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ALBANY COUNTY LEGISLATURE SEAN E. WARD HAROLD L, JOYCE OFFICE BUILDING PAUL T. Devane, CHAIRMAN 112 STATE STREET, ROOM 710 Cure ALBaNy, NEW YORK 12207 (S18) 447-7168 - FAX (518) 447-5695 Necoe M. CHamnzns WWW.ALBANYCOUNTY. COM First Deputy CLERK AGENDA ALBANY COUNTY LEGISLATURE OCTOBER 10, 2017 PREVIOUS BUSINESS 266a. AMENDING RULE 2 OF THE ALBANY COUNTY LEGISLATIVE RULES OF ORDER Messrs. Signoracci, Clenahan and Law Committee CURRENT BUSINESS; 375, AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH POLYDYNE, INC. TO SUPPLY THE WATER PURIFICATION DISTRICT WITH LIQUID POLYMER Public Works Committee 376. AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY, INC. FOR ELEVATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE FOR VARIOUS COUNTY BUILDINGS Public Works Committee 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH E. W. TOMPKINS COMPANY, INC. FOR THE MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION PORTION OF THE BOILER REPLACEMENT PROJECT AT THE JUDICIAL CENTER Public Works Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH REGARDING REIMBURSEMENT FOR ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS PERTAINING TO THE EARLY INTERVENTION PROGRAM Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH LASALLE SCHOOL REGARDING FAMILY ASSESSMENT INTERVENTION SERVICES Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH PARSONS CHILD AND FAMILY CENTER REGARDING THE PROVISION OF CLINICAL PREVENTION SERVICES Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH COMMUNITY MATERNITY SERVICES REGARDING THE PROVISION OF CLINICAL PREVENTION SERVICES Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH TRINITY ALLIANCE OF THE CAPITAL REGION, INC. REGARDING THE PROVISION OF CLINICAL PREVENTION SERVICES. Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH ST. CATHERINE’S CENTER FOR CHILDREN REGARDING FOSTER CARE CLINICAL PREVENTION SERVICES - BERNE KNOX WESTERLO CONNECTIONS PROGRAM Social Services Committee 384. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391, AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH CAYUGA CENTERS REGARDING THE PROVISION OF CLINICAL PREVENTION SERVICES Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION REGARDING THE PROVISION OF JUVENILE JUSTICE PREVENTION SERVICES Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH ST. ANNE INSTITUTE REGARDING THE PROVISION OF SPECIALTY PREVENTION SERVICES FOR VICTIMS OF SEXUAL ABUSE AND THEIR FAMILIES Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH ST. ANNE INSTITUTE REGARDING THE PROVISION OF SPECIALTY PREVENTION SERVICES FOR JUVENILE SEX OFFENDERS Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH LASALLE SCHOOL REGARDING THE PROVISION OF JUVENILE JUSTICE PREVENTION SERVICES Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH BERKSHIRE FARM CENTER & SERVICES FOR YOUTH REGARDING THE PROVISION OF SPECIALTY PREVENTION SERVICES Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH BERKSHIRE FARM CENTER & SERVICES FOR YOUTH REGARDING THE PROVISION OF JUVENILE JUSTICE PREVENTION SERVICES Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH COMMUNITY MATERNITY SERVICES REGARDING FOSTER CARE SPECIALTY PREVENTION SERVICES Social Services Committee 392, 393. 394, 395. 396. 397. 398, 399. AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH ST. CATHERINE'S CENTER FOR CHILDREN REGARDING THE PROVISION OF SPECIALTY PREVENTION SERVICES FOR THE PARENT CARE PROGRAM Social Services Committee AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 373 FOR 2016 REGARDING ADDITONAL FOSTER CARE PROVIDERS FOR CHILDREN IN ALBANY COUNTY Social Services Committee AMENDING THE 2017 DEPARTMENT FOR CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES BUDGET: INCREASED COSTS OF TRANSPORTATION FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE RESEARCH FOUNDATION FOR THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK REGARDING THE JUVENILE DETENTION ALTERNATIVES INITIATIVE Social Services Committee AMENDING THE 2017 DEPARTMENT FOR CHILDREN, YOUTH AND. FAMILIES BUDGET: INCREASED YOUTH PLACEMENT COSTS Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AGREEMENTS REGARDING MOVING AND STORAGE SERVICES FOR ELIGIBLE TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE RECIPIENTS Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH EQUINOX, INC. REGARDING NON-RESIDENTIAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SERVICES Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH EQUINOX, _ INC. REGARDING RESIDENTIAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SERVICES Social Services Committee 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 406. 407. AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT FUNDING AND AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE OFFICE FOR THE AGING REGARDING THE HEALTH INSURANCE INFORMATION, COUNSELING AND ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH ZIMMET HEALTHCARE SERVICES GROUP REGARDING CASE MANAGEMENT REVIEW SERVICES AT THE NURSING HOME Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE INDUSTRIES FOR THE DISABLED, INC. FOR LINEN RENTAL AND RESIDENT CLOTHING LAUNDERING Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH POINT CLICK CARE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. REGARDING ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORDS AND FINANCIAL SOFTWARE Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF AMENITIES FROM BOY SCOUTS FOR THE ANN LEE POND AND THE ALBANY COUNTY HELDERBERG-HUDSON RAIL TRAIL Conservation and Improvement Committee and Ms. McKnight AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE HOMELESS AND TRAVELERS AID SOCIETY REGARDING CASE MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THE COUNTY RE-ENTRY PROGRAM Health Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE CANAL CORPORATION REGARDING REIMBURSEMENT FOR MARINE PATROL SERVICES Public Safety Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE GOVERNOR’S TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REGARDING THE POLICE TRAFFIC SERVICES GRANT Public Safety Committee 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414, AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE GOVERNOR'S TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REGARDING A CHILD PASSENGER SAFETY PROGRAM GRANT Public Safety Committee AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A WAIVER REGARDING BYRNE JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT FUNDING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF ALBANY TO ACCEPT GRANT FUNDS DIRECTLY Public Safety Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE DIVISION OF HOMELAND SECURITY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES REGARDING THE 2017 STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAM STATE LAW ENFORCEMENT TERRORISM PREVENTION PROGRAM AND AMENDING THE 2017 ALBANY COUNTY SHERIFF'S BUDGET Public Safety Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SCHENECTADY COUNTY SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS FOR THE DONATION OF BODY ARMOR FROM THE ALBANY COUNTY PROBATION DEPARTMENT Public Safety Committee AUTHORIZING AGREEMENTS WITH VARIOUS VENDORS TO. BEGIN ELECTRONIC RECORDING AT THE ALBANY COUNTY CLERK’S OFFICE Audit and Finance Committee AMENDING THE 2017 ALBANY COUNTY CLERK’S BUDGET: ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENTS Audit and Finance Committee AMENDING THE 2017 ALBANY COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEYS BUDGET: ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENTS Audit and Finance Committee 415. 416. 417. 418, 419. 420, 421, 422, AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE DIVISION OF HOMELAND SECURITY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES FOR THE 2017 STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAM AND AMENDING THE 2017 DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION SERVICES BUDGET Audit and Finance Committee AMENDING THE 2017 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BUDGET: ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENTS: Audit and Finance Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH BETTER HEALTH OF NORTHEAST NEW YORK, INC. REGARDING THE BEHAVIORAL HEALTH STABILIZATION PROJECT AND AMENDING THE 2017 MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUDGET Audit and Finance Committee AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 293 ORANGE STREET (TAX MAP 65.73-2-25) AND 295 ORANGE STREET (TAX MAP 65.73-2-26) IN THE CITY OF ALBANY Audit and Finance Committee and Mr. Simpson AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 518 BOZENKILL ROAD (TAX MAP 36.00-2-5) IN THE TOWN OF KNOX Audit and Finance Committee AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM FOR THE ALBANY COUNTY RAIL TRAIL Audit and Finance Committee AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF GUILDERLAND 130 MAIN STREET (TAX MAP 37.19-1-11) Audit and Finance Committee AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 8 PIERSON AVENUE (TAX MAP 31.08-5-12) IN THE TOWN OF COLONIE Audit and Finance Committee 4238, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS TO CERTIFY ITS EXPENSES REGARDING THE 2016 ELECTION CYCLE Audit and Finance Committee PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. “H” FOR 2017 By Law and Audit and Finance Committees: PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. “I: FOR 2017 By Law and Audit and Finance Committees: DESIGNATING THE AUDIT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE TO REVIEW THE TENTATIVE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR 2018 Mr. Ward PUBLIC HEARING ON THE 2018 TENTATIVE ANNUAL BUDGET Mr. Ward PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED LEGISLATIVE ADDITIONS AND/OR DELETIONS TO THE 2018 TENTATIVE ANNUAL BUDGET Mr. Ward AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 326 FOR 2017 AUTHORIZING A LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH STEWART’S SHOPS CORP. TO CONTINUE THE USE OF PROPERTY AT 309 DELAWARE AVE, DELMAR, NEW YORK Mr. Signoracci LOCAL LAWS LOCAL LAW NO «P” FOR 2016: A LOCAL LAW TO HELP ADDRESS THE WAGE GAP BETWEEN WOMEN AND MEN BY PROHIBITING EMPLOYERS FROM REQUIRING JOB APPLICANTS TO PROVIDE PRIOR OR CURRENT SALARY INFORMATION BEFORE OFFERING THEM EMPLOYMENT By Mss. Lekakis, Cunningham, Messrs. Clenahan, and Reinhardt: RESOLUTION NO. 266a AMENDING THE ALBANY COUNTY LEGISLATIVE RULES OF ORDER PERTAINING TO LIVESTREAMING Introduced: 10/10/17 By Messrs. Signoracci, Clenahan and Law Committee: WHEREAS, Rule 2 of the Albany County Legislative Rules of Order provide that members of the public may address the Legislature at its monthly meetings on matters pertaining to the County of Albany, and WHEREAS, At its regular meetings, speakers frequently take up time before the mectings addressing issues not on the agenda or not directly pertaining to issues within the Legislature's purview, and WHEREAS, It is important that members of the public have the opportunity to address the Legislature on the particular issues on the agenda to be considered that evening, and WHEREAS, The Public Forum should be livestreamed to enable the public to hear the comments made prior to the passage of