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LAW ON NATURAL RESOURCES REVIEWER All lands of the public domain, waters, minerals, coal,

petroleum, and other mineral oils, all forces of

potential energy, fisheries, forests or timber, wildlife,
Blacks Law Definition of Natural flora and fauna, and other natural resources are
Resources owned by the State. With the exception of
agricultural lands, all other natural resources shall
Blacks first definition in his 7th ed. is any material not be alienated. The exploration, development, and
from nature having potential economic value or utilization of natural resources shall be under the full
providing for the sustenance of life, such as timber, control and supervision of the State. The State may
minerals, oil, water and wildlife. The second directly undertake such activities, or it may enter
definition is environmental features that serve a into co-production, joint venture, or production-
communitys well-being or recreational interests, sharing agreements with Filipino citizens, or
such as parks. corporations or associations at least sixty per
centum of whose capital is owned by such citizens.
Such agreements may be for a period not exceeding
Blacks (Sixth edition, 1990), defined natural twenty-five years, renewable for not more than
resources as any material in its native state which twenty-five years, and under such terms and
when extracted has economic value. Basically it conditions as may be provided by law. In cases of
states that for a substance or feature to be classified water rights for irrigation, water supply fisheries, or
as a natural resource, it must offer potential or actual industrial uses other than the development of water
economic value, creating wealth. power, beneficial use may be the measure and limit
of the grant.

Definition of Natural Resources : Other The State shall protect the nation's marine wealth in
Websites its archipelagic waters, territorial sea, and exclusive
economic zone, and reserve its use and enjoyment
Natural resource is any naturally occurring exclusively to Filipino citizens.
substance or feature of the environment (physical or
biological) that, while not created by human effort, The Congress may, by law, allow small-scale
can be exploited by humans to satisfy their needs or utilization of natural resources by Filipino citizens, as
wants. Many of such resources are our life line such well as cooperative fish farming, with priority to
as water, air and solar radiation, which are essential subsistence fishermen and fish- workers in rivers,
elements for the existence of all the flora and fauna. lakes, bays, and lagoons.

The President may enter into agreements with

Two basic conditions for a substance or feature to be
foreign-owned corporations involving either technical
classified as a natural resource: First, the resource
or financial assistance for large-scale exploration,
must exist naturally in the environment; that is, not
development, and utilization of minerals, petroleum,
synthetically produced by human beings, such as in a
and other mineral oils according to the general terms
laboratory or factory. Second, the resource must be
and conditions provided by law, based on real
able to be exploited by humans to directly satisfy a
contributions to the economic growth and general
need or want.
welfare of the country. In such agreements, the State
shall promote the development and use of local
Natural resources may either be: scientific and technical resources.
a) Biotic resources which are derived from
biosphere such as the forests, marine
organism, animals, birds and their products The Concept of Jure Regalia (Regalian Doctrine)
including mineral fuels come in this
category, or This principle means that all natural wealth -
agricultural, forest or timber, and mineral lands of
b) Abiotic which includes water, air, land and the public domain and all other natural resources
elemental ores such as gold, silver, copper, belong to the State. Thus, even if the private person
iron etc. owns the property where minerals are discovered,
his ownership for such does not give him the right to
It may also be either be renewable and non- extract or utilize said minerals without permission
renewable resources. A renewable resource grows from the state to which such minerals belong.
again or comes back again after we use it. For
example, sunlight, water, and trees are renewable The abovementioned provision provides that except
resources. A non-renewable resource is a resource for agricultural lands for public domain which alone
that does not grow or come back, or a resource that may be alienated, forest or timber, and mineral
would take a very long time to come back. For lands, as well as all other natural resources must
example, coal is a non-renewable resource. remain with the State, the exploration, development
and utilization of which shall be subject to its full
control and supervision albeit allowing it to enter into
Regalian Doctrine coproduction, joint venture or production-sharing
agreements, or into agreements with foreign-owned
Art XII, Sec. 2 of the 1987 Constitution corporations involving technical or financial
assistance for large-scale exploration, development,
and utilization
A. The Laws of Indies
1. Cruz vs. Secretary of Environment and
Natural Resource (2000)
The Regalian Doctrine or jura regalia is a
Facts: Western legal concept first introduced by
the Spaniards through the Laws of Indies
Petitioners Isagani Cruz and Cesar Europa and the Royal Cedulas. All lands became the
filed a case for prohibition and mandamus exclusive dominion of the Spanish Crown,
as citizen and taxpayers, assailing the and the Spanish Government took charge of
constitutionality of certain provisions of the distributing the lands by issuing royal grants
Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) and its and concessions to Spaniards. Private land
implementing Rules on ground that they titles can only be acquired from the
amount to an unlawful deprivation of the government by purchase or other land grant
States ownership over lands of public from the Crown.
domain and minerals and other natural
resources, in violation of the Regalian The Law of Indies was followed by the
doctrine. Mortgage Law of 1893 which provided for
o They likewise contend that the systematic registration of titles and
providing an all-encompassing deeds. The Maura Law of 1894 was the last
definition of ancestral domain Spanish law promulgated in the Philippines,
and ancestral lands which might which required the registration of all
even include private lands within agricultural lands; otherwise the lands shall
the areas violate the rights of revert to the state.
private land owners.
o Petitioners likewise contend that
provisions of the IPRA defining the
jurisdiction and powers of the NCIP
violate due process of law. B. Valentin vs. Murciano
o Lastly, petitioners assail the
validity of NCIP Administrative
Order No. 1 which provides that the This case answered the question of which is
administrative relationship of the the better basis for ownership of land: long-
NCIP to the Office of the President time occupation or paper title.
(OP) as lateral and autonomous
relationship for purposes of policy In this case, plaintiffs entered into peaceful
coordination, thereby infringing occupation of the subject land while
upon the Presidents power of defendants ourchased the land in 1892. The
control over the executive Court ruled that from 1860 to 1892 there
department. was no law in force in the Philippines by
which plaintiffs could obtain ownership by
A groups of intervenors, including Sen. prescription, without any action of the State,
Flavier, one of the authors of the IPRA and otherwise the same shall remain the
members of 112 groups of indigenous property of the State. Thus, it required
peoples prayed for the dismissal of the settlers on public lands to obtain titles
petition. deeds from the State.
The Commission of Human Rights likewise
asserts that IPRA is an expression of the C. Public Land Acts and the Torrens
principle of parens patriae and that the System
State has the responsibility to protect the
rights of the indigenous peoples.
Act No. 926, the first Public Land Act, was
Decision: passed in pursuance with the Philippine Bill
of 1902, governing the disposition of land of
The votes of the Court are split where 7 voted to public domain. It prescribe rules for the
dismiss the petition and 7 voted to grant. As the homesteading, selling and leasing of
votes were equally divided and the necessary portions of the public domain, and to enable
majority was not obtained, the petition was persons to perfect their titles to public
dismissed. lands. It also provided for the issuance of
patents to certain native settlers upon
public lands.

SEPARATE OPINION (Justice Puno) Act No. 926 was superseded by the Act
2874, the second Public Land Act, passed
I. The Development of the Regalian Doctrine under the Jones Law. it limited the
in the Philippine Legal System exploitation of agricultural lands to Filipinos
and Americans and citizens of other
countries which gave the Filipinos the same pueblos where church would be constructed. All
privileges. the new Christian converts were required to
construct their house around the church. All
It was amended by Commonwealth Act No. lands lost by the old barangays in the process of
141which remains the present Public Land pueblo organization and all lands not assigned to
Law. the pueblos were declared to be lands of the
Crown., and the natives were stripped of their
ancestral rights to the lands.
Grants of public land were brought under
the operation of the Torrens System under
Act 496 which placed all public and private The American government classified the Filipinos
lands in the Philippines under the Torrens into two: Christian Filipinos and non-Christian
system, requiring that the government issue Filipinos, not to religious belief, but to
an official certificate of title attesting to the geographical area, the latter referring to natives
fact that the person named is the owner of of the Philippines of a low grade of civilization,
the property described. usually living in tribal relationship. The
Americans pursued a policy of assimilation. They
passed Act No. 253 creating the bureau of Non-
D. The Philippine Constitutions Christian Tribes to determine the most
practicable means for bring about their
The Regalian Doctrine was enshrined in the
1935, 1973 and 1987 Constitutions which
basically states that all lands of the public The 1935 Constitution did not carry any policy
domain as well as natural resources, on the non-Christian Filipinos. It was in the 1973
whether on public or private land, belong to Constitution that the State recognized the
the State. It is this concept of state customs and interest of national cultural
ownership that petitioners claim is being communities in the formulation of state policies.
violated by the IPRA.
In 1974, President Marcos promulgated PD 410
or the Ancestral Lands Decree, providing for the
issuance of land occupancy certificates to
II. The Indigenous Peoples Rights Act members of the national cultural communities.

The IPRA recognizes the existence of the The Aquino government shifted from the policy
indigenous cultural communities or indigenous of integration to one of preservation. She
peoples as a distinct sector. It grants these created the Office of Muslim Affairs, Office of
people the ownership and possession of their Northern Cultural Communities and the Office for
ancestral domains and ancestral lands, and Southern Cultural Communities all under the OP.
defines the extent of these lands and domains.
Within their ancestral domains and lands the The 1987 Constitution expressly guaranteed the
ICCs/IPs are given the right to self-governance rights of tribal Filipinos to their ancestral domain
and right to preserve their culture. To carry out and ancestral lands.
the policies of the ACT, the law created the
National Commission on Indigenous Peoples
A. Indigenous Peoples
A. Ancestral Domains and Ancestral Lands
Indigenous Cultural Communities or Indigenous are the Private Property of the Indigenous
Peoples (ICCs/ IPs) refer to a group of people Peoples and do not constitute Part of the
who have continuously lived as an organized Land of Public Domain
community on communally bounded and defined
territory. These groups of peoples have actually
Ancestral domains are all areas belonging to
occupied, possessed and utilized their territories
ICCs/IPs held under a claim of ownership,
under claim of ownership since time
occupied or possessed by ICCs/IPs since time
immemorial, continuously until the present
except when interrupted by war or force
Their unit of government is the barangay. In a majeure. It comprises of lands, inland waters,
baranganic society, the chiefs administered the coastal areas, and natural resources therein and
lands in the name of the barangay, there was no includes ancestral lands, forests, pastures,
private property in land. When Islam was hunting grounds, burial grounds, and bodies of
introduced in the country in the archipelago of water, mineral and other natural resources.
Maguindanao, the Sultanate of Sulu claimed
jurisdiction over territorial areas.
Ancestral lands are lands held by the ICCs/ IPs
under the same conditions as ancestral domains
When Spaniards settled in the Philippines, except that these are limited to lands, not
Spanish missionaries were ordered to establish merely occupied and possessed but are also
utilized, including residential lots, rice terraces, Justice Puno: Carino case firmly established a
or paddies, private forests. concept of private land title that existed irrespective
of any royal grant from the State and was based on
The delineation of ancestral domains and lands the strong mandate extended to the Islands via the
is conferred on the NCIP who shall issue a Philippine Bill of 1902. The IPRA recognizes the
Certificate of Ancestral Domain (CADT) upon existence of ICCs/IPs as a distinct sector in the
finding that the application is meritorious, in the society. It grants this people the ownership and
name of the community. Ancestral Lands outside possession of their ancestral domains and ancestral
the ancestral domain, the NCIP issues a lands and defines the extent of these lands and
Certificate of Land Title (CALT). The CALTs and domains
CADTs shall be registered in the Register of
Deeds in the place where property is situated. 2. Chavez vs. Public Estates Authority
B. Carino vs. Insular Government Facts:
The Phil govt (through the Commissioner of
On June 23, 1903, Mateo Cario went to the Court of Public Highways) signed a contract with the
Land Registration to petition his inscription as the CDCP (Construction and Development
owner of a 146 hectare land hes been possessing in Corporation of the Philippines) to reclaim
the then municipality of Baguio. Mateo only certain foreshore and offshore areas of
presented possessory information and no other Manila Bay and for the construction of the
documentation. The State opposed the petition Manila-Cavite Coastal Road.
averring that the land is part of the US military Pres. Marcos issued P.D. 1084 creating PEA
reservation. The CLR ruled in favor of Mateo. The (Public Estates Authority) and transferred to
State appealed. Mateo lost. Mateo averred that a it the lands reclaimed in Manila Bay for the
grant should be given to him by reason of Manila-Cavite Road and Reclamation Project
immemorial use and occupation. (MCCRRP).
Thereafter, Pres. Aquino issued Special
The US SC ruled in favor of Carino and ordered the Patent No. 3517, granting and transferring
registration of the subject lands in his name. The to PEA the parcels of land so reclaimed
court laid down the presumption of a certain title under the MCCRRP. A TCT was also issued
held as far back as memory went and under a claim in the name of PEA covering 3 reclaimed
of private ownership. Land held by this title is islands known as the "Freedom Islands"
presumed to never have been public land. The (157.84 hectares) located at the southern
registration requirement was not to confer title, but portion of the Manila-Cavite Coastal Road,
simply to establish it. In a Paraaque City, which were part of these
nutshell, Cario enunciated the legal presumption lands acquired by PEA.
that ancestral lands and domains were not part of PEA entered into a Joint Venture Agreement
the public domain, having maintained their character (JVA) with AMARI (AMARI Coastal Bay and
as private lands of the indigenous peoples since time Development Corporation), a private
immemorial corporation, to develop the Freedom
o However, the JVA also required the
Why Carino doctrine is unique?
reclamation of an additional 250
Carino is the only case that specifically recognizes
hectares of submerged areas
native title. Carino was cited by succeeding cases to
surrounding these islands to
support the concept of acquisitive prescription under
complete the configuration in the
the Public Land Act
Master Development Plan of the
Southern Reclamation Project-
Other Separate Opinions: o PEA and AMARI entered into the
JVA through negotiation without
Justice Kapunan public bidding.
Regalian theory doesnt negate the native title to On June 8, 1995, then President Fidel V.
lands held in private ownership since time Ramos, through then Executive Secretary
immemorial, adverting to the landmark case of Ruben Torres, approved the JVA.
CARINO V. LOCAL GOVERNMENT, where the US SC On November 29, 1996, then Senate
through Holmes held: xxx the land has been held by President Maceda delivered a privilege
individuals under a claim of private ownership, it will speech denouncing the JVA as the
be presumed to have been held in the same way "grandmother of all scams."
from before the Spanish conquest, and never to have Thus the Senate Committees investigated
been public land. Existence of native titie to land, or on the matter and concluded (1) the
ownership of land by Filipinos by virtue of possession reclaimed lands PEA seeks to transfer to
under a claim of ownership since time immemorial AMARI under the JVA are lands of the public
and independent of any grant from the Spanish domain which the government has not
crown as an exception to the theory of jure regalia
Two subsequent motions for reconsideration was
filed and were denied.
classified as alienable lands and therefore 1. The 157.84 hectares of reclaimed lands
PEA cannot alienate these lands; (2) the comprising the Freedom Islands, now
certificates of title covering the Freedom covered by certificates of title in the name
Islands are thus void, and (3) the JVA itself is of PEA, are alienable lands of the public
illegal. domain. PEA may lease these lands to
Petitioner Frank Chavez, as a taxpayer, filed private corporations but may not sell or
the instant Petition for Mandamus with transfer ownership of these lands to private
Prayer for Issuance of a Writ of Preliminary corporations. PEA may only sell these lands
Injunction and TRO. to Philippine citizens, subject to the
March 30, 1999, PEA and AMARI signed an ownership limitations in the 1987
Amended Joint Agreement, which was Constitution and existing laws.
approved by Pres. Estrada.
2. The 592.15 hectares of submerged areas
Note: of Manila Bay remain inalienable natural
The Amended Joint Venture Agreement: The resources of the public domain until
subject matter of the Amended JVA, as stated in its classified as alienable or disposable lands
second Whereas clause, consists of three properties, open to disposition and declared no longer
namely: needed for public service. The government
can make such classification and declaration
1. "[T]hree partially reclaimed and only after PEA has reclaimed these
substantially eroded islands along Emilio submerged areas. Only then can these lands
Aguinaldo Boulevard in Paranaque and Las qualify as agricultural lands of the public
Pinas, Metro Manila, with a combined titled domain, which are the only natural
area of 1,578,441 square meters;" resources the government can alienate. In
their present state, the 592.15 hectares of
submerged areas are inalienable and
2. "[A]nother area of 2,421,559 square outside the commerce of man.
meters contiguous to the three islands;" and

3. Since the Amended JVA seeks to transfer

3. "[A]t AMARI's option as approved by PEA, to AMARI, a private corporation, ownership
an additional 350 hectares more or less to of 77.34 hectares of the Freedom Islands,
regularize the configuration of the reclaimed such transfer is void for being contrary to
area." Section 3, Article XII of the 1987
Constitution which prohibits private
PEA confirms that the Amended JVA involves "the corporations from acquiring any kind of
development of the Freedom Islands and further alienable land of the public domain.
reclamation of about 250 hectares x x x," plus an
option "granted to AMARI to subsequently reclaim 4. Since the Amended JVA also seeks to
another 350 hectares x x x." transfer to AMARI ownership of 290.156
hectares of still submerged areas of Manila
In short, the Amended JVA covers a reclamation area Bay, such transfer is void for being contrary
of 750 hectares. Only 157.84 hectares of the to Section 2, Article XII of the 1987
750-hectare reclamation project have been Constitution which prohibits the alienation
reclaimed, and the rest of the 592.15 hectares of natural resources other than agricultural
are still submerged areas forming part of lands of the public domain. PEA may reclaim
Manila Bay. these submerged areas. Thereafter, the
government can classify the reclaimed lands
as alienable or disposable, and further
Indisputably, under the Amended JVA, AMARI declare them no longer needed for public
will acquire and own a maximum of 367.5 service. Still, the transfer of such reclaimed
hectares of reclaimed land which will be titled alienable lands of the public domain to
in its name. AMARI will be void in view of Section 3,
Article XII of the 1987 Constitution which
prohibits private corporations from acquiring
Issue: any kind of alienable land of the public
Whether the stipulations in the Amended Joint
Venture Agreement or the transfer to AMARI of
certain lands reclaimed and still to be reclaimed Clearly, the Amended JVA violates glaringly Sections
violate the 1987 Constitution. 2 and 3, Article XII of the 1987 Constitution. Under
Article 1409 of the Civil Code, contracts whose
"object or purpose is contrary to law," or whose
Decision: "object is outside the commerce of men," are
"inexistent and void from the beginning." The Court
The SC summarized the conclusions as follows: must perform its duty to defend and uphold the
Constitution, and therefore declares the
Amended JVA null and void ab initio.
termination on a schedule to be
agreed upon by both parties.
3. Chavez vs. National Housing Authority To summarize, the SMDRP shall consist of
(2007) Phase I and Phase II.
o Phase I of the project involves
Facts: clearing, levelling-off the dumpsite,
On August 5, 2004, former Solicitor General and construction of temporary
Francisco Chavez, filed an instant petition housing units for the current
raising constitutional issues on the JVA residents on the cleared and
entered by National Housing Authority and levelled site.
R-II Builders, Inc. o Phase II involves the construction
On March 1, 1988, then-President Cory of a fenced incineration area for
Aquino issued Memorandum order No. (MO) the on-site disposal of the garbage
161 approving and directing implementation at the dumpsite.
of the Comprehensive and Integrated Due to the recommendations done by the
Metropolitan Manila Waste Management DENR after evaluations done, the JVA was
Plan. amended and restated (now ARJVA) to
o During this time, Smokey accommodate the design changes and
Mountain, a wasteland in Tondo, additional work to be done to successfully
Manila, are being made residence implement the project.
of many Filipinos living in a o The original 3,500 units of
subhuman state. temporary housing were decreased
As presented in MO 161, NHA prepared to 2,992. The reclaimed land as
feasibility studies to turn the dumpsite into enabling component was increased
low-cost housing project, thus, Smokey from 40 hectares to 79 hectares,
Mountain Development and Reclamation which was supported by the
Project (SMDRP), came into place. RA 6957 issuance of Proclamation No. 465
(Build-Operate-Transfer Law) was passed on by President Ramos. The revision
July 1990 declaring the importance of also provided for the 119-hectare
private sectors as contractors in land as an enabling component for
government projects. Phase II of the project.
Thereafter, Aquino proclaimed MO 415 Subsequently, the Clean Air Act was passed
applying RA 6957 to SMDRP, among others. by the legislature which made the
o The same MO also established establishment of an incinerator illegal,
EXECOM and TECHCOM in the making the off-site dumpsite at Smokey
execution and evaluation of the Mountain necessary.
plan, respectively, to be assisted On August 1, 1998, the project was
by the Public Estates Authority suspended, to be later reconstituted by
(PEA). President Estrada in MO No. 33.
Notices of public bidding to become NHAs On August 27, 2003, the NHA and RBI
venture partner for SMDRP were published executed a Memorandum of Agreement
in newspapers in 1992, from which R-II whereby both parties agreed to terminate
Builders, Inc. (RBI) won the bidding process. the JVA and subsequent agreements.
o Then-President Ramos authorized o During this time, NHA reported that
NHA to enter into a Joint Venture 34 temporary housing structures
Agreement with RBI. and 21 permanent housing
Under the JVA, the project involves the structures had been turned over by
clearing of Smokey Mountain for eventual RBI.
development into a low cost housing
complex and industrial/commercial site. Issues:
o RBI is expected to fully finance the 1. Whether respondents NHA and RBI have
development of Smokey Mountain been granted the power and authority to
and reclaim 40 hectares of the land reclaim lands of the public domain as this
at the Manila Bay Area. power is vested exclusively in PEA as
o The latter together with the claimed by petitioner
commercial area to be built on 2. Whether respondents NHA and RBI were
Smokey Mountain will be owned by given the power and authority by DENR to
RBI as enabling components. If the reclaim foreshore and submerged lands
project is revoked or terminated by
the Government through no fault of 3. Whether respondent RBI can acquire
RBI or by mutual agreement, the reclaimed foreshore and submerged lands
Government shall compensate RBI considered as alienable and outside the
for its actual expenses incurred in commerce of man
the Project plus a reasonable rate
of return not exceeding that stated 4. Whether respondent RBI can acquire
in the feasibility study and in the reclaimed lands when there was no
contract as of the date of such declaration that said lands are no longer
revocation, cancellation, or needed for public use
5. Whether there is a law authorizing sale of and interests and encumber or otherwise
reclaimed lands dispose of them as it may deem
6. Whether the transfer of reclaimed lands to
RBI was done by public bidding 6. There is no doubt that respondent NHA
conducted a public bidding of the right to
7. Whether RBI, being a private corporation, is become its joint venture partner in the
barred by the Constitution to acquire lands Smokey Mountain Project. It was noted that
of public domain notices were published in national
newspapers. The bidding proper was done
8. Whether respondents can be compelled to by the Bids and Awards Committee on May
disclose all information related to the 18, 1992.
7. RA 6957 as amended by RA 7718 explicitly
9. Whether the operative fact doctrine applies states that a contractor can be paid a
to the instant position portion as percentage of the reclaimed
land subject to the constitutional
requirement that only Filipino citizens or
Decision: corporation with at least 60% Filipino equity
can acquire the same. In addition, when the
1. Executive Order 525 reads that the PEA lands were transferred to the NHA, these
shall be primarily responsible for were considered Patrimonial lands of the
integrating, directing, and coordinating all state, by which it has the power to sell the
reclamation projects for and on behalf of the same to any qualified person.
National Government. This does not mean
that it shall be responsible for all. The 8. This relief must be granted. It is the right of
requisites for a valid and legal reclamation the Filipino people to information on matters
project are approval by the President (which of public concerned as stated in Article II,
were provided for by MOs), favourable Sec. 28, and Article III, Sec. 7 of the 1987
recommendation of PEA (which were seen Constitution.
as a part of its recommendations to the
EXECOM), and undertaken either by PEA or 9. When the petitioner filed the case, the JVA
entity under contract of PEA or by the had already been terminated by virtue of
National Government Agency (NHA is a MOA between RBI and NHA. The properties
government agency whose authority to and rights in question after the passage of
reclaim lands under consultation with PEA is around 10 years from the start of the
derived under PD 727 and RA 7279). projects implementation cannot be
disturbed or questioned. The petitioner,
2. Notwithstanding the need for DENR being the Solicitor General at the time
permission, the DENR is deemed to have SMDRP was formulated, had ample
granted the authority to reclaim in the opportunity to question the said project, but
Smokey Mountain Project for the DENR is did not do so. The moment to challenge has
one of the members of the EXECOM which passed.
provides reviews for the project. ECCs and
Special Patent Orders were given by the
DENR which are exercises of its power of 4. Republic of the Philippines vs.
supervision over the project. Furthermore, Celestina Naguiat (2006)
it was the President via the abovementioned
MOs that originally authorized the Facts:
reclamation. It must be noted that the Celestina Naguiat applied for registration of
reclamation of lands of public domain is title to 4 parcels of land (located in Botolan,
reposed first in the Philippine President. Zambales) with RTC Zambales.
o She claimed to have acquired it
3. The reclaimed lands were classified from LID Corporation, who in turn
alienable and disposable via MO 415 issued had acquired it from Calderon,
by President Aquino and Proclamation Nos. Moraga and Monje and their
39 and 465 by President Ramos. predecessors-in-interest who have
been in possession for more than
4. Despite not having an explicit declaration, 30 years.
the lands have been deemed to be no Republic of the Philippines (through the
longer needed for public use as stated in OSG) filed an opposition to the application.
Proclamation No. 39 that these are to be o They claim that neither Naguiat nor
disposed to qualified beneficiaries. her predecessors-in-interest have
Furthermore, these lands have already been been in possession since 12 June
necessarily reclassified as alienable and 1945, that the muniments of title
disposable lands under the BOT law. and tax payment receipts arent
sufficient evidence of a bona fide
5. Letter I of Sec. 6 of PD 757 clearly states acquisition of the lands, that
that the NHA can acquire property rights Naguiats Spanish title can no
longer be availed of and finally, for registration is alienable or disposable rests with
that said lands are part of the the applicant.
public domain and not subject of
private appropriation.
In the case at bar, the CA only granted the
RTC rendered a decision in favour of petition because it assumed that the lands in
Naguiat and decreed the registration of said question are already alienable and disposable, which
lands in her name. is found by the SC to not be in this case.
Petitioner Republic of the Phils brought case
to the CA.
CA affirmed RTC decision. Here, respondent never presented the
Issue: required certification from the proper
government agency or official proclamation
Whether or not the areas in question have ceased to reclassifying the land applied for as alienable
have the status of forest or other inalienable lands of and disposable. Matters of land classification
the public domain. or reclassification cannot be assumed. It calls
for proof. Aside from tax receipts, respondent
Decision: submitted in evidence the survey map and technical
descriptions of the lands, which, needless to state,
No. Naguiat was unable to provide sufficient provided no information respecting the classification
evidence that such parcels of land are no of the property. These documents are not sufficient
longer a part of the public domain. to overcome the presumption that the land sought to
be registered forms part of the public domain.

Public forest lands or forest reserves, unless Therefore, the issue of whether or not
declassified and released by positive act of the Naguiat and her predecessor-in-interest have been in
Government so that they may form part of the open, exclusive and continuous possession of the
disposable agricultural lands of the public domain, parcels of land in question is now of little moment.
are not capable of private appropriation. As to these For, unclassified land, as here, cannot be acquired by
assets, the rules on confirmation of imperfect title do adverse occupation or possession; occupation
not apply. thereof in the concept of owner, however long,
cannot ripen into private ownership and be
Forests, in the context of both the Public registered as title.
Land Act and the Constitution classifying lands of the
public domain into "agricultural, forest or timber,
mineral lands and national parks," do not necessarily
refer to a large tract of wooded land or an expanse
covered by dense growth of trees and underbrush. Sustainable Development
As we stated in Heirs of Amunategui:
Sustainable Development is development that meets
the needs of the present without compromising the
A forested area classified as forest land of the public ability of future generations to meet their own needs
domain does not lose such classification simply (Brundtland Report). It is a pattern of resource use
because loggers or settlers have stripped it of its that aims to meet human needs while preserving
forest cover. Parcels of land classified as forest land the environment so that these needs can be met not
may actually be covered with grass or planted to only in the present, but also for generations to come.
crops by kaingin cultivators or other farmers. "Forest
lands" do not have to be on mountains or in out of
the way places. xxx. The classification is merely It contains within it two key concepts:
descriptive of its legal nature or status and does not the concept of 'needs', in particular the
have to be descriptive of what the land actually looks essential needs of the world's poor, to which
like. xxx overriding priority should be given; and
the idea of limitations imposed by the state
Under Section 2, Article XII of the of technology and social organization on the
Constitution, which embodies the Regalian doctrine, environment's ability to meet present and future
all lands of the public domain belong to the State needs
the source of any asserted right to ownership of land.
All lands not appearing to be clearly of private The Brundtland Reports targets were multilateralism
dominion presumptively belong to the State. and interdependence of nations in the search for
Accordingly, public lands not shown to have been a sustainable development path. The report sought
reclassified or released as alienable agricultural land to recapture the spirit of the United Nations
or alienated to a private person by the State remain Conference on the Human Environment - the
part of the inalienable public domain. Under Section 6 Stockholm Conference - which had introduced
of the Public Land Act, the prerogative of classifying environmental concerns to the formal political
or reclassifying lands of the public domain, i.e., from development sphere. Our Common Future placed
forest or mineral to agricultural and vice versa, environmental issues firmly on the political agenda;
belongs to the Executive Branch of the government it aimed to discuss the environment
and not the court. Needless to stress, the onus to and development as one single issue.
overturn, by incontrovertible evidence, the
presumption that the land subject of an application
The publication of Our Common Future and the work autonomy claim of local governments in the area
of the World Commission on Environment and (Laguna Lake Development Authority vs. CA)
Development laid the groundwork for the convening
of the 1992 Earth Summit and the adoption While the right to a balanced and healthful ecology is
of Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration and to the to be found under the Declaration of Principles and
establishment of the Commission on Sustainable State Policies and not under the Bill of Rights, it does
Development. not follow that it is less important than any of the
In addition, key contributions of Our Common civil and political rights enumerated in the latter. As
Future to the concept of sustainable development a matter of fact, these basic rights need not even be
include the recognition that the many crises facing written in the Constitution for they are assumed to
the planet are interlocking crises that are elements exist from the inception of humankind. The right to a
of a single crisis of the whole and of the vital need for balanced and healthful ecology carries with it the
the active participation of all sectors of society in correlative duty to refrain from impairing the
consultation and decisions relating to sustainable environment.
Section 16 is unusual among those found in Article II
Sustainable development ensures the well-being of in that, whereas almost all the other provisions in the
the human person by integrating social development, Article are not self-executing but need implementing
economic development, and environmental legislation to make them effective, Section 16 has
conservation and protection. It refers to the been recognized by the Supreme Court as self-
"interdependent and mutually reinforcing pillars of executing like the provisions in the Bill of Rights.
sustainable development as economic development,
social development, and environmental protection.
As the goal of sustainable development is to
permanently improve the living conditions of human AGENDA 21
beings, social and economic developments must be
carried out in a way that is environmentally and Commission [formally the World Commission
ecologically sound; ensuring the continual on Environment and Development (WCED)]:
rejuvenation and availability of natural resources for
future generations. It was known by the name of its Chair Gro Harlem
Brundtland (former Norwegian Prime Minister), and
was convened by the United Nations in 1983. The
commission was created to address growing concern
Seven Dimensions of Sustainable
"about the accelerating deterioration of the human
Development : From the Philippine Agenda 21
environment and natural resources and the
consequences of that deterioration
From the Philippine perspective sustainable for economic and social development." In
development is a multidimensional concept, establishing the commission, the UN General
involving no less than seven dimensions. Sustainable Assembly recognized that environmental problems
development is viewed as the mutually beneficial were global in nature and determined that it was in
interaction between the legitimate interests of the common interest of all nations to establish
business and the economy, government and the policies for sustainable development.
polity, and civil society and culture.
From this perspective, five dimensions of sustainable
development are clearly visible. These arethe
Agenda 21: an action plan of the United
human being, culture, polity, economy, and Nature.
Nations (UN) related to sustainable development and
was an outcome of the United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio
Article II, Sec. 16 of 1987 Constitution de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. It is a comprehensive
blueprint of action to be taken globally, nationally
The State shall protect and advance the right and locally by organizations of the UN, governments,
of the people to a balanced and healthful and major groups in every area in which humans
ecology in accord with the rhythm and directly affect the environment.
harmony of nature.
Development of Agenda 21: The full text of
Agenda 21 was revealed at the United Nations
Does Sec. 16 provide for enforceable rights? Conference on Environment and Development (Earth
Summit), held in Rio de Janeiro on June 13, 1992,
Yes. The provision, as worded, recognizes an where 178 governments voted to adopt the program.
enforceable right. Hence, appeal to it has been The final text was the result of drafting, consultation
recognized as conferring standing on minors to and negotiation, beginning in 1989 and culminating
challenge logging policies of the government (Oposa at the two-week conference. The number 21 refers to
vs. Factoran). On this basis too, the Supreme Court an agenda for the 21st century. It may also refer to
upheld the empowerment of the Laguna Lake the number on the UN's agenda at this particular
Development Authority to protect the inhabitants of summit.
the Laguna Lake Area from the deleterious effects of
pollutants coming from garbage dumping and the Rio+5: In 1997, the General Assembly of the UN
discharge of wastes in the area as against the local held a special session to appraise five years of
progress on the implementation of Agenda 21 (Rio
+5). The Assembly recognized progress as 'uneven' advocates establishing the groundwork of an
and identified key trends including undertaking by cities and local governments for
increasing globalization, widening inequalities in cultural development.
income and a continued deterioration of the global
environment. A new General Assembly Resolution (S-
19/2) promised further action.

The Johannesburg Summit: The Johannesburg

Plan of Implementation, agreed at the World Summit
on Sustainable Development (Earth Summit 2002)
affirmed UN commitment to 'full implementation' of
Agenda 21, alongside achievement of the Millennium
Development Goals and other international

Implementation: The Commission on Sustainable

Development acts as a high level forum on
sustainable development and has acted as
preparatory committee for summits and sessions on
the implementation of Agenda 21. The United
Nations Division for Sustainable Development acts as
the secretariat to the Commission and works 'within
the context of' Agenda 21. Implementation by
member states remains essentially voluntary.

Structure and Contents:

There are 40 chapters in the Agenda 21, divided into
four main sections.
1. Section I: Social and Economic
Dimensions - which deals with combating
poverty, changing consumption patterns,
promoting health, change population and
sustainable settlement.
2. Section II: Conservation and
Management of Resources for
Development - Includes atmospheric
protection, combating deforestation,
protecting fragile environments,
conservation of biological diversity
(biodiversity), and control of pollution.
Section III: Strengthening the Role of Major
Groups - Includes the roles of children and
youth, women, NGOs, local authorities,
business and workers.
Section IV: Means of Implementation -
Implementation includes
science, technology transfer, education,
international institutions and financial

Local Agenda 21: The implementation of Agenda

21 was intended to involve action at international,
national, regional and local levels. Some national and
state governments have legislated or advised that
local authorities take steps to implement the plan
locally, as recommended in Chapter 28 of the
document. Such programmes are often known as
'Local Agenda 21' or 'LA21'.

Agenda 21 for culture: During the first World

Public Meeting on Culture, held in Porto Alegre in
2002, it came up the idea to draw up a document
guidelines for local cultural policies, a document
comparable to what the Agenda 21 meant in 1992
for the environment. The Agenda 21 for culture is the
first document with worldwide mission that
Towards this end, the State adopts the principle of
protecting the climate system for the benefit of
humankind, on the basis of climate justice or
common but differentiated responsibilities and the
Precautionary Principle to guide decision-making in
climate risk management. As a party to the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,
the State adopts the ultimate objective of the
Convention which is the stabilization of greenhouse
gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that
would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference
with the climate system which should be achieved
within a time frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to
adapt naturally to climate change, to ensure that
food production is not threatened and to enable
economic development to proceed in a sustainable
manner.1awphil As a party to the Hyogo Framework
for Action, the State likewise adopts the strategic
goals in order to build national and local resilience to
climate change-related disasters.

Recognizing the vulnerability of the Philippine

archipelago and its local communities, particularly
the poor, women, and children, to potential
dangerous consequences of climate change such as
rising seas, changing landscapes, increasing
frequency and/or severity of droughts, fires, floods
and storms, climate-related illnesses and diseases,
damage to ecosystems, biodiversity loss that affect
the countrys environment, culture, and economy,
the State shall cooperate with the global community
in the resolution of climate change issues, including
disaster risk reduction. It shall be the policy of the
State to enjoin the participation of national and local
governments, businesses, nongovernment
organizations, local communities and the public to
prevent and reduce the adverse impacts of climate
change and, at the same time, maximize the benefits
of climate change. It shall also be the policy of the
State to incorporate a gender-sensitive, pro-children
and pro-poor perspective in all climate change and
renewable energy efforts, plans and programs. In
view thereof, the State shall strengthen, integrate,
consolidate and institutionalize government
initiatives to achieve coordination in the
implementation of plans and programs to address
climate change in the context of sustainable

Further recognizing that climate change and disaster

risk reduction are closely interrelated and effective
disaster risk reduction will enhance climate change
adaptive capacity, the State shall integrate disaster
risk reduction into climate change programs and
OF 2009

Cognizant of the need to ensure that national and

Section 2. Declaration of Policy. It is the policy of
subnational government policies, plans, programs
the State to afford full protection and the
and projects are founded upon sound environmental
advancement of the right of the people to a healthful
considerations and the principle of sustainable
ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of
development, it is hereby declared the policy of the
nature. In this light, the State has adopted the
State to systematically integrate the concept of
Philippine Agenda 21 framework which espouses
climate change in various phases of policy
sustainable development, to fulfill human needs
formulation, development plans, poverty reduction
while maintaining the quality of the natural
strategies and other development tools and
environment for current and future generations.
techniques by all agencies and instrumentalities of
the government.
Section 3. Definition of Terms. For purposes of this programs in all political, economic, and
Act, the following shall have the corresponding societal spheres so that women and men
meanings: benefit equally and inequality is not
perpetuated. It is the process of assessing
the implications for women and men of any
(a) Adaptation refers to the adjustment
planned action, including legislation,
in natural or human systems in response to
policies, or programs in all areas and at all
actual or expected climatic stimuli or their
effects, which moderates harm or exploits
beneficial opportunities.
(j) Global Warming refers to the
increase in the average temperature of the
(b) Adaptive capacity refers to the
Earths near-surface air and oceans that is
ability of ecological, social or economic
associated with the increased concentration
systems to adjust to climate change
of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
including climate variability and extremes,
to moderate or offset potential damages
and to take advantage of associated (k) Greenhouse effect refers to the
opportunities with changes in climate or to process by which the absorption of infrared
cope with the consequences thereof. radiation by the atmosphere warms the
(c) Anthropogenic causes refer to
causes resulting from human activities or (l) Greenhouse gases (GHG) refers to
produced by human beings. constituents of the atmosphere that
contribute to the greenhouse effect
including, but not limited to, carbon dioxide,
(d) Climate Change refers to a change
methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons,
in climate that can be identified by changes
perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride.
in the mean and/or variability of its
properties and that persists for an extended
period typically decades or longer, whether (m) Mainstreaming refers to the
due to natural variability or as a result of integration of policies and measures that
human activity. address climate change into development
planning and sectoral decision-making.
(e) Climate Variability refers to the
variations in the average state and in other (n) Mitigation in the context of climate
statistics of the climate on all temporal and change, refers to human intervention to
spatial scales beyond that of individual address anthropogenic emissions by
weather events. sources and removals by sinks of all GHG,
including ozone- depleting substances and
their substitutes.
(f) Climate Risk refers to the product of
climate and related hazards working over
the vulnerability of human and natural (o) Mitigation potential shall refer to
ecosystems. the scale of GHG reductions that could be
made, relative to emission baselines, for a
given level of carbon price (expressed in
(g) Disaster refers to a serious disruption
cost per unit of carbon dioxide equivalent
of the functioning of a community or a
emissions avoided or reduced).
society involving widespread human,
material, economic or environmental losses
and impacts which exceed the ability of the (p) Sea level rise refers to an increase
affected community or society to cope using in sea level which may be influenced by
its own resources. factors like global warming through
expansion of sea water as the oceans warm
and melting of ice over land and local
(h) Disaster risk reduction refers to the
factors such as land subsidence.
concept and practice of reducing disaster
risks through systematic efforts to analyze
and manage the causal factors of disasters, (q) Vulnerability refers to the degree to
including through reduced exposure to which a system is susceptible to, or unable
hazards, lessened vulnerability of people to cope with, adverse effects of climate
and property, wise management of land and change, including climate variability and
the environment, and improved extremes. Vulnerability is a function of the
preparedness for adverse events. character, magnitude, and rate of climate
change and variation to which a system is
exposed, its sensitivity, and its adaptive
(i) Gender mainstreaming refers to the
strategy for making womens as well as
mens concerns and experiences an integral
dimension of the design, implementation, Section 4. Creation of the Climate Change
monitoring, and evaluation of policies and Commission. There is hereby established a Climate
Change Commission, hereinafter referred to as the (m) Secretary of the Department of
Commission. Transportation and Communications;

The Commission shall be an independent and (n) Director-General of the National

autonomous body and shall have the same status as Economic and Development Authority, in his
that of a national government agency. It shall be capacity as Chair of the Philippine Council
attached to the Office of the President. for Sustainable Development;

The Commission shall be the sole policy-making body (o) Director-General of the National Security
of the government which shall be tasked to Council;
coordinate, monitor and evaluate the programs and
action plans of the government relating to climate
(p) Chairperson of the National Commission
change pursuant to the provisions of this Act.
on the Role of Filipino Women;

The Commission shall be organized within sixty (60)

(q) President of the League of Provinces;
days from the effectivity of this Act.

(r) President of the League of Cities;

Section 5. Composition of the Commission. The
Commission shall be composed of the President of
the Republic of the Philippines who shall serve as the (s) President of the League of Municipalities;
Chairperson, and three (3) Commissioners to be
appointed by the President, one of whom shall serve
(t) President of the Liga ng mga Barangay;
as the Vice Chairperson of the Commission.

(u) Representative from the academe;

The Commission shall have an advisory board
composed of the following:
(v) Representative from the business sector;
(a) Secretary of the Department of
(w) Representative from nongovernmental
(b) Secretary of the Department of Energy;

At least one (1) of the sectoral representatives shall

(c) Secretary of the Department of
come from the disaster risk reduction community.
Environment and Natural Resources;

The representatives shall be appointed by the

(d) Secretary of the Department of
President from a list of nominees submitted by their
respective groups. They shall serve for a term of six
(6) years without reappointment unless their
(e) Secretary of the Department of Foreign representation is withdrawn by the sector they
Affairs; represent. Appointment to any vacancy shall be only
for the unexpired term of the predecessor.
(f) Secretary of the Department of Health;
Only the ex officio members of the advisory board
shall appoint a qualified representative who shall
(g) Secretary of the Department of the
hold a rank of no less than an Undersecretary.
Interior and Local Government;

Section 6. Meetings of the Commission. The

(h) Secretary of the Department of National
Commission shall meet once every three (3) months,
Defense, in his capacity as Chair of the
or as often as may be deemed necessary by the
National Disaster Coordinating Council;
Chairperson. The Chairperson may likewise call upon
other government agencies for the proper
(i) Secretary of the Department of Public implementation of this Act.
Works and Highways;
Section 7. Qualifications, Tenure, Compensation of
(j) Secretary of the Department of Science Commissioners. The Commissioners must be
and Technology; Filipino citizens, residents of the Philippines, at least
thirty (30) years of age at the time of appointment,
with at least ten (10) years of experience on climate
(k) Secretary of the Department of Social
change and of proven honesty and ntegrity. The
Welfare and Development;
Commissioners shall be experts in climate change by
virtue of their educational background, training and
(l) Secretary of the Department of Trade experience: Provided, That at least one (1)
and Industry; Commissioner shall be female: Provided, further,
That in no case shall the Commissioners come from (f) Recommend key development
the same sector: Provided, finally, That in no case investments in climate- sensitive sectors
shall any of the Commissioners appoint such as water resources, agriculture,
representatives to act on their behalf. forestry, coastal and marine resources,
health, and infrastructure to ensure the
achievement of national sustainable
The Commissioners shall hold office for a period of
development goals;
six (6) years, and may be subjected to
reappointment: Provided, That no person shall serve
for more than two (2) consecutive terms: Provided, (g) Create an enabling environment for the
further, That in case of a vacancy, the new appointee design of relevant and appropriate risk-
shall fully meet the qualifications of a Commissioner sharing and risk-transfer instruments;
and shall hold office for the unexpired portion of the
term only: Provided, finally, That in no case shall a
(h) Create an enabling environment that
Commissioner be designated in a temporary or
shall promote broader multi-stakeholder
acting capacity.
participation and integrate climate change
mitigation and adaptation;
The Vice Chairperson and the Commissioners shall
have the rank and privileges of a Department
(i) Formulate strategies on mitigating GHG
Secretary and Undersecretary, respectively. They
and other anthropogenic causes of climate
shall be entitled to corresponding compensation and
other emoluments and shall be subject to the same
(j) Coordinate and establish a close
partnership with the National Disaster
Section 8. Climate Change Office. There is hereby
Coordinating Council in order to increase
created a Climate Change Office that shall assist the
efficiency and effectiveness in reducing the
Commission. It shall be headed by a Vice Chairperson
peoples vulnerability to climate-related
of the Commission who shall act as the Executive
Director of the Office. The Commission shall have the
authority to determine the number of staff and
create corresponding positions necessary to facilitate (k) In coordination with the Department of
the proper implementation of this Act, subject to civil Foreign Affairs, represent the Philippines in
service laws, rules and regulations. The officers and the climate change negotiations;
employees of the Commission shall be appointed by
the Executive Director.
(l) Formulate and update guidelines for
determining vulnerability to climate change
Section 9. Powers and Functions of the impacts and adaptation assessments and
Commission. The Commission shall have the facilitate the provision of technical
following powers and functions: assistance for their implementation and
(a) Ensure the mainstreaming of climate
change, in synergy with disaster risk (m) Coordinate with local government units
reduction, into the national, sectoral and (LGUs) and private entities to address
local development plans and programs; vulnerability to climate change impacts of
regions, provinces, cities and municipalities;
(b) Coordinate and synchronize climate
change programs of national government (n) Facilitate capacity building for local
agencies; adaptation planning, implementation and
monitoring of climate change initiatives in
vulnerable communities and areas;
(c) Formulate a Framework Strategy on
Climate Change to serve as the basis for a
program for climate change planning, (o) Promote and provide technical and
research and development, extension, and financial support to local research and
monitoring of activities on climate change; development programs and projects in
vulnerable communities and areas; and
(d) Exercise policy coordination to ensure
the attainment of goals set in the framework (p) Oversee the dissemination of
strategy and program on climate change; information on climate change, local
vulnerabilities and risks, relevant laws and
protocols and adaptation and mitigation
(e) Recommend legislation, policies,
strategies, programs on and appropriations
for climate change adaptation and
mitigation and other related activities; Section 10. Panel of Technical Experts. The
Commission shall constitute a national panel of
technical experts consisting of practitioners in
disciplines that are related to climate change, Section 13. National Climate Change Action Plan.
including disaster risk reduction. The Commission shall formulate a National Climate
Change Action Plan in accordance with the
Framework within one (1) year after the formulation
The Panel shall provide technical advice to the
of the latter.
Commission in climate science, technologies, and
best practices for risk assessment and enhancement
of adaptive capacity of vulnerable human The National Climate Change Action Plan shall
settlements to potential impacts of climate change. include, but not limited to, the following components:

The Commission shall set the qualifications and (a) Assessment of the national impact of
compensation for the technical experts. It shall climate change;
provide resources for the operations and activities of
the Panel.
(b) The identification of the most vulnerable
communities/areas, including ecosystems to
Section 11. Framework Strategy and Program on the impacts of climate change, variability
Climate Change. The Commission shall, within six and extremes;
(6) months from the effectivity of this Act, formulate
a Framework Strategy on Climate Change. The
(c) The identification of differential impacts
Framework shall serve as the basis for a program for
of climate change on men, women and
climate change planning, research and development,
extension, and monitoring of activities to protect
vulnerable communities from the adverse effects of
climate change. (d) The assessment and management of risk
and vulnerability;
The Framework shall be formulated based on climate
change vulnerabilities, specific adaptation needs, (e) The identification of GHG mitigation
and mitigation potential, and in accordance with the potentials; and
international agreements.
(f) The identification of options, prioritization
The Framework shall be reviewed every three (3) of appropriate adaptation measures for joint
years, or as may be deemed necessary. projects of national and local governments.

Section 12. Components of the Framework Strategy Section 14. Local Climate Change Action Plan. The
and Program on Climate Change. The Framework LGUs shall be the frontline agencies in the
shall include, but not limited to, the following formulation, planning and implementation of climate
components: change action plans in their respective areas,
consistent with the provisions of the Local
Government Code, the Framework, and the National
(a) National priorities;
Climate Change Action Plan.

(b) Impact, vulnerability and adaptation

Barangays shall be directly involved with municipal
and city governments in prioritizing climate change
issues and in identifying and implementing best
(c) Policy formulation; practices and other solutions. Municipal and city
governments shall consider climate change
adaptation, as one of their regular functions.
(d) Compliance with international
Provincial governments shall provide technical
assistance, enforcement and information
management in support of municipal and city climate
(e) Research and development; change action plans. Inter-local government unit
collaboration shall be maximized in the conduct of
climate- related activities.
(f) Database development and
LGUs shall regularly update their respective action
plans to reflect changing social, economic, and
(g) Academic programs, capability building
environmental conditions and emerging issues. The
and mainstreaming;
LGUs shall furnish the Commission with copies of
their action plans and all subsequent amendments,
(h) Advocacy and information dissemination; modifications and revisions thereof, within one (1)
month from their adoption. The LGUs shall mobilize
and allocate necessary personnel, resources and
(i) Monitoring and evaluation; and
logistics to effectively implement their respective
action plans.
(j) Gender mainstreaming.
The local chief executive shall appoint the person (f) Government financial institutions, shall,
responsible for the formulation and implementation any provision in their respective charters to
of the local action plan. the contrary notwithstanding, provide
preferential financial packages for climate
change- related projects. In consultation
It shall be the responsibility of the national
with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP),
government to extend technical and financial
they shall, within thirty (30) days from the
assistance to LGUs for the accomplishment of their
effectivity of this Act, issue and promulgate
Local Climate Change Action Plans.
the implementing guidelines therefor.

