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Father: True, Ive tried reading the instructions for the Mary: Of course ... you know, talking about this has ‘computer — they seem very confusing — you can given me an idea for a special report I've got to probably understand them but certainly can't do as part of my socal studies class. I could find Mary: | don't find them easy to follow either ~ what they Cut when they started teaching computer skis in say is really unclear. The best way isto just sit schools. | could stat with England, and then ‘down and use it compare what happened here wih what Father: That's my dificuty, | think ~ there just weren't any happened in other countries. What do you think? ‘computers when I was young, so | haven't learnt Father: Sounds interesting. to use one property. Is too late to learn now. New! liste again Mary: Dor't be sily, Dad. There are lots of people of ‘your age in computer classes. Theis the ee af Pa Fo, Father: Do you realy think so? You now have six minutes to check and copy your Mary: Yes, really answers onto the answer sheet. Father: Right, Il try and find a class i the evenings, or You have one more minute perhaps a weekend course. Could you help me finish this piece of work, though? Thas is the end of the text. Rea) Part 2 — Extra material (sample answer) He'll probably nced some sports equipment like his ‘Cameras and diary ae good because he can record tennis racket because he likes playing tennis jexpediences For me, the most important thing is the money ~ he Helll definitely need clothes ~ and different ones for ©4"* do anything withour that. different weather. Parts 3 and 4 — Extra material I dont think a car or bike is important because he ‘The toothpaste is good because he doesn’t want to pend money on that — it’s better to bring it with a ee . Part 4: Students? own answers. Pare 3: chey are; having / eating: There; ic pousings is putting / spreading; is having / has gor; is / looks; can see; behind ald ae customers 10 show a copy of the repair form at : the time they collect their computer. Part 1 - Extra material Question 1: 1B 2 tell Pant Raut rmatertal Question 2: 1B 1B 2A 3B 4C 5A Question 3: 1B 2is busy crowded 3 must Question 4: 1 Greg¥ 2DaveW 3 KimX 4 Ben X KEY TEST 2 + PAPER 1 + Reading and Writing Part 2- Extra materiat Henry: management studies; modern; city centre; — college for Ist year Anna: physies; sports facilities; Philip: education; modern sports facilities: ‘countryside; ~— Monica: Getman; sports facilities; Part 2— Exam material 6D 7C 8F 9H 10A Part 3 - Extra material Question 13: at sunset — cexe says in the early morning Question 14: when people speak too loudly + pare Question 15: there is always the possibility that you may be very unlucky and not see certain animals, Question 17: you have to pay a small booking fee Question 18: no, the text says that no special skills are needed Question 20: 12 Part 3 - Exam material MA 1A 13B 4B 15B 16A 178 18B 19A 20B Part 4 - Extra material 1 Ruth Black's 2. its no longer tradicional to sing together 3 we think we cantt; we've forgotten what we learned as children 4 a) It brings people together; b) encourages good breathing; people become more confident and learn to control stress 5. a friend cold her about it 6 because she enjoyed singing so much 7 no; all singers can go Question 21: the writer describes Question 22: Everyone is able to sing Question 23: Bur more than anything Question 24: ... an excellent singing class and became so keen that she started ... Question 25: A No B No C Yes Part 4 - Exam material 2B 2A 23C 24D 23C Part 5 - Exam material 26C 27B 28D 29D 30A 31B 32A 33B 34B 35 C D No Part 1 - Extra material its not necessary — you don't need to suggested — why not I was given — he gave me not far — quite near is very popular — everyone likes how much ~ the cost itd be good if —1 really oughe to since last year ~ a year ago ‘not many — a few Part 1 - Exam material few f couple of / small number of you show me dont you / we /! not to go price of f cost of If fee for Part 2 - Sample answers ‘Task-specific Mark Scheme ‘Question send your congratulations question(s) about the baby information about present candidate is sending mail to couple ‘Sample Answer A He Just mam and daditt CONGRATULATIONSIN Its fantastic... yow have asoni How & David? Ishe like