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10 The equton ofa curveis =a #21 a-xe 3 @ Shovihar = 50 bi ey s " _Fingan expression for 2 The curve has stationary polnt tM. (i) Find the coordinate of Mt a 2 (00) Deterine the nate ofthe tatonary pot at Mt {Cambridge GCSE Addons Mathematics 0606, Nov 2006, 2, Qu 11] 11) Diferette nx with spect 10 (a) Uieyour rent show tat fastnds =e +1 {cambridge IGCSE Additions Mathematic 0606 Jon 2007, P26) and thatthe curve pases 8Y gee 4 12. Acurveis such that £2 = 4. Given that 2 =3 when A that $2 Sh hough the point (26. ind the equation ofthe ave a {ambeldge1GCSE Addins Mathematics 06 Nov 2008 P1, Qu] labus stateme 18-6) Diente xn wh spect 10 al _ . (W) Hencefind finxas o {cambridge 1GCSE Ado Mathematics 066 Nov 2008, 2 ae) aq Fra fee" a @ ea d{xe-$} a (i) Fence find fixed 8) a {Cambridge IGCSE Additional Mathematics 696, Jn 2008, PI, 87] Whatisavector? 15 A function fis defined by fxr €", where > 0 ss quay wih wo properties: magnitude (ead direction a polgamcure: tee aes er (sae the onge off acter (A) 2th has maid nly alee sc ty eae {Ip Frsorveiene we ofen havea sclr associated with cambridge GCSE Adonal Malema 06 Nov 200, 72.0811 [Vicor Associated Sea 7 velcy | ped Potion cance [Scion | steacdea eight rie ‘Some quantities have no sssocation wit the oer varie 21.2.2 The magnitude of a translation (vector) a ote that we sometimes corse if we use grid notation, we can calculate this using Pythagoras’ theorem, =m ie ae : | andaton | |__eige 1") ‘when we develop the algebra ectors any resus apply ta typesof vectors order to simplfyour work tis convenient to eveop resus sng tranasons eve" 21.23 Combining translations We combine transformations (vectors by fit doing one and then doing second: a "allowed by". ‘Transformations ae functions so a "fllowed by" b would be idea ba 21.2 Describing translations (vectors) “A angation sa transfocmatin in which every point ofan object aera excl the sme distncein the same direction. The object |_| tnd its image ate directly congruent ia : “Te ransation fom A to cin be writen in sverl ways We can an © fly AB. dentingits end pons rE yo a ghingitaname : Ere, sen dmensiona rid we can lo use gd memurements a saen : : Problem 21.1 + bls commutative en | Bydcawing show thar + asa. Rao nee Db Bydrawing show that e+ (b+ 2)= ©* (be 0 ssodatve aw ; () a characters ‘ie wse one of several alternatives to denote a vector when handwriting Hh AB ap Aba at sed inthe slabs. You could use ny notations lon your intention you eannot esi or practically wrt them in bold cause the combination of lations i both commutative and associative (ant ike when suo lying numbers), we can change the oder in wehich we do hig, Retening othe combination problem, f we wrt the problem Ingrid notation we gt AB ithe notation eater 24.2.1 Equality of translations “Two trations are equal ifthe have he sme magnitude and the same direction “Two vectoes ar equa ithe have the same magni and the same direction. “ So, Mi-CB=a Nees) Because we are ding the co Adin ga (4 instead of + ponding elements we wsethe 2 theYoowed by” combinton taper 21 “This the vector that presents no movement. If you ae not moving it doesnot materi which tection you go. Thc the nro vector tala avery direction. Sova flowed by bis weinen br Wit dowe pif wea Logie sthat ne og to ge Ager abo tel uthats-a =a a : Soitscemssenslet dene the vector was vector which asthe same mages but he ‘oppose diecion- This a pes with ous abot alr mip Thar we cn ges mening ose’ What do we getifwe havea +42 As youcan sec the est isa ecto fasbutin the sme diction. Ingrid notation we (°).