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Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 47544766

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Production of bioethanol from sugarcane bagasse: Status and perspectives

C.A. Cardona *, J.A. Quintero, I.C. Paz
Departamento de Ingeniera Qumica, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Manizales, Cra. 27 No. 64-60, Manizales, Colombia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Lignocellulosic biomass is considered as the future feedstock for ethanol production because of its low
Received 15 August 2009 cost and its huge availability. One of the major lignocellulosic materials found in great quantities to be
Received in revised form 22 October 2009 considered, especially in tropical countries, is sugarcane bagasse (SCB). This work deals with its current
Accepted 23 October 2009
and potential transformation to sugars and ethanol, considering pretreatment technologies, detoxica-
Available online 28 November 2009
tion methods and biological transformation. Some modeling aspects are exposed briey. Finally stability
is discussed for considering the high nonlinear phenomena such as multiplicity and oscillations, which
make more complex the control as a result of the inhibition problems during fermentation when furfural
Sugarcane bagasse
and formic acid from SCB hydrolysis are not absent.
Pretreatment 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (MSW). Numerous studies for developing large-scale production

of ethanol from lignocellulosics have been carried out in the world.
For large-scale biological production of fuel ethanol, it is desir- However, the main limiting factor is the higher degree of complex-
able to use cheaper and more abundant substrates. When produc- ity inherent to the processing of this feedstock. This is related to
ing ethanol from maize (made up from starch chains) or sugarcane the nature and composition of lignocellulosic biomass (which con-
(in the form of either cane juice or molasses) the raw material con- tain up to 75% of cellulose and hemicelluloses). Cellulose and
stitutes about 4070% of the production cost (Sendelius, 2005; hemicelluloses should be broken down into fermentable sugars
Quintero et al., 2008). By using waste products from forestry, agri- in order to be converted into ethanol or other valuable products
culture and industry, the costs of the feedstocks may be reduced. (xylans, xylitol, hydrogen and enzymes). But this degradation pro-
Lignocellulose (complex polymer made up from three carbohy- cess is complicated, energy-consuming and non-completely devel-
drates: cellulose hemicelluloses and lignin) is considered as an oped (Snchez and Cardona, 2008). With the advent of modern
attractive feedstock for the production of fuel ethanol, because of genetics and other tools the cost of producing sugars from these re-
its availability in large quantities at low cost (Cardona and Snchez, calcitrant fractions and converting them into products like ethanol
2007; Cheng et al., 2008) and for reducing competition with food can be signicantly reduced in the future.
but not necessarily with feed. Today the production cost of ethanol Several reviews have been published on the theme of fuel eth-
from lignocellulose is still too high, which is the major reason why anol production especially from lignocellulosic biomass (Lin and
ethanol from this feedstock has not made its breakthrough yet. Tanaka, 2006; Cardona and Snchez, 2007; Snchez and Cardona,
Many lignocellulosic materials have been tested for bioethanol 2008). Lignocellulosic materials from different crop residues have
production as was reviewed by Snchez and Cardona (2008). In been used for conversion to ethanol. One of the major lignocellu-
general, prospective lignocellulosic materials for fuel ethanol pro- losic materials found in great quantities to be considered, espe-
duction can be divided into six main groups: crop residues (cane cially in tropical countries, is sugarcane bagasse (SCB), the
bagasse, corn stover, wheat straw, rice straw, rice hulls, barley brous residue obtained after extracting the juice from sugar cane
straw, sweet sorghum bagasse, olive stones and pulp), hardwood (Saccharum ofcinarum) in the sugar production process (Martn
(aspen and poplar), softwood (pine and spruce), cellulose wastes et al., 2007a).
(newsprint, waste ofce paper and recycled paper sludge), herba- SCB is produced in large quantities by the sugar and alcohol
ceous biomass (alfalfa hay, switchgrass, reed canary grass, coastal industries in Brazil (Martnez et al., 2003; Hernndez-Salas et al.,
Bermudagrass and thimothy grass), and municipal solid wastes 2009), India (Martnez et al., 2003; Chandel et al., 2007), Cuba
(Martnez et al., 2003), China (Martnez et al., 2003; Cheng et al.,
2008), Mxico (Hernndez-Salas et al., 2009), Indonesia (Restuti
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +57 6 8879300x50417; fax: +57 6 8879300x50452.
E-mail address: (C.A. Cardona).
and Michaelowa, 2007) and Colombia (Quintero et al., 2008). In

0960-8524/$ - see front matter 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.A. Cardona et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 47544766 4755

