Phonetics and Phonology-An Introduction

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Adriana Vizental

Phonetics and Phonology: An introduction

Third edition, revised
Adriana Vizental

Phonetics and Phonology

An introduction
Third edition, revised

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei

Phonetics and Phonology : An introduction /
Adriana Vizental. - Ed. a 3-a, rev. - Arad :
Editura Universitii "Aurel Vlaicu", 2008
ISBN 978-973-752-267-2
Editura Universitii "Aurel Vlaicu" 811.111'34
Arad, 2008
Chapter 5: Connected speech............................................................. 85
5.1. Suprasegmental phenomena ................................................. 85
Chapter 1: The study of the language .................................................. 7 5.1.1. The linguistic environment........................................ 85
1.1. The linguistic framework ...................................................... 7 Assimilation ................................................ 85
1.2. The evolution of the English language ................................ 10 Elision ......................................................... 87
1.3. The International Phonetic Alphabet.................................... 13 Juncture........................................................ 88
Chapter 2: Phonetics & phonology .................................................... 17 5.2. Phoneme clusters ................................................................. 89
2.1. Phonetics, phonology, and their branches ............................ 17 5.2.1. Syllables & words....................................................... 89
2.2. Articulatory phonetics .......................................................... 19 5.2.2. The foot & the rhythm of speech .............................. 92
2.2.1. The speech tract ........................................................... 19 The foot ...................................................... 92
2.2.2. Articulators & points of articulation ............................ 21 Accent ......................................................... 93
2.3. The phoneme theory: phonemes & allophones .................... 23 5.2.3. The tone group & the music of speech .................. 97
Chapter 3: Classification of speech sounds........................................ 31 The tone group ............................................ 97
3.1. The vowel system ................................................................ 32 Intonation .................................................... 98
3.1.1. Description of vowels .................................................. 32 5.3. The phonemes of connected speech ................................... 103
3.1.2. Classification of vowels: the Cardinal Vowel Scale ............ 33 5.3.1. Stress ....................................................................... 103
3.2. The consonant system .......................................................... 35 5.3.2. Juncture .................................................................... 105
3.2.1. Description of consonants ........................................... 35 5.3.3. Pitch level & terminal contour.................................. 106
3.2.2. Classification of consonants ........................................ 36 Intonation & intonation patterns................ 107
Chapter 4: The speech sounds of the English language .............................39 Intonation & its functions.......................... 108
4.1. The English vowels .............................................................. 39 Simple tunes & compound tunes............... 109
4.1.1. Monophthongs ............................................................. 40 Chapter 6: Sound symbolism in advertising ................................... 111 General description ........................................... 40 6.1. Sound symbolism ............................................................... 111 Positional & regional variants........................... 42 6.2. Prosody .............................................................................. 112 The English vowel phonemes ........................... 42 6.2.1. Alliteration & euphony ............................................. 112
4.1.2. Diphthongs ................................................................... 50 6.2.2. Rhyme & rhythm ...................................................... 113 General description ........................................... 50 6.2.3. Phoneme substitution................................................ 115 Positional & regional variants .......................... 51 6.3. Oral paralanguage .............................................................. 116 The closing diphthongs ..................................... 51 6.3.1. Voice & accent ........................................................ 117 The opening diphthongs.................................... 55 6.3.2. Quality& tone of the voice....................................... 118
4.2. The English consonants ........................................................ 57 Annexes ............................................................................................ 121
4.2.1. General description ...................................................... 57 Annex 1 ..................................................................................... 123
4.2.2. Positional variants........................................................ 59 Annex 2 ..................................................................................... 131
4.2.3. The consonant groups ................................................. 60 Annex 3 ..................................................................................... 137 The plosive consonants ............................... 60 Annex 4 ..................................................................................... 143 The affricate consonants.............................. 66 Annex 5 ..................................................................................... 149 The fricative consonants.............................. 68 Key to exercises......................................................................... 151 The nasal consonants................................... 75 Projects ............................................................................................. 171 The lateral consonants ................................. 78 Appendices ....................................................................................... 181 The phoneme /r/ ......................................... 80 Bibliography..................................................................................... 189 The semivowels........................................... 82

languages spoken in Europe: there are numerous Germanic

languages (e.g. German, English, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch),
Romance languages (e.g. Italian, French, Spanish, Romanian),
Chapter 1 Slavonic languages (e.g. Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian), etc. As we
move further East, we encounter Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese,
The study of the language Korean, Japanese, etc., some with numerous variants. There are also
countless languages in the Americas, in Africa and Australia, etc.
1.1 The linguistic framework Some languages are spoken by millions of people (e.g. English,
Chinese), others are used inside small language communities (e.g.
Language the main instrument of communication in the educated
the languages spoken by some African tribes).
world is a complex thing. To understand how complex it is, let us
In other words, the words in the dictionary of a language
first analyse the assertion above. It says, Language is but there
represent signs by which the members of that language community
is not one language, but thousands, each ethnic group having its
exchange ideas. However, we must take our analysis much further
own, specific, communication code; yet, we refer to all of them
to understand the real complexity of this semiotic system.
under the generic name language, because they all have certain
Each language sounds differently one can often recognize
typical features in common.
what language a person is using even without understanding what
Language like all organized bodies is a semiotic system, i.e.
he is saying. This is because each language has its own sound
it consists of a system of signs conventionally accepted by all the
system, consisting of individual speech sounds. In writing,
members of a certain community. These signs are used by the
languages have adopted various graphic systems: English and
members of the group to communicate, to exchange ideas, to ensure
Romanian use the Latin alphabet, but Russian, Greek, Hebrew,
good social relations, etc.
Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, etc. have their own alphabets.
Dictionaries stand proof of the fact that each language has its
Semiotic systems have two ways of making meaning:
own semiotic code: every language has its own variant for boy and
paradigmatic choice and syntagmatic combination, i.e. the
girl, for go and eat, for good and bad, etc., although the real-world
individual signs get their meaning from their place in the system
entities they cover are the same. There is apparently no logical
and by the way they combine with other signs.
explanation1 why Romanians call a four-legged animal of the canine
For example, the speech sound [p] has no meaning by itself, but
species cine, while the English call it dog. Nevertheless, all speakers
it becomes meaningful if it appears in combinations, in words such
of the Romanian language will use the word cine and all speakers
as pin, pen or play. Furthermore, pin is different from tin, and pen is
of the English language will use the word dog to refer to that animal.
different from ten, i.e. the choice of one speech sound instead of
The English dictionary is extremely vast, and the Romanian
another changes the meaning of the word; however, not all
dictionary is also rich. But these are only two of the many
choices/combinations make sense: play is meaningful, but there is
no such a word as *tlay in English2.
Although the relation between signifier (= the name given) and
signified (the object designated) is often hard to identify, researchers
today agree that it is never arbitrary, i.e. that there is always a reason
why a certain object was named in a certain way. The asterisks (*) is used to signal a mistake.
CHAPTER 1: The study of the language 9 10 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

Going a step further, we can survey larger structures organized by the Today, the study of the language is perceived along the
rules of grammar: words acquire grammatical functions and combine to following lines3:
form grammatically well formed constructs, i.e. sentences. Paradigmatic
choice allows us to fill the subject slot with a noun or a pronoun (e.g. The LANGUAGE
boy learns English; or He learns English), the predicate slot can be filled
in with various verbs or verb forms (e.g. The boy learns English, or The organization use
boy likes English, or The boy will learn English), etc.
Naturally, each individual lexical item carries its own meaning,
which is listed in the dictionary of the language. However, the form structure meaning
dictionary is not a simple thing, either.
Many English words are polysemantic (i.e. they have more than
one meaning), e.g. bank = financial institution, or side of a river. acoustic graphical word clause/ lexical text/
Looking into the English dictionary, one will discover that even the sentence item discourse
simplest and best-known words have multiple meanings, some of
them determined by the context in which they appear or the way 1.2 The evolution of the English language
they are used. For example, Webster shows that book (as in the
Book) may be used to mean the Bible and house (as in the House The English language of today is based on the tongue the Anglo-
of Hapsburg may mean family. We must also mention the Saxons (Germanic tribes) brought over to the British Isles
countless word combinations (or idioms), whose meanings are beginning with the 5th century.
quite different from the meanings of the component elements, e.g. In the 7th century, the Latin alphabet was introduced by Irish
to get = to receive; to get up = to rise; to get on = to continue; to get missionaries. Old English had a phonetic spelling: scribes wrote
rid of = to avoid, to escape; etc. In addition, in the real world, what they heard, giving letters their phonetic value, e.g. name was
people often use words to mean the very opposite of what the pronounced [name].
dictionary says, e.g. one may say Excellent! and actually mean After the Norman Conquest of 1066, French became the official
Awful!. language in the country and many words of French origin entered
These examples show that, while words have their own meanings the English lexicon. The French scribes also borrowed rules from
(listed in the dictionary), they also acquire additional meanings the French orthography: -ch was introduced to represent [t] (as in
induced by the context in which they appear, or by their use. chair); -ou was adopted to represent [u] (e.g. house was initially
spelled and pronounced hus), etc. However, Middle English
Linguistics i.e. the science of the language constituted itself as a spelling was still phonetic and words were pronounced the way they
science towards the end of the 18th century. In the early days, the focus
were written (e.g. knight was pronounced [knit], with a glottal
fell on phonetic aspects, but gradually other branches of linguistics
evolved, each dealing with one individual component of the language.
Adapted after David Crystal, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the
English Language, 1987: 83.
CHAPTER 1: The study of the language 11 12 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