legislation, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, That Rule 2 of the Albany County Legislative Rules of Order be amended in part to read as follows: “PUBLIC FORUM — From 6:30 p.m. until its conclusion, and in no event shall the Public Forum continue past 7:30 p.m., except that the Chairperson, in his/her discretion, may extend the time for the Public Forum, on the night of each monthly meeting, annual meeting and adjournment thereof, members of the public shall have the right to address the members of the Legislature on matters pertaining to the County of Albany. Each member of the public who desires to address the Legislature shall personally give their name to the Clerk of the Legislature from 6:15 p.m. to 6;30 p.m. on such evening. The members of the public should state the topic on which they wish to speak. The Clerk shall maintain such list from month-to-month in a continuous fashion. The Chairperson of the County Legislature shall allow each member of the public whose name is reached five (5) minutes, except that the Chairperson, in his/her discretion, may limit speakers to three (8) minutes to give as many speakers as possible an opportunity to address the issues on that evening's legislative agenda. If all speakers wishing to address the legislature on that evening's agenda have spoken, speakers wishing to speak on other matters pertaining to Albany County may address the legislature in the remaining time before the meeting and, if at the end of the hour there are still speakers who have not been heard, the Public Forum shall continue after the legislature has adjourned the meeting. No member of the Legislature shall question any speaker nor shall any speakers be allowed to question members of the Legislature. The Clerk shall take roll call and record the names of those members present and absent for the Public Forum. The Public Forum shall be livestreamed.” and, be it further RESOLVED, That Rule 8 of Albany County Legislative Rules of Order be amended to read as follows: “On roll call, the Clerk shall record the names of all members present and absent. The Clerk of the Legislature shall provide for the recording and livestreaming of the meeting. Such recording and livestreaming shall begin prior to the roll call of the members. Members not present for the roll call must report their presence from the floor to the Chairperson.” and, be it further RESOLVED, That Rule 39 of Albany County Legislative Rules of Order be amended to read as follows: “All Public Hearings or Meetings of the body as a whole may not take place before 5:00 PM. In the event more than one public hearing is scheduled for the same night, the scheduled times shall be consecutive, with no more than a five minute delay between hearings. The Clerk shall take roll call and record the names of those members present and absent for the Public Hearing. The Public Hearing shall be livestreamed. All meetings of standing or special committees shall not take place before 5:00 PM unless agreed to by a majority of said standing or special committee members. No Public Hearing of the Albany County Legislature shall be held on a civic holiday and consideration shall be given to avoid meeting on a religious holiday.” and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Legislature forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Chairman of the Legislature and the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 375 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH POLYDYNE, INC. TO SUPPLY THE WATER PURIFICATION DISTRICT WITH LIQUID POLYMER Introduced: 10/10/17 By Public Works Committee: WHEREAS, The County of Albany Water Purification District, in cooperation with the Purchasing Agent, issued a Request for Bids regarding the provision of liquid polymer and one bid was received, and WHEREAS, The County of Albany Water Purification District and Purchasing Agent reviewed the bid and have recommended awarding the agreement to Polydyne, Inc. as the sole responsible bidder, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into a two-year agreement with Polydyne, Inc., Riceboro, Georgia 31323 regarding the provision of delivered liquid polymer to the County of Albany Water Purification District at a cost of $.105 per pound not to exceed a total amount of $400,000 for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2020, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 376 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY, INC. FOR ELEVATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE FOR VARIOUS COUNTY BUILDINGS Introduced: 10/10/17 By Public Works Committee: WHEREAS, The Department of General Services, through the County Purchasing Agent, issued a request for bids regarding elevator preventive maintenance for various County buildings and two bids were received, and WHEREAS, The Department of General Services and the Purchasing Agent reviewed said bids and have recommended awarding the contract to Otis Elevator Company, Ine., now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with Otis Elevator Company, Inc., Albany, New York 12204 in an amount not to exceed $399,825 for a term commencing November 1, 2017 and ending December 31, 2021 for elevator preventative maintenance for various county buildings, emergency services and equipment, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 377 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH E. W. TOMPKINS COMPANY, INC. FOR THE MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION PORTION OF THE BOILER REPLACEMENT PROJECT AT THE JUDICIAL CENTER Introduced: 10/10/17 By Public Works Committee: WHEREAS, ‘The Commissioner of the Department of General Services has requested authorization to enter an agreement with E.W. Tompkins Company, Inc. regarding the mechanical construction portion of the Boiler Replacement Project at the Judicial Center in an amount not to exceed $548,750 for a term commencing September 8, 2017 and ending August 31, 2018, and WHEREAS, The Department of General Services through the County Purchasing Agent issued a request for proposals, eight bids were received regarding the mechanical construction portion of the Boiler Replacement Project, and WHEREAS, The Department of General Services Facilities Engineering Division and the Purchasing Agent reviewed said bids and recommended awarding the contract to E. W. Tompkins Company, Inc. as the lowest responsible bidder, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with E. W. Tompkins Company, Inc., Albany, New York 12210 regarding the mechanical construction portion of the Boiler Replacement Project at the Judicial Center in an amount not to exceed $548,750 for a term commencing September 8, 2017 and ending August 31, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 378 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH REGARDING REIMBURSEMENT FOR ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS PERTAINING TO THE EARLY INTERVENTION PROGRAM Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department for Children, Youth and Families has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with NYS Department of Health (NYSDOH) regarding reimbursement for administrative costs pertaining to the Early Intervention Program for a term commencing October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $114,851, and WHEREAS, Said agreement will provide funding for improvements in the coordination of services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families, thus making it easier for a more effective and efficient delivery of services, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with NYSDOH regarding reimbursement for administrative costs pertaining to the Harly Intervention Program for a term commencing October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $114,851, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate State and County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 379 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH LASALLE SCHOOL REGARDING FAMILY ASSESSMENT INTERVENTION SERVICES Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 426 for 2016, this Honorable Body authorized an agreement with LaSalle School regarding Family Assessment Intervention Services in an amount not to exceed $134,143 for a term commencing January 1, 2017 and ending December 31, 2017 with two one-year renewal options, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department for Children, Youth and Families has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with LaSalle School, the first of two one-year renewal options, regarding Family Assessment Intervention Services in an amount not to execed $134,148 for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, and WHEREAS, The Family Assessment Intervention is a two-pronged direct intervention at Family Court and the program proposos to postpone immediately presenting the youth before the Judge in order to provide an opportunity for information to be gathered about the youth, their family and community in order to determine if a reasonable safety plan can be made for the youth to avoid detention, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with LaSalle School, the first of two one-year renewal options, regarding Family Assessment Intervention Services in an amount not to exceed $134,143 for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to LaSalle School and the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 380 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH PARSONS CHILD AND FAMILY CENTER REGARDING THE PROVISION OF CLINICAL PREVENTION SERVICES Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 362 for 2015, this Honorable Body authorized an agreement with Parsons Child and Family Center regarding the provision of clinical prevention and family support services for a term commencing January 1, 2016 and ending December 31, 2016 in an amount not to exceed $1,124,186 with two (2) one year renewal options, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department for Children, Youth and Families has requested authorization to renew the agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with Parsons Child and Family Center regarding the provision of clinical prevention and family support services for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $1,124,186, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with Parsons Child and Family Center regarding the provision of clinical prevention and family support services for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $1,124,186, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 381 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH COMMUNITY MATERNITY SERVICES REGARDING THE PROVISION OF CLINICAL PREVENTION SERVICES Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department for Children, Youth and Families has requested authorization to renew an agreement, the second of two one- year renewal options, with Community Maternity Servicos regarding the provision of clinical prevention and family support services for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $325,657, and WHEREAS, Prevention programming focuses on either preventing children from entering foster care, detention or shortening their stay if placed