general, 1 ton of sugarcane generates 280 kg of bagasse, and of hydrolysate have to be detoxied. The ideal organism for the
5.4  108 dry tons of sugarcane are processed annually throughout production of ethanol would be the one which can utilize pentose
the world (Cerqueira et al., 2007). About 50% of this residue is used and hexose sugars generated by lignocellulose hydrolysis (Chan-
in distillery plants as a source of energy (Pandey et al., 2000); the del et al., 2007).
remainder is stockpiled. Therefore, because of the importance of Present paper deals with the uses, pretreatment and biologi-
SCB as an industrial waste, there is great interest in developing cal transformation of SCB into added value products, emphasiz-
methods for the biological production of fuel and chemicals that ing on fuel ethanol production. Potential uses of lignocellulosic
offer economic, environmental, and strategic advantages (Adsul biomass depend on its composition and in some extend of its
et al., 2004). availability. Moreover, the required pretreatment is a function
In the approximately 80 sugarcane producing countries there is of the structure complexity. Main pretreatment methods for
a potential to make better use of the SCB. Subjected to improved SCB are presented. Potential applications of bagasse hydrolysate
energy efciency, sugar producers could supply energy either as and the detoxication methods are discussed. Finally, some
co-generated electricity, or as fuel ethanol through cellulose modeling and stability aspects are considered. Separation and
hydrolysis followed by fermentation (Botha and Blottnitz, 2006). purication, and efuent treatment technologies are not dis-
The most common use for SCB is the energy production by com- cussed in this paper, because, these technologies are well estab-
bustion (Ramjeawon, 2008). In addition, SCB can be used also to lished for other types of raw material. Additionally efuent
produce chemical compounds such as furfural or hydroxymethyl- product and wastes are similar, despite the highly variations in
furfural (Almazn et al., 2001), paper paste (Pattra et al., 2008) or raw material composition.
ethanol (Laser et al., 2002). The use of SCB in chemistry and bio-
technology has been reviewed elsewhere (e.g. Pandey et al., 2000).
As raw material, SCB should be analyzed from composition, 2. Pretreatment methods
structure and surface properties. SCB is primarily composed of lig-
nin (2030%), cellulose (4045%) and hemicelluloses (3035%) Lignocellulosic materials do not contain monosaccharides
(Peng et al., 2009). Because of its lower ash content, 1.9% (Li et readily available for bioconversion. Instead they contain polysac-
al., 2002), bagasse offers numerous advantages compared with charides, such as cellulose and hemicelluloses, which have to be
other agro-based residues such as paddy straw, 16% (Goh et al., hydrolyzed, by means of acids or enzymes, to fermentable sug-
2009), rice straw, 14.5% (Guo et al., 2009) and wheat straw, 9.2% ars. Enzymatic hydrolysis is a promising way for obtaining sug-
(Zhao and Bai, 2009). Work on structure and surface characteriza- ars from lignocellulosic materials, but the low enzymatic
tion of SCB has not been done extensively, but some works can be accessibility of the native cellulose is a key problem for bio-
found (Zhao et al., 2007; Quintero and Cardona, 2009). In a previ- mass-to-ethanol processes. Cellulose in plants is closely associ-
ous work (Quintero and Cardona, 2009) SCB was obtained from a ated with hemicelluloses and lignin. The lignin is partly
small sugarcane juice factory and milled for its structural analysis. covalently associated with hemicelluloses, thus preventing the
Obtained bers had smooth surface layers and characteristic elon- access of hydrolytic agents to cellulose. In addition, the crystal-
gations with lengths over 200 lm (this was obtained from SEM line structure of cellulose itself represents an extra obstacle to
micrographs with in a JEOL JSM-5910LV microscope). XRD analysis hydrolysis. A pretreatment is required for removing lignin and
(Rigaku MiniFlex II unit with CuKa used at 30 kV and 15 mA, dif- hemicelluloses, reducing cellulose crystallinity and increasing
fraction angle ranged from 35 to 2 with a scan speed of 5/min) the porosity of the material (Keller et al., 2003). This enhances
showed that crust and marrow bagasse exhibit different structures the enzymatic susceptibility of cellulose. An effective pretreat-
and crystallinity. Crust bagasse presents two diffraction peaks at 2h ment must preserve the utility of the hemicelluloses and avoid
values of 18.04 and 21.9, while marrow bagasse presents only a the formation of inhibitors (Laser et al., 2002). An economical
peak at 21.86, characteristic of the cellulose structures. It is pretreatment should use inexpensive chemicals and require sim-
important to note, that most of the developments in SCB transfor- ple equipment and procedures (Martn et al., 2007a).
mation to sugars and ethanol have the common scientic basis Several pretreatment methods have been investigated for dif-
with other lignocellulosic materials, due to the fact that there are ferent lignocellulosic materials (reviewed by Sun and Cheng
not considerable qualitative differences in composition and (2002); Cardona and Snchez (2007); Snchez and Cardona
structure. (2008)), steam explosion, solvent extraction, and thermal pretreat-
Overall fuel ethanol production from SCB includes ve main ment using acids or bases (Mosier et al., 2005); along with biolog-
steps: biomass pretreatment, cellulose hydrolysis, fermentation ical pretreatments with white rot fungi (Itoh et al., 2003). Among
of hexoses, separation and efuent treatment (see Fig. 1). Further- all these methods, acid pretreatment is still the method of choice
more, detoxication and fermentation of pentoses released during in several model processes. Pretreatment methods already investi-
the pretreatment step can be carried out. Solid fraction from pre- gated for bagasse include acid pretreatment with different acids
treatment contains the cellulose which is later hydrolisated, and (Gmez et al., 2004, 2006; Rodriguez-Chong et al., 2004; Chandel
liquid fraction contains the hemicellulose hydrolysate. Once cellu- et al., 2007; Cheng et al., 2008; Pattra et al., 2008; Hernndez-Salas
lose hydrolysis is completed, the resulting hydrolysate is fer- et al., 2009), steam explosion (Martn et al., 2002a; Sendelius,
mented and converted into ethanol. This process is called 2005; Hernndez-Salas et al., 2009), alkaline treatment (Hernn-
separate hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF). SHF is one of the dez-Salas et al., 2009, alkaline dewaxed (Peng et al., 2009), biolog-
congurations that have been tested more extensively. Pentose ical treatment (Li et al., 2002; Camassola and Dillon, 2009), wet
fermentation, when it is carried out, is accomplished in an inde- oxidation (Martn et al., 2007a), organosolv pretreatment (Pasquini
pendent unit. The need of separate fermentations is due to the et al., 2005a, b; Pereira et al., 2007; Tu et al., 2008), liquid hot water
fact that pentose utilizing microorganisms ferment pentoses and pretreatment (Laser et al., 2002) and pretreatments with peracetic
hexoses slower than microorganisms that only assimilate hex- acid (Teixeira et al., 1999) or with ammonia water (Kurakake et al.,
oses. Moreover, these microorganisms are more sensitive to the 2001). Table 1 shows some of the most pretreatment methods used
inhibitors and to the produced ethanol. For this reason, the hemi- for bagasse exploitation with their respective operation conditions
cellulose hydrolysate resulting from pretreatment should be and in some cases sugar yields. Higher yields are presented with
detoxied. If the fermentation of the hemicelluloses and cellulose acid hydrolysis. Little information is presented for alkaline pre-
hydrolysates is carried out in a separate way, less liquid volumes treatment because delignication is its main objective.
4756 C.A. Cardona et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 47544766

Fig. 1. Processes scheme of fuel ethanol production from sugarcane bagasse. Possibilities for reactionreaction integration are shown inside the shaded boxes: CF, co-
fermentation; SSF, simultaneous saccharication and fermentation; SSCF, simultaneous saccharication and co-fermentation.

2.1. Acid pretreatment tained. An increase from 0.5% to 1.0% H2SO4 did not affect the glu-
cose concentration in SCB hemicellulose hydrolysate, but when
The hydrolysis with dilute acids (sulphuric, hydrochloric or ace- H2SO4 concentration was between 1.0 and 5% H2SO4 glucose con-
tic acid are habitual, typically 110% weight) is usually called acid centration decreased. Xylose was found as the main sugar in SCB
hydrolysis or prehydrolysis and consists in the hydrolysis of the hemicellulose hydrolysate. In order to increase the reducing sugar
hemicellulosic fraction at moderate temperature (in the range production from in the SCB and acid recovering, Cheng et al. (2008)
100150 C). The hemicellulose fraction of SCB represents up to has proposed an acid recycle process and detoxication of hydroly-
35% of the total carbohydrates that can be readily hydrolyzed to sate performed by electrodialysis. The main problem encountered
monomeric sugars by dilute acid. However, the concentration of when treating the lignocellulose with acids is the formation of fur-
reducing sugar in the hydrolysate is relatively low due to high li- an derivatives and other non identied toxic products. This is par-
quid/solid ratio during the acid hydrolysis. So the hydrolysate ticularly true in the case of xylans, very easily leading to furfural
should be concentrated before fermentation (Cheng et al., 2008). production.
The acid medium attacks the polysaccharides, especially hemi-
celluloses that are easier to be hydrolyzed than cellulose. There- 2.1.2. Acid pretreatment using hydrochloric acid (HCl)
fore, the cellulose and lignin fractions remain almost unaltered in Hydrochloric acid has been used for pretreatment of different
the solid phase and can be further processed, being considered lignocellulosics (e.g. sorghum straw, SCB, ryegrass and palm oil
suitable for SCB pretreatment as shown by Gmez et al. (2004, wastes), however, environmental impact and corrosive properties
2006). Depending on the operational conditions, the liquid phase strongly limits its application. SCB hydrolysis with HCl shows high-
of the hydrolysates will be constituted by sugar (xylose, glucose er yields (see Table 1) compared to other lignocellulosics (Hernn-
and arabinose), products of decomposition of the hemicelluloses dez-Salas et al., 2009) and converting more than 30% by weight to
(such as oligomers from the polymers and acetic acid generated reducing sugars.
from the hydrolysis of acetyl groups linked to sugars) and/or the
decomposition products from monosaccharides (such as furfural, 2.1.3. Acid pretreatment using phosphoric acid (H3PO4)
product of dehydration of pentoses, and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural The interest in the use of H3PO4 is that after neutralization of
(HMF), product of dehydration of hexoses) (Gmez et al., 2006). hydrolysates with NaOH, the salt formed is sodium phosphate
These products are growth inhibitors of microorganisms. There- (Gmez et al., 2006). This salt can remain in the hydrolysates be-
fore, the hydrolysates can be used as fermentation media if the cause it is used as nutrient by microorganisms. Therefore, a ltra-
concentration of inhibitors remains low (Gmez et al., 2004). The tion operation of is not needed with the consequent advantages:
most used acid is H2SO4, among other acids that can be used such improvement of process protability (avoiding salts removal and
as HCl or HNO3. decreasing the amount of nutrients needed for fermentation) and
positive impact to the environment (the salt formed is not a
2.1.1. Acid pretreatment using sulphuric acid (H2SO4) waste). Gmez et al. (2006) have evaluated the hydrolysis of SCB
Pattra et al. (2008) has evaluated the hydrolysis of SCB using with phosphoric acid under mild conditions (see Table 1). Using
H2SO4 at various concentrations (0.257.0% volume) and reaction these conditions, 17.6 g of xylose/L; 2.6 g of arabinose/L; 3.0 g of
times (15240 min) at 121 C, 1.5 kg/cm2 in autoclave. Optimal glucose/L, 1.2 g furfural/L and 4.0 g acetic acid/L were obtained.
conditions obtained were 0.5% H2SO4 and 60 min, which yielded The efciency in these conditions was 4.46 g sugars/g inhibitors
24.5 g/L of total sugar. At these conditions the highest glucose con- and the mass fraction of sugars for dissolved solids in liquid phase
centration was obtained: 11 g glucose/L; 11.29 g xylose/L; 2.22 g was up to 55%. The rate of xylose release increased with the phos-
arabinose/L; 2.48 g acetic acid/L and 0.12 g furfural/L were ob- phoric acid concentration. Xylose concentrations in hydrolysates at
Table 1
Implemented pretreatments for sugarcane bagasse exploitation.