stop). Or, rather, it was the other way round: scribes wrote the  pronunciation:
words down the way they heard them pronounced.  the vowels had a Continental quality, i.e. they were
The great representative of Middle English was Geoffrey Chaucer, pronounced as in Italian or Spanish;
who lived in the second half of the 14th century. The differences  -e at the end of words (e.g. shorte, erthe, throte, bathed,
between Middle English and today's English can be seen clearly croppes) was pronounced; this way, we can feel the rhythm
when simultaneously reading and listening to an excerpt from The and musicality of Chaucers lines:
Canterbury Tales. The following excerpt comes from The The ten-dre crop-pes, and the yon-ge so-nne
Pardoners Tale: Hath in the Ram his hal-fe cours y-ro-nne,
Adam our fader, and his wyf also  the consonants were pronounced almost as in present-day
Fro Paradys to labour and to wo English, but
Were driven for that vyce, it is no drede; -gh (e.g. cough, laugh, droghte) was pronounced [ ]a
For whyl that Adam fasted, as I rede, throaty, choking sound;
He was in Paradys; and whan that he -g following -n (e.g. singer, finger) was pronounced [ng].
Eet of the fruyt defended on the tree,
Anon he was out-cast to wo and peyne . . .  grammar:
 3 person plural verbs ended in -en (e.g. maken, slepen,
The language Chaucer uses is, for the first time in the history longen); this ending still exists in modern German (e.g. 3rd
of the English literature, recognisably the language of our time. At person plural sie machen), but present-day English no longer
least it looks like it; however, it sounds like a foreign tongue, possesses it (e.g. they make);
comments Anthony Burgess (1993: 7-8).
 hem was replaced in modern English by them (preserved in
Let us now take the first lines from the General Prologue and colloquial English in the shortened em, e.g. tell em); hir has
analyse some of the differences: become their;
Whan that Aprille with his shoures sote  hath and the -th ending (e.g. priketh) for the 3 person
The droghte of Marche hath perced to the rote, singular were replaced in Modern English by has and -s (e.g.
And bathed every veyne in swich licour makes); the old forms are still used in the most popular
Of which vertu engendred is the flour; translation of the Bible, and in Shakespeare's work;
Whan Zephirus eek with his swete breeth
 the prefix -y (e.g. y-ronne), similar to the German prefix ge-
Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
for the past participles (e.g. gegangen, gesehen, i.e. gone,
The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
Hath in the Ram his halfe cours y-ronne,
seen), was lost in English.
And smale fowles maken melodie, For the rest, comments Burgess (1993: 8), Chaucer's
That slepen al the night with open ye, language is quite similar to present-day English, so that he is justly
(So priketh hem nature in hir corages): called the first poet to use Modern English.
Than longen folk to goon on pilgrimages.
Chaucer's writings, and later on, the work of William Caxton (who
The main differences between Chaucer's language and the introduced printing in England in 1477 and published 80 books in his
English language of today regard: printing press) contributed greatly to standardizing English spelling: they
CHAPTER 1: The study of the language 13 14 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

provided writers with a model for correct writing. As a result, English And dead: its said like bed, not bead
spelling was frozen to a certain extent. However, there was no model For goodness sake dont call it deed.
for the pronunciation of English, and the fact that it was spoken in so Watch out for mute and great and threat
many widely distant regions of the Earth also contributed to modifying (They rhyme with suite and straight and debt).
and diversifying English pronunciations. As the poem shows, in English you often write a word in one
The century that followed Chaucer's work witnessed great way, and pronounce it in another. There seems to be no logical
changes in the field of English pronunciation, some of which explanation why hiccough is pronounced ['hik^p] and laugh is
affected the very structure of the language. Among the most [la:f], why thorough is ['ru] and through is [ru:].
significant are: Furthermore, there is no consistent relationship between
final -e and most endings became silent letters and sounds: a letter, or a group of letters, may be
e.g. a word such as name (pronounced [name] in Chaucer's pronounced in various ways, for no apparent reason: who can say
time) became [na:m]; maken [maken] became [ma:k]; why tough and cough are pronounced [t^f] and [k^f], while bough
as they were not pronounced, most endings were dropped: and dough are [bu] and [du]; why heard is [h:d] and beard is
e.g. maken [ma:k] became make; [bid]; why dead is [ded] and bead is [bi:d]. Letters/groups of
the Great Vowel Shift (i.e. long vowels were diphthongized) letters can be pronounced differently even within words spelled
made pronunciation drift even further away from spelling: identically, e.g. -ea in to read, read, read is pronounced [i:] for the
e.g. name became [neim]; first form, and [e] for the second and third.
make came to be pronounced [meik]; Conversely, the same speech sound can take on various graphic
night, initially pronounced [nit], became [nait]. forms: e.g. [ju] is spelled -u in mute [mju:t] and -ui in suite [sju:t];
[ei] corresponds to -ea in great [greit] and to -ai in straight [streit];
[e] is -ea in threat [ret] and -e in debt [det]. English [i] is spelled -i
1.3 The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) in sit, -y in city, -ui in build, -a in village, -ee in coffee, etc. There
Consequently, due to the great changes that affected the English are also silent letters that complicate English spelling even further:
language along its history, in Modern English there is a serious gap e.g. -b in debt or in comb [kum]; k- in knight [nait] or knee [ni:]; p-
between spelling and pronunciation4. The following little poem5 in psychology [sai'kldi]; -l in calm [ka:m]; p- and -l in psalm
offers a humorous illustration of some pronunciation traps learners [sa:m]; r- in part [pa:t] or port [p:t]; etc.
of English must cope with: The situation is especially painful in the case of English
I take it you already know proper names, which provide numerous examples of seemingly
Of tough and bough and cough and dough? illogical pronunciations, e.g. Leicester ['lest], Worcester ['wust],
Others may stumble but not you Maugham [m:m]. Without proper guidance, the puzzled learner
On hiccough, thorough, laugh and through. can only guess at the probable pronunciation of certain words
Well done! And now you wish, perhaps, but guesses are often wrong.
To learn of less familiar traps? In the attempt to standardize pronunciation and give a model
Beware of heard, a dreadful word, for educated speech, in 1888 the International Phonetic
That looks like beard and sounds like bird. Association developed an International Phonetic Alphabet. The
IPA symbols conceived to function for any language are based
Unlike Romanian, which has a phonetic kind of spelling; on the letters of the Latin alphabet.
Used by George Yule, as a Motto to The Study of Language, 1993;
CHAPTER 1: The study of the language 15 16 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

Below is a list of the IPA symbols6: Phonetic transcriptions use no capital letters or punctuation
marks; a slant line or two slant lines are used to indicate a short or,
respectively, a longer pause in speech, as between ideas or sentences.
[i:], as in bean [bi:n] [i], as in bin [bin] e.g. He is a boy. His name is John.
[e], as in ten [ten] [], as in tan [tn] [hi iz 'bj // hiz 'neim iz 'dn]
[a:], as in park [pa:k] [], as in ton [tn] Learners of English, who are interested in the standard
[^], as in but [b^t] [:], as in port [p:t] pronunciation of words, use broad (phonetic) transcription
[u], as in put [put] [u:], as in pool [pu:l] (placed between square brackets [ ]). Linguists, who want to
[:], as in sir [s:] [], as in parade [p'reid] catch the discrete variations of sounds (geographic, social, etc.),
[ei], as in eight [eit] [ai], as in night [nait] perform narrow (allophonic or phonemic) transcription
[i], as in poison ['pizn] [au], as in house [haus] (placed between slant lines / /).
[u], as in home [hum] [i], as in tear [ti] Courses of phonetics and phonology generally base their studies on
[], as in pair [p] [u], as in poor [pu] the pronunciation that comes with the so-called Standard English, or
THE CONSONANTS BBC English. It is the most widely accepted variant of British
English, used by the great majority of educated speakers in South
[p], as in pin [pin] [b], as in bin [bin]
and South-East England, especially in London and its neighbourhood,
[t], as in ten [ten] [d], as in debt [det]
used in most of the universities and public schools in England,
[k], as in car [ka:] [g], as in girl [g:l]
and easily understood in all parts of the English-speaking world
[f], as in fire [fai] [v], as in cover [k^v] (Eckersley, 1996, vol. 3: 106). The pronunciation that goes with this
[s], as in sip [sip] [z], as in razor ['reiz] type of English is generally accepted as proper and included in the
[], as in tooth [tu:] [], as in the [] dictionaries. It is commonly referred to as Received Pronunciation
[], as in shoe [u:] [], as in pleasure ['ple] (received at the British Royal Court) or RP.
[t], as in chair [t] [d], as in John [dn] However, due to the great influence of the American media, of
[m], as in man [mn] [n], as in nun [n^n] American movies and songs, today Romanian learners of English
[], as in sing [si] [h], as in high [hai] are closer to Standard American English also known as Mid-
[l], as in lamp [lmp] [r], as in caress [k'res] Atlantic or Trans-Atlantic English a variant of English which is
[w], as in window ['windu] [j], as in year [ji] cultivated, pleasant to the ear, and neither British nor American
(Kurt Vonnegut, 1987: 175).
[ ] square brackets, used for broad phonetic transcription;
/ / slant lines, used for narrow phonemic transcriptions and for
pauses in speech;
: following a vowel shows that it is long;
placed after a consonant, shows aspiration, e.g. pot [pht];
o placed below a consonant, shows devoicing, e.g. please [ploi:z];
' a high stroke placed before a syllable indicates that it is stressed;
a low stroke placed before a syllable indicates secondary stress; etc.
Variations may occur, according to the dictionary used.

 diachronic (historical) phonetics studies the changes that

have occurred along history in the pronunciation of the
speech sounds of a language ;
Chapter 2  synchronic (descriptive) phonetics surveys the speech
sounds of a language as they function at a certain historic
Phonetics & phonology moment, e.g. in the age of Chaucer, that of Shakespeare, or
at present;
2.1 Phonetics, phonology & their branches (2) Phonology is related intrinsically to phonetics. The relationship
between phonetics and phonology is so close that it is not
(1) Phonetics, the science of speech sounds, is an independent
branch of linguistics. It studies: advisable to establish a strong dividing line between (them). Their
study should be perceived in parallel (Prlog, 1997: 2).
the way speech sounds are produced, transmitted, and received; To put it simply, the relationship between phonetics and
the rules governing the combination of speech sounds into phonology is that between theory and practice. In other words,
syllables and larger phonological constructions; while phonetics deals with the speech sounds of a language in a
suprasegmental phenomena related to the sound structure of generalized, idealized way, phonology studies the way those speech
languages, e.g. stress, rhythm, intonation, prosodic features; sounds actually function in that language.
the relation between the spoken and the written language, Thus, just like phonetics, phonology deals with:
especially in the form of phonetic transcription. the range of phonetic elements within a specific language and
There are several branches of phonetics, each approaching the the way they function in that language;
study of speech sounds from a different angle, namely: the various types of phonetic relationships which link and
(a) according to the object of study: contrast phonemes;
the way in which phonemes are organized in the system of
 general phonetics studies the speech sounds of all the
the language, their combinatorial possibilities;
languages of the world in general;
 special phonetics deals with the phonetic system of one
other phenomena related to the sound structure of a language,
specific language; e.g. stress, intonation, etc.
(b) according to the production of the speech sounds: Phonology is further subdivided into:
 articulatory phonetics studies the way speech sounds are  segmental phonology, which studies the segments of
produced, articulated and uttered; speech, e.g. the vowel and consonant phonemes; and
 acoustic phonetics deals with the transmission through the  suprasegmental phonology, which analyses the traits that
air of the speech sounds in the form of sound waves; and extend over more than one segment, e.g. in connected speech.
 auditory phonetics surveys the reception of the speech
Suprasegmental phonology also deals with phonological features
sounds by the listener; which pertain to the speaker and the way he organizes his utterances.
(c) according to the historical development of the language: These features are of two main types:
 prosodic, i.e. pertaining to sound patterning the musicality
of the language, e.g. stress, intonation; and
CHAPTER 2: Phonetics & phonology 19 20 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