The LGU is hereby expressly authorized to

The Commission shall evaluate, recommend the
appropriate and use the amount from its Internal
approval of loans and monitor the use of said funds
Revenue Allotment necessary to implement said
of LGUs.
local plan effectively, any provision in the Local
Government Code to the contrary notwithstanding.
Section 16. Coordination with Various Sectors. In
the development and implementation of the National
Section 15. Role of Government Agencies. To
Climate Change Action Plan, and the local action
ensure the effective implementation of the
plans, the Commission shall coordinate with the
framework strategy and program on climate change,
nongovernment organizations (NGOs), civic
concerned agencies shall perform the following
organizations, academe, peoples organizations, the
private and corporate sectors and other concerned
stakeholder groups.
(a) The Department of Education (DepED)
shall integrate climate change into the
Section 17. Authority to Receive Donations and/or
primary and secondary education curricula
Grants. The Commission is hereby authorized to
and/or subjects, such as, but not limited to,
accept grants, contributions, donations,
science, biology, sibika, history, including
endowments, bequests, or gifts in cash, or in kind
textbooks, primers and other educational
from local and foreign sources in support of the
materials, basic climate change principles
development and implementation of climate change
and concepts;
programs and plans: Provided, That in case of
donations from foreign governments, acceptance
(b) The Department of the Interior and Local thereof shall be subject to prior clearance and
Government (DILG) and Local Government approval of the President of the Philippines upon
Academy shall facilitate the development recommendation of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs:
and provision of a training program for LGUs Provided, further, That such donations shall not be
in climate change. The training program used to fund personal services expenditures and
shall include socioeconomic, geophysical, other operating expenses of the Commission.
policy, and other content necessary to
address the prevailing and forecasted
The proceeds shall be used to finance:
conditions and risks of particular LGUs. It
shall likewise focus on women and children,
especially in the rural areas, since they are (a) Research, development, demonstration
the most vulnerable; and promotion of technologies;

(c) The Department of Environment and (b) Conduct of assessment of vulnerabilities

Natural Resources (DENR) shall oversee the to climate change impacts, resource
establishment and maintenance of a climate inventory, and adaptation capability
change information management system building;
and network, including on climate change
risks, activities and investments, in
(c) Advocacy, networking and
collaboration with other concerned national
communication activities in the conduct of
government agencies, institutions and
information campaign; and

(d) Conduct of such other activities

(d) The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)
reasonably necessary to carry out the
shall review international agreements
objectives of this Act, as may be defined by
related to climate change and make the
the Commission.
necessary recommendation for ratification
and compliance by the government on
matters pertaining thereto; Section 18. Funding Allocation for Climate
Change. All relevant government agencies and
LGUs shall allocate from their annual appropriations
(e) The Philippine Information Agency (PIA)
adequate funds for the formulation, development
shall disseminate information on climate
and implementation, including training, capacity
change, local vulnerabilities and risk,
building and direct intervention, of their respective
relevant laws and protocols and adaptation
climate change programs and plans. It shall also
and mitigation measures; and
include public awareness campaigns on the effects of
climate change and energy-saving solutions to Committee on Climate Change created by virtue of
mitigate these effects, and initiatives, through Administrative Order No. 220, shall be abolished:
educational and training programs and micro-credit Provided, That their powers and functions shall be
schemes, especially for women in rural areas. In absorbed by the Commission: Provided, further, That
subsequent budget proposals, the concerned offices the officers and employees thereof shall continue in
and units shall appropriate funds for program/project a holdover capacity until such time as the new
development and implementation including officers and employees of the Commission shall have
continuing training and education in climate been duly appointed pursuant to the provisions of
change.1avvphi1 this Act. All qualified regular or permanent
employees who may be transferred to the
Commission shall not suffer any loss in seniority or
Section 19. Joint Congressional Oversight
rank or decrease in emoluments. Any employee who
Committee. There is hereby created a Joint
cannot be absorbed by the Commission shall be
Congressional Oversight Committee to monitor the
entitled to a separation pay under existing
implementation of this Act. The Oversight Committee
retirement laws
shall be composed of five (5) Senators and five (5)
Representatives to be appointed by the Senate
President and the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, respectively. The Oversight
Committee shall be co-chaired by a Senator and a
Representative to be designated by the Senate
President and the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, respectively. Its funding
requirement shall be charged against the
Executive Order No. 15 : Creating a Philippine
appropriations of Congress.
Council for Sustainable Development

Section 20. Annual Report. The Commission shall

WHEREAS, the 1987 Constitution mandates a policy
submit to the President and to both Houses of
of the state, the protection and advancement of the
Congress, not later than March 30 of every year
right of the people to a balanced and healthful
following the effectivity of this Act, or upon the
ecology in accordance with the rhythm and harmony
request of the Congressional Oversight Committee, a
of nature;
report giving a detailed account of the status of the
implementation of this Act, a progress report on the
implementation of the National Climate Change WHEREAS, a National Conservation Strategy, as
Action Plan and recommend legislation, where spelled out in the Philippine Strategy for Sustainable
applicable and necessary. LGUs shall submit annual Development (PSSD), which was adopted in 1989,
progress reports on the implementation of their takes a balanced and integrated approach to
respective local action plan to the Commission within environment and development issues by
the first quarter of the following year. incorporating sustainable development principles
and concepts in the national priorities of
Section 21. Appropriations. The sum of Fifty
million pesos (Php50,000,000.00) is hereby
appropriated as initial operating fund in addition to WHEREAS, the Philippines already adhering too the
the unutilized fund of the Presidential Task Force on principle of sustainable development actively
Climate Change and the Office of the Presidential participated in the United Nations Conference on
Adviser on Global Warming and Climate Change. The Environment and Development (UNCED) Summit
sum shall be sourced from the Presidents contingent held in Rio de Janeiro, and committed to the
fund. principles set forth in the Rio Declaration, the Agenda
21, the Conventions on Climate Change and
Thereafter, the amount necessary to effectively carry
out the provisions of this Act shall be included in the
annual General Appropriations Act. WHEREAS, the United Nations in UNCED, has adopted
a resolution for the creation of a Sustainable
Development Commission that will evaluate and
Section 22. Implementing Rules and Regulations.
monitor the compliance too the agreements and
Within ninety (90) days after the approval of this Act,
commitments made in Rio and in the course of it's
the Commission shall, upon consultation with
creation urged governments to also for similar bodies
government agencies, LGUs, private sector, NGOs
that will ensure that the activities at the national
and civil society, promulgate the implementing rules
level are implemented and coordinated within global
and regulations of this Act: Provided, That failure to
issue rules and regulations shall not in any manner
affect the executory nature of the provisions of this
Act. WHEREAS, the agreements oblige the Philippines to
translate the commitments to more concrete actions
and ensure that all sectors of the society shall be
Section 23. Transitory Provisions. Upon the
involved in its cooperalization;
organization of the Commission, the Presidential Task
Force on Climate Change created under
Administrative Order No. 171 and the Inter-Agency
WHEREAS, in order to active these ends, the creation to the continuing and emerging issues and charting
of a national sustainable development and thus future actions related to environment and
assure its integration in the Philippine national developments;
policies, plans, and programs that will involve all
sectors of the society.
4) To act as the coordinating mechanism in
cooperation either DFA-office of the United Nations
SEC 1. Creation and Composition of the Commission for Sustainable Development and
Council. actively solicit assistance and cooperation towards
the realization of our commitments made at the
1) There is hereby created a Philippine Council for
Sustainable Development to be headed by the
Director-General of the National Economic and 5) To require any and all government agencies for
Development Authority (NEDA) as Chairperson, and assistance in to forum of personnel, facilities, and
the Secretary of the Department of Environment and other resources which is essential for the
Natural Resources as Vice-Chairperson. performance for the duties of the Council;

2) The Council will have as members committed 6) To create sub-committees that it may deem fit in
environmentalists from the following owing the performance of its duties; and
departments of a position of Bureau Director of their,
duly deputized to represent their respective
7) To perform such other acts which are necessary to
carry out its mandated functions and responsibilities.

Department of Foreign Affairs

Sec. 3. The Secretariat. The Council shall be
Department of Science and Technology
assisted by the Secretariat which shall be based at
Department of Finance
the Notional Economic and Development Authority
Department of Agriculture
whose composition will be determined by the
Department of Public Works and Highways
Department of Education, Culture, and Sports
Department of Labor and Employment
Department of Health Sec. 4. Transitory Provisions. There shall be
Department of Trade and Industry immediately be convened an interim Technical
Department of the Interior and Local Governments Working Group of seven members composed or
Department of Social Welfare and Developments representatives from National Economic and
Department of Budget and Management Development Authority (NEDA), Department of
Department of National Defense Environment and Natural Resources (DENR),
Office of Energy Affairs Department of Foreign Affairs(DFA), Department of
the Interior and Local Government (DILG), and the
three representatives from non-government sector,
3) As civil society counterpart, the non-government
which shall work out the formulation of the
community shall also have seven
operational guidelines for the Council. The working
(7) representative in the Council. These
group shall be assisted by a composite secretariat
representative shall be selected by the non-
from NEDA and DENR, These transitory groups shall
government community considering commitment to
cease its function upon the Council meeting and
environmental causes, gender balance, and sector
adoption of the operating guidelines within sixty (60)
representation through a process designed by them.
days upon signing of this Order.

Sec. 2 Powers and Functions of the Council. The

Council shall have the following powers and function:
1`) To review and ensure the implementation on the
commitments the Philippines made in the light of the WHEREAS, to ensure that the commitments made in
UNCED Conference; the Rio de Janeiro Declaration are fulfilled and to
realize the countrys sustainable development goals,
2) To establish guidelines and mechanisms that will the PCSD was established on 01 September 1992
expand, concretize and operationalize the through Executive Order No. 15;
sustainable development principles as embodied in
the Rio Declaration, the UNCED Agenda 21, the WHEREAS, to strengthen PCSD, the expansion of its
National Conservation Strategy, and the Philippine membership as well as the establishment of local
Agenda 21, and incorporate them in the preparation councils for sustainable development were provided
of the Medium Term Development Plan both at the for through the issuance of Executive Order No. 370
national and local levels with active participation (s. 1996);
from the non-government sector a and people's
organizations; WHEREAS, in order to operationalize sustainable
development at the local level, Memorandum Order
No. 47 (s. 1999) was issued mandating local
3) Too provide directions in the form of policy
government units (LGUs) to formulate and
reforms, programs and new legislations that respond
implement their sustainable integrated area shall, likewise be decided through a process to be
development plans or Local Agenda 21 with the designed by them.
assistance of concerned government agencies;
The Chairperson of the Council shall be the Secretary
WHEREAS, in light of changing circumstances and, of Socio-Economic Planning and NEDA Director-
emerging issues on sustainable development locally General. The Secretary of the Department of
and globally there is an urgent need to pursue new Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) shall be
interventions through a more responsive PCSD the Vice-Chairperson.
Sec. 3. Terms of Office and Meetings. The term of
WHEREAS, for the PCSD to be more effective and office of members shall be co-terminus with their
responsive in ensuring the realization of the appointment or election in their respective
governments sustainable development goals, there departments or organizations.
is a need to streamline and define its core functions
and membership, keeping in mind the various The Council shall meet quarterly, or as frequently as
agencies in government whose functions are integral may be deemed necessary. Special meetings may be
components of the overall government sustainable convened at the call of the Chairperson or by a
development operational thrusts; majority of the members of the Council. In the
absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson
shall preside. In case any civil society, business or
WHEREAS, there is a need for PCSD to focus on labor sector member of the Council cannot attend
strategic interventions that have significant and the meeting, he or she shall be represented by the
catalytic impact on sustainable development; alternate to be designated through their respective
selection process for the purpose.
WHEREAS, it is necessary to further strengthen the
PCSD as the lead instrumentality responsible for Sec. 4. Powers and Functions of the Council.
mainstreaming sustainable development in national
government and affiliated agencies, Congress, LGUs,
as well as existing multi-stakeholder governance 1. To review and ensure the implementation of the
mechanisms. commitments made by the Philippines in the light of
the United Nations Conference on Environment and
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, Development (UNCED) and its follow-up processes;
President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers
vested in me by law, do hereby order: 2. To act as the coordinating mechanism with the
United Nations Commission on Sustainable
Development (UNCSD) and the Governing Bodies or
Section 1. Further Strengthening the PCSD. The Secretaries of other related multilateral conventions,
Philippine Council for Sustainable Development, through the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA);
hereinafter referred to as the Council, is hereby
further strengthened, structurally and functionally, in 3. To establish guidelines and mechanisms that will
accordance with the provisions of this Executive ensure that the sustainable development principles,
Order. as embodied in the Rio Declaration, Agenda 21, and
the Philippine Agenda 21, are integrated in the
Sec. 2. Composition of the Council. formulation of national, regional and local
development policies, plans and programs;
1. The core members from government shall be
composed of Secretaries of the following 4. To formulate policies and recommend new actions
Departments as permanent principal members, with to appropriate bodies on sustainable development
an Undersecretary as alternate: issues focusing on the environment dimensions of
social and economic interventions and the social and
a. National Economic and Development Authority; economic dimensions of environment interventions;

b. Department of Environment and Natural 5. To review and monitor plans, policies, program
Resources; and legislation on sustainable development to
promote efficiency and timeliness of their execution
2. Civil society, composed of peoples organizations, and ensure consistency and coordination among the
non-government organizations and sectoral/major Legislative and Executive branches of government,
groups representation shall have five (5) Council local government units, civil society, business, labor
members selected by their community, based on and other concerned entities/sectors, and existing
their commitment to sustainable development multi-stakeholder governance mechanisms;
concerns, through a process designed by them These
may include the following groups: women, youth, 6. To establish a networking mechanism to link the
farmers, fisherfolk, indigenous people, Moro and Council with local and international organizations
Cordillera people, urban poor, persons with involved in sustainable development;
disabilities, academe, professionals, media, religious
groups and NGOs. 7. To create, reorganize or abolish committees of the
Council, ad-hoc or permanent, and to define their
3. Labor and business shall have one (1) structure, functions and limitations;
representative each in the Council. Representation
8. To submit its annual work program with actionable
and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and
and time bounded targets and regularly report to the
harmony of nature;
President the status of implementation and
achievement of specific targets thereof;
Whereas, the government adheres to the sustainable
9. To perform such other acts which are necessary to development principles embodied in the Rio
carry out its mandated functions and responsibilities. Declaration and adopted by the United Nations
Conference on Environment and Development in Rio
Sec. 5. Participation of Other Government Agencies de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992, and to which the Philippines
in the Council. The Council can call upon other is a signatory;
government agencies and instrumentalities, civil
society, business and labor sector organizations to
Whereas, the Philippine Council for Sustainable
participate in Council business, including its
Development (PCSD), created by virtue of Executive
meetings, if so warranted by conditions as may exist
Order No. 15 (Series of 1992) is mandated to
from time to time. For this purpose, other
coordinate the formulation of Philippine Agenda 21;
government agencies shall identify a PCSD focal
officer not lower than a rank of Director who shall
coordinate their agencys participation in PCSD Whereas, the Philippine Agenda 21 was formulated
concerns. after an extensive and intensive process of coordination,
cooperation, counterparting and consensus-building
Sec. 6. Secretariat. The Council shall be assisted among the various stakeholders of society;
by a Coordinating Secretariat which shall be based at
the NEDA, the composition of which shall be
Whereas, the operationalization of the Philippine
determined by the Director-General, and a
Agenda 21 shall provide the overall direction and serve
Counterpart Secretariat, the composition of which
as an enabling environment in achieving sustainable
shall be determined by the Civil Society Counterpart
Council for Sustainable Development (CSCCSD).

Sec. 7. Budget. There shall be provided in the Section 1. Adoption and Operationalization of the
General Appropriations Act (GAA) a regular line item Philippine Agenda 21. The Philippine Agenda 21, as the
under the NEDA budget to cover the operational national action agenda for sustainable development, is
requirements of the Council subject to the prescribed hereby adopted.
budgetary guidelines. Other member-agencies of the
Council shall also include a line item in the GAA
Section 2. Overall Administration. The Philippine
under their respective agency budgets to cover the
Council for Sustainable Development shall oversee and
cost of their activities related to PCSD.
monitor the operationalization of the Philippine Agenda
21. In this regard, the Council shall provide the
coordinating and monitoring mechanisms for its
implementation. For this purpose, it shall mobilize
coordinating bodies including the Regional Development
Councils (RDCs) and the local councils for sustainable

Section 3. Collaborating Agencies. All government

agencies, departments, and instrumentalities are
directed to adopt and translate the principles and action
agenda contained in the Philippine Agenda 21 in their
respective workplans, programs and projects and report
on their progress and impacts to the PCSD.

Section 4. Role of the Department of Interior and Local

Government (DILG) and the Local Government Units
(LGUs). The LGUs, in coordination with the local
business and civil society, shall implement the Philippine
Agenda 21 through the integration of sustainable
development concerns in their respective plans,
programs and projects and the formulation of their
respective Local Agenda 21, where appropriate.
AGENDA 21 Section 5. Role of the Civil Society, Labor and
AND MONITORING ITS IMPLEMENTATION Business Sectors. The PCSD shall coordinate with civil
society, labor and business sectors in operationalizing
Philippine Agenda 21. Major stakeholders from these
sectors are thereby enjoined to adopt and implement
Whereas, Article 2, Section 12 of the Constitution
the principles and action agenda contained in the
mandates as a policy of the State the protection and
advancement of the right of the people to a balanced
Philippine Agenda 21.

Section 6. Funding. The PCSD, in the coordination with

the Department of Finance (DOF), Department of Budget Republic of the Philippines vs. The City of
and Management (DBM), and the National Economic and Davao
Development Authority (NEDA), shall identify funding
sources in implementing and monitoring the Philippine Republic vs. Alvarez, in his capacity as Sec. of
Agenda 21. DENR

Alvarez filed an application for a Certificate

of Non-Coverage for its proposed project,
the Davao Artica Sports Dome, with the
Environmental Management Bureau (EMB),
Region 11. The EMB Region 11 denied the
application on ground that the proposed
project was within an environmentally
critical area, and ruled that under the
Environmental Impact Statement System,
the City of Davao must undergo the
environmental impact assessment (EIA)
process to secure an Environmental
Compliance Certificate (ECC), before it can
proceed with the construction of its project
Believing that it was entitled to a Certificate
of Non-Coverage, respondent filed a petition
for mandamus with the RTC of Davao
alleging that the proposed project was
neither an environmentally critical project
nor within an environmentally critical area,
thus it was outside the scope of the EIS
The RTC granted the writ of mandamus and
directed EMB to issue a Certificate of Non-
Coverage. It ruled that there is nothing in
the EIA System guidelines which requires
LGUs to comply with the EIS law, as only
agencies and instrumentalities are
mandated to go through the EIA process for
their proposed projects which have
significant effect on the quality of the
environment. A local government unit, not
being an agency or instrumentality of the
National Government, is deemed excluded

Issue: Whether LGUs are covered by the EIA System?


The Local Government Code provides that it is the

duty of the LGUs to promote the peoples right to a
balanced ecology. Pursuant to this, an LGU, like the
City of Davao, cannot claim exemption from the
coverage of PD 1586. As a body politic endowed with
governmental functions, an LGU has the duty to
ensure the quality of the environment, which is the
very same objective of PD 1586.

Further, it is a rule of statutory construction that

every part must be read with other parts, thus, the
TC in declaring local government units as exempt
from the coverage of the EIS law, failed to relate
Section 2 of PD 1586 to the several provision of the
same law.

Section 4 of PD 1586 clearly states that no person,

partnership or corporation shall undertake or operate
any such declared environmentally critical project or public/private forests
area without first securing an Environmental 4. Forest occupancy
Compliance Certificate issued by the President or his 5. Extraction of mangrove products
duly authorized representative. Undoubtedly 6. Grazing
therefore, local government units are not excluded c. Fishery Projects
from the coverage of PD 1586. Sec. 1 stated that the 1. Dikes for/and fishpond development
policy of the State is to attain an orderly balance projects
between socio-economic growth and environmental
protection. The Whereas clause stresses that such is
III. Infrastructure Projects
only possible if we adopt an integrated
a. Major dams
environmental protection program where all the
b. Major power plants (fossil-fueled,
sectors of the community are involved, i.e., the
nuclear fueled,
government and the private sectors. The local
hydroelectric or geothermal)
government units, as part of the machinery of the
c. Major reclamation projects
government, cannot therefore be deemed as outside
d. Major roads and bridges
the scope of the EIS system
B. Environmentally Critical Areas
This however presuppose that a project, for which an
1. All areas declared by law as national
Environmental Compliance Certificate is necessary, is
parks, watershed reserves, wildlife
environmentally critical or within an environmentally
preserves and sanctuaries;
critical area. In the case at bar, respondent has
2. Areas set aside as aesthetic
sufficiently shown that the Artica Sports Dome will
potential tourist spots;
not have a significant negative environmental impact
3. Areas which constitute the habitat
because it is not an environmentally critical project
for any endangered or threatened
and it is not located in an environmentally critical
species of indigenous Philippine
area. They submitted Certification from the City
Wildlife (flora and fauna);
Planning and Development Office, PHILVOLCS,
4. Areas of unique historic,
CENRO-West in support thereof.
archaeological, or scientific interests;
5. Areas which are traditionally
occupied by cultural communities or
The Environmental Impact Statement System, which
ensures environmental protection and regulates
6. Areas frequently visited and/or
certain government activities affecting the
hard-hit by natural calamities (geologic
environment, was established by Presidential Decree
hazards, floods, typhoons, volcanic
No. 1586. Under Article II, Section 1, of the Rules and
activity, etc.);
Regulations Implementing PD 1586, the declaration
7. Areas with critical slopes;
of certain projects or areas as environmentally
8. Areas classified as prime
critical, and which shall fall within the scope of the
agricultural lands;
Environmental Impact Statement System, shall be by
9. Recharged areas of aquifers;
Presidential Proclamation.
10. Water bodies characterized by one or any
combination of the following conditions;
Pursuant thereto, Proclamation No. 2146 was a. tapped for domestic purposes
issued proclaiming the following areas and types of b. within the controlled and/or
projects as environmentally critical and within the protected areas declared by
scope of the Environmental Impact Statement appropriate authorities
System established under PD 1586: c. which support wildlife and
fishery activities
11. Mangrove areas characterized by one or any
A. Environmentally Critical Projects combination of the following conditions:
a. with primary pristine and dense
I. Heavy Industries young growth;
a. Non-ferrous metal b. adjoining mouth of major river
industries systems;
b. Iron and steel mills c. near or adjacent to traditional
c. Petroleum and petro-chemical productive fry or fishing grounds;
industries including d. which act as natural buffers
oil and gas against shore erosion, strong winds and
d. Smelting plants storm floods;
e. on which people are dependent
II. Resource Extractive Industries for their livelihood.
a. Major mining and quarrying 12. Coral reefs, characterized by one or any
projects combinations of the following conditions:
b. Forestry projects a. with 50% and above
live coralline cover;
1. Logging b. spawning and nursery
2. Major wood processing projects grounds for fish;
3. Introduction of fauna (exotic- c. which act as natural breakwater
animals) in of coastlines.
Environmentally Non-Critical Projects. All other lakeshore local governments, 5 percent shall go to
projects, undertakings and areas not declared by the the Project Development Fund which shall be
President as environmentally critical shall be administered by a Council and the remaining 75
considered as non-critical and shall not be required percent shall constitute the share of LLDA. However,
to submit an environmental impact statement. The after the implementation within the three-year period
National Environmental Protection Council, thru the of the Laguna Lake Fishery Zoning and Management
Ministry of Human Settlements may however require Plan the sharing will be modified as follows: 35
non-critical projects and undertakings to provide percent of the fishpen fee goes to the lakeshore local
additional environmental safeguards as it may deem governments, 5 percent goes to the Project
necessary. Development Fund and the remaining 60 percent
shall be retained by LLDA; Provided, however, that
The Artica Sports Dome in Langub does not the share of LLDA shall form part of its corporate
come close to any of the projects or areas funds and shall not be remitted to the National
enumerated above. Neither is it analogous to any of Treasury as an exception to the provisions of
them. It is clear, therefore, that the said project is Presidential Decree No. 1234.
not classified as environmentally critical, or within an
environmentally critical area. Consequently, the Then came Republic Act No. 7160. The municipalities
DENR has no choice but to issue the Certificate of in the Laguna Lake Region interpreted the provisions
Non-Coverage. It becomes its ministerial duty, the of this law to mean that the newly passed law gave
performance of which can be compelled by writ of municipal governments the exclusive jurisdiction to
mandamus, such as that issued by the trial court in issue fishing privileges within their municipal waters
the case at bar. because R.A. 7160 provides:

"Sec. 149. Fishery Rentals; Fees and Charges (a)

Laguna Lake Development Authority vs CA Municipalities shall have the exclusive authority to
grant fishery privileges in the municipal waters and
RA 4850 was enacted creating the "Laguna Lake impose rental fees or charges therefor in accordance
Development Authority." This agency was supposed with the provisions of this Section.
to accelerate the development and balanced growth Municipal governments thereupon assumed the
of the Laguna Lake area and the surrounding authority to issue fishing privileges and fishpen
provinces, cities and towns, in the act, within the permits. Big fishpen operators took advantage of the
context of the national and regional plans and occasion to establish fishpens and fishcages to the
policies for social and economic development. consternation of the Authority. Unregulated fishpens
and fishcages occupied almost one-third the entire
PD 813 amended certain sections RA 4850 because lake water surface area, increasing the occupation
of the concern for the rapid expansion of drastically from 7,000 ha in 1990 to almost 21,000
Metropolitan Manila, the suburbs and the lakeshore ha in 1995. The Mayor's permit to construct fishpens
towns of Laguna de Bay, combined with current and and fishcages were all undertaken in violation of the
prospective uses of the lake for municipal-industrial policies adopted by the Authority on fishpen zoning
water supply, irrigation, fisheries, and the like. and the Laguna Lake carrying capacity. In view of the
foregoing circumstances, the Authority served notice
To effectively perform the role of the Authority under to the general public that:
RA 4850, the Chief Executive issued EO 927 further
defined and enlarged the functions and powers of the 1. All fishpens, fishcages and other aqua-culture
Authority and named and enumerated the towns, structures in the Laguna de Bay Region, which were
cities and provinces encompassed by the term not registered or to which no application for
"Laguna de Bay Region". Also, pertinent to the issues registration and/or permit has been filed with Laguna
in this case are the following provisions of EO 927 Lake Development Authority as of March 31, 1993
which include in particular the sharing of fees: are hereby declared outrightly as illegal.
Sec 2: xxx the Authority shall have exclusive 2. All fishpens; fishcages and other aqua-culture
jurisdiction to issue permit for the use of all surface structures so declared as illegal shall be subject to
water for any projects or activities in or affecting the demolition which shall be undertaken by the
said region including navigation, construction, and Presidential Task Force for illegal Fishpen and Illegal
operation of fishpens, fish enclosures, fish corrals Fishing.
and the like. 3. Owners of fishpens, fishcages and other aqua-
culture structures declared as illegal shall, without
SEC. 3. Collection of Fees. The Authority is hereby prejudice to demolition of their structures be
empowered to collect fees for the use of the lake criminally charged in accordance with Section 39-A
water and its tributaries for all beneficial purposes of Republic Act 4850 as amended by P.D. 813 for
including but not limited to fisheries, recreation, violation of the same laws. Violations of these laws
municipal, industrial, agricultural, navigation, carries a penalty of imprisonment of not exceeding 3
irrigation, and waste disposal purpose; Provided, that years or a fine not exceeding Five Thousand Pesos or
the rates of the fees to be collected, and the sharing both at the discretion of the court.
with other government agencies and political
subdivisions, if necessary, shall be subject to the All operators of fishpens, fishcages and other aqua-
approval of the President of the Philippines upon culture structures declared as illegal in accordance
recommendation of the Authority's Board, except with the foregoing Notice shall have one (1) month
fishpen fee, which will be shared in the following on or before 27 October 1993 to show cause before
manner: 20 percent of the fee shall go to the the LLDA why their said fishpens, fishcages and other
aqua-culture structures should not be is basic is basic in statutory construction that the
demolished/dismantled." enactment of a later legislation which is a general
law cannot be construed to have repealed a special
One month, thereafter, the Authority sent notices to law. It is a well-settled rule in this jurisdiction that "a
the concerned owners of the illegally constructed special statute, provided for a particular case or class
fishpens, fishcages and other aqua-culture structures of cases, is not repealed by a subsequent statute,
advising them to dismantle their respective general in its terms, provisions and application,
structures within 10 days from receipt thereof, unless the intent to repeal or alter is manifest,
otherwise, demolition shall be effected. although the terms of the general law are broad
enough to include the cases embraced in the special
The fishpen owners filed injunction cases against the law." Where there is a conflict between a general
LLDA. The LLDA filed motions to dismiss the cases law and a special statute, the special statute should
against it on jurisdictional grounds. The motions to prevail since it evinces the legislative intent more
dismiss were denied. Meanwhile, TRO/writs of clearly that the general statute. The special law is to
preliminary mandatory injunction were issued be taken as an exception to the general law in the
enjoining the LLDA from demolishing the fishpens absence of special circumstances forcing a contrary
and similar structures in question. Hence, the conclusion. This is because implied repeals are not
present petition for certiorari, prohibition and favored and as much as possible, given to all
injunction. The CA dismissed the LLDAs consolidated enactments of the legislature. A special law cannot
petitions. It ruled that (A) LLDA is not among those be repealed, amended or altered by a subsequent
quasi-judicial agencies of government appealable general law by mere implication.
only to the Court of Appeals; (B) the LLDA charter
does vest LLDA with quasi-judicial functions insofar Considering the reasons behind the establishment of
as fishpens are concerned; (C) the provisions of the the Authority, which are enviromental protection,
LLDA charter insofar as fishing privileges in Laguna navigational safety, and sustainable development,
de Bay are concerned had been repealed by the there is every indication that the legislative intent is
Local Government Code of 1991; (D) in view of the for the Authority to proceed with its mission.
aforesaid repeal, the power to grant permits
devolved to respective local government units We are on all fours with the manifestation of LLDA
concerned. that "Laguna de Bay, like any other single body of
water has its own unique natural ecosystem. The 900
Issue: Which agency of the Government - the LLDA km lake surface water, the 8 major river tributaries
or the towns and municipalities comprising the and several other smaller rivers that drain into the
region - should exercise jurisdiction over the Laguna lake, the 2,920 km2 basin or watershed transcending
Lake and its environs insofar as the issuance of the boundaries of Laguna and Rizal provinces,
permits for fishery privileges is concerned? constitute one integrated delicate natural ecosystem
that needs to be protected with uniform set of
Held: LLDA policies; if we are to be serious in our aims of
attaining sustainable development. This is an
Ratio: Section 4 (k) of RA 4850, the provisions of PD exhaustible natural resource-a very limited one-
813, and Section 2 of EO 927, specifically provide which requires judicious management and optimal
that the LLDA shall have exclusive jurisdiction to utilization to ensure renewability and preserve its
issue permits for the use or all surface water for any ecological integrity and balance. Managing the lake
projects or activities in or affecting the said region, resources would mean the implementation of a
including navigation, construction, and operation of national policy geared towards the protection,
fishpens, fish enclosures, fish corrals and the like. On conservation, balanced growth and sustainable
the other hand, RA 7160 has granted to the development of the region with due regard to the
municipalities the exclusive authority to grant fishery inter-generational use of its resources by the
privileges in municipal waters. The Sangguniang inhabitants in this part of the earth. The authors of
Bayan may grant fishery privileges to erect fish Republic Act 4850 have foreseen this need when
corrals, oyster, mussels or other aquatic beds or they passed this LLDA law-the special law designed
bangus fry area within a definite zone of the to govern the management of our Laguna de Bay
municipal waters. lake resources. Laguna de Bay therefore cannot be
subjected to fragmented concepts of management
The provisions of RA7160 do not necessarily repeal policies where lakeshore local government units
the laws creating the LLDA and granting the latter exercise exclusive dominion over specific portions of
water rights authority over Laguna de Bay and the the lake water. The implementation of a cohesive
lake region. and integrated lake water resource management
policy, therefore, is necessary to conserve, protect
The Local Government Code of 1991 does not and sustainably develop Laguna de Bay."
contain any express provision which categorically
expressly repeal the charter of the Authority. It has The power of the LGUs to issue fishing privileges was
to be conceded that there was no intent on the part clearly granted for revenue purposes. This is evident
of the legislature to repeal Republic Act No. 4850 and from the fact that Section 149 of the New Local
its amendments. The repeal of laws should be made Government Code empowering local governments to
clear and expressed. issue fishing permits is embodied in Chapter 2, Book
II, of Republic Act No. 7160 under the heading,
It has to be conceded that the charter of the LLDA "Specific Provisions On The Taxing And Other
constitutes a special law. RA 7160 is a general law. It Revenue Raising Power of LGUs.
On the other hand, the power of the Authority to
grant permits for fishpens, fishcages and other aqua-
culture structures is for the purpose of effectively
regulating and monitoring activities in the Laguna de
Bay region and for lake quality control and
management. 6 It does partake of the nature of
police power which is the most pervasive, the least
limitable and the most demanding of all State powers
including the power of taxation. Accordingly the
charter of the Authority which embodies a valid
exercise of police power should prevail over the Local
Government Code of 1991 on matters affecting
Laguna de Bay.

There should be no quarrel over permit fees for

fishpens, fishcages and other aqua-culture structures
in the Laguna de Bay area. Section 3 of Executive
Order No. 927 provides for the proper sharing of fees

In respect to the question as to whether the

Authority is a quasi-judicial agency or not, it is our
holding that, considering the provisions of Section 4
of Republic Act No. 4850 and Section 4 of Executive
Order No. 927, series of 1983, and the ruling of this
Court in Laguna Lake Development Authority vs.
Court of Appeals, there is no question that the
Authority has express powers as a regulatory a
quasi-judicial body in respect to pollution cases with
authority to issue a "cease a desist order" and on
matters affecting the construction of illegal fishpens,
fishcages and other aqua-culture structures in
Laguna de Bay. The Authority's pretense, however,
that it is co-equal to the Regional Trial Courts such
that all actions against it may only be instituted
before the Court of Appeals cannot be sustained. On
actions necessitating the resolution of legal
questions affecting the powers of the Authority as
provided for in its charter, the Regional Trial Courts
have jurisdiction.

In view of the foregoing, this Court holds that Section

149 of RA 7160, otherwise known as the Local
Government Code of 1991, has not repealed the
provisions of the charter of the LLDA, Republic Act
No. 4850, as amended. Thus, the Authority has the
exclusive jurisdiction to issue permits for the
enjoyment of fishery privileges in Laguna de Bay to
the exclusion of municipalities situated therein and
the authority to exercise such powers as are by its
charter vested on it.


WHEREAS, the pursuit of a comprehensive and alignment of government personnel, and their
integrated environment protection program specific functions and responsibilities.
necessitates the establishment and
institutionalization of a system whereby the
For the same purpose as above, the Ministry of
exigencies of socio-economic undertakings can be
Human Settlements shall: (a) prepare the proper land
reconciled with the requirements of environmental
or water use pattern for said critical project(s) or
area (s); (b) establish ambient environmental quality
standards; (c) develop a program of environmental
WHEREAS, the regulatory requirements of enhancement or protective measures against
environmental Impact Statements and Assessments calamituous factors such as earthquake, floods,
instituted in pursuit of this national environmental water erosion and others, and (d) perform such other
protection program have to be worked into their full functions as may be directed by the President from
regulatory and procedural details in a manner time to time.
consistent with the goals of the program.
Section 5. Environmentally Non-Critical Projects. All
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, other projects, undertakings and areas not declared
President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers by the President as environmentally critical shall be
vested in me by the Constitution do hereby order and considered as non-critical and shall not be required
declare: to submit an environmental impact statement. The
National Environmental Protection Council, thru the
Ministry of Human Settlements may however require
Section 1. Policy. It is hereby declared the policy of
non-critical projects and undertakings to provide
the State to attain and maintain a rational and
additional environmental safeguards as it may deem
orderly balance between socio-economic growth and
environmental protection.

Section 6. Secretariat. The National Environmental

Section 2. Environmental Impact Statement
Protection Council is hereby authorized to constitute
System. There is hereby established an
the necessary secretariat which will administer the
Environmental Impact Statement System founded
Environmental Impact Statement System and
and based on the environmental impact statement
undertake the processing and evaluation of
required, under Section 4 of Presidential Decree No.
environmental impact statements.
1151, of all agencies and instrumentalities of the
national government, including government-owned
or controlled corporations, as well as private Section 7. Management and Financial
corporations, firms and entities, for every proposed Assistance. The Ministry of Human Settlements is
project and undertaking which significantly affect the hereby authorized to provide management and
quality of the environment. financial support to government offices and
instrumentalities placed under its supervision
pursuant to this Decree financed from its existing
Section 3. Determination of Lead Agency. The
appropriation or from budgetary augmentation as the
Minister of Human Settlements or his designated
Minister of Human Settlements may deem necessary.
representative is hereby authorized to name the lead
agencies referred to in Section 4 of Presidential
Decree No. 1151 which shall have jurisdiction to Section 8. Rules and Regulations. The National
undertake the preparation of the necessary Environmental Protection Council shall issue the
environmental impact statements on declared necessary rules and regulations to implement this
environmentally critical projects and areas. All Decree. For this purpose, the National Pollution
Environmental Impact Statements shall be submitted Control Commission may be availed of as one of its
to the National Environmental Protection Council for implementing arms, consistent with the powers and
review and evaluation. responsibilities of the National Pollution Control
Commission as provided in P.D. No. 984.
Section 4. Presidential Proclamation of
Environmentally Critical Areas and Projects. The Section 9. Penalty for Violation. Any person,
President of the Philippines may, on his own initiative corporation or partnership found violating Section 4
or upon recommendation of the National of this Decree, or the terms and conditions in the
Environmental Protection Council, by proclamation issuance of the Environmental Compliance
declare certain projects, undertakings or areas in the Certificate, or of the standards, rules and regulations
country as environmentally critical. No person, issued by the National Environmental Protection
partnership or corporation shall undertake or operate Council pursuant to this Decree shall be punished by
any such declared environmentally critical project or the suspension or cancellation of his/its certificate or
area without first securing an Environmental and/or a fine in an amount not to exceed Fifty
Compliance Certificate issued by the President or his Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) for every violation
duly authorized representative. For the proper thereof, at the discretion of the National
management of said critical project or area, the Environmental Protection Council.
President may by his proclamation reorganize such
government offices, agencies, institutions,
Section 10. Environmental Revolving
corporations or instrumentalities including the re-
Fund. Proceeds from the penalties prescribed in the
preceding Section 9 and other penalties imposed by
the National Pollution Control Commission as appropriate environmental protection and
authorized in P.D. 984, shall be automatically enhancement measures.
appropriated into an Environment Revolving Fund
hereby created as an exemption to P.D. 711 and P.D. b. The EIS System aids proponents in incorporating
1234. The fund shall be used exclusively for the environmental considerations in planning their
operation of the National Environmental Protection projects as well as in determining the environment's
Council and the National Pollution Control impact on their project.
Commission in the implementation of this Decree.
The rules and regulations for the utilization of this c. Project proponents are responsible for determining
fund shall be formulated by the Ministry of Human and disclosing all relevant information necessary for
Settlements and submitted to the President for a methodical ' assessment of the environmental
approval. impacts of their projects;

d. The review of the EIS by EMB shall be guided by

Section 11. Repealing Clause. The Inter-Agency
three general criteria: (1) that environmental
Advisory Council of the National Pollution Control
considerations are integrated into the overall project
Commission created under Section 4 of P.D. 984 is
planning, (2) that the assessment is technically
hereby abolished and its powers and responsibilities
sound and proposed environmental mitigation,
are forthwith delegated and transferred to the
measures are effective, and (3) that , social
Control of the National Environmental Protection
acceptability is based on informed public

All other laws, decrees, executive orders, rules and e. Effective regulatory review of the EIS depends
regulations inconsistent herewith are hereby largely on timely full; and accurate disclosure of
repealed, amended or modified accordingly. relevant: information by project proponents and,
other stakeholders in the EIA process
f. The social acceptability of a project is a result of
meaningful public participation, which shall be
assessed as part of the Environmental Compliance
Certificate (ECC) application, based on concerns
DENR Administrative Order No. 2003- 30
related to the project's environmental impacts;
SUBJECT: Implementing Rules and Regulations
(IRR) for the Philippine Environmental Impact
g. The timelines prescribed by this Order, within
Statement (EIS) System
which an Environmental - Compliance Certificate
must be issued, or denied, apply only to processes
Consistent with the continuing effort of the
and actions within the Environmental Management
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Bureau's (EMB) control and do not include actions or
(DENR) to rationalize and streamline the
activities that are the responsibility of the proponent.
implementation of the Philippine Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) System established under
Section 2. Objective
Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1586, Presidential
Proclamation No. 2146 defining the scope of the EIS
The objective of this Administrative Order is to
System and pursuant to Administrative Order No. 42
rationalize and streamline the EIS System to make it
issued by tile Office of the President on November 2,
more effective as a project planning and
2002, the following rules and regulations are hereby
management tool by:
a. Making the System more responsive to the
demands and needs of the project proponents and
the various stakeholders;
b. Clarifying the, coverage of the System and
updating it to take into consideration industrial and
Section 1. Basic Policy and Operating
technological innovations and trends
c. Standardizing requirements to ensure focus on
Consistent with the principles of sustainable
critical environment parameters;
development, it is the policy of the DENR to
implement a systems-oriented and integrated
d. Simplifying procedures for processing ECC
approach to the LIS system to ensure a rational
applications, and establishing measures to ensure
balance between socio-economic development and
adherence to ECC conditions by project proponents,
environmental protection for the benefit of present
and future generations.
e. Assuring that critical environmental concerns are
The following are the key operating principles in the
addressed during project development and
implementation of the Philippine EIS System:
a. The EIS System is concerned primarily with
Section 3. Definition of Terms
assessing the direct and indirect impacts of a project
on the biophysical and human environment and
ensuring that these impacts addressed by
For the purpose of this Order, the following
definitions shall be applied; i. Environmental Impact Assessment Consultant - a
professional or group of professionals commissioned
a. Certificate, of Non-Coverage - a certification issued by the proponent to prepare the EIS/IEE and other
by the EMB certifying that, based on the submitted related documents. In some cases, the person or
project description, the project is not covered by the group referred to may be the proponent's technical
EIS System and is not required to secure an ECC staff.

b. Co-located projects / undertakings- projects, or j. Environmental Impact Assessment Review

series of similar projects or a project subdivided to Committee (EIARC) - a body of independent technical
several phases and/or stages by the same experts and professionals of known probity from
proponent, located in contiguous areas. various fields organized by the EMB to evaluate the
EIS and other related documents and to make
c Environment - Surrounding air, water (both ground appropriate recommendations regarding the
and surface), land, flora, fauna, humans and their issuance or non-issuance of an ECC.
k. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) - document,
d. Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)- prepared and submitted by the project proponent
document issued by the DENR/EMB after a positive and/or EIA Consultant that serves as an application
review of an ECC application, certifying that based on for an ECC. It is a comprehensive study of the
the representations of the proponent, the proposed significant impacts of a project on the environment.
project or undertaking will not cause significant It includes an Environmental Management
negative: environmental impact. The ECC also Plan/Program that the
certifies that the proponent has complied with all the proponent will fund and implement to protect the
requirements of the EIS System and has committed environment
to implement its approved Environmental
Management Plan. The ECC contains specific l. Environmental Management Plan/Program (EMP) -
measures and conditions that the project proponent section in the EIS that details the prevention,
has to undertake before and during the operation of mitigation, compensation, contingency and
a project, and in some cases, during the project's monitoring measures to enhance positive impacts
abandonment phase to mitigate identified and minimize negative impacts and risks of a
environmental impacts. proposed project or undertaking. For operating
projects, the EMP can also be derived from an EMS,
e. Environmentally Critical Area (ECA) - area
delineated as environmentally sensitive such that m. Environmental Management Systems (EMS) -
significant environmental impacts are expected if refers to the EMB PEPP EMS as provided for under
certain types of proposed projects or programs are DAO 2003-14, which is a part of the overall
located, developed or, implemented in it. management system of a project or organization that
includes environmental policy, organizational
f. Environmentally Critical Project (ECP) - project or structure, planning activities, responsibilities,
program that has high potential for significant practices, procedures, processes and resources for
negative environmental impact. developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and
maintaining an improved overall environmental
g. Environmental Guarantee Fund (EGF) - fund to be performance.
set up by a project proponent which shall be readily
accessible and disbursable for the immediate clean- n. Environmental Monitoring Fund (EMF) -fund that a
up or rehabilitation of areas affected by damages in proponent shall set up after an ECC is issued for its
the environment and the resulting deterioration of project or undertaking, to be used to support the
environmental quality as a direct consequence of a activities of the multi-partite monitoring team. It shall
project's construction, operation or abandonment. It be immediately accessible and easily disbursable.
shall likewise be used to compensate parties and
communities affected by the negative impacts of the o. Environmental Performance - capability of
project, and to fund community-based environment proponents to mitigate environmental impacts of
related projects including, but not limited to, projects or programs.
information and education and emergency
preparedness programs. p. Environmental Performance Report and
Management Plan (EPRMP) - documentation of the
h. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) - process actual cumulative environmental impacts and
that involves evaluating and predicting the likely effectiveness of current measures for single projects
impacts of a project (including cumulative impacts) that are already operating but without ECC's, i.e.,
on the environment during construction, Category A-3. For Category B-3 projects, a checklist
commissioning, operation and abandonment. It also form of the EPRMP would suffice.
includes designing appropriate preventive, mitigating
and enhancement measures addressing these q. Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) -
consequences to protect the environment and the assessment, through the use of universally accepted
community's welfare. The process is undertaken by, and scientific methods, of risks associated with a
among others, the project proponent and/or EIA project. It focuses on determining the probability of
Consultant, EMB, a Review Committee, affected occurrence of accidents and their magnitude (e.g.
communities and other stakeholders.
failure, of containment or exposure to hazardous bb. Procedural Review - phase in the ECC application
materials or situations.) review process to check for the completeness the
required documents, conducted by EIAM Division at
r. EMS-based EMP - environmental management plan the EMB Central Office or Regional Office.
based on the environmental management system
(EMS) standard as defined in the DAO 2003-14. cc. Process Industry - an industry whose project
operation stage involves chemical, mechanical or
s. Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Report other processes.
document similar to an EIS, but with reduced details
and depth of assessment and discussion dd. Scoping - the stage in the EIS System where
information and project impact assessment
t. Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist requirements are established to provide the
Report - simplified checklist version of an IEE Report, proponent and the stakeholders the scope of work
prescribed by the DENR, to be filled up by a and terms of reference for the EIS.
proponent to identify and assess a project's
environmental impacts and the ee. Secretary - the Secretary of the DENR.
mitigation/enhancement measures to address such
impacts. ff. Social Acceptability - acceptability of a project by
affected communities based on timely and informed
u. Multipartite Monitoring Team (MMT) - community- participation in the EIA process particularly with
based multi-sectoral team organized for the purpose regard to environmental impacts that are of concern
of monitoring the proponent's compliance with ECC to them.
conditions, EMP and applicable laws, rules and
regulations. gg. Stakeholders - entities who may be directly and
significantly affected by the project or undertaking.
v. Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
(PEIS) - documentation of comprehensive studies on hh. Substantive Review - the phase in the EIA
environmental baseline conditions of a contiguous process whereby the document submitted is
area. It also includes an assessment of the carrying subjected to technical evaluation by the EIARC.
capacity of the area to absorb impacts from co-
located projects such as those in industrial estates or ii. Technology - all the knowledge, products,
economic zones (ecozones), processes, tools, methods and systems employed in
the creation of goods or providing services.
w. Programmatic Environmental Performance Report
and Management Plan (PEPRMP) - documentation of ARTICLE II
actual cumulative environmental impacts of ECC APPLICATION PROCESSING AND APPROVAL
collocated projects with proposals for expansion. The PROCEDURES
PEPRMP should also describe the effectiveness of
current environmental mitigation measures and Section 4. Scope of the EIS System
plans for performance improvement.
4.1 In general, only projects that pose potential
x. Project Description (PD) - document, which may significant impact to the environment shall be
also be a chapter in an EIS, that describes the required to secure ECC's. In coordination with the
nature, configuration, use of raw materials and Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and other
natural resources, production system, waste or concerned government agencies, the EMB is
pollution generation and control and the activities of authorized to
a proposed project. It includes a description of the update or make appropriate revisions to the
use of human resources as well as activity timelines, technical guidelines for EIS System implementation.
during the pre-construction, construction, operation
and abandonment phases. It is to be used for 4.2 The issuance of ECC or CNC for a project under
reviewing co-located and single projects under the EIS System does not exempt the proponent from
Category C, as well as for Category D projects. securing other government permits and clearances
as required by other laws.
Y. Project or Undertaking - any activity, regardless of
scale or magnitude, which may have significant In determining the scope of the EIS System, two
impact on the environment. factors are considered: (i) the nature of the project
and its potential to cause significant negative
z. Proponent - any natural or juridical person environmental impacts, and (ii) the sensitivity or
intending to implement a project or undertaking. vulnerability of environmental resources in the
project area. 4.3 The specific criteria for, determining
aa. Public Participation - open, transparent, gender- projects or undertakings to be covered by the EIS
sensitive, and community based process aimed at System are as follows:
ensuring the social acceptability of a project or
undertaking, involving the broadest range of a. Characteristics of the project or undertaking
stakeholders, commencing at the earliest possible Size of the project
stage, of project design and development and Cumulative nature of impacts vis-a-vis: other
continuing until post-assessment monitoring. projects
Use of natural resources
Generation of waste and environment-related Section 5. Requirements for Securing
nuisance Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)
Environment-related hazards and risk of and Certificate of Non-Coverage (CNC)
5.1 Documentary Requirements for Proponents ECC
b. Location of the Project processing requirements shall focus on information
Vulnerability of the project area to needed to assess critical
disturbances due to its ecological importance, environmental impacts of projects. Processing
endangered or protected status requirements shall be customized based on the
Conformity of the proposed project to existing project categories.
land use, based on approved zoning or on
national laws and regulations The total maximum processing time reckons from the
Relative abundance, quality and regenerative acceptance of the ECC/CNC application for
capacity of natural resources in the area, substantive review up to the issuance of the decision
including the impact absorptive capacity of the
environment 5.2 Forms and Contents of EIA Study Reports
and Other Documents Required Under the EIS
c. Nature of the potential impact System
Geographic extent of the impact and size of
affected population The following are the different forms of EIA study
Magnitude and complexity of the impact reports and documents required under the EIS
Likelihood, duration, frequency, and System. DENR employees are prohibited from taking
reversibility of the impact part in the preparation of such documents.
The DENR/EMB shall limit to a maximum of two (2)
The following are the categories of official requests (in writing) to the project proponent
projects/undertakings under the EIS system: for additional information, which shall be made
within the first 75% of the processing timeframe
Category A. Environmentally Critical Projects (ECPs) shown in Section 5.1.1.
with significant potential to cause negative
environmental impacts 5.2.1. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

Category B. Projects that are not categorized as The EIS should contain at least the following:
ECPs, but which may cause negative environmental
impacts because they are located in Environmentally a. EIS Executive Summary;
Critical Areas (ECA's) b. Project Description;
c. Matrix of the scoping agreement identifying critical
Category C. Projects intended to directly enhance issues and concerns, as validated by EMB;
environmental quality or address existing d. Baseline environmental conditions focusing on the
environmental problems not falling under Category A sectors (and resources) most significantly affected by
or B. the proposed action;
e. Impact assessment focused on significant
Category D. Projects unlikely to cause adverse environmental impacts (in relation to project
environmental impacts. construction/commissioning, operation and
decommissioning), taking into account cumulative
4.4 Proponents of co-located or single projects that impacts;
fall under Category A and B are required to secure f. Environmental Risk Assessment if determined by
ECC. For co-located projects, the proponent has the EMB as necessary during scoping;
option to secure a Programmatic ECC. For ecozones, g. Environmental Management Program/Plan;
ECC application may be programmatic based on h. Supporting documents; including technical/socio-
submission of a programmatic EIS, or locator-specific economic data used/generated; certificate of zoning
based on submission of project EIS by each locator. viability and municipal land use plan; and proof of
consultation with stakeholders;
4.5 Projects under Category C are required submit i. Proposals for Environmental Monitoring and
Project Description. Guarantee Funds including justification of amount,
when required;
4.6 Projects classified under Category D may secure j. Accountability statement of EIA consultants and the
a CNC. The EMB-DENR, however, may require such, project proponent; and
projects or undertakings to provide additional k. Other clearances and documents that may be
environmental safeguards as it may deem necessary. determined and agreed upon during scoping.
5.2.2. Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)
4.7 Projects/undertakings introducing new Report
technologies or construction technique but which IEE Report is similar to an EIS, but with reduced
may cause significant negative environmental details of data and depth of assessment and
impacts shall be required to submit a Project discussion. It may be customized for different types
Description Which will be used as basis by EMB for of projects under Category B. The EMB shall
screening the project and coordinate with relevant government agencies and
determining its category. the private sector to customize and update IEE
Checklists to further streamline ECC processing, The PEIS shall contain the following:
especially for small and medium enterprises. a. Executive Summary;
b. Project Description;
5.2.3. Programmatic Environmental Impact c. Summary matrix of scoping agreements as
Statement (PEIS) validated by EMB;
d. [-co-profiling of air, land, water, and relevant
The PEIS shall contain the following: people aspects;
e. Environmental carrying capacity analysis;
a. Executive Summary; f. Environmental Risk Assessment (if found necessary
b. Project Description; during scoping);
c. Summary matrix of scoping agreements as g. Environmental Management Plan to include
validated by EMB; allocation scheme for discharge of pollutants; criteria
d. [-co-profiling of air, land, water, and relevant for acceptance of locators, environmental
people aspects; management guidebook for locators, and
e. Environmental carrying capacity analysis; environmental liability scheme;
f. Environmental Risk Assessment (if found necessary h. Duties of the Environmental Management Unit to
during scoping); be created;
g. Environmental Management Plan to include i. Proposals for Environmental Monitoring &
allocation scheme for discharge of pollutants; criteria Guarantee Funds and terms of reference for the
for acceptance of locators, environmental Multi-partite Monitoring Team, and
management guidebook for locators, and j. Other supporting documents and clearances that
environmental liability scheme; may be agreed during the
h. Duties of the Environmental Management Unit to scoping.
be created; 5.2.4. Programmatic Environmental
i. Proposals for Environmental Monitoring & Performance Report and Management Plan
Guarantee Funds and terms of reference for the (PEPRMP).
Multi-partite Monitoring Team, and
j. Other supporting documents and clearances that The PEPRMP shall contain the following:
may be agreed during the scoping. a. Project Description of the co-located projects;
b. Documentation of the actual environmental
5.2.4. Programmatic Environmental performance based on current/past environmental
Performance Report and Management Plan management measures implemented, and
(PEPRMP). c. An EMP based on the environmental management
system framework and standard set by EMB.
The PEPRMP shall contain the following:
5.2.5. Environmental Performance Report and
a. Project Description of the co-located projects; Management Plan (EPRMP)
b. Documentation of the actual environmental
performance based on current/past environmental The EPRMP shall contain the following:
management measures implemented, and
c. An EMP based on an environmental management a. Project Description;
system framework and standard set by EMB. b. Baseline conditions for critical environmental
5.2.5. Environmental Performance Report and c. Documentation of the environmental performance
Management Plan based on the current/past environmental
management measures implemented;
The EPRMP shall contain the following: d. Detailed comparative, description of the proposed
a. Project Description; project expansion and/or process modification with
b. Baseline conditions for critical environmental corresponding material and energy balances in the
parameters; case of process industries,
c. Documentation of the environmental performance e. EMP based on an environmental management
based on the current/past environmental system framework and standard set by EMB.
management measures implemented;
d. Detailed comparative, description of the proposed 5.2.6. Project Description (PD)
project expansion and/or process modification with
corresponding material and energy balances in the The PD shall be guided by the definition of terms and
case of process industries, shall contain the following:
e. EMP based on an environmental management
system framework and standard set by EMB. a. Description of the project;
b. Location and area covered;
5.2.6. Project Description (PD) c. Capitalization and manpower requirement;
d. For process industries, a listing of raw materials to
The PD shall be guided by the definition of terms and be used, description of the process or manufacturing
shall contain the following: and update IEE Checklists technology, type and volume of products and
to further streamline ECC processing, especially for discharges:
small and medium enterprises. e. For Category C projects, a detailed description on
how environmental efficiency and overall
5.2.3. Programmatic Environmental Impact performance improvement will be attained, or how
Statement (PEIS)
an existing environmental problem will be effectively through the EIARC Chairman his or her reasons for
solved or mitigated by the project, and dissenting.
f. A detailed location map of the impacted site
showing relevant features (e.g. slope, topography, At a minimum the EIARC report should contain;
human settlements).
g. Timelines for construction and commissioning . a. Detailed assessment of the proposed mitigation
and enhancement measures for the identified
5.2.7. EMS-based EMP. environmental impacts and risks;
The EMS-based EMP is an option that proponents b. Description of residual or unavoidable
may undertake in lieu of the EPRMP for single environmental impacts despite proposed mitigation
projects applying for ECC under Category A-3 and B- measures;
3. c. Documentation of compliance with
technical/substantive review criteria;
5.3 Public Hearing 1 Consultation d. Key issues/concerns and the proponent's response
Requirements to these, including social acceptability measures;
For projects under Category A-1, the conduct of e. Assessment of the proposed EMP (including risk
public hearing as part of the EIS review is mandatory reduction/management plan) and amounts proposed
unless otherwise determined by EMB. For all other for the Environmental Guarantee Fund and the
undertakings, a public hearing is not mandatory Environmental Monitoring Fund, and
unless specifically required by EMB. f. Recommended decision regarding the ECC
application as well as proposed ECC conditions.
Proponents should initiate - public consultations early
in order to ensure that environmentally relevant 5.4.3. Decision Document
concerns of stakeholders are taken into consideration This is an official letter regarding the decision on the
in the EIA study and the formulation of the application. It may be in the form of an
management plan, All public consultations and public Environmental Compliance Certificate or a Denial
hearings conducted during the EIA process are to be Letter. The ECC shall contain the scope and
documented. The public hearing/ consultation limitations of the approved activities, as well as
Process report shall be validated by the EMB/EMB RD conditions to ensure compliance with the
and shall constitute part of the records of the EIA Environmental Management Plan. The ECC shall also
process. specify the setting up of an EMF and EGF, if
5.4 Documentation Requirements for DENR- applicable. No ECC shall be released until the
EMB and EIA Reviewers proponent has settled all liabilities, fines and other
obligations with DENR.
The EMB Central Office as well as the EMB Regional
Offices shall document the proceedings of the ECC A Denial Letter on the other hand shall specify the
application process and shall set up and maintain bases for the decision. The ECC or Denial Letter shall
relevant information management systems. The be issued directly to the project proponent or its duly
documentation shall, at a minimum, include the authorized representative, and receipt of the letter
following: shall be properly documented. The ECC of a project
not implemented within five years from its date of
5.4.1. Review Process Report issuance is deemed expired. The Proponent shall
This is to be prepared by the EMB Central or EMB RO. have to apply for a new ECC if it intends to pursue
It is to be forwarded to the DENR Secretary or RD as the project. The reckoning date of project
reference for decision-making and maintained as implementation is the date of ground breaking,
part of the records on the ECC application. The report based on the proponent's work plan as submitted to
should contain at least the following: the EMB.

a. Summary of the environmental impacts of the Section 6. Appeal

undertaking, along with the proposed mitigation and Any party aggrieved by the final decision on the
enhancement measures; ECC / CNC applications may, within 15 days from
b. Key issues/concerns and the proponent's response receipt of such decision, file an appeal on the
to these; following grounds:
c. Documentation of compliance with procedural
requirements; a. Grave abuse of discretion on the part of the
d. Acceptability of proposed EMP including the deciding authority, or
corresponding cost of mitigation, EGF and EMF if b. Serious errors in the review findings.
e. Key bases for the decision on the ECC application. The DENR may adopt alternative conflict/dispute
resolution procedures as a means to settle
5.4.2. EIARC Report grievances between proponents and aggrieved
This report, to be prepared by the EIA Review parties to avert unnecessary legal action. Frivolous
Committee, forms part of the EIS review appeals shall not be countenanced.
documentation. The EIARC Report shall be written by
the designated member of the EIARC and signed by The proponent or any stakeholder may file an appeal
all the members within five days after the final to the following:
review meeting. If an EIARC member dissents, he or
she must submit a memorandum to the EMB Director Deciding Authority Where to file the appeal
EMB Regional Office Director Office of the EMB consideration (i) the significance of environmental
Director impacts and risks; (ii) the carrying capacity of the
EMB Central Office Office of the DENR Secretary environment; (iii) equity issues with respect to use of
DENR Secretary Office of the President natural resources, (iv) and the proponent's
commitment, to institute effective environmental
Section 7. The EIA Process in Relation to the management measures.
Project Planning Cycle
Proponents are directed under AO 42 to conduct 8.3 Amending an ECC
simultaneously the environmental impact study and Requirements for processing ECC amendments shall
the project planning or feasibility study. EMB may depend on the nature of the request but shall be
validate whether or not the EIS was integrated with focused on the information necessary to assess the
project planning by requiring relevant documentary environmental impact of such changes.
proofs, such as the terms of reference for the
feasibility study and copies of the feasibility study 8.3.1. Requests for minor changes to ECCs such as
report. extension of deadlines for submission of post-ECC
requirements shall be decided upon by the endorsing
The EMB shall study the potential application of EIA authority.
to policy-based undertakings as a further step toward 8.3.2. Requests for major changes to ECCs shall be
integrating and streamlining the EIS system. decided upon by the deciding authority.
8.3.3. For ECCs issued pursuant to an IEE or IEE
Section 8. EIS System Procedures checklist, the processing of the amendment
8.1 Manual of Procedures application shall not exceed thirty (30) working days;
and for ECCs issued pursuant to an EIS, the
8.1.1. The procedures to enable the processing of processing shall not exceed sixty (60) working days.
ECCICNC applications within the timeframes, Provisions on automatic approval related to
specified in AO 42 shall be prescribed in a Procedural prescribed timeframes under AO 42 shall also apply
Manual to be issued by the EMB Central Office within for the processing of applications to amend ECCs.
ninety (90) days from the date of this Order.
8.1.2. The Manual of Procedures shall be updated as Section 9. Monitoring of Projects with ECCs
the need arises to continually shorten the review and Post ECC monitoring of projects shall follow these
approval/denial timeframes where feasible. guidelines. Other details on requirements for
Formulation of said procedures shall conform to the monitoring of projects with ECCs shall be stipulated
following guidelines; in a procedural manual to be formulated by EMB.