his manor like his dad? OF course, he ix very nice! What do you think if I send hava photographic album! Ityan original presenti Loves Mathilde Examiner's comments Although this script is not perfect, all three content elements ate covered and the message is clearly communicated. Band: 5 Sample Answer B Sample Answer B Hello, I decide to write you this email, because I've known that your baby was born I anvvery happy for you: It muut be fantastick to-have a baby. How the Uke? Has he red hair lke you, Rob? Ly he irritable like Clara? Tay funny. However, Congratulations! From Gloria witivtove Examiner's comments ‘Two content elements are covered satisfactorily, but the third, the present for the baby, is omitted. Band: 3 Part 3 - Sample answers Question 7: letter to a friend Sample Answer A Dear Bob, My favorite sport has always been swimming. [love itt I started swimming wher was 10, and never stopped td last year when I started university. I believe it is the nvost complete, sport for training the body and that it iy one of the few sporty where you canit wiav if you don't pratice a lot. Unfortunatiy I had to stop swimming because didn't have time tor practice 2 houry every day. I alto love competitions: tt is great wherv yow have to-race with someone elie, andl it iv evervbettor when you fonialv your race and find out you have improved your best time: Youry Andrew Examiner's comments This is a very good attempr, showing confident and ambitious language, for example My favorite sport has always been swimming. Ic is very well organised, with a wide range of structures and vocabulary, For example it is one of the few sports where you cantt win if you dont pratice a lot. The few minor errors in spelling do not detract from the high degree of accuracy. Band: § 118 | KEY TEST 2 ¢ PAPER 1 ¢ Reading and Writing Hi my friend T want to anguer at youry asking; my favourite sportt is football, it'va great team, sports invthit sport there ave abilities; avrong; team play; and like all things ow fe there is a fortune iw certain case. Football iv much playing: iw my country: herein Italy football ts really a great part of allusi I love it really, but, my football team unluckly don't go well inv this seasons But I hope that it’y return a great team someday. Hello for now; we cam playing football together someday you know? | Examiner's comments ‘This is an inadequate attempt, with limited language and inadequate range. The erratic Punctuation adds to the incoherence, for example in this sport chere are abilities; strong; team plays .. ‘The numerous errors sometimes impede, For example T want to answer at yours asking and considerable effort is required from the reader. Band: 2 Question 8: The bus was late so | decided to walk ‘Sample Answer C The bus was late 10 I decided to walk: That day Thad alenon. During my walk met my friend Claudia. We dicinit meet each other for long tome to-I decided to-go with her ivavbav. She- was very down because her boyfriend way away for a work I wanted to help her and so I suggested to go-to disco that evening: So-we went to Jubilee and she enjoied herself too muich: So-T war very happy and. sho.tan hocausa.that evening she met alot of her ota friend and so for few hour didn't remind her boyfriends Examiner's comments ‘This adequate attempt shows some ambition but it is flawed, for example J suggested to goto disco. There Js an adequate range of structures and some simple linking, for example During my walk I met my fiend. A number of errors, for example so for few ‘hour didn’t remind her boyfriend require some effort from the reader. Band: 3 ‘Sample Answer D The bus was late so I decided to walk, there was noone inthe streetyand the wind was freezing my hands, wher the tower of ther church beganvto- bang I started renning. Althoughvthe fast movementy the cold sensation seemed to-be stronger, Little by little 1 began hearing noises from every corner of the road without seeing anything. Those well-known streety began to seer 40 tenknown and frightening After a few minaterT realized I got lost aT desidered T've never left the bus-stop but suddenly 1 saw iivthe darkness black shadow standing: infront of me at the end of the road. I inmediately stopped but the shadow started running towards me, I wou paraliged by the-coldv and the fear, E hit: something with my left leg amd