Cody Burge

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Cody Burge

Sep 17

Block 2

My Origin Story

In the beginning there was Daddy and only Daddy. Daddy was alone in the dark.

He was lonely. He had no one. But Daddy had the power of the gods. He used all of his

energy to make a ball. This tiny blue ball was called . was just the first of

Daddys creations. He made more creations and named them Jeepitar and Plate0 and

other names hard to pronounce. He liked them so much that he made billions and

billions of orbs. He made them in different colors and different shapes. Eventually,

Daddy got tired of making the orbs. He was now not only shadowed by darkness, but

also by his orbs.

Daddy also loved glitter. He had magic zero gravity glitter. He took different

colors of glitter and made swirls. He made a lot of these glitter swirls, spreading them

throughout the darkness, creating streaks of light. When he had finished with his swirls,

he distributed his orbs among the swirls putting about 100 billion of them in each swirl.

Daddy was still lonely. He went back to his original orb, . He decided that

he still needed something. So Daddy, being the smart guy that he was, put the orb in his

mouth to get it wet. Then he took some of his loose skin from his thumb and put it on the

wet blue orb. Daddy was still not pleased with his creation. He was still lonely. He

needed more--much, much more. So Daddy shrunk himself down and put himself on the

loose skin. It was very crusty and tan--ugly and not pleasing to look at. Daddy wanted

texture and his favorite color. He put down living confetti, a kind of glitter that does not

sparkle. He called it grass. He pulled the thick hairs from his head and put more green

confetti on top. He called these trees.

Daddy split himself into two. The second version of himself he called Devy. Devy

was the first of the humans, created by Daddy and from Daddy. Daddy looked at Devy

and said, You are Devy. I am Daddy. I have created you to make more life. Devy

looked at him, confused. Without another word, Daddy split himself again and created a

women named Danni. Devy looked at Danni and shouted, I LOVE YOU and

immediately they began to create life.

Daddy left the couple to do their job and left to create more life

elsewhere. He went back to his normal size and started working on the other orbs.

Years later, when he was finishing his last orb, he was old. He was now known

as Grandaddy by his many creations. Granddaddy went back to and what he

saw was amazing. There were huts, people getting food and people growing crops. He

was amazed. He went up to a hut and said, I made . They looked at

Granddaddy in fear and said, Please leave. We need to protect ourselves and you

make too much noise. You are danger. Granddaddy was confused. He was their

creator. They should be bowing to him. This made him angry, his rage burning like fire

Within a second, he split into two pieces--Peace and Anger.

Peace was a very small part of Grandaddy. The bigger part was Anget. Anger

sunk into the ground as liquid fire, spewed everywhere. Everyone on that orb was going

to die because Anger was melting molten lava from the inside out. People were

screaming. Dogs were barking. Cats were hiding. There was nothing that could fix this.

All hope was lost. Suddenly the ground started to break and the lava melted into the

ground. They were saved.

A small creature emerged from the . It was not Peace. It was Anger. He

looked at the people with mercy. The people in the town started pouring water on him.

The steam smelled like sugar and the sizzling noise was the most satisfying thing they

had ever heard. Anger was smothered with water and when there was nothing left of
him, there was cheering all across the orb. They were celebrating. Everyone was

relieved that Anger was gone.

Without Daddy there would be nothing. He was the creator and caretaker.

Without daddy would parrish. Since Daddy has been gone, has had little

anger shooters called volcanoes. Peace cannot cure everything, but we will find ways to

fix some of the problems. Like the fact that was too hard to say so the natives

changed its name to Earth

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