8.2 Processing Timeframe 9.1 Multipartite Monitoring Team

For projects under Category A, a multi-partite
8.2.1. If no decision is made within the specified monitoring team (MMT) shall be formed immediately
timeframe, the ECC/CNC application is deemed after the issuance of an ECC. Proponents required to
automatically approved and the approving authority establish an MMT shall put up an Environmental
shall issue the ECC or CNC within five (5) working Monitoring Fund (EMF) not later than the initial
days after the prescribed processing timeframe has construction phase of the project.
lapsed. However, the EMB may deny issuance of ECC
if the proponent fails to submit required additional The MMT shall be composed of representatives of the
information critical to deciding on the ECC/CNC proponent and of stakeholder groups, including
application, despite written request from EMB and representatives from concerned LGU's, locally
despite an adequate period for the proponent to accredited NGOs/POs, the community, concerned
comply with the said requirement; EMB Regional Office, relevant government agencies,
8.2.2. In cases where ECC issuance cannot be and other sectors that may be identified during the
decided due to the proponent's inability to submit negotiations.
required additional information within the prescribed
period, the EMB shall return the application to the The team shall be tasked to undertake monitoring of
proponent. The project proponent may resubmit its compliance with ECC conditions as well as the EMP.
application, including the required additional The MMT shall submit a semi-annual monitoring
information, within one (1) year for Category A report within January and July of each year.
projects and six (6) months for Category B projects
without having to pay processing and other fees. The EMB shall formulate guidelines for
Otherwise, the matter shall be treated as a new operationalizing area-based or cluster-based MMT.
application. The Bureau may also develop guidelines for
delegating, monitoring responsibilities to other
8.2.3. In cases where EMB and the project proponent relevant government agencies as may be deemed
have exhausted all reasonable efforts to generate necessary. For projects whose significant
the information needed for deciding on the ECC/CNC environmental impacts do not persist after the
application, the responsible authority (Secretary or construction phase or whose impacts could be
EMB Director/ Regional Director), shall make a addressed through other regulatory means or
decision based on the available information so as to through the mandates of other government
comply with the prescribed timeframe. The decision agencies, the operations of MMT may be terminated
shall nonetheless reflect a thorough assessment of immediately after construction or after a reasonable
impacts taking into period during implementation.
9.2 Self-monitoring and Third Party Audit information system shall include regular updating of
The proponent shall also conduct regular self- the status of ECC applications through a website and
monitoring of specific parameters indicated in the through other means.
EMP through its environmental unit. The proponent's
environmental unit shall submit a semi-annual Section 12. Accreditation System
monitoring report within January and July of each To enhance the quality of the EIS submitted to the
year. DENR/EMB, the EMB shall establish an accreditation
system for individual professionals, academic and
For projects with ECCs issued based on a PEPRMP, professional organizations that can be tapped to train
EPRMP, or an EMS-based EMP, a third party audit professionals in conducting EIA using training
may be undertaken by a qualified environmental or modules approved by EMB.
EMS auditor upon the initiative of the proponent and
in lieu of forming an MMT. The said proponent shall The EMB shall also work with DTI-BPS for an
submit to EMB a copy of the audit findings and shall accreditation system for environmental and EMS
be held accountable for the veracity of the report. auditors, consistent with provisions of DAO 2003-14
The EMB may opt to validate the said report. on the Philippine Environmental Partnership Program.

9.3 Environmental Guarantee Fund Section 13. Creation of an HAM Division and
An Environmental Guarantee Fund (EGF) shall be Strengthening of Review and Monitoring
established for all co-located or single projects that Capability
have been determined by DENR to pose a significant In order to effectively implement the provisions of
public risk or where the project requires this administrative order, the current EIA ad hoc
rehabilitation or restoration. An EGF Committee shall division at the EMB Central Office and the EMB
be formed to manage the fund. It shall be composed Regional Offices that are primarily in-charge of
of representatives from the EMB Central Office, EMB processing ECC applications and post-ECC monitoring
Regional Office, affected communities, concerned shall be converted to a full-pledged Environmental
LGUs, and relevant government agencies identified Impact Assessment and Management Division
by EMB. (EIAMD). The Division shall have the following
structure and functions:
An integrated MOA on the MMT-EMF-EGF shall be
entered into among the EMB Central Office, EMB 13.1 The EIA Evaluation Section shall be in charge of
Regional Office, the proponent, and representatives screening projects for coverage under the EIS
of concerned stakeholders. System, EIS Scoping, and evaluation of EIS's and
IEE's submitted for ECC issuance. It shall have three
9.4 Abandonment units responsible, respectively, for screening for
For projects that shall no longer be pursued, the coverage, EIS Scoping, and evaluation of ECC
proponent should inform EMB to relieve the former applications. The EMB may commission independent
from the requirement for continued compliance with professionals, experts from the academe and
the ECC conditions. For projects that have already representatives from relevant government agencies
commenced implementation, an as members of the EIA Review Committee as may be
abandonment/decommissioning plan shall be deer 31d necessary. Further, continual improvement
submitted for approval by EMB at least six (6) of the technical capability of the Staff of the EIA
months before the planned Division shall be undertaken.
abandonment/decommissioning. The implementation
of the plan shall be verified by EMB. 13.2 The Impact Monitoring and Validation Section
shall be in charge of monitoring compliance to ECC
ARTICLE Ill conditions and implementation of the Environmental
STRENGTHENING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF Management Program (EMP): The unit shall also
THE PHILIPPINE EIS validate actual impacts as a basis for evaluating
SYSTEM environmental performance and effectiveness of the
Section 10. Coordination with other
Government Agencies and other Organizations 13.3 In the EMB Central Office, there shall be a
Systems Planning and Management Section. It shall
The DENR-EMB shall conduct regular consultations ensure that a continually improving systems-oriented
with DTI and other pertinent government agencies, and integrated approach is followed in implementing
affected industry groups and other stakeholders on the Philippine EIS System vis-a-vis national
continually streamlining the processing of ECC development programs. The section shall have two
applications and post ECC implementation to fulfill units responsible for specific systems level concerns:
the policy and objectives of this administrative order. (1) Project Level Systems Planning and Management
Unit; and (2) Program and Policy Level Systems
The President shall be apprised of the issues raised Planning and Management Unit. This section shall
as well as the actions taken by DENR to address also be responsible for technical coordination with
these issues whenever necessary. the EIA Division in the different EMB Regional Offices.

Section 11. Information Systems Improvement The organizational structure of the EMB Central
The information system on the EIS System Office is in Annex 1.
implementation shall be improved for the effective
dissemination of information to the public. The ARTICLE 1V

Section 14. Budget Allocation

For the effective implementation of this order,
adequate funding should be provided under the
annual General Appropriations Act.

Per AU 42, the new position items for the EIA Division
shall be created out of the existing budget and
vacant position items within the government service,
which shall be reclassified accordingly.

Section 15. Fees

All proponents, upon submission of the IEEIEIS and
application for amendment, shall pay filing fees and
other charges in accordance with prescribed
standard costs and fees set by EMB in relation to the
implementation of the Philippine EIS System, as
shown in Annex 2.

The proponent shall shoulder the cost of reviewing

the EIS.

Section 16. Fines, Penalties And Sanctions

The EMB Central Office or Regional Office Directors
shall impose penalties upon persons or entities found
violating provisions of P.D. 1586, and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations. Details of the
Fines and Penalty Structure shall be covered by a
separate order.

The EMB Director or the EMB-RD may issue a Cease

and Desist Order (CDO) based on violations under
the Philippine EIS System to prevent grave or
irreparable damage to the environment. Such CDO
shall be effective immediately. An appeal or any
motion seeking to lift the CDO shall not stay its
effectivity. However, the DENR shall act on such
appeal or motion within ten (10) working days from

The EMB may publish the identities of firms that are

in violation of the EIA Law and its Implementing
Rules and Regulations despite repeated Notices of
Violation and/or Cease and Desist Orders.

Section 17. Transitory Provisions

The DENR may extend reprieve to proponents of
projects operating without ECC (Categories A-3 and
B-3) from penalties specified in PD 1586 upon
registration with the EMB Central Office. An
Environmental Performance Report and Management
Plan (EPRMP) shall be submitted as a requirement for
such ECC application within six months from the
signing of this Administrative order.

During the period that that the Procedural Manual

and other necessary guidelines are being prepared,
existing guidelines which are consistent with the
provisions of this Order shall remain in effect.
Adequate resources shall be provided for the
formulation of the Procedural Manual and for the
effective implementation of this Order.

