Belfast City Guide For Visitors To Belfast

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Transport Basics History Tours Attractions Shopping

2015 Including
NI Highlights & Hidden Gems

Attractions and Events

you shouldnt miss
Tour packages across
the city and six counties
Contents Arriving & Basics
Arriving & Basics 3
Whether its your first time in Belfast, or youre a frequent
visitor, the following pages should help get the most from
Tourist information
Trains and boats and planes your trip; from transport links to NI-wide tours, iconic
IRISH TOUR TICKETS Tourist info, tickets, left lug-
attractions to a potted history. Have a great time, and
E S S E N TI A L History 5 dont forget to share your sightseeing experiences via the
gage and souvenirs. Belfast City Sightseeing city, Game
C I TY G U I D E S of Thrones and Giants Causeway Tours also available.
Our complicated past condensed to one page Belfast City Sightseeing Facebook page.
Q10 Gt. Victoria St, tel (0)28 9031 0101,
Belfasts Quarters 6
Sat Nav for city newbies
By plane
Belfast Welcome Centre Touch screens, info
George Best Belfast City Airport Named
desks, tourism literature and a shop populate this
Culture & Sport 7 after the East Belfast-born footballing legend, this airport
state-of-the-art centre.Q9 Donegall Sq. North.
Its showtime is just 3km east of the city centre, off the A2 Sydenham
bypass. By bus: Airport Express 600; tickets 2.40/3.60
West Belfast Tourist Information
What to see 9 single/return, every 20mins peak times Mon-Sat, reduced
PointQAn Cultrlann, 216 Falls Rd.
service Sun. Approved airport taxis charge c. 8 for the
Landmarks, tours and attractions 10min ride into the city centre. Less frequent trains run
to the city or, in the opposite direction, to Holywood and Europa Buscentre and Great Victoria
Titanic in Belfast 13 Bangor, from the nearby Sydenham halt. Street Rail Station Buses from the citys most centrally
She was alright when she left here
located transport hub provides frequent services across NI, in-
Belfast International Airport Situated 29km cluding Belfast, Derry~Londonderry, George Best Belfast City
West Belfast & Shankill 15 north of the city centre along the M2 motorway. By bus: Airport and Belfast International Airport. Translink also pro-
Airport Express 300 to the Europa Buscentre every 15mins vides fast and frequent services from Belfast Europa Buscentre
NI Highlights & Hidden Gems 16 at peak times Mon-Fri, (reduced frequency Sat & Sun) and to Dublin/Dublin Airport (service X1/X2). Ulsterbus Tours and
Must-see cities, towns and landscapes hourly through the night. The 30-40min journey costs private operators from the UK Mainland, Ireland and continen-
7.50/10.50 single/return. A taxi to the city centre takes tal Europe also terminate here. Gt. Victoria St. Railway station
Shopping 18 30mins and costs c.30; a list of other sample fares is dis- is at the far end of the concourse and serves the entire NI Rail-
Shopping add Spend, spend, spend played in the exit hall. There is no train connection to the ways network. QGt Victoria St.
Im the Big Fish in this town airport.
Laganside Buscentre This bus station serves the
By train & by bus North Down area including Bangor, Downpatrick and the
Ards Peninsula. QDonegall Quay.
Translink (, tel. (+44) (0)28
9066 6630) is NIs main provider of all Belfast Metro
Bus, NI Ulsterbus and NI Rail public transport. There By boat
are no left luggage facilities at any stations. Ferry terminals are a 5-10min drive north of the city centre.
Belfast Central Rail Station All major destinations Isle of Man: Steam Packet Company (April-Sept.)
are served such as Derry~Londonderry (including a pictur- c.3hr sailing to Douglas. Q Albert Quay.
esque portion of the North Coast) and Dublin (a c.2hr journey Scotland and Liverpool: Stena Line
on the Enterprise service). Keep your rail ticket for a free bus Stenas Superfast ferries sail to Cairnryan in 2hrs 15mins and
ride into town via any Metro service outside the main entrance. Liverpool in 8hrs (overnight or daytime). QWest Bank Rd.
Alternatively, turn left outside the main entrance for a 10 min
stroll into the city centre. QEast Bridge St.
BELFAST Weather NIs border with the Republic of Ireland is 360kms long
from Carlingford Lough in the south to Lough Foyle in
20 100
the north. Crossing it is a seamless affair. Non-EU drivers
18 90 should hold an International Driving License. Drive on
16 80 the left on both sides of the border, and look out for
Temperature (C) Rainfall (mm)

14 70 speed limit changes - marked in kph in the Republic of

Ireland and mph in NI.

12 60

10 50

8 40

6 30 Car parking
4 20

2 10
Approx. 1300 on-street city centre parking meters charge
0 0
1.20 per hour (free Sun and after 6pm) payable by coin,
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec mobile or credit/debit card. Privately operated car parks
Rainfall(mm) MinTemp(C) MaxTemp(C)
vary in price from the affordable to the eye-watering.

