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P BOX 618


SECTION 14, 40100



12 JUNE 2017

Dear Jane,

How are you? I hope that you are doing well nowadays and I hope
that your family is well and healthy.

It has been a week since I wrote you a letter and I hope that this
letter finds you in the best of health and spirit.

I am writing this letter to share with you the tips on how to save
money that I read recently on the newspaper.

It was a great read and one of the tips was never buy overpriced

This is because it can lead us to waste our money for items that we
do not need.

Other than that is always recycle items that we can use later.

So that we can save up on necessary items such as containers and

plastic bags.

Furthermore, is that we can take public transportation to save


This is because we can save on buying petrol and reduce the need
to spend more.

Last but not least is by cooking at home.

By doing so, we can avoid buying outside food that is too expensive
and save up on buying groceries.

I hope that those tips can help you later on in the future to save
money my friend. Till the next time, send my regards to your family.

Yours sincerely,

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