in either, and WHEREAS, Community Maternity Services will provide assessment, diagnostic testing, case and specialized therapies by a person who has received a Master of Social Work degree, Master of Mental Health Counseling degree or is a licensed Psychologist, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with Community Maternity Services regarding the provision of clinical prevention services and community recreational supports for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $325,657, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 382 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH TRINITY ALLIANCE OF THE CAPITAL REGION, INC. REGARDING THE PROVISION OF CLINICAL PREVENTION SERVICES Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 354 for 2015, this Honorable Body authorized an agreement with Trinity Alliance of the Capital Region, Inc. for the provision of comprehensive clinical prevention services and supportive services to families in Albany County with children ages birth through eighteen who are at risk of out of home placement or are returning from foster care as the result of child abuse/neglect issues for the term of one year with two one-year renewal options at the sole discretion of the County, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department for Children, Youth and Families has requosted authorization to exercise the second of two one-year renewal options, with Trinity Allianco of the Capital Region, Inc. regarding the provision of clinical prevention and family support services for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $1,280,759, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with Trinity Alliance of the Capital Region, Inc. regarding the provision of clinical prevention and family support services for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $1,280,759, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 383 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH ST. CATHERINE’S CENTER FOR CHILDREN REGARDING FOSTER CARE CLINICAL PREVENTION SERVICES - BERNE KNOX WESTERLO CONNECTIONS PROGRAM Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 356 for 2015, this Honorable Body authorized an agreement: with St. Catherine’s Center for Children regarding the BKW Connections Program prevention services for a term commencing January 1, 2016 and ending December 31, 2016 in an amount not to exceed $211,813, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department for Children, Youth and Families has requested authorization to renew the agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with St. Cathorine’s Center for Children regarding foster care clinical prevention services and the BKW Connections Program for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $211,813, and WHEREAS, The BKW Connection Program provides proposes to continue to serve children ages 4 to 13, who attend one of the region's elementary and/or middle schools, and their families of the Berne-Knox-Westerlo region and meet the unmet needs of children at risk of, or in foster care and their families in this underserved area, now, therefore he it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with St. Catherine’s Center for Children regarding the BKW Connections Program prevention services for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $211,813, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 384 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH CAYUGA CENTERS REGARDING THE PROVISION OF CLINICAL PREVENTION SERVICES Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 855 for 2015, this Honorable Body authorized an agreement with Cayuga Centers regarding the provision of clinical prevention services for a period commencing Januazy 1, 2016 and ending December 31, 2016 in the amount of $222,205, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department for Children, Youth and Families has requested authorization to renew the agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with Cayuga Centers regarding the provision of clinical provention sorvicos for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $222,205, and WHEREAS, The agreement provides comprehensive assessment, diagnostic testing, case and specialized therapies provided by a person who has received a Master of Social Work degree, Master of Mental Health Counseling degree or is a licensed Psychologist, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with Cayuga Centers regarding the provision of clinical prevention services for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $222,205, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 385 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION REGARDING THE PROVISION OF JUVENILE JUSTICE PREVENTION SERVICES Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 359 for 2015, this Honorable Body authorized an agreement with Cornell Cooperative Extension regarding the provision of supervision and treatment services for juveniles and their families in Albany County in an amount not to exceed $100,000 for a term commencing January 1, 2016 and ending December 31, 2016, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department of Children, Youth and Families has requested authorization to renew the agreement, the second of two one-year venewal options, with Cornell Cooperative Extension regarding the provision of juvenile justice prevention services for juveniles and their families in Albany County in an amount not to exceed $100,000 for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with Cornell Cooperative Extension regarding the provision of the aforementioned services in an amount not to exceed $100,000 for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 386 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH ST. ANNE INSTITUTE REGARDING THE PROVISION OF SPECIALTY PREVENTION SERVICES FOR VICTIMS OF SEXUAL ABUSE AND THEIR FAMILIES Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 360 for 2015, this Honorable Body authorized an agreement with St. Anne Institute regarding the provision of Clinical Prevention Services for victims of sexual abuse and their familios for a torm commencing January 1, 2016 and ending December 31, 2016 in an amount not to exceed $307,288, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department for Children, Youth and Families has requested authorization to renew the agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with St. Anne Institute regarding the provision of Specialty Prevention Services for families dealing with issues related to the sexual abuse of one or more of their children for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $307,288, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with St. Anne Institute regarding the provision of Specialty Prevention Services for victims of sexual abuse and their families for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $307,288, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 387 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH ST. ANNE _ INSTITUTE REGARDING THE PROVISION OF SPECIALTY PREVENTION SERVICES FOR JUVENILE SEX OFFENDERS Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 361 for 2015, this Honorable Body authorized to enter into an agreement with St. Anne Institute regarding the provision of specialty prevention services for juvenile sex offenders for a term commencing January 1, 2016 and ending December 31, 2016 in the amount of $158,618, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department for Children, Youth and Families requested authorization to renew the agreement, the second of two one- year renewal options, with St. Anne Institute regarding the provision of Specialty Prevention Services for juvenile sex offenders for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $153,618, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with St. Anne Institute regarding the provision of Specialty Prevention Services for juvenile sex offenders for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $153,618, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 388 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH LASALLE SCHOOL REGARDING THE PROVISION OF JUVENILE JUSTICE PREVENTION SERVICES Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 357 for 2015, this Honorable Body authorized an agreement with LaSalle School in a collaborative effort between the LaSalle School, Saint Anne Institute, and St. Catherine's Center for Children regarding LaSalle’s Juvenile Reporting and Family Center for PINS/JD at-risk youth to provide a cost effective alternative to detention and foster care for youths aged 9 — 17 within Albany County, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department has requested authorization to renew the agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with LaSalle School in a collaborative effort with Saint Anne Institute and St. Catherine's Center for Children regarding the provision of Juvenile Justice Prevention Services in an amount not to exceed $689,564 for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with LaSalle School in a collaborative effort with Saint Anne Institute and St. Catherine’s Center for Children regarding Juvenile Justice Prevention Services in an amount not to exceed $689,564 for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Logislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 389 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH BERKSHIRE FARM CENTER & SERVICES FOR YOUTH REGARDING THE PROVISION OF SPECIALTY PREVENTION SERVICES Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 364 for 2015, this Honorable Body authorized an agreement with Berkshire Farm Center & Services for Youth regarding the provision of Clinical Prevention Services for youth 14 and older at risk of dropping out of school and their families for a term commencing January 1, 2016 and ending December 31, 2016 in an amount not to exceed $192,476, and WHEREAS, The Focus on the Future Program provides educational and workforce readiness training for youth who are at risk of dropping out of school or in need of services as they prepare to transition to adulthood, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department has requested authorization to renew an agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with Berkshire Farm Center & Services for Youth regarding the Focus on the Future Program and Specialty Prevention Services in the amount of $192,476 for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with Berkshire Farm Center & Services for Youth regarding the Focus on the Future Program and Specialty Prevention Services in the amount of $192,476 for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 390 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH BERKSHIRE FARM CENTER & SERVICES FOR YOUTH REGARDING THE PROVISION OF JUVENILE JUSTICE PREVENTION SERVICES Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 358 for 2015, this Honorable Body authorized an agreement with Berkshire Farm Center & Services for Youth regarding Truancy Prevention Services in the City of Cohoes, City of Watervliet, Green Island, South Colonie and Guilderland communities in the amount of $289,562 for a term commencing January 