2 in association with Belfast In Your Pocket 2015 3

Arriving & Basics History
NIs currency is Sterling, the same as the rest of the
How Til Spake Norn Iron Belfast dates back to the early 17th Century and is
Northern Irelands largest, and the island of Irelands
at the Maze Prison in protest at the removal of political prisoner
UK. While different in design to GB notes, they can be Heres a small selection of local phrases to help you en- second largest, city. The name Belfast comes from the 1985 Nov 15 The British and Irish governments sign the Anglo
used across the UK. Some GB outlets may well turn their gage with the natives, like: Gaelic Beal Feirste (mouth of the sandy ford). Irish Agreement, giving the Republic of Ireland a greater say
noses up at the sight of a Northern Irish tenner, so best 1641-49 & 1688-90 Two major Catholic risings are put down, in NI affairs.
to change them before you leave NI. Ach: A regional word usually placed at the start of a first by English Protestant revolutionary Oliver Cromwell, then 1988 March 6 Three IRA members are killed by the SAS
sentence. Ach go on, Ach you know? the Dutch King William lll of Orange. The fledgling Protestant in Gibraltar. During their funerals loyalist Michael Stone
plantation is secured and Ireland becomes firmly British. launches a gun and grenade attack killing three mourn-
Safety Bake: Mouth/face. Shut your bake, Look at the bake
on her 18th Century Belfast becomes a major linen-producing ers. At the funeral of one of Stones victims, two British
Despite its reputation, Belfast is very safe for tourists. centre, earning the tag Linenopolis. Army corporals inadvertently drive into the cortege and
However, if you feel unsafe, freephone 999 or track Buck Ijit: A silly person. See your man, hes a buck ijit, 19th Century Belfast experiences a golden age under are ambushed by an angry mob and shot dead by the
down a police officer - usually found pounding the city so he is. Queen Victoria. The Harland & Wolff shipyard is founded IRA.
in pairs. Catch yourself on!: An expression, translated as Get a in 1862 and city status is granted in 1888. Belfast becomes Early 90s Violence continues on both sides as both the British
hold of yourself!, Wise up! one of the worlds leading industrial cities and most of and Irish governments attempt to break the political impasse.
its great buildings are constructed. The 1847 Famine re-
N. Ireland in a nutshell Da/Ma: Father/Mother. Yer mas yer da. awakens Irish Catholic Nationalism. The Peace Process
Fegs: Cigarettes.Can I have twenty fegs and a can of coke? 1994 Aug 31 The IRA announces a complete cessation of
Population: 1.81 million (2011 Census) Early 20th Century military operations. The Combined Loyalist Military Com-
Hoak: Rummage. That wee man hoaks through the bins mand follows on Oct 13.
Area: 13,843 km2. c.175km wide and 135km high. 1911 May 31 RMS Titanic is launched from Harland &
Is that you?: Are you finished?, Are you ready? Wolff shipyard, East Belfast. 1995 Security measures are relaxed and troop numbers
Border: 360km (with the Republic of Ireland) 1912 April 15 Titanic sinks on its maiden voyage, killing over reduced throughout Belfast and NI.
Mucker: Mate, pal. Alright mucker, fancy a pint?
Counties (in order of population): Antrim, Down, Lon- 1500 passengers. The Ulster Volunteer Force (original UVF) is 1998 The Good Friday Agreement is voted in by 71% of
donderry, Tyrone, Armagh, Fermanagh. Northern Ire- Minger: Ugly, an unattractive person. Youre such formed and on Sept 28 over 470,000 Unionists sign the Ulster the population. It marks a new power-sharing Assembly,
lands six counties fall within the ancient Irish Province a minger Covenant, pledging to militarily fight Home Rule. early release of all paramilitary prisoners and looks toward
of Ulster which also includes Counties Cavan, Mona- Poke: Ice-Cream. Ma, can I have a poke with sprin- 1914-1918 The UVF, and most of the Irish Volunteers, joins withdrawal of British troops and decommissioning of par-
ghan and Donegal in the Republic of Ireland. kles on? up to fight for Britain - both hoping to gain support for their amilitary weapons. Aug 15 IRA dissidents plant a bomb
causes. In 1916 Ulster Divisions suffer heavy causalities at the in Omagh killing 29 people making it the single worst
Capital city: Belfast (pop. 267,500) Right: Assertive, usually applied at the start of a Battle of the Somme. atrocity in the history of the Troubles. Nov 30 US President
Other cities (in order of population): Derry (83,652), sentence. Right, Im away home for my tea 1921 Following the 1919-21 Irish War of Independence, six of Clinton pays an historic visit to NI.
Lisburn (71,465), Newry (27,430), Armagh (14,590) Spuds: Potatoes. Get the spuds on love, Im starvin Irelands 32 counties remain British and the state - or Province - 2000 Feb 11 The Assembly is suspended following the break-
Inhabited Islands: Rathlin (2001 pop. 75) is named Northern Ireland. Belfast becomes its capital city and down of decommissioning talks. May 27 The UUP re-enters
Wee: Small. Used by every single Northern Irish per- the Unionist-controlled government oversees direct rule from the power-sharing Assembly despite no IRA decommission-
Highest point: Slieve Donard, Mourne Mountains son. Have a wee bun, Would you like a wee bag? the purpose-built Stormont. ing. Devolved power is restored two days later.
(852m) Wick: Stupid, useless. That new Glentoran kit is wick 1941 Belfast Blitz. During WW2, the city is bombed three 2000 Dec Belfasts landmark Odyssey Millennium project
Largest lake (landlocked): Lough Neagh (392 km - times by the German Luftwaffe, killing 955 people and de- opens, heralding major redevelopment of the historic Ti-
Find more at tanic Quarter.
also largest in the British Isles) stroying 3,200 homes. Northern Ireland becomes a staging
post for over 300,000 American GIs. 2002 Oct 14 Devolution is suspended at midnight and
Longest river: River Bann (129km)
Smoking & Alcohol 1968 The Civil Rights movement grows as Nationalists protest
Unionist bias at Stormont. The British Army is deployed on the
direct rule returns to London.
2005 May 5 At the UK General Election the DUP and Sinn
Government: Part of the United Kingdom of Great
Smoking is illegal in enclosed and substantially enclosed streets of Belfast and Derry. Fein strengthen their positions as NIs two major political
Britain and Northern Ireland (also comprising England,
workplaces and public places, including bars and restaurants, parties. July The IRA formally ends its armed campaign.
Scotland and Wales). Prime Minister David Cameron.
and in certain vehicles. The legal drinking age is 18. The Troubles 2005 Nov 25 Belfast-born football legend George Best dies
Secretary of Sate Theresa Villiers MP (head of the North-
ern Ireland Office). There are 18 NI MPs. Due to their 1971 Aug 9 Internment, or imprisonment without trial, is aged 59 after a long battle with alcoholism. The former Man
opposition of NIs inclusion in the UK (and Parliaments introduced. The city experiences a week of intense fight- Utd and NI players funeral is held at Stormont on Sat 3 Dec.
oath of allegiance to the Queen), Sinn Feins five MPs do
Tel. dialling codes ing as massive gun battles break out across North and 2007 March 26 Following local elections, and in an his-
not take their seats at Westminster. From UK landlines or mobiles, add 028 before all eight West Belfast. Dec 4 15 people, including two children, are toric face-to-face meeting, DUP leader Ian Paisley and Sinn
digit NI numbers. The international dialling code is killed in a UVF bomb attack on McGurks bar in North Bel- Fin leader Gerry Adams announce the restoration of the
Northern Ireland Assembly: (devolved power- (+44)(0)28. If dialling from the Republic of Ireland you fast. It is the first major atrocity of the Troubles. NI Assembly on May 8. Paisley becomes First Minister and
sharing government with specific powers including can also add the prefix 048. 1972 Jan 30 Bloody Sunday. During a Civil Rights march Sinn Fins Martin McGuinness Deputy First Minister.
policing and justice, health, education, environment through the streets of Derry 14 unarmed civilians are 2008 May Having founded the party in 1971, Ian Paisley
and local economy). 108 Members of the Legislative shot dead by British troops. Both internment and Bloody steps down as leader of the DUP and, therefore, First Min-
Assembly (MLAs). First Minister Peter Robinson (Dem- WiFi Sunday ensure increased support for the Irish Republican ister. He is succeeded by Peter Robinson.
ocratic Unionist Party). Deputy First Minister Martin Plans are in the ether to make Belfast a Super-connected Army (IRA). Meanwhile, the British government introduces 2010 May At the UK General Election, the DUP and Sinn Fein
McGuinness MP (Sinn Fein). City with ultrafast broadband by 2015, and free WiFi has direct rule from London. re-emerge as NIs two main parties. Ian Paisley becomes a Lord.
Languages: English (predominant), Irish Gaelic, Ulster- already been introduced to many of Translinks bus and rail 1972 July 21 Bloody Friday. Nine people die when, without warn- 2012 March 31 The 77m Titanic Belfast visitor experi-
Scots (dialect variant of the English language originat- services (check ahead for the latest news). An increasing ing, 21 IRA bombs explode across Belfast in just over an hour. ence opens ahead of the 15 April centenary of the ships
ing in Scotland). number of hotels, bars, restaurants and cafes now provide 1981 Bobby Sands and nine other IRA and Irish National Lib- sinking.
free WiFi so look for the sign as you stroll the city. eration Army (INLA) prisoners die after going on Hunger Strike 2014 Sept 12 Ian Paisley dies, aged 88.

