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Lesson Plan Template 2017



LESSON ORGANISATION (based on Australian Curriculum: Health & Physical Education)

The intention for this lesson is to be able to successfully mark a football with the correct technique under both external and
non-external pressures. This session is aimed to help beginners who are still learning the basic concepts of a mark.
Pre-lesson organisation:
- Have the cones set out for the first drill
- Make sure there is a ball of footballs and bibs avliable
- 20 balls
- x20 cones

Learning Area Outcomes:

Strand: Movement & physical activity

Sub-Strand: Learning through movement
Focus Areas: FMS

Time Task(s) Observations Task Management

(What students do) (What to look for) (Management of Student Group)
Beginning class organisation:
8:30- - Explain the objectives of the lesson and what you want, as a teacher, to achieve
8:35am - Ask what they believe is classified a mark
(5min) - Get them thinking about the technique of a mark and what marking entails
- Explain the warm up and get them into groups of 4 through students finding their pwn groups

8:35- WARM UP - Active participation

8:45am - This drill should hopefully get their
Hot seat
(10min) mind in the game and make them think
In groups of three, children join about moving
hands with one child nominated for
the hot seat. A fourth child tries to
tag the child in the hot seat by
touching them with a ball. The
remaining two children place their
bodies between the tagger and the
hot seat to protect the child.

Bridging organization
- Blow the whistle when the time is up and everyone has had a turn in all positions
8:45- - In these same groups partner off into 2 pairs, with one person in the pair with a ball
8:47am - Have everyone walk over to the cones (which have already been set up)
(2min) - Reiterate the key teaching points of a mark and what you want to see/expect to see from a teaching perspective
- Explain the drill and make sure when you are explaining all the footballs are at their feet so no one gets distracted
- Instruct the activity to commence

Lesson Plan Template 2017

- In pairs, 10 metres apart, Keep your eyes on the ball
8:47- first child with ball tries to and line up your body with
8:57am kick the flight of the ball
(10min) - directly over partners The fingers and hands are
head. Partner tries to extended palms up. Tuck
mark the ball. the elbows in to the side of
- If the ball goes over the the body.
head or past him/her, The ball is taken in the
he/she must hands and arms and
- stop it as quickly as guided to the chest.
possible. Partner must The ball is hugged tightly
then take the to the chest.
- return kick from where
ball was marked or
- The aim is to force the
partner over a back
- (for example, 20-30
metres behind)
Bridging organization
8:57-9am - Blow the whistle when time is up
(3min) - Get everyone to huddle up
- Explain the next drill to everyone and pick out 3 people to demonstrate it
- Label off students either A, B or C
- Once you have labelled them direct them into a space on the oval Let them know to start as soon as they have their
groups and a ball in their group

Time Task(s) Observations Task Management

(What students do) (What to look for) (Management of Student Group)

Lesson Plan Template 2017

Marking (Hand mark)
9- PLAYING ON FROM A MARK The ngers should be outstretched,
9:10am pointing towards the
(10min) Skills: Handball, running, ball. The thumbs are positioned
tackling, playing on. behind the ball. The arms must be
extended long arms.
Students start in groups of three.
The ball is rmly gripped with the
Player A has the ball after taking
an imaginary mark. Player C
Marking (overhead mark):
stands the mark. Player A
handballs to player B running Jump o one foot and swing the
past, runs on and takes handball other knee up to gain maximum
back from B. height.
Fingers outstretched and thumbs
- Players rotate positions and almost together W position.
repeat. Theballismetslightlyinfrontofthehea
- Player standing the mark dwitharms extended long arms. It
provides opposition from passive should be rmly gripped in the ngers.
to token.
- When players are competent,
extend to active opposition

Bridging organisation:
- Get everyone to bring all the footballs and cones in
9:10- - Explain the next activity


9:20am One person has the football and - Have 4 groups of 5 going at the
(9min) stands at a distance from the same time (also best to split up girls
others, who are together in a and boys)
group. The person with the ball
kicks it towards the others, who try
to mark (catch) it. If someone
marks it, they change places with
the person at the other end, and
have a turn at kicking the ball.
This game complies with the 'rule
of 5' because, although there are 6
children playing, one is at a
distance from the others, so there
are only 5 in the group.

Closing Organisation:
9:20- - Make sure all equipment has been put away
9:22am - Have everyone sitting in front of you when ready

Lesson Plan Template 2017

9:22- - Ask the class of what they would like to have included in future lessons
9:25am - What they enjoyed
(3min) - Anything they may have struggled with
- Send everyone to go and get changed back into their school uniform

Lesson Plan Template 2017

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