(2)-(2) abel In ondinary algebra, we would want to wet this 8528 ‘Asthls oes not cause any problems that what we do Hence he vector ais avctor hatin the same detion fend has its mage mip by hat double the magnitude Saar Tencoecetberiad a oe!) ea Beets b Find |3a— 5b}. | [Example 21.1 | the vectors and bare defined os a Find 38 +26. Find (a) b | Gh) ee | [oo poe | Veooes are define follows | = oo wea " 2) tay in the allowing vector combinations. Dae bab ee 4 < fap Bg cta h bea Lae jee kata 1 ene 3) 21.2.5 The zero vector magelel Jastasin oe ares of mathematics, we need r-thiswe wrteas0, (9) crater Find the magnitude ofeach vector «Ie 1 ad el a ee eee ie ie ese [secdal mo [abezal m [aa-2e] oe 24.3 Unit vectors ivecton ito divide a vector y its own magpited witha magnitude of 1 _A uit vectors a vector witha mag : ‘Amey way teresa nit veto ina partic ‘his wil ot change the direction ofthe ecto. [Beane Necer and vedo | rind wnt erin se ecton | au by 6 mtr a ( 08) ‘Ant vector the direction ofuis[ 93) | jan You coudraral te us lesen (e ver vecorinth drecion 28 +53) %e | : (a) a 21.4 Base vectors osevecorva at vectr ne don ofthe sandal (0) {7} ‘In some sitsations, ts e950 1 ae (elms? ie ‘They create yet solve problems by wrting vacts nyo cane writen nsf EO sian (Ge oan ses tater ayo wsing eo So for expe 7 Jeane writen as t+ ah cater 2 Beample 2.4 | | thevecs wand vate dined as a= andy =st+135 | aise taj Nia oe les) | fa ae | |b ies | | fe wsva(arae(stena)=(eteay let vie a 24.5 Position vectors I Eventhough vectors donot have poston, there ace ies when we wanto wae vectors to talk about ‘he position of point. We an do this only if we have an origi, The vector fromthe origin ta point A wil beclled a mn Such vector ical positon vector. Poulin vctorsare very wef when doing geometry 24,6 Vector geometry 216.4 The vector AB 4 ‘Te poston vector ofa pin. A. etine toan og, Os Sima. vector of point Blather, sb Ino find he wear AB (Goo Ato, we nda aera owe, Thus Ab= 40408 2 ab o [Richa in ‘ink see tat 21.6.2. The mid-point of AB ee , ‘Quodeileral O9CA Wa parallelogram, WA the mid-oin oF AB, then OMT = mand M slo the i point of OC O=a+b as awa anon ce anc mispan tO ite sl. to CDand that CD|= 2148} rove that ABis parallel ery tr eaaton teu tos Example 21.6 Vecorsa andbaredefned as 2221+) The poston vectors of points P Qand Rare piven by pe-6at9b and b=) Show tha the pins P, Qa Solution: PR=3P ‘We tave not used he Teng tis ro That ‘otitona rato. se Hence [i] PRIPO {2} PointPiesonbotines snd points POR ae collinear Example 21.7 In the diagram, OP = p, 0 PQand oR=40Q 12 Express PRand OSin terms of psd Given that OT = 205, expres OT in terms of pang PR, express OT in terms of pang Hence find the vale of and of Le) =}a-) 0s =p+iia-p) i forte ep+a) # ere Mige Sta—20) andor=p+ Migs) =0-wp+ ea 4 The two expressions for OT must be identical The vectors pandq ar not parallels we can compare coefcients 2 Solving these equations give X= agi Exercise 21.2 co : | Penman erates : | iste mit poearac 5 z io a recon verona he pain 21 . eee — | apres the flowing nea of nd | ntl t meets the line BC (extended) ta ce DA cm Thepeinf tron OM ontat o & De a tA Kor ne 4 1 t 1c ia / ee etre acsanen a cbineparalldogram in vich OR =aand OB =» V | xp cch ect lntermofa and She pn intempo of AC andthe pat ste : 1 ow ae ‘matt t 8 oP = » ‘he values of and can va ere ofan cava an dingo pos and Y ve alg ines. By equating he vectorsOX and OF, ‘and p.and nd the vector OF. ‘Thelines OM and AN meet 7 “The pint X lies on OM suck tht OR = 20. AN seh that AF ove the equation to fnd the values of similaythe pias Yes on a xpress