4 in association with Belfast In Your Pocket 2015 5

Belfasts Quarters Culture & Sport
Put simply, Belfast is made up of five areas: North, East, Titanic Quarter (East Belfast) The MAC (Met-
South, West and the City Centre within which cosmo- theatres & Concert venues ropolitan Arts
politan Quarters have emerged, providing a focus for Belfast Waterfront Centre) Dominating
culture, tourism and economic development. Cross ref- Opened in 1997, this one side of Saint Annes
erence this quick guide with our key: SB - South Belfast, concert hall and Square, this six-storey
WB - West Belfast, EB - East Belfast and NB - North Bel- conference centre is colossus contains three
fast. Easy peasy. a striking architec- art galleries, two theatres
tural landmark on and cafe. Local and inter-
Cathedral Quarter (city centre)
the citys riverfront. national performances
Named after St. Annes
Inside the glass- and exhibitions popu-
Cathedral (pic), this city
fronted three-storey late its cultural calendar.
centre Quarter is a vibrant
building are two bar While a dance studio and
hub for the arts, restau-
areas, a gift shop, workshop space encour-
rants, nightlife, hotels and
several coffee spots age further creativity.
big city events. Custom
and the Arc Brasserie. The spacious foyer also holds Its April 2012 opening is
House, St. Annes and
regular free art exhibitions. Performances in the main nothing short of a land-
Writers Squares often
2245-seat arena range from big-name performers and mark event for Belfasts cultural scene.QSaint Annes Square,
stage free concerts and
Star of the show, not just for East Belfast, but NIs classical music to cheesy tribute bands and internation- Cathedral Quarter.
street entertainment.
tourism offering, is undoubtedly Titanic Belfast - the al opera and ballet. And the 380-seat Studio provides
And St. Annes Square,
worlds largest Titanic-themed visitor attraction (pic). a more intimate setting for drama, comedy and music Odyssey arena
Donegall Street (where
Other Titanic Quarter highlights are SS Nomadic, W5, events. Q2 Lanyon Place.
the Cathedral stands), Waring Street and cobbled Hill Street
the Odyssey Arena, PRONI, HMS Caroline, Titanics Dock
are the Quarters main eating and drinking drags. The MAC, Grand Opera House
and Pump-House and the Harland & Wolff cranes. East
the Quarters, and citys, big new arts venue is also located Catch a show at
Belfast is also the birthplace of three international
at St. Annes Square. this striking Vic-
names - The Chronicles of Narnia author CS Lewis,
Queens Quarter (South Belfast) singer-songwriter Van Morrison and football legend torian theatre
South Belfasts leafy, George Best - each has a plaque, statue, tour trail or and gaze in awe
student-strewn thor- mural marking their local lineage. Heading further out at its opulent
oughfares boast the of the city along the Newtownards Road, Stormont Es- gilt mouldings,
eponymous University tate and Parliament Building is another must-see. And carved plaster-
(pic), Botanic Gardens, closer to the city, the Lower Newtownards Road has work, angels-and-
Ulster Museum and Lyr- a large Loyalist political mural, big B&W Titanic mural cherub fresco and This modern entertainment complex at the edge of the
ic Theatre. A selection and Yardmen sculpture. Shoppers and foodies should elephant boxes. old shipyard is Belfasts landmark Millennium Project and
of quality restaurants navigate their way to Ballyhackamore and the Belmont Designed in 1894 a major symbol of the citys rejuvenation. When the Bel-
are dotted throughout Road with their bijou selection of independent shops by the famous fast Giants ice hockey team isnt in residence, the main
its locale And it is here, and fantastic dining options. theatre architect Frank Matcham, many stars have graced 10,000-seat Arena pulls in touring music big guns.Q2
too, that youll find the its stage including opera giant Pavarotti in his UK de- Queens Quay. EB
Lisburn Road, a stylish North Belfast but. A contemporary atrium-style extension features the
shopping and dining strip - see Shopping. While North Belfast has yet smaller Baby Grand performance space. Catch a varied Ulster Hall
to establish its own Quar- year-round programme of drama, musicals, ballet, opera Opened in 1862,
Gaeltacht Quarter (West Belfast) ter, its Cave Hill pinnacle and the hugely popular Christmas panto.QGt. Victoria St. this grand old
West Belfasts Falls is a real city highlight with Victorian building
Road has initiated a dramatic views across Bel- Lyric Theatre has hosted boxing,
Gaeltacht Quarter fast Lough and all the way Established in 1951 music, comedy... and
promoting the use of to Scotland on a good day. and moved to the iconic names such as
the Irish language in Belfast Castle (pic) and banks of the River Charles Dickens, The
its shops and services. Belfast Zoo are top-class Lagan 17 years Rolling Stones and
A West Belfast map, attractions nestled in this later, the Lyric has Belfast-born singer
included in this guide, verdant backdrop. Back re-emerged bigger Ruby Murray. Its
shows historic sights towards the city, there are and better than main interior feature
including St. Peters several Nationalist and ever following a is the magnificent
Cathedral. Copies are Loyalist interfaces with multi-million re- Mulholland Organ.
available at the Falls respective political murals. build. Three per- During WW2, it be-
Roads West Belfast Conversely, the area also boasts some grand old houses formance spaces and a cafe/bar ensure its status as came a dance hall for
TIC at An Culturlann once owned by wealthy and industrious linen merchants Northern Irelands only full-time producing theatre. Its US troops. And Led Zeppelin first performed Stairway
(pic). Find out about - particularly along Fortwilliam Park off the Antrim Road. ever-eclectic range of quality drama often includes clas- to Heaven at the esteemed venue. It is home to the in-
more interesting neighbourhood tours and attractions in Crumlin Road Gaol and Courthouse also falls within its sic Irish plays and works by exciting new writers. NI-born ternationally acclaimed Ulster Orchestra. Check out the
our West Belfast section or at remit. film star Liam Neeson began his acting career here and foyers Caf Grand Dame and exhibition of the Halls his-
is the Lyrics patron. Q55 Ridgeway St. SB tory.QBedford St.
6 in association with Belfast In Your Pocket 2015 7
Culture, Events & Sport What to see
Cinemas Gay Belfast Essential Belfast
Movie House This locally-owned chain of multi-
screen cinemas shows all the latest Hollywood blockbust- If youre on a whistle-stop day trip, join the Belfast City
ers in state-of-the-art surroundings. Its Dublin Road site Sightseeing open top bus tour for a 90min scoot round
is conveniently located for a spot of city centre celluloid the major sights including the city centre, Titanic Belfast,
escapism.Q14 Dublin Rd. Stormont, West Belfast Murals, Queens University and
Crumlin Road Gaol.
Queens Film Theatre Shoppers should peruse upmarket Victoria Square and
Known locally as the QFT, NIs premier arthouse cinema atmospheric St. Georges Market. Then, if youve time to
has been the home of classic, Irish, foreign, avante garde spare, head north to Belfast Castle, Belfast Zoo and Ca-
and cult cinema since 1968. The sleek venue has two vehill Country Park for unbeatable views across the city
screens and a fully licensed caf bar.Q 20 University Sq. and NI.
Stay on the right track with these keys:
WB = West Belfast EB = East Belfast
SporT City Hall celebrates summers Belfast Pride SB = South Belfast NB = North Belfast
Belfast Giants ICE HOCKEY TEAM Kremlin
Custom House Square all lit up
The Belfast Giants debuted at the sparkly new Odyssey A giant Lenin statue heralds proletariats of all ages to BUS Tours
Arena in December 2000 and, to everyones amazement, what many regard as Irelands number one gay hot This 90min hop-on, hop-off open-top bus tour covers all Belfast City Hall
quickly established a huge following. The non-sectarian, spot. A the name suggests, a Soviet-style industrial op- the citys must-see sights and attractions. Live commentar- A magnificent sight, especially when viewed from Royal
community-friendly team ticks all the right boxes and, ulence exudes throughout the complexs extravagant ies are as entertaining as they are enlightening, with local Avenue, this imposing Portland stone and copper-domed
with Canadian players dominating the squad, the Giants decor, with all manner of hi-jinx including fetish and guides cracking Troubles-related jokes only a native could building was completed in 1906 as a symbol of Belfasts
continue to attract a loyal fan base. The team won the fancy dress keeping the proletariat happy. Frequent get away with. new city status. Queen Victoria stands at the front, and the
2011-12 UK Elite League Championship. The season runs celeb performances make Kremlin the citys answer to Tickets last 48hrs and tours dip into the Titanic Quarter, grounds are dotted with many more statues and monu-
Sept-April.QOdyssey Arena, Queens Quay. EB G.A.Y.Q96 Donegall St. and past Stormont (after 2pm) before heading West to the ments, including the Titanic Memorial Garden. In 1995 the
Shankill and Falls Roads and back to the city centre via the building provided a dramatic backdrop when President
Union Street Queens Quarter. Clinton switched on the citys Christmas lights. Check out
Situated in a 19th century shoe factory, this is one of 12.50/10.50, 4-10 6, family (2+3) 31, U4 free. Discounts The Bobbin cafe, whose name reflects Belfasts linen-mak-
the citys most stylish and fun bars and a great place for are available on-line for city, Giants Causeway and Game of ing past, and No Mean City exhibition. And take a free 45min
some fine gastro pub grub. The two storey interior of ex- Thrones tours.QCastle Place. Dept. 10:00 - 16:00. guided tour (Mon-Sat) for a behind the scenes glimpse at
posed brick, industrial pipes and pale green and chrome this iconic building.QDonegall Sq.
dcor gives the bar a cool yet comfy vibe. Upstairs, the
Green Room Cocktail Lounge and adjoining Shoe Buildings & Curiosities Custom House SQUARE
Factory nightclub are particularly worthy of your patron- Albert Memorial Clock The chiselled heads of Neptune, Britannia and Mercury
age. Theme nights can range from Karaoke and Sunday Belfasts most prominent timepiece was built from 1865- gaze down from Custom House, a stately 1850s Italianate
Bingo to quizzes and cabaret. Quelle fun.Q14 Union St. 1870 in memory of Queen Victorias husband, Prince building whose sweeping steps were once a platform for
Albert, who died in 1862. The 43m-high landmark is protests and speeches galvanising the working man. Look
Ulster Rugby famous as Belfasts very own leaning tower. Like many out for the bronze sculpture of a Speaker representing this
The recently revamped 18,000 capacity Ravenhill - now structures in the city, it was built on reclaimed land on the oratorical past. Victorian novelist Anthony Trollope used
Kingspan - Stadium is home to Ulster Rugby - one of the River Farsets somewhat squishy foundations and the clock to work here, and is commemorated with a Blue Plaque.