1, 2016 and ending December 31, 2016, and WHEREAS, The Berkshire Farm Center & Services for Youth Home Run Program is an intensive client centered, family focused school, community, and home-based truancy prevention program for at-risk youth which provides an array of services, including assessments, crisis intervention, individual and family counseling, and linkages to recreational activities and community supports, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department has requested authorization to renew the agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with Berkshire Farm Center & Services for Youth regarding the Home Run Program in an amount not to exceed $289,562 for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with Berkshire Farm Center & Services for Youth regarding the Home Run Program in an amount not to exceed $289,562 for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 391 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH COMMUNITY MATERNITY SERVICES REGARDING FOSTER CARE SPECIALTY PREVENTION SERVICES Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department for Childven, Youth and Families has requested authorization to renew an agreement, the second of two one- year renewal options, with Community Maternity Services regarding the provision of specialty prevention services in an amount not to exceed $225,000 for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, and WHEREAS, Community Maternity Services proposes to continue to serve parents who aro significantly affected by developmental disabilities and/or psychiatric disorders and their children to prevent foster care placement or to expedite permanency for children in foster care, and WHEREAS, Community Maternity Services will provide specialty prevention services which are clinically based such as assessments, diagnostic testing, clinical and specialized therapies provided by a qualified person or licensed psychologist to include family and individual intervenes, contract with collateral agencies, school, extended family and natural supports and diligent communication with Albany County staff, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with Community Maternity Services regarding the provision of specialty prevention services in an amount not to exceed $225,000 for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 392 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH ST. CATHERINE’S CENTER FOR CHILDREN REGARDING THE PROVISION OF SPECIALTY PREVENTION SERVICES FOR THE PARENT CARE PROGRAM Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department for Children, Youth and Families has requested authorization to renew an agreement, the second of two one- year renewal options, with St. Catherine's Center for Children regarding the provision of the Parent Care Program for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and onding Decomber 31, 2018 in the amount of $429,158, and WHEREAS, St. Catherine’s Center for Children’s Parent Care Program proposes to continue to serve parents and their children who are significantly affected by developmental disabilities and/or psychiatric disorders and to prevent foster care placement or to expedite permanency for children in foster care, and WHEREAS, St. Catherine's Center for Children’s Parent Care Program will provide specialty prevention services which are clinically based such as assessments, diagnostic testing, clinical and specialized therapies provided by a qualified person or licensed psychologist to include family and individual interviews, contact with collateral agencies, schools, extended family and natural supports and diligent communication with Albany County staff, now, therefore he it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement, the second of two one-year renewal options, with St. Catherine's Center for Children regarding the provision of the Parent Care Program for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $429,158, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it farther RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 393 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 373 FOR 2016 REGARDING ADDITONAL FOSTER CARE PROVIDERS FOR CHILDREN IN ALBANY COUNTY Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 373 for 2016, this Honorable Body authorized two-year agreements with fifty-eight foster care providers for children whose care has become the responsibility of Albany County, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department for Children, Youth and Families has requested authorization to amend Resolution No. 373 for 2016 to indicate the addition of those local DSS Offices listed below regarding foster care for a term commencing January 1, 2017 and ending December 31, 2018, and WHEREAS, Consideration for the services rendered by the agencies is in the form of a rate established by the New York State Department of Children and Family Services as a maximum per diem reimbursement per child, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that Resolution No. 373 for 2016 is amended to indicate the addition of the following agencies to the two-year agreements authorized by Resolution 378 for 2016 at rates determined by New York State with notice to the County for a term commencing January 1, 2017 and ending December 31, 2018: Cardinal McCloskey Leake and Watts Services 116 E. Sevens Ave., Suite LL 463 Hawthorne Ave. Valhalla, NY 10595 Yonkers, NY 10705 Children's Aid Society Little Flower Childven Services ‘771 Third Ave., Suite 700 186 Joralemon St. New York, NY 10017 Brooklyn, NY 11201-4826 Children's Home of Poughkeepsie Lutheran Social Services 10 Children’s Way Gustavus Adolphus Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 200 Gustavas Ave. Jamestown, NY 14701 Children's Village One Echo Hills Mercy First Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 525 Convent Road Syosset, NY 11791 Forestdale, Ine. 67-35 112! St, Forest Hills, N¥ 11875 Elmerest Children’s Center 960 Salt Springs Blvd, Syracuse, NY 19224 Gatoway-Longview, Ine 10 Symphony Circle Sto. 1 Buffalo, NY 14201 Glove House 220 Franklin St, Elmira, NY 14904 Graham Windham 1 Pierrepont Plaza, Suite 901 Brooklyn, NY 11201 Harmony Heights P.O, Box 569 Oyster Bay, NY 11771 Heartshare/Saint Vincent's 66 Boerum Place Brooklyn, NY 11201 Jewish Board of Family & Children's Services, Inc. 185 West 50" St. New York, N¥ 10020 SCO Family of Services 1 Alexander PI. Glen Cove, NY 11542 Snell Farm Children’s Center 7820 Snell Hill Road Bath, NY 14810 Summit Children’s Residence 389 N. Broadway Nyack, NY 10960, ‘Timothy Hill Children's Ranch 298 Middle Ra. Riverhead, NY 11901 ‘Toomey Residential 1654 W. Onondaga St. Syracuse, NY 13204 Jewish Child Care Association of New York 858 E. 29! Street Brooklyn, NY 11210 Hope for Youth 201 Dixon Ave. Amityville, NY 11701 RESOLVED, That the agreements authorized above shall provide that the Commissioner of the Department for Children, Youth and Families shall be authorized to pay at New York State established rates different from those currently established upon notice to the County by New York State that a different, rate has been established subsequent to the execution of the agreements authorized herein, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreements as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 394 AMENDING THE 2017 DEPARTMENT FOR CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES BUDGET: INCREASED COSTS OF TRANSPORTATION FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, The Department for Children, Youth and Families has indicated that a budget amendment is required to make adjustments due to the increased transportation costs for children receiving special education and therapy services, and WHEREAS, The Department has indicated that the transfer of funding is from its Repayment Handicapped Children and Phys Handicapped Children accounts that have sufficient funding available, now, therefore be it, RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the 2017 Department for Children, Youth and Families Budget is amended as follows: Increase Revenue Account A1860 Repayment of Handicapped Children by $243,181 Increase Revenue Account A327 Phys Handicapped Children by $367,266 Increase Appropriation Account A2960.4 by $600,447 by increasing Line Item 42960 4 4038 Travel, Mileage Freight by $600,447 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO, 395. AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE RESEARCH FOUNDATION FOR THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK REGARDING THE JUVENILE DETENTION ALTERNATIVES INITIATIVE Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department for Children, Youth and Families has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with the Research Foundation for the State University of New York regarding the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) in the amount of $51,038 for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner indicated that the continuation of the JDAL will provide for the placoment of a juvenile justice research assistant 37% of the timo, working with the Department to assess all juvenile justice programs and initiatives to ensure the best outcomes for youth and their families, and WHEREAS, The goal of the JDAI is to further reduce unnecessary and inappropriate placement in secure detention of youths by bringing together all the necessary stakeholders and cooperatively developing and implementing local strategies and alternatives to juvenile detention, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with the Research Foundation for the State University of New York regarding the continuation of the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative JDAI in the amount of $51,038 for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreements as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of the resolution to the Research Foundation for the State University of New York and the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 396 AMENDING THE 2017 DEPARTMENT FOR CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES BUDGET: INCREASED YOUTH PLACEMENT COSTS Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, The Department for Children, Youth and Families has indicated that a budget amendment is required to make adjustments due to the increased placement costs for children with special educational needs, and WHEREAS, The Department has indicated that the transfer of funding is from the Adoption Subsidies appropriation account to cover the local share for the County, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the 2017 Department for Children, Youth and Familics Budget is amended as follows: Decrease Appropriation Account A6119.4 by $163,557 by decreasing Line Item AG119 4 4404 Adoption Subsidies by $163,557 Increase Appropriation Account A6129.4 by $163,557 by increasing Line Item A6129 4 4046 Feos For Services by $163,557 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO, 397 AUTHORIZING AGREEMENTS REGARDING MOVING AND STORAGE SERVICES FOR ELIGIBLE TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE RECIPIENTS Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, Local Social Services districts are required to