these victor interms of and. 1 On 6 OF wa a wiv 4 Whaticth rationsipSatwoun the points B, Cand 7 OABisatcianglein which OA=aandOB=b. “The pint Pies on AB sch that AP PB Expres each vectrin terms ofa and b vo 1 sof hand pcan ayn in dings, pons XandY move along tht . tie lines By ening the vectors OX and OF save the suation to find the vaso 2B 7 ae ey eutng te veo OF mF ce eon ‘ Yo | ‘edad nd theese 7 : o aye Nelocities eat Caras 3 Themediansof triangle ‘OAB isa triangle in whichOA =aand OB =b. ‘he mid point of OA is Mand the mit-poit of OB The medians, AN and BMmeet a7 The poiotX is on AN sud that AX = 48, Similarly the pint Yes on such cha BF ce avec an ay eth ‘In particular, they can be added and subtracted. teenth ere ae ein pene combine component fd ect CGivena velocity and the direction ofthe base ector, the wo components ofthe veloc af found sing trigonometry ecm pate base veces may cnet a paps cach vector inter of and im amt wor They are veosO inthe i dieton and vind aw i hey and van Bin the jection Saal al iH ere vite magnitude of Sec gt co nts Xand ¥ move along thet ate the equation ond the values of 1b Thevales of hand can vary an, doing 5 the ae a respective ines, By ecuatng the vectors OX and) ‘Land and ind the vector OF. <¢_ifthe mid-point of ABs P. how tha the median OP also passes through ratios OT: BT: TM and AT: TN areal equal =n ‘and that the rae 21 ¢ Ss ee <= "Solution: [ Baampie 213 a |e talwhuvthaveociyatémeinediecontt — g/ | ed rt gi a aac a Ad tee | | tine atv tence} eae ee me eayteamaomapests it, icpctte nerve ar — Peer sence] | [Fst tae Sig |i % | ee Pa Means al === “The cormpoents willbe eos and 6 in ‘b The time taken to cross the river can be found in several way [fie wwatesa) OBjemoeens) Socata eerste an : Time = 200 «1005 21.8 Currents and winds ims 2 ae Ie oh sar vati earns ttt a ceaeonnnngie sn a cw : . dowrstrea and you willand ieia,/ THe she will travel 150 m down stream before she lands cE the water wl cary you downstream andy TO Mets © Inower total dety across the river dhe must heed | aybeat point — so thatthe carremt pushes Sr ceauaemay ty ry the same thing withappentoan irra ecethat t 4 ssh hentai ar eh is Srchaiyaeton senna * eee | ona86" 1 | ook ee sta ma a == SD s coe A \% | 21.9 Relative vetoci sitions ik these canbe modelled ing eons Bug Reletivevelocty Allveloclies re measured eltiv to some reference point caren mi) aie “Wile you are Samed a Be rater < eacaasee “heir velo ofthe swimmer wae the vlc reative tothe bank 170k rand eee “In adaon, we can solve problems such asthe relative motion and ‘2 What isthe true sped ofthe swimmer? te em aa be ear | How a downriner from pin Bist nd? speeds of two ship sang at en. Their pees oe i oe heir speedsare relative tothe water, | Helga 108700 [2 a ese ara whichis also moving, bt we can find out how oe is treveling See ave tothe other, aoe | ‘Asef ouson i, which ens the wey of deo a etl atton is, fa a - | In the previous example. a Peston dagen ‘stor aition COME wat eK == sw Ye | | ect dg ingenenls ae a¥o = ANE ° va yam : | wy/ ate Mt ee ac oye velo ofthe swimmer ele tothe wat Be ament at 5 ern othe tuk ga ie est fhe ery cme eg 4 Therelatve veloc eguton is “hme reaiveto the bank, “This lationship wil always be siti objets are A, Band ave velocities re vectors which donot em, we will need tw diagrams tices, orn ok es We choose A uM; C= N leaving B=; e Ve Veen “his isshown in the veloc agra, eve Allwe ned todo isto enti Aswe: have posion tf we want to completly save a pr aie forthe coc and one fo the postion sre nn forge postion vector smeared eve 10 an opin are elate to something tat isis "The postion ofQ relative to Ps scot) “his means that hat to an observer on boat N, ait moves a %, Jong boat Mappers to beheading 1b Thepostion vector Reza eet nena atin 2468) vector ofboatN elativetoportPater¢howre =H) +5 However, we ean alo me moving Tye rerun elon track wih yor rend you oe ‘Ronse fo you wi be conan Al shes ens can Be Fried in questions ‘isa soon a equaton snirote voy tor 4. ante dng ho th po a by lowever in order to intercept, they must bein the sme pice tthe ante ne, Tochecethls we: can equate the two equations from aes -quatons from parsb and c which both show postion ‘Example 21.10 Fae cwesa pr insllwaerandtnde ith avday V4 68" iar ne, another oa Nes port, whose poston Son to Pisr=50i20) Ah sam tin, and inane meen thc am noel Seen respectively 16 9) =1€-Ae 4) +501+20 Separating the equations: ‘The vec ofboat Nis 4-4} a Whats the velocity of boat M restive to boat? ee + What be the potn vector fost Meine 0 por afr NOUS? i Soins pe Solving the equations: a whom ale yt be corset. » ate the pon vector oboxt Neve tpt Pfau ‘Sho at boat M wilinterept boat Nand find the ie en 58 Thus the two boat intercept each oher fer hours of tae ate ats moran 7 ora et hess we ating cost lon. ey Wert ns Mo mewn at of tare bere oe Exercise 71.3 1 Olvera ad Ras are oviming agp Sear othe pos and Ras basa welt} $eSatee Secalng hw fat dvs Rais peat tbetelig? J, Otees hase vlocty of 7:5 lative to teatie to the same comme. 2 Aship, A, asa speed of 25 km hon a bearing of 80" estan Sas aT a eerhoat Bs heeaspeed of Dk hon abearing of 310° | ae ot Ton observer onship A ow fas does the speedboat appear'o | age hae dg ‘be moving and in wich direction? aera 45 Analcrafsetsa course on a bearing of 330° and es ata speed ae can The wind slowing at 100km hone bearing of 60" Find the speed ee tection of ave ofthe ica ase from an observer onthe ground. 5 ms (assumed constant cross the whole with). 4. canoe istauncted into a ive flowing st ed of 12 (reas to the water) The canoe istered stright acros the iver ta 5 The river is 0 m wide a ow far doe steam wl he canoe land and how long wil take 108 ta which drection mus it be stered in ode to land diet opposes starting point? che faba «_tftland dey opposite is starting pln, hoe ong wi take to ros ‘5 tnorder to taeldae north. aship wit speed of 15 km bh hastoset cous ona beasng of 02 “The speed ofthe ship is measured at 2 kam h by an observer on land Find the dieten and peed of the curren. hing ata speedo 8 km hr notices thatthe rai, whieh filling tan angle of 75" rom the vertical in at which itis fang elatveto (6A pssenger in aaivaycarcage travel {afling with a peed of 24m h appeers ob his dieton. Find the apparent speed ofthe rain and the angle the ground, swimmer answimeata speed of 17 ms intl ater Sbe wisesto wm acosariver hats fling at ma herve is 24 m wide arabe swims staight aro the river, how far down steam wi take to peach the ar bank 1b tfahe wishes to land irc opposite her stating oin (ln which ection mus she swim Gi) how long wilt take to cross the iver? il she land sn how long wilt {8 Twoships P ard Q stout from port O atthe same tine The velit oP is 4 +2) mand the velocity of @isi+ 5) kmb ‘stor cd eas and due north spectively. Find the wéocty of Preative to 1b Findthewlocity of @ relative to Find the dtance between the wo ships afer I, 2and 5 hous, where and jae unit nagar 24 9 Aenycantadata ped fms inate The iter on wht ny bead cts 300m ie doing ‘& [itheads straight across the river, ae (nde rate bak (8) owl neo ech he fark chk bk nd ow down remind? ‘b [fit must arrive directly across the river, aoe (® tnd dcton wc mn er (8) nd