four rugby teams representing Irelands provinces (the tower currently leans 1.25m off its perpendicular. The area The pedestrianised Square provides a smooth space for
others being Leinster, Munster and Connacht). The most il- around the clock was once the stomping ground for ladies Sk8er Bois, science toys, illuminated fountains tracing the
lustrious moment in the clubs history was when the team of the night servicing visiting sailors.QHigh St. reclaimed River Farset, Belfasts oldest drinking fountain
Odyssey Bowl lifted the European Cup in 1999. Each season the team for horses and the occasional al fresco event.QHigh St.
This mega entertainment den features ten-pin bowling, competes in the Pro12 League and Heineken Cup. QKing-
pool tables, video games, bar and fast food restaurant. In- span Stadium, 85 Ravenhill Pk. SB Stormont ESTATE &
dulge your competitive streak and challenge your mates to Parliament Building
a game or three. Or head there on Wed-Sat for the ultimate This 164-hectare public
Glo-Bowling experience, as music and UV lights take the park provides an awesome
game to a whole new dimension. Kids parties and corpo- setting for one of NIs most
rate packages rack up the entertainment factor, so get in iconic landmarks. Climb
touch and plan your next big day or night out.QOdyssey the steps to gaze at the
Pavilion. EB imposing Portland Stone
structure and take in some
Follow Belfast In Your Pocket great city views.
Parliament Building was
on and opened in 1932 by Edward, Prince of Wales and is home
Albert Clock. It leans. to the NI Assembly.
8 in association with Belfast In Your Pocket 2015 9
What to see What to see
The building stands at the top of the mile-long Prince of winning poet Seamus Heaney and scientist Lord Kelvin to St. Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Cathedral Belfast Zoo
Wales Avenue and behind a statue of Lord Edward Car- whose statue is in nearby Botanic Gardens. Pick up the was originally named after Lady Anne Hamilton, wife of Over 1200 animals populate this 55 acre Cave Hill setting.
son (Unionist MP regarded as the founding father of the free informative walking tour leaflet at the Queens Wel- the founder of the original Parish Church. The Anglican Among the 140 species living in its natural woodland habitat
NI State). It is topped by the figure Britannia, and nearby is come Centre where you can also buy a range of Irish and Cathedral often holds inter-church services and past visitors are Big Cats, primates, giraffes, zebras, elephants, penguins and
Reconciliation, a small water sculpture depicting a cou- QUB-branded souvenirs. Guided tours can be arranged have included Royalty and Heads of State. It is also the burial sea lions. The Zoo takes part in almost 100 international breed-
ple embracing across a divide. in advance.QUniversity Rd. SB place of Unionist MP Lord Carson, regarded as the founding ing programmes designed to save endangered animals from
Free guided tours run Mon-Fri 11:00 and 14:00 taking in father of the NI state. The Cathedral was extensively refur- extinction. A Rainforest House, Bird Park, visitor centre and Zo-
the main entrance, Great Hall, Assembly and Senate Cham- bished in 1998 and, in 2007, a stainless steel 72m Spire of ovenir shop - as well as some of the citys best views - add to
bers and Committee Room. On Mon from 12:00 and Tue Cathedrals Hope added to the roof.QLwr Donegall St. a memorable day out. And lots of year-round fun and events
from 10:30, you can watch proceedings from the public St. Annes Cathedral give children (and adults!) a greater understanding of the
gallery. Theres also a small gift and coffee shop, walking Dating back to 1776, the original St. Peters Roman Catholic Cathedral Zoos inhabitants. Some gradients are steep, and much of the
trails and fantastic Mo Mowlam childrens play park.QUpr St. Annes Church was demol- This neo-Gothic twin-spired Zoo is outdoors, so wear appropriate footwear and clothing.
Newtownards Rd. EB ished in 1903 making way for a Cathedral off Falls Road was QAntrim Rd. Daily 10:00 - 16:00. Last admission 14:30.
new Hiberno-Romanesque-style built in 1866 for the citys Adult 8.50, senior, student and 4-17 4.25, family (2+3)
Queens University Cathedral of Belfast. The founda- increasing Catholic popu- 23.25, U4 free. NB
Designed by Charles Lanyon and opened in 1849, this tion stone was laid in 1899 and lation. The building was
gothic masterpiece is said to be based on Oxford Uni- the cathedral built in five stages designed in 1860 by Father Cave Hill Country Park
versitys Magdalen College. It is regarded as one of the across two centuries. The West Jeremiah McAuley, a trained Belfasts most striking backdrop looms dramatically above
best universities in the British Isles and its Chancellor, Front, featuring Irelands largest Belfast architect prior to the north of the city. Its craggy skyline rises 360m to the
former US Senator George Mitchell, was a major archi- Celtic cross, was completed in entering Orders, and com- sheer cliff face of McArts Fort, named after 16th Century
tect of the Good Friday Agreement. Famous alumni in- 1927 and dedicated to the vic- pleted in 1866. Its magnifi- chieftain Art ONeill. This prominent landmarks instantly
clude President of Ireland Mary McAleese, Nobel Prize- tims of WWI. Though dedicated cent twin spires were added recognisable silhouette is known locally as Napoleons
in 1886 and dominate West Nose, and the hill itself is pockmarked with those epony-
Belfasts skyline. The tower mous caves. Marked trails, suitable for all walking levels (we
Crumlin Road Gaol and Courthouse holds a carillon of 11 bells and, following major restoration, suggest you start your energetic stroll from Belfast Castle),
the cathedral now boasts fine examples of high Victorian guide you to the summit for unparalleled views stretching
The foreboding facing edifaces of Crumlin Road Gaol the wing is the Condemned Mans Cell - larger than Gothic decoration.QSt. Peters Sq. WB all the way to the Mountains of Mourne - its as though a
and Courthouse are connected by an underground tun- the others to house two 24hr prison officers. Seventeen map of NI has been unfolded before your eyes.QAntrim
nel once used to spirit prisoners from the Gaol to the men were executed here from 1854-1961, and all but Rd. NB
Courthouse for trial - and back if convicted.
The Neo-Palladian Courthouse was opened in 1850
two remain buried in unmarked graves at the back of
the complex.
Parks, Gardens &
Divis & Black Mountain (478m & 390m) These
and is topped by a scales-free figure of Justice. Closed in Your first glimpse of the original hangmans noose is Mountains twin peaks of limestone and basalt dominate West and
1998, the dilapidated building is privately owned with guaranteed to leave even the hardiest of visitors slack- Botanic Gardens North West Belfasts skyline. A BBC Transmitter masts sits
no plans for redevelopment. jawed. And the descent to the basement drop cell - This meeting place for the citys atop Divis whose Irish name translates as black back. Former
Opened in 1845, the black basalt and red sandstone where the dead man was left to dangle until sure death - students, families and couples first owners, the Ministry of Defence once used it for army train-
Crumlin Road Gaol was designed by Sir Charles will send a shiver down the straightest of spines. A short opened in 1895. Its grounds are a ing and, allegedly, surveillance. Belfasts highest peaks were
Lanyon and inspired by the cutting-edge layout of walk outside reveals the large back yard, old hospital profusion of colourful flowerbeds, acquired by the National Trust and open to the public in 2004.
Londons Pentonville Prison. Four Wings (A-D) radi- building - and those unmarked graves. A gift shop and expansive lawns and magnificent The Trust has uncovered 2000 acres rich in biodiversity and
ate from a centre Circle and rise three storeys, with a cafe complete your unique day out, and regular events, trees. Take a steamy jungle walk archaeological interest, as well as constructing signs, paths
fourth basement level. Each small prison cell was built including Elvis and Johnny Cash tribute nights, make it in the Tropical Ravine or marvel and the Long Barn visitor centre. Be aware that this no Sun-
for single occupancy, though many housed up to four a unique nighttime venue. Q 53-55 Crumlin Rd. Daily at the collection of outstanding day stroll, though, and sudden changes in the weather can
cellmates during the 1970s. 09:30 - 17:00. Adult 8.50, 5-15 6.50, conc. 7, fam- tropical flora in the iron-and-glass make conditions treacherous. Come prepared - wear wellies
Early inmates included women, children, petty crimi- ily (2+2) 25. Tours 10:00 - 16:30 daily. From city cen- Victorian Palm House. The Ulster and wet-weather gear and let someone know where youre
nals - some bound for Australias penal colonies and tre, drive up Crumlin Road, past the Mater Hospital, Palm House, Museum is located within the heading. To get there take a Metro bus, walk or drive to
suffragettes. Crumlin Road Gaol and petrol station on your right, Botanic Gardens grounds. QStranmillis Rd. SB the Upper Springfield Rd. entrance, then trek to the summit
Throughout the Troubles, the Gaol witnessed many turn right at traffic lights onto Cliftonpark Ave, then for amazing views stretching as far as Scotland on a clear day.
breakouts, bombings and rooftop protests. Inmates and take first right and follow signs to free car park. NB Belfast Castle QDivis Rd. NB
internees of note have included politicians Ian Paisley Beneath Napoleons Nose on Cave Hill nestles this 19th
and Eamon de Valera, loyalist murderer Michael Century Scottish Baronial-style building presented to the
Stone and Shankill Butcher Lenny Murphy. city in 1934 by the philanthropic Shaftesbury family. Week- Museums & Galleries
The Gaol closed in 1996 and, following major restora- ends are often awash with traditional white weddings, so Northern Ireland War Memorial
tion re-opened in 2012 as a visitor attraction. Guided wish the happy couple good luck then go explore the This evocative free entry exhibition space near St. Annes
75min tours take in the reception and Governors Cor- manicured grounds with cute Cat Garden, stunning city Cathedral recalls the ravages of WW2 - both on the battle-
ridor, before descending into the haunted tunnel - views and childrens adventure playground. Apres stroll, field and during the Belfast Blitz. Artwork features strongly
nighttime paranormal tours available. indulge in high tea in the restaurant or rummage around and attention is drawn to NIs wartime links with the USA.
The Circle, with its ornate railings and spiral staircase, the quaint antique shop. The interpretive centre contains A bronze sculpture depicts half lifesize figures of a mother
is the next stop before continuing down a restored info on the surrounding flora and fauna, wedding pics guiding her child through the ruins of Belfast on the morn-
wing and into one of the 550 or so cells. At the end of from yesteryear and a roofcam affording close-up views of ing after the blitz of Easter Tuesday 15 April 1941.
those city sights.QAntrim Rd. NB Soldiers artefacts are also on display alongside uniform-