provide for payment of moving services on behalf of temporary assistance recipients, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department of Social Services has recommended that the County enter into agreements with NYS Department of Transportation approved carriers, Don's Moving & Storage and Liedkie Moving & Storage for moving and storage services for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 for total fees not to exceed $150,000, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into agreements with the following agencies regarding moving and storage services for eligible public assistance recipients for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 for total fees not to exceed $150,000: Don's Moving and Storage Liedkie Moving & Storage 981 Broadway 2696 Curry Rd Albany, NY 12207 Schenectady, NY 12303 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreements as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward. certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 398 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH EQUINOX, INC. REGARDING NON-RESIDENTIAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SERVICES Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department of Social Services has recommended entering into a service agreement with Equinox, Inc. to provide a range of non-residential services to victims of domestic violence for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 in the amount of $156,129, and WHEREAS, The agreement requires the continuation of the provision of a 24- hour domestic violence hotline and walk-in assistance, domestic violence residential placements, information and referral, advocacy, counseling and outreach/education services to victims residing in the community and in non-domestic violence shelter facilities, and WHEREAS, As part of the agreement, Equinox, Inc. will provide post-shelter discharge case management to help TANF eligible individuals make a successful transition from domestic violence shelters to permanent housing and economic self- sufficiency, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with Equinox, Inc. regarding the provision of hotline and other services to non-residential domestic violence victims for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $156,129, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 399 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH EQUINOX, INC. REGARDING RESIDENTIAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SERVICES Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, The County Department of Social Services (DSS) is required by State law to provide for per diem reimbursements to State-approved providers of emergency shelter to victims of domestic violence, and WHEREAS, Equinox, Inc. is a State-approved provider of the aforementioned services and the Department has recommended entering into a service agreement with Equinox, Inc. to provide victims with domestic violence shelters, safe homes, and safe dwellings based upon case specific eligibility, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with Equinox, Inc. for domestic violence shelter residential services at the State-established per diem rate of $91.01 or at a rate to be established by New York State for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 400 AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT FUNDING AND AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE OFFICE FOR THE AGING REGARDING THE HEALTH INSURANCE INFORMATION, COUNSELING AND ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, The Department for Aging has been notified by the NYS Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) that grant funds are available for the Health Insurance Information, Counseling and Assistance Program (HIICAP), and WHEREAS, HIICAP provides free, accurate and objective information, counseling, assistance and advocacy on Medicare options, private health insurance, and related health coverage plans to Medicare recipients, their representatives, or persons soon to be eligible for Medicare, and WHEREAS, The Albany County Commissioner for Aging has requested authorization for the County Executive to enter into an agroomont for grant funding with NYSOFA regarding HIICAP in an amount not to exceed $21,501 for a term commencing April 1, 2017 and ending March 31, 2018, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with NYSOFA to accept grant funding in the amount of $21,501 regarding HIICAP for a term commencing April 1, 2017 and ending March 31, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 401 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH ZIMMET HEALTHCARE SERVICES GROUP REGARDING CASE MANAGEMENT REVIEW SERVICES AT THE NURSING HOME Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHERMAS, The Director of Residential Health Care Facilities has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with Zimmet Healthcare Services Group, the second of two one-year renewal options, regarding case management review services at the Nursing Home in an amount not to exceed $192,000 for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, and WHEREAS, Zimmet Healthcare Services Group will provide training, tools, rosources and general support regarding MDS process management, reference date planning, coding, capture, Medicare and Medicaid management, clinical reimbursement program development, activity of daily living scoring and to assure clinical documentation is consistent with the delivery of care so propor reimbursement is received through proper case mix, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with Zimmet Healthcare Services Group, the second of two one-year renewal options, regarding case management review services at the Nursing Home in an amount not to exceed $192,000 for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 402 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE INDUSTRIES FOR THE DISABLED, INC. FOR LINEN RENTAL AND RESIDENT CLOTHING LAUNDERING Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, The Director of the Department of Residential Health Care Facilities has proposed to enter into a three-year agreement with the New York State ‘Industries for the Disabled, Inc. regarding laundry services at the Nursing Home in an amount not to exceed $1,314,000 for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2020, and WHEREAS, Albany County Nursing Home is required to provide bed linens to residents on a 24/7 basis, as such New York State Industries for the Disabled, Inc. provides rental linens and launders residents’ clothing as both services are mandated by New York State Department of Health, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into a three-year agreement with the New York State Industries for the Disabled, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $1,314,000 for a term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2020 regarding laundry services at the Nursing Home, and, be it farther RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 403 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH POINT CLICK CARE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. REGARDING ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORDS AND FINANCIAL SOFTWARE Introduced: 10/10/17 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, The Department of Residential Health Care Facilities through the Purchasing Agent issued a Request for Proposals regarding the purchase of an Electronic Medical Records and Financial Software System including the necessary taining for Nursing Home staff and onsite supervision, three proposals were received and a committee of Nursing Home staff, Management and Budget, and the Information Services departments reviewed said proposals and recommended awarding the contract to Point Click Care Technologies, Inc. as the preferred vendor, and, WHEREAS, The Director of the Department of Residential Health Care Facilities has proposed to enter into a five-year agreement with Point Click Care ‘Technologies, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $425,000 regarding the purchase of an electronic medical records and financial software system for the Nursing Home, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into a five-year agreement with the Point Click Care Technologies, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $425,000 for a term commencing Decomber 1, 2017 and ending November 30, 2022 regarding the purchase of an Electronic Medical Records and Financial Software System and necessary training and onsite supervision for Nursing Home staff, and, be it further RESOLVED, That tho County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 404 AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF AMENITIES FROM BOY SCOUTS FOR THE ANN LEE POND AND THE ALBANY COUNTY HELDERBERG- HUDSON RAIL TRAIL Introduced: 10/10/17 By Conservation and Improvement Committee and Ms. McKnight: WHEREAS, Andrew Nelson, a local Boy Scout with Troop 3010 at Colonie Central High School, has proposed constructing three wooden benches and two Adirondack chairs with fellow scouts and donating them for placement at the Ann Lee Pond, and WHEREAS, Aidan Savage, a local Boy Scout with Troop 75 in Delmar, has proposed, together with fellow scouts, renovating an existing pocket park by constructing pieces of equipment for the park including an ADA compliant picnic table, bike rack, and raised flower bed and relocating the existing bench, and WHEREAS, Both projects exemplify the commitment to community of these young men and will greatly enhance both the Ann Lee Pond and the Rail Trail for ‘those utilizing those County recreational areas, now, therefore be it, RESOLVED, That the Albany County Legislature commends both Andrew Nelson and Aidan Savage for their generous contributions, and be it further RESOLVED, That the County Executive is authorized to execute any necessary documents to permit these projects to move forward, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said documents as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 405 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE HOMELESS AND TRAVELERS AID SOCIETY REGARDING CASE MANAGEMENT SERVICES. FOR THE COUNTY RE-ENTRY PROGRAM Introduced: 10/10/17 By Health Committee: WHEREAS, The Director of the Albany County Department of Mental Health has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with The Homeless and ‘Travelers Aid Society (HATAS), regarding a County Re-Entry Task Force to provide case management services for individuals being released from prison and participating in the County Re-Entry Program, and WHEREAS, The Department of Mental Health through the County Purchasing Agent issued an REP for these services and HATAS was the successful proposer, and WHEREAS, The term of the agreement shall commence on October 1, 2017 and end on September 30, 2018, in an amount not to exceed $130,000 and is fully funded by a grant received from the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with HATAS for case management services for individuals being released from prison and participating in the County Re-Entry Program for the term commencing October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $130,000, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 