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Wednesday, August 18, 2010 • NEW HAMPSHIRE UNION LEADER • Page A5

From the Desk of Bill Binnie


I believe in capitalism and

free markets, I always have.
I built and created jobs and
have been a successful
global entrepreneur for over
30 years—that is a fact.
I AM PROUD of my business career and reputation.

THAT IS WHY IT WAS SURPRISING to see your paper question my

track record, using as your principal source someone you de-
scribe accurately as a self- described Communist and Marxist,
who wrote a book almost 15 years ago attacking global trade
and my company.

I BUILT – from scratch and as its founder – a manufacturing
company. I started with less than $1000 and turned it into a
global company that had $500 million in sales and 3000 employ-
ees---almost 90% percent of whom were based in the United
States. We made plastic hangars, trash bags and plastic con-
struction film. I started the business, Carlisle Plastics in 1985
and it merged in 1996 with another larger company and I left.

WE PAID GOOD WAGES and salaries and were among the highest paying employers in our industry and in the communities
where we operated our plants.

AND OUR PLANTS WERE AMONG The safest companies in our industry. Safety is critically important to me---my father was severely
injured in an industrial accident and left severely handicapped---I have lived my whole life understanding the importance of plant
safety. Our insurance and OSHA records put us in the top 10 percent of all manufacturing facilities of our type.

YOUR PAPER ALLEGES THAT WE CLOSED a plant in the Los Angeles area and moved it to Mexico---wrong. We closed a small plant in
the L.A. area after we acquired it and built a new much larger plant just SEVEN miles away, in the same L.A. area. That plant
was unionized when we acquired it and was unionized when we sold it. Oh and by the way, it was not the union mentioned in the
article—your facts are simply incorrect.

WE COMPETED WORLD-WIDE and I built plants and joint ventures in Europe, Latin America, South America and Asia. We succeed-
ed on a large global scale. That is good not bad and our country needs more people to do it. We need more free trade and capital-
ism, unless of course you agree with the Marxist who was the prime source of information for your article.

OUR LABOR RELATIONS with our employees and associates were excellent. A number of our plants were unionized and we never
had a major labor stoppage (strike) in my tenure as CEO.

AFTER LEAVING THE PLASTICS COMPANY, I continued my successful business career by joining Carlisle Capital—another business
I started. I am still its president today—but on leave of absence since my run for political office.

I AM PROUD OF THE FACT that my company has not had a lay-off in these difficult economic times even though our earnings
have suffered; our company has elected to absorb lower income because I value our associates and employees more than
earnings. Maybe that’s why the typical tenure of our employees is in excess of 10 plus years.

IN ADDITION TO MY NATIONAL AND GLOBAL BUSINESS SUCCESS here is how I have contributed to New Hampshire’s economy:

1 Built multiple new plants and manufacturing units in the Portsmouth Industrial Park
in the last 4 years.
2 Been one of the principal individuals who turned around the Wentworth by the Sea
and saved it from liquidation and turned it around from bankruptcy.
3 Invested in excess of $30 million in new construction and renovation projects in the
greater Portsmouth area in the last 10 years—including renovation of “Old City Hall”,
in downtown Portsmouth.
4 The investments of my company have helped employ hundreds of people and provided
significant property taxes, economic development and new jobs.

BECAUSE OF MY BACKGROUND AND EXPERIENCE I have the skills to deal with the profound challenges and economic problems
our country faces right now. I am not in agreement with much of what is going on in Washington politics and have stepped
up and openly acknowledge that I am new to the political campaign business—and clearly not a career politician.
YOU ARE AN ESTABLISHMENT PAPER and will support an established political figure. I understand that. But to use a Communist
Marxist source to attack me is not only bizarre; it’s unfair to me, your readers and the political process.

Yours truly,

Bill Binnie
Republican candidate for US Senate Paid for by Bill Binnie for U.S. Senate.

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