10 in association with Belfast In Your Pocket 2015 11

What to see Titanic in Belfast
clad mannequins, shiny medals, propaganda posters and are explored through exhibits No other city but Belfast can lay claim to having lived
pieces of anti-aircraft shells. The most evocative exhibit, and animations at SEE. While beneath RMS Titanics magnificent shadow for so titanic belfast
however, is a revolving reel naming each of the over 1000 DO invites visitors to design and long. The emerging superstructure, on slipway No.
men, women and children who died during the Belfast Blitz. build structures, bring robots to 3, dominated East Belfasts Harland & Wolff shipyard This 77m colossus,
A WW2 war veteran is often on hand, so stop for a chat to life, play virtual sports and become for just over two years, from the moment its keel and NIs largest visitor
learn more about the role Belfast played in this pivotal pe- a TV weather presenter. Dont miss was laid in March 1909 to its departure on 2 April attraction, encases
riod of world history.Q21 Talbot St. Mon-Fri 10:30 - 16:30. Climbit, a cross between a maze 1912. Only the cold North Atlantic seabed has been the dreams and dis-
and a jungle gym, and the first its home for longer from the early hours of 15 April aster that is the story
Belfast Blitz Memorial Plaque On the corner structure of its kind in the UK and 1912 when the mighty ship collided with an iceberg of Titanic. Inside, the
of the Belfast Telegraph building, a small section of pock- Ireland. Oval platforms suspended and came to its final resting place, claiming 1512 ground floor, with
marked stone provides a tangible reminder of the 1941 from steel pipes and cables let visitors traverse over, under and souls. The triumph and tragedy of the ill-fated liner cafe, restaurant, shop
Belfast Blitz. Almost 400 German Luftwaffe planes bom- through this amazing 3D installation. has transcended into modern folklore, its very name and ticketing desks,
barded the unprepared city across three nights in April Great fun for young Einsteins and a learning experience at any instantly recognisable throughout the world. And features a full-height
and May, killing some 900 people and injuring a further age. Bring your own picnic or enjoy light bites at the cafe. And now Belfast has commemorated its connection with atrium. Dramatic use
2,500. A lone plaque on the stone tells how the newspaper the name? Its a zippier version of whowhatwherewhenwhy... the opening of Titanic Belfast, the worlds largest of metals and wood
published without interruption.Q124 Royal Ave. so now you know. Q Odyssey Complex. EB Titanic-themed visitor attraction, and SS Nomadic, meld the past with
Titanics Little Sister. Heres our round-up of Belfasts the present to create
Ulster Folk and Transport Museum tours and attractions taking you to the heart of this
Stroll through this outdoor collection of lovingly-restored 18th Libraries & Archives enduring story.
an authentic shipyard
Century buildings and let the costumed guides bring history Central Library & Newspaper Library Nine galleries across
to life. The transport section houses an impressive collection of This red sandstone and black granite building was opened in Titanics Dock and Pump-House three floors take you from the 1910 shipyard to the
steam trains, railway memorabilia, planes and horse carriages. 1888 - the same year Belfast achieved city status. The grand Once the beating heart of present day. Highlights include Boomtown Belfast,
Highlights include a DeLorean sports car, made in Belfast and staircase and first floor Reading Room with fine domed ceiling Harland & Wolff shipyard, where a large interactive floor reveals the ships
star of the Back to the Future films. The Museum is 11kms are worth a peek. And the adjoining Newspaper Library hous- this listed Edwardian build- plans, a gentle 6min Shipyard Ride exploring life as
east of the city centre on the main A2 Belfast to Bangor Road. es NIs largest collection of local and Irish newspapers, some ing houses a 12m deep a shipbuilder, replica cabins and the stark reality of
The nearest rail station is Cultra Halt.Q153 Bangor Rd, Cultra, dating back to the 1700s. Chapter One caf and regular events pump-well whose four en- The Sinking.
Holywood. Tue-Fri and Mon Bank Holidays 10:00 - 16:00, and exhibitions will feed the body and mind. QRoyal Ave. gines could drain two dry The inquiries in the tragedys wake, together with
Sat & Sun 11:00 - 16:00. Adults 11, 5-17 6, conc. 8.50, U5 Mon-Thu 09:30 - 20:00, Fri 09:30 - 17:30, Sat 09:30 - 16:30. docks of 23m gallons of searchable passenger lists and a look at Titanics en-
free. Family and individual museum tickets also available. water in just 100mins. Of the during global appeal continue this iconic story before
Linen Hall Library two, the adjacent Thomp- amazing images reveal Titanic as it is today, taken by
Ulster Museum Founded in 1788, Belfasts oldest library is a focal point for the son Dry Dock is the largest Robert Ballard who discovered the shipwreck in 1985.
This eye-catching hybrid of 1960s concrete and neo-classical citys cultural community who love to leaf through the books or - and the place where Ti- Finally, in the Ocean Exploration Centre marine bi-
architecture features a 23m high atrium and three Zones simply enjoy those fantastic views across the City Hall. If youre tanic had its final fit-out. The ologists explain life beneath our local shores.
across four levels. As you navigate the glass and steel walk- into the history of the Troubles, seek out its unrivalled Northern Docks gargantuan propor- The tour is self-guided with staff answering questions.
ways, keep an eye on the Window on Our World gallery where Ireland Political Collection of books, posters, leaflets and propa- tions give an awesome indication of Titanics scale and The top two floors house four conference and events
iconic objects from each Zone - including a 6m long Edmon- ganda. A gift shop, caf, tours, readings and lectures all add to the tour includes a 44ft descent to its base. Self guided suites - and an exact replica of the famous staircase
tosaurus dinosaur skeleton - further fuel the imagination. Then the librarys effortless charm.Q17 Donegall Sq North. and guided (1hr) tours reveal the engineering excel- which you can view by treating yourself to Sunday
spend the day exploring those History, Art and Nature Zones, lence behind these colossal constructions. The Pump- Afternoon Tea.
where a bona fide Egyptian mummy, Spanish Armada gold Public Record Office of NI (PRONI) House Caf & Visitor Centre has souvenirs and info A 1hr walking Discovery Tour (Adult/child 7/5)
and Peter the Polar Bear are among the many attractions. The Established in 1923 following NIs formation, PRONI is the of- panels recalling Belfasts industrial and maritime hey- brings together the symbolism within and surround-
Gallery of Applied Art is said to house the best collection of its ficial place of deposit for NI records. Over 3m official and pri- day.QQueens Rd. Daily 10:00 - 17:00, Fri from 09:30. ing the citys latest landmark building, including the
kind in the world outside Londons V&A. Other highlights in- vately deposited archives mainly, but not exclusively, relating Any time Self Guided or Sat & Sun 14:00 1hr Guided Drawing Offices and slipways. If you have already seen
clude the impressive collection of Fine Art and costumes, and to NI are held on its premises. If you want to trace your NI roots, Tours: Adult 6/7, 5-16 3.50/4, U5 free, Senior Citi- the main exhibitions, this is a great add-on to your fully
an exhibit on The Troubles. Children are positively encouraged a visit to its state-of-the-art Titanic Quarter premises is a must. zen 5/6 (Mon-Fri), 5.50/6 (Sat-Sun), Student 5/6, rounded Titanic experience.
to get up close and interactive in the Discovery areas. And A spacious Public Research Room houses a suite of laptops 2+2 14/15. Group rates available. EB Two subterranean levels provide paid parking for 500
everyone can discover their own treasures at the gift shop and and power points, and documents can be ordered, re- cars. Allow at least half a day to see this super-sized at-
enjoy lunch in the ground floor restaurant overlooking Botanic searched and copied at the equally capacious Public Reading Titanic Boat Tour s traction. Q Queens Rd, Titanic Quarter. Daily 10:00
Gardens.QBotanic Gardens, Stranmillis Rd. Free entry. SB Room. Thousands of documents of value to family historians - 17:00. Adult 15.50, 5-16 7.25, U5 Free, Student/
include church records, valuation books and maps, letters, Unemployed Mon-Fri/Sat & Sun 10/11, Senior Citi-
W5 Interactive Discovery Centre diaries and photographs. zen Mon-Fri/Sat & Sun 11/13, 2+2 39. Group rates
Explore over 250 interactive exhibits across four spacious lev- PRONIs extensive website has information on how to re- and Pump House combi tickets also available. EB
els, and enjoy a changing programme of workshops, events search your family history, and searchable online resources
and exhibitions at this unique, child-centred visitor attraction. include 19th Century Street Directories, Wills and the Ulster
The journey begins at DISCOVERY (U8s) where a Spar Covenant. PRONI staff cannot undertake research but can Jump aboard the worlds only tour that traverses the
store, Fiat 500 car, animated Farmyard and water feature help and advise with the process. U14s must be accompa- same water where this mighty ship was built and first
are among 50 interactive exhibits. nied by a responsible adult. Photo ID required. No appoint- slid into the sea. Belfast locals are proud to proclaim,
Older kids will love GO with its tug of war, pulley chairs, ment necessary.Q2 Titanic Boulevard, Titanic Quarter. She was alright when she left here! - and this Titanic