Pretreatment Agent Conditions Yield Remarks References

%w/w g/L
of SCBa
Dilute acid HCl Acid concentration (1.2% v/v) mL of acid solution/g of 37.21 ND For depithed bagasse more Hernndez-Salas et al.
bagasse by weight: 15:1. Operation at 121 C and 1.1 kg/cm2 for 4 h than 30% by weight was (2009)
converted to reducing sugars
Acid concentration (1.2% v/v) mL of acid solution/g of 35.37 ND For pith bagasse Hernndez-Salas et al.
bagasse by weight: 15:1. Operation at 121 C and 1.1 kg/cm2 for 4 h (2009)
Acid concentration (2.5% v/v) bers size between 2.2 ND 30.29 Chandel et al. (2007)

C.A. Cardona et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 47544766

and 10 mm. Operation at 140 C for 30 min. Solid to liquid ratio of 1:10
H2SO4 Acid concentration (1.25%, w/w). Operation at 121 C during 2 h. ND 59.1 Cheng et al. (2008)
The biomass at a solid loading of 10% (w/w)
Acid concentration (0.5%). Operation at 121 C, 1.5 kg/cm2 ND 24.5 Pattra et al. (2008)
during 60 min
H3PO4 Acid concentration (4%). Operation at 122 C during 300 min. ND 23.2 Gmez et al. (2006)
Water/solid ratio of 8 (g water/g sugarcane bagasse on dry basis)
HNO3 Acid concentration (6%). Operation at 122 C for 9.3 min ND 23.51 Rodriguez-Chong et al.
Alkalineenzyme NaOH Base concentration (2% w/v) mL of solution/g of bagasse: 5:1 1318 ND Hernndez-Salas et al.
pretreatment NaOH: 50 mg/g of bagasse. Operation at 121 C, 1.1 kg/cm2 (2009)
during 4 h. 0.19 mL of enzyme per gram of bagasse
Alkaline pretreatment NaOH Base concentration 3%, solid to liquid ratio of 1:25 (g/mL) Operation at 27.65 ND For dewaxed sugarcane bagasse. Peng et al. (2009)
50 C for 3 h 74.9% of the original hemicelluloses were
hydrolyzed. Xylose was the predominant
sugar (79.296.7% of total sugars)
Steam explosion Water Operation at 121 C and 1.1 kg/cm2 for 4 h ND ND Hernndez-Salas et al.
Water, SO2 and H2SO4 SO2 concentration 2% by weight of water in the bagasse. Acid ND ND Glucose and xylose yields in average Sendelius (2005)
concentration 0.25 g H2SO4 per 100 g dry matter. 180 C during 5 min 86.3% and 72.0%, respectively
Wet oxidation Water and oxygen Operation at 195 C during 15 min, alkaline pH. Oxygen pressure: 12 bar 11.6 ND Yielding a solid material with nearly 70% Martn et al., 2007a
cellulose content, hemicelluloses
solubilization: 93%
of and 50% of lignin. Enzymatic
convertibility of
cellulose of around 75%
Water and oxygen Operation at 185 C, 5 min, acidic pH. Oxygen pressure: 12 bar 16.1 ND Xylose was the main sugar obtained Martn et al. (2007a)
Organosolv pretreatment Supercritical CO2 and 1- Operation at 7 MPa and 190 C. 60% of butanol in the solvent mixture. ND ND Delignication extent: 94.5% Pasquini et al. (2005a)
butanol-water mixture Reaction time 105 min
Supercritical CO2 and Operation at 16.0 MPa and 190 C. Ethanolwater (1:1/v:v). Reaction ND ND Pulping yield: 32.7%; Residual Klason Pasquini et al. (2005b)
ethanolwater mixture times in the range: 30150 min lignin: 8.7%. Delignication extent: 88.4%
Dimethyl formamide Operation at 200210 C for 150 min and 4060% DMF ND ND Delignication extent: 82.7%. Solid Rezayati-Charani et al.
(DMF) material with nearly 83.53% of a-cellulose (2006)
SCB: Sugarcane bagasse; ND: non-data available.