406 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE CANAL CORPORATION REGARDING REIMBURSEMENT FOR MARINE PATROL SERVICES Introduced: 10/10/17 By Public Safety Committee: WHEREAS, The NYS Canal Corporation has informed the Albany County Sheriff that funding is available for Marine Patrol Services in the amount of $15,000, which requires a County match of $5,000, for a term commencing April 1, 2017 and ending March 31, 2018, and WHEREAS, The Sheriff indicated that this funding will be used to enhance efforts in the waterways leading into the canal system at the Hudson River entry point, providing a unique opportunity to enforce maritime regulations prior to entry into the canal thus making the canal system safer for its users, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with the NYS Canal Corporation regarding the reimbursement for Marine Patrol Services along the canals and canal-way trail in the amount of $15,000, which requires a County match of $5,000, for a term commencing April 1, 2017 and ending March 31, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 407 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE GOVERNOR'S TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REGARDING THE POLICE TRAFFIC SERVICES GRANT Introduced: 10/10/17 By Public Safety Committee: WHEREAS, The NYS Governor's Traffic Safety Committee has informed the Albany County Sheriff that funding is available for the Police Traffic Safety Program in the amount of $18,150 for the period October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018, and WHEREAS, The Sheriff has indicated that $4,400 of the funding would be used to establish an education effort to increase seat belt usage and $13,750 of the funding will be used to reduce dangerous driving in an effort to lessen serious injury and death from traffic crashes, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with the NYS Governor's Traffic Safety Committee for the Police Traffic Safety Program in the amount of $18,150 for the period October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 408 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE GOVERNOR'S TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REGARDING A CHILD PASSENGER SAFETY PROGRAM GRANT Introduced: 10/10/17 By Public Safety Committee: WHEREAS, The NYS Governor's Traffic Safety Committee has informed the Albany County Sheriff that funds are available for a Child Passenger Safety Program Grant in the amount of $35,000 for the period October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018, and WHEREAS, The Sheriff indicated that the funding from said grant would be utilized to increase the proper use and installation of child safety seats, now, therefore be it, RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with the NYS Governor's Traffic Safety Committee regarding a Child Passenger Safety Program Grant for the period October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $35,000, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 409 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A WAIVER REGARDING BYRNE JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT FUNDING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF ALBANY TO ACCEPT GRANT FUNDS DIRECTLY Introduced: 10/10/17 By Public Safety Committee: WHEREAS, Tho County of Albany has been awarded Federal funding through the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program in the amount of $63,919, and WHEREAS, The NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) has indicated that Federal grants such as the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant offer local governments an option to pass through funding, thereby allowing the State to contract directly with the grantee, and WHEREAS, The Sheriff has recommended executing a waiver so that the County may avoid the burden of grant administration responsibilities such as accounting for the use of federal grant funding, processing of vouchers and fiscal cost reports, and WHEREAS, By executing a pass-through waiver the County will still be able to collaborate with the City of Albany in utilizing the grant funds to enhance various law enforcement programs, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to execute a pass-through waiver with the NYS DJS pertaining to the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant regarding a relinquishment of $63,919 of the funding to the City of Albany for various law enforcement purposes and to execute any necessary agreements to permit the Albany County Sheriff to collaborate with the City of Albany regarding utilization of said grant, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said pass- through waiver and documents as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate City and County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 410 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE DIVISION OF HOMELAND SECURITY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES REGARDING THE 2017 STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAM STATE LAW ENFORCEMENT TERRORISM PREVENTION PROGRAM AND AMENDING THE 2017 SHERIFF'S BUDGET Introduced: 10/10/17 By Public Safety Committee: WHEREAS, The NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services has informed the Albany County Sheriff that funding is available for the 2017 State Homeland Security Program State Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program in the amount of $280,680 for the period September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2020, and WHEREAS, The Sheriff indiested that no County share or in-kind match is, required and tho Law Enforcoment Terrorism Prevention Program grant funds will be used to fund the purchase of radio equipment for the 800mhz Interoperable Communications Project, and WHEREAS, The Sheriff has requested a budget amendment to incorporate this, additional funding in the 2017 budget year, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with the NYS Division of Homeland Security for the 2017 State Homeland Security Program State Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program in the amount of $280,680 for the period September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2020, and, be it further RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the 2017 Albany County Sheriff's Department Budget is amended as follows: Increase Revenue Account A3306 Homeland Security by $280,680 Increase Appropriation Account A3110.2 by $280,680 by increasing Line Item 3110 2 2100 Communication Equipment by $280,680 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said grant application as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 411 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SCHENECTADY COUNTY SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS FOR THE DONATION OF BODY ARMOR FROM THE ALBANY COUNTY PROBATION DEPARTMENT Introduced: 10/10/17 By Public Safety Committee: WHEREAS, The Albany County Probation Department has body armor that was purchased for probation officers and worn while conducting community visits, and WHEREAS, The body armor is no longer in service, has fallen out of warranty and would be returned to the vendor as unusable for Probation Department purposes, and WHEREAS, The Director of the Probation Department has requested authorization to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Schenectady County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for the donation of the body armor for use when handling animals and for the memorandum to include protection against liability for misuse or defect, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Schenectady County SPCA for the donation of the body armor for use when handling animals and for the memorandum to include protection against liability for misuse or defect, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreements as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 412 AUTHORIZING AGREEMENTS WITH VARIOUS VENDORS TO BEGIN ELECTRONIC RECORDING AT THE ALBANY COUNTY CLERK’S OFFICE Introduced: 10/10/17 By Audit and Finance Committee: WHEREAS, The County Clerk has requested authorization for agreements with multiple providers regarding electronic recording services of land records, and WHEREAS, The Clerk has indicated that electronic recording of land records will allow banks, title companies, attorneys and individuals to prepare and sign documents for submission in electronic format to serve as original records of such transactions at no cost to the County, and WHEREAS, Such agreements will commence September 1, 2017 and end August 30, 2018, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with the various providers regarding the provision of electronic recording services for land records, at no cost to the County, for a term commencing September 1, 2017 and ending August 30, 2018, and be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 413 AMENDING THE 2017 ALBANY COUNTY CLERK’S BUDGET: ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENTS Introduced: 10/10/17 By Audit and Finance Committee: WHEREAS, The Albany County Clerk has requested administrative adjustments to the 2017 County Clerk’s budget in order to update software that converts deed and mortgage indexes into electronic format, and WHEREAS, To accomplish this, the Clerk has requested a budget amendment to appropriate funds for the aforementioned software, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the 2017 County Clerk's Budget is amended as follows: Decrease Appropriation Account A1410.4 by $36,000 by decreasing line item A1410 4 4508 County Code Program by $36,000 Increase Appropriation Account A1410.4 by $36,000 by increasing line item A1410 4 4046 Fees for Services by $36,000 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 414 AMENDING THE 2017 ALBANY COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S BUDGET: ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENTS Introduced: 10/10/17 By Audit and Finance Committee: WHEREAS, The District Attorney has requested administrative adjustments to the 2017 budget in order to further the mission of the Governor's Highway Safety Program, and WHEREAS, To accomplish this, an amendment to the 2017 District Attorney's Budget is necessary to enact these budget neutral changes, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By tho Albany County Legislature that the 2017 District Attorney's Budget is amended as follows: Increase Revenue Account A 4389 Other Public Safety Revenues by $30,081 Increase Appropriations Account A1165.1 by $24,631 by increasing the following line items: Create and increase Line Item A1165 1 6025 003 Legal Secretary by $8,000 with an annual salary of $48,000 Increase Line Item A1165 1 9954 Enhanced Pay by $16,631 Increase Appropriations Account A1165.4 by $5,750 by increasing the following line items: Increase line item A1165 4 4039 Conference Training Tuition by $4,500 Increase line item A1165 4 4020 Office Supplies by $1,250 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 415 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE DIVISION OF HOMELAND SECURITY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES FOR THE 2017 STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAM AND AMENDING THE 2017 DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION SERVICES BUDGET Introduced: 10/10/17 By Audit and Finance Committee: WHEREAS, The County Executive has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHES) to accept grant funding regarding Emergency Preparedness Initiatives in an amount not to exceed $406,320, and WHEREAS, The County Executive has indicated that $308,130 will be allocated to the Albany County Department of Health for the continued coordination of emergency preparedness programs, public health planning, preparedness training and exercises, and WHEREAS, The County Executive also indicated that funding in the amount of $98,190 be allocated to the Albany County Department of Information Services for the replacement and enhancement of security features at county-owned, critical infrastructure facilities, including video surveillance and detection equipment upgrades and data security, and WHEREAS, The County Executive has requested a budget amendment to the 2017 Department of Information Services Budget to incorporate this additional funding, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with the NYS DHES regarding coordination of emergency services in the Albany County Departments of Health and Information Services in an amount not to exceed $406,320 for a term commencing October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2020, and, be it further RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the 2017 Albany County Department of Information Services Budget is hereby amended as follows: Increase Revenue Account A3306 Homeland Security by $98,190 Increase Appropriation Account A1680.2 by $98,190 by increasing line item A1680 2 2050 Computer Equipment and Licensing by $98,190 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 416 AMENDING THE 2017 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BUDGET: ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENTS Introduced: 10/10/17 By Audit and Finance Committee: WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Albany County Health Department has requested administrative adjustments to the 2017 Health Department budget in order to address the increased need for staff and vaccines this season, and WHEREAS, To accomplish this, the Commissioner has requested a budget amendment to appropriate funds for the increased staffing and vaccines, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the 2017 Health Department Budget is hereby amended as follows: Decrease Appropriation Account A4010.4 by $32,000 by decreasing line item A4010 4 4046 Fees for Services by $32,000 Increase Appropriation Account A4010.1 by $7,000 by increasing line item A 4010 1 8590 Rn And Phn Nurse PT by $7,000 Increase Appropriations Account A4010.4 by $25,000 by increasing line item A4010 4 4023 Medical Supplies by $25,000 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 417 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH BETTER HEALTH OF NORTHEAST NEW YORK, INC. REGARDING THE BEHAVIORAL HEALTH STABILIZATION PROJECT AND AMENDING THE 2017 MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUDGET Introduced: 10/10/17 By Audit and Finance Committee: WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with Better Health of Northeast New York, Inc. (BHNNY) regarding the Behavioral Health Stabilization Project, and WHEREAS, This project is to provide needed, readily available behavioral health services during a crisis and prevent unnecessary hospitalization by hiring three additional social workers to provide increased stabilization services, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner has also indicated that a budget amendment is necessary in order to accept and appropriate such funding, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with BHNNY Inc., Albany, NY 12204 regarding the Behavioral Health Stabilization Project for a term commencing November 1, 2017 and ending October 31, 2018, in an amount not to exceed $243,657, and, be it further RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the 2017 Mental Health Department Budget is hereby amended as follows: Increase Revenue Account A3490 Mental Health by $40,609 Increase Appropriations Account A4310.1 by $26, following line items: 20 by increasing the Create and increase line item A4310 1 2205 046 Staff Social Worker by $8,840 with an annual salary of $51,073 Create and increase line item A4310 1 2205 047 Staff Social Worker by $8,840 with an annual salary of $51,073 Create and increase line item A4310 1 2205 048 Staff Social Worker by $8,840 with an annual salary of $51,073 Increase Appropriation Account A4310.8 by $14,089 by increasing the following line items: Increase line item A4310 8 9010 State Retirement by $4,986 Increase line item A4310 8 9030 Social Security by $2,029 Increase line item A4310 8 9060 Hospital and Medical Insurance by $7,074 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 418 AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 293 ORANGE STREET (TAX MAP 65.73-2-25) AND 295 ORANGE STREET (TAX MAP 65.73-2-26) IN THE CITY OF ALBANY Introduced: 10/10/17 By Audit and Finance Committee and Mr. Simpson: WHEREAS, The County of Albany has filed an in rem foreclosure proceeding against properties located in the City of Albany, 293 Orange Street (Tax Mapi# 65.73-2-25) and 295 Orange Street (Tax Map# 65.73-2-26), and WHEREAS, Mr. Subhash D. Sukhram has offered to purchase these properties for the total amount of $1,500, and WHEREAS, Mr. Sukhram, plans to rehabilitate these properties into storage space for maintenance equipment which is in accordance with the type of economic development as indicated in the County Disposition Plan adopted per Resolution No. 453 of 2015, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to execute on behalf of the County any documents necessary to convey 293 Orange Street (Tax Mapi# 65.73-2-25) and 295 Orange Street (Tax Mapi# 65.73- 2-26) to Mr. Subhash D, Sukhram, Schenectady NY, 12309 for the amount of $1,500 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the properties be transferred by quitclaim deed containing a releasable right of reverter to the County requiring the properties be rehabilitated into storage space for maintenance equipment, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said conveyances as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 419 AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 518 BOZENKILL ROAD (TAX MAP 36.00-2-5) IN THE TOWN OF KNOX Introduced 10/10/17 By Audit and Finance Committee: WHEREAS, The County of Albany has filed an in rem foreclosure proceeding against a property located in the Town of Knox, 518 Bozenkill Road (Tax Map# 36.00-2-5), and WHEREAS, Judgment is pending against said property and Dominic and Amber Filippone, the abutting property owners have expressed an interest in acquiring this parcel for $200, and WHEREAS, Revisions to the County's Real Property Disposition Plan approved by Resolution No. 453 for 2015 implemented procedures for properties to be sold to abutting property owners, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to execute on behalf of the County any documents necessary to convey a parcel located at 518 Bozenkill Road (Tax Map# 36.00-2-5) in the Town of Knox to Dominic and Amber Filippone, Altamont N.Y. 12009 for $200 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said conveyance as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 420 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM FOR THE ALBANY COUNTY RAIL TRAIL Introduced: 10/10/17 By Audit and Finance Committee: WHEREAS, This Honorable Body pursuant to Resolution No 330 of 2008 approved the development of a rail trail bikeway along the D&H rail corridor from the City of Albany at the intersection with Route 32 to the intersection with CR 201 in the Village of Voorheesville, and WHEREAS, In the furtherance of improving accessibility and amenities to the rail trail bikeway, the Albany County Attorney has requested authorization for the County to purchase two properties in the Town of Bethlehem at 1538 New Scotland Road (Tax Map # 85.05-2-35) and 839 Kenwood Avenue (Tax Mapi 85.05- 1-30) for the total amount of $200,000, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to execute on behalf of the County any documents necessary to purchase 1538 New Scotland Road (Tax Map # 85.05-2-35) and 839 Kenwood Avenue (Tax Map# 85.05-1-30) for the total amount of $200,000 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said documents as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 421 AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF GUILDERLAND 130 MAIN STREET (TAX MAP 37.19-1-11) Introduced: 10/10/17 By Audit and Finance Committee: © WHEREAS, The County of Albany has acquired, through in rem foreclosure, title to a parcel of real property in the Town of Guilderland, 130 Main Street (Tax ‘Map No. 37.19-1-11), and WHEREAS, Joseph and Michelle Muia, the owners of record at the time the County foreclosed on the property have expressed an interest in reacquiring the aforementioned property, and WHEREAS, Joseph and Michelle Muia has indicated that they are committed to paying the full amount of taxes, interest, penalties and closing costs necessary to reacquire the property, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to execute on behalf of the County any documents necessary to convey 130 Main Street (Tax Map No. 37.19-1-11) in the Town of Guilderland for the amount of $78,242.92 to Joseph and Michelle Muia, Altamont, NY 12209 plus any additional interest, penalties and closing costs which will be adjusted at the time of closing, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said conveyance as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 422 AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 8 PIERSON AVENUE (TAX MAP 31.08-5-12) IN THE TOWN OF COLONIE Introduced: 10/10/17 By Audit and Finance Committee: WHEREAS, The County of Albany has filed an in rem foreclosure proceeding against a property located in the Town of Colonic, 8 Pierson Avenue (Tax Map# 31.08-5-12), and WHEREAS, Judgment is pending against said property and Daniel Rockwell, the abutting property owner has expressed an interest in acquiring this parcel for $150, and WHEREAS, Revisions to the County's Real Property Disposition Plan approved by Resolution No. 458 for 2015 implemented procedures for properties to be sold to abutting property owners, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to execute on behalf of the County any documents necessary to convey a parcel located at 8 Pierson Avenue (Tax Map# 31.08-5-12) in the Town of Colonie to Daniel Rockwell, Latham N.Y. 12110 for $150, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said conveyance as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 423 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS TO CERTIFY ITS EXPENSES REGARDING THE 2016 ELECTION CYCLE Introduced: 10/10/17 By Audit and Finance Committee: WHEREAS, Section 4-188 of New York State Election Law provides for County Legislatures to direct County Boards of Blections to certify total expenses of said boards, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 4-138 the County Legislature may direct the Board of Elections to certify the portion of expenses to be borne by the municipalities within the County, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Albany County Legislature authorizes and directs the Albany County Board of Elections to certify the expenses to be borne by any municipalities in Albany County as outlined by Section 4-138 of New York State Election Law, and, be it further RESOLVED, The Albany County Legislature authorizes and directs the Albany County Board of Elections to certify to the Clerk of the Legislature such expenses for the year 2016 pursuant to the annexed spreadsheet, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County shall be paid for such expenses no later than January 31, 2018 or those expenses will be charged against other monies due any municipality which has not made payment by that date, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Legislature is hereby directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate City, Town, Village, and County Officials. 