fell off over avsack of rubbish I had never felt the: death so close Lad ae Part 1 - Extra material Question 1: tomorrow Question 2: first Question 3: with the bread in the bags with the fruit; in the pie Question 4: in B he's giving her the books and the bike is on the floor; in C he's holding the bike and she’ picking up the books Question 5: hair, clothes, glasses and age Question 6: twenty to eleven; ten to eleven; ten past eleven Question 7: old city / buildings; church in countryside with mountains: people on beach Part 1 - Exam material 1A 2C 3B 4B 5C 6B 7A =} Examiner's comments This is a good attempt with a wide range and ambitious use of language, for example Litle by litle, without seeing anything and the wind was {freecing my hands, There is evidence of organisation and quite good linking, However the accuracy is not sufficient for a Band 5, for example I desidered Ive never left the bus-stop, Band: 4 i Loss Part 2— Exam material 8A 9B 10B 11C 12€ 13B Part 3 - Extra material students’ own answers Part 3 - Exam material 14 95/9.5 1 9/nine and (a) half (hours) / juve Inout tinty mines 15 rain 16 Dideck 6 / six 17 Sisnack(s) 18 Mimagic 19. Blbookshop KEY TEST 2@ PAPER 2 © Listening | 119 Part 4 Extra material her father’s colleague She'd like to work in South America one day. St Petersburg, England He didn't have time. He sorry. It would be good for his business. Tes a long way from home. about 20 yes (Her Mum always wanted to sce the Great Wall of China.) 10 yes eeu aueene Part 4 - Exam material 20B 21A 22A 23B 24B 25A Transcript This is the Cambridge Preliminary English Test, Test 2. ‘There are four parts to the test. You will hear each part swice, For each part of the test there will be sime for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers Write your answers on the question paper. You will Anave ste minutes as the end of the tes 10 copy your answers onto the answer sheet. The recording will now be stopped. Please ask any questions now, because you must not speak dering the test PART 1 Now open your question paper and look at Part One. ‘There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are three picsures and a short recording. Choose the correct picture and put a tick in the box below it. Before we sare, here isan example. Where did the man leave his camera? Man: Oh no! | havent got my cameral ‘Woman: But you used ius now to take a photograph of the fountain ‘Oh | remember, | put down on the steps while | put my coat on, ‘Woman: Well lets drve back quickly ~it might stil be there Man: The first picture is correct so there is tick in box A. KEY TEST 2 © PAPER 2 « Listening Look at the dee pictures for question I now. ‘Now we are ready to tare Listen carefully. You will rear each recording twice. One. What will the weather be like tomorrow? Announcer: Here i the weather forecast. Today wll be very cloudy, although it won't rain unt the evening. The weather tomorow wil be the samo as yesterday ~ sunshine and showers But the weekend looks good ~ plenty ot sunshine and very ite rain, Now listen again Two. What will the man do first? Woman: Steve, what are you going to do today? Man: Mmm... wel, "ve got to have my hal cut, but before I do anything | need toring Peter and 00 i he wants to play got. Woman: That's a good idea, you haven’ played fora while, have you? Now listen again. Three. Wheres the knife ‘Woman: 'm glad we decided to stop here for our picnic. CCan you find the knife for me, and il cut up the eucumber? | packed it inthe bag with the bread ‘oh, but | used it to pee! some oranges when We stopped in the petrol station it! be with them. hope i's big enough to cut up this pie. Now listen again. Four. What happened to the girl this afternoon? Gir: You! never guess what happened to me this afternoon! | was cycling over the bridge in town, \when there was this realy trong wind, and Yell off ‘my bike, | didn't hurt myself, but my books were yumm only ite pavement and wernt everywiRe: ‘This really nice boy picked them up for me! I's lucky thore were no cars around to drive over my bike, ‘which was stil in the road. I thanked the boy, then 1 Picked up my bike and cycled away. | was Now listen again. Five. Which man is waiting at the bus stop? Boy: Oh look, that’s my new English teacher over there, ‘800 ~ he's wating atthe bus stop. Girl: The young one with