4758 C.A. Cardona et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 47544766

60 min of reaction were 6.1, 7.3 and 8.6 g/L using H3PO4 concentra- the white rot fungi, microorganism that belong to the class Basid-
tions of 2%, 4% and 6%, respectively. iomycetes and that are capable of degrading a lignocellulose sub-
strate (Pan et al., 2005). Camassola and Dillon (2009) pretreated
2.1.4. Acid pretreatment using nitric acid (HNO3) SCB with the white rot fungus Pleurotus sajor-caju PS2001. Subse-
Comparison of results obtained using sulphuric and hydrochlo- quently, they evaluated the use of this biologically pretreated ba-
ric acids (see Table 1) demonstrated that the nitric acid presents gasse for the production of cellulases and xylanases by the
similar results for hydrolysis under the evaluated conditions by fungus Penicillium echinulatum. Despite the environmental advan-
Rodriguez-Chong et al. (2004) (acid concentration, 26%; reaction tages offered by this type of pretreatment, biological pretreatment
time, 0300 min; and temperature, 100128 C). Optimal condi- using the fungus P. sajor-caju PS2001 was not effective since the
tions obtained from kinetic models by Rodriguez-Chong et al. enzymatic activities with biologically pretreated SCB were lower
(2004) were: 122 C, 6% HNO3 and 9.3 min. Using these conditions, than the control treatments carried out with untreated SCB and
18.6 g xylose/L; 2.04 g arabinose/L; 2.87 g glucose/L; 0.9 g acetic cellulose. Also, although the enzymatic activities of the culture
acid/L and 1.32 g furfural/L were obtained. The highest xylose con- with biologically pretreated bagasse were lower than the cultures
centration (21.0 g/l) was reached after 180 min. carried out with untreated SCB, it should be noted that the produc-
tion of enzymes of the cellulose and hemicellulase complex after
2.2. Alkaline pretreatment the production of the mushrooms is another way to add value to
this agricultural residue.
Alkaline pretreatment of SCB digests the lignin matrix and A marine fungus, Phlebia sp. MG-60, which has been screened
makes cellulose and hemicellulose available to enzyme degrada- from mangrove stands, proved to have excellent lignin degradation
tion (Pandey et al., 2000). Alkali treatment of lignocellulosic sub- ability and selectivity. Li et al. (2002) have incubated this marine
stances such as cereal straw and bagasse disrupts the cell wall by fungus, with SCB. With this pretreatment more than 50% of lignin
dissolving hemicelluloses, lignin, and silica, by hydrolyzing uronic in the SCB was degraded by Phlebia sp. MG-60, and less than 10% of
and acetic esters, and by swelling cellulose. Last decreases the crys- the holocellulose was lost. Without Kirk medium addition, Phlebia
tallinity of cellulose. By this process, straw and bagasse can be sim- sp. MG-60 did not show higher delignication ability or better del-
ply fractionated into alkali-soluble lignin, hemicelluloses and ignication selectivity than the other white rot fungi. However,
residue, which makes easy to utilize them for more valuable prod- when Kirk medium was added to the culture instead of sterilized
ucts. The end residue (mainly cellulose) can be used to produce water, outstanding delignication capability and excellent selec-
either paper or cellulose derivatives. Recently, some important tive property to delignify SCB were observed. Thus, with proper
applications for hemicelluloses, such as the production of xylans, addition of a nutrient such as Kirk medium, Phlebia sp. MG-60
have been proposed (Peng et al., 2009). They have evaluated the could efciently degrade lignin in SCB while holocellulose was
sequential treatments of dewaxed bagasse with water and 1% scarcely damaged. Kirk medium composition was: 1% (w/v) glu-
and 3% NaOH aqueous solutions yielded 25.1% hemicelluloses from cose, 1 g/L KH2PO4, 1 g/L Ca(H2PO4), 221 mg/L ammonium tartrate,
bagasse and accounted for 74.9% of the original hemicelluloses. 500 mg/L MgSO47H2O, 1 mg/L thiamineHCl and 10 ml Kirk min-
These results indicated that 1% and 3% NaOH aqueous solutions un- eral solution (Kirk et al., 1978). Other microorganisms evaluated
der these conditions promoted a substantial dissolution of the in the degradation of bagasse are several white rot fungi: Phanero-
hemicellulosic polysaccharides and lignin macromolecules. chaete chrysosporium ME-466, Phanerochaete sordida YK-624, and
Ceriporia sp. MZ-340.
2.3. Thermal pretreatment
2.5. Wet oxidation
Fractionation and solubilization studies of lignocellulosic mate-
rials by thermal treatments have shown the efciency of this tech- Wet oxidation (WO) is the process of treating material with
nology to improve the yields of extraction of hemicelluloses. water and either air or oxygen at temperatures above 120 C.
Boussarsar et al. (2009) have evaluated the SCB conversion by Two types of reactions occur during WO: a low-temperature
hydrothermal treatment. Optimal conditions were 170 C for 2 h, hydrolytic reaction and a high-temperature oxidative reaction. It
reaching higher solubilization of hemicellulose than that at has been demonstrated that combination of alkali and WO reduces
150 C and lower degradation of sugar monomers than 190 C. the formation of toxic furaldehydes and phenol aldehydes (Klinke
However, analysis of thermal hydrolysates shows the presence of et al., 2002). In a recent work, the enzymatic convertibility and
xylan oligomers and polymers with large chains. On the other the fermentability of bagasse pretreated by WO at different pH val-
hand, Sendelius (2005) has evaluated the steam pretreatment con- ues were investigated (Martn et al., 2006). Martn et al. (2007a)
ditions with respect to nal ethanol yield, using SCB as feedstock. have investigated different conditions of wet oxidation (WO) pre-
The variables considered were temperature (180, 190 and treatment on fractionation and enzymatic convertibility of SCB.
205 C), time (5 and 10 min) and impregnating agents (water, 2% Variable factors studied were pH, temperature and reaction time,
SO2 by weight of water in the bagasse and 0.25 g H2SO4 per 100 g while pressure (12 bar) was kept constant. The pH was adjusted
dry matter). The most prominent tested pretreatment condition by adding Na2CO3 or H2SO4. The highest cellulose content, nearly
was: SO2-impregnation with a temperature of 180 C during 70%, was obtained in the pretreatment at 195 C, 15 min and alka-
5 min, which gave a glucose yields in average 86.3% and xylose line pH. The highest sugar yield in the liquid fraction, 16.1 g/100 g,
yields in average 72.0%. The fermentation of these hydrolyzed was obtained at 185 C; 5 min and acidic pH (see Table 1). Cellu-
materials gave an overall ethanol yield of 80%, based on theoretical lose enrichment was reached due to removal of hemicelluloses
value. and lignin, as can be deduced from the high degrees of solubiliza-
tion of hemicelluloses and lignin achieved in the pretreatments
2.4. Biological pretreatment leading to bers with higher cellulose content. Although the anal-
ysis of the solid fraction in most of the pretreatments showed high
It is generally known that microorganisms degrade untreated degrees of hemicelluloses solubilization, the content of free sugars
bagasse slowly; therefore, isolation of efcient strains is regarded in the liquid fraction was very low. It is known that wet oxidation
as an important research area for lignin degradation in SCB. The mainly catalyses the transfer of hemicelluloses from the solid
most promising microorganisms for biological pretreatment are phase to the liquid phase, but it does not catalyse the hydrolysis
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of the liberated hemicelluloses molecules. The products of drawbacks include the formation of furan derivatives and other
hemicelluloses hydrolysis during WO are not monosaccharides, toxic products and the need of an additional concentration step.
but sugar oligomers. Reactive oxygen species such as N-methyl- Alkaline pretreatment decreases the polymerization degree and
morpholine-N-oxide (Kuo and Lee, 2009), sodium hypochlorite crystallinity of cellulose by the destruction of links between lignin
and hydrogen peroxide (Lee et al., 2009) in solution have been and other polymers, and breakdown of lignin. Its costs are so high
investigated for its ability to oxidize sugarcane bagasse. that these methods are not competitive for large-scale plants. Bio-
logical pretreatment has low energy requirements and mild envi-
ronmental conditions. However, these processes are too slow
2.6. Organosolv pretreatment
limiting its application at industrial level.
Wet oxidation and organosolv pretreatment are the most per-
Organic solvent or organosolv pulping processes are alterna-
spective technologies for SCB hydrolysis at the near future, because
tives to soda or kraft pulping to delignify lignocellulosic materials
both lead to high degree of solubilization of hemicelluloses and lig-
for the production of paper pulp. For the industrial processes (Kraft
nin, and formation of degradation products is avoided. Last implies
and Soda), the burning step is of fundamental importance to re-
the elimination of the detoxication stage. However in the case of
cover the inorganic chemicals employed in the pulping. In the
organosolv pretreatment large reaction time and high pressure are
organosolv process, the exclusive utilization of organic solvent/
needed. Moreover, for wet oxidation, products of hydrolysis are
water mixtures eliminates the need to burn the liquor and allows
the isolation of the lignins (by distillation of the organic solvent)
(Pereira et al., 2007). Formic acid, a typical organosolv system,
has been examined under atmospheric pressure to pulp bagasse -
3. Cellulose hydrolysis
bers. Tu et al. (2008) showed that efcient bagasse pulping was
achieved when the formic acid concentration was limited to 90%
Cellulose obtained from pretreatment should be degraded into
(v/v). The delignication of bagasse by 90% formic acid was almost
glucose (saccharication) using acids or enzymes. In the former
completed after approximately 80 min. Dimethyl formamide has
case, concentrated or dilute acids can be used. If dilute acids
been also used for organosolv pulping of bagasse (Rezayati-charani
(H2SO4 and HCl) are employed, temperatures of 200240 C at
and Mohammadi-Rovshandeh, 2005; Rezayati-Charani et al.,
1.5% acid concentrations are required to hydrolyze the crystalline
2006). Other organosolv alternative is its combination with super-
cellulose, but the degradation of glucose into HMF and other
critical carbon dioxide. Organosolv-CO2 pulping consists in the uti-
non-desired products is unavoidable under these conditions. One
lization of pressurized carbon dioxide as an important part of the
variant of the acid hydrolysis is the use of extremely low acid
pulping liquor (50% alcohol/water mixture and 50% carbon diox-
and high-temperature conditions during batch processes (Ojumu
ide). This process combines the utilization of a lower amount of or-
and Ogunkunle, 2005). However, cellulose hydrolysis is currently
ganic solvent and facilitates the lignin recovery, by the release of
carried out using microbial cellulolytic enzymes. Enzymatic hydro-
pressure after pulping. This process produces pulp with lower
lysis has demonstrated better results for the subsequent fermenta-
strength properties but in similar yields and in shorter times when
tion because no degradation components of glucose are formed
compared with the industrial processes (Pereira et al., 2007).
although the process is slower.
SCB delignication was studied combining the utilization of car-
Commercial enzymes have been used to convert SCB to fer-
bon dioxide at high pressures and solvent mixtures, methanol/
mentable sugars. Enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulosic materials by
water, ethanol/water and n-propanol/water (Pasquini et al.,
cellulase enzymes is the most promising approach to get high
2005b). The utilization of these different alcohols produced pulps
product yields critical to economic success (Lynd et al., 1996). To
with similar delignication extent but with a continuous decrease
help the enzymes to perform well and degrade the lignocellulose
in pulp yield with the increase of the alcohols chain length (Pasqu-
efciently, the bers in the raw material need to be accessible to
ini et al., 2005a). To extent the study of the effect of the co-solvent
the enzymes. A pretreatment in some way is needed to expose
(alcohol/water) in the delignication process Pasquini et al.
the bers. If the pretreatment is too harsh, liberated sugars can
(2005a, b) have described the utilization of CO2 at sub- and super-
be degraded to enzyme- and yeast-inhibiting compounds lowering
critical conditions with 1-butanol/water and ethanol/water as co-
the overall yields. On the other hand, if too weak pretreatment
solvents in the delignication of SCB. For 1-butanol/water case
conditions are used this will result in low enzyme accessibility
the higher delignication extent (94.5%) was obtained at 7 MPa,
and the same drawbacks. Several pretreatment methods have been
190 C, 105 min and 60% 1-butanol in the co-solvent mixture.
evaluated jointly with enzymatic hydrolysis (saccharication).
The results also indicate a low selectivity of the process once the
Among them are alkaline pretreatment (Hernndez-Salas et al.,
lignin removal was accomplished by an extensive hydrolysis of
2009), steam explosion (Sendelius, 2005; Hernndez-Salas et al.,
the polysaccharide fraction. The best compromise between lignin
2009) and wet oxidation (Martn et al., 2007a).
removal and polysaccharide preservation was obtained at high
Hernndez-Salas et al. (2009) had optimized an enzyme formu-
pressures and low content of 1-butanol in the co-solvent mixture.
lation to process SCB and agave bagasse, which contained Cellu-
For ethanol/water mixture the best results were obtained at
clast, Novozyme and Viscozyme L. From alkalineenzymatic
16.0 MPa and 190 C. Under these conditions the delignication
hydrolysis of SCB samples, a reduced level of reducing sugar yield
extent was in the order 88.4% for SCB.
was obtained (1120%) compared to agave bagasse (1258%). Glu-
cose concentration was higher in hydrolysates derived from the
2.7. Final remarks alkalineenzymatic treatment. Martn et al. (2002a) used a mixture
of endo-glucanases and cellobiases to saccharify steam pretreated
Dilute sulphuric acid pretreatment has been successfully devel- SCB. The obtained hydrolysate had a sugar composition similar to
oped given that high reaction rates can be achieved improving sig- that reported from chemically treated bagasse.
nicantly the subsequent process of cellulose hydrolysis. However, Martn et al. (2007a) has evaluated the effect of wet oxidation
the costs of this type of pretreatment are still higher. The main pretreatment on fractionation and enzymatic convertibility of
advantage of dilute acid pretreatment is the higher recovery of SCB. Pretreatment conditions improved the enzymatic convertibil-
sugars derived from hemicelluloses, but concentration of reducing ity of cellulose. The highest convertibility, 74.9% was achieved in
sugars is relatively low due to high liquid to solid ratio. Other the hydrolysis of the material obtained by pretreatment at
4760 C.A. Cardona et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 47544766