2016 CHARGEBACKS ALBANY COUNTY CITIES AND TOWNS Election Day Staff City/Town, Inspectors and Chair_| Fees for Serv Trav. Mi Total Cust & Party Reps Don's Moving (custodians) Fees [ALBANY $186,905.56 $10,982.65, $12,825.00 $210,714.61, iCOHOES $31,973.30 $2,458.80 | § = $4,120.00 $35,552.10 IWATERVLIET, $18,706.25 $1,229.40 S188 $800.00 $20,887.53 BERNE $7,159.37 $737.64 $100.00 $7,997.01 BETHLEHERM 355,603.03 35,655.25 $5.40 $300.00 361,563.68 ICOEYMANS $10,156.23 $983.52 $8.64 $300.00 ‘$11,448.39 [COLONIE $83,492.90 $10,081.10 $8.64 $2,700.00 $96,282.64 [GREEN ISLAND 265.63 $491.77 $7,757.40 [GUILDERLAND $44,168.69) 33,402.32 [5 $4,800.00 $46,411.01, KNOX $7,346.87 $491.76 $7,838.63 NEW SCOTLAND: 313,365.61 $4721.47 $3540 $420.00 $15,541.88 RENSSELAERVILLE $6,521.86 $737.64 $600.00 $7,859.50 |WESTERLO $6,724.99 $491.76 $7,216.75 [TOTAL $476,391.65, $35,504.78 $69.66 $21,065.00, $537,081.13 RESOLUTION NO. 424 PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. “H” FOR 2017 Introduced: 9/11/17 By Law and Audit and Finance Committees: RESOLVED, By the County Legislature of the County of Albany that a public hearing on proposed Local Law No. “H” For 2017, “A Local Law of the County of Albany Authorizing a Lease Agreement With Soldier On, Inc, Not to Exceed Sixty- Five Years”, be held by the County Legislature in the William J. Conboy, II Legislative Chambers, Albany County Courthouse, Albany, New York at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, October 24, 2017, and the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to cause notice of such hearing to be published containing the necessary information in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. RESOLUTION NO. 425 PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. “I” FOR 2017 Introduced: 10/10/17 By Law and Audit and Finance Committees: RESOLVED, By the County Legislature of the County of Albany that a public hearing on proposed Local Law No. “I’ For 2017, “A Local Law of the County of Albany, New York Eliminating the Ten Year Limitation on Tax Exemptions for Cold War Era Veterans”, be held by the County Legislature in the William J. Conboy, II Legislative Chambers, Albany County Courthouse, Albany, New York at 7:15 pan. on Tuesday, October 24, 2017, and the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to cause notice of such hearing to be published containing the necessary information in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. RESOLUTION NO. 426 DESIGNATING THE AUDIT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE TO REVIEW THE TENTATIVE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR 2018 Introduced: 10/10/17 By Mr. Ward: RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the Audit and Finance Committee of this Honorable Body is hereby designated as the committee to review the tentative annual budget for 2018 pursuant to Section 604(b) of the Albany County Charter, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is dixected to forward cortified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 427 PUBLIC HEARING ON THE 2018 TENTATIVE ANNUAL BUDGET Introduced: 10/10/17 By Mr. Ward: WHEREAS, Section 603(d) of the Albany County Charter (Charter) directs that the Tentative Annual Budget as prepared by the County Executive shall be filed with the Clerk of the Legislature on or before October 10th, and WHEREAS, Section 604(a) of the Charter provides that the first of two public hearings on the tentative annual budget shall be held not later than October 30th, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Albany County Legislature will hold a public hearing on the 2018 Tentative Annual Budget in the William J. Conboy, II Legislative Chambers at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, October 24, 2017, and the Clerk of the Legislature is directed to cause notice of such hearing to be published containing the necessary information in accordance with applicable provisions of the Charter. RESOLUTION NO, 428 PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED LEGISLATIVE ADDITIONS AND/OR DELETIONS TO THE 2018 TENTATIVE ANNUAL BUDGET Introduced: 10/10/17 By Mr. Ward WHEREAS, Section 604(c) of the Albany County Charter (Charter) provides that a public hearing on the proposed legislative additions and/or deletions to the Tentative Annual Budget shall be held not later than December Ist, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Albany County Legislature will hold a public hearing on the proposed legislative additions and/or deletions to the 2018 Tentative Annual Budgct in the William J. Conboy, II Legislative Chambers at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, November 21, 2017, and the Clerk of the Legislature is directed to cause notice of such hearing to be published containing the necessary information in accordance with applicable provisions of the Charter. RESOLUTION NO. 429 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 326 FOR 2017 AUTHORIZING A LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH STEWART’S SHOPS CORP. TO CONTINUE THE USE OF PROPERTY AT 309 DELAWARE AVE, DELMAR, NEW YORK Introduced: 10/10/17 By Mr. Signoracci: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 326 for 2017 this Honorable Body authorized the County Executive to enter into a license agreement with Stewart's Shops Corp for use of land owned by the County at the rear portion of the parking lot in an annual amount of $6,000 for a 3 year term commencing September 1, 2017 and ending August 31, 2020, and WHEREAS, In order to clarify the agreement, an amendment to Resolution No. 326 for 2017 is necessary to reflect the terms as intended as a 3 year agreement, commencing September 1, 2017 and ending August 31, 2020, with 3 three-year options to renew, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that Resolution 326 for 2017 is hereby amended as follows: In the first “RESOLVED” clause, after “August 31, 2020”, ADD: “with 3 three- year options to renew,” and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said license agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. LOCAL LAW NO. P FOR 2016 A LOCAL LAW TO HELP ADDRESS THE WAGE GAP BETWEEN WOMEN AND MEN BY PROHIBITING EMPLOYERS FROM REQUIRING JOB APPLICANTS TO PROVIDE PRIOR OR CURRENT SALARY INFORMATION BEFORE OFFERING THEM EMPLOYMENT. Introduced: 9/12/16 By Mss. Lekakis, Cunningham, Messrs. Clenahan, and Reinhardt: BE IT ENACTED by the Albany County Legislature as follows: Section 1. Legislative Intent. This Legislature hereby finds that according to a United States Census Bureau 2016 report on the full-time and year-round labor market, women are paid 79.6 cents for every dollar a man makes. Women of color are paid even less - African American women are paid only 70.6 cents to the dollar paid to men, Hispanic women are paid only 60.7 cents to the dollar paid to men, and Asian women are paid only 94.6 cents to the dollar paid to men. ‘This Legislature further finds that the wage gap ratio of 79.6 percent is actually a moderate estimate of gender pay inequality - if part-time workers are included, the wage ratio is 72.7 percent, a gap of 27.3 percent. ‘This Legislature further finds that in August 2016, Massachusetts became the first state to enact a law prohibiting employers from seeking or requiring a prospective employee's wage history. This Legislature further finds that since women are paid on average lower wages than men, basing wages upon a worker's wage at a previous job only serves to perpetuate gender wage inequalities. This Legislature further finds that salary offers should be based upon the job responsibilities of the position sought and not based upon the prior wages earned by the applicant. Therefore, the purpose of this Local Law is to help address the wage gap between women and men by prohibiting employers from requiring job applicants to provide prior or current salary information before offering them employment Section 2. Prohibitions. Section 7, subsection 1. of Local Law No. 1 for 2000, “An Omnibus Human Rights Law for Albany County,” as amended by Local Law No. D for 2013, is amended by the addition of a new subdivision (i) as follows: G) It shall unlawful practice for an employer or an ent agence’ (1) screen job applicants based on their wage, including benefits or other compensation or salary histories, including by requiring that an applicant's prior wages, including benefits or other compensation or salary history, satisfy minimum or maximum criteria; or 2) request or require as a condition of being intervi or as a condition continuing to be considered for an offer of employment. that a job applicant disclose prior wages or salary history; or (8) seek the salary history of any job applicant from any current or former employer; provided, however, that a job applicant may provide written authorization to a prospective employer or employment agency to confirm rior wi including ben: other compensation or s y histor only after any offer of employment with compensation has been made to the jol jicant. Section 3. Applicability. ‘This Local Law shall apply to all actions occurring on or after the effective date as set out in Section 5. Section 4. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or part of this Local Law or the application thereof to any person, individual, corporation, firm, partnership, entity or circumstance shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unconstitutional, such order ox judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or part of this Local Law, or in its application to the person, individual, corporation, firm, partnership, entity or circumstance directly involved in the controversy in which such order or judgment shall be rendered. Section 5. Effective Date. This law shall take effect thirty (30) days following its filing in the Office of the New York State Secretary of State. Referred to Law Committee. 9/12/16 Favorable Recommendation- Law Committee 7/26/17 Referred to Law and Personnel Committees. 8/14/17 Favorable Recommendation- Law Committee 9/25/17 Favorable Recommendation- Personnel Committee 9/27/17

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