sunglasses and blond hair? ‘You always told me your teacher was bald and really old and got angry because ho kept losing his glasses. Boy: That was the teacher had before. This one is really nice, Now listen again. Six, What time does the television programme end? Mum: Go to bed, Luke, It's already twenty to eleven and youiv got to be up early in the mong, Boy: Aw, mum, just another few minutes. tm watching this riant TV programme about American {ootbal. ti be over at 10 to and I can be in bed by 10 past. Nobody in my class has to go to bed belore 11 ollock. I's nat far Now listen again. Seven. Which postcard will they send to Mark? Man: I'm gotting this posteard ofthat bridge in the old city for my parents, And this church looks nice ~ shall we send it to Mark? He tikes old buildings. Woman: But we haven't actually been there ~ we should send him a card of something we've actualy seen. Here's the beach we went to yesterday. Man: But it ooks horrible and crowded in that picture. ‘Woman: Oh, just got him the same one as you're sending to your parents Now listen again, That is the end of Part One. Now turn to Part Two, questions 8 to 13. PART 2 You will hear a young man called Toby Wood talking con the radio about what its like to work in the kitchen of a famous chef For each question, pus a tick in the correct bax. You now have 45 seconds to look at the questions for Part Tivo, Int: The young chet Toby Wood recently worked for three days in the ktchon of the well-known chef, Oliver Rix. Toby, what was it ike? ‘Toby: It was a strange experience for me because when | finished college six years ago, | promised myselt that one day I'd work with Oliver because | think he's an excellent chef. | was quite nervous about ‘going to work in his restaurant kitchen, But | loved it when | got there, although his team of young ‘cooks are very busy and there isn't imo to sit around and chat At7 asm. when | started in the kitchen, | couldn't believe how quiet it was. The food preparation is very important, and on my first morning | cut ‘vegetables. | had two problems. Cooking in professional kitchens is lovely when you know where things are. But had to be told where ‘everything was. Also, I didn’t cut the vegetables as liver wanted. In Oliver's kitchen, you do things his way. Oliver has litle tests for new chefs. One is the way you prepare the biscuits. There are seven diferent kinds and two of each kind are served with coffee, Oliver believes that an inteligent chet will decorate them beautifully and then put them in pairs on the plate, m glad to say I passed that test! ‘Otis enya 1 Ue RIE, aR QUESH get angry very often. However, when it comes to ;pultng food on the customers’ plates, every ‘second counts, The only time Oliver shouts is when that goes wrong. Each table's plates have to {90 out together, and if everything isn't ready, he'll just throw the whole lot away! Oliver's family have put cash into the business, ‘0 it's important that i's suocesstul | spoke to the ketchen staff fo ting out what they think about Oliver. They all say he's an excellent boss. When he shouts at them, they say i's for a good reason, In return for their hard work, they are well paid ‘and they lean a lot from him, When Oliver's young cooks have been with him {or a few years, he likes to send them to the best Festauranis n rrance 10 get more expenence, Most realise i's @ good idea, and will do that for a few months. They also know that when they've finished training, he'l help them start their own restaurants. Even after they leave his restaurant, he continues to give advice. Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully You will Now listen again hear the recording twice. That is the end of Part Two. Now turn to Part Three, questions 14 t0 19. KEY TEST 2 © PAPER 20 PART 3 You will hear someone talking to passengers on a boat from England to France. For each question, ill in she missing information in the numbered space. You now have 20 seconds to look at Part Three. Now we are ready to start, Listen careful. You will hear the recording twice. Women: Good moming everyone and welcome on board cur fery, the Queen Isabel, whichis taking you from Portsmouth to St Malo in France. Today our trip will last rine and a hal hours ‘and we should arive in St Malo at 10 past 6 this evening, focal time. ‘Now, forthe weather