195 C, 15 min and alkaline pH. Some xylan convertibility was also Another inhibitory substances founded in SCB hemicellulose
observed. Doubling the hydrolysis time from 24 to 48 h led only to hydrolysate is acetic acid. Acetic acid can be generated when the
some additional conversion, since most of cellulose was already hydrolysis reaction takes place at the acetyl group of hemicellulose
hydrolyzed during the rst 24 h. The low increase of the convert- (Rodriguez-Chong et al., 2004). Generally, acetic acid is inhibitory
ibility at 48 h might be an indication of some degree of denatur- to yeast when its concentration is between 4 and 10 g/L. Maximum
ation or inactivation of the cellulases. This pretreatment gave concentration of acetic acid obtained for SCB hydrolysates from
also the highest overall glucose yield, 68.9%, which takes into ac- acid hydrolysis pretreatment with 6% H2SO4 during 60 min was
count not only the glucose formed during the enzymatic hydroly- 2.72 g/L, value lower than that for a toxic effect (Pattra et al.,
sis, but also the losses occurred during the pretreatment. The 2008). While using 4% H3PO4 during 300 min, the highest value
increase of the enzymatic convertibility is probably related to the was 4.0 g acetic acid/L (Gmez et al., 2006). On the other hand, a
low content of lignin and hemicelluloses and the high cellulose relative low furfural concentration (1.5 g/L) was obtained using
content of the remaining solid material. The solubilization of hemi- 6% H3PO4 at 300 C, although it is over the limit (1.0 g/L) for yeast
celluloses and lignin and the destruction of their association with inhibition. This shows that the decomposition of pentoses to furfu-
cellulose have certainly led to an increase of the accessibility of cel- ral is low and conrms the selectivity of this treatment using phos-
lulose to enzymes. Some destruction of the crystalline structure of phoric acid.
cellulose and the decrease of its degree of polymerization are other Several detoxication methods like neutralization, overliming
events leading to improvements of the enzymatic convertibility with calcium hydroxide, activated charcoal, ion exchange resins
that occurred during pretreatment. Lignin acts as a competitive (Carvalheiro et al., 2005) and enzymatic detoxication using
adsorbent for cellulases and reduces the activity of the adsorbed laccase (Chandel et al., 2007) are known for removing various
enzymes (Martn et al., 2007a). inhibitory compounds from lignocellulosic hydrolysates. Table 2
presents main detoxication methods implemented in SCB hydrol-
ysates with their corresponding operation conditions. Percentages
4. Detoxication of toxic compounds removal are shown. Few methods can remove
enough quantities of all toxic substances.
During pretreatment of lignocellulosics, in addition to the sug-
ars, aliphatic acids (acetic, formic and levulinic acid), furan deriva-
tives furfural and HMF, and phenolic compounds are formed. The 4.1. Neutralization
existence of these substances is more probably when acid and/or
high-temperatures are used. These compounds are known to affect In the operation of neutralization, it is usual to add chemicals
ethanol fermentation performance. Furfural could be generated as that neutralize the acids of the hydrolysates, forming salts. These
a degradation product from pentoses. It was found that furfural salts have low solubility and are normally removed by ltration.
contents increase with the concentration of the acid catalysts such The concentration of hydrolysates by evaporation is usual to in-
as H2SO4 (Pattra et al., 2008). crease the sugar concentration. In this operation, besides water,

Table 2
Methods for sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate detoxication.

Method Agents Previous Conditions Removal (%) Remarks References

Alkaline detoxication Overliming Steam- pH 910.5 then pH Furfural (51%), Snchez and Cardona
with Ca(OH)2 explosion adjustment to 5.56.5 HMF (51%), (2008)
dilute acid with H2SO4 or HCl phenolic
compounds (41%),
Acetic acid (0%)
Overliming Acid ND Furans (45.8%), Chandel et al. (2007)
hydrolysis phenolics
Combined alkaline KOH and Acid pH 10, then pH ND Reduction of ketones and Palmqvist and Hahn-
detoxication sodium sulte hydrolysis adjustment to 6.5 with aldehydes, removal of volatile Hgerdal (2000)
HCl and addition of 1% compounds
sodium sulte at 90 C
Microbial Trichoderma Steam- ND Phenolic Palmqvist and Hahn-
detoxication reesei explosion compounds (80%) Hgerdal (2000)
Electrodialysis Charged Acid Pre-evaporation at Furfural (45%), Losses of sugar are less of 5% Cheng et al. (2008)
membranes hydrolysis 100 C during 15 min. acetic acid (90%)
and an Electrodialysis
electrical operation at 20 V. Flow
potential rate 50 L/h
Ion exchange resin Commercial Acid Resin to hydrolisate Furans (63.4%), Chandel et al. (2007)
anion hydrolysis ratio (w/w): 1:10. phenolics (75.8%),
exchange resin Regular stirring for 1 h acetic acid (85.2%)
at room temperature
Activated charcoal Activated Acid ND Furans (38.7%), Chandel et al. (2007)
charcoal hydrolysis phenolic (57%),
acetic acid (46.8%)
Enzymes treatment Laccase from C. Acid Incubated in orbital Phenolics (77.5%) Does not affect furans and Chandel et al. (2007)
stercoreus hydrolysis shaker at 100 rpm for acetic acid content. Negligible
4 h at 30 C loss in total sugars and
maximum removal phenolic

ND: non-data available.