space exploration and Knex cars. Nature and biodiversity Mon-Wed & Fri 09:00 - 16:45, Thu 10:00 - 20:45. EB boat tour offers an authentic perspective of the doomed
liner from on-board the small passenger ferries Joyce
12 in association with Belfast In Your Pocket 2015 13
Titanic in Belfast West Belfast & Shankill
Too and Mona. The 75min tour passes the significant In a part of Belfast where two cultures collide, tour- Belfast Blitz and a Memorial Cross in honour of locals
Public art (and not a historical sites around Queens Island and the shipyards ism bodies are working together to revitalise the area killed in action in WW2. The cemetery is the citys larg-
of Harland & Wolff where Titanic was designed, built and and make it visitor-friendly. Lots of tourists want to est with around 250,000 burials and, curiously, a sunken
mural in sight) launched. see for themselves the recent political history of this wall dividing Protestant and Catholic plots. Many of
Tickets: 10/8, 2+2 30, U5 free. Dept. Jetty 2 beyond Big divided city and, in doing so, are often surprised at Belfasts prominent figures from its industrial, religious
The Big Fish aka Salmon of Knowledge: A 10m Fish sculpture. Combined Boat Tour & Belfast Barge just how close these two communities sit... the Union- and political past are buried here including Viscount Pir-
long, erm, fish, whose shiny blue and white ceramic Maritime Museum ticket: 12/10, 40 (2+2). Boats can ist Shankill and Nationalist Falls side-by-side, divided rie, former Lord Mayor and controller of Harland & Wolff
scales depict moments in Belfasts history. Find it at also be booked for private parties. Check website or call at only by a Peace Line. With both sides making a con- shipyard during Titanic, Sir Edward Harland, former MP,
the Lagan Weir, near the Obel, Titanic Boat office and the Maritime Emporium for all the latest tours, times and certed effort to attract visitors, its worth taking time Mayor and one of the shipyards founders and Daniel Jo-
departure point. prices incl. combi tickets with Belfast City Sightseeing Bus out from the main attractions to visit these vibrant seph Jaffe, a linen merchant and builder of Belfasts first
Tours. Qdep. Donegall Quay beside the Big Fish sculpture. areas. Hop off the Open Top Bus or take a Metro bus or synagogue. Former Belfast Lord Mayor Tom Hartley is an
Ring of Thanks- Black Taxi and explore at your leisure. expert historian on the cemetery and runs occasional
giving (pictured): SS NOMADIC tours. Find out more at An Culturlann. Q Falls Rd.
Meet Belfasts Falls Road
tallest resident, Bi-lingual street signs and fluttering Irish flags are Milltown Cemetery
a 15m high steel the first things visitors often notice when they walk This 1872 Roman Catholic cemetery is a must-see in
woman standing along the Falls. The area is becoming known as the anyones modern history tour of Belfast. Its entrance fea-
on a bronze globe Gaeltacht Quarter, with many shops and businesses tures a Victorian Romanesque gateway and large Celtic
and holding a offering Irish-language service and accepting Eu- cross adorned with Biblical scenes. Inside, the Republic
ring represent- ros. Of the roads many historical and political mu- Plot has several high-profile IRA graves, including 1981
ing peace and rals, the most photographed is on the side of the Sinn hunger striker Bobby Sands, and Mairad Farrell, killed
reconciliation - a Fein offices and features IRA hunger striker Bobby by the SAS in Gibraltar in 1988. A vast expanse of green
familiar theme Sands. For tourist info visit space is the unmarked burial site of over 80,000 victims
throughout the of the 1918 pandemic flu. Q 546 Falls Rd.
city. The work is Clonard Monastery
inspired by Dal- Built in 1911 in early French Gothic-style, and boasting Shankill Road
lass Thanksgiving a 6m-wide stained-glass rose window, this imposing The Shankill dates back to the Stone Age and is Bel-
Square and tow- Titanics little sister was built in Belfast at the same time as church and monastery is home to the Redemptorists. fasts oldest settlement. Shankill Road was named in
ers over the River her famous sibling. The last White Star Line vessel afloat, No- This Catholic movement was founded in Italy in 1732 1831 after the Gaelic Sean Cill meaning Old Church.
Lagan, a short walk from the Belfast Waterfront. madic provides a unique link with Belfasts maritime heritage. and its story is depicted in floor and ceiling mosaics. Today it is a bustling street with shops, snack stops,
The luxurious interior and quarter size dimensions reflected The interior also features red granite, Portland stone and the Spectrum Centre and the Shankill Memorial Gar-
Waterfall of Souvenirs: A 5m high ceramic waterfall Titanics whose 1st and 2nd class passengers she ferried from marble columns. The crypt was used as a WW2 air-raid den. Take a couple of hours to explore its Peace Walls
cascading down the Europa Buscentre and bypassed Cherbourg ahead of the liners ill-fated Atlantic crossing. shelter and contains the bodies of over 20 priests - one and murals resplendent with Union Jacks and tributes
daily by throngs of commuters. Be one of the few to During her eclectic lifetime, Nomadic served in both World of them the architects son. Each June Clonard Church to the Royal Family. One mural of note, beside the Rex
stop and contemplate its locally themed mosaic. Wars, tendered thousands more trans-Atlantic passengers hosts a nine-day Festival of Faith when 15,000 daily pil- Bar, depicts Unionist MP Edward Carson leading the
and spent three decades on the Seine as a floating restaurant. grims pray at the shrine of Our Mother of Perpetual Help. signing of the 1912 Ulster Covenant which opposed
The Speaker: At the front of Custom House, in an area Famous passengers included the Unsinkable Molly Brown, It is a spectacular sight and well worth a visit if youre in Irish Home Rule and was also signed by close to half a
once dubbed Belfasts Speakers Corner, stands this Marie Curie, Charlie Chaplin, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard town. Outside this time, the Church is also used as an million men and women.
aptly-named lifesize bronze statue. The Squares sur- Burton. impressive backdrop for occasional music performanc-
rounding copper lights continue the theme with their
nickname the Hecklers.
Nomadic was purchased in 2006 by the local government
and, following several years restoration, resides beneath the
es. Clonard Gardens, off Falls Rd.
Peace Walls
shadow of Titanic Belfast. Conway Mill Since the onset of the Troubles in 1971, many Nation-
Spirit of Belfast: Unveiled in Sept. 2009, this large- Inside, touch screens, info panels, displays and projected West Belfast evolved as country people moved to the alist (Catholic) and Loyalist (Protestant) communities
scale steel structure looms large in Cornmarket, where characters from Titanics heyday recount her fascinating past. city to work in its 32 mills. Though many have gone, this throughout Northern Ireland have been divided by
a bandstand once stood. The four interlocking rings sit Compare the 1st and 2nd class quarters, explore the engine imposing 19th century linen mill remains, and today Peace Walls. These large stone and steel construc-
at the heart of the city centres pedestrianised shop- room and peek into the Captains cabin and crew quarters to houses crafts, workshops and small weekly market. The tions were designed to protect neighbourhoods
ping area, and have been designed to reflect Belfasts imagine what life was like for Nomadics inhabitants. Guides Irish Republican History Museum has been set up by a from sporadic attacks and retain a sense of peace and
erstwhile shipbuilding and linen industries. All good will help explain her history, while period costumes and local community group and consists of artefacts and ar- protection. Of the citys walls, West Belfasts sections
and well, but we prefer to call it the Belfast Scribble. games keep children entertained. chive material from former prisons. The Museum is open are the most visited. You can cross from one side to
Through it all, the sobering reality that remains is that one Tues-Sat 10:00-14:00 or on request for group tours. Mill the other via access roads at Lanark Way (F-2) and
RISE: Belfasts newest - and largest - sculpture comprises third of Nomadics 172 Titanic passengers perished with the Tours also available. Q5-7 Conway St. Northumberland Street (A-1). And the best place
two white steel spheres, one within the other, designed ship. to photograph contemporary artwork - and add your
to symbolise the sun rising on a new, vibrant city. Clearly A small shop and coffee dock are on site, and regular events City Cemetery dawbs to the walls - is along the Shankill side of Cupar
visible from the M1 and Westlink, the 37.5m high and 30m reflect this unique space - check online for the latest de- Complete with bell and cast iron fountains, this Victo- Way, off Lanark Way. These roads close in times of
wide eyecatcher is known by locals as the Balls on the Falls. tails. Paid parking at Titanic Belfast and the Odyssey. Q rian cemetery was opened in 1869 as Belfasts first cross- heightened tension, which may well be the case dur-
Personally we prefer to see it as an homage to our recent Hamilton Dry Dock, Queens Rd. Daily 10:00 - 17:00. denominational burial ground. In 1916 sections were set ing the summer marching season. Otherwise, its safe
golfing greats McDowell, McIlroy and Clarke. Fore! Adult 8.50, 5-16 5, U5 Free, Conc. 6.50, 2+2 22, 2+3 aside for the citys Jewish community and the burial - nay positively encouraged - to make the trip to Bel-
27. of deceased sailors and soldiers. The war connections fasts biggest, and most infamous, outdoor art gallery.
continue with a monument to those killed in the 1941
14 in association with Belfast In Your Pocket 2015 15