forecast. Unfortunately the rain is unlikely to stop. So only the bravest of you wil foc ike going onto our outside decks. { must now ask you to listen carefully to these instructions, which you should follow in an emergency. If you hear the ship's alarm signal, which isa number of short whistles, go to the lounge on Deck 6. There, 2 member of staff wil tell you what to do. ‘We have several restaurants on board serving a variety of meals and snacks. Lunch and dinner with waiter service are served in the (Ocean Gri on Deck 3. This opens at 11.30. ‘You can get snacks and drinks inthe Captain's ale, also on Deck 3, from 10.30. For your entertainment on board today the ship’ cinoma is showing @ children's fim at 11 o'lock. And at 12.90 aduts can s00 the ‘advonture fim Dangerous Dream. At 3.30, also for hidren, we have a magic show in the Chilire's Play Genie During the voyage, don't forget to visit the shops on Deck 3. There isa duty-ree shop, a clothes boutique and a bookshop which sels postcards and stamps as well as books and newspapers. Our staff are ready to help you at ll ties. Please ask if you need anything. We hope you enjoy the voyage. Now listen again. That is the end of Part Three. Now turn to Pare Four, questions 20 10 25. 120 | KEY TEST 2 * PAPER 2 « Listening PART 4 Look atthe six sentences for this part. You will bear a conversation between a girl, Charlotte, and ber father aabous what she’ going to study next year Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If itis correct, put a tick'in the box under A for YES. If tis not correct, puta tick in the box under B for NO. You now have 20 second: to look at the questions for Part Four. Now we are ready to start. Listen careflly. You will hear the recording twice, Father: Have you decided which languages you're going to do at college next yaar Charlotte? Charlotte: Well, as you know, | really want to study ‘Spanish Mmm ... a colleague of mine is studying ‘Spanish. He speaks French and German too, ‘and he says he’s found Spanish grammar the ‘easiest to learn, Well... that's not the reason | want to study it ‘Spanish is an important world language you know, and I'd like to work in South America one day, | see. And what about the other language? You're going to do two, aren't you? Have you thought about Russ'an? Your grandmother would be delighted | know she would. Her parents were born in St Petersburg, weren't they? Yes, but they came to England just before your grandmother was bom Well, anyway, | don't think 'm going to do ‘Russian. | think 'd lke to do Chinese, Really? | wanted to learn Chinese when | was younger, but sadly I didn't have time. It would be really useful now for my business to bo able to speak it ‘Oh, its a fantastic language isnt it? And the ‘course sounds really good. I'll have the ‘chance to spend six months actually studying the language in China. It'seoms a very long way away .. il worry ‘about you being thousands of kilometres trom home Come on, Dad. | really ike the idea. There'll bbe so much to see and do, and I wouldnt be ‘on my own. There'd be a whole group of students going out together ~ about 20 each yoar. Father Charlotte: Father: Charlotte: Father: Chariote: Father Charlotte: Father: Charlotte: Father: Charlotte: (Oh, | see .. but ail the same ... it's a long way. ‘And perhaps you and Mum could come out for a holiday while | was there ... Mum's always wanted to see the ‘Great Wall of China’ Yes, she has ... we'll have to talk about it when she gets in, won't we? Great idea, Dad, Father: Chariotte: aaa Now listen again. That is the end of Part Four. You now have six minutes to check and copy your answers on ta the answer sheet. You have one more minute, That isthe end of the test Part 3 ~Exra mata Part 1 - Extra material B,C yes 3) Mum 6) in the fridge because staff are ill through the letterbox no getting your train ready queue passengers who have got tickets Part 1 - Exam material 1C 2A 3B 4C SC Part 2 - Extra material 2 isnot suitable because there's no information about public transport, 3. Disn‘ suitable because there’s no information about hotels. 4 B isn't suitable because Paolo doesn't have a cat and there's no information about accommodation. E isn’t suitable because there's not much practical information for the traveler. 