Just like breath, which relies on regular in-take and expulsion of

paralinguistic, i.e. the traits carried by the voice itself, e.g.
air, speech also uses the air that is released by the lungs. In-take of air
an innocent child's voice, an angry male voice, or a
occurs simultaneously with the short pauses between sentences or
sensuous female voice.
logical units. We are not aware of the fact that we must stop speaking
As far as the present course, it surveys the phonetic and in order to breathe our body and mind organize speech in such a
phonological system of the English language (i.e. special phonetics), at way that it should not disturb our bodily functions. Only rarely do we
the present moment (i.e. a synchronic approach), focusing on the run out of breath, e.g. when we are very excited, we speak too fast.
way speech sounds are produced (i.e. articulatory phonetics).
Connected speech is discussed in Chapter 5, while some prosodic
and paralinguistic features are presented briefly in Chapter 6. (B) Generation of sounds
The air stream released by the lungs crosses the trachea (or wind
pipe) and passes through the larynx, where the vocal cords are
2.2 Articulatory phonetics placed.
2.2.1 The speech tract The vocal cords are two
Most phonetic studies focus on the articulatory aspects of lip-like folds of ligament and
pronunciation, describing the contribution of the vocal cords, of the elastic tissue. They can be
oral and nasal cavities, the positions of the lips and of the tongue brought together, or they can
while articulating a vowel, a consonant, or a glide. It is, therefore, be parted to produce an
necessary to name and describe the speech organs carefully. opening, called the glottis.
The speech tract, or speech mechanism (see Fig.11), consists of The sounds produced
all the organs that take part in the production of speech sounds. vary according to the position
According to the speech function performed, we distinguish of the vocal cords.
three main parts of the speech tract: Phoneticians distinguish two
 source of sounds: the thorax and the lungs where the air main positions of the glottis,
stream is produced; positions that produce two
types of speech sounds:
 generation of sounds: the larynx which generates the
sounds by movement of the vocal cords;  when the vocal cords are
parted (the glottis is
 resonance: the system of cavities which act as resonators. open), the vocal cords Fig.1: The speech tract
do not vibrate when the B back of tongue Bl blade of tongue
(A) The source of sounds air escapes; voiceless E epiglottis F front of tongue
consonants (e.g. [p], [t], FP food passage H hard palate
We need air not only to breathe, but also to produce sounds. The LL lips P pharynx
air stream is generated in the chest (i.e. the thorax) and expelled [f]. [k], etc.) result from R root of tongue S soft palate (velum)
from the lungs. this position; TR teeth-ridge TT teeth
 when the vocal cords are U uvula V vocal cords
1 W wind pipe
Figures 1, 2, 3 & 7 are after Daniel Jones, The Pronunciation of loosely brought together
English, 1967.
CHAPTER 2: Phonetics & phonology 21 22 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

speech sounds. To do so, we need to know the names of the various

(the glottis is closed), the vocal cords vibrate when the stream of
segments of the tongue, which are:
air passes through them (you can actually feel the vibration if you
 the tip of the tongue;
touch your neck); all the vowels (e.g. [a], [e], [i]) and the voiced  the apex, i.e. the tip and the blade of the tongue, facing the
consonants (e.g. [b], [d], [g], [v], [z], etc.) are produced in this way. alveolar ridge;
The air stream then crosses the pharynx (i.e. the cavity of the  the front of the tongue (actually, its centre);
throat), where constrictor muscles control the resonance of the sounds.  the back of the tongue, opposite the soft palate;
 the rims of the tongue, i.e. its sides.
(C) Resonance The position of the lips is also important for determining the
quality of the speech sounds. The lips can be:
Two cavities contribute to the production of speech sounds: the oral
 tightly shut, to prevent the air from escaping as for
cavity (i.e. the mouth), and the nasal cavity (i.e. the nose).
articulating [p] or [b]; or to push the air stream into the nasal
When the air stream escapes from the pharynx, it can take one of the
cavity as for articulating [m], [n];
following ways:
 close, yet sufficiently held apart to produce friction, e.g. [s], [], [f];
 the soft palate is lowered and obstructs completely the air  in neutral position, medium lowering, e.g. [e], [t], [l];
stream, which is pushed through the nasal cavity, producing  open, relatively wide, e.g. to pronounce [a:];
nasal sounds, e.g. the nasal consonants [m], [n], [];  close and spread, e.g. for articulating [i:];
 the soft palate is partially lowered and the air escapes through  tightly pursed and rounded, e.g. for [u:];
both the mouth and the nose; French nasalized vowels (e.g.  wide apart, slightly protruded and rounded, e.g. [;]
pendant cent ans) are produced in this way;  etc.
 the soft palate is raised, so the air escapes only through the The lower lip, when it comes in contact with the upper teeth,
mouth, producing oral sounds (i.e. not nasalized); most contributes to the articulation of those sounds which involve
English speech sounds are oral. friction, e.g. [f] and [v].
The lower jaw is also mobile and change of distance between
2.2.2 Articulators & points of articulation the jaws brings about changes in the quality of the sounds
The speech sounds are articulated in the oral cavity (i.e. the produced, e.g. consider the difference between [u:] and [a:].
mouth), whose organs participate in the process of articulation.
Some of these organs are movable (e.g. the tongue, the lips, etc.), (2) The points of articulation
others are non-movable (e.g. the upper jaw). The movable The points of articulation, i.e. the non-movable organs of the mouth, are:
organs are called articulators, the non-movable ones are
referred to as points of articulation.  the upper teeth;
 the palate, with several sections:
(1) The articulators  the alveolar ridge, i.e. the upper teeth ridge;
 the hard palate behind the teeth ridge;
The articulators are the tongue, the lips, and the lower jaw.
 the soft palate, or velum behind the hard palate;
The tongue contributes greatly to differentiating sounds. That  the uvula, at the end of the soft palate.
is why, we must describe the position it takes for the production of
CHAPTER 2: Phonetics & phonology 23 24 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

and again. The result is a plethora of allophonic variants of the

2.3 The phoneme theory: Phonemes & allophones
same phoneme.
When we speak a certain language, we utter an infinite number of
(ii) According to another approach, the phoneme is a family of sounds,
speech sounds. However, from a functional point of view, many of
a class of phonetically similar speech sounds; all the individual
those sounds have the same role in the language, so that we can
members of the family are its allophones.
reduce the infinite number of speech sounds uttered to a finite
number of conventionally accepted units. (iii) The phoneme can also be viewed as a bundle of distinctive
In the flow of speech, each speech sound lies in a linguistic sound features.
environment that influences its quality. For example, /s/ in sin To describe a speech sound, phoneticians have made a list of their
sounds slightly different from /s/ in slow, from /s/ in ice, from /s/ in typical characteristics, which they have called phonetic features.
peace, etc. Yet, the listener will have no difficulty in identifying all Some phonetic features are relevant: they bring about change of
the individual variants as the same speech sound [s]. meaning. That is why, they are referred to as distinctive features of
In other words, the exact quality of a speech sound depends on the speech sounds.
the sounds it combines with within the larger unit (the word or Others are non-relevant: they do not change the meaning of the item
sentence), the neighbouring sounds having a powerful effect upon but merely influence its quality. These are the non-distinctive features.
its actual shape. Distinctive phonetic features differentiate one phoneme from
Differences in the quality of speech sounds may also be induced another. Replacing any distinctive feature with another generally brings
by the speakers geographic or social origin (e.g. British or about change of meaning in the word that contains the speech sound.
American; from the North or the South; educated or non-educated For example, the phoneme [s] is described phonetically as a
speaker). There are also individual variations, such as those caused fricative, alveolar, fortis, voiceless consonant, where fricative,
by the speaker's state of health (e.g. if he has a bad cold, he will alveolar, fortis and voiceless are the distinctive features of
nasalize most sounds). the phoneme [s]. By replacing the fricative feature with plosive,
Nevertheless unless the pronunciation is very bad the we get the phoneme [p]; by changing alveolar with labio-dental
numerous variants do not hinder communication, as the listener will we get [f]; and by replacing voiceless with voiced, or fortis
recognize the basic sound units. with lenis we get [z]. And, obviously, sun pun fun are
The minimal phonological unit of the language i.e. the basic different words (*zun is not an English word).
speech sound is called phoneme. The various realizations of the same Distinctive features have been organised in terms of binary
speech sound are referred to as allophones of the same phoneme. opposition, of which the most significant are:
(1) The term phoneme can be interpreted and defined in various
 for vocalic sounds, the vocal cords vibrate and the airflow
passes freely;
(i) One approach perceives the phoneme as the ideal speech sound  vowels are also differentiated by intensity (they are louder
the speaker tries to pronounce repeatedly. However, given the than other speech sounds), duration, rise and decay time, etc.;
various linguistic contexts in which the sound appears, the different  consonantal/non-consonantal:
geographic or social backgrounds, and personal peculiarities of speakers,  consonantal sounds are characterized by an obstruction in the
it is impossible for all speakers to pronounce the same sound again oral cavity that can block the air stream completely, or by a
narrowing that causes friction;
CHAPTER 2: Phonetics & phonology 25 26 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

those words ([t] [k]; [t] [f]; [m] [v]; [n] []; [] [t]).
 liquids (/l/, /r/) have both vocalic and consonantal features:
Furthermore, in several cases, the difference is induced by one
there is complete closure (consonantal), but the air stream is
single distinctive feature, as their phonetic description shows:
released freely laterally (a vocalic feature);
 [t] plosive, alveolar, fortis, voiceless;
 [k] plosive, velar, fortis, voiceless;
 continuant phonemes have no abrupt changes in their course,
e.g. the vowel phonemes;  [] fricative, palato-alveolar, fortis, voiceless;
 interrupted phonemes have an abrupt onset and/or abrupt  [t] affricate, palato-alveolar, fortis, voiceless; etc.
variations of power in their course, e.g. plosives begin with a (2) To establish the exact number of phonemes in a language,
complete closure, followed by an opening; /r/ is uttered with phoneticians have applied the method of investigation called
repeated taps of the tongue against the point of articulation; commutation test.
 voiced/voiceless: The method consists in identifying minimal pairs, i.e. pairs of
 voicing implies the vibration of the vocal cords; this feature words which differ by only one sound unit, e.g. pin bin; pin tin;
distinguishes /d/ (voiced) from /t/ (voiceless); /g/ (voiced) pin sin; pin bin; bet get; bet debt; bet set, teach peach,
from /k/ (voiceless); /b/ (voiced) from /p/ (voiceless); etc. park shark, etc. Phonologically, such words are very much alike;
 tense/lax: however, their meaning is quite different, and the difference is
 tense phonemes are produced with more muscular effort, induced by one phoneme. Such pairs of phonemes which, if
therefore they are longer and stronger, while lax ones are substituted for each other, change the meaning of the item (e.g. [p]
shorter and less distinct; and [b] in pin bin; [t] and [p] in teach peach), are said to be in
 tense sounds are usually voiced, while lax ones are voiceless opposition with each other, or significantly opposed.
([d] is voiced and tense, [t] is voiceless and lax); Working in this way, phoneticians have identified, for the
 nasal/oral: English language, 22 consonantal phonemes for word-initial
 nasal phonemes result when the soft palate is lowered and position (including the semivowels): [p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g], [t],
some of the air stream is released through the nasal cavity, [d], [], [f], [v], [], [], [s], [z], [h], [m], [n], [l], [r], [w], [j]. For
e.g. /m/, /n/, //; etc. word-medial and word-final position, two more consonant
The role of distinctive features becomes more obvious in longer phonemes have been identified, i.e. [] (as in leisure [le] as
stretches of language, such as words and/or sentences. opposed to letter [let]), and [] (as in sing [si] as opposed to sin
Consider the examples: [sin]). This brings us to a total of 24 consonant phonemes in English.
She is teen. She is keen. The commutation test was also used to determine the exact
I saw that tree house. We saw that free house. number of vowel phonemes. Using minimal pairs such as sit
The man was coming. The van was coming. seat, bed bad, cut cart, to two, ton torn, bird beard, etc.,
They like to sin. They like to sing. linguists concluded that in English there are 20 vowel phonemes
to shoe a horse. to chew a horse (including the so-called diphthongs): [i:], [i], [e], [], [u:], [u], [:],
In the examples above, the difference of meaning for each pair [], [a:], [^], [:], [], [ei], [ai], [i], [u], [au], [i], [u] and [].
is produced not only by one word (teen keen; tree free; man The 20 vowel phonemes and the 24 consonant phonemes are the
van; sin sing; shoe chew), but by one single speech sound in 44 segmental phonemes of the English language.
CHAPTER 2: Phonetics & phonology 27 28 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