C.A. Cardona et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 47544766 4761

small amounts of growth inhibitors such as acetic acid, furfural and have no environmental impact. ED process reduces the loss of su-
HMF are removed (Carvalho et al., 2002). A detoxication opera- gar and makes the production of ethanol easier, however, due to
tion by adsorption on charcoal can remove the inhibitors. In this the instrument cost, the economical evaluation of ED detoxica-
operation, phenolic compounds proceeding from lignin can also tion is required to be studied further in the actual production of
be removed. ethanol (Cheng et al., 2008).
Chandel et al. (2007) have evaluated the efciency of various
4.2. Overliming detoxication methods (ion exchange treatment, activated char-
coal, laccase, overliming and neutralization) (see Table 2) for the
Overliming the hydrolysate has been effective as a detoxica- removal of inhibitors from SCB hydrolysate and eventually for
tion process due to partial removal of toxic inhibitors, such as fur- improving the fermentation of hydrolysate to ethanol using Can-
fural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, although the whole dida shehatae. Overliming and laccase did not cause any affect on
mechanism is not well understood. During overliming, sulphuric acetic acid levels. Laccase treatment brought about negligible loss
acid is removed from the initial hydrolysate by adding lime to ad- in total sugars and maximum removal of phenolic compounds
just the pH and precipitation as gypsum. However, it has been ob- present in acid hydrolysate. Ion exchange treated hydrolysate gave
served that the concentrations of acetic acid before and after the maximum ethanol concentration (8.67 g/L), followed by activated
detoxifying treatment were not altered signicantly (Keikhhosro charcoal (7.43 g/L), laccase treatment (6.50 g/L), overliming
et al., 2006). Another potential drawback of overliming is sugar loss (5.19 g/L), and neutralized hydrolysate (3.46 g/L). The neutraliza-
due to hydroxide-catalysed degradation reactions and conversion tion of acid hydrolysate alone did not remove toxic compounds
of sugars into unfermentable compounds (Carvalho et al., 2005). to the desired levels, resulting in poor ethanol yield of 0.22 g/g
Moreover, the acid cannot be reused any more because it has be- (see Table 3).
come salt (Ali et al., 2006). Chandel et al. (2007) have also demon-
strated that acetic acid concentration is not altered using
overliming but this method led to the removal of furans (45.8%) 5. Ethanol production by fermentation
and phenolics (35.87%).
5.1. Production technologies
4.3. Adsorption with activated charcoal
The conguration employed for fermenting biomass hydroly-
Charcoal adsorption decreases the concentrations of both acetic sates involves a sequential process where the hydrolysis of cellu-
acid and phenolics derived from the SCB hydrolysate. Treatment lose and the fermentation are carried out in different units
with activated charcoal caused 38.7%, 57% and 46.8% reduction in (Snchez and Cardona, 2008). This conguration is known as sep-
furans, phenolics and acetic acid, respectively (Chandel et al., arate hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF). When this sequential pro-
2007). cess is employed, solid fraction of pretreated lignocellulosic
material undergoes hydrolysis (saccharication). This fraction con-
4.4. Ion exchange resins tains the cellulose in a form accessible to acids or enzymes. Once
hydrolysis is completed, the resulting cellulose hydrolysate is fer-
Ion exchange treatment has demonstrated to be an efcient mented and converted into ethanol. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is
method for removing furans (63.4%), total phenolics (75.8%) and the most employed microorganism for fermenting the hydroly-
acetic acid (85.2%) from a SCB hydrolysate. sates of lignocellulosic biomass. This yeast ferments the hexoses
contained in the hydrolysate but not the pentoses. One of the main
4.5. Enzymatic detoxication features of SHF process is that each step can be performed at its
optimal operating conditions (especially temperature and pH).
Treatment with the enzymes like laccase, obtained from the lig- When a technological owsheet involving a SHF process is em-
ninolytic fungus Trametes versicolor, has been shown to increase ployed, the detoxied hemicellulose hydrolysate can be unied
the ethanol productivity in a hemicellulose hydrolysate of SCB with the cellulose hydrolysate coming from the enzymatic reactor.
(Chandel et al., 2007). The laccase treatment led to selective re- To increase the amount of sugars converted into ethanol, yeast
moval of total phenolics by 77.5% without affecting furans and ace- assimilating the xylose besides glucose can be employed, but in
tic acid content of the hydrolysate. this case the biomass utilization rates are lower than that of micro-
organisms that only assimilate hexoses. This is explained by the
4.6. Electrodialysis diauxic growth of this type of yeast. To offset this effect, sequential
fermentations are employed and both fermentations are per-
Another detoxication method more currently used is electro- formed independently (co-fermentation) (see Fig. 1). One of the
dialysis (ED), which is an electrochemical separation process in main challenges in pentose fermentation lies in the fact that the
which electrically charged membranes and an electrical potential productivities of pentose utilizing microorganisms are less than
difference are applied to separate ionic species from an aqueous those of hexose-fermenting ones.
solution and other uncharged components. Cheng et al. (2008) The co-fermentation of lignocellulosic hydrolysates represents
have evaluated the detoxication of SCB acid hydrolysate by boil- other technological option for utilizing all the sugars released dur-
ing and electrodialysis resulted in a better fermentability of the ing biomass pretreatment and cellulose hydrolysis. This kind of
hydrolysate (see Table 3). Volatile compounds, such as furfural, cultivation process aims at the complete assimilation of all the sug-
were stripped by boiling, while acetic acid and sulphuric acid were ars resulting from lignocellulosic degradation by the microbial
removed by electrodialysis. After treatment by electrodialysis, 90% cells and consists in the use of a mixture of two or more compatible
of acetic acid in hydrolysate was removed. The losses of glucose, microorganisms that assimilate both the hexoses and pentoses
xylose, arabinose, galactose, mannose and cellobiose were lower present in the medium. This means that the fermentation is carried
than 5%. out by a mixed culture.
The sulphuric acid and acetic acid in concentrated compartment Conversion of cellulose into ethanol can be carried out through
of ED device are collected and separated by distillation and the sul- SSF (see Fig. 1) as in the case of starch. For this conversion, several
phuric acid can be reused, which will save the operation cost and enzymes with cellulolytic activity (basically endo-glucanases, cel-
4762 C.A. Cardona et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 47544766

Table 3
Sugarcane bagasse hydrolisate fermentation.

Previous Detoxication Microorganism Conditions Ethanol yield Remarks References

Pretreatment method
% (w/w of RSa) g/L
Acid Hydrolysis Electrodialysis Pachysolen Batch fermentation at 34 19 Table 4. Sugarcane bagasse hydrolisate Cheng et al. (2008)
With H2SO4 tannophilus 30 C for 14 h with a fermentation. Productivity of 0.53 g/
DW06 pH of 5. Air ow L h. Xylose consumption was total and
0.1 vvm. Agitation: only 60% of arabinose was assimilated
150 rpm.
Without Pachysolen Batch fermentation at 0.03 1.9 Sugar fermented was only 9% Cheng et al. (2008)
detoxication tannophilus 30 C for 14 h with a
DW06 pH of 5. Air ow
0.1 vvm. Agitation:
150 rpm.
Acid hydrolysis Without Non- Batch fermentation at 14.11 5 For depithed bagasse Hernndez-Salas
with HCl detoxication recombinant 30 C during 48 h. et al. (2009)
Without Non- Batch fermentation at 15.72 4.7 For pith bagasse Hernndez-Salas
detoxication recombinant 30 C during 48 h. et al. (2009)
Ion exchange Candida Batch fermentation at 48 8.67 Chandel et al. (2007)
resin shehatae NCIM 30 C during 24 h and
3501 150 rpm.
Activated Candida Batch fermentation at 42 7.43 Chandel et al. (2007)
charcoal shehatae NCIM 30 C during 24 h and
3501 150 rpm.
Enzymes Candida Batch fermentation at 37 6.50 Chandel et al. (2007)
(laccase from shehatae NCIM 30 C during 24 h and
C. stercoreus) 3501 150 rpm.
Acid hydrolysis Overliming Candida Batch fermentation at 30 5.19 Chandel et al. (2007)
with HCl shehatae NCIM 30 C during 24 h and
3501 150 rpm
Neutralization Candida Batch fermentation at 22 3.46 Chandel et al. (2007)
shehatae NCIM 30 C during 24 h and
3501 150 rpm
Alkaline treatment Without Non- Operation at 30 C 32.57 12.5 For depithed bagasse Hernndez-Salas
and enzymatic detoxication recombinant during 48 h et al. (2009)
saccharication Saccharomyces
Without Non- Operation at 30 C 25.76 12.9 For pith bagasse Hernndez-Salas
detoxication recombinant during 48 h et al. (2009)
H2SO4-catalysed Without Adapted xylose- Operation at 30 C 38 ND Pretreatment was followed by Martn et al. (2007b)
steam detoxication utilizing during 24 h enzymatic hydrolysis. Strain was
pretreatment recombinant isolated from an adaptation culture
Saccharomyces with increasing concentrations of
cerevisiae inhibitors. Ethanol productivity:
2.55 g/(g h)
Without Non-adapted Operation at 30 C 18 ND Pretreatment was followed by Martn et al. (2007b)
detoxication xylose-utilizing during 24 h enzymatic hydrolysis. Ethanol
recombinant productivity: 1.15 g/(g h)
RS: Reducing sugars; ND: non-data available.