NI Highlights & Hidden Gems NI Highlights & Hidden Gems
Giants Causeway Coast & Glens Caves -complete with glistening stalactites and cascad- amusement arcades and chintzy B&Bs. Dont miss nearby Silent
Many visitors to Northern Ireland add the Giants Causeway to ing waterfalls, and imposing Castle Coole - an 18th Cen- Valley and Spelga Dam reservoirs set amid stunning scenery -
their itinerary. These iconic basalt hexagonal rock formations tury mansion set in a landscape park and owned by the and Tollymore and Castlewellan Forest Parks - the latter home
provide a unique, somewhat unearthly landscape definitely National Trust. to what was, until relatively recently, the worlds largest maze.
worthy of a visit. The state-of-the-art Visitor Centre provides Coastal towns and villages Ardglass, Dundrum, Annalong
all the mythical and geological background info you need Mourne Country and Kilkeel combine to create a beautiful coastal journey
to make your encounter with this phenomena all the more NIs main mountain range may not be the Rockies, but what that makes you realise quite what a wonderful country
memorable. The Centre also has a cafe and gift shop. it lacks in stature it makes up for in picture-postcard beauty. this is.
Get there via the Causeway Coastal Route - regarded as The Mournes extend from the seaside town of Newcastle
one of the worlds great coastal roads and an absolute must in the north to the quaint village of Rostrevor in the south.
for any visitor to Ireland. The signposted journey begins in Man-made stone walls criss-cross green fields as Slieve
North Belfast; follow the M5 before veering off to begin Giants Causeway Visitor Centre Donard (NIs highest mountain) looks down from its 852m
your coastal hug, passing magnificent Carrickfergus Cas- granite peak. Newcastle is the areas main urban attraction,
tle and detouring into Islandmagee. The Route continues japes. The towns North Down Heritage Centre features the and the inspiration behind songwriter Percy Frenchs Where
along the Irish Sea, taking in charming towns and villages history of Bangor which is one of only four Irish places on The Mountains of Mourne Sweep Down To The Sea.
such as Glenarm, Cushendun and the breathtaking Torr the 13th Century Mappa Mundi map. The nearby village of Long the summer destination of local holidaymakers, the town
Head. Groomsport is also worth a detour, with its charming sea- moves seamlessly from the sublime to the silly with the mag-
Next, the Glens of Antrim reveal emerald hills, rushing side setting and Cockle Row thatched fishermens houses. nificent Slieve Donard Hotel & Spa, gleaming new promenade
waterfalls and woodland walks. The world famous Giants and Royal County Down Golf Club within eyesight of brassy Castlewellan Peace Maze - one of the worlds largest
Causeway, Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, Bushmills Lisburn City and Hillsborough
Distillery and Dunluce Castle make a mighty foursome Granted city status by the Queen in 2002, Lisburn is a shop-
along the North Antrim Coast. Rathlin Island provides a ping destination with Bow Street Mall, Lisburn Square and, a Derry - Londonderry
unique daytrip or overnight far from the throngs - catch the short drive away, Sprucefield Shopping Centre its main retail
ferry at Ballycastle. Stop at Portrush or Portstewart then hubs. The rebranded Historic Quarter dates back to the 17th NIs second, and Irelands fourth, largest city is small Bus tours take you through the centre, Catholic Na-
continue to Limavadys Roe Valley before ending your Century and its rebuilt streetscape remains pretty much un- enough to explore on foot yet crammed with history and tionalist Bogside and across the River Foyles two road
journey in Derry. Sights, myths and legends make up this changed to this day. The Irish Linen Centre & Lisburn Mu- culture. With the opening of the Peace Bridge and re- bridges to the more mixed Waterside. Walking tours
unique landscape... and there are some lovely places to stay seum at the head of Bow Street is a good museum with cafe emergence of historic Ebrington Barracks as a new public of the Bogside, site of the infamous Bloody Sunday
en route.QThe National Trust Giants Causeway Visitor Cen- and gift shop. The Island Arts Centre is a shiny, state-of-the- Square, the city has stretched across the River Foyle for and Free Derry Corner, bring this pivotal moment in
tre, 44 Causeway Rd, Bushmills, Co. Antrim. Visitor Centre art cultural centre with eye-catching outdoor water jet and new generations of locals and visitors to enjoy. modern history to life. Taxi tours provide similarly in-
open 09:00, April-June & Sept until 19:00, July & Aug until sculpture trail. Sports fans can have a flutter at Down Royal depth commentaries. The Foyle Cruiser tootles along
21:00, Nov-Jan until 17:00, Feb, March & Oct until 18:00. Last Raceourse, and Drumbo Greyhound Stadium. The nearby NAME THAT TOWN the river at a sedate pace, with on-board commentary
admission 1hr before closing. Rocks accessible year-round. affluent village of Hillsborough is home to an eponymous Derry, Londonderry, Stroke City, the Maiden City, Legend- on the citys maritime history. And the LegenDerry
Adult 8.50, Child 4.25, Family 21. Castle (Her Majs Official NI residence), Fort and Park, and has erry: whats in a name? Most locals use Derry, but many road-train is a fun option for ascending those steep
the areas best pubs and restaurants. And equally conveni- Protestant Unionists prefer Londonderry. The original city centre hills.
Ards Peninsula & STRANGFORD LOUGH ent Moira village also has some delightful shops and cafes, name Derry came from Doire, the Irish for oak grove sur-
Stretching from the market town of Newtownards in the most notably the award-winning McCartneys. rounded by bog. London was added in the 17th Century GET HISTORICAL
north and separating the shores of Strangford Lough and when King James Is Plantation of Ulster reapportioned The Tower Museum has a permanent exhibi-
the Irish Sea, this gently undulating landscape is a scenic Armagh City land from Irish Catholics to newly settled English Prot- tion on Spanish Armada ship, La Trinidad Va-
mix of pretty villages, rugged seascapes and unspoilt coast- Armagh is Irelands ecclesiastical capital, with the spires estants. Londons powerful trades guilds invested in the lencera and also offers a fascinating insight
line. Lough-hugging Portaferry Rd passes historic Mount of St. Patricks Church of Ireland and Catholic Ca- settlement, hence the new name. Maiden City refers to into the citys often turbulent history. And you
Stewart House and Gardens and the pretty village of Grey- thedrals dominating the citys skyline. Todays Armagh the impregnable walls which held out during the 1688-89 can touch that history at newly-renovated St.
abbey with its namesake Cistercian ruin, antique shops and retains strong religious links and is also brimming with his- Siege of Derry. And Stroke City was local radio presenter Columbs Cathedral, Guildhall, 1st Derry Pres-
cafs. After visiting Exploris Aquarium in Portaferry, take torical monuments, museums and heritage sites including Gerry Andersons neutral solution to the political impasse. byterian Church and Apprentice Boys Memorial
the short ferry trip to Strangford. Or discover the other side Palace Stables, Navan Centre, Armagh Museum and Legenderry is the latest label inspired by its 2013 UK City Hall.
of the Peninsula with its traditional seaside stops such as Armagh Planetarium & Observatory. Striking Georgian of Culture status.
Donaghadee and Millisle, and quirky Ballycopeland Wind- buildings overlook the emerald green Mall and nearby GET CULTURED
mill. West of the Lough, Comber town is equally pretty, winding streets reveal cute cafes and shops. WALK THE WALLS Two years on from Derrys reign as 2013 UK City of
and home to Castle Espie Wetland Centre. Derry is the Dubrovnik of the North and Irelands most com- Culture, the arts scene remains at the very core of the
Fermanagh Lakelands plete walled city. Over 1.5kms of walls encircle the centre, city. To get your fix, visit The Millennium Forum,
North Down Northern Irelands most tranquil county is a stunning land- providing a unique walkway and affording panoramic views Playhouse, Nerve Centre and Verbal Arts Centre.
Stretching along Belfast Loughs shoreline, and spread- scape of silvery lakes, green fields and verdant forests. of the surrounding area. These impressive 17th Century
ing across 50sq miles, North Downs outdoor highlights The bustling town of Enniskillen is the regions capital and stone fortifications can be accessed by clearly signposted GO SHOPPING
include sandy beaches, country parks, quaint villages and a perfect place to drop anchor before, during or after navi- steps, with information plaques guiding you through the Foyleside and Richmond Shopping Centres are
historic sites. Bangor is the main town and Holywood its gating those magnificent lakelands or the glorious Erne- citys historic heart and often turbulent past. both within the city walls. The Craft Village (Ship-
stylish smaller sibling. Home to one of Irelands largest and Shannon waterway. quay St) is a pretty piazza with a lovely cafe and good
Blue Flag Award-winning marinas, Pickie Family Fun Park County highlights are many, but try to see the pretty town TAKE A TOUR quality, locally made gifts. Niche shops can also be
and an abundance of seafront hotels and B&Bs, Bangor is a of Belleek - famous for its internationally renowned pot- Bus, boat, taxi and walking tours leave no historical found in and around the Diamond which is also home
haven for sailors and daytrippers in search of some seaside tery, the magical underground world of Marble Arch stone unturned and no curious question unanswered. to Austins, the worlds oldest department store.