oot ako eck he ran (i) find the direction in which it must steer = {Sadho nwt we each he i a 18 Anse yh ana se petite 50k ves yen Aan The poston of eve to 2015 whe ad) Qn) een ‘ectorsmeasure inthe ene ad north iy and notiy ection spec ‘There is a wind blowing due east with a speed of 50 km tr " : Forthe journey fom A to 4 find the course that should be set find the time taken forthe journey. For the return journey fom Bto A, find he couse that shouldbe set A find he uime taken fo he journey. Summary Themagitde ofa vector gual of vectors (e (ni () = »-() snda=b, then p=mand “The vector ka has the sae direction aa and times the magni ofa Scalar matipiction There vector 7 as magnitude O and can take any direction. fences as theme magaitde ae a bt the opposite direction. Have magnitude 1 To crest erin the dcton die bys own magnitude. e ete vena vector the dzetions ofthe stardard axes Awccanspecy the poston ofthe point by defining the vector oA FM the mid-point of AB hen m= Load) Le (ordjsnotesn or * et Veet are vectors nd can ded inthe sameway 1 Find the folowing: a 30-26] 8 fe lmsea 4 |9rs2e] ae eae 84 Le (st+29") Leese] [6a+4vl b essing your results inthe format a+b ofthe following 2 Find ait vector inthe detion ofthe following, =P tebe the vectors and jae base vectors: i er ae ae wave magnitudes 5, 4, 4 Inte dag bee tnd whe mepier : ee icdeeimectborresmnee | Sows eS sae ecrincompenmttemsisthhecisad) YN Wethebas ser torn 7 4 Te pons and hue oto eco panda oe nd acts in the direction ~Si-+ 12} “The vector phas magnitude 26 wits an The vector qhas magne 2 nls 2 Wate dove the vectors and G2 and find the magnitnde of PS corset 03 86 “acts inthe ection 3-4. 10 Inthe iagam,thepostonvectosofthe points Aand Brive tothe orn Ova and beet The point Cash at AC = | wand the poi Dis such ht B = Temi pone of Cis u 4 Find the poxon vector Write interns ofan Wie Bins of ana / Find the value of such that AMD ea srg ine ‘The point Phas poston vector 5+ 4. The point Qh postion vector +2 ‘The vector is unit vector. Find the posible values af; A cyclists traveling ona road that heads ditely northward. He is taveling ata sped of 2okm hr He notices tha he wind appear tobe heading fom the diecton 070" with a speed of| ok hr Find the true spced and direction ofthe wind relative tothe ground A planes traveling at speed of 320km he from airport Ato airport B. Airport Bis "MO kn det east of rport A. The wind is blowing rom the ection O60 witha speed of 20km he 4 Find the course set by the plot an the time ten to rave from At 1b Find the couse set by the plot onthe earn journey from Bt A and the ime taken for this legaf the journey. A swimmer can swim aa peed of 0.6 mei ill ater, Helens point on ne bank ofa ter to swim to point Bonthe t= ‘opposite bank. shown nthe diagram. = ‘Te iver is 0 m wide ad ie fowing st speed of | ms ; oo he swimmer seta couse making an angle @with the riverbank a and takes 500 cross the rer from 1 Find the sizeof the angle @and the distancs, xm A ship, A, travelling ona couse of 045° a sped of20 km hr notices second hip B,2km fest of that appeared tobe traveling due north ata speed of 3k he Find the true veloc and direction of sipB 1b Find als, the dstance between the two ship 30 minutes ate, A ship As tuaveling at 16k hr ona course of UP, A second ship, Bs 30km due west of ‘and is trvellng at 20 kan ar Given that ship Binterceps ship A ind the direction that ie teaveling andthe time taken to intercept 2 14 Bae eevcng town sch oar on pale wala ‘AL 1400, patel boat eaves a por, Q, which is 6 km de east of ® as B00. a 69k duc est of intercepts the ship racks. oom 150m vpn