5. B isnt suitable because we don't know if the places are tourist centres or less popular towns. Part 2 - Exam material 6F 7H 8A 9G 10C 9 flour Cer auaena Question 11: yes, fastest growing’ Question 12: no, it says ‘up to’ Question 13: ‘the top service provider in the country Question 14: yes, ‘please let us know which card you'll be using.” Question 15: no, receiving a text message is free. Question 16: 20p per minute; yes, ‘calls ... are charged by the second.” Question 17: yes, ‘to remind you of important dates Question 18: ‘change your message’ and ‘whenever you like’ Question 19: to record a message; you are given instructions to follow Question 20: more than one time period; you choose Part 3 - Exam material MA 12B 13A 144 18A 194 20B Part 4 - Extra material 1 He bought a house and made his own CD recording. He planned to save the money and retire. No, he didn‘. He fell in love with the beautiful sound it made. No, she says she's pleased for him, Because he wouldnt be happy retiring. He loves music too much, He's still playing. 15B 16B 17A KEY TEST 5 # PAPER 7 © Reading and Writing | 126 Question 21: A he tells us C he tells us D nowhere Question 22: no Question 23: No, she does talk about him and. money generally but not about what he did with this money. B yes Question 25: A no B no C no Part 4 - Exam material 21B 22C 23D 24A 25D Part 5 - Exam material 26B 27D 28D 29A 30B 31B 32D 33C 34A 35C Part 1 - Extra material younger Because “become past simple a singer more famous Part 1 - Exam material 1 younger 4 singer Part 2- Extra material Pierre didnt include why he chose the postcard for Chris and he didn’ ask about the weather in Australia, His answer is not very good. Part 2 — Exam material ‘Quostion 6: postcard to Chris See sample answer from Pierre on page 69. Nauaune 2 because /as/ since 3 became 5 (much) more famous / well-known Examiner's comments Only one content element (‘say something about the gallery’) is included; the candidate did not include the other two. Therefore the message is only pardly communicated. Band: 2 KEY TEST 9 * PAPER 1 + Reading and Writing Task-specific Mark Scheme ‘information about the gallery ‘© explanation about choice of postcard ‘© question about the weather in Australia Sample Answer A Hello Chris Today I visited art-gallery. I was fantastic, I Uke tt, The exhabition was about modern art, sol thought yow like it an choosen for you a post card This iv art of young: maun; he ix frowv Australia: So-Chriy how was the weather in Australia? Examiner's comments. In this script, all three content elements are adequately deale with and the message is communicated successfully, on the whole, although the language errors require some effort by the reader. Band: 4 Part 3 - Extra material Question 7: 1 Its OK. 2 Yes, it does. 3 Yes. There are quite a few mistakes which make ir difficult to underscand. Part 3 - Exam material Question 7: letter to a friend Sce sample answer from Albdul on page 70. Examiner's comments This is an adequate attempt, showing some ambitious language but with flaws, for example / dor't know if he like music or not, bus will be surprise ifyou buy any CD. There is adequate range and ofganisation but a number of mostly non-impeding errors, especially in the second paragraph, for example [f your brother like futbooll you can buy for him a boa so he can enjoy playen ... Some effort by the reader is required here Band: 3 Sample Answer A Hello Stefanie, I camvhelp you I think for your brother’y his like the playgames exempel because: my brother's like thix and the short car the: collection: Inmy country dent have the special things but I think for your choice depend the-him like. Your know his now your have my ideaand the other wbought ticket for see him the favorite stow, he like the singing or the star? but we've going to- the shopping toghether one day for exempel ontwenty-height march I think is better because we’ have the lot of time for cherche one present for your brother's. I'm happy your write my about thes, ‘AndLsee you soon: Love Anne. Examiner's comments This script displays a severely restricted command of language, in which any evidence of range of structure or vocabulary is obscured by very poor control, for example ... his like the playgames exempel because... and your choice depend the hima like, eis difficult co understand and requites excessive effort by the reader. Band: 1 