lobiohydrolases and b-glucosidase) are added to the suspension In the case of lignocellulosic biomass, a very promising inte-
obtained by mixing water with the solid fraction resulting from grated conguration for bioethanol production is the inclusion of
the pretreatment step and that contains cellulose and lignin. In pentose fermentation in the SSF. This process is known as simulta-
the same way, process microorganisms (yeasts) are added to this neous saccharication and co-fermentation (SSCF) (see Fig. 1). This
mixture in the bioreactor where SSF is accomplished for immedi- conguration implies a higher degree of intensication through its
ately converting the formed glucose into ethanol. The increased reactionreaction integration. In this case, the hydrolysis of cellu-
ethanol concentration in the culture broth allows the reduction lose, the fermentation of glucose released, and the fermentation
of energy costs during distillation. In addition, SSF offers an easier of pentoses present in the feed stream is simultaneously accom-
operation and a lower equipment requirement than the sequential plished in a same single unit. Besides the effectiveness of employed
process since no hydrolysis reactors are needed. Nevertheless, SSF cellulases, the key factor in SSCF is the utilization of an efcient
has the inconvenient that the optimal conditions for hydrolysis and ethanol-producing microorganism with the ability of assimilating
fermentation are different, which implies a difcult control and not only hexoses (mainly glucose), but also pentoses (mainly
optimization of process parameters (Claassen et al., 1999). In addi- xylose) released during the pretreatment step as a result of the
tion, larger amounts of exogenous enzymes are required (Cardona hemicellulose hydrolysis. Therefore, genetically modied microor-
and Snchez, 2007). ganisms has been developed and successfully proven in SSCF
C.A. Cardona et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 47544766 4763

processes for ethanol production from lignocellulosic materials surplus bagasse to be converted into another kind of energy carrier,
(Cardona and Snchez, 2007). Recombinant strains of Escherichia such as ethanol, bio-oil, etc. (Ramjeawon, 2008).
coli, Zymomonas mobilis and S. cerevisiae capable of hexose and Main reason for considering fuel ethanol production from SCB is
pentose catabolism and high ethanol production have also been the social and industrial pressure about nding alternative raw
constructed. Their use has made the conversion of lignocellulose materials and agro-industrial residues like SCB that are offered in
to ethanol economically feasible (Mohagheghi et al., 2002; Martn high quantities in tropical countries. Table 4 shows an example
et al., 2002b). of revenues (based on range values) that a sugar industry placed
in a tropical country like Colombia, could obtain by using SCB for
producing either ethanol of electricity. As it can be see revenues
5.2. Production results
obtained from ethanol production are higher than that obtained
from electricity cogeneration even at low ethanol prices in the
SCB has proven to be a feasible raw material for fuel ethanol
market. However, this alternative is not protable at industrial le-
production due its relative low lignin content and high production
vel for the existing mills, because of the high capital investment
of sugars by appropriate pretreatments. Some of the more cur-
needed and the low maturity of this technology. In addition, elec-
rently advances in fuel ethanol production using bagasse reported
tricity generated at cogeneration systems is very cheap for the mill
alcohol yields up to 48% (% w/w of reducing sugars) (see Table 3).
and heat energy is used in the whole process. Revenue obtained
Hernndez-Salas et al. (2009) have pretreated the whole SCB and
from electricity cogeneration can be higher in other countries like
different fractions of it by dilute acid (HCl) and alkaline pretreat-
Brazil due to the lowest production cost (0.001090.00885 US$/
ment (NaOH). Selected hydrolysates were fermented with a non-
kWh) (Moreira, 2000).
recombinant strain of S. cerevisiae and maximum alcohol yield by
fermentation (32.6%) was obtained from the hydrolysate of sugar-
cane depithed bagasse. Yields for other fractions are shown in Ta-
7. Xylanases and cellulases production
ble 3.
By the other side, using Pachysolen tannophilus DW06 for fer-
High cost commercial xylanases and cellulases used in the sac-
menting SCB hydrolysate obtained from acid pretreatment
charication step for SCB transformation to ethanol can be
(H2SO4) and detoxied with electrodialysis, it was possible to ob-
produced from the same bagasse. Many microorganisms, including
tain an ethanol yield of 34% (Cheng et al., 2008). Higher yields were
lamentous fungi, yeasts and bacteria, have been cultivated in
obtained by Chandel et al. (2007) with C. shehatae NCIM 3501 fer-
media containing SCB or its hydrolysate. The use of SCB as low cost
menting hydrolysates of SCB obtained with dilute acid (HCl) pre-
raw material for xylanase production by Bacillus circulans D1 in
treatment and different detoxication methods: 48% with an
submerged fermentation has been investigated (Bocchini et al.,
industrial ion exchange resin (DIAION HPA 25, Mitsubishi Chemical
2005). The microorganism was cultivated in a mineral medium
Corporation, Japan), 42% with activated charcoal and 37% with lac-
containing hydrolysate of bagasse or grass as carbon source. High
case (from C. stercoreus). Lower ethanol yields were obtained with
production of enzymes was obtained during growth in media with
overliming (30%) and neutralization (22%).
bagasse hydrolysates (8.4 U/mL) and in media with grass hydroly-
sates (7.5 U/mL). Xylanase production in media with hydrolysates
6. Energy cogeneration was very close to that obtained in xylan containing media
(7.0 U/mL); and this fact conrms the feasibility of fermenting this
Energy cogeneration is well established process in sugar indus- agro-industrial byproducts by B. circulans D1 as an alternative to
try, due to the high quantity of SCB available, which is composed of save costs on the enzyme production process.
50% bre, 48% moisture and 2% sugars. It is normally burnt to gen- The media containing hydrolysates of SCB, with initial sugar
erate steam and electricity to meet the energy requirements of the concentration from 2.5 to 10.0 g/L, can be employed in place of
cane sugar factory. The bagasse has a gross caloric value of the control medium, since they afforded xylanase productions
19.25 MJ/kg at zero moisture and 9.95 MJ/kg at 48% moisture. equal or higher than that obtained in the medium with xylan. This
The net caloric value of bagasse at 48% moisture is around 8 MJ/ replacement implies economical advantages for xylanase produc-
kg. The fact that the sugar cane plant provides its own source of en- tion process, mainly regarding to the commercial xylan high cost
ergy from sugar production in the form of bagasse has long been a and the availability and low cost of sugarcane (Bocchini et al.,
special feature of the sugar industry. In the traditional approach, 2005). SCB hydrolysates is an efcient alternative to reduce the
sugar factories co-generate just enough steam and electricity to costs of xylanase production in submerged fermentation, since
meet their needs. With the availability of advanced co-generation these materials are often available in tropical countries, as an inex-
technologies, sugar factories today can produce surplus electricity pensive source of components that propitiate the bacterial growth
for sale to the national grid or directly to other electricity users and the enzyme production.
(Quintero et al., 2008; Ramjeawon, 2008). However, in some coun-
tries bagasse is usually burned in low-efciency boilers to avoid
Table 4
the need to handle surplus bagasse, and the cogeneration systems
Revenue obtained from using 1 ton of sugarcane bagasse for fuel ethanol production
work on back pressure steam turbines (BPST) with low pressure at or electricity cogeneration in Colombia.
low-temperature (typically 1.921 MPa, 573 K), the process does
Ethanol Units Electricity Units
not produce energy in an efcient, cost-effective manner (Ramjea-
a a
won, 2008). Yield per ton of SCB 150236 L 200600 kWh
Production Cost 0.260.33b US$/L 0.0280.034c US$/kWh
Other potential lignocellulosic by-product from sugar factory
Selling price* 0.9300.980d US$/L 0.0330.07c,e US$/kWh
are the sugar cane agricultural residues (SCAR), which as a rule, Revenue 0.60.720 US$/L 0.0010.042 US$/kWh
are burned just before the harvest in order to facilitate the easier Revenue per ton of SCB 90170 US$ 0.225.2 US$
harvesting of cane stalks. Production of each million ton of raw su- a
Botha and Blottnitz (2006).
gar could mean 50,000 ton of SCAR (that is, SCAR with a moisture b
Luo et al. (2009).
content of 30% of sugarcane weight) with a lower heat value (LHV) c
Ministry of the Environment (2005).
of 10.5 MJ/kg and a bulk density of 180 kg/m3. This amount of SCAR d
Proexport Colombia (2008).
could be substituted for the same quantity of bagasse, leaving the Federacin de Biocombustibles (2009).
4764 C.A. Cardona et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 47544766