16 in association with Belfast In Your Pocket 2015 17

Belfasts city centres main shopping areas are Don- Shopping malls and
egall Place and Royal Avenue facing the City Hall, ra-
dial streets off Cornmarket (off Royal Ave) and, heading markets
south, the Lisburn Road. The city centres shopping
malls are Victoria Square off Cornmarket and Castle-
This huge reflective glass building takes up a sizeable
Court on Royal Avenue. If you want to explore smaller
stretch of Royal Avenue, Belfasts main shopping drag,
city centre outlets and craft shops, check out the Foun-
and brings together high street names, a food court and
tain Centre and quaint Queens Arcade.
market-style stalls all under one handy rainproof roof. De-
benhams, Gap and New Look head up the fashion faves,
and other well-known retailers include Exhibit and Boots.
St. Georges Market Theres a cute childrens play area for hyper kids and their
weary parents, car-shaped buggies free to hire and, for
adult drivers, a multi-storey car park looming large at the
back.QRoyal Ave Mon-Sat 09:00 - 18:00, Thur 09:00 -
21:00, Sun 13:00 - 18:00.

Fountain Street & Fountain Centre

A good selection of gift shops, gorgeous Sawers deli and a
sprinkling of cafes and bars are clustered around this small
pedestrianised area. Ride the escalator and get up close
to a Hamburg-made 24-bell clock and, in finer weather,
enjoy outdoor seating on the terrace surrounding the
eponymous fountain. Look left and youll find SpaceCRAFT
which sells and exhibits gorgeous local crafts from top
notch designers. Eagle eyes will spot the specially crafted
street lanterns complete with F insets. Nice touch.
Regarded as one of the UKs finest food markets, St.
Georges Food & Garden Market (Sat, 09:00 - 15:00)
Victoria Square
has around 250 stalls selling local and organic pro-
Belfasts city centre retail experience received a major shot
duce ranging from fresh fish to wild boar and smelly
of glamour with the 2008 opening of this shiny new shop-
cheeses to Armagh apples.
ping centre. The landmark building spans a substantial
A market has existed on this site since 1604, and the
strip of Chichester Street, has several pedestrian access
elegant Victorian red brick and glass structure you
points and boasts a House of Fraser signature store and

20 Stops Including
see today is the culmination of a 4.3m renovation
big glass dome with viewing gallery. Over 90 more shops,

Hop On - Hop Off


2 s
an 8-screen Odeon cinema, restaurants, cafs, bars, salon
Inside, the cavernous space has a vibe about it thats
and basement parking complete your wallet-emptying
unique to the city. Locals mingle with tourists as
expedition. Q Mon & Tue 09:30 - 18:00, Wed-Fri 09:30

Hop On - Hop Off

live music plays and traders display their tantalis-
ing wares. Savour a couple of hours at this colourful
smorgasbord and get your maw round some great
- 21:00, Sat 09:00- 18:00, Sun 13:00 - 18:00.

The Wicker Man

Living History Tour
Wall Murals
tasting international cuisine and local grub.
Showcasing and
On Fridays, food gives way to the Variety Mar-
selling the work of
ket (06:00-13:00) which, as the name suggests, is
over 150 Irish art-
crammed with all manner of antiques, bric-a-brac,
clothes and curios. Sift carefully and you might un-
cover a thing of rare beauty and value. This is where
ists and craftspeo-
ple, this treasure Titanic Quarter
Parliament Buildings
trove is an absolute
the real locals shop, and a visit gives you an insight
must for all you
into the shopping habits of some of the citys most
colourful characters. Totally unpretentious and worth
souvenir hunters.
an early morning potter before the high street stores
Perfumes, marble,
open their doors. The Sunday Market (10:00 - 16:00)
pewter and pottery sit alongside paintings, jewellery and
is a combination of the Fri and Sat markets and with
many other smaller items - with all price ranges covered.
an emphasis on local arts and crafts. A free shuttle
Check out the gorgeous Irish textiles and clothing, and
bus runs every 20mins between the city centre (out- Belfast CitySightseeing Ltd, Unit 16, Duncrue Industrial Estate, Duncrue Road, Belfast BT3 9B
feast your eyes on the small art gallery, and bodhrans (Irish
side Boots, Donegall Place or HMV, Castle Place) and Tel: 02890 321 321 Fax: 02890 33 33 88
drums - pronounced borons) suspended from the ceiling.
the Market. Dept. Fri from 08:00; Sat from 09:00. find us on
Q44-46 High St. 09:00 - 18:00, Thu 09:00 - 21:00, Sun
Q12 East Bridge St. Follow us on Twitter!
11:00 - 18:00.

18 in association with Belfast In Your Pocket

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