

Somayajulu Somayajulu Pc_Somayajulu ID_Comp, MM 74

Nomenclature: ID_Comp = Compound's identification number (in the database); MM = Molar mass; Tb = Normal boiling
temperature; Tc = Critical temperature; Nat = Number of atoms in the molecule; Nr = Number of rings in the molecule;
DeltaPlatt = Topological parameter proposed by the author.
These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.

4.11.2 Correlations

Table 20 summarizes the only implemented correlation capable of

estimating the referred property.

Table 20 - Available correlation for estimating critical pressures

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Klincewicz/Reid simplifiedKR Pc_simplifiedKR MM, Nat
Nomenclature: MM = Molar mass; Nat = Number of atoms in the molecule.

4.12 Critical volume

4.12.1 Group contribution

Table 21 summarizes the implemented GC methods capable of estimating

the referred property.

Table 21 - Available GC methods for estimating critical volumes

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Joback/Reid JR Vc_JR ID_Comp 6,22

Constantinou/Gani CG Vc_CG ID_Comp 1,6

Marrero/Gani MG Vc_MG ID_Comp 56

Marrero/Pardillo MP Vc_MP ID_Comp 59

Lydersen Lydersen Vc_Lydersen ID_Comp 15

Fedors Fedors Vc_Fedors ID_comp 75

Klincewicz/Reid KR Vc_KR ID_Comp, MM 66

Vetere Vetere Vc_Vetere ID_Comp 15

Ambrose Ambrose Vc_Ambrose ID_Comp 33

Wen/Qiang WQ Vc_WQ ID_Comp 71

Li/Xia/Xiang LXX Vc_LXX ID_Comp, MM 72

Nannoolal et al. Nannoolal Vc_Nannoolal ID_Comp 73


Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Somayajulu Somayajulu Vc_Somayajulu ID_Comp 74

Nomenclature: ID_Comp = Compound's identification number (in the database); MM = Molar mass.
These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.

4.12.2 Correlations

Table 22 summarizes the implemented correlations capable of estimating

the referred property.

Table 22 - Available correlations for estimating critical volumes

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Riedel Riedel Vc_Riedel Tb, Tc, Pc
Campbell/Thodos CT Vc_CT ID_CompClassb, Tb, Tc, Pc, Mi
Klincewicz/Reid simplifiedKR Vc_simplifiedKR MM, Nat

Nomenclature: ID_CompClass = Compound's class identification number; MM = Molar mass; Tb = Normal

boiling temperature; Tc = Critical temperature; Pc = Critical pressure; Mi = Modulus of the dipole moment
vector; Nat = Number of atoms in the molecule.
These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.
1) Nonpolar; 2) Polar; 3) Polar containing a hydroxyl group

4.13 Acentric factor

4.13.1 Group contribution

Table 23 summarizes the implemented GC methods capable of estimating

the referred property.

Table 23 - Available GC methods for estimating acentric factors

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Constantinou/Gani CG Omega_CG ID_Comp 2

Han/Peng HP Omega_HP ID_Comp, DeltaPlatt 76

Shouzhi/Yanyuan/Peisheng SYP Omega_SYP ID_Comp, Tb 77

Hoshino/Nagahama/Hirata HNH Omega_HNH ID_Comp 78

Nomenclature: ID_Comp = Compound's identification number (in the database); DeltaPlatt = Topological
parameter suggested by the authors.
These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.

4.13.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principle

Table 24 summarizes the implemented Correlations/CSP methods capable

of estimating the referred property.

Table 24 - Available Correlations/CSP methods for estimating acentric factors

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Ambrose/Walton AW Omega_AW Tb, Tc, Pc 6,79

Lee/Kesler LK Omega_LK Tb, Tc, Pc 80

Edmister Edmister Omega_Edmister Tb, Tc, Pc 15

Rudkin Rudkin Omega_Rudkin Tb, Tc, Pc 81

Chen/Dinivahi/Jeng CDJ Omega_CDJ Tb, Tc, Pc 82

Nomenclature: Tb = Normal boiling temperature; Tc = Critical temperature; Pc = Critical

These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not
been found.

