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Noir N

Scalled Fist (uncained) 8 Shadow dancer 2 Ranganori Brevoy

Catfolk Medium Female 16 5'2 89 lbs

72 50 10
7 -2

24 +7 20
16 +3

8 -1

5 -3 20(28) 7 10 3(11)

7 2 -1 -1
18 +4

11 4 4 3
-2 -2
28 4 7 1+2+4
-1 -1
-1 -1

+4 dodge bonus against AOOs -1 -1

11 4 4 3

20 7 10 3
10 7 3
4 4
1/day roll twice relfex
7 7
14 7 7 7
0 3 -3 4 4
-3 -3
9 4 4
7 9 -2
24 9 -2 7 -1
+1 Agile Claw Blades +17/+17/+12 -1

1d4+12 -1
10 -3 10 3
Dance 9 2 3
Piranah Strike Claw +14/+14/+9 4
4 4
1d4+18 -3
7 7
3 -3
Unarmed Strike +16/+16/+11 7 7
1d10-2 19 7 8 3
-3 -3
-2 -2
18 4 10 4
Piranah Strike Fist +13/+13/+8


Stunning Fist Flurry +16*/+17/+12 Taldane, Catfolk

Menacing Amulet of Mighty Fist
Combat Reflexes
Boots of Speed Dimensional Agility
Dimensional Assault
Dimensional Dervish
Dimensional Savant
Dodge Mobility
Improved Unarmed Strike
Piranha Strike
Stunning Fist (DC 19)
Weapon Finesse

flurry of blows (bonus attack)

Fast movement, ki pool (8) , ki strike (magic)
Draconic Mettle
Purity of body, style strike (1/round)
ki strike (cold iron/silver)
Restoration (2 points)
Abundant Step (2 points)
Elemental Fury - Electric (1 point)
Hide in plain sight
Evasion, darkvision 60ft, uncanny dodge

Scent, Climber, Cat's Claws, Cat's Luck

Reactionary Dancerously Curious

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