Section 18. Repealing Clause

This Order hereby supersedes Department
Administrative Order No. 96-37, Department
Administrative Order No. 2000-37, DAO 2000-05 and
other related orders, which are inconsistent herewith.
(c) Mineral lands,
and may at any time and in a like manner transfer
such lands from one class to another, for the
purposes of their administration and disposition.
Sec. 7. For the purposes of the administration and
disposition of alienable or disposable public lands,
the President, upon recommendation by the
Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce, shall from
time to time declare what lands are open to
disposition or concession under this Act.
Sec. 8. Only those lands shall be declared open to
C.A. No. 141 : AN ACT TO AMEND AND COMPILE disposition or concession which have been officially
THE LAWS RELATIVE TO LANDS OF THE PUBLIC delimited and classified and, when practicable,
DOMAIN surveyed, and which have not been reserved for
public or quasi-public uses, nor appropriated by the
Government, nor in any manner become private
property, nor those on which a private right
authorized and recognized by this Act or any other
valid law may be claimed, or which, having been
reserved or appropriated, have ceased to be so
However, the President may, for reasons of public
interest, declare lands of the public domain open to
disposition before the same have had their
boundaries established or been surveyed, or may, for
the same reason, suspend their concession or
disposition until they are again declared open to
concession or disposition by proclamation duly
Sec. 2. The provisions of this Act shall apply to the published or by Act of the National Assembly.
lands of the public domain; but timber and mineral Sec. 9. For the purpose of their administration and
lands shall be governed by special laws and nothing disposition, the lands of the public domain alienable
in this Act provided shall be understood or construed or open to disposition shall be classified, according to
to change or modify the administration and the use or purposes to which such lands are
disposition of the lands commonly called friar lands destined, as follows:
and those which, being privately owned, have (a) Agricultural
reverted to or become the property of the (b) Residential commercial industrial or for similar
Commonwealth of the Philippines, which productive purposes
administration and disposition shall be governed by (c) Educational, charitable, or other similar purposes
the laws at present in force or which may hereafter (d) Reservations for town sites and for public and
be enacted. quasi-public uses.
Sec. 3. The Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce The President, upon recommendation by the
shall be the executive officer charged with carrying Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce, shall from
out the provisions of this Act through the Director of time to time make the classifications provided for in
Lands, who shall act under his immediate control. this section, and may, at any time and in a similar
Sec. 4. Subject to said control, the Director of Lands manner, transfer lands from one class to another.
shall have direct executive control of the survey, Sec. 10. The words alienation, disposition, or
classification, lease, sale or any other form of concession as used in this Act, shall mean any of
concession or disposition and management of the the methods authorized by this Act for the
lands of the public domain, and his decisions as to acquisition, lease, use, or benefit of the lands of the
questions of fact shall be conclusive when approved public domain other than timber or mineral lands.
by the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce.
Sec. 5. The Director of Lands, with the approval of TITLE II
the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce shall AGRICULTURAL PUBLIC LANDS
prepare and issue such forms, instructions, rules, and CHAPTER III
regulations consistent with this Act, as may be FORMS OF CONCESSION OF AGRICULTURAL
necessary and proper to carry into effect the LANDS
provisions thereof and for the conduct of proceedings
arising under such provisions. Sec. 11. Public lands suitable for agricultural
purposes can be disposed of only as follows, and not
CHAPTER II otherwise:
(4) By confirmation of imperfect or incomplete titles:
Sec. 6. The President, upon the recommendation of (a) By judicial legalization
the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce, shall (b) By administrative legalization (free patent).
from time to time classify the lands of the public Sec. 12. Any citizen of the Philippines over the age
domain into - of eighteen years, or the head of a family, who does
(a) Alienable or disposable; not own more than twenty-four hectares of land in
(b) Timber, and the Philippines or has not had the benefit of any
gratuitous allotment of more than twenty-four incapacitated from exercising his rights personally,
hectares of land since the occupation of the the person legally representing him may offer and
Philippines by the United States, may enter a submit the final proof on behalf of such incapacitated
homestead of not exceeding twenty-four hectares of person.
agricultural land of the public domain. Sec. 19. Not more than one homestead entry shall
Sec. 13. Upon the filing of an application for a be allowed to any one person, and no person to
homestead, the Director of Lands, if he finds that the whom a homestead patent has been issued by virtue
application should be approved, shall do so and of the provisions of this Act regardless of the area of
authorize the applicant to take possession of the land his original homestead, may again acquire a
upon the payment of five pesos, Philippine currency, homestead; Provided, however, That any previous
as entry fee. Within six months from and after the homesteader who has been issued a patent for less
date of the approval of the application, the applicant than twenty-four hectares and otherwise qualified to
shall begin to work the homestead, otherwise he make a homestead entry, may be allowed another
shall lose his prior right to the land. homestead which, together with his previous
Sec. 14. No certificate shall be given or patent homestead shall not exceed an area of twenty-four
issued for the land applied for until at least one-fifth hectares.
of the land has been improved and cultivated. The Sec. 20. If at any time after the approval of the
period within which the land shall be cultivated shall application and before the patent is issued, the
not be less than one or more than five years, from applicant shall prove to the satisfaction of the
and after the date of the approval of the application. Director of Lands that he has complied with all the
The applicant shall, within the said period, notify the requirements of the law, but cannot continue with his
Director of Lands as soon as he is ready to acquire homestead, through no fault of his own, and there is
the title. If at the date of such notice, the applicant a bona fide purchaser for the rights and
shall prove to the satisfaction of the Director of improvements of the applicant on the land, and that
Lands, that he has resided continuously for at least the conveyance is not made for purposes of
one year in the municipality in which the land is speculation, then the applicant, with the previous
located, or in a municipality adjacent to the same, approval of the Director of Lands may transfer his
and has cultivated at least one-fifth of the land rights to the land and improvements to any person
continuously since the approval of the application, legally qualified to apply for a homestead, and
and shall make affidavit that no part of said land has immediately after such transfer, the purchaser shall
been alienated or encumbered, and that he has file a homestead application for the land so acquired
complied with all the requirements of this Act, then, and shall succeed the original homesteader in his
upon the payment of five pesos, as final fee, he shall rights and obligations beginning with the date of the
be entitled to a patent. approval of said application of the purchaser. Any
Sec. 15. At the option of the applicant, payment of person who has so transferred his rights may not
the fees required in this chapter may be made to the again apply for a new homestead. Every transfer
municipal treasurer of the locality, who, in turn, shall made without the previous approval of the Director
forward them to the provincial treasurer. In case of of Lands shall be null and void and shall result in the
delinquency of the applicant, the Director of Lands cancellation of the entry and the refusal of the
may, sixty days after such delinquency has occurred, patent.
either cancel the application or grant an extension of Sec. 21. Any non-Christian Filipino who has not
time not to exceed one hundred and twenty days for applied for a home-stead, desiring to live upon or
the payment of the sum due. occupy land on any of the reservations set aside for
Sec. 16. If at any time before the expiration of the the so-called non-Christian tribes may request a
period allowed by law for the making of final proof, it permit of occupation for any tract of land of the
shall be proven to the satisfaction of the Director of public domain reserved for said non-Christian tribes
Lands, after due notice to the homesteader, that the under this Act, the area of which shall not exceed
land entered is under the law not subject to home- four hectares. It shall be an essential condition that
stead entry, or that the homesteader has actually the applicant for the permit cultivate and improve
changed his residence, or voluntarily abandoned the the land, and if such cultivation has not been begun
land for more than six months at any one time during within six months from and after the date on which
the years of residence and occupation herein the permit was received, the permit shall be
required, or has otherwise failed to comply with the cancelled. The permit shall be for a term of one year.
requirements of this Act, the Director of Lands may If at the expiration of this term or at any time prior
cancel the entry. thereto, the holder of the permit shall apply for a
Sec. 17. Before final proof shall be submitted by any homestead under the provisions of this chapter,
person claiming to have complied with the provisions including the portion for which a permit was granted
of this chapter, due notice, as prescribed by the to him, he shall have the priority, otherwise the land
Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce shall be shall be again open to disposition at the expiration of
given to the public of his intention to make such the permit.
proof, stating therein the name and address of the For each permit the sum of one peso shall be paid.
homesteader, the description of the land, with its
boundaries and area, the names of the witness by CHAPTER IV
whom it is expected that the necessary facts will be SALE
established, and the time and place at which, and
the name of the officer before whom, such proof will Sec. 22. Any citizen of lawful age of the Philippines,
be made. and any such citizen not of lawful age who is a head
Sec. 18. In case the homesteader shall suffer from of a family, and any corporation or association of
mental alienation, or shall for any other reason be which at least sixty per centum of the capital stock or
of any interest in said capital stock belongs wholly to boundaries of the city proper in chartered cities or
citizens of the Philippines, and which is organized within five (5) kilometers from the municipal hall or
and constituted under the laws of Philippines, and town occupants plaza of any municipality may be
corporate bodies organized in the Philippines sold to actual occupants who do not own any parcel
authorized under their charters to do so; may of land or whose total land holdings do not exceed
purchase any tract of public agricultural land five hectares and who comply with the minimum
disposable under this Act, not to exceed one hundred requirements of Commonwealth Act numbered one
and forty-four hectares in the case of an individual hundred forty-one, as amended, and who have
and one thousand and twenty-four hectares in that of resided on the land applied for at least two years
a corporation or association, by proceeding as prior to the date of the application.
prescribed in this chapter: Provided, That All bids must be sealed and addressed to the Director
partnerships shall be entitled to purchase not to of Lands and must have enclosed therewith cash or
exceed one hundred and forty-four hectares for each certified check, treasury warrant, or post-office
member thereof. But the total area so purchased money order payable to the order of the Director of
shall in no case exceed the one thousand and Lands for ten per centum of the amount of the bid,
twenty-four hectares authorized in this section for which amount shall be retained in case the bid is
associations and corporations. accepted as part payment of the purchase price:
Sec. 23. No person, corporation, association, Provided, That no bid shall be considered the amount
or partnership other than those mentioned in the last of which is less than the appraised value of the land.
preceding section may acquire or own agricultural In addition to existing publication requirements in
public land or land of any other denomination or section twenty-four of Commonwealth Act Numbered
classification, which is at the time or was originally, one hundred forty-one, as amended, notices and of
really or presumptively, of the public domain, or any applications shall be posted for a period of not less
permanent improvement thereon, or any real right than thirty days in at least three conspicuous places
on such land and improvement: Provided, however, in the municipality where the parcel of land is
That persons, corporations, associations or located, one of which shall be at the municipal
partnerships which, at the date upon which the building, and other, in the barrio council building of
Philippine Constitution took effect, held agricultural the barrio where the land is located.
public lands or land of any other denomination, that Sec. 26. Upon the opening of the bids, the land shall
belonged originally, really or presumptively, to the be awarded to the highest bidder. If there are two or
public domain, or permanent improvements on such more equal bids which are higher than the others,
lands, or a real right upon such lands and and one of such equal bids is that of the applicant,
Constitution took improvements, having acquired the his bid shall be accepted. If, however, the bid of the
same under the laws and regulations in force at the applicant is not one of such equal and higher bids,
date of such acquisition, shall be authorized to the Director of Lands shall at once submit the land
continue holding the same as if such persons, for public bidding, and to the person making the
corporations, associations, or partnerships were highest bid on such public auction the land shall be
qualified under the last preceding section; but they awarded. In any case, the applicant shall always
shall not encumber, convey, or alienate the same to have the option of raising his bid to equal that of the
persons, corporations, associations, or partnerships highest bidder, and in this case the land shall be
not included in section twenty-two of this Act, except awarded to him. No bid received at such public
by reason of hereditary succession, duly legalized auction shall be finally accepted until the bidder shall
and acknowledged by competent courts. have deposited ten per centum of his bid, as required
Sec. 24. Lands sold under the provisions of this in Section twenty-five of this Act. In case none of the
chapter must be appraised in accordance with tracts of land that are offered for sale or the
section one hundred and sixteen of this Act. The purchase of which has been applied for, has an area
Director of Lands shall announce the sale thereof by in excess of twenty-four hectares, the Director of
publishing the proper notice once a week for six Lands may delegate to the District Land Officer
consecutive weeks in the Official Gazette, and in two concerned the power of receiving bids, holding the
newspapers one published in Manila and the other auction, and proceeding in accordance with the
published in the municipality or in the province provisions of this Act, but the District Land Officer
where the lands are located, or in a neighboring shall submit his recommendation to the Director of
province, and the same notice shall be posted on the Lands, for the final decision of the latter in the case.
bulletin board of the Bureau Of Lands in Manila, and The District Land Officer shall accept and process
in the most conspicuous place in the provincial any application for the purchase of public lands not
building and the municipal building of the province exceeding five hectares subject to the approval of
and municipality, respectively, where the land is the Director of Lands within sixty days after receipt
located, and, if practicable, on the land itself; but if of the recommendation of said District Land Officer.
the value of the land does not exceed two hundred Sec. 27. The purchase price shall be paid as follows:
and forty pesos, the publication in the Official The balance of the purchase price after deducting
Gazette and newspapers may be omitted. The the amount paid at the time of submitting the bid,
notices shall be published one in English and the may be paid in full upon the making of the award, or
other in Spanish or in the local dialect, and shall fix a in not more than ten equal annual installments from
date not earlier than sixty days after the date of the the date of the award.
notice upon which the land will be awarded to the Sec. 28. The purchaser shall have not less than one-
highest bidder, or public bids will be called for, or fifth of the land broken and cultivated within five
other action will be taken as provided in this chapter. years after the date of the award; and before any
Sec. 25. Public agricultural lands which are not patent is issued, the purchaser must show of
located within ten (10) kilometers from the occupancy, cultivation, and improvement of at least
one-fifth of the land applied for until the date on disposal of such portion in the exclusive interest of
which final payment is made: Provided, however, the Government.
That in case land purchased is to be devoted to Sec. 32. This chapter shall be held to authorize only
pasture, it shall be sufficient compliance with this one purchase of the maximum amount of land
condition if the purchaser shall graze on the land as hereunder by the same person, corporation,
many heads of his cattle as will occupy at least one- association, or partnership; and no corporation,
half of the entire area at the rate of one head per association, or partnership, any member of which
hectare. shall have received the benefits of this chapter or of
Sec. 29. After title has been granted, the purchaser the next following chapter, either as an individual or
may not, within a period of ten years from such as a member of any other corporation, association,
cultivation or grant, convey or encumber or dispose or partnership, shall purchase any other lands of the
said lands or rights thereon to any person, public domain under this chapter. But any purchaser
corporation or association, without prejudice to any of public land, after having made the last payment
right or interest of the Government in the land: upon and cultivated at least one-fifth of the land
Provided, That any sale and encumbrance made in purchased, if the same shall be less than the
violation of the provisions of this section, shall be null maximum allowed by this Act, may purchase
and void and shall produce the effect of annulling the successively additional agricultural public land
acquisition and reverting the property and all rights adjacent to or not distant from the land first
thereto to the State, and all payments on the purchased, until the total area of such purchases
purchase price theretofore made to the Government shall reach the maximum established in this chapter:
shall be forfeited. Provided, That in making such additional purchase or
Sec. 30. If at any time after the date of the award purchases, the same conditions shall be complied
and before the issuance of patent, it is proved to the with as prescribed by this Act for the first purchase.
satisfaction of the Director of Lands, after due notice
to the purchaser, that the purchaser has voluntarily CHAPTER V
abandoned the land for more than one year at any LEASE
one time, or has otherwise failed to comply with the
requirements of the law, then the land shall revert to Sec. 33. Any citizen of lawful age of the Philippines,
the State, and all prior payments made by the and any corporation or association of which at least
purchaser and all improvements existing on the land sixty per centum of the capital stock or of any
shall be forfeited. interest in said capital stock belongs wholly to
Sec. 31. No person, corporation, association, or citizens of the Philippines, and which is organized
partnership shall be permitted, after the approval of and constituted under the laws of the Philippines,
this Act, to acquire the title to or possess as owner may lease any tract of agricultural public land
any lands of the public domain if such lands, added available for lease under the provisions of this Act,
to other lands belonging to such person, corporation, not exceeding a total of one thousand and twenty-
association, or partnership shall give a total area four hectares. If the land leased is adapted to and be
greater than area the acquisition of which by devoted for grazing purposes, an area not exceeding
purchase is authorized under this Act. Any excess in two thousand hectares may be granted. No member,
area over this maximum and all right, title, interest, stockholder, of officer, representative, attorney,
claim or action held by any person, corporation, agent, employee or bondholder of any corporation or
association, or partnership resulting directly or association holding or controlling agricultural public
indirectly in such excess shall revert to the State. land shall apply, directly or indirectly, for agricultural
This section shall, however, not be construed to public land except under the homestead and free
prohibit any person, corporation, association, or patent provisions of this Act: Provided, That no lease
partnership authorized by this Act to require lands of shall be permitted to interfere with any prior claim by
the public domain from making loans upon real settlement or occupation, until the consent of the
necessary for the recovery of such loans; but in this occupant or settler is first had, or until such claim
case, as soon as the excess above referred to occurs, shall be legally extinguished, and no person,
such person, corporation, association, or partnership corporation, or association shall be permitted to
shall dispose of such lands within five years, for the lease lands here-under which are not reasonably
purpose of removing the excess mentioned. Upon necessary to carry on his business in case of an
the land in excess of the limit there shall be paid, so individual, or the business for which it was lawfully
long as the same is not disposed of, for the first year created and which it may lawfully pursue in the
a surtax of fifty per centum additional to the ordinary Philippines, if an association or corporation.
tax to which such property shall be subject, and for Sec. 34. A notice of the date and place of the
each succeeding year fifty per centum shall be added auction of the right to lease the land shall be
to the last preceding annual tax rate, until the published and announced in the same manner as
property shall have been disposed of. that prescribed for the publication and
The person, corporation, association, or partnership announcement of the notice of sale, in section
owning the land in excess of the limit established by twenty-four of this Act.
this Act shall determine the portion of land to be Sec. 35. All bids must be sealed and addressed to
segregated. the Director of Lands and must have enclosed
At the request of Secretary of Agriculture and therewith cash or a certified check, Treasury warrant,
Commerce, the Solicitor-General or the officer acting or post-office money order payable to the order of
in his stead shall institute the necessary proceedings the Director of Lands, for a sum equivalent to the
in the proper court for the purpose of determining rental for at least, the first three months of the lease:
the excess portion to be segregated, as well as the Provided, That no bid shall be considered in which
the proposed annual rental is less than three per
centum of the value of the land according to the this condition shall avoid the contract: Provided, That
appraisal made in conformity with section one assignment, encumbrance, or subletting for purposes
hundred and sixteen of this Act. of speculation shall not be permitted in any case:
Sec. 36. The auction of the right to lease the land Provided, further, That nothing contained in this
shall be conducted under the same procedure as that section shall be understood or construed to permit
prescribed for the auction sale of agricultural lands the assignment, encumbrance, or subletting of lands
as described in section twenty-six of this Act: leased under this Act, or under any previous Act, to
Provided, That no bid shall be accepted until the persons, corporations, or associations which under
bidder shall have deposited the rental for at least the this Act, are not authorized to lease public lands.
first three months of the lease. Sec. 41. The lease of any lands under this chapter
Sec. 37. The annual rental of the land leased shall shall not confer the right to remove or dispose of any
not be less than three per centum of the value of the valuable timber except as provided in the regulations
land, according to the appraisal and reappraisal of the Bureau of Forestry for cutting timber upon
made in accordance with section one hundred such lands. Nor shall such lease confer the right to
sixteen of this Act; except for lands reclaimed by the remove or dispose of stone, oil, coal, salts. or other
Government, which shall not be less than four per minerals, or medicinal mineral waters existing upon
centum of the appraised and reappraised value of the same. The lease as to the part of the land which
the land: Provided, That one-fourth of the annual shall be mineral may be canceled by the Secretary of
rental of these lands reclaimed prior to the approval Agriculture and Commerce, after notice to the lessee,
of this Act shall accrue to the construction and whenever the said part of the land is more valuable
improvement portion of the Portworks Funds: And for agricultural purposes.
provided, further, That the annual rental of not less The commission of waste or violation of the forestry
than four per centum of the appraised and regulations by the lessee shall work a forfeiture of his
reappraised value of the lands reclaimed using the last payment of rent and render him liable to
Portworks Fund after the approval of this Act shall all immediate dispossession and suit for damage.
accrue to the construction and improvement portion Sec. 42. After having paid rent for at least the first
of the Portworks Fund. But if the land leased is two years of the lease, and having complied with the
adapted to and be devoted for granting purposes, requirements prescribed in section thirty nine, the
the annual rental shall be not less than two per lessee of agricultural public land with an area than
centum of-the appraised and reappraised value the maximum allowed by law, may lease
thereof- Every contract of lease under the provisions successively additional agricultural public land
of this chapter shall contain a cause to the effect that adjacent to or near the land originally leased until
are appraisal of the land leased shall be made every the total- area of such leases shall reach the
ten years from the date of the approval of the lease, maximum established in this chapter: Provided, That
if the term of the same shall be in excess of ten in making such additional lease, the same conditions
years. In case the lessee is not agreeable to the shall be complied with as prescribed by this Act for
reappraisal and prefers to give up his contract of the first lease.
lease, he shall notify the Director of Lands of his Sec. 43. During the life of the lease, any lessee who
desire within the six months next preceding the date shall have complied with all the conditions thereof
on which the reappraisal takes effect, and in case his and shall have the qualifications required by section
request is approved, the Director of Lands may, if the twenty-two, shall have the option of purchasing the
lessee should so desire, proceed in accordance with land leased subject to the restrictions of chapter five
section one hundred of this Act. of this Act.
Sec. 38. Leases shall run for a period of not more
than twenty-five years, but may be renewed once for CHAPTER VI
another period of not to exceed twenty-five years, in FREE PATENTS
case the lessee shall have made important
improvements which, in the discretion of the Sec. 44. Any natural-born citizen of the Philippines
Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce justify a who is not the owner of more than twenty-four
renewal. Upon the final expiration of the lease, all hectares and who since July fourth, nineteen hundred
buildings and other permanent improvements made and twenty-six or prior thereto, has continuously
by the lessee, his heirs, executors, administrators, occupied and cultivated, either by himself or through
successors, or assigns shall become the property of his predecessors-in-interest, a tract or tracts of
the Government, and the land together with the said agricultural public lands subject to disposition, or
improvements shall be disposed of in accordance who shall have paid the real estate tax thereon while
with the provisions of chapter five of this Act. same has not been occupied by any person shall be
Sec. 39. It shall be an inherent and essential entitled, under the provisions of this chapter, to have
condition of the lease that the lessee shall have not a free patent issued to him for such tract or tracts of
less than one-third of the land broken and cultivated such land not to exceed twenty-four hectares.
within five years after the date of the approval of the A member of the national cultural minorities who has
lease: Provided, however, That in case the land continuously occupied and cultivated, either by
leased is to be devoted to pasture, it shall be himself or through his predecessors-in-interest, a
sufficient compliance with this condition if the lessee tract or tracts of land, whether disposable or not
shall graze on the land as many heads of cattle as since July 4, 1955, shall be entitled to the right
will occupy at least one-half of the entire area at the granted in the preceding paragraph of this section:
rate of one head per hectare. Provided, That at the time he files his free patent
Sec. 40. The lessee shall not assign, encumber, or application he is not the owner of any real property
sublet his rights without the consent of the Secretary secured or disposable under this provision of the
of Agriculture and Commerce, and the violation of Public Land Law
Sec. 45. The President of the Philippines (Prime further, That the several periods of time designated
Minister), upon recommendation of the Secretary of by the President in accordance with section forty-five
Natural Resources, shall from time to time fix by of this Act shall apply also to the lands comprised in
proclamation the period which applications for the provisions of this chapter, but this section shall
Proclamation free patents may be filed in the district, not be construed as prohibiting any of said persons
chartered city, of period province, municipality or from acting under this chapter at any time prior to
region specified in such proclamation, and upon the the period fixed by the President.
expiration of the period so designated, unless the Sec. 48. The following-described citizens of the
same be extended by the President (Prime Minister) Philippines, occupying lands of the public domain or
all the land comprised within such district, chartered claiming to own any such lands or an interest
city, province, municipality or region subject thereto therein, but whose titles have not been perfected or
under the provisions of this chapter may be disposed completed, may apply to the Court of First Instance
of as agricultural public land without prejudice to the of the province where the land is located for
prior right of the occupant and cultivator to acquire confirmation of their claims and the issuance of a
such land under this Act by means other than free certificate of title therefor, under the Land
patent. The time to be fixed in the entire Archipelago Registration Act , to wit:
for the filing of applications under this Chapter shall (a) Those who prior to the transfer of sovereignty
not extend beyond December 31, 1987, except in the from Spain to the prior United States have applied for
provinces of Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, the purchase, composition or other form of grant of
Cotabato, South Cotabato, Bukidnon, Lanao del lands of the public domain under the laws and royal
Norte, Lanao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del decrees then in force and have instituted and
Sur, Davao Oriental, Sulu, Mt. Province, Benguet, prosecuted the proceedings in connection therewith,
Kalinga-Apayao, and Ifugao where the President of but have with or without default upon their part, or
the Philippines, upon recommendation of the for any other cause, not received title therefor, if
Secretary of Natural Resources, shall determine or fix such applicants or grantees and their heirs have
the time beyond which the filing of applications occupied and cultivated said lands continuously since
under this Chapter shall not extend. The period fixed the filing of their applications.
for any district, chartered city, province, or (b) Those who by themselves or through their
municipality shall begin to run thirty days after the predecessors in interest have been in open,
publication of the proclamation in the Official Gazette continuous, exclusive, and notorious possession and
and if available in one newspaper of general occupation of agricultural lands of the public domain,
circulation in the city, province or municipality under a bona fide claim of acquisition or ownership,
concerned. A certified copy of said proclamation shall for at least thirty years immediately preceding the
be furnished by the Secretary of Natural Resources filing of the application for confirmation of title
within 30 days counted from the date of the except when prevented by war or force majeure.
presidential proclamation to the Director of Lands These shall be conclusively presumed to have
and to the provincial board, the municipal board or performed all the conditions essential to a
city council and barangay council affected, and Government grant and shall be entitled to a
copies thereof shall be posted on the bulletin board certificate of title under the provisions of this
of the Bureau of Lands at Manila and at conspicuous chapter.
places in the provincial building and at the municipal (c) Members of the national cultural minorities who
building and barangay hall or meeting place. It shall by themselves or through their predecessors-in-
moreover, be announced by government radio interest have been in open, continuous, exclusive
whenever available, in each of the barrios of the and notorious possession and occupation of lands of
municipality. the public domain suitable to agriculture, whether
Sec. 46. If, after the filing of the application and the disposable or not, under a bona fide claim of
investigation, the Director of Lands shall be satisfied ownership for at least 30 years shall be entitled to
of the truth of the allegations contained the the rights granted in sub-section (b) hereof.
application and that the applicant comes within the Sec. 49. No person claiming title to lands of the
provisions chapter, he shall cause a patent to issue public domain not possession of the qualifications
to the applicant or his legal successor for the tract so specified in the last preceding section may apply for
occupied and cultivated, provided its area does not the benefits of this chapter.
exceed twenty-four hectares: Provided, That no Sec. 50. Any person or persons, or their legal
application shall be finally acted upon until notice representatives or successors in right, claiming any
thereof has been published in the municipality and lands or interest in lands under the provisions of this
barrio in which the land is located and adverse chapter, must in every case present an application to
claimants have had an opportunity to present their the proper Court of First Instance, praying that the
claims. validity of the alleged title or claim be inquired into
and that a certificate of title be issued to them under
CHAPTER VII the provisions of the Land Registration Act.
JUDICIAL CONFIRMATION OF IMPERFECT OR The application shall conform as nearly as may be in
INCOMPLETE TITLES its material allegations to the requirements of an
application for registration under the Land
Sec. 47. The persons specified in the next following Registration Act, and shall be accompanied by a plan
section are hereby granted time, not to extend of the land and all documents evidencing a right on
beyond December 31, 1987 within which to take the part of the applicant to the land claimed. The
advantage of the benefit of this chapter: Provided, application shall also state the citizenship of the
That this extension shall apply only where the area applicant and shall set forth fully the nature of the
applied for does not exceed 144 hectares. Provided, claim and when based upon proceeding initiated
under Spanish laws, it shall specify as exactly as agricultural land of the public domain, the decision
possible the date and form of application for shall be in favor of the Government.
purchase composition or other form of grant, the Sec. 55. Whenever, in any proceedings under this
extent of the compliance with the conditions required chapter to secure registration of an incomplete or
by the Spanish laws and royal decrees for the imperfect claim of title initiated prior to the transfer
acquisition of legal title, and if not fully complied of sovereignty from Spain to the United States, it
with, the reason for such noncompliance, together shall appear that had such claims been prosecuted to
with a statement of the length of time such land or completion under the laws prevailing when
any portion thereof has been actually occupied by instituted, and under the conditions of the grant then
the claimant or his predecessors in interest; the use contemplated, the conveyance of such land to the
made of the land, and the nature of the enclosure, if applicant would not have been gratuitous, but would
any. The fees provided to be paid for the registration have involved payment therefor to the Government,
of lands under the Land Registration Act shall be then and in that event the court shall, after
collected from applicants under this chapter. decreeing in whom title should vest, further
Sec. 51. Applications for registration under this determine the amount to be paid as a condition for
chapter shall be heard in the Court of First Instance the registration of the land. Such judgment shall be
in the same manner and shall be subject to the same certified to the Director of Lands by the clerk of the
procedure as established in the Land Registration Act court for collection of the amount due from the
for other applications, except that a notice of all such person entitled to conveyance.
applications, together with a plan of the lands Upon payment to the Director of Lands of the price
claimed, shall be immediately forwarded to the specified in the judgment, he shall so certify to the
Director of Lands, who may appear as a party in such proper Court of First Instance and said court shall
cases: Provided, That prior to the publication for forthwith order the registration of the land in favor of
hearing, all of the papers in said case shall be the competent person entitled thereto. If said person
transmitted papers by the clerk to the Solicitor shall fail to pay the amount of money required by the
General or officer acting in his stead, in order that he decree within a reasonable time fixed in the same,
may, if he deems it advisable for the interests of the the court shall order the proceeding to stand
Government, investigate all of the facts alleged in dismissed and the title to the land shall then be in
the application or otherwise brought to his attention. the State free from any claim of the applicant.
The Solicitor-General shall return such papers to the Sec. 56. Whenever any judgment of confirmation or
clerk as soon as practicable within three months. other decree of the court under this chapter shall
The final decree of the court shall in every case be become final, the clerk of the court concerned shall
the basis for the original certificate of title in favor of certify that fact to the Director of Lands, with a
the person entitled to the property under the certified copy of the decree of confirmation or
procedure prescribed in section forty-one of the Land judgment of the court and the plan and technical
Registration Act. description of the land involved in the decree or
Sec. 52. In cadastral proceedings, instead of an judgment of the court.
application, an answer or claim may be filed with the Sec. 57. No title or right to, or equity in, any lands of
same effect as in the procedure provided in the last the public domain may hereafter be acquired by
preceding two sections. prescription or by adverse possession or occupancy,
Sec. 53. It shall be lawful for the Director of Lands, or under or by virtue of any law in effect prior to
whenever in the opinion of the President the public American occupation, except as expressly provided
interests shall require it, to cause to be filed in the by laws enacted after said occupation of the
proper Court of First Instance, through the Solicitor- Philippines by the United States.
General or the officer acting in his stead, a petition
against the holder, claimant, possessor, or occupant TITLE III
of any land who shall not have voluntarily come in LANDS FOR RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL OR
under the provisions of this chapter or of the Land INDUSTRIAL PURPOSES AND OTHER SIMILAR
Registration Act, stating in substance that the title of PURPOSES
such holder, claimant, possessor, or occupant is open CHAPTER VIII
to discussion; or that the boundaries of any such land CLASSIFICATION AND CONCESSION OF PUBLIC
which has not been brought into court as aforesaid LANDS SUITABLE FOR RESIDENCE, COMMERCE
are open to question; or that it is advisable that the AND INDUSTRY
title to such lands be settled and adjudicated, and
praying that the title to any such land or the Sec. 58. Any tract of land of the public domain
boundaries thereof or the right to occupancy thereof which, being neither timber nor mineral land, is
be settled and adjudicated. The judicial proceedings intended to be used for residential purposes or for
under this section shall be in accordance with the commercial, industrial, or other productive purposes
laws on adjudication of title in cadastral proceedings. other than agricultural, and is open to disposition or
Sec. 54. If in the hearing of any application arising concession, shall be disposed of under the provisions
under this chapter the court shall find that more than of this chapter and not otherwise.
one person or claimant has an interest in the land, Sec. 59. The lands disposable under this title shall
such conflicting interests shall be adjudicated by the be classified as follows:
court and decree awarded in favor of the person or (a) Lands reclaimed by the Government by dredging,
persons entitled to the land according to the laws, filing, or other means;
but if none of said person is entitled to the land, or if (b) Foreshore;
the person who might be entitled to the same lacks (c) Marshy lands or lands covered with water
the qualifications required by this Act for acquiring bordering upon the shores or banks of navigable
lakes or rivers;
(d) Lands not included in any of the foregoing reclaimed by the Government which shall not be less
classes. than four per centum of the appraised or reappraised
Sec. 60. Any tract of land comprised under this title value of the land plus two per centum of the
may be leased or sold, as the case may be, to any appraised or reappraised value of the improvements
person, corporation, or association authorized to thereon: Provided, That twenty-five per centum of
purchase or lease public lands for agricultural the total annual rental on all lands reclaimed prior to
purposes. The area of the land so leased or sold shall the approval of this Act and one per centum of the
be such as shall, in the judgment of the Secretary of appraised or reappraised value of improvements
Agriculture and Natural Resources, be reasonably shall accrue to the construction and improvement
necessary for the purposes for which such sale or portion of the Portworks Fund: And provided, further,
lease is requested, and shall in no case exceed one That the annual rental on lands reclaimed using the
hundred and forty-four hectares: Provided, however, Portworks Fund together with the fee due on account
That this limitation shall not apply to grants, of the improvement thereon after the effectivity of
donations, transfers made to a province, municipality this Act shall all accrue to the construction and
or branch or subdivision of the Government for the improvement portion of the Portworks Fund.
purposes deemed by said entities conducive to the (b) The land rented and the improvements thereon
public interest; but the land so granted donated, or shall be reappraised every ten years if the term of
transferred to a province, municipality, or branch or the lease is in excess of that period.
subdivision of the Government shall not be alienated, (c) The term of the lease shall be as prescribed by
encumbered, or otherwise disposed of in a manner section thirty-eight of this Act.
affecting its title, except when authorized by (d) The lessee shall construct permanent
Congress: Provided, further, That any person, improvements appropriate for the purpose for which
corporation, association or partnership disqualified the lease is granted, shall commence the
from purchasing public land for agricultural purposes construction thereof within six months from the date
under the provisions of this Act, may lease land of the award of the right to lease the land, and shall
included under this title suitable for industrial or complete the said construction within eighteen
residential purposes, but the lease granted shall months from said date.
only-be valid while such land is used for the purposes (e) At the expiration of the lease or of any extension
referred to. of the same, all improvements made by the lessee,
Sec. 61. The lands comprised in classes (a), (b), and his heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or
(c) of section fifty-nine shall be disposed of to private assigns shall become the property of the
parties by lease only and not otherwise, as soon as Government.
the President, upon recommendation by the (f) The regulation of all rates and fees charged to the
Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce shall declare public; and the annual submission to the Government
that the same are not necessary for the public for approval of all tariffs of such rates and fees.
service and are open to disposition under this (g) The continuance of the easements of the coast
chapter. The lands included in class (d) may be police and other easements reserved by existing law
disposed of by sale or lease under the provisions of or by any laws hereafter enacted.
this Act. (h) Subjection to all easements and other rights
Sec. 62. The lands reclaimed by the Government by acquired by the owners of lands bordering upon the
dredging, filling or otherwise shall be surveyed and foreshore or marshy land.
may, with the approval of the Secretary of The violation of one or any of the conditions specified
Agriculture and Commerce, be divided by the in the contract shall give rise to the rescission of said
Director of Lands into lots and blocks, with the contract. The Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce
necessary streets and alley-ways between them, and may, however, subject to such conditions as he may
said Director shall give notice to the public by prescribe, waive the rescission arising from a
publication in the Official Gazette or by other means, violation of the conditions of subsection (d), or
that the lots or blocks not needed for public purposes extend the time within which the construction of the
shall be leased for commercial or industrial or other improvements shall be commenced and completed.
similar purposes. Sec. 65. The sale of the lands comprised in classes
Sec. 63. Whenever it is decided that lands covered (c) and (d) of section fifty-nine shall, among others,
by this chapter are not needed for public purposes, comprise the following conditions:
the Director of Lands shall ask the Secretary of (a) The purchaser shall make improvements of a
Agriculture and Commerce for authority to dispose of permanent character appropriate for the purpose for
the same. Upon receipt of such authority, the which the land is purchased, shall commence work
Director of Lands shall give notice by public thereon within six months from the receipt of the
advertisement in the same manner as in the case of order of award, and shall complete the construction
leases or sales of agricultural public land, that the of said improvements within eighteen months from
Government will lease or sell, as the case may be, the date of such award; otherwise the Secretary of
the lots or blocks specified in the advertisement, for Agriculture and Natural Resources may rescind the
the purpose stated in the notice and subject to the contract.
conditions specified in this chapter. (b) The purchase price shall be paid in cash or in
Sec. 64. The leases executed under this chapter by equal annual installments, not to exceed ten.
the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce shall, The contract of sale may contain other conditions not
among other conditions, contain the following: inconsistent with the provisions of this Act.
(a) The rental shall not be less than three per centum Sec. 66. The kind of improvements to be made by
of the appraised or reappraised value of the land plus the lessee or the purchaser, and the plans thereof,
one per centum of the appraised or reappraised shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of
value of the improvements, except for lands Public Works and Communications, in case they are
constructions or improvements which if by the the immediate rescission of the sale or lease, as the
Government, would properly have to be executed case may be, and to the forfeiture to the Government
under the supervision of the Bureau of Public Works. of all existing improvements: Provided, That it shall
Sec. 67. The lease or sale shall be made through in no case be sublet, encumbered or resold under the
oral bidding; and adjudication shall be made to the conditions above set forth except with the approval
highest bidder. However, where an applicant has of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce.
made improvements on the land by virtue of a
permit issued to him by competent authority, the TITLE V
sale or lease shall be made by sealed bidding as RESERVATIONS
prescribed in section twenty-six of this Act, the CHAPTER X
provisions of which shall be applied wherever TOWN SITE RESERVATIONS
applicable. If all or part of the lots remain unleased
or unsold, the Director of Lands shall from time to Sec. 71. Whenever it shall be considered to be in
time announce in the Official Gazette or in any other the public interest to found a new town. The
newspapers of general circulation, the lease or sale Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce shall direct
of those lots, if necessary the Director of Lands to have a survey made by his
Sec. 68. The Secretary of Agricultural and Bureau of the exterior boundaries of the site on
Commerce may grant to qualified persons temporary which such town is to be established, and upon the
permission, upon payment of a reasonable charge, completion of the survey he shall send the same to
for the use of any portion of the lands covered by said Secretary, with his recommendations.
this chapter for any lawful private purpose, subject to Sec. 72. The Secretary of Agriculture and
revocation at any time when, in his judgment, the Commerce, if he approves the recommendations of
public interest shall require it. the Director of Lands, shall submit the matter to the
President to the end that the latter may issue a
TITLE IV proclamation reserving the land surveyed, or such
LANDS FOR EDUCATIONAL, CHARITABLE, AND part thereof as he may deem proper, as a town site,
OTHER SIMILAR PURPOSES and a certified copy of such proclamation shall be
CHAPTER IX sent to the Director of Lands and another to the
CONCESSION OF LANDS FOR EDUCATIONAL, register of deeds of the province in which the
Sec. 73. It shall then be the duty of the Director of
Sec. 69. Whenever any province, municipality, or Lands, after having recorded the proclamation of the
other branch or subdivision of the Government shall President and the survey accompanying the same,
need any portion of the land of the public domain and having completed the legal proceedings
open to concession for educational, charitable or prescribed in chapter thirteen of this Act, to direct a
other similar purposes, the President, upon subdivision in accordance with the instructions of the
recommendation by the Secretary of Agriculture and Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce, if there shall
Commerce, may execute contracts in favor of the be such instructions, and if there shall not be any,
same. in the form of donation, sale, lease, exchange, then in the manner which may to the Director of
or any other form, under terms and conditions to be Lands seem best adapted to the convenience and
inserted in the contract; but land so granted shall in interest of the public and the residents of the future
no case be encumbered or alienated, except when town.
the public service requires their being leased or Sec. 74. The plat of the subdivision shall designate
exchanged, with the approval of the President, for certain lots for commercial and industrial uses and
other lands belonging to private parties, or if the the remainder as residence lots, and shall also
National Assembly disposes otherwise. reserve and note the lots owned by private
Sec. 70. Any tract of public land of the class covered individuals as evidenced by record titles, or
by this title may be sold or leased for the purpose of possessed or claimed by them as private property.
founding a cemetery, church, college, school, Such lots, whether public or private, shall be
university, or other institutions for educational, numbered upon a general plan or system.
charitable or philanthropical purposes or scientific The plat prepared by the Director of Lands shall be
research, the area to be such as may actually and submitted to the Secretary of Agriculture and
reasonably be necessary to carry out such purpose, Commerce for consideration, modification,
but not to exceed ninety-six hectares in any case. amendment, or approval.
The sale or lease shall be made subject to the same Sec. 75. Unless the necessary reservations are
conditions as required for the sale and lease of made in the proclamation of the President, the
agricultural public land, but the Secretary of Director of Lands, with the approval of the Secretary
Agriculture and Commerce may waive the conditions of Agriculture and Commerce, shall reserve out of
requiring cultivation. The Secretary of Agriculture the land by him to be subdivided lots of sufficient
and Commerce, if conveyance he sees fit, may order size and convenient situation for public use, as well
the sale to be made without public auction, at a price as the necessary avenues, streets, alleyways, parks,
to be fixed by said Secretary, or the lease to be and squares. The avenues, streets, alleys, parks,
granted without auction, at a rental to be fixed by plazas, and lots shall be laid out on the plat as
him. In either case it shall be a condition that the though the lands owned or claimed by private
purchaser or lessee or their successors or assigns persons were part of the public domain and part of
shall not sell transfer, encumber or lease the land for the reservation, with a view to the possible
the purposes of speculation or use it for any purpose subsequent purchase or condemnation thereof, if
other than that contemplated in the application, and deemed necessary by the proper authorities.
that the violation of this condition shall give rise to
Sec.76. At any time after the subdivision has been the public interest requires it, including reservations
made, the President may, in case the public interest for highways, rights of way for railroads, hydraulic
requires it, reserve for public purposes any lot or lots power sites, irrigation systems, communal pastures
of the land so reserved and not disposed of. or leguas comunales, public parks, public quarries,
Sec. 77. If, in order to carry out the provisions of this public fishponds, workingmens village and other
chapter, it shall be necessary to condemn private improvements for the public benefit.
lands within the limits of the new town, the President Sec. 84. Upon recommendation of the Secretary of
shall direct the Solicitor-General or officer acting in Agriculture and Commerce, the President, may by
his stead to at once begin proceedings for proclamation, designate any tract or tracts of the
condemnation, in accordance with the provisions of public domain for the exclusive use of the non-
existing law. Christian Filipinos, including in the reservation, in so
Sec. 78. When the plat of subdivision has been far as practicable, the lands used or possessed by
finally approved by the Secretary of Agriculture and them, and granting to each member not already the
Commerce, the Director of Lands shall record the owner, by title or gratuitous patent, of four or more
same in the records of his office and shall forward a hectares of land, the use and benefit only of a tract
certified copy of such record to the register of deeds of land not to exceed four hectares for each male
of the province in which the land lies, to be by such member over eighteen years of age or the head of a
register recorded in the records of his office family. As soon as the Secretary of the Interior shall
Sec. 79. All lots, except those claimed by or certify that the majority of the non-Christian
belonging to private parties and those reserved for inhabitants of any given reservation have advanced
parks, buildings, and other public uses, shall be sold, sufficiently in civilization, then the President may
after due notice, at public auction to the highest order that the lands of the public domain within such
bidder, after the approval and recording of the plat of reservation be granted under the general provisions
subdivision as above provided, but no bid shall be of this Act to the said inhabitants, and the
accepted that does not equal at least two-thirds of subdivision and distribution of said lands as above
the appraised value, nor shall bids be accepted from provided shall be taken into consideration in the final
persons, corporations, associations, or partnerships disposition of the same. But any non-Christian
not authorized to purchase public lands for inhabitant may at any time apply for the general
commercial, residential or industrial purposes under benefits of this Act provided the Secretary of
the provisions of this Act. The provisions of sections Agriculture and Commerce is satisfied that such
twenty-six and sixty-five of this Act shall be observed inhabitant is qualified to take advantage of the
in so far as they are applicable. Lots for which provisions of the same: Provided, That all grants,
satisfactory bids have not been received shall be deeds, patents and other instruments of conveyance
again offered for sale, under the same conditions as of land or purporting to convey or transfer rights of
the first time, and if they then remain unsold, the property, privileges, or easements appertaining to or
Director of Lands shall be authorized to sell them at growing out of lands, granted by sultans, datus, or
private sale for not less than two-thirds of their other chiefs of the so-called non-Christian tribes,
appraised value. without the authority of the Spanish Government
Sec. 80. All funds derived from the sale of lots shall while the Philippines were under the sovereignty of
be covered into the Philippine Treasury as part of the Spain, or without the consent of the United States
general funds. Government or of the Philippine Government since
Sec. 81. Not more than two residence lots and two the sovereignty over the Archipelago was transferred
lots for commercial and industrial uses in any one from Spain to the United States, and all deeds and
town site shall be sold to any one person, other documents executed or issued or based upon
corporation, or association without the specific the deeds, patents, and documents mentioned, are
approval of the Secretary of Agriculture and hereby declared to be illegal, void, and of no effect.
Commerce. Sec. 85. Upon recommendation by the Secretary of
Sec. 82. The Assembly shall have the power at any Agriculture and Commerce, the President may, by
time to modify, alter, rescind, repeal, annul, and proclamation designate any tract or tracts of land of
cancel, with or without conditions, limitation, the public domain for the establishment of
exceptions, or reservations, all and any dispositions agricultural colonies; and although the disposition of
made by the executive branch of the Philippine the lands to the colonists shall be made under the
Government by virtue of this chapter, and the provisions of this Act, yet, while the Government
exercise of this power shall be understood as shall have the supervision and management of said
reserved in all cases, as an inherent condition colonies, the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce
thereof. may make the necessary rules and regulations for
the organization and internal administration of the
CHAPTER XI same. The Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce
RESERVATIONS FOR PUBLIC AND SEMI-PUBLIC may also, under conditions to be established by the
PURPOSES Assembly, turn over a colony so reserved to any
person or corporation, in order that such person or
Sec. 83. Upon the recommendation of the Secretary corporation may clear, break, and prepare for
of Agriculture and Commerce, the President may cultivation the lands of said colony and establish the
designate by proclamation any tract or tracts of land necessary irrigation system and suitable roads and
of the public domain as reservations for the use of fences; but final disposition shall be made of the land
the Commonwealth of the Philippines or of any of its in accordance with the provisions of this Act, subject,
branches, or of the inhabitants thereof, in however, to such conditions as the National
accordance with regulations prescribed for this Assembly may establish for the reimbursement of
purpose, or for quasi-public uses or purposes when the expense incurred in putting such lands in
condition for cultivation: Provided, That the National accidents of the ground or permanent monuments, if
Assembly may direct that such land so prepared for any.
cultivation may be disposed of only by sale or lease. (g) Whether all or part of the land is occupied or
cultivated or improved, and by whom, giving his
CHAPTER XII post-office address, and whether the land has been
PROVISIONS COMMON TO RESERVATIONS occupied or cultivated or improved by the applicant
or his ascendant, the name of the ascendant, the
Sec. 86. A certified copy of every proclamation of relationship with him, the date and place of the
the President issued under the provisions of this title death of the ascendant, the date when the
shall be forwarded to the Director of Lands for record possession and cultivation began, and description of
in his office, and a copy of this record shall be the improvements made, accompanying satisfactory
forwarded to the register of deeds of the province or evidence of the relationship of the applicant with the
city where the land lies. Upon receipt of such ascendant, and of the death of the latter and the
certified copy, the Director of Lands shall order the descendants left by him, in case it is alleged that he
immediate survey of the proposed reservation if the occupied and cultivated the land first; or whether
land has not yet been surveyed, and as soon as the there are indications of its having been occupied,
plat has been completed, he shall proceed in cultivated, or improved entirely or partially, and if so,
accordance with the next following section. in what such indications consist, whether he has
Sec. 87. If all the lands included in the proclamation made investigations as to when and by whom such
of the President are not registered under the Land improvements were made, and if so, how such
Registration Act, the Solicitor-General, if requested to investigations were made and what was the result
do so by the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce, thereof; or whether the land is not occupied,
shall proceed in accordance with the provision of improved, or cultivated either entirely or partially,
section fifty-three of this Act. and there are no indications of it having ever been
Sec. 88. The tract or tracts of land reserved under occupied, improved, or cultivated, and in this case,
the provisions of section eighty-three shall be non- what is the condition of the land.
alienable and shall not be subject to occupation, (h) That the land applied for is neither timber nor
entry, sale, lease, or other disposition until again mineral land and does not contain guano or deposits
declared alienable under the provisions of this Act or of salts or coal.
by proclamation of the President. (i) That the applicant agrees that a strip forty meters
wide starting from the bank on each side of any river
TITLE VI or stream that may be found on the land applied for,
GENERAL PROVISIONS shall be demarcated and preserved as permanent
CHAPTER XIII timberland to be planted exclusively to trees of
APPLICATIONS: PROCEDURE, CONCESSION OF known economic value, and that he shall not make
LANDS, AND LEGAL RESTRICTIONS AND any clearing thereon or utilize the same for ordinary
ENCUMBRANCES farming purposes even after patent shall have been
issued to him or a contract of lease shall have been
Sec. 89. All applications filed under the provisions of executed in his favor. 68
this Act shall be addressed to the Director of Lands. Sec. 91. The statements made in the application
Sec. 90. Every application under the provisions of shall be considered as essential conditions and parts
this Act shall be made under oath and shall set forth: of any concession, title, or permit issued on the basis
(a) The full name of applicant, his age, place of birth, of such application, and any false statements therein
citizenship, civil status, and post-office address. In or omission of facts altering, changing, or modifying
case the applicant is a corporation, association or co- the consideration of the facts set forth in such
partnership, the application shall be accompanied statements, and any subsequent modification,
with a certified copy of its articles of incorporation, alteration, or change of the material facts set forth in
association or co-partnership together with an the application shall ipso facto produce the
affidavit of its President, manager, or other cancellation of the concession, title, or permit
responsible officer, giving the names of the granted. It shall be the duty of the Director of Lands,
stockholders or members, their citizenship, and the from time to time and whenever he may deem it
number of shares subscribed by each. advisable, to make the necessary investigations for
(b) That the applicant has all the qualifications the purpose of ascertaining whether the material
required by this Act in the case. facts set out in the application are true, or whether
(c) That he has none of the disqualifications they continue to exist and are maintained and
mentioned herein. preserved in good faith, and for the purposes of such
(d) That the application is made in good faith, for the investigation, the Director of Lands is hereby
actual purpose of using the land for the object empowered to issue subpoenas and subpoenas
specified in the application and for no other purpose, duces tecum and, if necessary, to obtain compulsory
and that the land is suitable for the purpose to which process from the courts. In every investigation made
it is to be devoted. in accordance with this section, the existence of bad
(e) That the application is made for the exclusive faith, fraud, concealment, or fraudulent and illegal
benefit of the application and not, either directly or modification of essential facts shall be presumed if
indirectly, for the benefit of any other person or the grantee or possessor of the land shall refuse or
persons, corporation, association, or partnership. fail to obey a subpoena or subpoena duces tecum
(f) As accurate a description of the land as may be lawfully issued by the Director of Lands or his
given, stating its nature the province, municipality, authorized delegates or agents, or shall refuse or fail
barrio, and sitio where it is located, and its limits and to give direct and specific answers to pertinent
boundaries, specifying those having reference to questions, and on the basis of such presumption, an
order of cancellation may issue without further President may, in the order issued by him declaring it
proceedings. open for disposition, designate a term within which
Sec. 92. Although the maximum area of public land occupants with improvements but not entitled to free
that may be acquired is fixed, yet the spirit of this patents may apply for the land occupied by them, if
Act is that the rule which must determine the real they have the qualifications required by this Act.
area to be granted is the beneficial use of the land. Sec. 97. If in the case of the two last preceding
The concession or disposition shall be for less than sections, the occupant or occupants have not made
the maximum area authorized if, at the time of the application under any of the provisions of this Act at
issuance of the patent or of the concession or the expiration of the time limit fixed, they shall lose
disposition, it shall appear that the applicant is any prior right to the land recognized by this Act, and
utilizing and is only able to utilize a smaller area, the improvements on the land, if any, shall be
even though the application is for a greater area. For forfeited to the Government.
the purposes of this section, the Director of Lands is Sec. 98. All rights in and interest to, and the
authorized to determine the area that may be improvements and crops upon, land for which an
granted to the applicant, and to deny or cancel or application has been denied or canceled or a patent
limit any application for concession, purchase, or or grant refused, or a contract or concession
lease if convinced of the lack of means of the rescinded or annulled, shall also be forfeited to the
applicant for using the land for the purpose for which Government.
he has requested it. Sec. 99. The Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce
Sec. 93. Lands applied for under this Act shall may order such improvements and crops to be
conform to the legal subdivisions and shall be appraised separately, for sale to the new applicant or
contiguous if comprising more than one subdivision. grantee, or may declare such land open only to sale
If subdivisions have not been made on the date of or lease.
the application, the lands shall be rectangular in form Sec. 100. In case the cancellation is due to
so far as practicable, but it shall be endeavored to delinquency on the part of the applicant or grantee,
make them conform to the legal subdivision as soon the same shall be entitled to the reimbursement of
as the same has been made, provided the interests the proceeds of the sale of the improvements and
of the applicant or grantee are protected; and the crops, after deducting the total amount of his
subdivision assigned to the applicant or grantee indebtedness to the Government and the expense
shall, so far as practicable, include the land improved incurred by it in the sale of the improvements or
or cultivated. The regulations to be issued for the crops and in the new concession of the land.
execution of the provisions of this section shall take Sec. 101. All actions for the reversion to the
into account the legal subdivision to be made by the Government of lands of the public domain or
Government and the inadvisability of granting the improvements thereon shall be instituted by the
best land at a given place to only one person. Solicitor-General or the officer acting in his stead, in
Sec. 94. In case the legal subdivisions have already the proper courts, in the name of the Commonwealth
been made at the time of the filing of the application, of the Philippines.
no charge shall be made for the survey; but if the Sec. 102. Any person, corporation, or association
legal subdivisions have not yet been made, the cost may file an objection under oath to any application or
of the survey shall be charged to the Government, concession under this Act, grounded on any reason
except in the following cases: sufficient under this Act for the denial or cancellation
(a) In purchases under chapters five and ten of this of the application or the denial of the patent or grant.
Act, the cost of the survey shall be charged to the If, after the applicant or grantee has been given
purchaser if the same is a corporation, association, suitable opportunity to be duly heard, the objection is
or partnership; in other purchases the purchases, found to be well founded, the Director of Lands shall
whoever it be, shall pay the total cost of the survey. deny or cancel the application or deny patent or
(b) In leases, the cost of the survey shall be paid by grant, and the person objecting shall, if qualified, be
the lessee; but at any time after the first five years granted a prior right of entry for a term of sixty days
from the approval of the lease, and during Cost of from the date of the notice.
the life of the same, the lessee shall be entitled to Sec. 103. All the proofs, affidavits, and oaths of any
the reimbursement of one-half of the cost of the kind required or necessary under this Act may be
survey, if he shows to the satisfaction of the Director made before the justice of the peace 71 of the
of Lands that he has occupied and improved a municipality in which the land lies, or before the
sufficient area of the land or incurred sufficient judge or clerk of the Court of First Instance of the
expenses in connection therewith to warrant such province in which the land lies, or before any justice
reimbursement. of the peace or chargeable notary public of the
Section95. If before the delimitation and survey of a province in which the land lies, or before any officer
tract of public land the President shall declare the or employee of the Bureau of Lands authorized by
same disposable or alienable and such land shall be law to administer oaths.
actually occupied by a person other than the The fees for the taking of final evidence before any of
applicant, the Director of Lands shall inform the the officials herein-before mentioned shall be as
occupant of his prior right to apply for the land and follows:
shall give him one hundred and twenty days time in For each affidavit, fifty centavos.
which to file the application or apply for the For each deposition of the applicant or the witness,
concession by any of the forms of disposition fifty centavos.
authorized by this Act, if such occupant is qualified to Sec. 104. Any owner of uncultivated agricultural
acquire a concession under this Act. land who knowingly permits application for the same
Sec. 96. As soon as any land of the public domain to be made to the Government and the land to be
has been surveyed, delimited, and classified, the tilled and improved by a bona fide grantee without
protesting to the Bureau of Lands within one year whether made by the Bureau of Lands or by a private
after cultivation has begun, shall lose all to the part surveyor, has been approved by the Director of
of the land so cultivated and improved, unless he Lands. The Director of Lands shall promptly act upon
shall bring action in the proper court before such all surveys submitted to him for approval and return
action for recovery prescribes and obtains favorable the same to the District Land Officer within ninety
judgment therein, in which case the court shall, upon days after receipt of such surveys by his office. In
its decision becoming final, order the payment to the case of disapproval, the Director of Lands shall state
grantee, within a reasonable period, of the indemnity the reasons therefor. Any person aggrieved by the
fixed by said court for the cultivation and decision or action of the District Land Officer may,
improvement. within thirty days from receipt of the copy of the said
Sec. 105. If at any time the applicant or grantee decision, appeal to the Director of Lands. Such
shall die before the issuance of the patent or the final patents or certificates shall be effective only for the
grant of the land, or during the life of the lease, or purposes defined in Section one hundred and twenty-
while the applicant or grantee still has obligations two of the land Registration Act, and actual
pending towards the Government, in accordance with conveyance of the land shall be effected only as
this Act, he shall be succeeded in his rights and provided in said section.
obligations with respect to the land applied for or All surveys pending approval by the Director of Lands
granted or leased under this Act by his heirs in law, at the time this Act takes effect shall be acted upon
who shall be entitled to have issued to them the by him within ninety days from the effectivity of this
patent or final concession if they show that they Act.
have complied with the requirements therefor, and Section108. No patent shall issue nor shall any
who shall be subrogated in all his rights and concession or contract be finally approved unless the
obligations for the purposes of this Act. land has been surveyed and an accurate plat made
Sec. 106. If at any time after the approval of the thereof by the Bureau of Lands.
application and before the issuance of a patent or Sec. 109. In no case shall any land be granted under
the final concession of the land, or during the life of the provisions of this Act when this affects injuriously
the lease, or at any time when the applicant or the use of any adjacent land or of the waters, rivers,
grantee still has obligations pending with the creeks, foreshore, roads, or roadsteads, or vest the
Government, in accordance with this Act, it appears grantee with other valuable rights that may be
that the land applied for is necessary, in the public detrimental to the public interest.
interest, for the protection of any source of water or Sec. 110. Patents or certificates issued under the
for any work for the public benefit that the provisions of this Act shall not include nor convey the
Government wishes to undertake, the Secretary of title to any gold, silver, copper, iron, or other metals
Agriculture and Commerce may order the or minerals, or other substances containing minerals,
cancellation of the application or the non issuance of guano, gums, precious stones, coal, or coal oil
the patent or concession or the exclusion from the contained in lands granted thereunder. These shall
land applied for of such portion as may be required, remain to be property of the State.
upon payment of the value of the improvements, if Sec. 111. All persons receiving title to lands under
any. the provisions of this Act shall hold such lands
Sec. 107. All patents or certificates for land granted subject to the provisions hereof and to the same
under this Act shall be prepared in the Bureau of public servitudes as exist upon lands owned by
Lands and shall be issued in the name of the private persons, including those with reference to the
Government of the Republic of the Philippines under littoral of the sea and the banks of navigable rivers or
the signature of the President of the Philippines: rivers upon which rafting may be done.
Provided, however, That the President of the Sec. 112. Said land shall further be subject to a
Philippines may delegate to the Secretary of right-of-way not exceeding sixty (60) meters in width
Agriculture and Natural Resources 74 and/or the for public highways, railroads, irrigation ditches,
Under secretary for Natural Resources 74 the power aqueducts, telegraph and telephone lines and similar
to sign patents or certificates covering lands not works as the Government or any public or quasi-
exceeding one hundred forty-four hectares in area, public service or enterprise, including mining or
and to the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural forest concessionaires, may reasonably require for
Resources 75 the power to sign patents or carrying on their business, with damages for the
certificates covering lands exceeding one hundred improvements only. 77
forty-four hectares in area: Provided, further, That Sec. 113. The beneficial use of water shall be the
District Land Officers in every province are hereby basis, the measure, and the limit of all rights thereto,
empowered to sign patents or certificates covering and the patents herein granted shall be subject to
lands not exceeding five hectares in area when the the right of the Government to make such rules and
office of the District Land Officer is properly equipped regulations for the use of water and the protection of
to carry out the purposes of this Act: Provided, That the water supply, and for other public purposes, as it
no applicant shall be permitted to split the area may deem best for the public good. Whenever, by
applied for by him in excess of the area fixed in this priority of possession, rights to the use of water for
section among his relatives within the sixth degree of mining, agricultural, manufacturing, or other
consanguinity or affinity excepting the applicants purposes have vested and accrued, and the same
married children who are actually occupying the are recognized and acknowledged by the local
land: Provided, finally, That copies of said patents customs, or by the laws and decisions of the courts,
issued shall be furnished to the Bureau of Lands for the possessors and owners of such vested rights
record purposes. No patent or certificate shall be shall be maintained and protected in the same, and
issued by the District Land Officer unless the survey all patents granted under this Act shall be subject to
of the land covered by such patent or certificate, any vested and accrued rights to ditches and
reservoirs used in connection with such water rights province or in the municipality in which the land lies.
as may have been acquired in the manner above In no case shall the appraisal or reappraisal be less
described prior to April eleven, eighteen hundred and than the expense incurred or which may be incurred
ninety-nine. by the Government in connection with the
Sec. 114. There is hereby reserved from the application or concession, nor shall any reappraisal
operation of all patents, certificates, entries, and be made with an increase of more than one hundred
grants by the Government authorized under this Act per centum upon the appraisal or reappraisal next
the right to use for the purposes of power any flow of preceding.
water in any stream running through or by the land Sec.117. All sums due and payable to the
granted, the convertible power from which at Government under this Act, except homestead fees,
ordinary low water exceeds fifty horse power. Where shall draw simple interest at the rate of four per
the convertible power in any stream running through centum per annum from and after the date in which
or by land granted under the authority of this Act the debtor shall become delinquent.
thus exceeds fifty horsepower, and there is no means Sec. 118. Except in favor of the Government or any
of using such power except by the occupation of a of its branches, units, or institutions, lands acquired
part of the land granted under authority of this Act, under free patent or homestead provisions shall not
then so much land as is reasonably necessary for the be subject to encumbrance or alienation from the
mill site or site for the power house, and for a date of the approval of the application and for a term
suitable dam and site for massing the water, is of five years from and after the date of issuance of
hereby excepted from such grants, not exceeding the patent or grant, nor shall they become liable to
four hectares, and a right of way to the nearest the satisfaction of any debt contracted prior to the
public highway from the land thus excepted, and also expiration of said period, but the improvements or
a right of way for the construction and maintenance crops on the land may be mortgaged or pledged to
of such flumes, aqueducts, wires, poles, or order qualified persons, associations, or corporations.
conduits as may be needed in conveying the water to No alienation, transfer, or conveyance of any
the point where its fall will yield the greatest power, homestead after five years and before twenty-five
or the power from the point of conversion to the years after issuance of title shall be valid without the
point of use, is reserved as a servitude or easement approval of the Secretary of Agriculture and
upon the land granted by authority of this Act: Commerce, which approval shall not be denied
Provided, however, That when the Government or except on constitutional and legal grounds.
any concessionaire of the Government shall take Sec. 119. Every conveyance of land acquired under
possession of the land under this section which a the free patent or homestead provisions, when
grantee under this Act shall have paid for, supposing proper, shall be subject to repurchase by the
it to be subject to grant under this Act, said grantee applicant, his widow, or legal heirs, within a period of
shall be entitled to indemnity from the Government five years from the date of the conveyance.
or the concessionaire, as the case may be, in the Sec. 120. Conveyance and encumbrance made by
amount, if any, paid by him to the Government for persons belonging to the so-called non-Christian
the land taken from him by virtue of this section: And Filipinos or national cultural minorities, when
provided, further, That with respect to the flow of proper, shall be valid if the person making the
water, except for converting the same into power conveyance or encumbrance is able to read and can
exceeding fifty horse power, said grantee shall be understand the language in which the instrument or
entitled to the same use of the water flowing through conveyance or encumbrances is written.
or along his land that other private owners enjoy Conveyances and encumbrances made by illiterate
under the law, subject to the governmental non-Christian or literate non-Christians where the
regulation provided in the previous section. Water instrument of conveyance or encumbrance is in a
power privileges in which the convertible power at language not understood by the said literate non-
ordinary low water shall exceed fifty horse power Christians shall not be valid unless duly approved by
shall be disposed of only upon terms established by the Chairman of the Commission on National
an Act of the Assembly concerning the use, lease or Integration.
acquisition of such water privilege. Sec. 121. Except with the consent of the grantee
Sec. 115. All lands granted by virtue of this Act, and the approval of the Secretary of Natural
including homesteads upon which final proof has not Resources, and solely for commercial, industrial,
been made or approved, shall, even though and educational, religious or charitable purposes or for a
while the title remains in the State, be subject to the right of way, no corporation, association, or
ordinary taxes, which shall be paid by the grantee or partnership may acquire or have any right, title,
the applicant, beginning with the year next following interest, or property right whatsoever to any land
the one in which the homestead application has been granted under the free patent, homestead, or
filed, or the concession has been approved, or the individual sale provisions of this Act or to any
contract has been signed, as the case may be, on the permanent improvement on such land.
basis of the value fixed in such filing, approval or The provisions of Section 124 of this Act to the
signing of the application, concession or contract. contrary notwithstanding, any acquisition of such
Sec. 116. The appraisal or reappraisal of the lands land, rights thereto or improvements thereon by a
or improvements subject to concession or disposition corporation, association, or partnership prior to the
under this Act shall be made by the Director of promulgation of this Decree for the purposes herein
Lands, with the approval of the Secretary of stated is deemed valid and binding; Provided, That
Agriculture and Commerce. The Director of Lands no final decision of reversion of such land to the
may request the assistance of the provincial State has been rendered by a court; And Provided,
treasurer of the province in which the land lies or further, That such acquisition is approved by the
may appoint a committee for such purpose in the
Secretary of Natural Resources within six (6) months therein, shall not be applied in cases in which the
from the effectivity of this Decree. right to acquire, hold or dispose of such land,
Sec. 122. No land originally acquired in any manner permanent improvements thereon or interests
under the provisions of this Act, nor any permanent therein in the Philippines is recognized by existing
improvement on such land, shall encumbered, treaties in favor of citizens or subjects of foreign
alienated, or transferred, except to persons, nations and corporations or associations organized
corporations, associations, or partnerships who may and constituted by the same, which right, in so far as
acquire lands of the public domain under this Act or it exists under such treaties, shall continue and
to corporations organized in the Philippines subsist in the manner and to the extent stipulated in
authorized therefor by their charters. said treaties, and only while these are in force, but
Except in cases of hereditary succession, no land or not thereafter.
any portion thereof originally acquired under the free Sec. 126. All public auctions provided for in the
patent, homestead, or individual sale provisions of foregoing chapters in the disposition of public lands
this Act, or any permanent improvement on such shall be held, wherever possible, in the province
land, shall be transferred or assigned to any where the land is located, or, in the office of the
individual, nor shall such land or any permanent Bureau of Lands in Manila
improvement thereon be leased to such individual,
when the area of said land, added to that of his own,
shall exceed one hundred and forty-four hectares. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8371: "The Indigenous
Any transfer, assignment, or lease made in violation Peoples Rights Act
hereof, shall be null and void.
Sec. 123. No land originally acquired in any manner
Sec. 2. Declaration of State Policies.- The State shall
under the provisions of any previous Act, ordinance,
recognize and promote all the rights of Indigenous
royal order, royal decree, or any other provision of
Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples (ICCs/IPs)
law formerly in force in the Philippines with regard to
hereunder enumerated within the framework of the
public lands, terrenos baldios y realengos, or lands of
any other denomination that were actually or
presumptively of the public domain, or by royal grant
or in any other form, nor any permanent a) The State shall recognize and promote the rights
improvement on such land, shall be encumbered, of ICCs/IPs within the framework of national unity and
alienated, or conveyed, except to persons, development;
corporations or associations who may acquire land of
the public domain under this Act or to corporate
b)The State shall protect the rights of ICCs/IPs to
bodies organized in the Philippines whose charters
their ancestral domains to ensure their economic,
authorize them to do so: Provided, however, That this
social and cultural well being and shall recognize the
prohibition shall not be applicable to the conveyance
applicability of customary laws governing property
or acquisition by reason of hereditary succession
rights or relations in determining the ownership and
duly acknowledged and legalized by competent
extent of ancestral domain;
courts; Provided, further, That in the event of the
ownership of the lands and improvements mentioned
in this section and in the last preceding section being c) The State shall recognize, respect and protect the
transferred by judicial decree to persons, rights of ICCs/IPs to preserve and develop their
corporations or associations not legally capacitated cultures, traditions and institutions. It shall consider
to acquire the same under the provisions of this Act, these rights in the formulation of national laws and
such persons, corporations, or associations shall be policies;
obliged to alienate said lands or improvements to
others so capacitated within the precise period of
d) The State shall guarantee that members of the
five years; otherwise, such property shall revert to
ICCs/IPs regardless of sex, shall equally enjoy the full
the Government.
measure of human rights and freedoms without
Sec. 124. Any acquisition, conveyance, alienation,
distinctions or discriminations;
transfer, or other contract made or executed in
violation of any of the provisions of sections one
hundred and eighteen, one hundred and twenty, one e) The State shall take measures, with the
hundred and twenty-one, one hundred and twenty participation of the ICCs/IPs concerned, to protect
two, and one hundred and twenty-three of this Act their rights and guarantee respect for their cultural
shall be unlawful and null and void from its execution integrity, and to ensure that members of the ICCs/IPs
and shall produce the effect of annulling and benefit on an equal footing from the rights and
cancelling the grant, title, patent, or permit originally opportunities which national laws and regulations
issued, recognized or confirmed, actually or grant to other members of the population and
presumptively, and cause the reversion of the
property and its improvements to the State.
f) The State recognizes its obligations to respond to
Sec. 125. The provisions of sections twenty-two,
the strong expression of the ICCs/IPs for cultural
twenty-three, thirty-three, one hundred and twenty-
integrity by assuring maximum ICC/IP participation in
two, and one hundred and twenty-three of this Act,
the direction of education, health, as well as other
and any other provision or provisions restricting or
services of ICCs/IPs, in order to render such services
tending to restrict the right of persons, corporations,
more responsive to the needs and desires of these
or associations to acquire, hold, lease, encumber,
dispose of, or alienate land in the Philippines, or
permanent improvements thereon, or any interest
Towards these ends, the State shall institute and c) Certificate of Ancestral Domain
establish the necessary mechanisms to enforce and Title - refers to a title formally
guarantee the realization of these rights, taking into recognizing the rights of possession
consideration their customs, traditions, values, and ownership of ICCs/IPs over their
beliefs, their rights to their ancestral domains. ancestral domains identified and
delineated in accordance with this
CHAPTER ll law;
d) Certificate of Ancestral Lands Title
Sec. 3. Definition of Terms.- For purposes of this Act, - refers to a title formally recognizing
the following terms shall mean: the rights of ICCs/IPs over their
ancestral lands;
a) Ancestral Domains - Subject to
Section 56 hereof, refer to all areas e) Communal Claims - refer to claims
generally belonging to ICCs/IPs on land, resources and rights
comprising lands,inland waters, thereon, belonging to the whole
coastal areas, and natural resources community within a defined territory
therein, held under a claim of
ownership, occupied or possessed by
f) Customary Laws - refer to a body of
ICCs/IPs, themselves or through their
written and/or unwritten rules,
ancestors, communally or individually
usages, customs and practices
since time immemorial, continuously
traditionally and continually
to the present except when
recognized, accepted and observed
interrupted by war, force majeure or
by respective ICCs/IPs;
displacement by force, deceit, stealth
or as a consequence of government
projects or any other voluntary g) Free and Prior Informed Consent
dealings entered into by government - as used in this Act shall mean the
and private individuals, corporations, consensus of all members of the
and which are necessary to ensure ICCs/IPs to; be determined in
their economic, social and cultural accordance with their respective
welfare. It shall include ancestral customary laws and practices, free
land, forests, pasture, residential, from any external manipulation,
agricultural, and other lands interference and coercion, and
individually owned whether alienable obtained after fully disclosing the
and disposable or otherwise, hunting intent and scope of the activity, in a
grounds, burial grounds, worship language an process understandable
areas, bodies of water, mineral and to the community;
other natural resources, and lands
which may no longer be exclusively
h) Indigenous Cultural
occupied by ICCs/IPs but from which
Communities/Indigenous Peoples
their traditionally had access to for
- refer to a group of people or
their subsistence and traditional
homogenous societies identified by
activities, particularly the home
self-ascription and ascription by
ranges of ICCs/IPs who are still
other, who have continuously lived as
nomadic and/or shifting cultivators;
organized community on communally
bounded and defined territory, and
b) Ancestral Lands - Subject to who have, under claims of ownership
Section 56 hereof, refers to land since time immemorial, occupied,
occupied, possessed and utilized by possessed customs, tradition and
individuals, families and clans who other distinctive cultural traits, or
are members of the ICCs/IPs since who have, through resistance to
time immemorial, by themselves or political, social and cultural inroads of
through their predecessors-in- colonization, non-indigenous religions
interest, under claims of individual or and culture, became historically
traditional group differentiated from the majority of
ownership,continuously, to the Filipinos. ICCs/IPs shall likewise
present except when interrupted by include peoples who are regarded as
war, force majeure or displacement indigenous on account of their
by force, deceit, stealth, or as a descent from the populations which
consequence of government projects inhabited the country, at the time of
and other voluntary dealings entered conquest or colonization, or at the
into by government and private time of inroads of non-indigenous
individuals/corporations, including, religions and cultures, or the
but not limited to, residential lots, establishment of present state
rice terraces or paddies, private boundaries, who retain some or all of
forests, swidden farms and tree lots; their own social, economic, cultural
and political institutions, but who
may have been displaced from their and e) other areas of economic,
traditional domains or who may have ceremonial and aesthetic value in
resettled outside their ancestral accordance with their indigenous
domains; knowledge, beliefs, systems and
practices; and
i) Indigenous Political Structure - refer
to organizational and cultural p) Time Immemorial - refers to a period of time when
leadership systems, institutions, as far back as memory can go, certain ICCs/IPs are
relationships, patterns and processed known to have occupied, possessed in the concept of
for decision-making and participation, owner, and utilized a defined territory devolved to
identified by ICCs/IPs such as, but not them, by operation of customary law or inherited
limited to, Council of Elders, Council from their ancestors, in accordance with their
of Timuays, Bodong Holder, or any customs and traditions.
other tribunal or body of similar
j) Individual Claims - refer to claims
on land and rights thereon which
Sec. 4. Concept of Ancestral Lands/Domains.-
have been devolved to individuals,
Ancestral lands/domains shall include such concepts
families and clans including, but not
of territories which cover not only the physical
limited to, residential lots, rice
environment but the total environment including the
terraces or paddies and tree lots;
spiritual and cultural bonds to the area which the
ICCs/IPs possess, occupy and use and to which they
k) National Commission on have claims of ownership.
Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) - refers to
the office created under this Act,
Sec. 5. Indigenous Concept of
which shall be under the Office of the
Ownership.- Indigenous concept of ownership
President, and which shall be the
sustains the view that ancestral domains and all
primary government agency
resources found therein shall serve as the material
responsible for the formulation and
bases of their cultural integrity. The indigenous
implementation of policies, plans and
concept of ownership generally holds that ancestral
programs to recognize, protect and
domains are the ICC's/IP's private but community
promote the rights of ICCs/IPs;
property which belongs to all generations and
therefore cannot be sold, disposed or destroyed. It
l) Native Title - refers to pre-conquest likewise covers sustainable traditional resource
rights to lands and domains which, as rights.
far back as memory reaches, have
been held under a claim of private
Sec. 6. Composition of Ancestral
ownership by ICCs/IPs, have never
Lands/Domains.- Ancestral lands and domains shall
been public lands and are thus
consist of all areas generally belonging to ICCs/IPs as
indisputably presumed to have been
referred under Sec. 3, items (a) and (b) of this Act.
held that way since before the
Spanish Conquest;
Sec. 7. Rights to Ancestral Domains.- The rights of
ownership and possession of ICCs/IPs t their
m) Nongovernment Organization
ancestral domains shall be recognized and protected.
- refers to a private, nonprofit
Such rights shall include:
voluntary organization that has been
organized primarily for the delivery of
various services to the ICCs/IPs and a. Rights of Ownership.- The right to claim ownership
has an established track record for over lands, bodies of water traditionally and actually
effectiveness and acceptability in the occupied by ICCs/IPs, sacred places, traditional
community where it serves; hunting and fishing grounds, and all improvements
made by them at any time within the domains;
n) People's Organization - refers to a
private, nonprofit voluntary b. Right to Develop Lands and Natural Resources.-
organization of members of an ICC/IP Subject to Section 56 hereof, right to develop, control
which is accepted as representative and use lands and territories traditionally occupied,
of such ICCs/IPs; owned, or used; to manage and conserve natural
resources within the territories and uphold the
responsibilities for future generations; to benefit and
o) Sustainable Traditional Resource
share the profits from allocation and utilization of the
Rights - refer to the rights of ICCs/IPs
natural resources found therein; the right to
to sustainably use,manage, protect
negotiate the terms and conditions for the
and conserve a) land, air, water, and
exploration of natural resources in the areas for the
minerals; b) plants, animals and
purpose of ensuring ecological, environmental
other organisms; c) collecting, fishing
protection and the conservation measures, pursuant
and hunting grounds; d) sacred sites;
to national and customary laws; the right to an thereof shall the complaints be submitted to
informed and intelligent participation in the amicable settlement and to the Courts of Justice
formulation and implementation of any project, whenever necessary.
government or private, that will affect or impact
upon the ancestral domains and to receive just and
Sec. 8. Rights to Ancestral Lands.- The right of
fair compensation for any damages which they
ownership and possession of the ICCs/IPs, to their
sustain as a result of the project; and the right to
ancestral lands shall be recognized and protected.
effective measures by the government to prevent
a. Right to transfer land/property.- Such right shall
any interfere with, alienation and encroachment
include the right to transfer land or property rights
upon these rights;
to/among members of the same ICCs/IPs, subject to
customary laws and traditions of the community
c. Right to Stay in the Territories- The right to stay in concerned.
the territory and not be removed therefrom. No
ICCs/IPs will be relocated without their free and prior
b. Right to Redemption.- In cases where it is shown
informed consent, nor through any means other than
that the transfer of land/property rights by virtue of
eminent domain. Where relocation is considered
any agreement or devise, to a non-member of the
necessary as an exceptional measure, such
concerned ICCs/IPs is tainted by the vitiated consent
relocation shall take place only with the free and
of the ICCs/IPs,or is transferred for an unconscionable
prior informed consent of the ICCs/IPs concerned and
consideration or price, the transferor ICC/IP shall
whenever possible, they shall be guaranteed the
have the right to redeem the same within a period
right to return to their ancestral domains, as soon as
not exceeding fifteen (15) years from the date of
the grounds for relocation cease to exist. When such
return is not possible, as determined by agreement
or through appropriate procedures, ICCs/IPs shall be
provided in all possible cases with lands of quality Sec. 9. Responsibilities of ICCs/IPs to their Ancestral
and legal status at least equal to that of the land Domains.- ICCs/IPs occupying a duly certified
previously occupied by them, suitable to provide for ancestral domain shall have the following
their present needs and future development. Persons responsibilities:
thus relocated shall likewise be fully compensated for a. Maintain Ecological Balance- To preserve, restore,
any resulting loss or injury; and maintain a balanced ecology in the ancestral
domain by protecting the flora and fauna, watershed
areas, and other reserves;
d. Right in Case of Displacement.- In case
displacement occurs as a result of natural
catastrophes, the State shall endeavor to resettle the b. Restore Denuded Areas- To actively initiate,
displaced ICCs/IPs in suitable areas where they can undertake and participate in the reforestation of
have temporary life support system: Provided, That denuded areas and other development programs and
the displaced ICCs/IPs shall have the right to return projects subject to just and reasonable remuneration;
to their abandoned lands until such time that the and
normalcy and safety of such lands shall be
determined: Provided, further, That should their
c. Observe Laws- To observe and comply with the
ancestral domain cease to exist and normalcy and
provisions of this Act and the rules and regulations
safety of the previous settlements are not possible,
for its effective implementation.
displaced ICCs/IPs shall enjoy security of tenure over
lands to which they have been resettled: Provided,
furthermore, That basic services and livelihood shall Sec. 10. Unauthorized and Unlawful Intrusion.-
be provided to them to ensure that their needs are Unauthorized and unlawful intrusion upon, or use of
adequately addressed: any portion of the ancestral domain, or any violation
of the rights herein before enumerated, shall be
punishable under this law. Furthermore, the
e. Right to Regulate Entry of Migrants.- Right to
Government shall take measures to prevent non-
regulate the entry of migrant settlers and
ICCs/IPs from taking advantage of the ICCs/IPs
organizations into the domains;
customs or lack of understanding of laws to secure
ownership, possession of land belonging to said
f. Right to Safe and Clean Air and Water.- For this ICCs/IPs.
purpose, the ICCs/IPs shall have access to integrated
systems for the management of their inland waters
Sec. 11. Recognition of Ancestral Domain Rights.-
and air space;
The rights of ICCs/IPs to their ancestral domains by
virtue of Native Title shall be recognized and
g. Right to Claim Parts of Reservations.- The right to respected. Formal recognition, when solicited by
claim parts of the ancestral domains which have ICCs/IPs concerned, shall be embodied in a
been reserved for various purposes, except those Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title (CADT), which
reserved and intended for common and public shall recognize the title of the concerned ICCs/IPs
welfare and service; and over the territories identified and delineated.

h. Right to Resolve Conflict.- Right to resolve land Sec. 12. Option to Secure Certificate of Title under
conflicts in accordance with customary laws of the Commonwealth Act 141, as amended, or the Land
area where the land is located, and only in default Registration Act 496.- Individual members of cultural
communities, with respect to individually-owned Sec. 17. Right to Determine and Decide Priorities for
ancestral lands who, by themselves or through their Development.- The ICCs/IPs shall have the right to
predecessors-in -interest, have been in continuous determine and decide their own priorities for
possession and occupation of the same in the development affecting their lives, beliefs,
concept of owner since the immemorial or for a institutions, spiritual well-being, and the lands they
period of not less than thirty (30) years immediately own, occupy or use. They shall participate in the
preceding the approval of this Act and uncontested formulation,implementation and evaluation of
by the members of the same ICCs/IPs shall have the policies, plans and programs for national, regional
option to secure title to their ancestral lands under and local development which may directly affect
the provisions of Commonwealth Act 141, as them.
amended, or the Land Registration Act 496.
Sec. 18. Tribal Barangays.- The ICCs/IPs living in
For this purpose, said individually-owned ancestral contiguous areas or communities where they form
lands, which are agricultural in character and the predominant population but which are located in
actually used for agricultural, residential, pasture, municipalities, provinces or cities where they do not
and tree farming purposes, including those with a constitute the majority of the population, may form
slope of eighteen percent (18%) or more, are hereby or constitute a separate barangay in accordance with
classified as alienable and disposable agricultural the Local Government Code on the creation of tribal
lands. barangays.

The option granted under this Section shall be Sec. 19. Role of Peoples Organizations.- The State
exercised within twenty (20) years from the approval shall recognize and respect the role of independent
of this Act. ICCs/IPs organizations to enable the ICCs/IPs to
pursue and protect their legitimate and collective
interests and aspirations through peaceful and lawful

Sec. 20. Means for Development /Empowerment of

Sec. 13. Self-Governance.- The State recognizes the
ICCs/IPs.- The Government shall establish the means
inherent right of ICCs/IPs to self-governance and self-
for the full development/empowerment of the
determination and respects the integrity of their
ICCs/IPs own institutions and initiatives and, where
values, practices and institutions. Consequently, the
necessary, provide the resources needed therefor.
State shall guarantee the right of ICCs/IPs to freely
pursue their economic, social and cultural
development. CHAPTER V
Sec. 14. Support for Autonomous Regions.- The State
shall continue to strengthen and support the Sec. 21. Equal Protection and Non-discrimination of
autonomous regions created under the Constitution ICCs/IPs.- Consistent with the equal protection clause
as they may require or need. The State shall likewise of the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines,
encourage other ICCs/IPs not included or outside the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal
Muslim Mindanao and the Cordillera to use the form Declaration of Human Rights including the
and content of their ways of life as may be Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination
compatible with the fundamental rights defined in Against Women and International Human Rights Law,
the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines the State shall, with due recognition of their distinct
and other internationally recognized human rights. characteristics and identity, accord to the members
of the ICCs/IPs the rights, protections and privileges
enjoyed by the rest of the citizenry. It shall extend to
Sec. 15. Justice System, Conflict Resolution
them the same employment rights, opportunities,
Institutions and Peace Building Processes.- The
basic services, educational and other rights and
ICCs/IPs shall have the right to use their own
privileges available to every member of the society.
commonly accepted justice systems, conflict
Accordingly, the State shall likewise ensure that the
resolution institutions, peace building processes or
employment of any form of force of coersion against
mechanisms and other customary laws and practices
ICCs/IPs shall be dealt with by law.
within their respective communities and as may be
compatible with the national legal system and with
internationally recognized human rights. The State shall ensure that the fundamental human
rights and freedoms as enshrined in the Constitution
and relevant international instruments are
Sec. 16. Right to Participate in Decision -Making.-
guaranteed also to indigenous women. Towards this
ICCs/IPs have the right to participate fully, if they so
end, no provision in this Act shall be interpreted so
choose, at all levels of decision-making in matters
as to result in the diminution of rights and privileges
which may affect their rights, lives and destinies
already recognized and accorded to women under
through procedures determined by them as well as
existing laws of general application.
to maintain and develop their own indigenous
political structures. Consequently, the State shall
ensure that the ICCs/IPs shall be given mandatory Sec. 22. Rights during Armed Conflict.- ICCs/IPs have
representation in policy-making bodies and other the right to special protection and security in periods
local legislative councils. of armed conflict. The State shall observe
international standards, in particular, the Fourth and differently-abled persons. Accordingly, the State
Geneva Convention of 1949, for the protection of shall guarantee the right of ICCs/IPs to government 's
civilian populations in circumstances of emergency basic services which shall include, but not limited to
and armed conflict, and shall not recruit members of water and electrical facilities, education, health and
the ICCs/IPs against their will into armed forces, and infrastructure.
in particular, for the use against other ICCs/IPs; not
recruit children of ICCs/IPs into the armed forces
Sec. 26. Women.- ICC/IP women shall enjoy equal
under any circumstance; nor force indigenous
rights and opportunities with men, as regards the
individuals to abandon their lands, territories and
social, economic, political and cultural spheres of life.
means of subsistence, or relocate them in special
The participation of indigenous women in the
centers for military purposes under any
decision-making process in all levels, as well as in
discriminatory condition.
the development of society, shall be given due
respect and recognition.
Sec. 23. Freedom from Discrimination and Right to
Equal Opportunity and Treatment.- It shall be the
The State shall provide full access to education,
right of the ICCs/IPs to be free from any form of
maternal and child care, health and nutrition, and
discrimination, with respect to recruitment and
housing services to indigenous women. Vocational,
conditions of employment, such that they may enjoy
technical, professional and other forms of training
equal opportunities as other occupationally-related
shall be provided to enable these women to fully
benefits, informed of their rights under existing labor
participate in all aspects of social life. As far as
legislation and of means available to them for
possible, the State shall ensure that indigenous
redress, not subject to any coercive recruitment
women have access to all services in their own
systems, including bonded labor and other forms of
debt servitude; and equal treatment in employment
for men and women, including the protection from
sexual harassment. Sec. 27. Children and Youth.- The State shall
recognize the vital role of the children and youth of
ICCs/IPs in nation-building and shall promote and
Towards this end, the State shall within the
protect their physical, moral, spiritual, moral,
framework of national laws and regulations, and in
spiritual, intellectual and social well-being. Towards
cooperation with the ICCs/IPs concerned, adopt
this end, the State shall support all government
special measures to ensure the effective protection
programs intended for the development and rearing
with regard to the recruitment and conditions of
of the children and youth of ICCs/IPs for civic
employment of persons belonging to these
efficiency and establish such mechanisms as may be
communities, to the extent that they are not
necessary for the protection of the rights of the
effectively protected by the laws applicable to
indigenous children and youth.
workers in general.