4.14 Surface tension

4.14.1 Group contribution

Table 25 summarizes the implemented GC methods capable of estimating

the referred property.

Table 25 - Available GC methods for estimating surface tension

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Macleod-Sugden-Quayle MSQ SigmaL_MSQ ID_Comp, MM, DensL, DensV 15,33,83,84

Knotts1 SigmaL_Knotts1 ID_Comp, MM, DensL, DensV
Knotts et al. 85
Knotts2 SigmaL_Knotts2 ID_Comp, MM, DensL, DensV
Nomenclature: ID_Comp = Compound's identification number (in the database); MM = Molar mass; DensL = Liquid
density at the temperature of interest; DensV = Vapor density at the temperature of interest.
These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.
It considers the parameters obtained by the use of the training set with an uncertainty <5%
It considers the parameters obtained by the use of the training set with an uncertainty <1%

4.14.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principles

Table 26 summarizes the implemented Correlations/CSP methods capable

of estimating the referred property.

Table 26 - Available Correlations/CSP methods for estimating surface tensions.

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Brock/Bird BB SigmaL_BB T, Tb, Tc, Pc 86

Pitzer Pitzer SigmaL_Pitzer T, Tc, Pc, Omega 6,87

Zuo/Stenby ZS SigmaL_ZS T, Tc, Pc, Omega 88

Sastri/Rao SR SigmaL_SR ID_CompClassb, T, Tb, Tc, Pc 89

Nomenclature: ID_CompClass = Compound's class identification number; T = Temperature; Tb = Normal

boiling temperature; Tc = Critical temperature; Pc = Critical pressure; Omega = Acentric factor.
These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.
1) Alcohol; 2) Acid; 3) Other

4.15 Standard enthalpy of formation (at 298 K)

Table 27 summarizes the implemented GC methods capable of estimating

the referred property.

Table 27 - Available GC methods for estimating standard enthalpies of formation at 298 K

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Joback/Reid JR DeltaHf298_JR ID_Comp 6,22

Constantinou/Gani CG DeltaHf298_CG ID_Comp 1,6

Marrero/Gani MG DeltaHf298_MG ID_Comp 56

Nomenclature: ID_Comp = Compound's identification number (in the database).

These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been

4.16 Standard Gibbs energy of formation (at 298 K)

Table 28 summarizes the implemented GC methods capable of estimating

the referred property.

Table 28 - Available GC methods for estimating standard Gibbs energies of formation at 298 K
Function syntax Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym
Joback/Reid JR DeltaGf298_JR ID_Comp 6,22

Constantinou/Gani CG DeltaGf298_CG ID_Comp 1,6

Marrero/Gani MG DeltaGf298_MG ID_Comp 56

Mavrovrouniotis Mavrovrouniotis DeltaGf298_Mavrovrouniotis ID_Comp 90

Nomenclature: ID_Comp = Compound's identification number (in the database).

These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.

4.17 Enthalpy of fusion

Table 29 summarizes the implemented GC methods capable of estimating

the referred property.
Table 29 - Available GC methods for estimating enthalpies of fusion
Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Joback/Reid JR DeltaHm_JR ID_Comp 6,22

Marrero/Gani MG DeltaHm_MG ID_Comp 56

Nomenclature: ID_Comp = Compound's identification number (in the database).

These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not
been found.

4.18 Enthalpy of vaporization

4.18.1 Group contribution

Table 30 summarizes the implemented GC methods capable of estimating

the referred property.