spend of 30 mand is 100 neh a 44 Find the postin vector ofthe pont of iterception, ii ‘Toi has aspeed of IS ene! andis 1502 enh a Find the velacty ofthe patrol boat inthe format a+ ia Find th ey oft ete ten Bade ice : Ne position vectors of the points 2 ( 1 isa unt vector, id the possible also 1) (7) ( 7 Thepostion vectos af two pont, A and relative fo an origin, Gare a=1+ 9p and | (3 (b= 101+ 6}. The paint Clies on AB and he sie 4 shepeinsPantQaresinnbyp=(3) ed a| ee ee ae 4th poston ct eof pin ands unter paiao% — 1 Finda unt vee parle o GE Lev srs in our enw . Pmt potion er ofthe poe Rauch i FR = 276 a npg nace" nl sat spec 00 -when As Nonnltove sone jah niveau oh egies Ue ncrsaveotecoeltowe nero eimel® eas fous sce peng : 2 nh ln st sport ha poston VSL + hae A ‘ Pr ev marae 30 runes ve he lane s 150m ay fom B b 1 2 nde egh of meth te lane tha 150m om (ee ecg area and bsepectes ‘epson ef he points and Ban tant > Repeater Disc ht = th Thies AB and CD met Mhepank oe We CR= AGB and Aandi : | i 2 faye OR ia termsofa band 8 wren ORin ws, ia ae B) Hence find the values of and satan en ae Fe De P int with postion vector So km an shin Qi a the pot ‘with poston vector 801+ 20) km, a shown in hed > ‘ as shown inthe diagram. Ship is avelng wih veloc 2010) km and shipQistemeling wih eocy 1th 30) ins 4 Find an expreson forthe postion vector of Pand of Qat tine thors even he wer (27!) mage (res oy 4. Find he values ofp 2 intnguanesoiceciconndinetcr sm Toten : Ih 9 crated sk oa eon a ences athe ships the forest + 8h al (0) rene op) ode dence? icine 0 ; eee a i) Determine, with full working, whether or not Pand Q will meet. in} 2 Mica he etn ver ote tp ee oF oun 2 (CambedgeIGCSE Adon Mathai 65, Nor 2062 P, Qs 10 esa 4 tThe poston vectoesfthe points A and eave 0 an origin O. art 7hand a+ 8 of Allis 0.544 08}, eee where isa sala The unit vector in the deection a Find the value of {cambdge1GCSE Additonal Mathematics 606 Jun 2004 P2, Qu ‘on bearing of 00°, At 0600 hous the ines, which Tifton, sends mse for asisano® ine at constant speed itercepting he 15 An ocean ines is taveling 2t 36m h* Sole rom a hfhoat and ona bearing of 315" forthe The shod cs fined end travels in a stag Teal 0730 hours. Find the sped at which the ifeboat travel, isl {cambridge IGCSE Adaltional Mathematics 0606, Jun 2003, 1, Qu 4] 4 thepostlonvetoesf pints and Brain o a rg ©, te hand 109) respectively. 8 (0) Find the unit vector parallel to AB ‘he point Clies on AB such that AC i) Find the position vector of 8) [Cambridge IGCSE Additional '5- Toa cyclist travelling de south on astraight horton te tiowing fom the north-east. Given thatthe wind has (ection rom which he wind i bowing {cambridge IGCSE Additonal Mathematics 046, Jun 2004, {6 tnthisquenion ts uni vector due cast andj isa uit ecor due noth 1 pn tes fom Pt The veloc sila othe plane 2801-4) km han tee agent wind blowing with velocity (SOL~ 7) km Fa (0) thebearing of Qfrom P, (0) thet of igh tothe estes minut given ta the distance PQ 23 km e) [cambridge IGCSE Additional Mathematics 06%, Nov 2003, P1,Qu6] +7 Amotor boat travel a sright line seross aver which fows at 3m between sigh Trot ubich has atop speed of 6s in stil water, travels all banks 200m apart. The motor very ans pot & anon bank x pol B, 10m downstream 40 the oppo cae et oe motor boas traveingat top speeds find tothe neat second, the ime Pt Mathematics 0406, Nv 2004, P2, Qo) takes to teavel rom A 0B lative tan origin O are ~34~ jand 1+ 2} epectvey {cambridge GCSE Addons The point Cleson AB and issoch that AC 2A. Pind the postion wctor af Cand show th ‘a Mathematis 060, Jun 2003, 2,02) oad at 