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a Orrice oF tHe Govennon Coumonweatti oF MAssachuseTrs ‘Stare House * Boston, MA 02133 (617) 725-4000 (CHARLES D. BAKER KARYN E.POLITO October 3, 2017 “The Honorable Elizabeth A. Watren United States Senator 317 Han Senate Office Building ‘Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator Warren, {rite to ask for your help toensure Congress acts quickly to deliver federal fiscal suppor for three ‘immediate privity health car services citi low income people and children of Massachusets, This includes stability of funding for cost sharing reductions (CSRS), as well s the reuthorizatons of the Children’s Health Insurance Frogram (CHIP) and the annual diseretonary appropriations forthe Community Health Center Fund, both of which expired on Octobe | ‘More than 250,000 individuals receive healthcare coverage on the Massachusetts health care ‘marketplace, known asthe Cemector. As we approach the start of Open Enrollment on November I tis rita fr federal cos sharing redueton payments to he resolved affirmatvely'in order to maintain ‘market stability and to consrin rate inreases, The continded uncertainty surrounding CSR payments threatens to impact tens of thesands of poop in Massachuset, ‘The Connector estimates CSR payments fr Plan Year 2018 o be $146 million. As result ofthe uncertainty, insurers have filed wa sets of rates for ConnestorCare health plans. If Congress docs not act to stabilize the insurance mart by funding the CSRs, then 80,000 Connector members would directly ‘exporience premium increases of 0 percent o¢ more in addition to potential disruption in thir healthcare provider. AAS. along with four other Gevernors (Republican and Demoerat), rently testified before Congres, immediate and afirmative resolution of CSR payments i imperative. Its also my hope that resolution ‘le CSR payanets willbe pat of a broader bipartisan package signed to stabilize the sake. Another immediate heath cate pity’ is the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). As you ‘now, federal authorization fr this program expired October 1. Failure to reauthorize CHIP would result iin an estimated reduction of $295 milion per year in federal funding for Massachusetts and would impact 160,000 children and youth, causing signiicat uncerlainty for the Families tha rely on this program foe healthcare services, Though CHIP funding may not immediately run out in Massachusetts, parents are already afraid that thee children’s insurance may be lost in the ner future. With each passing week their Fears continue to gra An ational immediate healt care priority isthe annual discretionary appropriations forthe Community Health Center Fund that also expired on October I. Community health enters serve over 25 milion people inall 50 states and the IS territories, Closer to home, our 8 community health centers service {Just under one milion people (724,000 through federally qualified health centers and 264,000 through spit aiiated centers). They area backbone of our health care delivery system, providing access to lower cost cae in undeservedlocation. For many sates, including Massachusetts, this core funding provides a safety net for many of our lowest income children, adults and families which should be protected [request that on behalf ofthe etzens ofthe Commonwealth, tat Congres take action o provide the fiscal suppor for these alt sate services, Please let me know iT can provide any addtional information onthe importance ofthese programs tothe people of Massachusets. Thank you forall your cfr to ensure Congress delves much-needed funding for these vital healthcare serves. Sincerely, Governor

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