Other strains like Penicillium janthinellum NCIM 1171 and Trich- 2002) and oscillations can be expected as an important issue in the
oderma viride NCIM 1051 have been evaluated in production of cel- bioreactor design and control.
lulase and xylanase enzymes from chemically treated SCB (Adsul From different studies about behavior of continuous cultures of
et al., 2004). Higher xylanase and b-glucosidase activities were de- S. cerevisiae, it has been established that various operation vari-
tected in the medium with bagasse as compared to the values ob- ables inuence the stability of processes with this microorganism.
tained with pure cellulose powder. Bagasse treated with NaClO2 In anaerobic cultures, it was seen that the inhibitory action of eth-
during 4 h at 70 C gave high yields of xylanase (130 IU/ml) and anol leads to unstable states. Efforts for using yeast strains with the
b-glucosidase activities (2.3 IU/ml) for both P. janthinellum and T. ability to ferment all lignocellulose-derived sugars include the use
viride (Adsul et al., 2004). and modication of S. cerevisiae with high inhibitor tolerance to
acetic acid, furfural and formic acid (Hahn-Hgerdal et al., 2007).
In the case of SCB hydrolysis, acetic acid is the key inhibitor formed
8. Mathematical modeling
at higher proportion. There is no study in literature about the inu-
ence of this type of inhibitors on stability, but massive production
The modeling of the hydrolysis of a polysaccharide is very com-
of bioethanol from SCB needs this type of information for process
plicate. Multiple factors related to the lignocellulosic material
design and performance. If this inhibition is increased by acetic
(size, particle shape, structure, accessibility of proton to heterocy-
acid during fermentation of sugars from SCB hydrolysis not only
clic ether bond, etc.) and to the reaction medium (type of acid, con-
ethanol production can be reduced, but also stability characteris-
centration, temperature, time, etc.) affect the hydrolysis. The
tics of the process get more complex. For example, addition of ace-
solution of compromise between the complexity of a rigorous
tate (10 g/L) or furfural (2 g/L), in concentrations similar to those
model and the search of equations modeling the empirical data
found in SCB hydrolysates, decreased cell mass formation and
in a simple and satisfactory way have conducted to the general
growth rate in almost all strains of industrial S. cerevisiae (Garay-
use of pseudohomogeneous, irreversible and rst order kinetics
Arroyo et al., 2004). The wide variability of responses to the
that make easy the calculations without to sacrice the theory ba-
different environmental stress conditions tested show that no
sis. The simplied models for the study of the kinetics in hydrolysis
general rules can be assumed for different S. cerevisiae strains,
process using acids began with the work of Saeman for the hydro-
and that these responses are highly dependent on their genetic
lysis of douglas r wood using sulphuric acid (Saeman, 1945). The
and environmental backgrounds. From here stability of the process
hydrolysis of cellulose was studied establishing the following
can be predicted to be complex.
Trends in bioethanol production from SCB and other lignocellu-
k1 k2 losic materials show the high potential of process integration. The
Cellulose ! Glucose ! Decomposition products HMF development of processes to produce ethanol by coupled sacchar-
ication and fermentation of SCB can be analyzed. Here, the acetic
where, k1 (min1) is the rate for release of glucose from cellulose
acid and furfural removal should be coupled to the entire process
and k2 (min1) is rate for glucose decomposition. This model con-
(simultaneous sacharication and cofermentation process SSCF)
siders the hydrolysis of cellulose to release glucose that in severe
and stability problems derived from the presence of these inhibi-
conditions is decomposed into HMF. Both reactions (release and
tors must be accounted. The study of steady states would allow
decomposition) were considered irreversible and rst order. The
determining the optimal operation conditions of both processes.
model of Saeman was also applied to the hydrolysis of the hemicel-
Until now, there are not reports about stability studies for
lulosic fraction (Tllez-Luis et al., 2002). The model of Saeman can
SCB hydrolysis and fermentation to ethanol. It is an important
be applied to other polysaccharides; therefore the model can be
challenge in the development of technologies for ethanol pro-
generalized for the decomposition of any polymer. The generalized
duction from SCB. Moreover, nowadays, due to wide variety of
polymer could be cellulose, xylan, araban, etc. Kinetic parameters of
feedstocks, industrial yeast strains are exposed to constant envi-
the above mentioned models for hydrolysis pretreatment with
ronmental changes including ethanol accumulated along the pro-
phosphoric acid (Gmez et al., 2006) and nitric acid (Rodriguez-
cess, solute concentration, medium ionic strength, and toxins or
Chong et al., 2004) has been reported. Other efforts have been made
inhibitory substances that can affect the stability of fermentation
in modeling delignication process of bagasse with formic acid (Tu
(Garay-Arroyo et al., 2004; Zhao and Bai, 2009). Therefore, the
et al., 2008).
design of new processes that involve fermentation processes
must be accompanied of a stability study to formulate suitable
9. Stability of fermentation systems based on SCB operation strategies.

In general, more efcient pretreatment technologies, detoxica-

tion methods and the construction of microorganism strains capa- 10. Perspectives, challenges and conclusions
ble to ferment lignocellulosic materials have different advances
during last years. However, other restrictions of the fermentation An increased use of biofuels would contribute to sustainable
processes related to original microorganism have not been passed. development by reducing greenhouse-gas emissions and the use
One of them is the existence of nonlinear phenomena such as mul- of non-renewable resources. In recent years it has been suggested
tiplicity and oscillation. The complexity of stability can be in- that, instead of traditional feedstocks, cellulosic biomass (cellulose
creased as a result of the inhibition problems during and hemicellulose), including SCB could be used as an ideally inex-
fermentation when furfural and formic acid from SCB hydrolysis pensive and abundantly available source of sugar for fermentation
are present in the bioreactor. It is generally considered that the into transportation fuel ethanol. The efciency of biomass conver-
nonlinear phenomena are unfavorable for stable operations in sion to ethanol depends upon the ability of the microorganism
industrial fermentation. The nonlinear analysis of oscillatory fer- used in the process to utilize these diverse carbon sources and
mentations with Z. mobilis indicates that with a change in the amount of fraction present in biomass. The cost of ethanol produc-
parameters, these simple oscillations bifurcate in more complex tion from SCB is relatively high based on current technologies.
phenomena such as totally developed chaos (Garhyan and Elnas- Pretreatment continues to be the most important step in etha-
haie, 2004). Recombinant strains of Z. mobilis are common microor- nol production from SCB. It is expected, in the next future, that
ganisms used in SCB transformation to ethanol (Mohagheghi et al., technologies can impact more easily this step rather than genetic
C.A. Cardona et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 47544766 4765

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