7m the wind appears 0 constant spedof 12 ms ind the 2007 {8 Theposton vectors of points A ad {cambridge GCSE Additional Mathematics 806, Jun 2005,P1, Qu4 9 Arla whos spe Asn ve pein il 00k es dc om 0 Gen at 20 3m X on bearing of 150" and that there isa constant win S wsae aoa i ‘west, find the time taken for the flight. eee see ores (Cambridge IGCSE Additional Ma 4 ona Maem se ks 06, Jan 2005, 2,0 patie: hich snot dav o sale hows hain retangua sufce. Or eae in takon sth ign Os and Js atte aoglic edger accor Aly st he pol wh wt potion etic nd cra srchey oO lm Aen Serene rerenr tion vector (85i + 5j) cn, sets off across thes eveoctyef(-Sts Mend! coterie with acevo -lom where isa constant Given tat Given thatthe spider eather the fy clclate the value of a (Cambridge IGCSE Addi ige IGOSE Additional Mathematics 0606, Nov 2005,Pt, Qu 5] Ak nO eos nem cfm pnd 0 Given that PX =nPN, express OX in terms of n, p and q. 7 (i) Hence evaluate m amd n. a tr [Cambridge IGCSE Additional Mathematics 0606, Nov 2005,P2,Qu7] 12 The postion vectors, relative to anovgin O, ofthre points, Qand Rarei +3} 51+ cative of thre points T i z W541) (0) Byindng the magatee ofthe vectors PR, RG and GP show that angle POR 0 i) Find the unit vector parallel to PR. i 1 Grn st 0G nF venenatis tented [Cambridge IGCSE Additional Mathematics 060, Jun 2007, P2, Qu9] etre ae 24+ 4) ane 6+ 10) tor of pats Aand B, lative ton origin 13 The position vet erty Te postion vector of Creativ to Os Ki 25) whee kia Po IO lod th value of for which the gt of BCs 25 ns t (4) Pind the value of for which ABC is straight ine onal Mathematics 0606 Now 2007,P2,Qu71 [Cambridge IGCSE AK 14 Given that a=51~12)and that b= p+ fnd (0) theanityetoe inte diestion of, a {U) thevalesof the constants p and y uch ha 0+ [Cambridge IGCSE Additional Mathemat = 181-25 1 ics 0606, Nov 2008, PI, Qu] Js. The iver 48 m wide ands Mowing witha speed roms paint Pon one bark oa point Q whi Te boat takes 10 secondo ros the ive, find ey (). the speed ofthe boat instil water, {i)_theangeto the banka which the bot shoul cambridge IGCSE Additional Matheratics 0646, Nov 2008, P2247] +) km lative to an orig th The hip sls north-east with Abe tered, 1 Awith potion vector (A 16-1000 hous a ship Paves poi ni js unit vector due Nort Otothere isa unt vector due East ‘speed of1042 ko nd (@ thevelocty vector of a (4) the poston vector of Pat 1200hour. fa ia 1200 hours a second ship Qlevesa point B with positon vector ‘with velocity vector (Bi 6) km. a (di) in the velocity of Preltive to nd the time st which Pand Qeet and the position vector ofthe (13k traveling (do Hence, raters, point where this hopens. [Cambridge IGCSE Additional & 1 Mathematics (606, Jun 209, PIs Qa 22 Kinematics Syllabus statements ydiclestation snd nega Cece Re ee meal eee eer 224 Whats kinematics? hese quantities are vectors, and many ofthe resus ei rsd lise obtain are vector equations which can be oyever; we wile interested in stright i Power nel ight line (one-dimensional) motion only and we usally donot ‘What we must have ia oi postive (and neg iin to measure the ‘ Nate mah quantes relative to, and a poitive (and negative) ction so that we can spe where ejecta and which way heya lag , 22.2_ Rates of change Youn now tat ec tert ofc of pice ily, acceleration isthe at of change of velo. ‘au also know how to ind ates of change by difereniaion, ton afveda) on ave 4 falas LES eae a sey, ee 2a aie 5a vesieny Daca b aws,20nin bare iver geass tah) 10/84 th evant 7 4 dads wines wo Denny (a pong 15) Sis! w m0 16 © ee (ay sae) a a4 9 am s+ aves J

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