Table 30 - Available GC methods for estimating enthalpies of vaporization

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Joback/Reid JR DeltaHvTb_JRb ID_Comp 6,22

Constantinou/Gani CG DeltaHv298_CGc ID_Comp 1,6

Marrero/Gani MG DeltaHv298_MGc ID_Comp 56

Basaov/Svoboda BS DeltaHv_BS ID_Comp, T, Tc 91

Tu/Liu TL DeltaHv_TL ID_Comp 92

KRG DeltaHv298_KRGc ID_Comp

Kolska/Ruzicka/Gani 93
KRG DeltaHvTb_KRGb ID_Comp
Benkouider et al. Benkouider DeltaHv_Benkouider ID_Comp, T, Tc
Dalmazzone/Salmon/Guella DSG DeltaHv_DSG ID_Comp, T, Tc 70

Ulbig/Klppel/Schulz UNIVAP DeltaHv_UNIVAP ID_Comp, T 95,96

d e
ID_CompClass , ID_EsterClass , 97
Ceriani/Gani/Liu CGL DeltaHv_CGL
ID_Comp, T, MM, Tc, Pc
Nomenclature: ID_CompClass = Compound's class identification number; ID_EsterClass = Ester class identification number;
ID_Comp = Compound's identification number (in the database); T = Temperature; MM = Molar mass; Tc = Critical temperature;
Pc = Critical pressure.
These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.
Estimates this property at T = Tb.
Estimates this property at T = 298 K.
1) Fatty ester; 2) Acylglycerol; 3) Fatty acid; 4) Alcohol; 5) Hydrocarbon
0) Not an ester; 1) Methyl ester; 2) Ethyl ester; 3) Propyl ester; 4) Butyl ester

4.18.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principle

Table 31 summarizes the implemented Correlations/CSP methods capable

of estimating the referred property.

Table 31 - Available Correlations/CSP methods for estimating enthalpies of vaporization.

Function syntax Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym
Carruth/Kobayashi CK DeltaHv_CK T, Tc, Omega 98

Sivaraman/Magee/Kobayashi SMK DeltaHv_SMK T, Tc, Omega 99

Morgan/Kobayashi MK DeltaHv_MK T, Tc, Omega 100

Morgan Morgan DeltaHv_Morgan T, Tc, Omega 101

Cachadia/Mulero CM DeltaHv_CM ID_PairRFc, T, Tc, Omega 102

Riedel Riedel DeltaHvTb_Riedelb Tb, Tc, Pc 6

Chen Chen DeltaHvTb_Chen b

Tb, Tc, Pc 103

Giacalone Giacalone DeltaHvTb_Giacalone b

Tb, Tc, Pc 6

Vetere Vetere1 DeltaHvTb_Vetere1b ID_CompClassd, MM, Tb 6,104


Function syntax Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym
Vetere2 DeltaHvTb_Vetere2b ID_CompClassd, MM, Tb
Vetere3 DeltaHvTb_Vetere3 ID_CompClasse, Tb, Tc, Pc
Liu Liu DeltaHvTb_Liub Tb, Tc, Pc 105

Mehmandoust/Sanjari/Vatani MSV DeltaHvTb_MSVb Tb, Tc, Pc 106

Kistiakowsky Kistiakowsky DeltaHvTb_Kistiakowsky b

Tb 6

Trouton Trouton DeltaHvTb_Trouton b

Tb 107

Nomenclature: ID_CompClass = Compound's class identification number; ID_PairRF = Pair of reference fluids
identification number; T = Temperature; MM = Molar mass; Tb = Normal boiling temperature; Tc = Critical temperature; Pc
= Critical pressure; Omega = Acentric factor.
These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.
Estimates this property at T = Tb.
1) Ethylcyclopentane/Carbon monoxide; 2) R1/R2 (hypothetical fluids).
1) Hydrocarbon/CCl4; 2) Alcohol; 3) Ester; 4) Other (polar).
1) C2+/Alcohol/Dimerizing compound; 2) Hydrocarbon/Other (polar); 3) H2/He.