Sec. 28. Integrated System of Education.- The State

ICCs/IPs shall have the right to association and
shall, through the NCIP, provide a complete,
freedom for all trade union activities and the right to
adequate and integrated system of education,
conclude collective bargaining agreements with
relevant to the needs of the children and Young
employers' conditions. They shall likewise have the
people of ICCs/IPs.
right not to be subject to working conditions
hazardous to their health, particularly through
exposure to pesticides and other toxic substances. CHAPTER VI
Sec. 24. Unlawful Acts Pertaining to Employment.- It
shall be unlawful for any person: Sec. 29. Protection of Indigenous Culture, traditions
and institutions.- The state shall respect, recognize
and protect the right of the ICCs/IPs to preserve and
a. To discriminate against any ICC/IP with respect to
protect their culture, traditions and institutions. It
the terms and conditions of employment on account
shall consider these rights in the formulation of
of their descent. Equal remuneration shall be paid to
national plans and policies.
ICC/IP and non-ICC/IP for work of equal value; and

Sec. 30. Educational Systems.- The State shall

b. To deny any ICC/IP employee any right or benefit
provide equal access to various cultural opportunities
herein provided for or to discharge them for the
to the ICCs/IPs through the educational system,
purpose of preventing them from enjoying any of the
public or cultural entities, scholarships, grants and
rights or benefits provided under this Act.
other incentives without prejudice to their right to
establish and control their educational systems and
Sec. 25. Basic Services.- The ICC/IP have the right to institutions by providing education in their own
special measures for the immediate, effective and language, in a manner appropriate to their cultural
continuing improvement of their economic and social methods of teaching and learning. Indigenous
conditions, including in the areas of employment, children/youth shall have the right to all levels and
vocational training and retraining, housing, forms of education of the State.
sanitation, health and social security. Particular
attention shall be paid to the rights and special
needs of indigenous women, elderly, youth, children
Sec. 31. Recognition of Cultural Diversity.- The State Sec. 35. Access to Biological and Genetic Resources.-
shall endeavor to have the dignity and diversity of Access to biological and genetic resources and to
the cultures, traditions, histories and aspirations of indigenous knowledge related to the conservation,
the ICCs/IPs appropriately reflected in all forms of utilization and enhancement of these resources, shall
education, public information and cultural- be allowed within ancestral lands and domains of the
educational exchange. Consequently, the State shall ICCs/IPs only with a free and prior informed consent
take effective measures, in consultation with ICCs/IPs of such communities, obtained in accordance with
concerned, to eliminate prejudice and discrimination customary laws of the concerned community.
and to promote tolerance, understanding and good
relations among ICCs/IPs and all segments of society.
Sec. 36. Sustainable Agro-Technical Development. -
Furthermore, the Government shall take effective
The State shall recognize the right of ICCs/IPs to a
measures to ensure that State-owned media duly
sustainable agro-technological development and
reflect indigenous cultural diversity. The State shall
shall formulate and implement programs of action for
likewise ensure the participation of appropriate
its effective implementation. The State shall likewise
indigenous leaders in schools, communities and
promote the bio-genetic and resource management
international cooperative undertakings like festivals,
systems among the ICCs/IPs and shall encourage
conferences, seminars and workshops to promote
cooperation among government agencies to ensure
and enhance their distinctive heritage and values.
the successful sustainable development of ICCs/IPs.

Sec. 32. Community Intellectual Rights.- ICCs/IPs

Sec. 37. Funds for Archeological and Historical Sites.
have the right to practice and revitalize their own
- The ICCs/IPs shall have the right to receive from the
cultural traditions and customs. The State shall
national government all funds especially earmarked
preserve, protect and develop the past, present and
or allocated for the management and preservation of
future manifestations of their cultures as well as the
their archeological and historical sites and artifacts
right to the restitution of cultural, intellectual,
with the financial and technical support of the
religious, and spiritual property taken without their
national government agencies.
free and prior informed consent or in violation of
their laws, traditions and customs.
Sec. 33. Rights to Religious, Cultural Sites and
Ceremonies.- ICCs/IPs shall have the right to
manifest, practice, develop teach their spiritual and
religious traditions, customs and ceremonies; the Sec. 38. National Commission on Indigenous Cultural
right to maintain, protect and have access to their Communities /Indigenous Peoples (NCCP).- to carry
religious and cultural sites; the right to use and out the policies herein set forth, there shall be
control of ceremonial object; and the right to the created the National Commission on ICCs/IPs (NCIP),
repatriation of human remains. Accordingly, the which shall be the primary government agency
State shall take effective measures, in cooperation responsible for the formulation and implementation
with the burial sites, be preserved, respected and of policies, plans and programs to promote and
protected. To achieve this purpose, it shall be protect the rights and well-being of the ICCs/IPs and
unlawful to: the recognition of their ancestral domains as well as
their rights thereto.
a. Explore, excavate or make diggings on
archeological sites of the ICCs/IPs for the purpose of Sec. 39. Mandate.- The NCIP shall protect and
obtaining materials of cultural values without the promote the interest and well-being of the ICCs/IPs
free and prior informed consent of the community with due regard to their beliefs, customs, traditions
concerned; and and institutions.

b. Deface, remove or otherwise destroy artifacts Sec. 40. Composition.- The NCIP shall be an
which are of great importance to the ICCs/IPs for the independent agency under the Office of the President
preservation of their cultural heritage. and shall be composed of seven (7) Commissioners
belonging to ICCs/IPs, one (1) of whom shall be the
Chairperson. The Commissioners shall be appointed
Sec. 34. Right to Indigenous Knowledge Systems and
by the President of the Philippines from a list of
Practices and to Develop own Sciences and
recommendees submitted by authentic ICCs/IPs:
Technologies.- ICCs/IPs are entitled to the recognition
Provided, That the seven (7) Commissioners shall be
of the full ownership and control and protection of
appointed specifically from each of the following
their cultural and intellectual rights. They shall have
ethnographic areas: Region I and the Cordilleras;
the right to special measures to control, develop and
Region II; the rest of Luzon; Island Groups including
protect their sciences, technologies and cultural
Mindoro, Palawan, Romblon, Panay and the rest of
manifestations, including human and other genetic
the Visayas; Northern and Western Mindanao;
resources, seeds, including derivatives of these
Southern and Eastern Mindanao; and Central
resources, traditional medicines and health practices,
Mindanao: Provided, That at least two (2) of the
vital medicinal plants, animals and minerals,
seven (7) Commissioners shall be women.
indigenous knowledge systems and practices,
knowledge of the properties of fauna and flora, oral
traditions, literature, designs, and visual and Sec. 41. Qualifications, Tenure, Compensation.- The
performing arts. Chairperson and the six (6) Commissioners must be
natural born Filipino citizens, bonafide members of government lending institutions and other lending
ICCs/IPs as certified by his/her tribe, experienced in institutions to finance its programs;
ethnic affairs and who have worked for at least ten
(10) years with an ICC/IP community and/or any
g) To negotiate for funds and to accept grants,
government agency involved in ICC/IP, at least 35
donations, gifts and/or properties in whatever form
years of age at the time of appointment, and must
and from whatever source, local and international,
be of proven honesty and integrity: Provided, That at
subject to the approval of the President of the
least two (2) of the seven (7) Commissioners shall be
Philippines, for the benefit of ICCs/IPs and administer
the members of the Philippine Bar: Provided, further,
the same in accordance with the terms thereof; or in
That the members of the NCIP shall hold office for a
the absence of any condition, in such manner
period of three (3) years, and may be subject to re-
consistent with the interest of ICCs/IPs as well as
appointment for another term: Provided,
existing laws;
furthermore, That no person shall serve for more
than two (2) terms. Appointment to any vacancy
shall only be for the unexpired term of the h) To coordinate development programs and projects
predecessor and in no case shall a member be for the advancement of the ICCs/IPs and to oversee
appointed or designated in a temporary or acting the proper implementation thereof;
capacity: Provided, finally, That the Chairperson and
the Commissioners shall be entitled to compensation
i) To convene periodic conventions or assemblies of
in accordance with the Salary Standardization Law.
IPs to review, assess as well as propose policies or
Sec. 42. Removal from Office.- Any member of the
NCIP may be removed from office by the President,
j) To advise the President of the Philippines on all
on his own initiative or upon recommendation by any
matters relating to the ICCs/IPs and to submit within
indigenous community, before the expiration of his
sixty (60) days after the close of each calendar year,
term for cause and after complying with due process
a report of its operations and achievements;
requirement of law.

k) To submit to Congress appropriate legislative

Sec. 43. Appointment of Commissioners.- The
proposals intended to carry out the policies under
President shall appoint the seven (7) Commissioners
this Act;
of the NCIP within ninety (90) days from the
effectivity of this Act.
l) To prepare and submit the appropriate budget to
the Office of the President;
Sec. 44. Powers and Functions.- To accomplish its
mandate, the NCIP shall have the following powers,
jurisdiction and function: m) To issue appropriate certification as a pre-
condition to the grant of permit, lease, grant, or any
other similar authority for the disposition, utilization,
a) To serve as the primary government agency
management and appropriation by any private
through which ICCs/IPs can seek government
individual, corporate entity or any government
assistance and as the medium, thorough which such
agency, corporation or subdivision thereof on any
assistance may be extended;
part or portion of the ancestral domain taking into
consideration the consensus approval of the ICCs/IPs
b) To review and assess the conditions of ICCs/IPs concerned;
including existing laws and policies pertinent thereto
and to propose relevant laws and policies to address
n) To decide all appeals from the decisions and acts
their role in national development;
of all the various offices within the Commission:

c) To formulate and implement policies, plans,

o) To promulgate the necessary rules and regulations
programs and projects for the economic, social and
for the implementation of this Act;
cultural development of the ICCs/IPs and to monitor
the implementation thereof;
p) To exercise such other powers and functions as
may be directed by the President of the Republic of
d) To request and engage the services and support of
the Philippines; and
experts from other agencies of government or
employ private experts and consultants as may be
required in the pursuit of its objectives; q) To represent the Philippine ICCs/IPs in all
international conferences and conventions dealing
with indigenous peoples and other related concerns.
e) To issue certificate of ancestral land/domain title;

Sec. 45. Accessibility and Transparency.- Subject to

f) Subject to existing laws, to enter into contracts,
such limitations as may be provided by law or by
agreements, or arrangement, with government or
rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto,
private agencies or entities as may be necessary to
all official records, documents and papers pertaining
attain the objectives of this Act, and subject to the
to official acts, transactions or decisions, as well as
approval of the President, to obtain loans from
research data used as basis for policy development
of the Commission shall be made accessible to the Towards this end, the NCIP shall deploy a
public. representative in each of the said offices who shall
personally perform the foregoing task and who shall
receive complaints from the ICCs/IPs and compel
Sec.46. Officers within the NCIP.- The NCIP shall have
action from appropriate agency. It shall also monitor
the following offices which shall be responsible for
the activities of the National Museum and other
the implementation of the policies herein after
similar government agencies generally intended to
manage and preserve historical and archeological
artifacts of the ICCs /IPs and shall be responsible for
a. Ancestral Domains Office - The Ancestral Domain the implementation of such other functions as the
Office shall be responsible for the identification, NCIP may deem appropriate and necessary;
delineation and recognition of ancestral
land/domains. It shall also be responsible for the
d. Office on Socio-Economic Services and Special
management of ancestral lands/domains in
Concerns - The Office on Socio-Economic Services
accordance with the master plans as well as the
and Special Concerns shall serve as the Office
implementation of the ancestral domain rights of the
through which the NCIP shall coordinate with
ICCs/IPs as provided in Chapter III of this Act. It shall
pertinent government agencies specially charged
also issue, upon the free and prior informed consent
with the implementation of various basic socio-
of the ICCs/IPs concerned, certification prior to the
economic services, policies, plans and programs
grant of any license, lease or permit for the
affecting the ICCs/IPs to ensure that the same are
exploitation of natural resources affecting the
properly and directly enjoyed by them. It shall also
interests of ICCs/IPs in protecting the territorial
be responsible for such other functions as the NCIP
integrity of all ancestral domains. It shall likewise
may deem appropriate and necessary;
perform such other functions as the Commission may
deem appropriate and necessary;
e. Office of Empowerment and Human Rights - The
Office of Empowerment and Human Rights shall
b. Office on Policy, Planning and Research - The
ensure that indigenous socio- political, cultural and
Office on Policy, Planning and Research shall be
economic rights are respected and recognized. It
responsible for the formulation of appropriate
shall ensure that capacity building mechanisms are
policies and programs for ICCs/IPs such as, but not
instituted and ICCs/IPs are afforded every
limited to, the development of a Five-Year Master
opportunity, if they so choose, to participate in all
Plan for the ICCs/IPs. Such plan shall undergo a
level decision-making. It shall likewise ensure that
process such that every five years, the Commission
the basic human rights, and such other rights as the
shall endeavor to assess the plan and make
NCIP may determine, subject to existing laws, rules
ramifications in accordance with the changing
and regulations are protected and promoted;
situations. The Office shall also undertake the
documentation of customary law and shall establish
and maintain a Research Center that would serve as f. Administrative Office - The Administrative Office
a depository of ethnographic information for shall provide the NCIP with economical, efficient and
monitoring, evaluation and policy formulation. It shall effective services pertaining to personnel, finance,
assist the legislative branch of the national records, equipment, security, supplies, and related
government in the formulation of appropriate services. It shall also administer the Ancestral
legislation benefiting ICCs/IPs. Domains Fund; and

c. Office of Education, Culture and Health - The Office g. Legal Affairs Office - There shall be a Legal Affairs
on Culture, Education and Health shall be responsible Office which shall advice the NCIP on all legal
for the effective implementation of the education, matters concerning ICCs/IPs and which shall be
cultural and related rights as provided in this Act. It responsible for providing ICCs/IPs with legal
shall assist, promote and support community assistance in litigation involving community interest.
schools, both formal and non-formal, for the benefit It shall conduct preliminary investigation on the basis
of the local indigenous community, especially in of complaints filed by the ICCs/IPs against a natural
areas where existing educational facilities are not or juridical person believed to have violated ICCs/IPs
accessible to members of the indigenous group. It rights. On the basis of its findings, it shall initiate the
shall administer all scholarship programs and other filing of appropriate legal or administrative action to
educational rights intended for ICC/IP beneficiaries in the NCIP.
coordination with the Department of Education,
Culture and Sports and the Commission on Higher
Sec. 47. Other Offices.- The NCIP shall have the
Education. It shall undertake, within the limits of
power to create additional offices as it may deem
available appropriation, a special program which
necessary subject to existing rules and regulations.
includes language and vocational training, public
health and family assistance program and related
subjects. Sec. 48. Regional and Field Offices.- Existing regional
and field offices shall remain to function under the
strengthened organizational structure of the NCIP.
It shall also identify ICCs/IPs with potential training in
Other field office shall be created wherever
the health profession and encourage and assist them
appropriate and the staffing pattern thereof shall be
to enroll in schools of medicine, nursing, physical
determined by the NCIP: Provided, That in provinces
therapy and other allied courses pertaining to the
health profession.
where there are ICCs/IPs but without field offices, the c. Delineation Paper - The official delineation of
NCIP shall establish field offices in said provinces. ancestral domain boundaries including census of all
community members therein, shall be immediately
undertaken by the Ancestral Domains Office upon
Sec. 49. Office of the Executive Director.- The NCIP
filing of the application by the ICCs/IPs concerned.
shall create the Office of the Executive Director
Delineation will be done in coordination with the
which shall serve as its secretariat. The office shall
community concerned and shall at all times include
be headed by an Executive Director who shall be
genuine involvement and participation by the
appointed by the President of the Republic of the
members of the communities concerned;
Philippines upon the recommendation of the NCIP on
a permanent basis. The staffing pattern of the office
shall be determined by the NCIP subject to existing d. Proof required - Proof of Ancestral Domain Claims
rules and regulations. shall include the testimony of elders or community
under oath, and other documents directly or
indirectly attesting to the possession or occupation of
Sec. 50. Consultative Body.- A body consisting of the
the area since time immemorial by such ICCs/IPs in
traditional leaders, elders and representatives from
the concept of owners which shall be any one (1) of
the women and youth sectors of the different
the following authentic documents:
ICCs/IPs shall be constituted by the NCIP from the
time to time to advise it on matters relating to the
problems, aspirations and interests of the ICCs/IPs.
1. Written accounts of the ICCs/IPs customs and
DOMAINS 2. Written accounts of the ICCs/IPs political structure
and institution;
Sec. 51. Delineation and Recognition of Ancestral
Domains.- Self-delineation shall be guiding principle 3. Pictures showing long term occupation such as
in the identification and delineation of ancestral those of old improvements, burial grounds, sacred
domains. As such, the ICCs/IPs concerned shall have places and old villages;
a decisive role in all the activities pertinent thereto.
The Sworn Statement of the Elders as to the Scope of
4. Historical accounts, including pacts and
the territories and agreements/pacts made with
agreements concerning boundaries entered into by
neighboring ICCs/IPs, if any, will be essential to the
the ICCs/IPs concerned with other ICCs/IPs;
determination of these traditional territories. The
Government shall take the necessary steps to
identify lands which the ICCs/IPs concerned 5. Survey plans and sketch maps;
traditionally occupy and guarantee effective
protection of their rights of ownership and possession
6. Anthropological data;
thereto. Measures shall be taken in appropriate cases
to safeguard the rights of the ICCs/IPs concerned to
land which may no longer be exclusively occupied by 7. Genealogical surveys;
them, but to which they have traditionally had access
for their subsistence and traditional activities,
8. Pictures and descriptive histories of traditional
particularly of ICCs/IPs who are still nomadic and/or
communal forests and hunting grounds;
shifting cultivators.

9. Pictures and descriptive histories of traditional

Sec. 52. Delineation Process.- The identification and
landmarks such as mountains, rivers, creeks, ridges,
delineation of ancestral domains shall be done in
hills, terraces and the like; and
accordance with the following procedures:

10. Write-ups of names and places derived from the

a. Ancestral Domains Delineated Prior to this Act -
native dialect of the community.
The provisions hereunder shall not apply to ancestral
domains/lands already delineated according to DENR
Administrative Order No. 2, series of 1993, nor to e. Preparation of Maps - On the basis of such
ancestral lands and domains delineated under any investigation and the findings of fact based thereon,
other community/ancestral domain program prior to the Ancestral Domains Office of the NCIP shall
the enactment of his law. ICCs/IPs enactment of this prepare a perimeter map, complete with technical
law shall have the right to apply for the issuance of a descriptions, and a description of the natural
Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title (CADT) over the features and landmarks embraced therein;
area without going through the process outlined
f. Report of Investigation and Other Documents - A
complete copy of the preliminary census and a report
b. Petition for Delineation - The process of of investigation, shall be prepared by the Ancestral
delineating a specific perimeter may be initiated by Domains Office of the NCIP;
the NCIP with the consent of the ICC/IP concerned, or
through a Petition for Delineation filed with the NCIP,
by a majority of the members of the ICCs/IPs;
g. Notice and Publication - A copy of each document, a. The allocation of lands within any ancestral
including a translation in the native language of the domain to individual or indigenous corporate (family
ICCs/IPs concerned shall be posted in a prominent or clan) claimants shall be left to the ICCs/IPs
place therein for at least fifteen (15) days. A copy of concerned to decide in accordance with customs and
the document shall also be posted at the local, traditions;
provincial and regional offices of the NCIP, and shall
be published in a newspaper of general circulation
b. Individual and indigenous corporate claimants of
once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks to allow
ancestral lands which are not within ancestral
other claimants to file opposition thereto within
domains, may have their claims officially established
fifteen (15) days from the date of such publication:
by filing applications for the identification and
Provided, That in areas where no such newspaper
delineation of their claims with the Ancestral
exists, broadcasting in a radio station will be a valid
Domains Office. An individual or recognized head of a
substitute: Provided, further, That mere posting shall
family or clan may file such application in his behalf
be deemed sufficient if both newspaper and radio
or in behalf of his family or clan, respectively;
station are not available;

c. Proofs of such claims shall accompany the

h. Endorsement to NCIP - Within fifteen (15) days
application form which shall include the testimony
from publication, and of the inspection process, the
under oath of elders of the community and other
Ancestral Domains Office shall prepare a report to
documents directly or indirectly attesting to the
the NCIP endorsing a favorable action upon a claim
possession or occupation of the areas since time
that is deemed to have sufficient proof. However, if
immemorial by the individual or corporate claimants
the proof is deemed insufficient, the Ancestral
in the concept of owners which shall be any of the
Domains Office shall require the submission of
authentic documents enumerated under Sec. 52 (d)
additional evidence: Provided, That the Ancestral
of this act, including tax declarations and proofs of
Domains Office shall reject any claim that is deemed
payment of taxes;
patently false or fraudulent after inspection and
verification: Provided, further, That in case of
rejection, the Ancestral Domains Office shall give the d. The Ancestral Domains Office may require from
applicant due notice, copy furnished all concerned, each ancestral claimant the submission of such other
containing the grounds for denial. The denial shall be documents, Sworn Statements and the like, which in
appealable to the NCIP: Provided, furthermore, That its opinion, may shed light on the veracity of the
in cases where there are conflicting claims, the contents of the application/claim;
Ancestral Domains Office shall cause the contending
parties to meet and assist them in coming up with a
e. Upon receipt of the applications for delineation
preliminary resolution of the conflict, without
and recognition of ancestral land claims, the
prejudice to its full adjudication according to the
Ancestral Domains Office shall cause the publication
selection below.
of the application and a copy of each document
submitted including a translation in the native
i. Turnover of Areas Within Ancestral Domains language of the ICCs/IPs concerned in a prominent
Managed by Other Government Agencies - The place therein for at least fifteen (15) days. A copy of
Chairperson of the NCIP shall certify that the area the document shall also be posted at the local,
covered is an ancestral domain. The secretaries of provincial, and regional offices of the NCIP and shall
the Department of Agrarian Reform, Department of be published in a newspaper of general circulation
Environment and Natural Resources, Department of once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks to allow
the Interior and Local Government, and Department other claimants to file opposition thereto within
of Justice, the Commissioner of the National fifteen (15) days from the date of such publication:
Development Corporation, and any other Provided, That in areas where no such newspaper
government agency claiming jurisdiction over the exists, broadcasting in a radio station will be a valid
area shall be notified thereof. Such notification shall substitute: Provided, further, That mere posting shall
terminate any legal basis for the jurisdiction be deemed sufficient if both newspapers and radio
previously claimed; station are not available

j. Issuance of CADT - ICCs/IPs whose ancestral f. Fifteen (15) days after such publication, the
domains have been officially delineated and Ancestral Domains Office shall investigate and
determined by the NCIP shall be issued a CADT in the inspect each application, and if found to be
name of the community concerned, containing a list meritorious, shall cause a parcellary survey of the
of all those identified in the census; and area being claimed. The Ancestral Domains office
shall reject any claim that is deemed patently false
or fraudulent after inspection and verification. In
k. Registration of CADTs - The NCIP shall register
case of rejection, the Ancestral Domains office shall
issued certificates of ancestral domain titles and
give the applicant due notice, copy furnished all
certificates of ancestral lands titles before the
concerned, containing the grounds for denial. The
Register of Deeds in the place where the property is
denial shall be appealable to the NCIP. In case of
conflicting claims among individual or indigenous
corporate claimants, the Ancestral domains Office
Sec. 53. Identification, Delineation and Certification shall cause the contending parties to meet and assist
of Ancestral Lands.- them in coming up with a preliminary resolution of
the conflict, without prejudice to its full adjudication
according to Sec. 62 of this Act. In all proceedings for customary laws without prejudice to the basic
the identification or delineation of the ancestral requirement of the existing laws on free and prior
domains as herein provided, the Director of Lands informed consent: Provided, That the transfer shall
shall represent the interest of the Republic of the be temporary and will ultimately revert to the
Philippines; and ICCs/IPs in accordance with a program for technology
transfer: Provided, further, That no ICCs/IPs shall be
displaced or relocated for the purpose enumerated
g. The Ancestral Domains Office shall prepare and
under this section without the written consent of the
submit a report on each and every application
specific persons authorized to give consent.
surveyed and delineated to the NCIP, which shall, in
turn, evaluate or corporate (family or clan) claimant
over ancestral lands. Sec. 59. Certification Precondition.- all department
and other governmental agencies shall henceforth be
strictly enjoined from issuing, renewing, or granting
Sec. 54. Fraudulent Claims.- The Ancestral Domains
any concession, license or lease, or entering into any
Office may, upon written request from the ICCs/IPs,
production-sharing agreement, without prior
review existing claims which have been fraudulently
certification from the NCIP that the area affected
acquired by any person or community. Any claim
does not overlap with any ancestral domain. Such
found to be fraudulently acquired by, and issued to,
certificate shall only be issued after a field-based
any person or community may be cancelled by the
investigation is conducted by the Ancestral Domain
NCIP after due notice and hearing of all parties
Office of the area concerned: Provided, That no
certificate shall be issued by the NCIP without the
free and prior informed and written consent of the
Sec. 55. Communal Rights.- Subject to Section 56 ICCs/IPs concerned: Provided, further, That no
hereof, areas within the ancestral domains, whether department, government agency or government-
delineated or not, shall be presumed to be owned or -controlled corporation may issue new
communally held: Provide, That communal rights concession, license, lease, or production sharing
under this Act shall not be construed as co-ownership agreement while there is pending application CADT:
as provided in Republic Act. No. 386, otherwise Provided, finally, That the ICCs/IPs shall have the
known as the New Civil Code. right to stop or suspend, in accordance with this Act,
any project that has not satisfied the requirement of
this consultation process.
Sec. 56. Existing Property Rights Regimes.- Property
rights within the ancestral domains already existing
and/or vested upon effectivity of this Act, shall be Sec.60. Exemption from Taxes.- All lands certified to
recognized and respected. be ancestral domains shall be exempt from real
property taxes, specially levies, and other forms of
exaction except such portion of the ancestral
Sec. 57. Natural Resources within Ancestral
domains as are actually used for large-scale
Domains.- The ICCs/IPs shall have the priority rights
agriculture, commercial forest plantation and
in the harvesting, extraction, development or
residential purposes and upon titling by other by
exploitation of any natural resources within the
private person: Provided, that all exactions shall be
ancestral domains. A non-member of the ICCs/IPs
used to facilitate the development and improvement
concerned may be allowed to take part in the
of the ancestral domains.
development and utilization of the natural resources
for a period of not exceeding twenty-five (25) years
renewable for not more than twenty-five (25) years: Sec. 61. Temporary Requisition Powers.- Prior to the
Provided, That a formal and written agreement is establishment of an institutional surveying capacity
entered into with the ICCs/IPs concerned or that the whereby it can effectively fulfill its mandate, but in
community, pursuant to its own decision making no case beyond three (3) years after its creation, the
process, has agreed to allow such operation: NCIP is hereby authorized to request the Department
Provided, finally, That the all extractions shall be of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
used to facilitate the development and improvement survey teams as well as other equally capable
of the ancestral domains. private survey teams, through a Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA), to delineate ancestral domain
perimeters. The DENR Secretary shall accommodate
Sec. 58. Environmental Consideration.- Ancestral
any such request within one (1) month of its
domains or portion thereof, which are found
issuance: Provided, That the Memorandum of
necessary for critical watersheds, mangroves wildlife
Agreement shall stipulate, among others, a provision
sanctuaries, wilderness, protected areas, forest
for technology transfer to the NCIP.
cover, or reforestation as determined by the
appropriate agencies with the full participation of the
ICCs/IPs concerned shall be maintained, managed Sec. 62. Resolution of Conflicts.- In cases of
and developed for such purposes. The ICCs/IPs conflicting interest, where there are adverse claims
concerned shall be given the responsibility to within the ancestral domains as delineated in the
maintain, develop, protect and conserve such areas survey plan, and which cannot be resolved, the NCIP
with the full and effective assistance of the shall hear and decide, after notice to the proper
government agencies. Should the ICCs/IPs decide to parties, the disputes arising from the delineation of
transfer the responsibility over the areas, said such ancestral domains: Provided, That if the dispute
decision must be made in writing. The consent of the is between and/or among ICCs/IPs regarding the
ICCs/IPs should be arrived at in accordance with its traditional boundaries of their respective ancestral
domains, customary process shall be followed. The or awards of the Regional Hearing Officer of the
NCIP shall promulgate the necessary rules and NCIP.
regulations to carry out its adjudicatory functions:
Provided, further, That in any decision, order, award
Sec. 69. Quasi-Judicial Powers of the NCIP.- The NCIP
or ruling of the NCIP on any ancestral domain dispute
shall have the power and authority:
or on any matter pertaining to the application,
implementation, enforcement and interpretation of
this Act may be brought for Petition for Review to the a. To promulgate rules and regulations governing the
Court of Appeals within fifteen (15) days from receipt hearing and disposition of cases filed before it as well
of a copy thereof. as those pertaining to its internal functions and such
rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry
out the purposes of this Act;
Sec. 63. Applicable Laws.- Customary laws, traditions
and practices of the ICCs/IPs of the land where the
conflict arises shall be applied first with respect to b. To administer oaths, summon the parties to a
property rights, claims and ownerships, hereditary controversy, issue subpoenas requiring the
succession and settlement of land disputes. Any attendance and testimony of witnesses or the
doubt or ambiguity in the application of laws shall be production of such books, papers, contracts, records,
resolved in favor of the ICCs/IPs. agreements and other document of similar nature as
may be material to a just determination of the matter
under investigation or hearing conducted in
Sec. 64. Remedial Measures.- Expropriation may be
pursuance of this Act;
resorted to in the resolution of conflicts of interest
following the principle of the "common good". The
NCIP shall take appropriate legal action for the c. To hold any person in contempt, directly or
cancellation of officially documented titles which indirectly, and impose appropriate penalties therefor;
were acquired illegally: Provided, That such and
procedure shall ensure that the rights of possessors
in good faith shall be respected: Provided, further,
d. To enjoin any or all acts involving or arising from
That the action for cancellation shall be initiated
any case pending therefore it which, if not restrained
within two (2) years from the effectivity of this Act:
forthwith, may cause grave or irreparable damage to
Provided, finally, That the action for reconveyance
any of the parties to the case or seriously affect
shall be a period of ten (10) years in accordance with
social or economic activity.
existing laws.

Sec. 70. No restraining Order or Preliminary

Injunction - No inferior court of the Philippines shall
have the jurisdiction to issue any restraining order or
writ of preliminary injunction against the NCIP or any
of its duly authorized or designated offices in any
Sec. 65. Primary of Customary Laws and Practices.-
case, dispute or controversy to, or interpretation of
When disputes involve ICCs/IPs, customary laws and
this Act and other pertinent laws relating to ICCs/IPs
practices shall be used to resolve the dispute.
and ancestral domains.

Sec. 66. Jurisdiction of the NCIP.- The NCIP, through

its regional offices, shall have jurisdiction over all
claims and disputes involving rights of ICCs/IPs;
Provided, however, That no such dispute shall be
Sec. 71. Ancestral Domains Fund.- There is hereby
brought to the NCIP unless the parties have
created a special fund, to be known as the Ancestral
exhausted all remedies provided under their
Domains Fund, an initial amount of the One Hundred
customary laws. For this purpose, a certification shall
thirty million pesos(P130,000,000) to cover
be issued by the Council of Elders/Leaders who
compensation for expropriated lands, delineation and
participated in the attempt to settle the dispute that
development of ancestral domains. An amount of
the same has not been resolved, which certification
Fifty million pesos (P50,000,000) shall be sourced
shall be a condition precedent to the filing of a
from the gross income of the Philippine Charity
petition with the NCIP.
Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) from its lotto operation,
Ten millions pesos (P10,000,000) from the gross
Sec. 67. Appeals to the Court of Appeals.- Decisions receipts of the travel tax of the preceding year, the
of the NCIP shall be appealable to the Court of fund of the Social Reform Council intended for survey
Appeals by way of a petition for review. and delineation of ancestral lands/domains, and such
other source as the government may be deem
appropriate. Thereafter such amount shall be
Sec. 68. Execution of Decisions, Awards,
included in the annual General Appropriations Act.
Orders.- Upon expiration of the period here provided
Foreign as well as local funds which are made
and no appeal is perfected by any of the contending
available for the ICCs/IPs through the government of
parties, the Hearing Officer of the NCIP, on its own
the Philippines shall be coursed through the NCIP.
initiative or upon motion by the prevailing party,
The NCIP may also solicit and receive donations,
shall issue a writ of execution requiring the sheriff or
endowments shall be exempted from income or gift
the proper officer to execute final decisions, orders
taxes and all other taxes, charges or fees imposed by
the government or any political subdivision or
instrumentality thereof. former. Officers and employees who are to be
phased-out as a result of the merger of their offices
CHAPTER XI shall be entitled to gratuity a rate equivalent to one
PENALTIES and a half (1 1/2) months salary for every year of
continuous and satisfactory service rendered or the
equivalent nearest fraction thereof favorable to them
Sec. 72. Punishable Acts and Applicable
on the basis of the highest salary received. If they
Penalties.- Any person who commits violation of any
are already entitled to retirement benefits or the
of the provisions of this Act, such as, but not limited
gratuity herein provided. Officers and employees
to, authorized and/or unlawful intrusion upon any
who may be reinstated shall refund such retirement
ancestral lands or domains as stated in Sec. 10,
benefits or gratuity received: Provided, finally That
Chapter III, or shall commit any of the prohibited acts
absorbed personnel must still meet the qualifications
mentioned in Sections 21 and 24, Chapter V, Section
and standards set by the Civil Service and the
33, Chapter VI hereof, shall be punished in
Placement Committee herein created.
accordance with the customary laws of the ICCs/IPs
concerned: Provided, That no such penalty shall be
cruel, degrading or inhuman punishment: Provided, Sec. 75. Transition Period.- The ONCC/OSCC shall
further, That neither shall the death penalty or have a period of six (6) months from the effectivity of
excessive fines be imposed. This provision shall be this Act within which to wind up its affairs and to
without prejudice to the right of any ICCs/IPs to avail conduct audit of its finances.
of the protection of existing laws. In which case, any
person who violates any provision of this Act shall,
Sec. 76. Transfer of Assets/Properties.- All real and
upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment of not
personal properties which are vested in, or belonging
less than nine (9) months but not more than twelve
to, the merged offices as aforestated shall be
(12) years or a fine not less than One hundred
transferred to the NCIP without further need of
thousand pesos (P100,000) nor more than Five
conveyance, transfer or assignment and shall be held
hundred thousand pesos (P500,000) or both such
for the same purpose as they were held by the
fine and imprisonment upon the discretion of the
former offices: Provided, That all contracts, records
court. In addition, he shall be obliged to pay to the
and documents shall be transferred to the NCIP. All
ICCs/IPs concerned whatever damage may have
agreements and contracts entered into by the
been suffered by the latter as a consequence of the
merged offices shall remain in full force and effect
unlawful act.
unless otherwise terminated, modified or amended
by the NCIP.
Sec. 73. Persons Subject to Punishment.- If the
offender is a juridical person, all officers such as, but
Sec. 77. Placement Committee.- Subject to rules on
not limited to, its president, manager, or head of
government reorganization, a Placement Committee
office responsible for their unlawful act shall be
shall be created by the NCIP, in coordination with the
criminally liable therefor, in addition to the
Civil Service Commission, which shall assist in the
cancellation of certificates of their registration and/or
judicious selection and placement of personnel in
license: Provided, That if the offender is a public
order that the best qualified and most deserving
official, the penalty shall include perpetual
persons shall be appointed in the reorganized
disqualification to hold public office.
agency. The placement Committee shall be
composed of seven (7) commissioners and an
ICCs/IPs representative from each of the first and
second level employees association in the Offices for
CHAPTER XII Northern and Southern Cultural Communities
COMMUNITIES (ONCC) AND THE OFFICE FOR who have served the community for at least five (5)
SOUTHERN CULTURAL COMMUNITIES (OSCC) years and peoples organizations (POs) with at least
five (5) years of existence. They shall be guided by
Sec. 74. Merger of ONCC/OSCC.- The Office for the criteria of retention and appointment to be
Northern Cultural Communities (ONCC) and the prepared by the consultative body and by the
Office of Southern Cultural Communities (OSCC), pertinent provisions of the civil service law.
created under Executive Order Nos. 122-B and 122-C
respectively, are hereby merged as organic offices of
the NCIP and shall continue to function under a
Art I, Sec 21, 22 of the Constitution
revitalized and strengthened structures to achieve
the objectives of the NCIP: Provided, That the
positions of Regional Directors and below, are hereby Section 21. The State shall promote comprehensive
phased-out upon the effectivity of this Act: Provided, rural development and agrarian reform.
further, That officials and employees of the phased-
out offices who may be qualified may apply for
Section 22. The State recognizes and promotes the
reappointment with the NCIP and may be given prior
rights of indigenous cultural communities within the
rights in the filing up of the newly created positions
framework of national unity and development.
of NCIP, subject to the qualifications set by the
Placement Committee: Provided, furthermore, That in
the case where an indigenous person and a non- Art XII, Secs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 of the
indigenous person with similar qualifications apply Constitution
for the same position, priority shall be given to the
ARTICLE XII: NATIONAL ECONOMY AND acquire not more than twelve hectares thereof, by
PATRIMONY purchase, homestead, or grant.

Section 2. All lands of the public domain, waters, Taking into account the requirements of
minerals, coal, petroleum, and other mineral oils, all conservation, ecology, and development, and subject
forces of potential energy, fisheries, forests or to the requirements of agrarian reform, the Congress
timber, wildlife, flora and fauna, and other natural shall determine, by law, the size of lands of the
resources are owned by the State. With the public domain which may be acquired, developed,
exception of agricultural lands, all other natural held, or leased and the conditions therefor.
resources shall not be alienated. The exploration,
development, and utilization of natural resources
Section 4. The Congress shall, as soon as possible,
shall be under the full control and supervision of the
determine, by law, the specific limits of forest lands
State. The State may directly undertake such
and national parks, marking clearly their boundaries
activities, or it may enter into co-production, joint
on the ground. Thereafter, such forest lands and
venture, or production-sharing agreements with
national parks shall be conserved and may not be
Filipino citizens, or corporations or associations at
increased nor diminished, except by law. The
least sixty per centum of whose capital is owned by
Congress shall provide for such period as it may
such citizens. Such agreements may be for a period
determine, measures to prohibit logging in
not exceeding twenty-five years, renewable for not
endangered forests and watershed areas.
more than twenty-five years, and under such terms
and conditions as may be provided by law. In cases
of water rights for irrigation, water supply fisheries, Section 5. The State, subject to the provisions of this
or industrial uses other than the development of Constitution and national development policies and
water power, beneficial use may be the measure and programs, shall protect the rights of indigenous
limit of the grant. cultural communities to their ancestral lands to
ensure their economic, social, and cultural well-
The State shall protect the nation's marine wealth in
its archipelagic waters, territorial sea, and exclusive
economic zone, and reserve its use and enjoyment The Congress may provide for the applicability of
exclusively to Filipino citizens. customary laws governing property rights or
relations in determining the ownership and extent of
ancestral domain.
The Congress may, by law, allow small-scale
utilization of natural resources by Filipino citizens, as
well as cooperative fish farming, with priority to
subsistence fishermen and fish- workers in rivers, Section 7. Save in cases of hereditary succession, no
lakes, bays, and lagoons. private lands shall be transferred or conveyed except
to individuals, corporations, or associations qualified
to acquire or hold lands of the public domain.
The President may enter into agreements with
foreign-owned corporations involving either technical
or financial assistance for large-scale exploration, Section 8. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section
development, and utilization of minerals, petroleum, 7 of this Article, a natural-born citizen of the
and other mineral oils according to the general terms Philippines who has lost his Philippine citizenship
and conditions provided by law, based on real may be a transferee of private lands, subject to
contributions to the economic growth and general limitations provided by law.
welfare of the country. In such agreements, the State
shall promote the development and use of local
scientific and technical resources.

The President shall notify the Congress of every

contract entered into in accordance with this
provision, within thirty days from its execution.

Section 3. Lands of the public domain are classified

into agricultural, forest or timber, mineral lands and
national parks. Agricultural lands of the public
domain may be further classified by law according to
the uses to which they may be devoted. Alienable
lands of the public domain shall be limited to
agricultural lands. Private corporations or
associations may not hold such alienable lands of the
public domain except by lease, for a period not
exceeding twenty-five years, renewable for not more
than twenty-five years, and not to exceed one
thousand hectares in area. Citizens of the Philippines
may lease not more than five hundred hectares, or
for mining, including the construction of necessary
infrastructure and related facilities.

(k) "Director" means the Director of the Mines and

Republic Act No. 7942: Philippine Mining Act of
Geosciences Bureau.
(l) "Ecological profile or eco-profile" refers to
Sec. 2 Declaration of Policy. All mineral resources in geographic-based instruments for planners and
public and private lands within the territory and decision-makers which presents an evaluation of the
exclusive economic zone of the Republic of the environmental quality and carrying capacity of an
Philippines are owned by the State. It shall be the area.
responsibility of the State to promote their rational
exploration, development, utilization and (m) "Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)"
conservation through the combined efforts of refers to the document issued by the government
government and the private sector in order to agency concerned certifying that the project under
enhance national growth in a way that effectively consideration will not bring about an unacceptable
safeguards the environment and protect the rights of environmental impact and that the proponent has
affected communities. complied with the requirements of the environmental
impact statement system.
Sec. 3 Definition of Terms. As used in and for
purposes of this Act, the following terms, whether in (n) "Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)" is the
singular or plural, shall mean: document which aims to identify, predict, interpret,
and communicate information regarding changes in
(a) "Ancestral lands" refers to all lands, exclusively environmental quality associated with a proposed
and actually possessed, occupied, or utilized by project and which examines the range of alternatives
indigenous cultural communities by themselves or for the objectives of the proposal and their impact on
through their ancestors in accordance with their the environment.
customs and traditions since time immemorial, and
as may be defined and delineated by law. (o) "Exclusive economic zone" means the water, sea
bottom and subsurface measured from the baseline
(b) "Block" or "meridional block" means an area of the Philippine archipelago up to two hundred
bounded by one-half (1/2) minute of latitude and nautical miles (200 n.m.) offshore.
one-half (1/2) minute of longitude, containing
approximately eighty-one hectares (81 has.). (p) "Existing mining/quarrying right" means a valid
and subsisting mining claim or permit or quarry
(c) "Bureau" means the Mines and Geosciences permit or any mining lease contract or agreement
Bureau under the Department of Environment and covering a mineralized area granted/issued under
Natural Resources. pertinent mining laws.

(d) "Carrying capacity" refers to the capacity of (q) "Exploration" means the searching or prospecting
natural and human environments to accommodate for mineral resources by geological, geochemical or
and absorb change without experiencing conditions geophysical surveys, remote sensing, test pitting,
of instability and attendant degradation. trenching, drilling, shaft sinking, tunneling or any
other means for the purpose of determining the
(e) "Contiguous zone" refers to water, sea bottom existence, extent, quantity and quality thereof and
and substratum measured twenty-four nautical miles the feasibility of mining them for profit.
(24 n.m.) seaward from base line of the Philippine
archipelago. (r) "Financial or technical assistance agreement"
means a contract involving financial or technical
(f) "Contract area" means land or body of water assistance for large-scale exploration, development,
delineated for purposes of exploration, development, and utilization of mineral resources.
or utilization of the minerals found therein.
(s) "Force majeure" means acts or circumstances
(g) "Contractor" means a qualified person acting beyond the reasonable control of contractor
alone or in consortium who is a party to a mineral including, but not limited to, war, rebellion,
agreement or to a financial or technical assistance insurrection, riots, civil disturbance, blockade,
agreement. sabotage, embargo, strike, lockout, any dispute with
surface owners and other labor disputes, epidemic,
(h) "Co-production agreement (CA)" means an earthquake, storm, flood or other adverse weather
agreement entered into between the Government conditions, explosion, fire, adverse action by
and one or more contractors in accordance with government or by any instrumentality or subdivision
Section 26(b) hereof. thereof, act of God or any public enemy and any
cause that herein describe over which the affected
(i) "Department" means the Department of party has no reasonable control.
Environment and Natural Resources.
(t) "Foreign-owned corporation" means any
(j) "Development" means the work undertaken to corporation, partnership, association, or cooperative
explore and prepare an ore body or a mineral deposit duly registered in accordance with law in which less
than fifty per centum (50%) of the capital is owned computed for tax purposes, excluding appraisal
by Filipino citizens. increase and construction in progress.

(u) "Government" means the government of the (ai) "Offshore" means the water, sea bottom, and
Republic of the Philippines. subsurface from the shore or coastline reckoned
from the mean low tide level up to the two hundred
(v) "Gross output" means the actual market value of nautical miles (200 n.m.) exclusive economic zone
minerals or mineral products from its mining area as including the archipelagic sea and contiguous zone.
defined in the National Internal Revenue Code.
(aj) "Onshore" means the landward side from the
(w) "Indigenous cultural community" means a group mean tide elevation, including submerged lands in
or tribe of indigenous Filipinos who have continuously lakes, rivers and creeks.
lived as communities on communally-bounded and
defined land since time immemorial and have (ak) "Ore" means a naturally occurring substance or
succeeded in preserving, maintaining, and sharing material from which a mineral or element can be
common bonds of languages, customs, traditions, mined and/or processed for profit.
and other distinctive cultural traits, and as may be
defined and delineated by law. (al) "Permittee" means the holder of an exploration
(x) "Joint Venture Agreement (JVA)" means an
agreement entered into between the Government (am) "Pollution control and infrastructure devices"
and one or more contractors in accordance with refers to infrastructure, machinery, equipment and/or
Section 26(c) hereof. improvements used for impounding, treating or
neutralizing, precipitating, filtering, conveying and
(y) "Mineral processing" means the milling, cleansing mine industrial waste and tailings as well
benefaction or upgrading of ores or minerals and as eliminating or reducing hazardous effects of solid
rocks or by similar means to convert the same into particles, chemicals, liquids or other harmful by
marketable products. products and gases emitted from any facility utilized
in mining operations for their disposal.
(z) "Mine wastes and tailings" shall mean soil and
rock materials from surface or underground mining (an) "President" means the President of the Republic
and milling operations with no economic value to the of the Philippines.
generator of the same.
(ao) "Private land" refers to any land belonging to
(aa) "Minerals" refers to all naturally occurring any private person which includes alienable and
inorganic substance in solid, gas, liquid, or any disposable land being claimed by a holder, claimant,
intermediate state excluding energy materials such or occupant who has already acquired a vested right
as coal, petroleum, natural gas, radioactive thereto under the law, although the corresponding
materials, and geothermal energy. certificate or evidence of title or patent has not been
actually issued.
(ab) "Mineral agreement" means a contract between
the government and a contractor, involving mineral (ap) "Public land" refers to lands of the public domain
production-sharing agreement, co-production which have been classified as agricultural lands and
agreement, or joint-venture agreement. subject to management and disposition or
concession under existing laws.
(ac) "Mineral land" means any area where mineral
resources are found. (aq) "Qualified person" means any citizen of the
Philippines with capacity to contract, or a
(ad) "Mineral resource" means any concentration of corporation, partnership, association, or cooperative
minerals/rocks with potential economic value. organized or authorized for the purpose of engaging
in mining, with technical and financial capability to
(ae) "Mining area" means a portion of the contract undertake mineral resources development and duly
area identified by the contractor for purposes of registered in accordance with law at least sixty per
development, mining, utilization, and sites for cent (60%) of the capital of which is owned by
support facilities or in the immediate vicinity of the citizens of the Philippines: Provided, That a legally
mining operations. organized foreign-owned corporation shall be
deemed a qualified person for purposes of granting
(af) "Mining operation" means mining activities an exploration permit, financial or technical
involving exploration, feasibility, development, assistance agreement or mineral processing permit.
utilization, and processing.
(ar) "Quarrying" means the process of extracting,
(ag) "Nongovernmental Organization (NGO)" includes removing and disposing quarry resources found on or
nonstock, nonprofit organizations involved in underneath the surface of private or public land.
activities dealing with resource and environmental
conservation, management and protection. (as) "Quarry permit" means a document granted to a
qualified person for the extraction and utilization of
(ah) "Net assets" refers to the property, plant and quarry resources on public or private lands.
equipment as reflected in the audited financial
statement of the contractor net of depreciation, as
(at) "Quarry resources" refers to any common rock or aggregate area of twenty-five percent (25%) of such
other mineral substances as the Director of Mines mineral reservation, subject to valid existing mining
and Geosciences Bureau may declare to be quarry quarrying rights as provided under Section 112
resources such as, but not limited to, andesite, Chapter XX hereof. All submerged lands within the
basalt, conglomerate, coral sand, diatomaceous contiguous zone and in the exclusive economic zone
earth, diorite, decorative stones, gabbro, granite, of the Philippines are hereby declared to be mineral
limestone, marble, marl, red burning clays for reservations.
potteries and bricks, rhyolite, rock phosphate,
sandstone, serpentine, shale, tuff, volcanic cinders, A ten per centum (10%) share of all royalties and
and volcanic glass: Provided, That such quarry revenues to be derived by the government from the
resources do not contain metals or metallic development and utilization of the mineral resources
constituents and/or other valuable minerals in within mineral reservations as provided under this
economically workable quantities: Provided, further, Act shall accrue to the Mines and Geosciences
That non-metallic minerals such as kaolin, feldspar, Bureau to be allotted for special projects and other
bullquartz, quartz or silica, sand and pebbles, administrative expenses related to the exploration
bentonite, talc, asbestos, barite, gypsum, bauxite, and development of other mineral reservations
magnesite, dolomite, mica, precious and semi- mentioned in Section 6 hereof.
precious stones, and other non-metallic minerals that
may later be discovered and which the Director Sec. 6 Other Reservations. Mining operations in
declares the same to be of economically workable reserved lands other than mineral reservations may
quantities, shall not be classified under the category be undertaken by the Department, subject to
of quarry resources. limitations as herein provided. In the event that the
Department cannot undertake such activities, they
(au) "Region director" means the regional director of may be undertaken by a qualified person in
any mines regional office under the Department of accordance with the rules and regulations
Environment and Natural Resources. promulgated by the Secretary. The right to develop
and utilize the minerals found therein shall be
(av) "Regional office" means any of the mines awarded by the President under such terms and
regional offices of the Department of Environment conditions as recommended by the Director and
and Natural Resources. approved by the Secretary. Provided, That the party
who undertook the exploration of said reservation
(aw) "Secretary" means the Secretary of the shall be given priority. The mineral land so awarded
Department of Environment and Natural Resources. shall be automatically excluded from the reservation
during the term of the agreement: Provided, further,
(ax) "Special allowance" refers to payment to the That the right of the lessee of a valid mining contract
claim-owners or surface right-owners particularly existing within the reservation at the time of its
during the transition period from Presidential Decree establishment shall not be prejudiced or impaired.
No. 463 and Executive Order No. 279, series of 1987.
Sec. 7 Periodic Review of Existing Mineral
(ay) "State" means the Republic of the Philippines. Reservations. The Secretary shall periodically review
existing mineral reservations for the purpose of
(az) "Utilization" means the extraction or disposition determining whether their continued existence is
of minerals. consistent with the national interest, and upon the
recommendation, the President may, by
CHAPTER II proclamation, alter or modify the boundaries thereof
GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT or revert the same to the public domain without
prejudice to prior existing rights.
Sec. 4 Ownership of Mineral Resources. - Mineral
resources are owned by the State and the Sec. 8 Authority of the Department. The Department
exploration, development, utilization, and processing shall be the primary government agency responsible
thereof shall be under its full control and supervision. for the conservation, management, development,
The State may directly undertake such activities or it and proper use of the State's mineral resources
may enter into mineral agreements with contractors. including those in reservations, watershed areas, and
lands of the public domain. The Secretary shall have
The State shall recognize and protect the rights of the authority to enter into mineral agreements on
the indigenous cultural communities to their behalf of the Government upon the recommendation
ancestral lands as provided for by the Constitution. of the Director, promulgate such rules and
Sec. 5 Mineral Reservations. When the national regulations as may be necessary to implement the
interest so requires, such as when there is a need to intent and provisions of this Act.
preserve strategic raw materials for industries critical
to national development, or certain minerals for Sec. 9 Authority of the Bureau. The Bureau shall have
scientific, cultural or ecological value, the President direct charge in the administration and disposition of
may establish mineral reservations upon the mineral lands and mineral resources and shall
recommendation of the Director through the undertake geological, mining, metallurgical,
Secretary. Mining operations in existing mineral chemical, and other researches as well as geological
reservations and such other reservations as may and mineral exploration surveys. The Director shall
thereafter be established, shall be undertaken by the recommend to the Secretary the granting of mineral
Department or through a contractor: Provided, That a agreements to duly qualified persons and shall
small scale mining agreement for a maximum monitor the compliance by the contractor of the
terms and conditions of the mineral agreements. The the parties. The said royalty shall form part of a trust
Bureau may confiscate surety, performance and fund for the socioeconomic well-being of the
guaranty bonds posted through an order to be indigenous cultural community.
promulgated by the Director. The Director may
deputize, when necessary, any member or unit of the Sec. 18 Areas Open to Mining Operations. Subject to
Philippine National Police, barangay, duly registered any existing rights or reservations and prior
nongovernmental organization (NGO) or any qualified agreements of all parties, all mineral resources in
person to police all mining activities. public or private lands, including timber or
forestlands as defined in existing laws shall be open
Sec. 10 Regional Offices. There shall be as many to mineral agreements or financial or technical
regional offices in the country as may be established assistance agreement applications. Any conflict that
by the Secretary, upon the recommendation of the may arise under this provision shall be heard and
Director. resolved by the panel of arbitrators.

