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Wichita Collegiate Schoo! Jennifer Heame, Early Childhood Counselor Young children can bea dight one minute and rsraing ‘he nest— dawg when yo asthe odes or tlking dace when conected. Wihout strategies to handle tying chavo, some paren resort elng, an wish thy could finda way 1 sop. ‘The god news? There are many states you can ase Instead of shouting. Here are 10 hl techniques that ofr alematvs to raised vices. Try them and sce which tates, ‘work fr yo Know your child’s needs. 3. Ask effectively. snstead of “demanng”Kep in mind (Greate successful situations for ‘When you want your youngster to ht quale lke these could be assets yu and your youngster by consider: do something, kneel dow eo his level &© ME grows older, such as being persis Ing er neds and planing other Leino see, touch as pty, fe” Bonga his dreams Iathance Forestmpie joull ve «an laa sy wat you wan Eunple beer tp othe grocery store Ifyou go “ame please ake your cas ofthe 6+ Have fn, hen she's ested and fe. Take vee table si put them on the foot Asyou Cots Using mato ice Sins ike coloring books or ult games Speke pin to he ems you mention. YOHE Cd to cooperate Fr tnstance, tn oungs wher thee may Bea ong. st ec then thea) once his WHE You wan ero pk up he ys vrai Dring nghy ar ps, schedleeffors when he docs what you've ase ake the Play-Doh contigs abe CT Frequent beaks so your chil can run (Thank you for moving your cars Now uty! Feed met”) Pretend: ply can and stretch hee muscles, ‘Mommy can use the able) alo engage a essa youngs.Kyour shld 5 unwling to 2. Watch for warning signs. 4, Replace “no.” gp onan evand, Pay attention to how you fe ost, stead of simply saying no wo your Help he imag before you become angy. Does your chié's request toda sariething tel ine that you Ina beat ister? Do you feel pressure inher when she wil be allowed to\do fe chaacters your ches? Do you dench yourhands? Example "You my play otsde er Sting on Byte wering a yocn dat Whenne publ cape OA cath oust beloe you cup. Thisk eve spin on neutvesounding pes mison Princess of wae you can calm dow, ike beath- Consider changing "No standing onthe Kal, we mist ated o yal sess ing deeply or walhing away for ew cha co “Feet bstng on the oor” the post ofc at once 5. Rethink your child's traits. 7. Tame confllet step by step, Your child probly has characteris” Confit resoaton sls ca bring you wish you cou change Pethaps his peace co imes of tension Tey Emily psy Subbomness reminds you of yoursellchiast Lydon Waughs uggesion or forsomeone cle, Try ging new names the whole family Fist think Recognize to undesirable wats For example, think that you ae angy. Tell youself anger of your youngster, who never gives up okay as long & you respond appope Wwhen he wants something as"perse- ately. Consider wh you re reali an tent” “determined,” and"dedicaed” about Next tlle and sen. Cally EarivAvears) ang Peaceful Parentin: = For more suggestions, check your | local brary for these kes: 1.23 Magie: Effective Discipline for Chinen 2-12 by Thomas W Prelan Pa ‘The Baffled Paren’s Guide to Stopping Bad Behavior by Ke Kelly Disciplining Your Preschooler and Feeling Good About ly ich Golan PhD, and Susan K. Gelant Easy to Loe, Difficult o Discipline: ‘The Basie Skills for Turning Com, Ait into Cooperation by Becls saute yur fecings, admit any respons 9, Emphasize problem hin 7 by forthe problem, and isten othe Sole ter person's point of wew. Finally east oar Kid Cooperation: How to Stop Srtnstom oitlns Pekan eae, whenzmu fel esing Yew) Yen Regain Peano Ge ene canine wih and choose aimee wioe/sutingyn actin | ia caer by See na se erro elk shout whether i's Set wns were tic ston. | Pence Parents, Peaefal Kide: wows Esumple “We nc one TVandewo | Practical Waye to Crente Color and 8. Count to three. peekntawaomch dorm | Happy Homey Roos Bee Theme te youryourgrer Sewn When dn Them. BL rane CAM, rl Your whos Gra trim orcs “What append tia Be | Totnes Tanne Chil: Hel cro hp our young ink inavay you want stp. comer” Osram heeyeureangr nk | Zou Chl Rese veda sing the "1-2-3" system developed by pagan Child dscptine expe Thomas Plan, Clr er acon and choose de {Without lctring or showing emoion, one hae work bes Raising Your Spirited Child A simply say, "Thats one” for the frst, Guide for Parents Whose Child ts foflens. I the behavior conttnues fora More Intense, Sensitive, Pererptve, Persistent and Energetic by ay Peoria rete a) oF lL G0) Spl tn acance hich behaviors sv aan using “1-23.” ‘Tired of Yelling: Teachig Our Children to Resolve Confit by 10. Start over. 7 All parents make mitakes fom | 'don D, Waugh, M.D. time to time. yu catch yourself Eos Noe: this st was come xpleding tke the time wo reind, | ferinfrmation puree oh el ts Say t0 your youngster. “Oops! 1 ‘ot imply endorsement ofthese parle didn mean that Le’ start over” | books. Ft feet pick and chee he Your child might pick upon the | ‘dew hat make sews or yur Bei tleand use chisel And keep in mind chat i's lay 1 say you're sony. Apolgiing can help heal the relationship and give you both a fresh stat Years : "sous or Edoawon a dvsion of CCH Insp «128 N. Royal Avena Front Rail VA 23630. 50-35-80

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