4.19 Entropy of vaporization (at Tb)

4.19.1 Group contribution

Table 32 summarizes the implemented GC methods capable of estimating

the referred property.
Function syntax Inputs a
Authors Acronym
Riedel Riedel DeltaSvTb_Riedel Tb, Tc, Pc

Chen Chen DeltaSvTb_Chen Tb, Tc, Pc

Giacalone Giacalone DeltaSvTb_Giacalone Tb, Tc, Pc

ID_CompClassb, MM,
Vetere1 DeltaSvTb_Vetere1
ID_CompClassb, MM,
Vetere Vetere2 DeltaSvTb_Vetere2
ID_CompClassc, Tb,
Vetere3 DeltaSvTb_Vetere3
Tc, Pc
Liu Liu DeltaSvTb_Liu Tb, Tc, Pc
MSV DeltaSvTb_MSV Tb, Tc, Pc
Kistiakowsk DeltaSvTb_Kistiakowsk
Kistiakowsky Tb
y y
Trouton Trouton DeltaSvTb_Trouton no input parameters

Nomenclature: ID_CompClass = Compound's class identification number; MM = Molar mass; Tb = Normal boiling
temperature; Tc = Critical temperature; Pc = Critical pressure.
These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.

1) Hydrocarbon/CCl4; 2) Alcohol; 3) Ester; 4) Other (polar).

1) C2+/Alcohol/Dimerizing compound; 2) Hydrocarbon/Other (polar); 3) H2/He.

Table 32 - Available GC methods for estimating entropies of vaporization at Tb


Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Koslka/Ruzicka/Gani KRG DeltaSvTb_KRG ID_Comp
Hoshino/Nagahama/Hirata HNH DeltaSvTb_HNH ID_Comp
Ma/Zhao MZ DeltaSvTb_MZ ID_Comp
Nomenclature: ID_Comp = Compound's identification number (in the database).
These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.

4.19.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principle

Table 33 summarizes the implemented Correlations/CSP methods capable

of estimating the referred property.

Table 33 - Available Correlations/CSP methods for estimating entropies of vaporization at Tb

Function syntax Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym
Riedel Riedel DeltaSvTb_Riedel Tb, Tc, Pc 6

Chen Chen DeltaSvTb_Chen Tb, Tc, Pc 103

Giacalone Giacalone DeltaSvTb_Giacalone Tb, Tc, Pc 6

Vetere1 DeltaSvTb_Vetere1 ID_CompClassb, MM, Tb

Vetere Vetere2 DeltaSvTb_Vetere2 ID_CompClassb, MM, Tb 6,104

Vetere3 DeltaSvTb_Vetere3 ID_CompClass , Tb, Tc, Pc
Liu Liu DeltaSvTb_Liu Tb, Tc, Pc 105

Mehmandoust/Sanjari/Vatani MSV DeltaSvTb_MSV Tb, Tc, Pc 106

Kistiakowsky Kistiakowsky DeltaSvTb_Kistiakowsky Tb 6

Trouton Trouton DeltaSvTb_Trouton no input parameters 107

Nomenclature: ID_CompClass = Compound's class identification number; MM = Molar mass; Tb = Normal boiling
temperature; Tc = Critical temperature; Pc = Critical pressure.
These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.
1) Hydrocarbon/CCl4; 2) Alcohol; 3) Ester; 4) Other (polar).
1) C2+/Alcohol/Dimerizing compound; 2) Hydrocarbon/Other (polar); 3) H2/He.

4.20 Vapor pressure

4.20.1 Group contribution

Table 34 summarizes the implemented GC methods capable of estimating

the referred property.

