Midterm Paper 22008

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SMK Bukit Jambul

55/2 Jalan Bukit Gambier 11700 Pulau Pinang

SCIENCE Mid-Year Examination

PAPER 2 2008
1 Hour 30 minutes SCIENCE 2
Form 2

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Head of Panitia: …………………. Prepared by: Ms Norrini Bt. Ishak
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Paper 2 [60 marks]

Section A
[40 marks]
Answer all the question in this part.
1. Figure 1 shows parts of the human eye.

Figure 1
(a) Indicate in the figure above the locations of the following parts:

Cornea Retina Blind spot

[3 marks]
(b) The following sequence shows parts of the eye which light rays pass through.

Label part Z on Figure 1. [1 mark]

(c) A person is suffering from a defect of vision. Part P of his eye is too thin.
Label X along AB where the image of a near object is formed. [1 mark]

2. Figure 2 shows part of the digestive system.

Figure 2
(a) Name the organs P,Q and R.
P: ___________________________________________________
Q: ___________________________________________________
R: ___________________________________________________ [3 marks]

(b) What is the function of Q?

____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) Name two digestive enzymes secreted by R and state their functions
____________________________________________________________________ [4 marks]

3. Figure 3 show some plants.

Figure 3

(a) Complete the following chart and classify the plants in figure 1 under the chart.

[5 marks]
(b) State one different characteristic between paddy and rose plants.
__________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
(c) State one similar characteristic between seaweed and liverwort.
__________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]


Figure 4
(a) Which group of vertebrates does this animal belong to?
_____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
(b) Name two animals that belong to the group named in (a)
_____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]
(c) State two common characteristics of the above animal.
_____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]
(d) Name one animal that live both on land and in water

_____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
5. Figure 5 shows the interaction between two types of organisms.

Figure 5
(a) What is the type of interaction between P and Q?
___________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
(b) Give two examples of the interaction named in (a)
___________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]
(c) What does biological control mean?
___________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]
(d) Give two examples of biological control.
___________________________________________________________________ [2marks]

6. Figure 6 shows the carbon cycle.

Figure 6
(a) What are processes P,Q and R?

_________________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]
(b) Name two examples of fossil fuel produced by P.
_________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]
(c) Suggest two ways on how to maintain a balance in the carbon cycle.
_________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

Section B
[20 marks]
Answer all questions.
7. An ecosystem has the following organisms.

• Rats • Caterpillars • Eagles

• Snakes • Sparrow • Paddy plants

(a) Draw a food web for the animals above.

[2 marks]
(b) i. Which organisms are known as the producers?
ii. Why are they so called?
[2 marks]
(c) What is being transferred among the organisms in the food web?
______________________________________________________________________ [1 marks]
(d) Suggest two things that will happen if all the paddy is harvested.
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
[2 marks]
(e) i. Write one food chain from your food web.

ii. Construct a food pyramid of the food chain.

iii. What do you observe about the number of organisms as you go up the apex of the pyramid?

8. Figure 8 shows an experiment.

Figure 5
The two sets of apparatus, P and Q, are left under the sun for a few hours. A leaf from each plant is
then tested for starch.
(a) State the hypothesis for this experiment
____________________________________________________________________ [1mark]
(b) Name the following variables:
(i) Constant : __________________________________________
(ii) Manipulated : __________________________________________
(iii) Response : __________________________________________
[3 marks]
(c) The two potted plants are kept in a dark place for two days. What is the purpose of doing this?
____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(d) State the results of the test for starch on the leaf from each plant.
[2 marks]
(e) What is the function of the sodium hydroxide solution?
[1 mark]
(f) Name two products of photosynthesis.
[2 marks]


2. (a) P: Duodenum
Q: Gall bladder
R: Pancreas
(b) To store bile
(c) Amylase- To digest carbohydrates into glucose
Protease- To digest proteins into peptones/amino acids
Lipase- To digest fats into fatty acids and glycerol.
3. (a) Plants: Flowering, Non-flowering
Flowering: Monocotyledons, Dicotyledons
Non-flowering: Algae, Mosses, Ferns, Conifers
Monocotyledons: Bamboo plant, paddy plant
Dicotyledons: Mango tree, Rose plant
Algae: Seaweed
Mosses: Liverwort
Ferns: Bracken fern
Conifers: Fir
(b) Paddy plant has a fibrous root system whereas rose plant has a tap root system
(Any possible answer)
(c) Both reproduce by spores.
(Any possible answer)
4. (a) Mammals
(b) Bats and dolphins
(c) Warm-blooded and breath with their lungs
(d) Salamander

5. (a) Prey-predator relationship

(b) Tiger and deer; frog and grasshopper
(c) Biological control is the use of natural predators to control pests in an area.

(d) Fishes reared in ponds to eat mosquito larvae; snake used in palm oil estates to control the
population of rats.
6. (a) P: Decomposition
Q: Respiration
R: Photosynthesis
(b) Natural gas and petroleum
(c) Reforestation and reduce the amount of vehicles running on combustion engines.
7 (a)

(b) i. Paddy plants
ii. They can produce their own food by photosynthesis
(c) Chemical energy
(d) 1.the animals will move to another area to look for food
2.the paddy stalks will decay and return minerals to the soil.
(e) i. Paddy pants rats snakes eagles

iii. The number of organisms decreases.

8. (a) Carbon dioxide is needed for photosynthesis
(b) (i) Present of chlorophyll
(ii) Present of carbon dioxide
(iii) Present of starch in leaf
(c) To destarch the plants so that no starch were present on the leaves of both plants prior to the
(d) Set P: The leaf turns blue black when tested with iodine solution
Set Q : The leaf does not turn blue black when tested with iodine solution
(e) Absorbs the carbon dioxide inside bell jar Q.
(f) Glucose and oxygen


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