 /s/ in suit is slightly palatalized by the semivowel [j] that

In addition, the commutation test revealed that certain
follows; etc.
suprasegmental elements (e.g. stress, juncture, pitch and intonation)
also bring about change of meaning, so that they must be considered The examples show how the quality of [s] is influenced by its
phonemic. For example, by shifting the place of the stress, the position in the word; that is why, they are called positional variants
speaker can change the grammatical category and hence the of the same phoneme. Lip-rounding, labialization, nasalization, etc.
meaning of certain words, e.g. to import (vb) [im'p:t] import are non-distinctive features for the phoneme [s], as they do not
(n) ['imp:t]). cause change of meaning.
A number of 11 suprasegmental phonemes have been (ii) Differences in the quality of a certain speech sound may also be
identified for English: 3 stress phonemes2, 1 juncture phoneme, 4 caused by the speakers geographic background. Thus, the
pitch level phonemes, and 3 terminal contour phonemes. We shall phoneme [r] is pronounced in many different ways, according to the
deal more closely with suprasegmental phonemes when discussing speaker's place of origin: it may be trilled by a Scottish speaker,
connected speech. lateralized by a Southern Englander or an American, or pronounced
Thus, the English language has 55 phonemes: 44 segmental as a voiced labio-dental approximant (a lippy w) by a foreign
phonemes and 11 suprasegmental phonemes. speaker who cannot produce either of the native variant; the /r/
uttered by a Frenchman and a German learning English and
(3) Another method of investigation phoneticians use is called speaking heavily-accented English will by quite different, too.
distributional analysis. Unlike the commutation test, distributional British and American speakers pronounce the sound [] (as in bad)
analysis focuses on non-distinctive phonetic features, i.e. on differently; British [( ]as in talk) is rather close (close to Romanian
features that are not significantly opposed. Non-significant features [o]), while American [ ]is more open; etc. Such variations are
do not produce change of meaning, so that no new phonemes are referred to as regional variants.
created, but mere variants of those speech sounds, i.e. allophones of
the same phonemes. Distributional analysis surveys those (iii) Other variations are due to the speaker's social background,
allophones which cannot occur in each other's place. e.g. educated or not, living in a city or at the country-side, etc. For
There are countless non-significant phonetic features, induced example, Cockney3 speakers can be recognized by their use of /e/
by the sound's linguistic environment, by the speaker's geographic instead of // (e.g. they pronounce cat and cab /ket/ and /keb/); of
or social background, or by some personal speech idiosyncrasy. /f/ instead of // (e.g. /fri:/ instead of /ri:/ for three); of /v/ instead
of // (e.g. /wiv/ instead of /wi/ for with)4, etc.
(i) For example, the linguistic environment changes the quality of Variants can also be caused by the speaker's personal
the phoneme [s] as follows: peculiarities, e.g. a person can roll his /r/'s more than the other, put
 /s/ in sea is partially voiced because of the subsequent long
vowel [i:];
 /s/ in swing is labialized (i.e. pronounced with rounded lips) 3
A Cockney is a member of the native-born working-class population of
because it is followed by the rounded semivowel [w]; London's East End, and the Cockney dialect is viewed as typical for the
 /s/ in snow is nasalized because of the nasal [n] that follows it; uneducated inhabitants of London.
 /s/ in slide is released laterally, because of the following 4
Some Romanian students of English have a tendency to pronounce these
lateral [l]; sounds in the same way. However, they must remember that this is
considered to be uneducated, bad English, rejected by the norms of
Some phoneticians suggest there are 4 stress phonemes. Standard English.
CHAPTER 2: Phonetics & phonology 29 30 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

allophones of the same phoneme. All the non-distinctive

more friction into his /s/'s, lengthen his vowels excessively, etc., i.e.
variants of the same sound type are included in one particular
these are individual variants of the phonemes.
class of sounds; the class as such is the phoneme. Each phonetic
Positional, regional, or individual variations are not
variant, each individual member of the class represents an
accompanied by change of meaning, so that they represent mere
allophone (Prlog, 1997: 24, original emphasis).
allophonic variants of the same phonemes, induced by non-
This also brings us to another important distinction between
significant phonetic features.
phonetics and phonology: while phonetics focuses on the phonemes
(iv) There is one more situation to be mentioned: that of free- of a language, phonology analyzes its most significant allophones,
variation. In certain contexts, the distinction between the members i.e. the basic positional and regional variants for each phoneme.
of a phonemic pair is neutralized (i.e. the distinctive feature
opposition is lost). For example, in American English pretty /'priti/
is often pronounced /'pridi/ (i.e. the voiced/voiceless opposition
between /t/ and /d/ is lost for /t/ in intervocalic position); the British
grass [gra:s] is uttered [grs] in the USA; etc.
Thus, phonemes which occur in the same context and can
replace one another without causing the meaning of the word to
change are said to be in free-variation (i.e. either one or the other
can be used).
While use of the wrong phoneme can bring about
misunderstandings (e.g. a free house or a tree house), the use of the
correct allophone has an important social role: the listener can
identify an uneducated, or a foreign speaker, by his typical
allophones (e.g. a strongly rolled /r/ may say that the speaker is of
Spanish descent; Germans speaking English may pronounce /v/
instead of /w/, e.g. /vt/ instead of /wt/ for what). And both lack
of education and foreign origin are severely sanctioned by a
sophisticated society, such as the British. Nor are Americans very
friendly to immigrants from countries south of the USA (e.g. to
Puerto Ricans). Such examples show that Romanian students should
be very careful about their pronunciations.
To sum up, replacing one phoneme in a word by another brings
about change of meaning. Replacing one allophone by another
may have important social consequences, but triggers no semantic
Consequently, meaning is the main criterion that determines
whether two or more sounds are different phonemes or simply

3.1 The vowel system

3.1.1 Description of vowels
Vowels are constant in two ways: they are all voiced and there is no
Chapter 3 stricture. For the description of vowels, linguists make use of the
Classification of speech sounds following criteria:
(1) the position of the soft palate;
Traditionally, phonemes have been organized into two main (2) the position of the lips;
categories: vowels and consonants. However, defining vowels (3) the movement of the tongue;
and consonants is not easy. (4) the degree of muscular tension of the tongue and of the
To classify speech sounds, phoneticians have relied on three walls of the mouth;
basic criteria: pronounceabitity in isolation, sonority and stricture. (5) duration (always associated with tenseness); and
The etymology of the words would suggest that consonants (6) constancy of articulation.
(from Latin con+sonare = to sound with) cannot be pronounced in (1) The position of the soft palate produces two types of vowels:
isolation (they need another sounds to go with), while vowels can oral vowels, i.e. the soft palate is raised and the air escapes
be uttered singly. But in fact, almost any sound can be pronounced through the oral cavity; and
alone. nasal vowels, i.e. the soft palate is lowered and the air stream
Etymology would also suggest that vowels have a greater escapes, partially or totally, through the nasal cavity;
sonority than consonants, because they are voiced sounds (from
Latin vocalis = voiced); however, numerous consonants are also  all English vowels are oral; slight nasalization occurs in
voiced, e.g. [b], [d], [g], [z], [n], etc. nasal contexts, i.e. when a nasal consonant precedes or
A third definition says that vowels are those sounds for the follows the vowel,
production of which the air stream escapes freely from the lungs, e.g. in more, [:] is slightly nasalized by the preceding
without encountering any considerable obstacle (or "stricture"), nasal consonant [m].
while with consonants the air stream encounters an obstacle, i.e. a (2) The position of the lips gives rise to:
closure, or a narrowing, which produces friction. Yet again, the unrounded vowels, i.e. the lips are spread or neutral,
definition does not hold: for the production of some consonant e.g. [i], [e], [];
sounds, such as [l], [r] or [n], the air stream does not really meet an rounded vowels, i.e. the lips are (more or less) rounded,
obstacle. Furthermore, this definition would include the semivowels e.g. [], [u], [u:].
([w] and [j]) among vowels, but they have been traditionally (3) In terms of the movement of the tongue, vowels vary according to:
included among consonants. (a) the part of the tongue that is raised to articulate the vowel:
To make matters more precise, the American linguist K.L. Pike  front vowels, i.e. the front part of the tongue is raised for
suggested the terms vocoid for the vowel-type sounds, and contoid articulation,
for the consonant-type sounds. But these terms are correct only for e.g. [i:], [i], [e], [];
phonetics, not phonology.  back vowels, i.e. the back of the tongue is raised towards
the palate,
CHAPTER 3: Classification of speech sounds 33 34 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