Sec. 11 Processing of Applications. The system of Sec. 19 Areas Closed to Mining Applications. Mineral
processing applications for mining rights shall be agreement or financial or technical assistance
prescribed in the rules and regulations of this Act. agreement applications shall not be allowed:

Sec. 12 Survey, Charting and Delineation of Mining (a) In military and other government reservations,
Areas. A sketch plan or map of the contract or mining except upon prior written clearance by the
area prepared by a deputized geodetic engineer government agency concerned;
suitable for publication purposes shall be required
during the filing of a mineral agreement or financial (b) Near or under public or private buildings,
or technical assistance agreement application. cemeteries, archeological and historic sites, bridges,
Thereafter, the contract or mining area shall be highways, waterways, railroads, reservoirs, dams or
surveyed and monumented by a deputized geodetic other infrastructure projects, public or private works
engineer or bureau geodetic engineer and the survey including plantations or valuable crops, except upon
plan shall be approved by the Director before the written consent of the government agency or private
approval of the mining feasibility. entity concerned;

Sec. 13 Meridional Blocks. For purposes of the (c) In areas covered by valid and existing mining
delineation of the contract of mining areas under this rights;
Act, the Philippine territory and its exclusive
economic zone shall be divided into meridional (d) In areas expressedly prohibited by law;
blocks of one-half (1/2) minute of latitude and one-
half (1/2) minute of longitude. (e) In areas covered by small-scale miners as defined
by law unless with prior consent of the small-scale
Sec. 14 Recording System. There shall be established miners, in which case a royalty payment upon the
a national and regional filing and recording system. A utilization of minerals shall be agreed upon by the
mineral resource database system shall be set up in parties, said royalty forming a trust fund for the
the Bureau which shall include, among others, a socioeconomic development of the community
mineral rights management system. The Bureau shall concerned; and
publish at least annually, a mineral rights
management system. The Bureau shall publish at (f) Old growth or virgin forests, proclaimed
least annually, a mineral gazette of nationwide watershed forest reserves, wilderness areas,
circulation containing among others, a current list of mangrove forests, mossy forests, national parks,
mineral rights, their location in the map, mining rules provincial/municipal forests, parks, greenbelts, game
and regulations, other official acts affecting mining, refuge and bird sanctuaries as defined by law in
and other information relevant to mineral resources areas expressly prohibited under the National
development. A system and publication fund shall be Integrated Protected areas System (NIPAS) under
included in the regular budget of the Bureau. Republic Act No. 7586, Department Administrative
Order No. 25, series of 1992 and other laws.
Sec. 15 Scope of Application. This Act shall govern
the exploration, development, utilization and Sec. 20 Exploration Permit. An exploration permit
processing of all mineral resources. grants the right to conduct exploration for all
minerals in specified areas. The Bureau shall have
Sec. 16 Opening of Ancestral Lands for Mining the authority to grant an exploration permit to a
Operations. No ancestral land shall be opened for qualified person.
mining operations without the prior consent of the
indigenous cultural community concerned. Sec. 21 Terms and Conditions of the Exploration
Permit. An exploration permit shall be for a period of
Sec. 17 Royalty Payments for Indigenous Cultural two (2) years, subject to annual review and
Communities. In the event of an agreement with an relinquishment or renewal upon the recommendation
indigenous cultural community pursuant to the of the Director.
preceding section, the royalty payment, upon
utilization of the minerals shall be agreed upon by
Sec. 22 Maximum Areas for Exploration Permit. The mineral agreements or financial or technical
maximum area that a qualified person may hold at assistance agreement.
any one time shall be:
Sec. 25 Transfer or Assignment. An exploration
(a) Onshore, in any one province - permit may be transferred or assigned to a qualified
person subject to the approval of the Secretary upon
(1) For individuals, twenty (20) blocks; and the recommendation of the Director.

(2) (2) For partnerships, corporations, cooperatives, CHAPTER V

or associations, two hundred (200) blocks. MINERAL AGREEMENTS

(b) Onshore, in the entire Philippines - Sec. 26 Modes of Mineral Agreement. For purposes of
mining operations, a mineral agreement may take
(1) For individuals, forty (40) blocks; and the following forms as herein defined:

(2) For partnerships, corporations, cooperatives, or (a) Mineral production sharing agreement - is an
associations, four hundred (400) blocks. agreement where the Government grants to the
contractor the exclusive right to conduct mining
(c) Onshore, beyond five hundred meters (500m) operations within a contract area and shares in the
from the mean low tide level - gross output. The contractor shall provide the
financing, technology, management and personnel
(1) For individuals, one hundred (100) blocks; and necessary for the implementation of this agreement.

(2) For partnerships, corporations, cooperatives, or (b) Co-production agreement - is an agreement

associations, one thousand (1,000) blocks. between the Government and the contractor wherein
the Government shall provide inputs to the mining
Sec. 23 Rights and Obligations of the Permittee. An operations other than the mineral resource.
exploration permit shall grant to the permittee, his
heirs or successors-in-interest, the right to enter, (c) Joint venture agreement - is an agreement where
occupy and explore the area: Provided, That if a joint-venture company is organized by the
private or other parties are affected, the permittee Government and the contractor with both parties
shall first discuss with the said parties the extent, having equity shares. Aside from earnings in equity,
necessity, and manner of his entry, occupation and the Government shall be entitled to a share in the
exploration and in case of disagreement, a panel of gross output.
arbitrators shall resolve the conflict or disagreement.
A mineral agreement shall grant to the contractor the
The permittee shall undertake an exploration work exclusive right to conduct mining operations and to
on the area specified by its permit based on an extract all mineral resources found in the contract
approved work program. area. In addition, the contractor may be allowed to
convert his agreement into any of the modes of
Any expenditure in excess of the yearly budget of mineral agreements or financial or technical
the approved work program may be carried forward assistance agreement covering the remaining period
and credited to the succeeding years covering the of the original agreement subject to the approval of
duration of the permit. The Secretary, through the the Secretary.
Director, shall promulgate rules and regulations
governing the terms and conditions of the permit. Sec. 27 Eligibility. A qualified person may enter into
any of the three (3) modes of mineral agreement
The permittee may apply for a mineral production with the government for the exploration,
sharing agreement, joint venture agreement, co- development and utilization of mineral resources:
production agreement or financial or technical Provided, That in case the applicant has been in the
assistance agreement over the permit area, which mining industry for any length of time, he should
application shall be granted if the permittee meets possess a satisfactory environmental track record as
the necessary qualifications and the terms and determined by the Mines and Geosciences Bureau
conditions of any such agreement: Provided, That the and in consultation with the Environment
exploration period covered by the exploration permit Management Bureau of the Department.
shall be included as part of the exploration period of
the mineral agreement or financial or technical Sec. 28 Maximum Areas for Mineral Agreement. The
assistance agreement. maximum area that a qualified person may hold at
any time under a mineral agreement shall be:
Sec. 24 Declaration of Mining Project Feasibility. A
holder of an exploration permit who determines the (a) Onshore, in any one province -
commercial viability of a project covering a mining
area may, within the term of the permit, file with the (1) For individuals, ten (10) blocks; and
Bureau a declaration of mining project feasibility
accompanied by a work program for development. (2) For partnerships, cooperatives, associations, or
The approval of the mining project feasibility and corporations, one hundred (100) blocks.
compliance with other requirements provided in this
Act shall entitle the holder to an exclusive right to a (b) Onshore, in the entire Philippines -
mineral production sharing agreement or other
(1) For individuals, twenty (20) blocks; and publication of the notice thereof: Provided, That the
contractor shall have the right to equal the highest
(2) For partnerships, cooperatives, associations, or bid upon reimbursement of all reasonable expenses
corporations, two hundred (200) blocks. of the highest bidder.

(c) Offshore, in the entire Philippines - CHAPTER VI

(1) For individuals, fifty (50) blocks; AGREEMENT

(2) For partnerships, cooperatives, associations, or Sec. 33 Eligibility. Any qualified person with technical
corporations, five hundred (500) blocks; and and financial capability to undertake large-scale
exploration, development, and utilization of mineral
(3) For the exclusive economic zone, a larger area to resources in the Philippines may enter into a financial
be determined by the Secretary. or technical assistance agreement directly with the
Government through the Department.
The maximum areas mentioned above that a
contractor may hold under a mineral agreement shall Sec. 34 Maximum Contract Area. The maximum
not include mining/quarry areas under operating contract area that may be granted per qualified
agreements between the contractor and a person, subject to relinquishment shall be:
claimowner/lessee/permittee/licensee entered into
under Presidential Decree No. 463. (a) 1,000 meridional blocks onshore;
(b) 4,000 meridional blocks offshore; or
Sec. 29 Filing and Approval of Mineral Agreements. (c) Combinations of (a) and (b) provided that it shall
All proposed mineral agreements shall be filed in the not exceed the maximum limits for onshore and
region where the areas of interest are located, offshore areas.
except in mineral reservations which shall be filed
with the Bureau. Sec. 35 Terms and Conditions. The following terms,
conditions, and warranties shall be incorporated in
The filing of a proposal for a mineral agreement shall the financial or technical assistance agreement, to
give the proponent the prior right to areas covered wit:
by the same. The proposed mineral agreement will
be approved by the Secretary and copies thereof (a) A firm commitment in the form of a sworn
shall be submitted to the President. Thereafter, the statement, of an amount corresponding to the
President shall provide a list to Congress of every expenditure obligation that will be invested in the
approved mineral agreement within thirty (30) days contract area: Provided, That such amount shall be
from its approval by the Secretary. subject to changes as may be provided for in the
rules and regulations of this act;
Sec. 30 Assignment/Transfer. Any assignment or
transfer of rights and obligations under any mineral (b) A financial guarantee bond shall be posted in
agreement except a financial or technical assistance favor of the Government in an amount equivalent to
agreement shall be subject to the prior approval of the expenditure obligation of the applicant for any
the Secretary. Such assignment or transfer shall be year.
deemed automatically approved if not acted upon by
the Secretary within thirty (30) working days from (c) Submission of proof of technical competence,
official receipt thereof, unless patently such as, but not limited to, its track record in mineral
unconstitutional or illegal. resource exploration, development, and utilization;
details of technology to be employed in the proposed
Sec. 31 Withdrawal from Mineral Agreements. The operation; and details of technical personnel to
contractor may, by giving due notice at any time undertake the operations;
during the terms of the agreement, apply for the
cancellation of the mineral agreement due to causes (d) Representations and warranties that the applicant
which, in the opinion of the contractor, make has all the qualifications and none of the
continued mining operations no longer feasible or disqualifications for entering into the agreement;
viable. The Secretary shall consider the notice and
issue its decision within a period of thirty (30) days: (e) Representations and warranties that the
Provided, That the contractor has met all its financial, contractor has or has access to all the financing,
fiscal and legal obligations. managerial and technical expertise and, if
circumstances demand, the technology required to
Sec. 32 Terms. Mineral agreements shall have a term promptly and effectively carry out the objectives of
not exceeding twenty-five (25) years to start from the agreement with the understanding to timely
the date of execution thereof, and renewable for deploy these resources under its supervision
another term not exceeding twenty-five (25) years pursuant to the periodic work programs and related
under the same terms and conditions thereof, budgets, when proper, providing an exploration
without prejudice to charges mutually agreed upon period up to two (2) years, extendible for another
by the parties. After the renewal period, the two (2) years but subject to annual review by the
operation of the mine may be undertaken by the Secretary in accordance with the implementing rules
Government or through a contractor. The contract for and regulations of this Act, and further, subject to
the operation of a mine shall be awarded to the the relinquishment obligations;
highest bidder in a public bidding after due
(f) Representations and warranties that, except for appropriate government agency to give the
payments for dispositions for its equity, foreign proponent the prior right to the area covered by such
investments in local enterprises which are qualified proposal: Provided, That existing mineral
for repartriation, and local supplier's credits and such agreements, financial or technical assistance
other generally accepted and permissible financial agreements and other mining rights are not impaired
schemes for raising funds for valid business or prejudiced thereby. The Secretary shall
purposes, the contractor shall not raise any form of recommend its approval to the President.
financing from domestic sources of funds, whether in
Philippine or foreign currency, for conducting its Sec. 38 Terms of Financial or Technical Assistance
mining operations for and in the contract area; Agreement. A financial or technical assistance
agreement shall have a term not exceeding twenty-
(g) The mining operations shall be conducted in five (25) years to start from the execution thereof,
accordance with the provisions of this Act and its renewable for not more than twenty-five (25) years
implementing rules and regulations; under such terms and conditions as may be provided
by law.
(h) Work programs and minimum expenditures
commitments; Sec. 39 Option to Convert into a Mineral Agreement.
The contractor has the option to convert the financial
(i) Preferential use of local goods and services to the or technical assistance agreement to a mineral
maximum extent practicable; agreement at any time during the term of the
agreement, if the economic viability of the contract
(j) A stipulation that the contractors are obligated to area is found to be inadequate to justify large-scale
give preference to Filipinos in all types of mining mining operations, after proper notice to the
employment for which they are qualified and that Secretary as provided for under the implementing
technology shall be transferred to the same; rules and regulations: Provided, That the mineral
agreement shall only be for the remaining period of
(k) Requiring the prominent to effectively use the original agreement.
appropriate anti-pollution technology and facilities to
protect the environment and to restore or In the case of a foreign contractor, it shall reduce its
rehabilitate mined out areas and other areas affected equity to forty percent (40%) in the corporation,
by mine tailings and other forms of pollution or partnership, association, or cooperative. Upon
destruction; compliance with this requirement by the contractor,
the Secretary shall approve the conversion and
(l) The contractors shall furnish the Government execute the mineral production-sharing agreement.
records of geologic, accounting, and other relevant
data for its mining operations, and that book of Sec. 40 Assignment/Transfer. A financial or technical
accounts and records shall be open for inspection by assistance agreement may be assigned or
the government; transferred, in whole or in part, to a qualified person
subject to the prior approval of the President:
(m) Requiring the proponent to dispose of the Provided, That the President shall notify Congress of
minerals and by products produced under a financial every financial or technical assistance agreement
or technical assistance agreement at the highest assigned or converted in accordance with this
price and more advantageous terms and conditions provision within thirty (30) days from the date of the
as provided for under the rules and regulations of approval thereof.
this Act;
Sec. 41 Withdrawal from Financial or Technical
(n) Provide for consultation and arbitration with Assistance Agreement. The contractor shall manifest
respect to the interpretation and implementation of in writing to the Secretary his intention to withdraw
the terms and conditions of the agreements; and from the agreement, if in his judgement the mining
project is no longer economically feasible, even after
(o) Such other terms and conditions consistent with he has exerted reasonable diligence to remedy the
the Constitution and with this Act as the Secretary cause or the situation. The Secretary may accept the
may deem to be for the best interest of the State and withdrawal: Provided, That the contractor has
the welfare of the Filipino people. complied or satisfied all his financial, fiscal or legal
Sec. 36 Negotiations. A financial or technical
assistance agreement shall be negotiated by the CHAPTER VII
Department and executed and approved by the SMALL-SCALE MINING
President. The President shall notify Congress of all
Financial or technical assistance agreements within Sec. 42 Small-scale Mining. Small-scale mining shall
thirty (30) days from execution and approval thereof. continue to be governed by Republic Act No. 7076
and other pertinent laws.
Sec. 37 Filing and Evaluation of Financial or Technical
Assistance Agreement Proposals. All financial or CHAPTER VIII
technical assistance agreement proposals shall be QUARRY RESOURCES
filed with the Bureau after payment of the required
processing fees. If the proposal is found to be Sec. 43 Quarry Permit. Any qualified person may
sufficient and meritorious in form and substance apply to the provincial/city mining regulatory board
after evaluation, it shall be recorded with the for a quarry permit on privately-owned lands and/or
public lands for building and construction materials A mineral agreement or a financial technical
such as marble, basalt, andesite, conglomerate, tuff, assistance agreement contractor shall, however,
adobe, granite, gabbro, serpentine, inset filing have the right to extract and remove sand and gravel
materials, clay for ceramic tiles and building bricks, and other loose unconsolidated materials without
pumice, perlite and other similar materials that are need of a permit within the area covered by the
extracted by quarrying from the ground. The mining agreement for the exclusive use in the mining
provincial governor shall grant the permit after the operations: Provided, That monthly reports of the
applicant has complied with all the requirements as quantity of materials extracted therefrom shall be
prescribed by the rules and regulations. submitted to the mines regional office concerned:
Provided, further, That said right shall be
The maximum area which a qualified person may coterminous with the expiration of the agreement.
hold at any one time shall be five hectares (5 has.):
Provided, That in large-scale quarry operations Holders of existing mining leases shall likewise have
involving cement raw materials, marble, granite, the same rights as that of a contractor: Provided,
sand and gravel and construction agreements, a That said right shall be coterminous with the expiry
qualified person and the government may enter into dates of the lease.
a mineral agreement as defined herein.
Sec. 49 Government Gratuitous Permit. Any
A quarry permit shall have a term of five (5) years, government entity or instrumentality may be granted
renewable for like periods but not to exceed a total a gratuitous permit by the provincial governor to
term of twenty-five (25) years, No quarry permit shall extract sand and gravel, quarry or loose
be issued or granted on any area covered by a unconsolidated materials needed in the construction
mineral agreement, or financial or technical of building and/or infrastructure for public use or
assistance agreement. other purposes over an area of not more than two
hectares (2 has.) for a period coterminous with said
Sec. 44 Quarry Fee and Taxes. A permittee shall, construction.
during the term of his permit, pay a quarry fee as
provided for under the implementing rules and Sec. 50 Private Gratuitous Permit. Any owner of land
regulations. The permittee shall also pay the excise may be granted a private gratuitous permit by the
tax as provided by pertinent laws. provincial governor.

Sec. 45 Cancellation of Quarry Permit. A quarry Sec. 51 Guano Permit. Any qualified person may be
permit may be cancelled by the provincial governor granted a guano permit by the provincial governor to
for violations of the provisions of this Act or its extract and utilize loose unconsolidated guano and
implementing rules and regulations or the terms and other organic fertilizer materials in any portion of a
conditions of said permit: Provided, That before the municipality where he has established domicile. The
cancellation of such permit, the holder thereof shall permit shall be for specific caves and/or for confined
be given the opportunity to be heard in an sites with locations verified by the Department's field
investigation conducted for the purpose. officer in accordance with existing rules and
Sec. 46 Commercial Sand and Gravel Permit. Any
qualified person may be granted a permit by the Sec. 52 Gemstone Gathering Permit. Any qualified
provincial governor to extract and remove sand and person may be granted a non-exclusive gemstone
gravel or other loose or unconsolidated materials gathering permit by the provincial governor to gather
which are used in their natural state, without loose stones useful as gemstones in rivers and other
undergoing processing from an area of not more locations.
than five hectares (5 has.) and in such quantities as
may be specified in the permit. CHAPTER IX
Sec. 47 Industrial Sand and Gravel Permit. Any MINERALS
qualified person may be granted an industrial sand
and gravel permit by the Bureau for the extraction of Sec. 53 Ore Transport Permit. A permit specifying the
sand and gravel and other loose or unconsolidated origin and quantity of non-processed mineral ores or
materials that necessitate the use of mechanical minerals shall be required for their transport.
processing covering an area of more than five Transport permits shall be issued by the mines
hectares (5 has.) at any one time. The permit shall regional director who has jurisdiction over the area
have a term of five (5) years, renewable for a like where the ores were extracted. In the case of mineral
period but not to exceed a total term of twenty-five ores or minerals being transported from the small-
(25) years. scale mining areas to the custom mills or processing
plants, the Provincial Mining Regulatory Board
Sec. 48 Exclusive Sand and Gravel Permit. Any (PMRB) concerned shall formulate their own policies
qualified person may be granted an exclusive sand to govern such transport of ores produced by small-
and gravel permit by the provincial governor to scale miners. The absence of a permit shall be
quarry and utilize sand and gravel or other loose or considered as prima facie evidence of illegal mining
unconsolidated materials from public lands for his and shall be sufficient cause for the Government to
own use, provided that there will be no commercial confiscate the ores or minerals being transported,
disposition thereof. the tools and equipment utilized, and the vehicle
containing the same. Ore samples not exceeding two
metric tons (2 m.t.) to be used exclusively for assay
or pilot test purposes shall be exempted from such technical resources in the mining operations, where
requirement. the same are of equivalent quality, and are available
on equivalent terms as their imported counterparts.
Sec. 54 Mineral Trading Registration. No person shall
engage in the trading of mineral products, either Sec. 61 Donations/Turn Over of Facilities. Prior to
locally or internationally, unless registered with the cessation of mining operations occasioned by
Department of Trade and Industry and accredited by abandonment or withdrawal of operations, on public
the Department, with a copy of said registration lands by the contractor, the latter shall have a period
submitted to the Bureau. of one (1) year therefrom within which to remove his
improvements; otherwise, all the social infrastructure
Sec. 55 Minerals Processing Permit. No person shall and facilities shall be turned over or donated tax-free
engage in the processing of minerals without first to the proper government authorities, national or
securing a minerals processing permit from the local, to ensure that said infrastructure and facilities
Secretary. Minerals processing permit shall be for a are continuously maintained and utilized by the host
period of five (5) years renewable for like periods but and neighboring communities.
not to exceed a total term of twenty-five (25) years.
In the case of mineral ores or minerals produced by Sec. 62 Employment of Filipinos. A contractor shall
the small-scale miners, the processing thereof as give preference to Filipino citizens in all types of
well as the licensing of their custom mills, or mining employment within the country insofar as
processing plants shall continue to be governed by such citizens are qualified to perform the
the provisions of Republic Act No. 7076. corresponding work with reasonable efficiency and
without hazard to the safety of the operations. The
Sec. 56 Eligibility of Foreign-owned/-controlled contractor, however, shall not be hindered from
Corporation. A foreign-owned/-controlled corporation hiring employees of his own selection, subject to the
may be granted a mineral processing permit. provision of Commonwealth Act No. 613, as
amended, for technical and specialized work which in
CHAPTER X his judgement and with the approval of the Director,
DEVELOPMENT OF MINING COMMUNITIES, required highly-specialized training or long
SCIENCE AND MINING TECHNOLOGY experience in exploration, development or utilization
of mineral resources: Provided, That in no case shall
Sec. 57 Expenditure for Community Development each employment exceed five (5) years or the
and Science and Mining Technology. A contractor payback period as represented in original project
shall assist in the development of its mining study, whichever is longer: Provided, further, That
community, the promotion of the general welfare of each foreigner employed as mine manager, vice-
its inhabitants, and the development of science and president for operations or in an equivalent
mining technology. managerial position in charge of mining, milling,
quarrying or drilling operation shall:
Sec. 58 Credited Activities. Activities that may be
credited as expenditures for development of mining (a) Present evidence of his qualification and work
communities, and science and mining technology are experience; or
the following:
(b) Shall pass the appropriate government licensure
(a) Any activity or expenditure intended to enhance examination; or
the development of the mining and neighboring
communities of a mining operation other than those (c) In special cases, may be permitted to work by the
required or provided for under existing laws, or Director for a period not exceeding one (1) year:
collective bargaining agreements, and the like: and Provided, however, That if reciprocal privileges are
extended to Filipino nationals in the country of
(b) Any activity or expenditure directed towards the domicile, the Director may grant waivers or
development of geosciences and mining technology exemptions.
such as, but not limited to, institutional and
manpower development, and basic and applied CHAPTER XI
researches. Appropriate supervision and control SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
mechanisms shall be prescribed in the implementing
rules and regulations of this Act. Sec. 63 Mines Safety and Environmental Protection.
All contractors and permittees shall strictly comply
Sec. 59 Training and Development. A contractor shall with all the mines safety rules and regulations as
maintain an effective program of manpower training may be promulgated by the Secretary concerning the
and development throughout the term of the mineral safe and sanitary upkeep of the mining operations
agreement and shall encourage and train Filipinos to and achieve waste-free and efficient mine
participate in all aspects of the mining operations, development. Personnel of the Department involved
including the management thereof. For highly- in the implementation of mines safety, health and
technical and specialized mining operations, the environmental rules and regulations shall be covered
contractor may, subject to the necessary under Republic Act No. 7305.
government clearances, employ qualified foreigners.
Sec. 64 Mine Labor. No person under sixteen (16)
Sec. 60 Use of Indigenous Goods, Services and years of age shall be employed in any phase of
Technologies. A contractor shall give preference to mining operations and no person under eighteen (18)
the use of local goods, services and scientific and
years of age shall be employed underground in a local government units, nongovernmental and
mine. people's organizations and other concerned sectors
of the community: Provided, That a completed
Sec. 65 Mine Supervision. All mining and quarrying ecological profile of the proposed mining area shall
operations that employ more than fifty (50) workers also constitute part of the environmental impact
shall have at least one (1) licensed mining engineer assessment. People's organizations and non-
with at least five (5) years of experience in mining governmental organizations shall be allowed and
operations, and one (1) registered foreman. encourage to participate in ensuring that
contractors/permittees shall observe all the
Sec. 66 Mine Inspection. The regional director shall requirements of environmental protection.
have exclusive jurisdiction over the safety inspection
of all installations, surface or underground, in mining Sec. 71 Rehabilitation. Contractors and permittees
operations at reasonable hours of the day or night shall technically and biologically rehabilitate the
and as much as possible in a manner that will not excavated mined-out, tailings covered and disturbed
impede or obstruct work in progress of a contractor areas to the condition of environmental safety, as
or permittee. may be provided in the implementing rules and
regulations of this Act. A mine rehabilitation fund
Sec. 67 Power to Issue Orders. The mines regional shall be created, based on the contractor's approved
director shall, in consultation with the Environmental work program, and shall be deposited as a trust fund
Management Bureau, forthwith or within such time in a government depository bank and used for
as specified in his order, require the contractor to physical and social rehabilitation of areas and
remedy any practice connected with mining or communities affected by mining activities and for
quarrying operations, which is not in accordance with research on the social, technical and preventive
safety and anti-pollution laws and regulations, which aspects of rehabilitation. Failure to fulfill the above
is not in accordance with safety and anti-pollution obligation shall mean immediate suspension or
laws and regulations. In case of imminent danger to closure of the mining activities of the
life or property, the mines regional director may contractor/permittee concerned.
summarily suspend the mining or quarrying
operations until the danger is removed, or CHAPTER XII
appropriate measures are taken by the contractor or AUXILIARY MINING RIGHTS
Sec. 72 Timber Rights. Any provision of law to the
Sec. 68 Report of Accidents. In case of any incident contrary notwithstanding, a contractor may be
or accident, causing or creating the danger of loss of ranged a right to cut trees or timber within his
life or serious physical injuries, the person in charge mining area as may be necessary for his mining
of operations shall immediately report the same to operations subject to forestry laws, rules and
the regional office where the operations are situated. regulations: Provided, That if the land covered by the
Failure to report the same without justifiable reason mining area is already covered by existing timber
shall be a cause for the imposition of administrative concessions, the volume of timber needed and the
sanctions prescribed in the rules and regulations manner of cutting and removal thereof shall be
implementing this Act. determined by the mines regional director, upon
consultation with the contractor, the timber
Sec. 69 Environmental Protection. Every contractor concessionaire/permittee and the Forest
shall undertake an environmental protection and Management Bureau of the Department: Provided,
enhancement program covering the period of the further, That in case of disagreement between the
mineral agreement or permit. Such environmental contractor and the timber concessionaire, the matter
program shall be incorporated in the work program shall be submitted to the Secretary whose decision
which the contractor or permittee shall submit as an shall be final. The contractor shall perform
accompanying document to the application for a reforestation work within his mining area in
mineral agreement or permit. The work program accordance with forestry laws, rules and regulations.
shall include not only plans relative to mining
operations but also to rehabilitation, regeneration, Sec. 73 Water Rights. A contractor shall have water
revegetation and reforestation of mineralized areas, rights for mining operations upon approval of
slope stabilization of mined-out and tailings covered application with the appropriate government agency
areas, aquaculture, watershed development and in accordance with existing water laws, rules and
water conservation; and socioeconomic regulations promulgated thereunder: Provided, That
development. water rights already granted or vested through long
use, recognized and acknowledged by local customs,
Sec. 70 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). laws, and decisions of courts shall not thereby be
Except during the exploration period of a mineral impaired: Provided further, That the Government
agreement or financial or technical assistance reserves the right to regulate water rights and the
agreement or an exploration permit, an reasonable and equitable distribution of water supply
environmental clearance certificate shall be required so as to prevent the monopoly of the use thereof.
based on an environmental impact assessment and
procedures under the Philippine Environmental Sec. 74 Right to Possess Explosives. A contractor/
Impact Assessment System including Sections 26 exploration permittee shall have the right to possess
and 27 of the Local Government Code of 1991 which and use explosives within his contract/permit area as
require national government agencies to maintain may be necessary for his mining operations upon
ecological balance, and prior consultation with the approval of an application with the appropriate
government agency in accordance with existing laws, (b) Disputes involving mineral agreements or
rules and regulations promulgated thereunder: permits;
Provided, That the Government reserves the right to
regulate and control the explosive accessories to (c) Disputes involving surface owners, occupants and
ensure safe mining operations. claimholders/concessionaires; and

Sec. 75 Easement Rights. When mining areas are so (d) Disputes pending before the Bureau and the
situated that for purposes of more convenient mining Department at the date of the effectivity of this Act.
operations it is necessary to build, construct or install
on the mining areas or lands owned, occupied or Sec. 78 Appellate Jurisdiction. The decision or order
leased by other persons, such infrastructure as of the panel of arbitrators may be appealed by the
roads, railroads, mills, waste dump sites, tailings party not satisfied thereto to the mines Adjudication
ponds, warehouses, staging or storage areas and Board within fifteen (15) days from receipt thereof
port facilities, tramways, runways, airports, electric which must decide the case within thirty (30) days
transmission, telephone or telegraph lines, dams and from submission thereof for decision.
their normal flood and catchment areas, sites for
water wells, ditches, canals, new river beds, Sec. 79 Mines Adjudication Board. The Mines
pipelines, flumes, cuts, shafts, tunnels, or mills, the Adjudication Board shall be composed of three (3)
contractor, upon payment of just compensation, shall members. The Secretary shall be the chairman with
be entitled to enter and occupy said mining areas or the Director of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau
lands. and the Undersecretary for Operations of the
Department as member thereof. The Board shall
Sec. 76 Entry into Private Lands and Concession have the following powers and functions:
Areas. Subject to prior notification, holders of mining
rights shall not be prevented from entry into private (a) To promulgate rules and regulations governing
lands and concession areas by surface owners, the hearing and disposition of cases before it, as well
occupants, or concessionaires when conducting as those pertaining to its internal functions, and such
mining operations therein: Provided, That any rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry
damage done to the property of the surface owner, out its functions;
occupant, or concessionaire as a consequence of
such operations shall be properly compensated as (b) To administer oaths, summon the parties to a
may be provided for in the implementing rules and controversy, issue subpoenas requiring the
regulations: Provided, further, That to guarantee attendance and testimony of witnesses or the
such compensation, the person authorized to production of such books, paper, contracts, records,
conduct mining operation shall, prior thereto, post a statement of accounts, agreements, and other
bond with the regional director based on the type of documents as may be material to a just
properties, the prevailing prices in and around the determination of the matter under investigation, and
area where the mining operations are to be to testify in any investigation or hearing conducted in
conducted, with surety or sureties satisfactory to the pursuance of this Act;
regional director.
(c) To conduct hearings on all matters within its
CHAPTER XIII jurisdiction, proceed to hear and determine the
SETTLEMENT OF CONFLICTS disputes in the absence of any party thereto who has
been summoned or served with notice to appear,
Sec. 77 Panel of Arbitrators. There shall be a panel of conduct its proceedings or any part thereof in public
arbitraters in the regional office of the Department or in private, adjourn its hearings at any time and
composed of three (3) members, two (2) of whom place, refer technical matters or accounts to an
must be members of the Philippine Bar in good expert and to accept his report as evidence after
standing and one licensed mining engineer or a hearing of the parties upon due notice, direct parties
professional in a related field, and duly designated by to be joined in or excluded from the proceedings,
the Secretary as recommended by the Mines and correct, amend, or waive any error, defect or
Geosciences Bureau Director. Those designated as irregularity, whether in substance or in form, give all
members of the panel shall serve as such in addition such directions at it may deem necessary or
to their work in the Department without receiving expedient in the determination of the dispute before
any additional compensation. As much as it and dismiss the mining dispute as part thereof,
practicable, said members shall come from the where it is trivial or where further proceedings by the
different bureaus of the Department in the region. Board are not necessary or desirable;
The presiding officer shall be on a yearly basis. The
members of the panel shall perform their duties and (1) to hold any person in contempt, directly or
obligations in hearing and deciding cases until their indirectly, and impose appropriate penalties therefor;
designation is withdrawn or revoked by the and
Secretary. Within thirty (30) working days, after the
submission of the case by the parties for decision, (2) To enjoin any or all acts involving or arising from
the panel shall have exclusive and original any case pending before it which, if not restrained
jurisdiction to hear and decide on the following: forthwith, may cause grave or irreparable damage to
any of the parties to the case or seriously affect
(a) Disputes involving rights to mining areas; social and economic stability.
In any proceeding before the Board, the rules of 1991. In case the development and utilization of
evidence prevailing in courts of law or equity shall mineral resources is undertaken by a government-
not be controlling and it is the spirit and intention of owned or controlled corporation, the sharing and
this Act that shall govern. The Board shall use every allocation shall be in accordance with Sections 291
and all reasonable means to ascertain the facts in and 292 of the said Code.
each case speedily and objectively and without
regard to technicalities of law or procedure, all in the CHAPTER XV
interest of due process. In any proceeding before the TAXES AND FEES
Board, the parties may be represented by legal
counsel. the findings of fact of the Board shall be Sec. 83 Income Taxes. After the lapse of the income
conclusive and binding on the parties and its decision tax holiday as provided for in the Omnibus
or order shall be final and executory. Investments Code, the contractor shall be liable to
pay income tax as provided in the National Internal
A petition for review by certiorari and question of law Revenue Code, as amended.
may be filed by the aggrieved party with the
Supreme Court within thirty (30) days from receipt of Sec. 84 Excise Tax on Mineral Products. The
the order or decision of the Board. contractor shall be liable to pay the excise tax on
mineral products as provided for under Section 151
CHAPTER XIV of the National Internal Revenue Code: Provided,
GOVERNMENT SHARE however, That with respect to a mineral production
sharing agreement, the excise tax on mineral
Sec. 80 Government Share in Mineral Production products shall be the government share under said
Sharing Agreement. The total government share in a agreement.
mineral production sharing agreement shall be the
excise tax on mineral products as provided in Sec. 85 Mine Wastes and Tailings Fees. A semi-
Republic Act No. 7729, amending Section 151(a) of annual fee to be known as mine wastes and tailings
the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended. fee is hereby imposed on all operating mining
companies in accordance with the implementing
Sec. 81 Government Share in Other Mineral rules and regulations. The mine wastes and tailings
Agreements. The share of the Government in co- fee shall accrue to a reserve fund to be used
production and joint-venture agreements shall be exclusively for payment for damages to:
negotiated by the Government and the contractor
taking into consideration the: (a) capital investment (a) Lives and personal safety;
of the project, (b) risks involved, (c) contribution of (b) Lands, agricultural crops and forest products,
the project to the economy, and (d) other factors that marine life and aquatic resources, cultural resources;
will provide for a fair and equitable sharing between and
the Government and the contractor. The Government (c) Infrastructure and the revegetation and
shall also be entitled to compensations for its other rehabilitation of silted farm lands and other areas
contributions which shall be agreed upon by the devoted to agriculture and fishing caused by mining
parties, and shall consist, among other things, the pollution.
contractor's income tax, excise tax, special
allowance, withholding tax due from the contractor's This is in addition to the suspension or closure of the
foreign stockholders arising from dividend or interest activities of the contractor at any time and the penal
payments to the said foreign stockholders, in case of sanctions imposed upon the same.
a foreign national, and all such other taxes, duties
and fees as provided for under existing laws. The Secretary is authorized to increase mine wastes
and tailings fees, when public interest so requires,
The Government share in financial or technical upon the recommendation of the Director.
assistance agreement shall consist of, among other
things, the contractor's corporate income tax, excise Sec. 86 Occupation Fees. There shall be collected
tax, special allowance, withholding tax due from the from any holder of a mineral agreement, financial or
contractor's foreign stockholders arising from technical assistance agreement or exploration permit
dividend or interest payments to the said foreign on public or private lands, an annual occupation fee
stockholder in case of a foreign national and all such in accordance with the following schedule;
other taxes, duties and fees as provided for under
existing laws. (a) For exploration permit - Five pesos (P5.00) per
hectare or fraction thereof per annum;
The collection of government share in financial or
technical assistance agreement shall commence (b) For mineral agreements and financial or technical
after the financial or technical assistance agreement assistance agreements - Fifty pesos (P50.00) per
contractor has fully recovered its pre-operating hectare or fraction thereof per annum; and
expenses, exploration, and development
expenditures, inclusive. (c) For mineral reservation - One hundred pesos
(P100.00) per hectare or fraction thereof per annum.
Sec. 82 Allocation of Government Share. The
Government share as referred to in the preceding The Secretary is authorized to increase the
sections shall be shared and allocated in accordance occupation fees provided herein when the public
with Sections 290 and 292 of Republic Act No. 7160 interest so requires, upon recommendation of the
otherwise known as the Local Government Code of Bureau Director.
Sec. 93 Income Tax-Accelerated Depreciation. Fixed
Sec. 87 Manner of payment of Fees. The fees shall be assets may be depreciated as follows:
paid on the date the mining agreement is registered
with the appropriate office and on the same date (a) To the extent of not more than twice as fast as
every year thereafter. It shall be paid to the treasurer the normal rate of depreciation or depreciated at
of the municipality or city where the onshore mining normal rate of depreciation if the expected life is ten
areas are located, or to the Director in case of (10) years or less; or
offshore mining areas. For this purpose, the
appropriate officer shall submit to the treasurer of (b) Depreciated over any number of years between
the municipality or city where the onshore mining five (5) years and the expected life if the latter is
area is located, a complete list of all onshore mining more than ten (10) years, and the depreciation
rights registered with his office, indicating therein the thereon allowed as deduction from taxable income:
names of the holders, area in hectares, location, and Provided, That the contractor notifies the Bureau of
date registered. If the fee is not paid on the date Internal Revenue at the beginning of the depreciation
specified, it shall be increased by twenty-five per period which depreciation rate allowed by this
centum (25%). section will be used.

Sec. 88 Allocation of Occupation Fees. Thirty per In computing for taxable income, unless otherwise
centum (30%) of all occupational fees collected from provided in this Act, the contractor may, at his
holders of mining rights in onshore mining areas shall option, deduct exploration and development
accrue to the province and seventy per centum expenditures accumulated at cost as of the date of
(70%) to the municipality in which the onshore the prospecting or exploration and development
mining areas are located. In a chartered city, the full expenditures paid or incurred during the taxable
amount shall accrue to the city concerned. year: Provided, That the total amount deductible for
exploration and development expenditures shall not
Sec. 89 Filing Fees and Other Charges. The Secretary exceed twenty-five per centum (25%) of the net
is authorized to charge reasonable filing fees and income from mining operations. The actual
other charges as he may prescribe in accordance exploration and development expenditures minus the
with the implementing rules and regulations. twenty-five per centum (25%) net income from
mining shall be carried forward to the succeeding
CHAPTER XVI years until fully deducted.
Net income from mining operation is defined as gross
Sec. 90 Incentives. The contractors in mineral income from operations less allowable deductions
agreements, and financial or technical assistance which are necessary or related to mining operations.
agreements shall be entitled to the applicable fiscal Allowable deductions shall include mining, milling
and non-fiscal incentives as provided for under and marketing expenses, depreciation or properties
Executive Order No. 226, otherwise known as the directly used in the mining operations. This
Omnibus Investments Code of 1987: Provided, That paragraph shall not apply to expenditures for the
holders of exploration permits may register with the acquisition or improvement of property of a
Board of Investments and be entitled to the fiscal character which is subject to the allowances for
incentives granted under the said Code for the depreciation.
duration of the permits or extensions thereof:
Provided, further, That mining activities shall always Sec. 94 Investment Guarantees. The contractor shall
be included in the investment priorities plan. be entitled to the basic rights and guarantees
provided in
Sec. 91 Incentives for Pollution Control Devices. the Constitution and such other rights recognized by
Pollution control devices acquired, constructed or the government as enumerated hereunder.
installed by contractors shall not be considered as
improvements on the land or building where they are (a) Repatriation of investments. The right to
placed, and shall not be subject to real property and repatriate the entire proceeds of the liquidation of
other taxes or assessments: Provided, however, That the foreign investment in the currency in which the
payment of mine wastes and tailings fees is not investment was originally made and at the exchange
exempted. rate prevailing at the time of repatriation.

Sec. 92 Income Tax-Carry Forward of Losses. A net (b) Remittance of earnings. The right to remit
operating loss without the benefit of incentives earnings from the investment in the currency in
incurred in any of the first ten (10) years of which the foreign investment was originally made at
operations may be carried over as a deduction from the exchange rate prevailing at the time of
taxable income for the next five (5) years remittance.
immediately following the year of such loss. The
entire amount of the loss shall be carried over to the (c) Foreign loans and contracts. The right to remit at
first of the five (5) taxable years following the loss, the exchange rate prevailing at the time of
and any portion of such loss which exceeds the remittance such sums as may be necessary to meet
taxable income of such first year shall be deducted in the payments of interest and principal on foreign
like manner from the taxable income of the next loans and foreign obligations arising from financial or
remaining four (4) years. technical assistance contracts.
(d) Freedom from expropriation. The right to be free alter, change or affect substantially the facts set
from expropriation by the government of the forth in said statements may cause the revocation
property represented by investments or loans, or of and termination of the exploration permit, mining
the property of the enterprise except for public use agreement and financial or technical assistance
or in the interest of national welfare or defense and agreement.
upon payment of just compensation. In such cases,
foreign investors or enterprises shall have the right CHAPTER XVIII
to remit sums received as compensation for the ORGANIZATIONAL AND INSTITUTIONAL
expropriated property in the currency in which the ARRANGEMENT
investment was originally made and at the exchange
rate prevailing at the time of remittance. Sec. 100 From Staff Bureau to Line Bureau. The
Mines and Geosciences Bureau is hereby
(e) Requisition of investment. The right to be free transformed into a line bureau consistent with
from requisition of the property represented by the Section 9 of this Act: Provided, That under the Mines
investment or of the property of the enterprises and Geosciences Bureau shall be the necessary
except in case of war or national emergency and only mines regional, district and other pertinent offices -
for the duration thereof. Just compensation shall be the number and specific functions of which shall be
determined and paid either at the time or provided in the implementing rules and regulations
immediately after cessation of the state of war or of this Act.
national emergency. Payments received as
compensation for the requisitioned property may be CHAPTER XIX
remitted in the currency in which the investments PENAL PROVISIONS
were originally made and at the exchange rate
prevailing at the time of remittance. Sec. 101 False Statements. Any person who
knowingly presents any false application, declaration,
(f) Confidentiality. Any confidential information or evidence to the Government or publishes or
supplied by the contractor pursuant to this Act and causes to be published any prospectus or other
its implementing rules and regulations shall be information containing any false statement relating
treated as such by the department and the to mines, mining operations or mineral agreements,
Government, and during the term of the project to financial or technical assistance agreements and
which it relates. permits shall, upon conviction, be penalized by a fine
of not exceeding Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00).
GROUND FOR CANCELLATION, REVOCATION, Sec. 102 Illegal Exploration. Any person undertaking
AND TERMINATION exploration work without the necessary exploration
permit shall, upon conviction, be penalized by a fine
Sec. 95 Late or Non-filing of Requirements. Failure of of not exceeding Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00).
the permittee or contractor to comply with any of the
requirements provided in this Act or in its Sec. 103 Theft of Minerals. Any person extracting
implementing rules and regulations, without a valid minerals and disposing the same without a mining
reason, shall be sufficient ground from the agreement, lease, permit, license, or steals minerals
suspension of any permit or agreement provided or ores or the products thereof from mines or mills or
under this Act. processing plants shall, upon conviction, be
imprisoned from six (6) months to six (6) years or
Sec. 96 Violation of the Terms and Conditions of pay a fine from Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) to
Permits or Agreements. Violations of the terms and Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00), or both, at the
conditions of the permits or agreements shall be a discretion of the appropriate court. In addition, he
sufficient ground for cancellation of the same. shall be liable to pay damages and compensation for
the minerals removed, extracted, and disposed of. In
Sec. 97 Non-payment of taxes and Fees. Failure to the case of associations, partnerships, or
pay the taxes and fees due the Government for two corporations, the president and each of the directors
(2) consecutive years shall cause the cancellation of thereof shall be responsible for the acts committed
the exploration permit, mineral agreement, financial by such association, corporation, or partnership.
or technical assistance agreement and other
agreements and the re-opening of the area subject Sec. 104 Destruction of Mining Structures. Any
thereof to new applicants. person who willfully destroys or damages structures
in or on the mining area or on the mill sites shall,
Sec. 98 Suspension or Cancellation of Tax Incentives upon conviction, be imprisoned for a period not to
and Credits. Failure to abide by the terms and exceed five (5) years and shall, in addition, pay
conditions of tax incentives and credits shall cause compensation for the damages which may have been
the suspension or cancellation of said incentives and caused thereby.
Sec. 105 Mines Arson. Any person who willfully sets
Sec. 99 Falsehood or Omission of Facts in the fire to any mineral stockpile, mine or workings,
Statement. All statements made in the exploration fittings or a mine, shall be guilty of arson and shall
permit, mining agreement and financial or technical be punished, upon conviction, by the appropriate
assistance shall be considered as conditions and court in accordance with the provisions of the
essential parts thereof and any falsehood in said Revised Penal Code and shall, in addition, pay
statements or omission of facts therein which may compensation for the damages caused thereby.
(a) "Mineralized areas" refer to areas with naturally
Sec. 106 Willful Damage to a Mine. Any person who occurring mineral deposits of gold, silver, chromite,
willfully damages a mine, unlawfully causes water to kaolin, silica, marble, gravel, clay and like mineral
run into a mine, or obstructs any shaft or passage to resources;
a mine, or renders useless, damages or destroys any
machine, appliance, apparatus; rope, chain, tackle,
or any other things used in a mine, shall be (b) "Small-scale mining" refers to mining activities
punished, upon conviction, by the appropriate court, which rely heavily on manual labor using simple
by imprisonment not exceeding a period of five (5) implement and methods and do not use explosives
years and shall, in addition, pay compensation for or heavy mining equipment;
the damages caused thereby.

Sec. 107 Illegal Obstruction to Permittees or (c) "Small-scale miners" refer to Filipino citizens who,
Contractors. Any person who, without justifiable individually or in the company of other Filipino
cause, prevents or obstructs the holder of any citizens, voluntarily form a cooperative duly licensed
permit, agreement or lease from undertaking his by the Department of Environment and Natural
mining operations shall be punished, upon conviction Resources to engage, under the terms and conditions
by the appropriate court, by a fine not exceeding of a contract, in the extraction or removal of minerals
Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) or imprisonment not or ore-bearing materials from the ground;
exceeding one (1) year, or both, at the discretion of
the court. (d) "Small-scale mining contract" refers to co-
production, joint venture or mineral production
Sec. 108 Violation of the Terms and Conditions of the sharing agreement between the State and a small-
Environmental Compliance Certificate. Any person scale mining contractor for the small-scale utilization
who willfully violates or grossly neglects to abide by of a plot of mineral land;
the terms and conditions of the environmental
compliance certificate issued to said person and
which causes environmental damage through (e) "Small-scale mining contractor" refers to an
pollution shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment of individual or a cooperative of small-scale miners,
six (6) months to six (6) years or a fine of Fifty registered with the Securities and Exchange
thousand pesos (P50,000.00) to Two Hundered Commission or other appropriate government
Thousand Pesos (P200,000.00), or both at the agency, which has entered into an agreement with
discretion of the court. the State for the small-scale utilization of a plot of
mineral land within a people's small-scale mining
Sec. 109 Illegal Obstruction to Government Officials. area;
Any person who illegally prevents or obstructs the
Secretary, the Director or any of their (f) "Active mining area" refers to areas under actual
representatives in the performance of their duties exploration, development, exploitation or commercial
under the provisions of this Act and of the production as determined by the Secretary after the
regulations promulgated hereunder shall be necessary field investigation or verification including
punished, upon conviction, by the appropriate court, contiguous and geologically related areas belonging
by a fine not exceeding Five thousand pesos to the same claimowner and/or under contract with
(P5,000.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding one an operator, but in no case to exceed the maximum
(1) year, or both, at the discretion of the court. area allowed by law;
Sec. 110 Other Violations. Any other violation of this
Act and its implementing rules and regulations shall (g) "Existing mining right" refers to perfected and
constitute an offense punishable with a fine not subsisting claim, lease, license or permit covering a
exceeding five thousand pesos (P5,000.00). mineralized area prior to its declaration as a people's
small-scale mining area;
Sec. 111 Fines. The Secretary is authorized to charge
fines for late or nonsubmission of reports in (h) "Claimowner" refers to a holder of an existing
accordance with the implementing rules and mining right;
regulations of this Act

(i) "Processor" refers to a person issued a license to

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7076: People's Small-scale engage in the treatment of minerals or ore-bearing
Mining Act materials such as by gravity concentration, leaching
benefication, cyanidation, cutting, sizing, polishing
Sec. 2. Declaration of Policy. It is hereby declared and other similar activities;
of the State to promote, develop, protect and
rationalize viable small-scale mining activities in (j) "License" refers to the privilege granted to a
order to generate more employment opportunities person to legitimately pursue his occupation as a
and provide an equitable sharing of the nation's small-scale miner or processor under this Act;
wealth and natural resources, giving due regard to
existing rights as herein provided.
(k) "Mining plan" refers to a two-year program of
activities and methodologies employed in the
Sec. 3. Definitions. For purposes of this Act, the extraction and production of minerals or ore-bearing
following terms shall be defined as follows:
materials, including the financial plan and other reserved, parks and wildlife reservations, unless their
resources in support thereof; status as such is withdrawn by competent authority.

Sec. 6. Future People's Small-scale Mining Areas.

(l) "Director" refers to the regional executive director
The following lands, when suitable for small-scale
of the Department of Environment and Natural
mining, may be declared by the Board as people's
Resources; and
small scale mining areas:
(a) Public lands not subject to any existing right; vi
(m) "Secretary" refers to the Secretary of the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources. (b) Public lands covered by existing mining rights
which are not active mining areas; and
Sec. 4. People's Small-scale Mining Program. For
the purpose of carrying out the declared policy (c) Private lands, subject to certain rights and
provided in Section 2 hereof, there is hereby conditions, except those with substantial
established a People's Small-scale Mining Program to improvements or in bona fide and regular use as a
be implemented by the Secretary of the Department yard, stockyard, garden, plant nursery, plantation,
of Environment and Natural Resources, hereinafter cemetery or burial site, or land situated within one
called the Department, in coordination with other hundred meters (100 m.) from such cemetery or
concerned government agencies, designed to burial site, water reservoir or a separate parcel of
achieve an orderly, systematic and rational scheme land with an area of ten thousand square meters
for the small-scale development and utilization of (10,000 sq. m.) or less.
mineral resources in certain mineral areas in order to
address the social, economic, technical, and
environmental connected with small-scale mining Sec. 7. Ancestral Lands. No ancestral land may be
activities. declared as a people's small-scale mining area
The People's Small-scale Mining Program shall without the prior consent of the cultural communities
include the following features: concerned: Provided, That, if ancestral lands are
(a) The identification, segregation and reservation of declared as people's small-scale mining areas, the
certain mineral lands as people's small-scale mining members of the cultural communities therein shall be
areas; given priority in the awarding of small-scale mining
(b) The recognition of prior existing rights and contracts.
Sec. 8. Registration of Small-scale Miners. All
(c) The encouragement of the formation of persons undertaking small-scale mining activities
cooperatives; shall register as miners with the Board and may
organize themselves into cooperatives in order to
qualify for the awarding of a people's small-scale
(d) The extension of technical and financial mining contract.
assistance, and other social services;

Sec. 9. Award of People's Small-scale Mining

(e) The extension of assistance in processing and Contracts. A people's small-scale mining contract
marketing; may be awarded by the Board to small-scale miners
who have voluntarily organized and have duly
(f) The generation of ancillary livelihood activities; registered with the appropriate government agency
as an individual miner or cooperative; Provided, That
only one (1) people's small-scale mining contract
(g) The regulation of the small-scale mining industry may be awarded at any one time to a small-scale
with the view to encourage growth and productivity; mining operations within one (1) year from the date
and of award: Provided, further, That priority shall be
given or city where the small-scale mining area is
(h) The efficient collection of government revenue. located.

Sec. 5. Declaration of People's Small-scale Mining Applications for a contract shall be subject to a
Areas. The Board is hereby authorized to declare reasonable fee to be paid to the Department of
and set aside people's small-scale mining areas in Environment and Natural Resources regional office
sites onshore suitable for small-scale mining, subject having jurisdiction over the area.
to review by the Secretary, immediately giving
priority to areas already occupied and actively mined Sec. 10. Extent of Contract Area. The Board shall
by small-scale miners before August 1, 1987: determine the reasonable size and shape of the
Provided, That such areas are not considered as contract area following the meridional block system
active mining areas: Provided, further, That the established under Presidential Decree No. 463, as
minerals found therein are technically and amended, otherwise known as the Mineral Resources
commercially suitable for small-scale mining Development Decree of 1974, but in no case shall
activities: Provided, finally, That the areas are not the area exceed twenty hectares (20 has.) per
covered by existing forest rights or reservations and contractor and the depth or length of the tunnel or
have not been declared as tourist or marine adit not exceeding that recommended by the
director taking into account the following (f) File under oath at the end of each month a
circumstances: detailed production and financial report to the Board;
(a) Size of membership and capitalization of the
cooperative; (g) Assume responsibility for the safety of persons
(b) Size of mineralized area; working in the mines.