Part 3 - Extra material Question 8: As, Suddenly, When, Then, and, By the time, and, and, At frst, but then Question 8: A very unusual evening See sample answer page 70. Examiner's comments This is a very good attempt, showing confident and ambitious use of language, for example As I had plenty of rime I was walking slowly. There is a wide range of structures and vocabulary, for example Without a second thoughe I sprung into the river Good use of linking devices makes it well organised and coherent. Although there are a few minor non- impeding errors, for example One of them pushed the other down the bridge, no effort is required by the reader. Band: 5 Sample Answer B Avery unusual evenong It was happened whew lived iv my country. One day told-me friend of mine that hehasa friend who isa -forester. Ke inwited histo your hunting evening and he-asked me if I want to jouwhim I decided sayy yeu becose I have never seervit before: Wer went to-forest by ca. Thervwe went by walk: some milery. Suddenly we stoped and Examiner's comments ‘This inadequate and limited attempt lacks cohesion, due co the numerous language errors which impede communication, for example One day told me friend of mine ... Considerable effort is required from the reader, not least to sort out the personal pronouns. This script appears unfinished and there are only 70 words here, which means ie is limited to a maximum Band 4. However, since the language does not achieve this anyway, there is no further penalty. Band: 2 KEY TEST 3 © PAPER 1 © Reading and Writing | 125 126 ainsi Part 1 - Extra material Question 1: scarf, perfume, chocolates Question 2: His sister probably and in picture C, his mother probably. Question 3: ‘next’ Question 4: ‘now’ Question 5: quarter past three (3.15); five o'clock (5.00); twenty past five (5.20); ‘ready’ Question 6: music, tennis, wildlife / animals Question 7:_plane, train, car Part 1 — Exam material 1A 2C 3C 4B 5C 6B 7A Part 2— Extra material Question 8: 1 secretary 2 bank clerk 3 wavel agent 4 sportswear designer Question 9: design & make clothes Year 2; history of fashion Year 1; work in a big store Year 3 Question 10: her Mum and Dad Question 11: No: because the clothes feel soft when you've got them on Question 12: a few; most of them Question 13: No Part 2 - Exam material 8C 9B 10A IC 12C 13A Part 3 - Extra material 14 aday 15. anumber 16 maps / information / brochures etc. 17. gate / entrance 18. walking / swimming etc. 19. snack / talk ete Part 3 - Exam material 14. (is open) T/Tuesday (to $/Sunday) 15 109/one hundred and nine 16 Mimap(s) 17. (park) E/entrance (to the park) 18 F/fishing (on the lake) 19 Talk : Part 4 - Exam material 20A 21B 22A 23B 24A 25A KEY TEST 9 # PAPER 2 « Listening Lister ‘Transcript This is the Cambridge Preliminary English Test, Test 3 There are four parts to the tet. You will hear each part twice. For each pare ofthe test chere will be time for ‘you 10 look through the questions and time for you to check your answers White your answers on the question paper. You will shave sx minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the answer sheet The recording will now be stopped. Please ask any questions now, because you raust not speak during the test. PART 1 Now open your question paper and look at Part One. There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are three pictures and a short recording. Choote the correct picture and put a rick in the box: below it Before we start, here is an example. Where did the man leave his camera? Man: Oh no! | haven't got my camera! Woman: But you used it just now to take a photograph ‘ofthe fountain. Man Oh | remember, | put it down on the stops while | put my coat on Well, let's drive back quickly —it might stil be there. The first picture is correct so there isa tick in box A. Look atthe three pictures for question 1 nou. Woman: Now we are ready to stare Listen careful, You will hear each recording twice. One. Which presene will the girl take? Girt: really dort know what to give Mrs Allemano when I go and stay with her in New York. Do you think she'd lke some perfume? Man: Wel, you dont know her very wel, do you, so choose something ikea scart, or just a box of chocolates Gir Umm .. ke your first idea best itl be much easier to cary. Now listen again.

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