e.g. [u:], [u], [], [:]; Cardinal Vowel Scale1 (fig. 2), based on physiological
 central vowels, i.e. the centre of the tongue is raised, observation of the mouth in the act of pronunciation2 (fig. 3). Just
e.g. [], [:], [^]; like the Cardinal Points, the Cardinal Vowels on the Scale do not
actually exist: they are mere landmarks against which the vowel
(b) how high the tongue is raised; we distinguish
sounds of various languages are assessed, providing a set of fixed
 two basic positions:
points of reference for the position of the mouth and the
 close vowels when the tongue is high in the mouth, contribution of the tongue while pronouncing the vowels.
e.g. [i:], [u:];
 open vowels when the tongue is very low,
e.g. [], [a:];
 and two intermediary positions:
 half-close, i.e. with the tongue high, but not very high,
e.g. [e], [o];
 half-open, i.e. with the tongue low, but not very low,
e.g. [], [].
(4) According to the degree of muscular tension of the tongue
and of the walls of the mouth, we have:
 long vowels, which are tense;
 short vowels, which are lax.
(5) According to their duration, we can distinguish:
Fig. 2: The Cardinal Vowel Scale
 long vowels, such as [i:], [u:], [:] and
 short vowels, e.g. [i], [u], [], etc. Jones observed that the tongue is in extreme positions for
(6) As far as the constancy of articulation, there are: pronouncing:
 monophthongs, or simple vowels, i.e. vowels that stay [i] the front of the tongue is raised as close as possible to
relatively constant during their production, the palate; no friction is produced; the lips are spread;
e.g. [i], [u], [e];
[a] the tongue is in the lowest position possible; the lips are
 diphthongs, i.e. there is a glide (a change of form) from
one position to another,
e.g. [], [i], [u], [au]. Vowels [i] and [a] thus described were labelled C1 (Cardinal
Vowel 1) and, respectively, C5 (Cardinal Vowel 5).
Cardinal Vowels C2, C3 and C4 result from a gradual lowering
3.1.2 Classification of vowels of the tongue from C1. Three positions are taken into consideration:
The Cardinal Vowel Scale
In an attempt to provide a framework that should work as a system 1
Named by analogy to the cardinal points
of reference for the pronunciation of vowels in various languages, 2
Daniel Jones actually produced X-rayed photographs of people's mouths
the British phonetician Daniel Jones (1881-1967) devised a while pronouncing the individual speech sounds.
CHAPTER 3: Classification of speech sounds 35 36 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

half-close, for pronouncing [e] labelled C2; (2) the manner of articulation, i.e. the type of closure that occurs;
half-open, corresponding to [] labelled C3; (3) voicing, i.e. whether the vocal cords vibrate or not;
open, for pronouncing [a] labelled C4; (4) the force of articulation, i.e. the volume of air expelled and
the resistance at the point of articulation;
C1 to C4 are front vowels. (6) nasalization, i.e. whether the soft palate is raised or
The other extreme point lowered.
(described above as [a] and labelled
C5) is a back vowel, for the
pronunciation of which the tongue 3.2.2 Classification of consonants
is in the lowest position. Starting from such considerations, consonants have been classified
The gradual rising of the back as follows:
of the tongue provides the next (1) According to the place of articulation, English consonants can be:
three Cardinal Vowels, i.e. C6, C7  bilabial, i.e. the articulation is performed with the help of the
and C8. Their positions are: two lips, e.g. [p], [b], [m], [w];
half-open, for pronouncing  labio-dental, i.e. the sounds are articulated by the lower lip
[ ]C6; Fig. 3: Positions of the tongue and the upper teeth, e.g. [f], [v];
half-close, corresponding to  dental, i.e. the rims of the tongue articulate with the upper
[o] C7; and teeth, e.g. [], [];
close, for [u] C8 .  alveolar, i.e. the blade/tip and blade of the tongue articulate(s)
The diagram in fig. 3 shows the eight Primary Cardinal with the alveolar ridge, e.g. [t], [d], [l], [n], [s], [z];
Vowels and the schematic position of the tongue in the mouth for  post-alveolar, i.e. the tip/tip and rims of the tongue
pronouncing them. articulate(s) with the rear part of the alveolar ridge, e.g.
When the front of the tongue (i.e. its central part) is raised, British English [r];
Cardinal Vowels [] and [:] are produced. To produce them, the  retroflex, i.e. the tip of the tongue is curled back and
lips are unrounded and, respectively, rounded. articulates with the hard palate behind the alveolar ridge, e.g.
Obviously, the Cardinal Vowels are ideal forms, not actual American English [r];
phonemes. Their real-life equivalents vary not only from  palato-alveolar, the blade/tip and blade of the tongue
language to language, but they also depend on the speaker, on articulate(s) with the alveolar ridge; the front of the tongue is
the context, or other extra-linguistic factors. raised against the hard palate, e.g. [], [t], [], [d];
 palatal, i.e. the front of the tongue articulates with the hard
3.2 The consonant system palate, e.g. [j];
3.2.1 Description of consonants  velar, i.e. the articulation is performed by the back of the
The type and quality of consonants depends on factors such as: tongue and the soft palate, e.g. [k], [g], [];
 glottal, i.e. an obstruction/narrowing occurs in the glottis,
(1) the place of articulation, i.e. the point where the stricture/
closure/narrowing occurs; causing friction, but no vibration, e.g. [h], [].
CHAPTER 3: Classification of speech sounds 37 38 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

(2) The manner of articulation, i.e. the closure can be of Voiceless sounds are generally fortis;
several types:  lenis, i.e. those speech sounds which require less air and
 total closure: the air stream meets an obstacle and is muscular tension, e.g. [d], [g], [v].
compressed; it can be released: Voiced sounds are usually lenis.
 suddenly and with a tiny explosion through the mouth, (5) As far as the position of the soft palate is concerned,
while the soft palate is raised; such consonants are speech sounds can be:
called plosives, e.g. [p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g];  oral, if the soft palate is raised against the pharynx to shut
 slowly, through a narrow passage in the mouth, with down the nasal cavity; most English sounds are oral;
the obstructing organs drawn apart; such consonant  nasal, when the soft palate is lowered and the air stream
sounds are called affricates, e.g. [t], [d]; escapes through the nose;
 suddenly, through the nasal cavity, with the soft palate  in English, there are few nasal sounds: [m], [n], and [].
lowered; these are the nasal consonants, e.g. [m], [n], [];
 narrowing: i.e. the organs of speech are quite close and The semivowels
the air escapes with a friction; There are only two semivowels in English,
 such are the fricative consonants, e.g. [f], [v], [s], [z]; [w], as in window [windu], world [w:ld], way [wei], one [wn];
 intermittent closure: i.e. the tongue makes a single [j], as in you [ju:], year [ji], new [nju:].
tap / a succession of taps on another organ of speech: From the articulatory point of view, semivowels are vowel-
 e.g. British English [r] is produced with a single tap of like: there is no closure in their pronunciation.
the tongue against the hard palate; Scottish English [r] Functionally, though, they are consonantal: they have a marginal
is produced with several taps of the tongue; position in the syllable and cannot form a syllable on their own.
 partial closure: i.e. the air is allowed to flow out on
either side of the tongue;
 such consonants are called lateral consonants, e.g. [l];
(3) In terms of voicing, consonants can be:
 voiced, i.e. the vocal cords vibrate when we utter them,
e.g. [b], [d], [g], [v], [], [z], [d], [];
 voiceless, i.e. the sounds do not involve the vocal cords,
e.g. [p], [t], [k], [f], [], [s], [t], [].
(4) According to the force of articulation (i.e. the volume of
the air stream and the tenseness of the speech organs required for
pronouncing them), speech sounds can be:
 fortis, i.e. sounds that require a relatively large volume of
air and muscular tension, e.g. [t], [k], [f].

 the lips are in neutral position to pronounce / :/ or //;

(3) the part of the tongue which is raised against the palate:
 front vowels, e.g. /i:/, /i/, /e/, //;
Chapter 4  central vowels, e.g. / :/, //, /^/;
 back vowels, e.g. /a:/, //, /:/, /u/, /u:/;
The speech sounds of the English language
(4) the degree of opening between the tongue and the hard palate:
 close vowels, e.g. /i:/, /i/, /u:/, /u/;
 mid-open vowels, e.g. /e/, /:/, //, /:/;
4.1 The English vowels  open vowels, e.g. //, /a:/, //, /^/;
Vowels can be defined as "sounds in the production of which the air (5) the length of the vowel:
stream does not come against any obstacle on the way out from the  long vowels: /i:/, /u:/, /a:/, /:/, /:/;
lungs through the oral cavity. The tone of vowels is produced in the  short vowels: /i/, /u/, /e/, //, /^/, //, //;
glottis by the vibration of the vocal cords" (Prlog, 1997: 37). (6) the force of articulation:
It was shown in the previous chapter that, to describe vowel  the long vowels are tense;
phonemes, phoneticians use the following criteria:  the short vowels are lax;
(1) the position of the soft palate; (7) the stability of articulation:
(2) the position of the lips;  monophthongs, i.e. simple vowels: e.g. /a:/, /:/, /:/, etc.
(3) the part of the tongue which is raised against the palate;  diphthongs, i.e. composite vocalic units which consist of a
(4) the degree of opening between the tongue and the hard palate; nucleus, followed by a glide: e.g. /i/, /au/, /u/, /i/;
(5) the length of the vowel;
With the help of the commutation test, there have been
(6) the force of articulation;
established 20 vowel phonemes in the English language, namely:
(7) the stability of articulation.
12 monophthongs and
Applying these criteria to the English language, we obtain the 8 diphthongs.
following types of English vowel phonemes:
(1) the position of the soft palate:
 for producing the English vowel sounds, the soft palate is 4.1.1 Monophthongs
raised, so that all English vowels are oral; General description
 however, when following or preceding a nasal consonant, In fig. 4, the framework of the Cardinal Vowel Scale is used to
they are slightly nasalized, e.g. // in man; present the position of the mouth and of the tongue for pronouncing
(2) the position of the lips: the 12 English vowel phonemes.
 the lips are spread when articulating sounds like /i:/, /i/, /e/,
//, /a:/;
 the lips are rounded for articulating //, /:/, /u/, or /u:/;
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 41 42 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

Front Centre Back Positional & regional variants

Close As shown in Chapter 2, phonemes do not exist as such in the
i: u: language. What we actually pronounce, are the countless variants
i.e. allophones of those phonemes. The variants are so numerous
i u that no phonological study can cover them all. Some allophonic
Half-close : : variants, however, are typical for a wider range of instances.
The linguistic environment i.e. the sounds that precede and/or
follow a certain speech sound has a strong influence on the quality
of the sound uttered, producing a great number of "positional
Half-open ^
Other typical variations are caused by the speaker's
Open a: geographical background, and are referred to as "regional
variants". RP (for Great Britain) and mid-/trans-Atlantic
Fig. 4: The English vowels on the Cardinal Vowel Scale English (for the U.S.A.) are, obviously, the most widely
accepted regional variants, but we must not forget that English is
also spoken in Australia, in Canada, etc.
The 12 English vowel phonemes are generally grouped and described as:
Furthermore, RP and mid-Atlantic are merely the "official",
The front vowels educated, pronunciation standards in Great Britain and the U.S.A.,
/i:/ front, close, tense, long, unrounded but there are hundreds of regional dialects, e.g. Scottish and Welsh
/i/ front, retracted, close, lax, short, unrounded in Britain, the dialects spoken in Texas or in Louisiana, etc. The
/e/ front, mid-open, lax, short, unrounded speaker's socio-educational status is closely related to his regional
// front, open, lax, short, unrounded background, e.g. the Cockney dialect belongs to the uneducated,
The back vowels lower, classes of East London.
/u:/ back, close, tense, long, rounded
/u/ back, advanced, close, lax, short, rounded The English vowel phonemes
/:/ back, mid-open, tense, long, rounded The following section presents the English vowel phonemes and
// back open, lax, short, slightly rounded their most common allophonic variants. The examples given aim
/a:/ back, open, tense, long, unrounded to illustrate the serious gap that exists between English spelling
The central vowels and pronunciation, focussing on the various ways in which one
/^/ central, open, lax, short, unrounded and the same speech sound can be spelled.
/:/ central, mid-open, tense, long, unrounded
// central, mid-open, lax, short, unrounded /i:/ front, close, tense, long, unrounded
e.g. see [si:], tea [ti:], these [i:z], scene [si:n], receive [ri'si:v],
machine [m'i:n], quay [ki:], Oedipus ['i:dips], etc.
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 43 44 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