(c) Quantity of mineral deposits; Sec. 14. Rights of Claimowners. In case a site
declared and set aside as a people's-scale mining
area is covered by an existing mining right, the
(d) Safety of miners;
claimowner and the small-scale miners therein are
encouraged to enter into a voluntary and acceptable
(e) Environmental impact and other considerations; contractual agreement with respect to the small-
and scale utilization of the mineral values from the area
under claim. In case of disagreement, the
claimowner shall be entitled to the following rights
(f) Other related circumstances.
and privileges:
(a) Exemption from the performance of annual work
Sec. 11. Easement Rights. Upon the declaration of obligations and payment of occupation fees, rental,
a people's small-scale mining area, the director, in and real property taxes;
consultation with the operator, claimowner,
landowner or lessor of an affected area, shall (b) Subject to the approval of the Board, free access
determine the right of the small scale miners to to the contract area to conduct metallurgical tests,
existing facilities such as mining and logging roads, explorations and other activities, provided such
private roads, port and communication facilities, activities do not unduly interfere with the operations
processing plants which are necessary for the of the small-scale miners; and
effective implementation of the People's Small-scale
Mining Program, subject to payment of reasonable
(c) Royalty equivalent to one and one half percent (1
fees to the operator, claimowner, landowner or
1/2%) of the gross value of the metallic mineral
output or one percent (1%) of the gross value of the
nonmetallic mineral output to be paid to the
Sec. 12. Rights Under a People's Small-scale Mining
claimowner: Provided, That such rights and privileges
Contract. A people's small-scale mining contract
shall be available only if he is not delinquent and
entitles the small-scale mining contractor to the right
other performance of his annual work obligations and
to mine, extract and dispose of mineral ores for
other requirements for the last two (2) years prior to
commercial purposes. In no case shall a small-scale
the effectivity of this Act.
mining contract be subcontracted, assigned or
otherwise transferred.
Sec. 15. Rights of Private Landowners. The private
landowner or lawful possessor shall be notified of any
Sec. 13. Terms and Conditions of the Contract. A
plan or petition to declare his land as a people's
contract shall have a term of two (2) years,
small-scale mining area. Said landowner may oppose
renewable subject to verification by the Board for like
such plan or petition in an appropriate proceeding
periods as long as the contractor complies with the
and hearing conducted before the Board.
provisions set forth in this Act, and confers upon the
contractor the right to mine within the contract area:
If a private land is declared as a people's small-scale
Provided, That the holder of a small-scale mining
mining area, the owner and the small-scale mining
contract shall have the following duties and
contractors are encouraged to enter into a voluntary
and acceptable contractual agreement for the small-
scale utilization of the mineral values from the
(a) Undertake mining activities only in accordance private land: Provided, That the owner shall in all
with a mining plan duly approved by the Board; cases be entitled to the payment of actual damages
(b) Abide by the Mines and Geosciences Bureau and which he may suffer as a result of such declaration:
the small-scale Mining Safety Rules and Regulations; Provided, further, That royalties paid to the owner
shall in no case exceed one percent (1%) of the gross
value of the minerals recovered as royalty.
(c) Comply with his obligations to the holder of an
existing mining right;
Sec. 16. Ownership of Mill Tailings. The small-
scale mining contractor shall be the owner of all mill
(d) Pay all taxes, royalties or government production
tailings produced from the contract area. He may sell
share as are now or may hereafter be provided by
the tailings or have them processed in any custom
mill in the area: Provided, That, if the small-scale
mining contractor decide to sell its mill tailings, the
(e) Comply with pertinent rules and regulations on claimowner shall have a preemptive right to
environmental protection and conservation, purchase said mill tailings at the prevailing market
particularly those on tree-cutting mineral-processing price.
and pollution control;
Sec. 17. Sale of Gold. All gold produced by small- site by the contractor, shall constitute a ground for
scale miners in any mineral area shall be sold to the the cancellation of the contracts and the ejectment
Central Bank, or its duly authorized representatives, from the people's small-scale mining area of the
which shall buy it at prices competitive with those contractor. In addition, the Secretary may impose
prevailing in the world market regardless of volume fines against the violator in an amount of not less
or weight. than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00) and not
more than One hundred thousand pesos
(P100,000.00). Nonpayment of the fine imposed shall
The Central Bank shall establish as many buying
render the small-scale mining contractor ineligible for
stations in gold-rush areas to fully service the
other small-scale mining contracts.
requirements of the small-scale minerals thereat.

Sec. 22. Reversion of People's Small-scale Mining

Sec. 18. Custom Mills. The establishment and
Areas. The Secretary, upon recommendation of
operation of safe and efficient customs mills to
the director, shall withdraw the status of the people's
process minerals or ore-bearing materials shall be
small-scale mining area when it can no longer
limited to mineral processing zones duly designated
feasibly operated on a small-scale mining basis or
by the local government unit concerned upon
when the safety, health and environmental
recommendation of the Board.
conditions warrant that the same shall revert to the
State for proper disposition.
In mining areas where the private sector is unable to
establish custom mills, the Government shall
Sec. 23. Actual Occupation by Small-scale Miners.
construct such custom mills upon the
Small-scale miners who have been in actual
recommendation of the Board based on the viability
operation of mineral lands on or before August 1,
of the project.
1987 as determined by the Board shall not be
dispossessed, ejected or removed from said areas:
The Board shall issue licenses for the operation of Provided, That they comply with the provisions of
custom mills and other processing plants subject to this Act.
pollution control and safety standards.
Sec. 24. Provincial/City Mining Regulatory Board.
The Department shall establish assay laboratories to There is hereby created under the direct supervision
cross-check the integrity of custom mills and to and control of the Secretary a provincial/city mining
render metallurgical and laboratory services to regulatory board, herein called the Board, which shall
mines. be the implementing agency of the Department, and
shall exercise the following powers and functions,
subject to review by the Secretary:
Custom mills shall be constituted as withholding
agents for the royalties, production share or other
taxes due the Government. (a) Declare and segregate existing gold-rush areas
for small-scale mining;
Sec. 19. Government Share and Allotment. The
(b) Reserve future gold and other mining areas for
revenue to be derived by the Government from the
small-scale mining;
operation of the mining program herein established
shall be subject to the sharing provided in the Local
Government Code. (c) Award contracts to small-scale miners;

Sec. 20. People's Small-scale Mining Protection (d) Formulate and implement rules and regulations
Fund. There is hereby created a People's Small- related to small-scale mining;
scale Mining Protection Fund which shall be fifteen
percent (15%) of the national government's share
(e) Settle disputes, conflicts or litigations over
due the Government which shall be used primarily
conflicting claims within a people's small-scale
for information dissemination and training of small-
mining area, an area that is declared a small-mining;
scale miners on safety, health and environmental
protection, and the establishment of mine rescue and
recovery teams including the procurement of rescue
equipment necessary in cases of emergencies such (f) Perform such other functions as may be necessary
as landslides, tunnel collapse, or the like. to achieve the goals and objectives of this Act.

The fund shall also be made available to address the Sec. 25. Composition of the Provincial/City Mining
needs of the small-scale miners brought about by Regulatory Board. The Board shall be composed of
accidents and/or fortuitous events. the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources representative as Chairman; and the
representative of the governor or city mayor, as the
Sec. 21. Rescission of Contracts and Administrative
representative of the governor or city mayor, as the
Fines. The noncompliance with the terms and
case may be, one (1) small scale mining
conditions of the contract or violation of the rules
representative, one (1) big-scale mining
and regulations issued by the Secretary pursuant to
representative, and the representative from a
this Act, as well as the abandonment of the mining
nongovernment organization who shall come from an mineral resources in contravention of Article XII
environmental group, as members. Section 2 paragraphs 2 and 4 of the Charter.

The representatives from the private sector shall be In January 2001, MMC a publicly listed Australian
nominated by their respective organizations and mining and exploration company sold its whole
appointed by the Department regional director. The stake in WMCP to Sagittarius Mines, 60% of which is
Department shall provide the staff support to the owned by Filipinos while 40% of which is owned by
Board. Indophil Resources, an Australian company. DENR
approved the transfer and registration of the FTAA in
Sagittarius name but Lepanto Consolidated assailed
Sec. 26. Administrative Supervision over the
the same. The latter case is still pending before the
People's Small-scale Mining Program. The
Court of Appeals.
Secretary through his representative shall exercise
direct supervision and control over the program and
EO 279, issued by former President Aquino on July
activities of the small-scale miners within the
25, 1987, authorizes the DENR to accept, consider
people's small-scale mining area.
and evaluate proposals from foreign owned
corporations or foreign investors for contracts or
The Secretary shall within ninety (90) days from the agreements involving either technical or financial
effectivity of this Act promulgate rules and assistance for large scale exploration, development
regulations to effectively implement the provisions of and utilization of minerals which upon appropriate
the same. Priority shall be given to such rules and recommendation of the (DENR) Secretary, the
regulations that will ensure the least disruption in the president may execute with foreign proponent.
operations of the small-scale miners. WMCP likewise contended that the annulment of the
FTAA would violate a treaty between the Philippines
and Australia which provides for the protection of
Sec. 27. Penal Sanctions. Violations of the
Australian investments.
provisions of this Act or of the rules and regulations
issued pursuant hereto shall be penalized with
imprisonment of not less than six (6) months nor
1. Whether or not the Philippine Mining Act is
more than six (6) years and shall include the
unconstitutional for allowing fully foreign-
confiscation and seizure of equipment, tools and
owned corporations to exploit Philippine
mineral resources

2. Whether or not the FTAA between the

government and WMCP is a service
contract that permits fully foreign owned
companies to exploit Philippine mineral
La Bugal Blaan Tribal Association Inc., et al. V.
Victor O. Ramos, Secretary Department of 3. Whether the Court has a role in the exercise
Environment and Natural Resources; Horacio of the power of control over the EDU of our
Ramos, Director, Mines and Geosciences natural resources
Bureau (MGB-DENR);
The constitutional provision allowing the President to
enter into FTAAs is an exception to the rule that 1) RA 7942 or the Philippine Mining Act of 1995
participation in the nations natural resources is is unconstitutional for permitting fully foreign
reserved exclusively to Filipinos. Provision must be owned corporations to exploit Philippine natural
construed strictly against their enjoyment by non- resources.
Article XII Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution retained
RA 7942 (The Philippine Mining Act) took effect on the Regalian doctrine which states that All lands of
April 9, 1995. Before the effectivity of RA 7942, or on the public domain, waters, minerals, coal, petroleum,
March 30, 1995, the President signed a Financial and and other minerals, coal, petroleum, and other
Technical Assistance Agreement (FTAA) with WMCP, mineral oils, all forces of potential energy, fisheries,
a corporation organized under Philippine laws, forests or timber, wildlife, flora and fauna, and other
covering close to 100, 000 hectares of land in South natural resources are owned by the State. The same
Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Davao del Sur and North section also states that, exploration and
Cotabato. On August 15, 1995, the Environment development and utilization of natural resources
Secretary Victor Ramos issued DENR Administrative shall be under the full control and supervision of the
Order 95-23, which was later repealed by DENR State.
Administrative Order 96-40, adopted on December
20, 1996. Conspicuously absent in Section 2 is the provision in
the 1935 and 1973 Constitutions authorizing the
Petitioners prayed that RA 7942, its implementing State to grant licenses, concessions, or leases for the
rules, and the FTAA between the government and exploration, exploitation, development or utilization
WMCP be declared unconstitutional on ground that of natural resources. Y such omission, the utilization
they allow fully foreign owned corporations like of inalienable lands of public domain through license,
WMCP to exploit, explore and develop Philippine
concession or lease is no longer allowed under the 2) The FTAA between WMCP and the Philippine
1987 Constitution. government is likewise unconstitutional since
the agreement itself is a service contract.
Under the concession system, the concessionaire
makes a direct equity investment for the purpose of Section 1.3 of the FTAA grants WMCP, a fully foreign
exploiting a particular natural resource within a given owned corporation, the exclusive right to explore,
area. The concession amounts to complete control by exploit, utilize and dispose of all minerals and by-
the concessionaire over the countrys natural products that may be produced from the contract
resource, for it is given exclusive and plenary rights area. Section 1.2 of the same agreement provides
to exploit a particular resource at the point of that WMCP shall provide all financing, technology,
extraction. management, and personnel necessary for the
Mining Operations.
The 1987 Constitution, moreover, has deleted the
phrase management or other forms of assistance These contractual stipulations and related provisions
in the 1973 Charter. The present Constitution now in the FTAA taken together, grant WMCP beneficial
allows only technical and financial ownership over natural resources that properly
assistance. The management or operation of mining belong to the State and are intended for the benefit
activities by foreign contractors, the primary feature of its citizens. These stipulations are abhorrent to the
of service contracts was precisely the evil the 1987 Constitution. They are precisely the vices that
drafters of the 1987 Constitution sought to avoid. the fundamental law seeks to avoid, the evils that it
aims to suppress. Consequently, the contract from
The constitutional provision allowing the President to which they spring must be struck down.
enter into FTAAs is an exception to the rule that
participation in the nations natural resources is
reserved exclusively to Filipinos. Accordingly such 3) The Chief Executive is the official
provision must be construed strictly against their constitutionally mandated to enter into
enjoyment by non-Filipinos. Therefore RA 7942 is agreements with foreign owned corporations.
invalid insofar as said act authorizes service On the other hand, Congress may review the
contracts. Although the statute employs the phrase action of the President once it is notified of
financial and technical agreements in accordance every contract entered into in accordance with
with the 1987 Constitution, its pertinent provisions this [constitutional] provision within thirty days
actually treat these from its execution. In contrast to this express
agreements as service contracts that grant beneficial mandate of the President and Congress in the
ownership to foreign contractors contrary to the exploration, development and utilization (EDU)
fundamental law. of natural resources, Article XII of the
Constitution is silent on the role of the judiciary.
The underlying assumption in the provisions of the However, should the President and/or Congress
law is that the foreign contractor manages the gravely abuse their discretion in this regard, the
mineral resources just like the foreign contractor in a courts may -- in a proper case -- exercise their
service contract. By allowing foreign contractors to residual duty under Article VIII. Clearly then, the
manage or operate all the aspects of the mining judiciary should not inordinately interfere in the
operation, RA 7942 has in effect conveyed beneficial exercise of this presidential power of control
ownership over the nations mineral resources to over the EDU of our natural resources.
these contractors, leaving the State with nothing but
bare title thereto. Under the doctrine of separation of powers and due
respect for co-equal and coordinate branches of
The same provisions, whether by design or government, the Court must restrain itself from
inadvertence, permit a circumvention of the intruding into policy matters and must allow the
constitutionally ordained 60-40% capitalization President and Congress maximum discretion in using
requirement for corporations or associations the resources of our country and in securing the
engaged in the exploitation, development and assistance of foreign groups to eradicate the grinding
utilization of Philippine natural resources. poverty of our people and answer their cry for viable
employment opportunities in the country. The
When parts of a statute are so mutually dependent judiciary is loath to interfere with the due exercise by
and connected as conditions, considerations, coequal branches of government of their official
inducements or compensations for each other as to functions. As aptly spelled out seven decades ago
warrant a belief that the legislature intended them as by Justice George Malcolm, Just as the Supreme
a whole, then if some parts are unconstitutional, all Court, as the guardian of constitutional rights, should
provisions that are thus dependent, conditional or not sanction usurpations by any other department of
connected must fall with them. government, so should it as strictly confine its own
sphere of influence to the powers expressly or by
Under Article XII Section 2 of the 1987 Charter, implication conferred on it by the Organic Act. Let
foreign owned corporations are limited only to the development of the mining industry be the
merely technical or financial assistance to the State responsibility of the political branches of
for large scale exploration, development and government. And let not the Court interfere
utilization of minerals, petroleum and other mineral inordinately and unnecessarily. The Constitution of
oils. the Philippines is the supreme law of the land. It is
the repository of all the aspirations and hopes of all
the people.
The Constitution should be read in broad, life-giving agreements in the same breath as service
strokes. It should not be used to strangulate contracts and used the terms interchangeably. The
economic growth or to serve narrow, parochial members of the Concom actually had in mind the
interests. Rather, it should be construed to grant the Marcos-era service contracts that they were more
President and Congress sufficient discretion and familiar with (but which they duly modified and
reasonable leeway to enable them to attract foreign restricted so as to prevent present abuses), when
investments and expertise, as well as to secure for they were crafting and polishing the provisions
our people and our posterity the blessings of dealing with financial and/or
prosperity and peace. The Court fully sympathize technical assistance agreements.
with the plight of La Bugal Blaan and other tribal
groups, and commend their efforts to uplift their The Concom discussions in their entirely had to do
communities. However, the Court cannot justify the with service contracts that might be given to foreign-
invalidation of an otherwise constitutional statute owned corporations as exceptions to the general
along with its implementing rules, or the nullification principle of Filipino control of the economy
of an otherwise legal and binding FTAA contract. The
Court believes that it is not unconstitutional to allow
a wide degree of discretion to the Chief Executive, APEX MINING CO., INC. vs. SOUTHEAST
given the nature and complexity of such agreements, MINDANAO GOLD MINING CORP
the humongous amounts of capital and financing
required for large-scale mining operations, the Proclamation No. 369 was issued to establish the
complicated technology needed, and the intricacies Agusan-Davao-Surigao Forest Reserve.Camilo Banad
of international trade, coupled with the States need and his group, who claimed to have first discovered
to maintain flexibility in its dealings, in order to traces of gold in Mount Diwata, filed aDeclaration of
preserve and enhance our countrys competitiveness Location for six mining claims in the
in world markets. On the basis of this control area. Apex Mining Corporation entered intooperating
standard, the Court upholds the constitutionality of agreements with Banad and his group.Marcopper
the Philippine Mining Law, its Implementing Rules Mining Corporation filed mining claims for areas
and Regulations -- insofar as they relate to financial adjacent to the area covered by the DOL of Banad
and technical agreements -- as well as the subject and his group. MMC abandoned the claims and
Financial and Technical Assistance Agreement instead applied for a prospecting permit with
theBureau of Forest Development. BFD issued a
Prospecting Permit to MMC covering an area within
theforest reserve under Proclamation No. 369. The
Separate Opinion of Justice Panganiban permit embraced the areas claimed by Apex and the
other individual mining claimants. MMC filed before
The FTAA is now to be implemented by a Filipino the BMG a Petition for the Cancellation of the
corporation, therefore the Court can no longer MiningClaims of Apex and Small Scale Mining
declare it unconstitutional. The CA case is a dispute Permits.
between two Filipino corporations (Sagittarius and
Lepanto) both claiming the right to purchase the MMC alleged that the areas covered by its EP 133
foreign shares in WMCP. Regardless of which side and the mining claims of Apex were within an
eventually prevails, the FTAA would still be in the established and existing forest reservation.
hands of a qualified Filipino firm. The present Apex filed a motion to dismiss MMCs petition
Constitution, moreover, does not limit foreign alleging that its mining claims are not within any
participation in the exploration, development and established or proclaimed forest reserve, and as
utilization of minerals, petroleum and mineral oils to such, the acquisition of mining rights thereto must be
financial or technical assistance. The drafters choice undertaken via registration of DOL with the BMG and
of words and excerpts from deliberations of the not through the filing of application for permit
Constitutional Commission reveal that the present to prospect with the BFD. However, Supreme Court
Charter did not limit to financial or technical rendered a Decision against Apex holding that the
assistance the participation of foreign corporations in disputed area is a forest reserve; hence, the proper
the large-scale exploration, development, and procedure in acquiring mining rights therein is by
utilization of minerals, petroleum and mineral oils. initially applying for a permit to prospect with the
The drafters use of the phrase agreements xxx BFD and not through a registration of DOL with the
involving xxx technical or financial assistance in BMG. DENR issued Department Administrative Order
Article XII Section 2 of the 1987 Charter does not No. 66 declaring areas covered by the Agusan-
absolutely show intent to exclude other modes of Davao-Surigao Forest Reserve as non-forest lands
assistance. Rather the phrase signifies the and open to small-scale mining purposes.
possibility of the inclusion of other activities,
provided they bear some reasonable relationship to A portion of thecontested area open to small scale
and compatibility with financial or technical miners, several mining entities filed applications for
assistance. If the drafters intended to strictly Mineral Production Sharing Agreement. Monkayo
confine foreign corporations to financial or technical Integrated Small Scale Miners Association (MISSMA)
assistance only, they would have employed filed an MPSA application which was denied by the
restrictive or stringent language. BMG on the grounds that the area applied for is
within the area covered by MMC EP 133and that the
Excerpts from then deliberations of the Constitutional MISSMA was not qualified to apply for an MPSA.MMC
Commission likewise show that its members assigned EP 133 to Southeast Mindanao Gold Mining
discussed technical or financial assistance Corporation. BMG accepted and registered SEMs
MPSA application and the Deed of Assignment over Whether the subsequent acts of the executive
EP 133 executed in its favor by MMC.SEMs department such as the issuance of Proclamation No.
application was designated MPSA Application No. 128 297,and DAO No. 2002-18 can outweigh Apex and
(MPSAA 128).The PA rendered a resolution that EP Balites claims over the Diwalwal Gold Rush Area.
133 was valid and subsisting. It also declared that
the BMG Director, under Section 99 of the Held
Consolidated Mines Administrative Order
implementing Presidential Decree No. 463, was Upon the effectivity of the 1987 Constitution, the
authorized to issue exploration permits and to renew State assumed a more dynamic role in the
the same without limit. The validity of Ex loration exploration,development and utilization of the
Permit No. 133 was reiterated and all the adverse natural resources of the country. With this policy, the
claims against MPSAA No.128 are DISMISSED. State may pursuefull control and supervision of the
exploration, development and utilization of the
Undaunted by the PA ruling, the adverse claimants countrys naturalmineral resources. The options
appealed to the Mines Adjudication Board. In open to the State are through direct undertaking or
aDecision, the MAB considered erroneous the by entering into co- production, joint venture, or
dismissal by the PA of the adverse claims filed production-sharing agreements, or by entering into
againstMMC and SEM over a mere technicality of agreement with foreign-owned corporations for large-
failure to submit a sketch plan. It argued that the scale exploration, development and utilization.
rules of procedure are not meant to defeat Recognizing the importance of the countrys natural
substantial justice as the former are merely resources, not only for national economic
secondary in importance to the latter. Dealing with development, but also for its security and national
the question on EP 133s validity, the MAB opined defense, Section 5 of Republic Act No. 7942
that said issue was not crucial and was irrelevant in empowers the President, when the national interest
adjudicating the appealed case because EP 133 has so requires, to establish mineral reservations where
long expired due to its non-renewal and that the mining operations shall be undertaken directly by the
holder of the same, MMC, was no longer a claimant State or through a contractor
of the Agusan-Davao-Surigao Forest Reserve having
relinquished its right to SEM. After it brushed aside
the issue of the validity of EP133 for being irrelevant, Loney vs. People of the Philippines
the MAB proceeded to treat SEMs MPSA application
over the disputed area asan entirely new and distinct Petitioners are officers of Marcopper Mining Corp.,
application. It approved the MPSA application, engaged in mining in the province of Marinduque.
excluding the area segregated by DAO No. 66, which Marcopper had been storing tailings from its
declared 729 hectares within the Diwalwal area as operation in a pit in Mt. Taipan, at the base of which
non-forest lands open for small-scale mining. ran a drainage leading to Boac and Makalupnit rivers.
Consequently, Marcopper had discharged millions of
Dissatisfied, the Villaflor group and Balite appealed tons of tailings into the rivers.
the decision to this Court. SEM, aggrieved by the
exclusion of 729 hectares from its MPSA application,
In August 1996, the DOJ charged petitioners with
likewise appealed. Apex filed a Motion for Leave to
violation of the Water Code of the Philippines, the
Admit Petition for Intervention predicated on its right
National Pollution Control Decree, Philippine Mining
to stake its claim over the Diwalwal gold rush which
Act and RPC for Reckless Imprudence Resulting in
was granted by the Court. These cases, however,
Damage to Property. Petitioners moved to quash the
were remanded to the Court of Appeals for
information on grounds that these were duplicitous
proper disposition pursuant to Rule 43 of the 1997
as DOJ charged more than one offense for a single
Rules of Civil Procedure. The Court of Appeals
act and that the Informations contain allegations
consolidated the remanded cases as CA-G.R. SP No.
which constitute legal excuse or justification.
61215 and No. 61216.The Court of Appeals affirmed
in toto the decision of the PA and declared null and
void the MAB decision. Hence, the instant Petitions The MTC ruled that as far as the 3 laws are
for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of concerned, only the Information for violation of
Court filed by Apex, Balite and MAB. During the Philippine Mining Act should be maintained. Thus, the
pendency of these Petitions, President Gloria Informations for violation of Anti-Pollution Law and
Macapagal-Arroyo issued Proclamation No. 297.This the Water Code should be dismissed because the
proclamation excluded an area of 8,100 hectares elements constituting the aforesaid violations are
located in Monkayo, Compostela Valley, absorbed by the same elements which constitute
and proclaimed the same as mineral reservation and violation of the Philippine Mining Act. The RTC
as environmentally critical area. Subsequently, reversed the said decision and ruled that there can
DENR Administrative Order No. 2002-18 was issued be no absorption by one offense of the three other
declaring an emergency situation in the Diwalwal offenses, as the acts penalized by these laws are
gold rush area and ordering the stoppage of all separate and distinct from each other. This was
mining operations therein. Thereafter, Executive affirmed by the CA.
Order No. 217was issued by the President creating
the National Task Force Diwalwal which is tasked to
Petitioners contend that they should be charged with
address the situation in the Diwalwal Gold Rush Area.
only one offense Reckless Imprudence Resulting in
Damage to Property because all the charges filed
against them are based on a single act or incident of
polluting the Boac and Makalupnit rivers thru
dumping of mine tailings" and that the charge for On the other hand, the additional element that must
violation of Article 365 of the RPC "absorbs" the other be established in Art. 365 of the Revised Penal Code
charges since the element of "lack of necessary or is the lack of necessary or adequate precaution,
adequate protection, negligence, recklessness and negligence, recklessness and imprudence on the part
imprudence" is common among them. of the accused to prevent damage to property. This
element is not required under the previous laws.
Unquestionably, it is different from dumping of mine
tailings without permit, or causing pollution to the
Boac river system, much more from violation or
Court had ruled that a single act or incident might
neglect to abide by the terms of the Environmental
offend against two or more entirely distinct and
Compliance Certificate. Moreover, the offenses
unrelated provisions of law thus justifying the
punished by special law are mal[a] prohibita in
prosecution of the accused for more than one
contrast with those punished by the Revised Penal
offense. The only limit to this rule is the
Code which are mala in se.29
Constitutional prohibition that no person shall be
Consequently, the filing of the multiple charges
twice put in jeopardy of punishment for the same
against petitioners, although based on the same
incident, is consistent with settled doctrine.
However, for the limited purpose of controverting
On petitioners claim that the charge for violation of
petitioners claim that they should be charged with
Article 365 of the RPC absorbs the charges for
one offense only, the SC quote with approval RTCs
violation of PD 1067, PD 984, and RA 7942, suffice it
comparative analysis of PD 1067, PD 984, RA 7942,
to say that a mala in se felony (such as Reckless
and Article 365 of the RPC showing that in each of
Imprudence Resulting in Damage to Property) cannot
these laws on which petitioners were charged, there
absorb mala prohibita crimes (such as those violating
is one essential element not required of the others,
PD 1067, PD 984, and RA 7942). What makes the
former a felony is criminal intent (dolo) or negligence
(culpa); what makes the latter crimes are the special
In P.D. 1067 (Philippines Water Code), the additional
laws enacting them.
element to be established is the dumping of mine
tailings into the Makulapnit River and the entire Boac
Petitioners reiterate their contention in the Court of
River System without prior permit from the
Appeals that their prosecution contravenes this
authorities concerned. The gravamen of the offense
Courts ruling in People v. Relova. In particular,
here is the absence of the proper permit to dump
petitioners cite the Courts statement in Relova that
said mine tailings. This element is not indispensable
the law seeks to prevent harassment of the accused
in the prosecution for violation of PD 984 (Anti-
by "multiple prosecutions for offenses which though
Pollution Law), [RA] 7942 (Philippine Mining Act) and
different from one another are nonetheless each
Art. 365 of the Revised Penal Code. One can be
constituted by a common set or overlapping sets of
validly prosecuted for violating the Water Code even
technical elements."
in the absence of actual pollution, or even if it has
complied with the terms of its Environmental
This contention is also without merit. Relova is no
Compliance Certificate, or further, even if it did take
authority for petitioners claim against multiple
the necessary precautions to prevent damage to
prosecutions based on a single act not only because
the question of double jeopardy is not at issue here,
but also because, as the Court of Appeals held,
In P.D. 984 (Anti-Pollution Law), the additional fact
petitioners are being prosecuted for an act or
that must be proved is the existence of actual
incident punished by four national statutes and not
pollution. The gravamen is the pollution itself. In the
by an ordinance and a national statute. In short,
absence of any pollution, the accused must be
petitioners, if ever, fall under the first sentence of
exonerated under this law although there was
Section 21, Article III which prohibits multiple
unauthorized dumping of mine tailings or lack of
prosecution for the same offense, and not, as in
precaution on its part to prevent damage to
Relova, for offenses arising from the same incident.

In R.A. 7942 (Philippine Mining Act), the additional

fact that must be established is the willful violation
and gross neglect on the part of the accused to
abide by the terms and conditions of the
Environmental Compliance Certificate, particularly
that the Marcopper should ensure the containment of
run-off and silt materials from reaching the Mogpog
and Boac Rivers. If there was no violation or neglect,
and that the accused satisfactorily proved [sic] that
Marcopper had done everything to ensure
containment of the run-off and silt materials, they
will not be liable. It does not follow, however, that
they cannot be prosecuted under the Water Code,
Anti-Pollution Law and the Revised Penal Code
because violation of the Environmental Compliance
Certificate is not an essential element of these laws.
PD No. 705 : Revised Forestry Code of the

WHEREAS, proper classification, management and

utilization of the lands of the public domain to
maximize their productivity to meet the demands of
our increasing population is urgently needed;

WHEREAS, to achieve the above purpose, it is

necessary to reassess the multiple uses of forest
lands and resources before allowing any utilization
thereof to optimize the benefits that can be derived

WHEREAS, it is also imperative to place emphasis not

only on the utilization thereof but more so on the
protection, rehabilitation and development of forest
lands, in order to ensure the continuity of their
productive condition;

WHEREAS, the present laws and regulations

governing forest lands are not responsive enough to
support re-oriented government programs, projects
and efforts on the proper classification and
delimitation of the lands of the public domain, and
the management, utilization, protection,
rehabilitation, and development of forest lands;

Section 2. Policies. The State hereby adopts the

following policies:

(a) The multiple uses of forest lands shall be oriented

to the development and progress requirements of
the country, the advancement of science and order that the excess population may flow and
technology, and the public welfare; restock surrounding areas.

(b) Land classification and survey shall be (j) Marine parks refers to any off-shore area inhabited
systematized and hastened; by rare and unique species of marine flora and fauna.

(c) The establishment of wood-processing plants (k) Seashore park refers to any public shore area
shall be encouraged and rationalized; and delimited for outdoor recreation, sports fishing, water
skiing and related healthful activities.
(d) The protection, development and rehabilitation of
forest lands shall be emphasized so as to ensure (l) Watershed reservation is a forest land reservation
their continuity in productive condition. established to protect or improve the conditions of
the water yield thereof or reduce sedimentation.
Section 3. Definitions.
(m) Watershed is a land area drained by a stream or
fixed body of water and its tributaries having a
(a) Public forest is the mass of lands of the public
common outlet for surface run-off.
domain which has not been the subject of the
present system of classification for the determination
of which lands are needed for forest purposes and (n) Critical watershed is a drainage area of a river
which are not. system supporting existing and proposed hydro-
electric power and irrigation works needing
immediate rehabilitation as it is being subjected to a
(b) Permanent forest or forest reserves refer to those
fast denudation causing accelerated erosion and
lands of the public domain which have been the
destructive floods. It is closed from logging until it is
subject of the present system of classification and
fully rehabilitated.
determined to be needed for forest purposes.

(o) Mangrove is a term applied to the type of forest

(c) Alienable and disposable lands refer to those
occurring on tidal flat along the sea coast, extending
lands of the public domain which have been the
along streams where the water is brackish.
subject of the present system of classification and
declared as not needed for forest purposes.
(p) Kaingin is a portion of the forest land, whether
occupied or not, which is subjected to shifting and/or
(d) Forest lands include the public forest, the
permanent slash-and-burn cultivation having little or
permanent forest or forest reserves, and forest
no provision to prevent soil erosion.

(q) Forest product means timber, pulpwood,

(e) Grazing land refers to that portion of the public
firewood, bark, tree top, resin, gum, wood, oil, honey,
domain which has been set aside, in view of the
beeswax, nipa, rattan, or other forest growth such as
suitability of its topography and vegetation, for the
grass, shrub, and flowering plant, the associated
raising of livestock.
water, fish, game, scenic, historical, recreational and
geologic resources in forest lands.
(f) Mineral lands refer to those lands of the public
domain which have been classified as such by the
(r) Dipterocarp forest is a forest dominated by trees
Secretary of Natural Resources in accordance with
of the dipterocarp species, such as red lauan, tengile,
prescribed and approved criteria, guidelines and
tiaong, white lauan, almon, bagtikan and mayapis of
the Philippine mahogany group, apitong and the
(g) Forest reservations refer to forest lands which
have been reserved by the President of the
(s) Pine forest is a forest composed of the Benguet
Philippines for any specific purpose or purposes.
Pine in the Mountain Provinces or the Mindoro pine in
Mindoro and Zambales provinces.
(h) National park refers to a forest land reservation
essentially of primitive or wilderness character which
(t) Industrial tree plantation is any tract of forest land
has been withdrawn from settlement or occupancy
purposely and extensively planted to timber crops
and set aside as such exclusively to preserve the
primarily to supply the raw material requirements of
scenery, the natural and historic objects and the wild
existing or proposed processing plants and related
animals or plants therein, and to provide enjoyment
of these features in such a manner as will leave them
unimpaired for future generations.
(u) Tree farm refers to any tract of forest land
purposely and extensively planted to trees of
(i) Game refuge or bird sanctuary refers to a forest
economic value for their fruits, flowers, leaves, barks,
land designated for the protection of game animals,
or extractives, but not for the wood thereof.
birds and fish and closed to hunting and fishing in
(v) Multiple-use is the harmonized utilization of the (ff) Annual allowable cut is the volume of materials,
numerous beneficial uses of the land, soil, water, whether of wood or other forest products, that is
wildlife, recreation value, grass and timber of forest authorized to be cut regularly from the forest.
(gg) Cutting cycle is the number of years between
(w) Selective logging means the systematic removal major harvests in the same working unit and/or
of the mature, over-mature and defective trees in region, within a rotation.
such manner as to leave adequate number and
volume of healthy residual trees of the desired
(hh) Ecosystem means the ecological community
species necessary to assure a future crop of timber,
considered together with non-living factors and its
and forest cover for the protection and conservation
environment as a unit.
of soil and water.

(ii) Silviculture is the establishment, development

(x) Seed tree system is partial clearcutting with seed
reproduction and care of forest trees.
trees left to regenerate the area.

(jj) Rationalization is the organization of a business or

(y) Healthy residual is a sound or slightly injured tree
industry using scientific business management
of the commercial species left after logging.
principles and simplified procedures to obtain greater
efficiency of operation.
(z) Sustained-yield management implies continuous
or periodic production of forest products in a working
(kk) Forest officer means any official or employee of
unit with the aid of achieving at the earliest
the Bureau who, by the nature of his appointment or
practicable time an approximate balance between
the function of the position to which he is appointed,
growth and harvest or use. This is generally applied
is delegated by law or by competent authority to
to the commercial timber resources and is also
execute, implement or enforce the provisions of this
applicable to the water, grass, wildlife, and other
Code, other related laws, as well as their
renewable resources of the forest.
implementing regulations.

(aa) Processing plant is any mechanical set-up,

(ll) Primitive tribe is a group of endemic tribe living
machine or combination of machine used for the
primitively as a distinct portion of a people from a
processing of logs and other forest raw materials into
common ancestor.
lumber, veneer, plywood, wallboard, block-board,
paper board, pulp, paper or other finished wood
products. (mm) Private right means or refers to titled rights of
ownership under existing laws, and in the case of
primitive tribes, to rights of possession existing at
(bb) Lease is a privilege granted by the State to a
the time a license is granted under this Code, which
person to occupy and possess, in consideration of a
possession may include places of abode and worship,
specified rental, any forest land of the public domain
burial grounds, and old clearings, but excludes
in order to undertake any authorized activity therein.
production forest inclusive of logged-over areas,
commercial forests and established plantations of
(cc) License is a privilege granted by the State to a forest trees and trees of economic value.
person to utilize forest resources as in any forest
land, without any right of occupation and possession
(nn) Person includes natural as well as juridical
over the same, to the exclusion of others, or
establish and operate a wood-processing plant, or
conduct any activity involving the utilization of any
forest resources. CHAPTER I
(dd) License agreement is a privilege granted by the
State to a person to utilize forest resources within
any forest land with the right of possession and Section 4. Creation of, and merger of all forestry
occupation thereof to the exclusion of others, except agencies into, the Bureau of Forest Development. For
the government, but with the corresponding the purpose of implementing the provisions of this
obligation to develop, protect and rehabilitate the Code, the Bureau of Forestry, the Reforestation
same in accordance with the terms and conditions Administration, the Southern Cebu Reforestation
set forth in said agreement. Development Project, and the Parks and Wildlife
Office, including applicable appropriations, records,
equipment, property and such personnel as may be
(ee) Permit is a short-term privilege or authority
necessary, are hereby merged into a single agency
granted by the State to a person to utilize any limited
to be known as the Bureau of Forest Development,
forest resources or undertake a limited activity with
hereinafter referred to as the Bureau.
any forest land without any right of occupation and
possession therein.
Section 5. Jurisdiction of Bureau. The Bureau shall
have jurisdiction and authority over all forest land,
grazing lands, and all forest reservations including
watershed reservations presently administered by staffing pattern or plan of organization to be
other government agencies or instrumentalities. prepared by the Director and approved by the
Department Head. Any appointee who fails to report
for duty in accordance with the approved plan within
It shall be responsible for the protection,
thirty (30) days upon receipt of notification shall be
development, management, regeneration, and
deemed to have declined the appointment, in which
reforestation of forest lands; the regulation and
case the position may be filed by any other qualified
supervision of the operation of licensees, lessees and
permittees for the taking or use of forest products
therefrom or the occupancy or use thereof; the
implementation of multiple use and sustained yield For the efficient and effective implementation of the
management in forest lands; the protection, program of the Bureau, the following divisions and
development and preservation of national parks, sections are hereby created, to wit:
marine parks, game refuges and wildlife; the
implementation of measures and programs to
The Department Head may, upon recommendation of
prevent kaingin and managed occupancy of forest
the Director, reorganize or create such other
and grazing lands; in collaboration with other
divisions, sections of units as may be deemed
bureaus, the effective, efficient and economic
necessary and to appoint the personnel there:
classification of lands of the public domain; and the
Provided, That an employee appointed or designated
enforcement of forestry, reforestation, parks, game
as officer-in-charge of a newly created division,
and wildlife laws, rules, and regulations.
section or unit, or to an existing vacant position with
a higher salary, shall receive, from the date of such
The Bureau shall regulate the establishment and appointment or designation until he is replaced or
operation of sawmills, veneer and plywood mills and reverted to his original position, the salary
other wood processing plants and conduct studies of corresponding to the position temporarily held by
domestic and world markets of forest products. him.

Section 6. Director and Assistant Director and their There shall be created at least eleven regional
qualifications. The Bureau shall be headed by a offices. In each region, there shall be as many forest
Director, who shall be assisted by one or more districts as may be necessary, in accordance with the
Assistant Directors. The Director and Assistant extent of forest area, established work loads, need
Directors shall be appointed by the President. for forest protection, fire prevention and other
factors, the provisions of any law to the contrary
notwithstanding: Provided, That the boundaries of
No person shall be appointed Director or Assistant
such districts shall follow, whenever possible, natural
Director of the Bureau unless he is a natural born
boundaries of watersheds under the river-basin
citizen of the Philippines, at least 30 years of age, a
concept of management.
holder of at least a Bachelor's Degree in Forestry or
its equivalent, and a registered forester.
Section 11. Manpower Development. The Bureau
shall establish and operate an in-service training
Section 7. Supervision and Control. The Bureau shall
center for the purpose of upgrading and training its
be directly under the control and supervision of the
personnel and new employees.
Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources,
hereinafter referred to as the Department Head.
The Bureau shall also set aside adequate funds to
enable personnel to obtain special education and
Section 8. Review. All actions and decisions of the
training in local or foreign colleges or institutions.
Director are subject to review, motu propio or upon
appeal of any person aggrieved thereby, by the
Department Head whose decision shall be final and Section 12. Performance Evaluation. The Bureau
executory after the lapse of thirty (30) days from shall devise a system, to be approved by the
receipt by the aggrieved party of said decision, Department Head, to evaluate the performance of its
unless appealed to the President in accordance with employees. The system shall measure
the Executive Order No. 19, series of 1966. The accomplishment in quantity and quality of
Decision of the Department Head may not be performance as related to the funded program of
reviewed by the courts except through a special civil work assigned to each organizational unit. There
action for certiorari or prohibition. shall be included a system of periodic inspection of
district offices by the regional offices and the
regional and district offices by the Central Office in
Section 9. Rules and Regulations. The Department
both functional fields and in the overall assessment
Head, upon the recommendation of the Director of
of how each administrative unit has implemented the
Forest Development, shall promulgate the rules and
laws, regulations, policies, programs, and practices
regulations necessary to implement effectively the
relevant to such unit. The evaluation system shall
provisions of this Code.
provide the information necessary for annual
progress reports and determination of employee
Section 10. Creation of Functional Divisions, and training civil service awards and transfer or
Regional and District Offices. All positions in the disciplinary action.
merged agencies are considered vacant. Present
occupants may be appointed in accordance with a
CHAPTER II Section 16. Areas needed for forest purposes. The
CLASSIFICATION AND SURVEY following lands, even if they are below eighteen per
cent (18%) in slope, are needed for forest purposes,
and may not, therefore, be classified as alienable and
Section 13. System of Land Classification. The
disposable land, to wit:
Department Head shall study, devise, determine and
prescribe the criteria, guidelines and methods for the
proper and accurate classification and survey of all 1. Areas less than 250 hectares which are
lands of the public domain into agricultural, industrial far from, or are not contiguous with, any
or commercial, residential, resettlement, mineral, certified alienable and disposable land;
timber or forest, and grazing lands, and into such
other classes as now or may hereafter be provided
2. Isolated patches of forest of at least five
by law, rules and regulations.
(5) hectares with rocky terrain, or which
protect a spring for communal use;
In the meantime, the Department Head shall simplify
through inter-bureau action the present system of
3. Areas which have already been
determining which of the unclassified lands of the
public domain are needed for forest purposes and
declare them as permanent forest to form part of the
forest reserves. He shall decree those classified and 4. Areas within forest concessions which are
determined not to be needed for forest purposes as timbered or have good residual stocking to
alienable and disposable lands, the administrative support an existing, or approved to be
jurisdiction and management of which shall be established, wood processing plant;
transferred to the Bureau of Lands: Provided, That
mangrove and other swamps not needed for shore
5. Ridge tops and plateaus regardless of
protection and suitable for fishpond purposes shall
size found within, or surrounded wholly or
be released to, and be placed under the
partly by, forest lands where headwaters
administrative jurisdiction and management of, the
Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Those
still to be classified under the Present system shall
continue to remain as part of the public forest. 6. Appropriately located road-rights-or-way;

Section 14. Existing Pasture Leases and Permits in 7. Twenty-meter strips of land along the
Forest Lands. Forest lands which have been the edge of the normal high waterline of rivers
subject of pasture leases and permits shall remain and streams with channels of at least five
classified as forest lands until classified as grazing (5) meters wide;
lands under the criteria, guidelines and methods of
classification to be prescribed by the Department
8. Strips of mangrove or swamplands at
Head: Provided, That the administration,
least twenty (20) meters wide, along
management and disposition of grazing lands shall
shorelines facing oceans, lakes, and other
remain under the Bureau.
bodies of water, and strips of land at least
twenty (20) meters wide facing lakes;
Section 15. Topography. No land of the public
domain eighteen per cent (18%) in slope or over
9. Areas needed for other purposes, such as
shall be classified as alienable and disposable, nor
national parks, national historical sites,
any forest land fifty per cent (50%) in slope or over,
game refuges and wildlife sanctuaries,
as grazing land.
forest station sites, and others of public
interest; and
Lands eighteen per cent (18%) in slope or over which
have already been declared as alienable and
10. Areas previously proclaimed by the
disposable shall be reverted to the classification of
President as forest reserves, national parks,
forest lands by the Department Head, to form part of
game refuge, bird sanctuaries, national
the forest reserves, unless they are already covered
shrines, national historic sites:
by existing titles or approved public land application,
or actually occupied openly, continuously, adversely
and publicly for a period of not less than thirty (30) Provided, That in case an area falling under any of
years as of the effectivity of this Code, where the the foregoing categories shall have been titled in
occupant is qualified for a free patent under the favor of any person, steps shall be taken, if public
Public Land Act: Provided, That said lands, which are interest so requires, to have said title cancelled or
not yet part of a well-established communities, shall amended, or the titled area expropriated.
be kept in a vegetative condition sufficient to prevent
erosion and adverse effects on the lowlands and
Section 17. Establishment of boundaries of forest
streams: Provided, further, That when public interest
lands. All boundaries between permanent forests and
so requires, steps shall be taken to expropriate,
alienable and disposable lands shall be clearly
cancel defective titles, reject public land application,
marked and maintained on the ground, with
or eject occupants thereof.
infrastructure or roads, or concrete monuments at
intervals of not more than five hundred (500) meters
in accordance with established procedures and (a) For dipterocarp forest, selective logging
standards, or any other visible and practicable signs shall be practised.
to insure protection of the forest.
(b) For pine forest, the seed tree system
Section 18. Reservations in forest lands and off- with planting when necessary shall be
shore areas. The President of the Philippines may practised.
establish within any lands of the public domain,
forest reserve and forest reservation for the national
(c) For other types of forest, the silvicultural
park system, for preservation as critical watersheds,
and harvesting system that will be found
or for any other purpose, and modify boundaries of
suitable by research shall be applied.
existing ones. The Department Head may reserve
Meanwhile, a system based on observation
and establish any portion of the public forest or
and practices abroad may be adopted
forest reserve as site or experimental forest for use
of the Forest Research Institute.

Any practised system are subject to modification or

When public interest so requires, any off-shore area
changes based on research findings.
needed for the preservation and protection of its
educational, scientific, historical, ecological and
recreational values including the marine life found Section 23. Timber inventory. The Bureau shall
therein, shall be established as marine parks. conduct a program of progressive inventories of the
harvestable timber and young trees in all forest
lands, whether covered by any license agreement,
license, lease or permit, or not, until a one hundred
per cent (100%) timber inventory thereon has been
Section 19. Multiple use. The numerous beneficial
uses of the timber, land, soil, water, wildlife,
Section 24. Required inventory prior to timber
recreation value and grass of forest lands shall be
utilization in forest lands. No harvest of timber in any
evaluated and weighted before allowing the
forest land shall be allowed unless it has been the
utilization, exploitation, occupation or possession
subject of at least a five per cent (5%) timber
thereof, or the conduct of any activity therein.
inventory, or any statistically sound timber estimate,
made not earlier than five (5) years prior to the
Only the utilization, exploitation, occupation or issuance of a license agreement or license allowing
possession of any forest land, or any activity therein, such utilization.
involving one or more or its resources, which will
produce the optimum benefits to the development
Section 25. Cutting cycle. The Bureau shall apply
and progress of the country and the public welfare,
scientific cutting cycle and rotation in all forest lands,
without impairment or with the least injury to its
giving particular consideration to the age, volume
other resources, shall be allowed.
and kind of healthy residual trees which may be left
undisturbed and undamaged for future harvest and
All forest reservations may be open to uses not forest cover indipterocarp area, and seed trees and
inconsistent with the principal objectives of the reproduction in pine area.
reservation: Provided, That critical watersheds and
national parks shall not be subject to logging
Section 26. Annual allowable cut. The annual
allowable cut of any particular forest land shall be
determined on the basis of the established rotation
Section 20. License agreement, license, lease or and cutting cycle thereof, and the volume and kind of
permit. No person may utilize, exploit, occupy, harvestable timber and healthy residuals, seed trees
possess or conduct any activity within any forest and reproduction found therein.
land, or establish and operate any wood-processing
plant, unless he has been authorized to do so under
Section 27. Duration of license agreement or
a license agreement, lease, license, or permit.
license to harvest timber in forest lands. The duration
of the privilege to harvest timber in any particular
Section 21. Sustained yield. All measures shall be forest land under a license agreement or license shall
taken to achieve an approximate balance between be fixed and determined in accordance with the
growth and harvest or use of forest products in forest annual allowable cut therein, the established cutting
lands. cycle thereof, the yield capacity of harvestable
timber, and the capacity of healthy residuals for a
second growth.

The privilege shall automatically terminate, even

Section 22. Silvicultural and harvesting systems. In
before the expiration of the license agreement of
any logging operations in production forests within
license, the moment the harvestable timber have
forest lands, the proper silvicultural and harvesting
been utilized without leaving any logged-over area
systems that will promote optimum sustained yield
capable of commercial utilization.
shall be practised.
The maximum period of any privilege to harvest which are not responsive to the rationalization
timber is twenty-five (25) years, renewable for a program of the government.
period, not exceeding twenty-five (25) years,
necessary to utilize all the remaining commercial
Section 31. Wood wastes, weed trees and
quantity or harvestable timber either from the
residues. Timber licensees shall be encouraged and
unlogged or logged-over area.
assisted to gather and save the wood wastes and
weed trees in their concessions, and those with
It shall be a condition for the continued privilege to processing plants, the wood residues thereof, for
harvest timber under any license or license utilization and conversion into wood by-products and
agreement that the licensee shall reforest all the derivatives.
areas which shall be determined by the Bureau.
Section 32. Log production and processing. Unless
Section 28. Size of forest concessions. Forest lands otherwise decreed by the President, upon
shall not be held in perpetuity. recommendation of the National Economic
Development Authority, the entire production of logs
by all licensees shall, beginning January 1, 1976, be
The size of the forest lands which may be the subject
processed locally.
of timber utilization shall be limited to that which a
person may effectively utilize and develop for a
period of fifty (50) years, considering the cutting A licensee who has no processing plant may, subject
cycle, the past performance of the applicant and his to the approval of the Director, enter into a contract
capacity not only to utilize but, more importantly, to with a wood processor for the processing of his logs.
protect and manage the whole area, and the Wood processors shall accept for processing only
requirements of processing plants existing or to be logs cut by, or purchased from, licensees of good
installed in the region. standing at the time of the cutting of logs.

