Spurwink Report of Mila's Sex Abuse Report 2

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STATE OF MAINE ‘Cumberland, ss LORI HANDRAHAN, o/b/o Mila Malenko, Plaintiff, vs. IGOR MALENKO, Defendant. DISTRICT COURT DOCKET NO. POR-PA-09-1142 (FORMERLY DOCKET NO. ELLSWORTH-PA-09-198) AFFIDAVIT OF JOYCE WIENIZEN 1. Joyce Wientven, being duly sworn do hereby state: 1. Lam Joyce Wientzen, a licensed certified social worker and Program Co- Director of the Spurwink Child Abuse Program 2. I participated in Spurwink’s Psychosocial Evidentiary Assessment of the reports of possible sexual abuse of Mila Malenko by her father. I served as the forensic interviewer for the Spurwink Team conducting the Assessment. A copy of my report summarizing the Spurwink Assessment is attached as Exhibit “A” to this Affidavit, 3. Lam prepared to testify’ in this proceeding to the following a. Based upon my education and professional training. | am qualified to perform a Psychosocial Evidentic ssessment of a report of possible sexual abuse of a minor child. b. The Assessment of possible sexual abuse of Mila Malenko by her father conducted in July and August 2009 by The Spurwink Child Abuse Program was conducted in accordance with the professional mney standards and guidelines of professionals qualified to make such assessments ¢. Based upon all of the information reviewed by me and The Spurwink Team, it is my opinion that Mila Malenko has been sexually abused by her father. 4. I strongly recommend that any contact thal Mila Malenko has with her father be supervised. 4. Thave long-standing plans to be out of the State of Maine on Friday, October 2, 2009 in connection with a family wedding. Dated at Portland, Maine this 24° day of September, 2009. STATE OF MAINE. CUMBERLAND, ss Vv Personally appeared the above-named Joyce Wientven and made oath that the statements in the above Affidavit are true and based upen her personal knowledge. vf Notary Public Date of Expiration: 4d tr LESLIE NORTON ROTA, PUR DINE My COMES ON POPE 15, 2612 mena

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