Articulation:  in unstressed syllables, /i/ is often replaced by [],

The front of the tongue is raised, very close to the hard palate. e.g. family ['fmili] / ['fmli]; hopeless ['huplis] /
The opening between the jaws is narrow. The tongue is tense; ['hupls]; happiness [hpinis] / [hpins].
the rims of the tongue touch the upper teeth laterally. The lips  in final unstressed position, /i/ is sometimes replaced by /i:/:
are spread. [i:] is a long vowel sound. e.g. pretty ['priti:], silly [sili:], etc.
Positional variants: Regional variants:
The position in the syllable influences the degree of  in RP, in stressed monosyllabic words, /i/ is often
centralization, closeness and length of the vowel. diphthongized into /i/, e.g. big [big];
 /i:/ is fully long in final position (e.g. see [si:]) or when  in American English, before dark [] + consonant, /i/ is
it occurs before a lenis consonant (e.g. sead [si:d]); more open and more retracted (pronounced with the middle
 its length is reduced when it is followed by a fortis of the tongue raised), e.g. milk [mik]).
e.g. seat [si:t]; /e/ front, mid-open, lax, short, unrounded
 when it occurs before dark [] or in final position, /i:/ e.g. friend [frend], said [sed], bury [beri], leisure ['le],
can be diphthongized into [i:i], e.g. seal [si:i], sea jeopardy [depdi], Thames [temz], Leicester ['lest], etc.
Regional variants: The front of the tongue is raised to a position between half-
 in the London area, /i:/ is sometimes diphthongized into [i], close and half-open. The opening between the jaws is medium.
e.g. see [si]; The tongue is lax, but more tense than for the articulation of /i/;
 some Americans pronounce /i:/ [i], e.g. see [si]. the rims of the tongue touch the upper teeth. The lips are
spread and more wide apart than for the articulation of /i/.
/i/ front, retracted, close, lax, short, unrounded
e.g. finish ['fini], myth [mi], example [ig'za:mpl], carriage // front, open, lax, short, unrounded
['krid], sausage ['s:sid], Monday [m^ndi], etc. e.g. have [hv], apple [pl], plaid [pld], imagine
Articulation: [i'md in], fantasy ['fntsi], etc.
The front-central part of the tongue is raised towards the hard Articulation:
palate, higher than the half-close position. The opening The tongue is raised to a position close to half-open. The
between the jaws is narrow-to-medium. The tongue is lax, and tongue is more tense than for the articulation of /e/; the rims of
the rims of the tongue touch the upper teeth laterally. The lips the tongue touch slightly the back of the upper teeth. The jaws
are loosely spread. /i/ is a short sound. are kept loosely apart and the lips are spread. There is also a
Positional variants: slight constriction of the pharynx.
Position in the syllable influences the degree of centralization, Positional variants:
closeness and length of the vowel, namely:  // is short before a fortis consonant (e.g. sat [st]) and
 /i/ is longer before lenis consonants (e.g. kid [kid]) and longer before a lenis consonant (e.g. sad [sd]);
shorter before fortis consonants (e.g. kit [kit]);
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 45 46 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

 with many speakers, the distinction between /e/ and // is Articulation:

both qualitative and quantitative, There is medium lip-rounding and the tongue is lax, touching
e.g. in the pair bed [bed] bad [bd], // in bad is the upper molars only slightly. The part of the tongue that is
longer and sometimes diphthongized to [] (i.e. raised against the palate is even more central, and the level of
[bd]) because of the voiced consonant which follows raising is slightly above the half-close position.
it. Positional variants:
Regional variants:  generally, /u/ appears in word-central, or utterance-central,
The pronunciation of /e/ and // are closely related: position (e.g. good, could, to go [tu'gu]), and it is weak;
 with RP speakers, /e/ is close to C2 and // is close to C3;  in utterance-final position (e.g. You don't have to /'hvtu/),
 in American English, // is more open (closer to C3), it is slightly longer and stronger.
longer and tenser, especially before plosives; Regional variants:
consequently, /e/ is also more open (closer to C4).  Northern British dialects do not perceive the difference
between /u/ and /u:/ and often use them in free variation:
/u:/ back, close, tense, long, rounded e.g. room [rum] or [ru:m];
e.g. flu [flu:], few [fju:], tomb [tu:m], juice [du:s], beauty  some Southern-British and American speakers pronounce
['bju:ti], canoe [k'nu:], rheumatism ['ru:mtizm], etc. /u/ more open and with the lips less rounded:
Articulation: e.g. good [gud], could [kud], should [ud].
The lips are closely rounded and the tongue is tense. The back of
the tongue is raised towards the soft palate to an almost close /:/ back, mid-open, tense, long, rounded
position, in a point slightly advanced from fully back. The tongue is e.g. all [:l], door [d:] saw [s:], water ['w:t], talk [t:k],
tense. swarm [sw:m], sword [s:d], wrought [r:t], etc.

Positional variants: Articulation:

 /u:/ is fully long in final position (e.g. two [tu:]) and before The back of the tongue is raised to a position between half-
lenis consonants (e.g. rude [ru:d]), and reduced before close and half-open. The tongue is tense and there is no contact
fortis consonants (e.g. root [ru:t]); with the upper molars. There is medium lip-rounding.
 /u:/ is often preceded by /j/, especially when spelled -ew or -eu, Positional variants:
e.g. few [fju:], neutral ['nju:trl], during [dju:ri]).  /:/ is longer when it is followed by a lenis consonant (e.g.
Regional variants: cord [k:d]) and shorter before a fortis one (e.g. caught [k:t]).
 RP speakers often diphthongize /u:/ as /uu:/ or /uw/,
Regional variants:
e.g. new [nuu:] / [nuw];
 in the London region, /:/ is closer and the lips are more
 Americans often replace /ju:/ by /u:/, e.g. knew / new [nu:].
tightly rounded;
 in RP, /:/ is sometimes used to replace /u/, e.g. your [j:]
/u/ back, advanced, close, lax, short, rounded
for [ju], sure [:] for [u], poor [p:] for [pu];
e.g. could [kud], bush [bu], woman ['wumn], bosom
['buzm], worsted ['wustid], Worcester ['wust], etc.
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 47 48 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

 conservative RP speakers often diphthongize /:/ to // in Positional variants:

word-final position when spelled -r(e),  /a:/ is fully long in final position and before lenis consonants,
e.g. floor [fl], before [bi'f]; e.g. car [ka:], card [ka:d];
 in the West and North West of England, as well as in the  it is shorter before a fortis consonant: e.g. cart [ka:t];
USA, /:/ is given a /r/ colouring in words spelled with "r",
e.g. course [k:rs], door [d:r]; Regional variants:
 American /:/ is opener than the British, and it is  with RP speakers, /a:/ and // are in free variation in
extremely open in the New York area. many words,
e.g. bath [ba:] / [b], class [kla:s] / [kls], demand
// back open, lax, short, slightly rounded [di'ma:nd] / [di'mnd];
e.g. spot [spt], what [wt], yacht [jt], knowledge ['nlid],  the pronunciation with [] is typical for American
quantity ['kwntiti], Glocester ['glst], etc. English, too;
 Southern Americans pronounce [a:] instead of the
Articulation: diphthong [ai],
The back of the tongue is raised very little above the open e.g. five [fa:v] instead of [faiv], time [ta:m] instead of [taim].
position, so that the distance between the jaws is very wide.
The tongue is lax and does not touch the upper teeth. The lips
/^/ central, open, lax, short, unrounded
are slightly rounded.
e.g. sun [s^n], son [s^n], under ['^nd], blood [bl^d], tough
Positional variants: [t^f], cough [k^f], does [d^z], etc.
 // and /:/ are often in free variation when they occur
before /f/ or //, e.g. off [:f] / [f]; cloth [kl:] / [kl]; Articulation:
 however, // is preferred. The centre of the tongue is raised slightly toward the half-open
position. The jaws are wide apart and the tongue is lax. The
Regional variants: lips are in neutral position.
 in American English, // is low and rather tense, close to
[a:], so that there is hardly any difference between pot Positional variants:
[pt] and part [pa:t], clock [klk] and clerk [kla:k], bomb  [^] occurs in word-initial or word-central position,
[bm] and balm [ba:m]. e.g. under ['^nd], but [b^t], monkey ['m^ki];

/a:/- back, open, tense, long, unrounded Regional variants:

e.g. car [ka:], staff [sta:f], father ['fa:], psalm [sa:m],  around London the sound is pronounced more retracted
mustache [ms'ta:], Berkley ['ba:kli], Derby ['da:bi], etc. (closer to C5 [a]);
 in RP, /^/ and // are often used in free variation:
Articulation: e.g. among ['m^]/ ['m];
The part of the tongue between central and back is in fully
open position and does not touch the teeth. The jaws are wide  in American English, it is close to /E/ and often used in
apart and the tongue is tense. The lips are in neutral position. free variation with it, e.g. hurry ['h^ri] or ['hri].
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 49 50 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