Forest concessions which had been the subject of C. REFORESTATION

consolidations shall be reviewed and re-evaluated for
the effective implementation of protection,
Section 33. Forest lands to be reforested. The
reforestation and management thereof under the
following shall be reforested and covered with
multiple use and sustained yield concepts, and for
suitable and sufficient trees, to wit:
the processing locally of the timber resources
(a) Bare or grass-covered tracts of forest lands with
at least fifty per cent (50%) slope;

(b) Bare or grass-covered tracts of forest lands with

Section 29. Incentives to the wood industry. The
less than fifty per cent (50%) slope, but with soil so
Department Head, in collaboration with other
highly erodible as to make grass cover inadequate
government agencies and the wood industry
for soil erosion control;
associations and other private entities in the country,
shall evolve incentives for the establishment of an
integrated wood industry in designated wood (c) Brushlands or tracts of forest lands generally
industry centers and/or economic area. covered with brush, which need to be developed to
increase their productivity;
The President of the Philippines, upon the
recommendations of the National Economic (d) Open tracts of forest lands with slopes or
Development Authority and the Department Head, gradients generally exceeding fifty per cent (50%),
may establish wood industry import-export centers in interspersed with patches of forest each of which is
selected locations: Provided, That logs imported for less than two hundred fifty (250) hectares in area;
such centers shall be subject to such precaution as
may be imposed by the Bureau, in collaboration with
(e) Denuded or inadequately-timbered areas
proper government agencies, to prevent the
proclaimed by the President as forest reserves and
introduction of pests, insects and/or diseases
reservations as critical watersheds, national parks,
detrimental to the forests.
game refuge, bird sanctuaries, national shrines,
national historic sites;
Section 30. Rationalization of the wood
industry. While establishment of wood-processing
(f) Inadequately-stocked forest lands within forest
plants shall be encouraged, their locations and
operations shall be regulated in order to rationalize
the industry. No new processing plant shall be
established unless adequate raw material is available (g) Portions of areas covered by pasture leases or
on a sustained-yield basis in the area where the raw permits having a slope of at least fifty per cent
materials will come from. (50%); and

The Department Head may cancel, suspend, or (h) River banks, easements, road rights-of-ways,
phase-out all uneconomical wood-processing plants deltas, swamps, former river beds, and beaches.
Section 34. Industrial Tree Plantations and Tree annual rental shall be one peso (P1.00) per hectare:
Farms. A lease for a period of twenty-five (25) years, Provided, That lessees of areas long denuded as
renewable for another period not exceeding twenty- certified by the Director and approved by the
five (25) years, for the establishment of an industrial Department Head, shall be exempted from the
tree plantation or a tree farm may be granted by the payment of rental for the full term of the lease which
Department Head upon recommendation of the shall not exceed twenty-five (25) years; for the first
Director to any person qualified to develop and five (5) years following the renewal of the lease, the
exploit natural resources, over timber or forest lands annual rental shall be fifty centavos (P0.50) per
of the public domain categorized in Section 33 hectare; and thereafter, the annual rental shall be
hereof, with a minimum area of One Thousand one peso (P1.00) per hectare.
(1,000) hectares for industrial tree plantation and
One Hundred (100) hectares for tree farm; Provided,
(c) The lessee shall pay forest charges on the timber
That the size of the area that may be granted under
and other forest products grown and cut or gathered
each category shall in each case depend upon the
in an industrial tree plantation or tree farm
capacity of the lessee to develop or convert the area
equivalent to six percent (6%) current market value
into productive condition within the term of the
lease; Provided, further, That no lease shall be
granted within critical watersheds.
(d) Sale at cost of seedlings and free technical advice
and assistance to persons who will develop their
Scattered areas of less than One Hundred (100)
privately-owned lands into industrial tree plantation
hectares each may be leased for the establishment
or tree farm;
of tree farms to different qualified persons upon a
showing that if developed as an integrated unit these
areas can be economically exploited: Provided, That (e) Exemption from the payment of the percentage
it shall be a condition of the lease that such persons tax levied in Title V of the National Internal Revenue
organize themselves into a cooperative to ensure the Code when the timber and forest products are sold,
orderly management thereof. bartered or exchanged by the lessee whether in their
original state or not;
The lease may be granted under such terms and
conditions as the Department Head may prescribe, (f) The Board of Investments shall, notwithstanding
taking into account, among others, the raw material its nationality requirement on projects involving
needs of forest-based industries and the natural resources, classify industrial tree plantations
maintenance of a wholesome ecological balance. and tree farms as pioneer areas of investment under
its annual priority plan, to be governed by the rules
and regulations of said Board. A lessee of an
Reforestation projects of the Government, or portions
industrial tree plantation or tree farm may either
thereof which, upon field evaluation, are found to be
apply to the Board of Investments for the tax and
more suitable for, or can be better developed as,
other benefits thereunder, or avail of the following
industrial tree plantations or tree farms in terms of
benefits to the Government and the general
surrounding area, may be the subject of the lease
under this section. 1. Amounts expended by a lessee in the
development and operation of an industrial tree
plantation or tree farm prior to the time when the
Section 35. Priority. Over any suitable area covered
production state is reached, may, at the option of
by a timber license agreement, or a pasture lease
said lessee, be regarded as ordinary and necessary
agreement or permit, the priority to establish
business expenses or as capital expenditures; and
industrial forest plantation or tree farm shall be given
to the holder thereof.
2. Deduction from an investor's taxable income for
the year, of an annual investment allowance
The priority herein granted must, however, be
equivalent to thirty-three and one-third per cent (33-
availed of within a reasonable period to be
1/3%) of his actual investment during the year in an
determined by the Department Head, otherwise, the
enterprise engaged in industrial tree plantation or
area shall be declared open to any qualified person
tree farm: Provided, That such investment shall not
and consequently segregated from the holder's area.
be withdrawn for a period of at least ten (10) years
from the date of investment: Provided, further, That
Section 36. Incentives. To encourage qualified should the investment be withdrawn within such
persons to engage in industrial tree plantation and/or period, a tax equivalent to double the amount of the
tree farming, the following incentives are granted: total income tax rebate resulting from the
investment allowance shall be payable as a lump
sum in addition to the income tax due from the
(a) Payment of a nominal filing fee of fifty centavos
taxpayer for the year the investment was withdrawn.
(P0.50) per hectare;

(g) Except when public interest demands the

(b) No rental shall be collected during the first five
alteration or modification, the boundaries of an area
(5) years from the date of the lease; from the sixth
covered by an industrial tree plantation or tree farm
year to the tenth year, the annual rental shall be fifty
lease, once established on the ground, shall not be
centavos (P0.50) per hectare; and thereafter, the
altered or modified; and
(h) A lessee shall not be subject to any obligation unauthorized harvests in forest lands, and shall not
prescribed in, or arising out of, the provisions of the therefore be allowed except through a license
National Internal Revenue Code on withholding of tax agreement, license, lease or permit.
at source upon interests paid on borrowings incurred
for development and operation of the industrial tree
Section 40. Timber inventory in other lands
plantation or tree farm.
containing standing or felled timber. The Bureau
shall conduct a one hundred per cent (100%) timber
The Department Head may provide other incentives inventory in alienable and disposable lands and civil
in addition to those hereinabove granted to promote reservations immediately upon classification or
industrial tree plantation and tree farms in special reservation thereof.
areas such as, but not limited to, those where there
are no roads or where roads are inadequate, or areas
No harvest of standing or felled timber in alienable
with rough topography and remote areas far from
and disposable lands, private lands, civil reservation,
processing plants.
and all other lands, including those under the
jurisdiction of other government agencies, shall be
All amounts collected under this section shall accrue allowed unless a one hundred per cent (100%)
to a special deposit of the Bureau to be used for timber inventory has been conducted thereon.
reforestation of critical watersheds or degraded
areas and other development activities, over and
Section 41. Sworn timber inventory reports. All
above the general appropriation of the said Bureau.
reports on timber inventories of forest lands,
alienable and disposable lands, private lands, civil
D. FOREST PROTECTION reservations, and all lands containing standing or
felled timber must be subscribed and sworn to by all
the forest officers who conducted the same.
Section 37. Protection of all resources. All measures
shall be taken to protect the forest resources from
destruction, impairment and depletion. Section 42. Participation in the development of
alienable and disposable lands and civil
reservations. The privilege to harvest timber in
Section 38. Control of concession area. In order to
alienable and disposable lands and civil reservations
achieve the effective protection of the forest lands
shall be given to those who can best help in the
and the resources thereof from illegal entry, unlawful
delineation and development of such areas in
occupation, kaingin, fire, insect infestation, theft, and
accordance with the management plan of the
other forms of forest destruction, the utilization of
appropriate government exercising jurisdiction over
timber therein shall not be allowed except through
the same.
license agreements under which the holders thereof
shall have the exclusive privilege to cut all the
allowable harvestable timber in their respective The extent of participation shall be based on the
concessions, and the additional right of occupation, amount of timber which may be harvested
possession, and control over the same, to the therefrom.
exclusive of all others, except the government, but
with the corresponding obligation to adopt all the
Section 43. Swamplands and mangrove
protection and conservation measures to ensure the
forests. Strips of mangrove forest bordering
continuity of the productive condition of said areas,
numerous islands which protect the shoreline, the
conformably with multiple use and sustained yield
shoreline roads, and even coastal communities from
the destructive force of the sea during high winds
and typhoons, shall be maintained and shall not be
If the holder of a license agreement over a forest alienated. Such strips must be kept from artificial
area expressly or impliedly waives the privilege to obstruction so that flood water will flow unimpeded
utilize any softwood, hardwood or mangrove species to the sea to avoid flooding or inundation of
therein, a license may be issued to another person cultivated areas in the upstream.
for the harvest thereof without any right of
possession or occupation over the areas where they
All mangrove swamps set aside for coast-protection
are found, but he shall, likewise, adopt protection
purposes shall not be subject to clear-cutting
and conservation measures consistent with those
adopted by the license agreement holder in the said
Mangrove and other swamps released to the Bureau
of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources for fishpond
Section 39. Regulation of timber utilization in all
purposes which are not utilized, or which have been
other classes of lands and of wood-processing
abandoned for five (5) years from the date of such
plants. The utilization of timber in alienable and
release shall revert to the category of forest land.
disposable lands, private lands, civil reservations,
and all lands containing standing or felled timber,
including those under the jurisdiction of other Section 44. Visitorial power. The Department Head
government agencies, and the establishment and may, by himself or thru the Director or any qualified
operation of saw-mills and other wood-processing person duly designated by the Department Head,
plants, shall be regulated in order to prevent them investigate, inspect and examine records, books and
from being used as shelters for excessive and other documents relating to the operation of any
holder of a license agreement, license, lease, or Section 49. Roads and other infrastructure. Roads
permit, and its subsidiary or affiliated companies, to and other infrastructure in forest lands shall be
determine compliance with the terms and conditions constructed with the least impairment to the
thereof, this Code and pertinent laws, policies, rules resource values thereof.
and regulations.
Government agencies undertaking the construction
Section 45. Authority of forest officers. When in the of roads, bridges, communications, and other
performance of their official duties, forest officers, or infrastructure and installations inside forest lands,
other government officials or employees duly shall coordinate with the Bureau, especially if it will
authorized by the Department Head or Director, shall involve the utilization or destruction of timber and/or
have free entry into areas covered by a license other forest resources, or watershed disturbance
agreement, license, lease or permit. therein, in order to adopt measures to avoid or
reduce damage or injury to the forest resource
Forest officers are authorized to administer oath and
take acknowledgment in official matters connected
with the functions of their office, and to take They shall likewise extend assistance in the planning
testimony in official investigations conducted under and establishment of roads, wharves, piers, port
the authority of this Code and the implementing facilities, and other infrastructure in locations
rules and regulations. designated as wood-processing centers or for the
convenience of wood-based industries.
Section 46. Scaling stations. In collaboration with
appropriate government agencies, the Bureau shall In order to coincide and conform to government
establish control or scaling stations at suitably plans, programs, standards, and specifications,
located outlets of timber and other forest products to holders of license agreements, licenses, leases and
insure that they were legally cut or harvested. permits shall not undertake road or infrastructure
construction or installation in forest lands without the
prior approval of the Director, or in alienable and
Section 47. Mining operations. Mining operations in
disposable lands, civil reservations and other
forest lands shall be regulated and conducted with
government lands, without the approval of the
due regard to protection, development and utilization
government agencies having administrative
of other surface resources.
jurisdiction over the same.

Location, prospecting, exploration, utilization or

All roads and infrastructure constructed by holders of
exploitation of mineral resources in forest
license agreements, licenses, leases and permits
reservations shall be governed by Mining laws, rules
belong to the State and the use and administration
and regulations. No location, prospecting,
thereof shall be transferred to the government
exploration, utilization, or exploitation of mineral
immediately upon the expiration or termination
resources inside forest concessions shall be allowed
thereof. Prior thereto the Bureau may authorize the
unless proper notice has been served upon the
public use thereof, if it will not be detrimental to
licensees thereof and the prior approval of the
forest conservation measures.
Director, secured.

Where roads are utilized by more than one

Mine tailings and other pollutants affecting the health
commercial forest user, the Bureau shall prescribe
and safety of the people, water, fish, vegetation,
the terms and conditions of joint use including the
animal life and other surface resources, shall be
equitable sharing of construction and/or maintenance
filtered in silt traps or other filtration devices and
costs, and of the use of these roads by other parties
only clean exhausts and liquids shall be released
and the collection of such fees as may be deemed

Surface-mined areas shall be restored to as near its

Section 50. Logging roads. There shall be
former natural configuration or as approved by the
indiscriminate construction of logging roads.
Director prior to its abandonment by the mining
Such roads shall be strategically located and their
widths regulated so as to minimize clear-cutting,
Section 48. Mineral Reservations. Mineral
unnecessary damage or injury to healthy residuals,
reservations which are not the subject of mining
and erosion. Their construction must not only serve
operations or where operations have been
the transportation need of the logger but, most
suspended for more than five (5) years shall be
importantly, the requirement to save as many
placed under forest management by the Bureau.
healthy residuals as possible during cutting and
hauling operations.
Mineral reservations where mining operations have
been terminated due to the exhaustion of its
Section 51. Management of occupancy in forest
minerals shall revert to the category of forest land,
lands. Forest occupancy shall henceforth be
unless otherwise reserved for other purposes.
managed. The Bureau shall study, determine and
define which lands may be the subject of occupancy
and prescribed therein, an agro-forestry Section 55. Wildlife. Wildlife may be destroyed,
development program. killed, consumed, eaten or otherwise disposed of,
without the necessity of permit, for the protection of
life, health, safety and property, and the convenience
Occupants shall undertake measures to prevent and
of the people.
protect forest resources.

However, the Director may regulate the killing and

Any occupancy in forest land which will result in
destruction of wildlife in forest lands in order to
sedimentation, erosion, reduction in water yield and
maintain an ecological balance of flora and fauna.
impairment of other resources to the detriment of
community and public interest shall not be allowed.
Section 56. Recreation. The Bureau shall, in the
preparation of multiple-use management plans,
In areas above 50% in slope, occupation shall be
identify and provide for the protection of scenic
conditioned upon the planting of desirable trees
areas in all forest lands which are potentially
thereon and/or adoption of other conservation
valuable for recreation and tourism, and plan for the
development and protection of such areas to attract
visitors thereto and meet increasing demands
Section 52. Census of kaingineros, squatters, therefor.
cultural minorities and other occupants and residents
in forest lands. Henceforth, no person shall enter into
The construction and operation of necessary facilities
forest lands and cultivate the same without lease or
to accommodate outdoor recreation shall be done by
the Bureau with the use of funds derived from rentals
and fees for the operation and use of recreational
A complete census of kaingineros, squatters, cultural facilities by private persons or operators, in addition
minorities and other occupants and residents in to whatever funds may be appropriated for such
forest lands with or without authority or permits from purposes.
the government, showing the extent of their
respective occupation and resulting damage, or
Section 57. Other special uses of forest
impairment of forest resources, shall be conducted.
lands. Forest lands may be leased for a period not
exceeding twenty-five (25) years, renewable upon
The Bureau may call upon other agencies of the the expiration thereof for a similar period, or held
government and holders of license agreement, under permit, for the establishment of sawmills,
license, lease and permits over forest lands to lumber yards, timber depots, logging camps, rights-
participate in the census. of-way, or for the construction of sanatoria, bathing
establishments, camps, salt works, or other
beneficial purposes which do not in any way impair
Section 53. Criminal Prosecution. Kaingineros,
the forest resources therein.
squatters, cultural minorities and other occupants
who entered into forest lands before the effectivity of
this Code, without permits or authority, shall not be F. QUALIFICATIONS
prosecuted: Provided, That they do not increase their
clearings: Provided, further, That they undertake,
Section 58. Diffusion of benefits. The privilege to
within two (2) months from the notice thereof, the
utilize, exploit, occupy, or possess forest lands, or to
activities which will be imposed upon them by the
conduct any activity therein, or to establish and
Bureau in accordance with a management plan
operate wood-processing plants, shall be diffused to
calculated to conserve and protect forest resources.
as many qualified and deserving applicants as
Section 59. Citizenship. In the evaluation of
Section 54. Pasture in forest lands. No forest land applications of corporations, increased Filipino equity
50% in slope or over may be utilized for pasture and participation beyond the 60% constitutional
purposes. limitation shall be encouraged. All other factors being
equal, the applicant with more Filipino equity and
participation shall be preferred.
Forest lands which are being utilized for pasture shall
be maintained with sufficient grass cover to protect
soil, water and other forest resources. Section 60. Financial and technical capability. No
license agreement, license, lease or permit over
forest lands shall be issued to an applicant unless he
If grass cover is insufficient, the same shall be
proves satisfactorily that he has the financial
supplemented with trees or such vegetative cover as
resources and technical capability not only to
may be deemed necessary.
minimize utilization, but also to practice forest
protection, conservation and development measures
The size of forest lands that may be allowed for to insure the perpetuation of said forest in productive
pasture and other special uses shall be determined condition.
by rules and regulations, any provision of law to the
contrary notwithstanding.
Section 61. Transfers. Unless authorized by the capability of the deserving employees and laborers.
Department Head, no licensee, lessee, or permittee The industries concerned shall extend all assistance
may transfer, exchange, sell or convey his license in the promulgation of policies on the matter, such as
agreement, license, lease or permit, or any of his the submission of all data and information relative to
rights or interests therein, or any of his assets used their operation, personnel management, and asset
in connection therewith. evaluation.

The licensee, lessee, or permittee shall be allowed to G. REGULATORY FEES

transfer or convey his license agreement, license,
lease or permit only if he has not violated any
Section 64. Charges, fees and bonds. The
forestry law, rule or regulation; has been faithfully
Department Head, upon recommendation of the
complying with the terms and conditions of the
Director, shall fix the amount of charges, rental,
license agreement, license, lease or permit; the
bonds and fees for the different kinds of utilization,
transferee has all the qualifications and none of the
exploitation, occupation, possession, or activity
disqualifications to hold a license agreement, license,
inside forest lands, the filing and processing of
lease or permit; there is no evidence that such
applications therefor, the issuance and renewal of
transfer or conveyance is being made for purposes of
license agreements, licenses, leases and permits,
speculation; and the transferee shall assume all the
and for other services; Provided, That all fees and
obligations of the transferor.
charges presently being collected under existing laws
and regulations shall continue to be imposed and
The transferor shall forever be barred from acquiring collected until otherwise provided; Provided, further,
another license agreement, license, lease or permit. That timber taken and removed from private lands
for commercial purposes shall be exempt from the
payment of forest charges.
Section 62. Service contracts. The Department
Head, may in the national interest, allow forest
products licensees, lessees, or permittees to enter Section 65. Authority of Department Head to
into service contracts for financial, technical, impose other fees. In addition to the fees and
management, or other forms of assistance, in charges imposed under existing laws, rules and
consideration of a fee, with any foreign person or regulations, the Department Head is hereby
entity for the exploration, development, exploitation authorized, upon recommendation of the Director
or utilization of the forest resources, covered by their and in consultation with representatives of the
license agreements, licenses, leases or permits. industries affected, to impose other fees for forest
Existing valid and binding service contracts for protection, management, reforestation, and
financial, technical, management or other forms of development, the proceeds of which shall accrue into
assistance are hereby recognized as such. a special deposit of the Bureau as its revolving fund
for the aforementioned purposes.
Section 63. Equity sharing. Every corporation
holding a license agreement, license, lease or permit Section 66. Collection and Disbursement. The
to utilize, exploit, occupy or possess any forest land, collection of the charges and fees above-mentioned
or conduct any activity therein, or establish and shall be the responsibility of the Director or his
operate a wood-processing plant, shall within one (1) authorized representative. The Director shall remit
year after the effectivity of this Code, formulate and his monthly collection of fees and charges mentioned
submit to the Department Head for approval a plan in Section 64 to the Treasurer of the Philippines
for the sale of at least twenty percent (20%) of its within the first ten (10) days of the succeeding
subscribed capital stock in favor of its employees and month; Provided, That the proceeds of the collection
laborers. of the fees imposed under Section 65 and the special
deposit heretofore required of licensees shall be
constituted into a revolving fund for such purposes
The plan shall be so implemented that the sale of the
and be deposited in the Philippine National Bank, as
shares of stock shall be effected by the corporation
a special deposit of the Bureau. The Budget
not later than the sixth year of its operation, or the
Commissioner and the National Treasurer shall effect
first year of the effectivity of this Code, if the
the quarterly releases out of the collection accruing
corporation has been in operation for more than 5
to the general fund upon request of the Director on
years prior to such effectivity.
the basis of a consolidated annual budget of a work
program approved by the Department Head and the
No corporation shall be issued any license President.
agreement, license, lease or permit after the
effectivity of this Code, unless it submits such a plan
In the case of the special deposit revolving fund,
and the same is approved for implementation within
withdrawals therefrom shall be effected by the
the sixth year of its operation.
Department Head on the basis of a consolidated
annual budget prepared by the Director of a work
The Department Head shall promulgate the program for the specific purposes mentioned in
necessary rules and regulations to carry out the Section 65.
provisions of this section, particularly on the
determination of the manner of payment, factors
Section 67. Basis of Assessment. Tree
affecting the selling price, establishment of priorities
measurement shall be the basis for assessing
in the purchase of the shares of stock, and the
government charges and other fees on timber cut (P20,000.00) and imprisoned for not less than six (6)
and removed from forest lands, alienable or months nor more than two (2) years for each such
disposable lands, and the civil reservations; Provided, offense, and be liable to the payment of ten (10)
That until such time as the mechanics of tree times the rental fees and other charges which would
measurement shall have been developed and have been accrued had the occupation and use of
promulgated in rules and regulations, the present the land been authorized under a license agreement,
scaling method provided for in the National Internal lease, license or permit: Provided, That in the case of
Revenue Code shall be used. an offender found guilty of making kaingin, the
penalty shall be imprisoned for not less than two (2)
nor more than (4) years and a fine equal to eight (8)
The Director may, with the approval of the
times the regular forest charges due on the forest
Department Head, prescribe a new method of
products destroyed, without prejudice to the
assessment of forest products and collection of
payment of the full cost of restoration of the
charges thereon based upon the result of production
occupied area as determined by the Bureau.
cost and market studies undertaken by the Bureau;
Provided, That such charges shall not be lower than
those now imposed. The Court shall further order the eviction of the
offender from the land and the forfeiture to the
Government of all improvements made and all
vehicles, domestic animals and equipment of any
kind used in the commission of the offense. If not
suitable for use by the Bureau, said vehicles shall be
Section 68. Cutting, gathering and/or collecting sold at public auction, the proceeds of which shall
timber or other products without license. Any person accrue to the Development Fund of the Bureau.
who shall cut, gather, collect, or remove timber or
other forest products from any forest land, or timber
In case the offender is a government official or
from alienable and disposable public lands, or from
employee, he shall, in addition to the above
private lands, without any authority under a license
penalties, be deemed automatically dismissed from
agreement, lease, license or permit, shall be guilty of
office and permanently disqualified from holding any
qualified theft as defined and punished under Articles
elective or appointive position.
309 and 310 of the Revised Penal Code; Provided,
That in the case of partnership, association or
corporation, the officers who ordered the cutting, Section 70. Pasturing Livestock. Imprisonment for
gathering or collecting shall be liable, and if such not less than six (6) months nor more than two (2)
officers are aliens, they shall, in addition to the years and a fine equal to ten (10) times the regular
penalty, be deported without further proceedings on rentals due, in addition to the confiscation of such
the part of the Commission on Immigration and livestock and all improvement introduced in the area
Deportation. in favor of the government, shall be imposed upon
any person, who shall, without authority under a
lease or permit, graze or cause to graze livestock in
The Court shall further order the confiscation in favor
forest lands, grazing lands and alienable and
of the government of the timber or forest products to
disposable lands which have not as yet been
cut, gathered, collected or removed, and the
disposed of in accordance with the Public Land Act;
machinery, equipment, implements and tools used
Provided, That in case the offender is a corporation,
therein, and the forfeiture of his improvements in the
partnership or association, the officers and directors
thereof shall be liable.

The same penalty plus cancellation of his license

Section 71. Illegal occupation of national parks
agreement, lease, license or permit and perpetual
system and recreation areas and vandalism
disqualification from acquiring any such privilege
therein. Any person who shall, without permit,
shall be imposed upon any licensee, lessee, or
occupy for any length of time any portion of the
permittee who cuts timber from the licensed or
national parks system or shall, in any manner, cut,
leased area of another, without prejudice to
destroy, damage or remove timber or any species of
whatever civil action the latter may bring against the
vegetation or forest cover and other natural
resources found therein, or shall mutilate, deface or
destroy objects of natural beauty or of scenic value
Section 69. Unlawful occupation or destruction of within areas in the national parks system, shall be
forest lands. Any person who enters and occupies or fined not less than two hundred (P200.00) pesos or
possesses, or makes kaingin for his own private use more than five hundred (P500.00) pesos exclusive of
or for others any forest land without authority under the value of the thing damaged; Provided, That if the
a license agreement, lease, license or permit, or in area requires rehabilitation or restoration as
any manner destroys such forest land or part thereof, determined by the Director, the offender shall also
or causes any damage to the timber stand and other be required to restore or compensate for the
products and forest growths found therein, or who restoration of the damage; Provided, Further, That
assists, aids or abets any other person to do so, or any person who, without proper permit shall hunt,
sets a fire, or negligently permits a fire to be set in capture or kill any kind of bird, fish or wild animal life
any forest land shall, upon conviction, be fined in an within any area in the national parks system shall be
amount of not less than five hundred pesos subject to the same penalty; Provided, Finally, That
(P500.00) nor more than twenty thousand pesos the Court shall order eviction of the offender from
the land and the forfeiture in favor of the Section 76. Coercion and influence. Any person who
Government of all timber or any species of coerces, influences, abets or persuades the public
vegetation and other natural resources collected or officer or employee referred to in the two preceding
removed, and any construction or improvement sections to commit any of the acts mentioned therein
made thereon by the offender. If the offender is an shall suffer imprisonment of not less than one (1)
association or corporation, the president or manager year and pay a fine of five hundred (P500.00) pesos
shall be directly responsible and liable for the act of for every hectare or a fraction thereof so improperly
his employees or laborers. surveyed, classified or released.

In the event that an official of a city or municipal Section 77. Unlawful possession of implements and
government is primarily responsible for detecting devices used by forest officers. Imprisonment for a
and convicting the violator of the provisions of this period of not less than (2) nor more than four (4)
Section, fifty per centum (50%) of the fine collected years and a fine of not less than one thousand pesos
shall accrue to such municipality or city for the (P1,000.00), nor more than ten thousand
development of local parks. (P10,000.00) pesos in addition to the confiscation of
such implements and devices, and the automatic
cancellation of the license agreement, lease, license
Section 72. Destruction of wildlife resources. Any
or permit, if the offender is a holder thereof, shall be
person violating the provisions of Section 55 of this
imposed upon any person who shall, without
Code, or the regulations promulgated thereunder,
authority from the Director or his authorized
shall be fined not less than one hundred (P100.00)
representative, make, manufacture, or has in his
pesos for each such violation and in addition shall be
possession any government marking, hatchet or
denied a permit for a period of three (3) years from
other marking implement, or any marker, poster, or
the date of the violation.
other devices officially used by officers of the Bureau
for the marking or identification of timber or other
Section 73. Survey by unauthorized products, or any duplicate, counterfeit, or imitation
person. Imprisonment for not less than two (2) nor thereof, or make or apply a government mark on
more than four (4) years, in addition to the timber or any other forest products by means of any
confiscation of the implements used in the violation authentic or counterfeit device, or alter, deface, or
of this section including the cancellation of the remove government marks or signs, from trees, logs,
license, if any, shall be imposed upon any person stumps, firewoods or other forest products, or
who shall, without permit to survey from the destroy, deface, remove or disfigure any such mark,
Director, enter any forest lands, whether covered by sign, poster or warning notices set by the Bureau to
a license agreement, lease, license, or permit, or not, designate the boundaries of cutting areas, municipal
and conduct or undertake a survey for whatever or city forest or pasture, classified timber land, forest
purpose. reserve, and areas under the national park system or
to make any false mark or imitation of any mark or
sign herein indicated; Provided, That if the offender
Section 74. Misclassification and survey by
is a corporation, partnership or association, the
government official or employee. Any public officer
officers and directors thereof shall be liable.
or employee who knowingly surveys, classifies, or
recommends the release of forest lands as alienable
and disposable lands contrary to the criteria and Section 78. Payment, collection and remittance of
standards established in this Code, or the rules and forest charges. Any person who fails to pay the
regulations promulgated hereunder, shall, after an amount due and payable under the provisions of this
appropriate administrative proceeding, be dismissed Code, the National Internal Revenue Code, or the
from the service with prejudice to re-employment, rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, shall
and upon conviction by a court of competent be liable to the payment of a surcharge of twenty-
jurisdiction, suffer an imprisonment of not less than five per centum (25%) of the amount due and
one (1) year and a fine of not less than one payable.
thousand, (P1,000.00) pesos. The survey,
classification or release of forest lands shall be null
Any person who fails or refuses to remit to the proper
and void.
authorities said forest charges collectible pursuant to
the provisions of this Code or the National Internal
Section 75. Tax declaration on real Revenue Code, or who delays, obstructs or prevents
property. Imprisonment for a period of not less than the same, or who orders, causes or effects the
two (2) nor more than four (4) years and perpetual transfer or diversion of the funds for purposes other
disqualification from holding an elective or than those specified in this Code, for each such
appointive office, shall be imposed upon any public offense shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine
officer or employee who shall issue a tax declaration of not exceeding one hundred thousand pesos
on real property without a certification from the (P100,000.00) and/or imprisonment for a period of
Director of Forest Development and the Director of not exceeding six (6) years in the discretion of the
Lands or their duly designated representatives that Court. If the offender is a government official or
the area declared for taxation is alienable and employee, he shall, in addition, be dismissed from
disposable lands, unless the property is titled or has the service with prejudice to reinstatement and with
been occupied and possessed by members of the disqualification from holding any elective or
national cultural minorities prior to July 4, 1955. appointive office.
If the offender is a corporation, partnership or barangay or barrio official, or any qualified person to
association, the officers and directors thereof shall protect the forest and exercise the power or
be liable. authority provided for in the preceding paragraph.

Section 79. Sale of wood products. No person shall Reports and complaints regarding the commission of
sell or offer for sale any log, lumber, plywood or any of the offenses defined in this Chapter, not
other manufactured wood products in the committed in the presence of any forest officer or
international or domestic market unless he complies employee, or any of the deputized officers or
with grading rules and established or to be officials, shall immediately be investigated by the
established by the Government. forest officer assigned in the area where the offense
was allegedly committed, who shall thereupon
receive the evidence supporting the report or
Failure to adhere to the established grading rules
and standards, or any act of falsification of the
volume of logs, lumber, or other forest products shall
be a sufficient cause for the suspension of the If there is prima facie evidence to support the
export, sawmill, or other license or permit complaint or report, the investigating forest officer
authorizing the manufacture or sale of such products shall file the necessary complaint with the
for a period of not less than two (2) years. appropriate official authorized by law to conduct a
preliminary investigation of criminal cases and file an
information in Court.
A duly accredited representative of the Bureau shall
certify to the compliance by the licensees with
grading rules. PD No. 1775: AMENDING SECTION EIGHTY OF
Every dealer in lumber and other building material
covered by this Code shall issue an invoice for each
sale of such material and such invoice shall state
that the kind, standard and size of material sold to
each purchaser in exactly the same as described in
the invoice. Any violation of this Section shall be WHEREAS, it is of common knowledge that only few
sufficient ground for the suspension of the dealer's criminal cases are being filed against violators of the
license for a period of not less than two (2) years forestry laws, rules and regulations because of the
and, in addition thereto, the dealer shall be punished apparent lack of manpower in the prosecuting arm of
for each such offense by a fine of not less than two the Bureau of Forestry Development which
hundred pesos (P200.00) or the total value of the predicament could not be feasibly augmented due to
invoice, whichever is greater. the present economic situation of the country;

Section 80. Arrest; Institution of criminal actions. A WHEREAS, it is of common knowledge that only few
forest officer or employee of the Bureau shall arrest criminal cases are being filed against violators of the
even without warrant any person who has committed forestry laws, rules and regulations because of the
or is committing in his presence any of the offenses apparent lack of manpower in the prosecuting arm of
defined in this Chapter. He shall also seize and the Bureau of Forestry Development which
confiscate, in favor of the Government, the tools and predicament could not be feasibly augmented due to
equipment used in committing the offense, and the the present economic situation of the country;
forest products cut, gathered or taken by the
offender in the process of committing the offense. WHEREAS, Section 80 of the "Revised Forestry Code
The arresting forest officer or employee shall of the Philippines", or any other law, rule and
thereafter deliver within six (6) hours from the time regulation does not authorize members of the
of arrest and seizure, the offender and the Philippine Constabulary/Integrated National Police to
confiscated forest products, tools and equipment to, file complaints against forest law violators except
and file the proper complaint with, the appropriate when they are lawfully deputized by the Minister of
official designated by law to conduct preliminary Agriculture and Natural Resources pursuant to the
investigations and file informations in court. said Code;

If the arrest and seizure are made in the forests, far NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS,
from the authorities designated by law to conduct President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers
preliminary investigations, the delivery to, and filing vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby degree
of the complaint with, the latter shall be done within that:
a reasonable time sufficient for ordinary travel from
the place of arrest to the place of delivery. The
seized products, materials and equipment shall be SECTION 1. Section 80 of Presidential Decree No. 705
immediately disposed of in accordance with forestry is amended to read as follows:
administrative orders promulgated by the
Department Head. "Sec. 80. Arrest: institution of criminal actions. -

The Department Head may deputize any member or

unit of the Philippine Constabulary, police agency,
A forest officers or employee of the Bureau or any industrialization and full employment, affirm the
personnel of the Philippines Constabulary/ Integrated diverse cultures of the Filipino, and ensure their
National Police shall arrest even without warrant any availability to present and future generations;
person who has committed or committing in his
presence any of the offenses defined in this Chapter. WHEREAS, Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) is
He shall also seize and confiscate, in favor of the provided in the Global Plan of implementation of the
Government, the tools and equipment used in World Summit on Sustainable Development adopted
committing the offense, and the forest products cut, in Johannesburg, as an international strategy for
gathered or taken by the offender in the process developing and managing forests;
committing the offense. The arresting forest officer
or employee shall thereafter deliver within six (6) WHEREAS, important socio-economic and
hours from the time of arrest and seizure, the environmental changes and policy reforms that
offender and the confiscated forest product, tools directly affect the forestry sector have taken place
and equipment and file the proper complaint with, since the issuance in 1975 of Presidential Decree No.
the appropriate official designated by law to conduct 705, otherwise known as the Revised Forestry Code
preliminary investigation and file information in of Philippines, and unless and until otherwise
Court. directed by Congress, there is a need to provide
guidance to national agencies and instrumentalities
on how to best harmonize these policy reforms and
If the arrest and seizure are made in the forest, far
make the forestry sector responsive to external
from the authorities designated by the law to
changes, and attain SFM in the Philippines;
conduct preliminary investigations, the delivery to,
and filing of the complaint with, the latter shall be
WHEREAS, logging or any commercial exploitation
done within a reasonable time sufficient to the place
of forestry resources in old growth forests,
of delivery. The seized products, materials and
proclaimed watersheds and other areas covered by
equipment shall be immediately disposed of in
the National Integrated Protected Areas System
accordance with forestry administrative orders
(NIPAS) is prohibited to ensure the perpetual
promulgated by the Department Head.
existence of all native plants and animals;

The Department Head may deputized any agency, WHEREAS, a watershed-based integrated
Bering or barrio official, or any qualified person to ecosystem management approach is deemed
protect the forest and exercise the power or appropriate for SFM due to the interrelationships and
authority provided for in the preceding paragraph. interactions between and among the various
ecosystems of a watershed such as the uplands and
coastal areas:
Reports and complaints regarding the commission of
any of the offenses defined in this Chapter, not
committed in the presence of any forest officer or
ARROYO, President of the Republic of the
employee, or any personnel of the Philippine
Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by
Constabulary/Integrated National Police or any of the
the Constitution, do hereby order:
deputized officers of officials, shall immediately be
investigated by the forest officer assigned in the area
SECTION 1. Declaration of Policy. It shall be the
or any personnel of the Philippine
Policy of the Government to pursue the sustainable
Constabulary/Integrated National Police where the
management of forests and forestlands in
offense was allegedly committed, who shall
watersheds. Watersheds shall be deemed as
thereupon receive the evidence supporting the
ecosystem management units and shall be managed
report or complaint. If there is a prima facie evidence
in a holistic, scientific, rights-based, technology-
to support the complaint or report the investigating
based and community-based manner and observing
forest officer and/ or members of the Philippine
the principles of multi-use, decentralization and
Constabulary/Integrated National Police shall file the
devolution, and active participation of local
necessary complaint with the appropriate official
government units (LGUs), synergism of economic,
authorized by law to conduct a preliminary
ecological, social and cultural objectives, and the
investigation of criminal case and file an information
rational utilization of all resources found therein. It
in Court."
shall likewise be the policy of the Government to
promote sound, effective and efficient, globally-
Executive Order No. 318: PROMOTING competitive and equitable forestry practices in both
SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT IN THE public and private domains.
SECTION 2. Guiding Principles. The pursuit of
WHEREAS, the Constitution provides for the these policies shall be guided by the following
protection and advancement of the right of the principles:
people to a balanced and healthy environment in
accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature, to 2.1.Delineation, Classification and Demarcation
protect the Filipino people from disaster like floods or of State Forestlands
landslide, and from threats to environmental and
economic security like wood and water shortage,
biodiversity loss, air pollution and drought. Likewise,
1. State forestlands shall be identified,
it provides for the full, efficient and rights-based use
classified and delineated/demarcated on the
of natural resources to abate poverty, promote
ground and shall constitute the permanent
forest estate unless otherwise stipulated by 1. The government shall provide a favorable
Congress; the same shall be categorized and stable policy and investment
and managed either as primarily for environment-friendly forest based
production or as primarily for protection industries, ensure their sustainable raw
purposes, and in both cases, placed under a material supply and encourage value-added
formal management scheme. processing in-country to boost rural
employment and the economy.
2. Conversions of forestlands into non-forestry
uses shall be allowed only through an act of 2. Filipino entrepreneurship in forestry shall be
Congress and upon the recommendation of encouraged and supported.
concerned government agencies.
3. A package of incentives and services that
2.2. Holistic, Sustainable and Integrated are responsive to the development of
Development of Forestry Resources forests in private and public forestlands
shall be adopted to encourage the
development of private forests, including
1. The development and management of the the deregulation of privately-developed
Philippines forests and forestlands including forests and privately-planted trees and
the coastal forests shall be for the highest enhancement of capacities of stakeholders
and widest public benefit and shall be based to engage in private forest development and
on the inherent productive capacity and related activities.
sustainable use of these resource for the
present and future generation of Filipinos.
4. The development of high-value tree crops
and non-timber forest crops in public
2. The priority development, protection and forestlands, private lands and in home
management activity of any management forest gardens shall be promoted and
unit shall be the rehabilitation of open encouraged to enhance economic and
and/or denuded, degraded, fragile ecological benefits and attain self-
forestlands; and slope stabilization and sufficiency in the countrys wood
protection to address occurrence of floods, requirements.
landslides and similar ecological disasters.
5. Incentives shall be provided to encourage
3. The establishment of tree parks, regreening co-management of forest resources
and roadside planting of forest species in involving national and other government
open and appropriate spaces shall be agencies (NGAs/OGAs), LGUs, CSOs, and the
prioritized to mitigate worsening urban air private sector.
quality and global warming.

2.5 Proper Valuation and Pricing of Forestry

2.3. Community-Based Forest Conservation and Resources and Financing SFM

1. Mechanism for proper valuation and fair and

1. Community-Based Forest Management comprehensive pricing of forest products
(CBFM) shall be the primary strategy in all and services, including water for domestic,
forest conservation and development and industrial, irrigation and power generation,
related activities, including joint ventures, biodiversity and eco-tourism, shall be
production sharing and co-production; it developed and promoted.
shall be encouraged in all private sector
forestry enterprises and ventures.
2. Local, regional and national plow-back
mechanisms of utilizing proceeds from the
2. CBFM shall be a collaborative undertaking of use of watersheds, forests and forestlands
the national government and the LGUs, for ecological and environmental services
local peoples, community organizations, such as, but not limited to power
civil society organizations (CSOs), and generation, supplying domestic and
private business entities. irrigation water, and eco-tourism, shall be
developed and promoted to finance forest
3. Local cultures, values, traditions, religious protection, rehabilitation, and development.
beliefs and the rights of indigenous peoples
to their ancestral lands and domains as 3. Appropriate and doable mechanisms for
promoted and/or defined by existing adopting the principles of environment and
legislation shall be recognized and natural resources accounting (ENRA) and
respected in all forestry undertakings of the watershed ecosystems as minimum spatial
State and the private sector. units of accounts shall be developed and
2.4. Incentives for Enhancing Private
Investments, Economic Contribution and Global 4. Innovative financial systems and
Competitiveness of Forest-Based Industries approaches, such as securitization, bonds
and collaborative investments, shall be 7. Networks and linkages involved with local
encouraged to support sustainable forest and international institutions, CSOs, LGUs,
management and enterprises and the and industries involved in the promotion
conservation of forest-based biodiversity in and practice of SFM shall be
the Philippines. strengthened.

5. Government investments in and out-sourced

financing for forest development such as the
application of clean development
mechanism (CDM) shall be prioritized in
favor of forestlands that serve a significantly
large population such as critical watersheds
and/or which serve to reduce poverty and
inequitable access to forests such as those
under CBFM and/or co-management by
NGAs/OGAs, LGUs, industries, CSOs, and
local communities. EO No . 263: ADOPTING COMMUNITY-BASED
1. The principles and practices of good MECHANISMS FOR ITS IMPLEMENTATION
governance such as transparency,
accountability and participatory decision-
making, in transactions, decisions and WHEREAS, Article II, Section 16 of the 1987
actions affecting forestry, in all levels, and Constitution provides for the protection and
the policy of streamlining, decentralization, advancement of the right of the Filipino people, both
devolution and deregulation shall be men and women, to a healthful and balanced
adopted, promoted and institutionalized in ecology;
the Government service.
WHEREAS, Article II, Section 10 provides for the
2. Partnerships and collaboration between and promotion of social justice to all citizens in all phases
among the DENR, NGAs/OGAs, LGUs, of national development;
professional forestry organizations, local
communities, civic groups, CSOs,
WHEREAS, Article XIV, Section 17 mandates the
basic sectors, academic and other research
State to recognize and respect the rights of the
and development institutions and other
indigenous peoples to their ancestral domains and
stakeholders shall be promoted.
consider their customs, traditions and beliefs in the
formulation of laws and policies;
3. Forestry administrative systems and
institutions, including research and
development, shall be upgraded and WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 192, series of 1987,
modernized. mandates the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR) as the primary
government agency responsible for the sustainable
4. Academic programs and scientific research management and development of the country's
shall be harnessed to generate information, natural resources;
technologies and policies that will
strengthen national
capacities for SFM under the frameworks of WHEREAS, the Philippines 2000 and the
watershed ecosystem management (WEM) government's Social Reform Agenda support people
and CBFM. empowerment and the full, meaningful and
indispensable participation of communities as
5. Human resources development programs immediate stakeholders of the forestland resources
for all stakeholders shall be rationalized and in the protection and management of the forest
upgraded in support of SFM; forestry ecosystem;
extension services by NGAs/OGAs and LGU
shall be upgraded and intensified and WHEREAS, the 25-year Master Plan for Forestry
undertaken with CSOs, to support CBFM, Development also recognizes the indispensable role
pirvate forestry, forestry co-management of local communities in forest protection,
enterprises, and the development of forest- rehabilitation, development and management, and
based biodiversity. targets the protection, rehabilitation, management,
and utilization of at least 4 million hectares of
6. Forest land use plans shall be incorporated forestlands, through the community-based forest
by LGUs in their comprehensive land use management strategy;
plans. National Government agencies shall
assist LGUs in this endeavor. WHEREAS, entrusting the responsibility for forest
rehabilitation, protection, and conservation to the
community of stakeholders and affording them organizations (NGOs), religious groups, business and
equitable access to the forest and coastal resources industry, and other concerned organizations to
are viable forestland management strategies as ensure that communities are empowered to initiate
borne by the experience of the DENR and various and achieve the objectives of this Order.
supporting agencies;
Sec. 7. In its budget preparation, the DENR shall allot
NOW, THEREFORE, I FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of adequate funds to effectively accomplish CBFM
the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me targets and shall seek supplementary funding from
by law, do hereby order that: local and foreign supporting agencies and
organizations. DENR shall ensure the inclusion of
budgetary allocation for CBFM in the annual General
Sec. 1. Community-based forest management
Appropriations Act, pending the passage of the
(herein referred to as CBFM) shall be the national
revised Forestry Code.
strategy to achieve sustainable forestry and social
Sec. 8. The DENR shall establish a Community-based
Forest Management Special Account (CBFMSA) to
Sec. 2. The DENR, through its Community and
support the implementation of the strategy and
Provincial Environment and Natural Resource Offices,
provide financial and professional incentive system
in coordination with the local government units and
for deserving communities and government
the Department of Interior and Local Government
(DILG) shall, at all times, take into account the needs
and aspirations of local communities whose
livelihood depends on the forestlands. Sec. 9. The DENR may source local and international
grants and donations for the establishment of the
CBFM Special Account. Other sources of fund may
Sec. 3. Participating organized communities may be
later be determined by the CBFM Steering
granted access to the forestland resources under
Committee subject to existing government
long term tenurial agreements, provided they
employ environment-friendly, ecologically-
sustainable, and labor-intensive harvesting methods.
Such harvesting methods shall be mentioned under a Sec. 10. The DENR shall support and set up jointly
site-specific management plan of each recipient with relevant colleges and universities, private and
community and duly approved by the DENR. public organizations, arrangements for a community
forestry training program for members of
participating units, such as people's organizations,
Sec. 4. The indigenous peoples may participate in the
non-government organizations, local government
implementation of CBFM activities in recognition of
units, and other government personnel.
their rights to their ancestral domains and land rights
and claims.
Sec. 11. Within six months after the signing of this
Order, the DENR, in consultation with government
Sec. 5. A CBFM Steering Committee shall be created
financial institutions, such as the Development Bank
immediately and headed by the DENR with members
of the Philippines (DBP), the Land Bank of the
from the Departments of Agriculture, Trade and
Philippines (LBP), GSIS and the SSS, shall effect the
Industry, Agrarian Reform, Finance, Science and
creation of favorable financing mechanisms for
Technology, Labor and Employment, Interior and
access by communities and organizations in the
Local Government, Budget and Management,
pursuit of the CBFM strategy and its sub-strategies
National Defense and Justice; National Economic
such as community training and empowerment,
Development and Authority; Philippine Commission
enterprise development, agroforestry development,
on Countrywide Development under the Office of the
tree plantations, and other non-forest-based
President, Committee on Flagship Programs and
alternative livelihood systems.
Projects of the Office of the President; Presidential
Management Staff under the Office of the President;
Cooperative Development Authority, and Offices of Sec. 12. The DENR Secretary shall issue new rules,
Northern and Southern Cultural Communities. The regulations, procedures, and guidelines necessary to
Committee may invite representatives from the implement this Order and repeal or modify existing
Philippine Chamber of Commerce, Philippine Wood ones consistent with the policies set forth by the
Products Association, NGO coalition groups, and CBFM Steering Committee.
other public and private organizations to become
members of the Steering Committee. The Committee
Sec. 13. The DENR Secretary shall, within six months
shall formulate and develop policy guidelines that
from the signing of this Order, submit to the Office of
will create incentives and conditions necessary to
the President, a National Comprehensive Community
effectively carry out community-based forest
Forestry Action Plan, which embodies the
management strategy. Accordingly, members of the
Department's short, medium and long-term plans.
CBFM Steering Committee should, at least, be
The action plan shall be discussed and approved by
represented by concerned Assistant Secretaries or
the CBFM Steering Committee prior to its submission
heads of bureaus and agencies.
to the President.

Sec. 6. The DENR shall work with local governments,

people's organizations (POs), non-government
Sec. 14. All previous executive and administrative (c) is an industrial tree farmer;
issuances which are inconsistent herewith are
repealed or amended accordingly.
(d) is a licensed wood processor and the
chain saw shall be used for the cutting of
timber that has been legally sold to said
applicant; or
Republic Act No. 9175 : Chain Saw Act of 2002
(e) shall use the chain saw for a legal
Section 2. Declaration Policy. It is the policy of the
State consistent with the Constitution, to conserve,
develop and protect the forest resources under Agencies of the government that use chain saws in
sustainable management. Toward this end, the State some aspects of their functions must likewise secure
shall pursue an aggressive forest protection program the necessary permit from the Department before
geared towards eliminating illegal logging and other operating the same.
forms of forest destruction which are being facilitated
with the use of chain saws. The State shall therefore
Section 6. Registration of Chain Saws. - Within a
regulate the ownership, possession, sale, transfer,
period of three (3) months from the effectivity
importation and/or use of chain saws to prevent
hereof, all persons who own or are otherwise in
them from being used in illegal logging or
possession of chain saws must register the same
unauthorized clearing of forests.
with the Department, through any of its Community
Environment and Natural Resources Office, which
Section 3. Definition of Terms. - As used in this Act, shall issue the corresponding registration certificate
the term: or permit if it finds such persons to be qualified
(a) "Chain saw" shall refer to any portable
power saw or similar cutting implement, Every permit to possess and/or use a chain saw for
rendered operative by an electric or internal legitimate purpose shall be valid for two (2) years
combustion engine or similar means, that upon issuance: Provided, That permits to possess
may be used for, but is not limited to, the and use chainsaw issued to non-commercial orchard
felling of trees or the cutting of timber; and fruit tree farmers shall be valid for a period of
five (5) years upon issuance. For this purpose, the
Department shall be allowed to collect reasonable
(b) "Chain saw dealer" shall refer to a
registration fees for the effective implementation of
person, natural or juridical, engaged in the
this Act.
manufacture, importation, distribution,
purchase and/or sale of chain saws;
Section 7. Penal Provisions. -
(c) "Department" shall refer to the
Department of Environment and Natural (a) Selling, Purchasing, Re-selling,
Resources; and Transferring, Distributing or Possessing a
Chain Saw Without a Proper Permit. - Any
person who sells, purchases, transfer the
(d) "Secretary" shall refer to the Secretary
ownership, distributes or otherwise disposes
of the Department of Environment and
or possesses a chain saw without first
Natural Resources.
securing the necessary permit from the
Department shall be punished with
Section 4. Persons Authorized to Manufacturer, Sell imprisonment of four (4) years, two (2)
and Import Chain Saws. - Chain saws shall only be months and one (1) day to six (6) years or a
sold and/or imported by manufacturers, dealers fine of not less than Fifteen thousand pesos
and/or private owners who are duly authorized by the (P15,000.00) but not more Thirty thousand
Department. pesos (30,000.00) or both at the discretion
of the court, and the chain saw/s
confiscated in favor of the government.
Section 5. Persons Authorized to Possess and Use a
Chain Saw. - The Department is hereby authorized to
issue permits to possess and/or use a chain saw for (2) Unlawful Importation or Manufacturing
the felling land/or cutting of trees, timber and other of Chain Saw. - Any person who imports or
forest or agro-forest products to any applicant who: manufactures a chain saw without obtaining
prior authorization from the Department
shall be punished by imprisonment of not
(a) has a subsisting timber license
less than one (1) month nor more than six
agreement, production sharing agreement,
(6) months and a fine of not less than One
or similar agreements, or a private land
thousand pesos (P1,000.00) for more than
timber permit;
Four thousand pesos (P4,000.00).

(b) is an orchard and fruit tree farmer;

(3) Tampering of Engine Serial Number. -
Any person who is found to have defaced or
tampered with the original registered Section 10. Revocation of Registration and Permit. -
engine serial number of any chain saw unit The Secretary may revoke any Certificate of
shall be punished by imprisonment of not Registration or permit previously issued to a person
less than one (1) month nor more than six found violating the provisions of this Act, or the rules
(6) months and a fine of not less than One and regulations issued pursuant thereto.
thousand pesos (P1,000.00) nor more than
Four thousand pesos (P4,000.00).
Section 11. Joint Congressional Oversight
Committee. - To monitor and oversee the
(4) Actual Unlawful Use of Chain Saw. - Any implementation of this Act, including the approval of
person who is found to be in possession of a the rules and regulations issued pursuant hereto,
chain saw and uses the same to cut trees there is hereby created a Joint Congressional
and timber in forest land or elsewhere Oversight Committee to be composed of the
except as authorized by the Department Chairpersons of the Senate Committee on
shall be penalized with imprisonment of six Environment and Natural Resources and the House
(6) years and one (1) day to eight (8) years Committee on Natural Resources as Chairperson and
or a fine of not less that Thirty thousand Co-Chairperson, five (5) members of each of the
pesos (P30,000.00) but not more than Fifty Senate and the House of Representatives who shall
thousand pesos (P50,000.00) or both at the be designated by the Senate President and the
discretion of the court without prejudice to Speaker of the House of Representatives as
being prosecuted for a separate offense that members: Provided, That the two (2) of the five (5)
may have been simultaneously committed. senators and two (2) of the five (5) House members
The chain saw unlawfully used shall be shall be nominated by the respective Minority
likewise confiscated in favor of the Leaders of the Senate and the House of
government. Representatives.

If the violation under this Section is committed by or

through the command or order of another person,
partnership or corporation, the penalties herein
provided shall likewise be imposed on such other
person, or the responsible officer(s) in such
partnership or corporation.

If the offender is a public official or employee, in

addition to the above penalties, he shall be removed
from office and perpetually disqualified from holding
any public office.

The chain saws confiscated under this Section shall

be sold at public auction to qualified buyers and the
proceeds thereof shall go to the Department.

Section 8. Reward. - Any person who voluntarily

gives information leading to the recovery or
confiscation of an unregistered chain saw and the
conviction of persons charged thereof shall be
entitled to a reward equivalent to twenty person
(20%) of the value of the chain saw unit(s). The
Department is authorized to include in its budget the
amount necessary to carry out the purpose of this

Section 9. Authority of the Secretary. - To

effectively implement the provisions of this Act, the
Secretary shall issue the implementing rules and
regulations within ninety (90) days upon approval of
this Act. He shall likewise organize an office within
the Department to ensure that requirements
imposed by this Act may be complied with by
qualified persons, within the shortest possible time,
at the least possible expense.

In the Province of Palawan, the provisions of this Act

shall be implemented by the Palawan Council for
Sustainable Development pursuant to Republic Act
No. 7611 or the Strategic Environmental Plan for

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