Table 34 - Available GC methods for estimating vapor pressures

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Li et al. Li Pvap_Li ID_CompClassb, ID_Comp, T, Tb 108

Pankow/Asher SIMPOL Pvap_SIMPOL ID_Comp, T 109

Asher/Pankow unifacAP Pvap_unifacAP ID_Comp, T 110

Ceriani/Gani/Liu CGL Pvap_CGL ID_CompClassc, ID_EsterClassd, ID_Comp, T, MM 97

Wang et al. Wang Pvap_Wang ID_Comp, T, MM, Tc 111


Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Nannoolal et al. Nannoolal Pvap_Nannoolal ID_Comp, T, Tb 112

Moller/Rarey/Ramjugernath MRR Pvap_MRR ID_Comp, T, Tb 113

Tu Tu Pvap_Tu ID_Comp, T, MM 114

Nomenclature: ID_CompClass = Compound's class identification number; ID_EsterClass = Ester class identification number; ID_Comp =
Compound's identification number (in the database); T = Temperature; MM = Molar mass; Tb = Normal boiling temperature; Tc = Critical
These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.
1) Acid; 2) Alcohol; 3) Phenol; 4) Other
1) Fatty ester; 2) Acylglycerol; 3) Fatty acid; 4) Alcohol; 5) Hydrocarbon
0) Not an ester; 1) Methyl ester; 2) Ethyl ester; 3) Propyl ester; 4) Butyl ester

4.20.2 Correlation/Corresponding States Principle

Table 35 summarizes the implemented Correlations/CSP methods capable

of estimating the referred property.

Table 35 - Available Correlations/CSP methods for estimating vapor pressures

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Reid/Prausnitz/Sherwood RPS Pvap_RPS T, Tb, Tc, Pc 15

Lee/Kesler LK Pvap_LK T, Tb, Tc, Pc 80

Ambrose/Walton AW Pvap_AW T, Tc, Pc, Omega 6,79

Edalat/Jomehri/Manssori EJM Pvap_EJM T, Tc, Pc, Omega 115

Riedel Riedel Pvap_Riedel T, Tb, Tc, Pc 6

Vetere Vetere Pvap_Vetere b

ID_CompClass , T, Tb, Tc, Pc 116

Ambrose/Patel AP Pvap_AP c
ID_PairRF , T, Tc, Pc, Omega 117

Gomez/Thodos GT Pvap_GT ID_CompClassd, T, MM, Tb, Tc, Pc 118,119

Frost/Kalkwarf/Thodos FKT Pvap_FKT T, Tb, Tc, Pc 15,120

Riedel/Plank/Miller RPM Pvap_RPM T, Tb, Tc, Pc 15,121,122

Nomenclature: ID_CompClass = Compound's class identification number; ID_PairRF = Pair of reference fluids identification
number; T = Temperature; MM = Molar mass; Tb = Normal boiling temperature; Tc = Critical temperature; Pc = Critical pressure;
Omega = Acentric factor.

These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.
1) Nonpolar; 2) Acid; 3) Alcohol; 4) Glycol; 5) Water/Ammonia/Polar nonassociated
1) Propane/Octane; 2) Benzene/Pentafluorotoluene
1) Nonpolar; 2) Polar; 3) Water/Alcohol; 4) H2; 5) He; 6) Ne

4.21 Van der Waals volume

Table 36 summarizes the implemented GC methods capable of estimating

the referred property.

Table 36 - Available GC methods for estimating van der Waals volumes

Method Function
Inputs Referencesa
Authors Acronym syntax
Fredenslund et al. UNIFAC Vvdw_UNIFAC ID_Comp 123128

Zhao/Abraham/Zissimos ZAZ Vvdw_ZAZ ID_Comp 129

Nomenclature: ID_Comp = Compound's identification number (in the database)

These not necessarily correspond to the original authors' papers. In some cases, these have not been found.

5. Acknowledgements
We thank Professor Angel Mulero from the University of Extremadura
(Extremadura, Spain) and Professor Richard R. Rowley from the Brigham Young
University (Utah, USA) for kindly replying our e-mails during the development of
this tool.

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