/E:/ central, mid-open, tense, long, unrounded 4.1.2 Diphthongs

e.g. bird [b:d], earth [:], mercy ['m:si], journey ['d:ni], etc. General description
Diphthongs, composite vocalic units, consist of a pure stressed
vowel (the nucleus) and a glide towards a second vowel sound.
The centre of the tongue is raised between the half-close and That is why, the term glide is often used.
half-open position. The opening between the jaws is narrow Diphthongs can be classified as:
and the tongue is tense. The lips are in neutral position.
falling, i.e. the nucleus is the first element; and
Positional variants: rising, i.e. the nucleus is the second element.
 closer and opener variants of /:/ are frequent, and /:/ is All English diphthongs are falling, and the nucleus is
often pronounced //. considerably longer than the glide, which is often merely
"suggested", never fully articulated.
Regional variants:
Diphthongs can also be described as:
 around London, people use an opener variant of /:/, so
that the distinction heard [h:d] and hard [ha:d] is slight; wide diphthongs, which imply a significant movement of
 American English gives /:/ a retroflex ending, the speech organs, e.g. [ai], [au], [i]; and
e.g. bird [b:rd], earth [:r]; narrow diphthongs, which require a lesser movement of the
speech organs, e.g. [ei], [u], [i], [], [u].
 New Yorkers often diphthongize [] to [i] or [i],
e.g. bird [bid] or [bid]. As far as the direction of movement of the speech organs,
diphthongs are classified as:
closing diphthongs, where the nucleus is more open than the glide,
// central, mid-open, lax, short, unrounded
e.g. [ei], [ai], [i], [au], [u]/[ou].
e.g. appeal ['pi:l], London ['l^ndn], writer ['rait], editor ['edit]; opening diphthong, where the vowel is closer than the glide,
Articulation: e.g. [i], [], [u].
The position of the tongue is lower than for the pronunciation The commutation test has established the existence of 8 diphthongs
of /:/. The tongue is lax and the lips are spread. in English, described as follows:
Positional variants: Closing diphthongs:
 // is the sound most frequently used in unstressed syllables, /ei/ falling, narrow, closing
e.g. economical [ik'nmikl], family ['fmli], parade /ai/ falling, wide, closing
[p'reid], etc. /i/ falling, wide, closing
/u/ falling, narrow, closing
Regional variants: /au/ falling, wide, closing
 in Southern British English, /^/ is often used instead of // in
Opening diphthongs:
final position: e.g. over ['uv^], never ['nev^].
/i/ falling, centring, narrow, opening
/u/ falling, centring, narrow, opening
// falling, centring, narrow, opening
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 51 52 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction Positional & regional variants Articulation:

Just like the monophthongs, diphthongs display considerable For the nucleus, the front of the tongue is raised to a medium
positional and regional variations. For example: position (below the half-closed line), then it moves in the
 they are fully long in final position, before a pause or a direction of [i], without fully articulating the latter.
lenis consonant Positional variants:
e.g. [ei] in play [plei] is longer than in played [pleid];  [ei] is fully long in final position or before lenis consonants:
 in many cases, the diphthongs are reduced to lengthened e.g. gray [grei], great [greit];
monophthongs,  before a dark [], the glide is shorter and more central (in
 [ei] is reduced to [e:] in Scotland and in parts of the the direction of []), e.g. pale [pei].
USA, e.g. day becomes [de:];
Regional variants:
 [ai] becomes [a:] when pronounced by some RP
speakers, hide is pronounced [ha:d];  RP speakers have a rather close nucleus for [ei] (close to C2),
 regional variations in the pronunciation of the nucleus e.g. plain [plein];
influence the quality, and often the quantity, of diphthongs:  in popular speech in the London area, [ei] is often
e.g. the speaker who gives a more open quality to [e] will pronounced with a more open nucleus, i.e. [i] or [ai],
also pronounce the [ei] diphthong in a more open way. e.g. mate [mit] or [mait];
 in North England, and parts of the USA, [ei] becomes a The closing diphthongs
e.g. day [dei] becomes [de:] or [d:].
Fig. 5 illustrates the formation of the English closing diphthongs.
/ai/ falling, wide, closing
e.g. eye [ai], write [rait], indict [in'dait], height [hait], nuclei
['nju:kliai], etc.
For the nucleus, the front of the tongue is low, the jaws are
ei kept wide apart, as for pronouncing a sound close to C4; then
u the tongue moves in the direction of [i], without actually
reaching it. The lips are not rounded.
Positional variants:
 [ai] is fully long in final position, before silence or a lenis
ai au
Fig. 5: The English closing diphthongs e.g. try [trai], bide [baid];
 it is shorter before a fortis consonant,
/ei/ falling, narrow, closing
e.g. bite [bait], sight [sait];
e.g. great [greit], sleigh [slei], gaol [deil], gauge [geid],  before dark [], the glide is shorter and more central (in the
bouquet [bu'kei], halfpenny ['heipni], etc. direction of []), e.g. isle [ai].
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 53 54 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

Regional variants: with the glide and the lips, which are spread for the nucleus,
The pronunciation of [ei] and [ai] are closely related to each get rounded for the glide.
other. RP speakers who have a close nucleus for [ei] will have
Positional variants:
for [ai] a nucleus that is close to C4;  [u] is fully long in final position or before a lenis
 speakers who have a more open nucleus for [ei] (e.g. who
consonant, e.g. so [su], code [kud];
pronounce mate [mait]), will pronounce the nucleus of [ai]
 it is shorter before a fortis consonant, e.g. coat [kut];
in a more retracted way (i.e. in a way that is closer to [i]),  in unstressed syllables, [u] is often reduced to [],
e.g. might [mait] becomes [mit]; e.g. phonetics [f(u)'netiks].
/i/ falling, wide, closing Regional variants:
e.g. boy [bi], buoy [bi] (or [bui]), oyster ['ist], enjoy [in'di];  in the popular speech of London, the nucleus is much
opener, closer to [^] or [], e.g. know [n^u] / [nu].
For the nucleus, the back of the tongue is below the half-open /au/ falling, wide, closing
line, then the organs move to articulate /i/, without actually e.g. out [aut], shout [aut], proud [praud], owl [aul], howl
reaching it. The jaws get closer with the glide. The lips are [haul], drought [draut], etc.
rounded for the nucleus and unrounded for the glide.
Positional variants: For the nucleus, the organs of speech start from a back,
 [i] is fully long in final position or before a lenis advanced, and fully open position, then move in the direction
consonant: of [u], without fully reaching it. The jaws are wide apart at
e.g. toy [ti], poise [piz]; the beginning, and get closer with the glide. The lips are
 it is shorter before a fortis consonant, e.g. voice [vis]; neutral for the nucleus and get rounded with the glide.
 before dark [], the glide is shorter and more central (in the
direction of []), e.g. coil [ki] Positional variants:
 [au] is fully long in final position or before a lenis consonant,
Regional variants: e.g. how [hau], proud [praud];
 conservative RP speakers pronounce the [ ]of [i] close to C6;  it is shorter before a fortis consonant,
 in popular London speech, [ ]of [i] is closer to C7, e.g. shout [aut], mouth [mau];
e.g. boy [boi].
Regional variants:
/u/ falling, narrow, closing  in popular London speech, the nucleus is pronounced
e.g. hope [hup], flow [flu], load [lud], shoulder ['uld], closer to C3 [] or to the phoneme [],
although [l'u], bureau [bju:'ru], etc. e.g. now [nau] becomes [nu] or [nu];
Articulation:  in other pronunciation types, the [a] of [au] is lengthened
For the nucleus, the organs of speech start from a central to [a:], so that [au] and [a:] are pronounced similarly,
mid-open position, then move in the direction of [u], e.g. loud and lard become [la:d].
without actually reaching it. The jaws get slightly closer
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 55 56 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction The opening diphthongs

Fig. 6 presents the English opening diphthongs: // falling, centring, narrow, opening
e.g. dare [d], where [w], hair [h], mayor [m], prayer
[pr], scarcely ['sksli], etc.
i u Articulation:
For the nucleus, the organs of speech start from a position close to
C3 [], then move in the direction of [], with the glide only
slightly more open than the nucleus. The lips are neutrally open.

Positional variants:
 [] is fully long in final position or before a lenis
e.g. fair [f], scared [skd];
 it is shorter before a fortis consonant,
Fig. 6: The English opening diphthongs e.g. scarce ['sks], where can I ? ['w kn ai].
/i/ falling, centering, narrow, opening Regional variants:
e.g. hear [hi], idea [ai'di], pierce [pis], theory ['iri],  some conservative RP speakers use an opener nucleus,
atmosphere [tms'fi], etc. and the glide is very slight, e.g. where [w];
 with others, it becomes a long monophthong,
e.g. scarcely ['sk:sli].
For the nucleus, the organs of speech start from the front
retracted position of /i/, then move in the direction of [], /u/ falling, centring, narrow, opening
which is not fully articulated. The jaws open slightly and the e.g. sure [u] during ['djuri], usual ['juul], manual
lips are neutrally open.
['mnjul], endurance [in'djurns], etc.
Positional variants:
 [i] is fully long in final position or before a lenis
For the nucleus, the organs of speech start from a back
advanced position close to /u/, then move in the direction of
e.g. hear [hi], cheers [tiz];
central mid-open //, which is not fully articulated. The lips are
 it is shorter before a fortis consonant, e.g. pierce [pis].
loosely rounded for the nucleus, and spread for the glide.
Regional variants:
 in popular London speech, the glide moves towards /^/ or /a/,
Positional variants:
e.g. near [ni] becomes [nia] or [ni^];
 in unaccented position, the nucleus of [u] may become
 in the dialects where post vocalic /r/ is pronounced, [i]
[w], and the second element becomes stronger,
becomes [i:r],
e.g. influence ['inflwEns];
e.g. fierce [fis] is pronounced [fi:rs];
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 57 58 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

 the nucleus may be more open, i.e. [] or the diphthong A. Plosives p, b t, d k, g

may be reduced to [:], e.g. sure [u] / [] / [:]. Affricates t, d
Fricatives f, v , s, z h
Regional variants: , 
 in popular London speech, [u] is often pronounced [:w], B. Nasal m n
e.g. sure [:w]. Lateral l
Some diphthongs can be followed by [], either within the word (in Flap/Roll r
which case they give rise to so-called triphthongs) or in another Semivowels w j
word. In such cases, the tendency is to lengthen the nucleus and The 24 English consonant phonemes are grouped and
drop the glide, described as follows:
e.g. fire [fai]/[fa:]; shower [au]/[a:]; prayer [prei]/[pre:]; The plosive consonants
This tendency works in connected speech, too: /p/ bilabial, fortis, voiceless /b/ bilabial, lenis, voiced
e.g. Theyre ([ei] / [e:]); /t/ alveolar, fortis, voiceless /d/ alveolar, lenis, voiced
Go away [gu'wei] / [g: 'wei], etc. /k/ velar, fortis, voiceless /g/ velar, lenis, voiced
// glottal, fortis, voiceless
4.2 The English consonants The affricate consonants

4.2.1 General description /t/ palato-alveolar, fortis, voiceless /d/ palato-alveolar, lenis, voiced
By applying the commutation test to consonants, phoneticians The fricative consonants
established that in the English language there are 24 consonant /f/ labio-dental, fortis, voiceless /v/ labio-dental, lenis, voiced
phonemes. Given their diverse characteristics, the consonant // dental, fortis, voiceless // dental, lenis, voiced
phonemes have been grouped into two classes: /s/ alveolar, fortis, voiceless /z/ alveolar, lenis, voiced
Class A consonants are produced with a total closure of the // palato-alveolar, fortis, voiceless // palato-alveolar, lenis, voiced
speech organs, or a narrowing that obstructs the air stream and /h/ glottal, fortis, voiceless
causes friction. Most class A consonants come in pairs, based on the The nasal consonants
fortis-lenis, voiced-voiceless opposition (e.g. /p/-/b/, /t/-/d/, etc.). /m/ bilabial, lenis, voiced /n/ alveolar, lenis, voiced
Class B consonants are uttered with a partial closure or a // velar, lenis, voiced
free escape of the air stream through the oral or nasal cavity;
The lateral consonants The phoneme /r/
they are voiced, mostly frictionless, and share certain vowel
characteristics. /l/ alveolar, lenis, voiced /r/ post-alveolar, lenis, voiced
The semivowels






/j/ palatal, lenis, voiced /w/ labio-velar, lenis, voiced

4.2.2 Positional variants
(1) Lip-rounding:
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 59 60 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

 depends on the adjacent sounds, Plosive consonants are also called stops because they are uttered
e.g. /t/ in teeth is pronounced with the lips spread because with a complete closure at some point in the mouth, then the
of the subsequent /i:/; obstruction is suddenly released, so that the sound is uttered with a
 in tart [ta:t], the lips are in neutral position; slight explosion. There are three pairs of plosives /p, b/, /t, d/, and
 in tooth [tu:], the lips are rounded bythe following [u:]. /k, g/. The glottal stop // which occurs only in special
pronunciations in the English language must also be considered.
(2) Place of articulation:
 influenced by that of the adjacent sounds, A. Characteristics:
e.g. /r/ induces a more retracted articulation for /t/, e.g. try [trai]. (1) Place of articulation:
 /p, b/ are bilabial, i.e. the closure occurs at the level of the two lips;
(3) Voicing:  /t, d/ are alveolar, i.e. the obstruction is made by the tongue and
 voiced consonants are: the alveolar ridge;
 fully voiced when they occur between two voiced sounds,  /k, g/ are velar, i.e. the closure is produced by the back of the
e.g. cupboard ['k^bd], mud ball ['m^db :l]; tongue and the soft palate.
 partially devoiced in initial position,
(2) Release of the air stream:
e.g. basic ['beizik], villain ['viln], this [is];
 completely devoiced in final position,
The articulation of plosives is produced in 3 stages:
e.g. sob [sbo], achieve ['ti:vo], to teethe [ti:o]. (a) closing, i.e. the speech organs move together;
(b) compression, i.e. the air stream is compressed behind the
(4) Length of preceding vowel: closure;
 fortis consonants reduce the length of the preceding vowel (c) release / explosion, i.e. the air stream is suddenly released.
and of /l, m, n/, Release of the air stream takes various forms, according to
e.g. /i:/ in leaf [li:f] is shorter than /i:/ in leave [li:v]; the sound's position in the utterance (see "Positional variants"
/m/ in comfort is shorter than /m/ in compass. on the next page).
Since voiced consonants are completely devoiced in final (3) Force of articulation:
position, in minimal pairs such as kitkid, proofprove, piece  /p, t, k/ are fortis, i.e. they are uttered with greater muscular
peas, etc., the voiced-voiceless opposition between /t/-/d/, /f/-/v/, tension and breath effort;
/s/-/z/ is lost.  /b, d, g/ are lenis, i.e. there is slighter muscular tension and
However, the difference is still obvious because the preceding breath effort.
vowel is shortened by the fortis sounds (i.e. /t/, /f/ and /s/), while (4) Voicing:
the lenis sounds (i.e. /d/, /v/ and /z/) do not reduce their length.  /b, d, g/ are voiced, i.e. the vocal cords vibrate when the air
stream passes through the glottis;
 /p, t, k/ are voiceless, i.e. there is no vibration of the vocal cords.
4.2.3 The consonant groups (5) Oral-nasal opposition: The plosive consonants  all plosive consonants are oral.
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 61 62 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

B. Positional variants: C. The plosives

(1) Voicing: 1. /p/ & /b/
 plosives are fully voiced between two voiced sounds, /p/: bilabial, fortis, voiceless
e.g. robber ['rb], debtor ['det], etc.; e.g. play, cope, copper ['kp], hope, hiccough ['hik^p], etc.
 they are partially or completely devoiced in final position,  the letter -p is silent
e.g. cab [kbo], debt [deto].  before /s/, /n/ and /t/ in initial position, e.g. pneumonia
(2) Aspiration: [niu'muni], psychology [sai'kldi], Ptolemy ['tlmi];
 fortis plosive consonants are aspirated in initial position in  in the final -pt cluster, e.g. receipt [ri'si:t].
stressed syllables. Aspiration may take on one of two forms:
/b/: bilabial, lenis, voiced
 when /p, t, k/ is followed by a vowel, the breath accompanying
the plosive is expelled strongly, with a slight explosion, e.g. blue [blu:], marble ['ma:bl], sublime [s'blaim], rob [rb], etc.
e.g. pot [pht]; tea [thi:], cat [kht];  the letter -b is generally silent
 when /p, t, k/ is followed by /l/, /r/, /w/, or /j/, the latter  before /t/, e.g. debt [det], doubt [daut], subtle ['s^tl]; and
sound is devoiced:  after /m/, e.g. numb [n^m], lamb [lm], tomb [tu:m],
e.g. blend [bloend], try [troai:], quite [kwoait], etc.; bomb [bm], (but bombardment [bm'ba:dmnt]).
 plosives are not aspirated Articulation:
 in initial position in unstressed syllables, The two lips produce a complete closure and the soft palate is
e.g. water ['w:t], soccer ['sk], etc.; raised, so that the air is compressed in the vocal cavity. Then
 when preceded by /s/, e.g. speak, steal, skate, etc. the lips open suddenly and the compressed air is released.
(3) Length of preceding sound: Distinctive features:
 fortis plosives shorten the vowel that precedes them: /p/ is fortis and is pronounced with great breath effort and
e.g. /i:/ in beat is shorter than /i:/ in bead; muscular force;
/b/ is lenis and requires little breath force and muscular tension;
(4) Release of air stream:
/p/ is voiceless, i.e. the vocal cords, held apart, do not vibrate;
Following the closing and the compression stage, the air stream /b/ is voiced, i.e. the vocal cords, brought together, vibrate.
can be released with:
h Variants:
 an audible release / aspiration, in initial position, e.g. tea [t i:];
the degree of voicing of /b/ depends on its position within
 no audible release, in final position (e.g. meet) or in
the utterance;
consonant clusters (e.g. told by ['tuldbai], straight [streit]);
 a lateral release, when the plosive consonant is followed by /l/,
aspiration and release of the air stream are influenced by the
e.g. please [pli:z]; subsequent sound;
 a nasal release, when followed by a nasal consonant,
point of articulation and lip rounding depend on the adjacent
e.g. kindness, hit man, etc.; sounds:
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 63 64 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

 e.g. when /b/ precedes /f/ or /v/, it is uttered with a labio- the voicing of /d/ depends on its position within the
dental closure, e.g. cab fare ['kbf], obvious ['bvis]. utterance;
aspiration and release of the air stream depend on the
2. /t/ & /d/ sound's position within the utterance;
/t/: alveolar, fortis, voiceless lip rounding and point of articulation are influenced by the
e.g. try [trai], tune [tju:n], Thames [temz], butter ['bt], hot [ht]. adjacent sounds:
 the closure becomes post-alveolar when /t/ is followed
 the -ed ending is pronounced /t/ after voiceless consonants
by /r/ (e.g. try [trai], dry [drai]) and dental before // or
other than /t/,
// (e.g. eighth [eit], thousandth [auznd]).
e.g. washed [wt], asked [a:skt], coughed [kft], etc.
 subsequent /r/ induces a post-alveolar articulation (e.g.
 /t/ is silent in
drink [drik]); subsequent // or // dentalizes the
 words such as Christmas ['krisms], Hertford ['ha:fd];
articulation of /d/ (e.g. thrive [raiv]).
 the group of letters -sten,
e.g. listen ['lisn], hasten ['heisn], etc.; Regional variants:
 in the -stle group, e.g. hustle ['hsl], whistle ['wisl], etc.;  the voiced-voiceless opposition between /t/ and /d/ is often
 in final position, in words of French origin, neutralized, especially in American English, i.e. /t/ becomes
e.g. challet ['tlei], bouquet ['bukei]. voiced when it occurs
 in medial intervocalic position, e.g. butter ['b^t] /
/d/: alveolar, lenis, voiced ['b^d]; pretty [priti] / [pridi]; thus, minimal pairs such
e.g. district, body, birdie, fodder [fd], good, said [sed], etc.; as metal-medal sound almost alike;
 the -ed ending is pronounced /d/ after vowels and after  before //, especially when it has a vocalic function,
voiced consonants other than /d/, e.g. cattle ['kt] / ['kd], subtle [s^t] / [s^d]; etc.
e.g. played [pleid], curved [k:vd], changed [teindd], etc.  in the South of England, /d/ is pronounced with a friction,
Articulation: sounding like an affricate, e.g. day [dzei].
The tip of the tongue touches the alveolar ridge and the rims of
the tongue push firmly against the side teeth. The air stream is 3. /k/ & /g/
compressed in the oral cavity, then the closure is suddenly /k/: velar, fortis, voiceless
opened and the air is released. e.g. comic, conquer ['k^k], stomach ache ['stmkeik], quite
[kwait], talk, etc.
Distinctive features:
 /t/ is fortis, i.e. pronounced with great force and muscular /g/: velar, lenis, voiced
tension; e.g. gun, ghost [gust], guest [gest], beggar, exam [ig'zm], bag
 /d/ is lenis and requires slight force and muscular tension;  the letter -g is silent
 /t/ is voiceless, i.e. the vocal cords, held apart, do not vibrate;  when it precedes /n/, e.g. gnaw [n:], gnarl [na:l];
 /d/ is voiced, i.e. the vocal cords, brought together, vibrate.  when it precedes /m/ and /n/ in final position,
Variants: e.g. sign [sain], reign [rein], paradigm ['prdaim];
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 65 66 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

 the -gh group of letters is silent, (i.e. the sound is voiceless), but great muscular tension is
e.g. bough [bu], knight [nait], right [rait], etc. deployed (i.e. it is fortis).
Articulation: Variants
The back of the tongue is raised towards the soft palate. The air  in both American and British English, there is a tendency to
stream is compressed behind the closure, then released suddenly. reduce /t/ after a stressed vowel to a mere roll or a glottal
stop. For example
Distinctive features:
 when /t/ precedes syllabic /l/ or /n/,
/k/ is fortis, i.e. pronounced with great force and muscular tension;
e.g. cattle ['k], mutton ['m^n]);
/g/ is lenis and requires slighter muscular tension and force
 before /m/, /r/, /j/, /w/,
of the air stream;
e.g. not right ['nrait], not yet ['njet], not well ['nwel];
/k/ is voiceless, i.e. the vocal cords do not vibrate;
/g/ is voiced, i.e. the vocal cords brought together vibrate.  in the London and Glasgow area, the glottal stop often
replaces /t/ before vowels (e.g. butter ['b^]), before other
consonants (e.g. not good ['ngud]), or in final position (e.g.
the voicing of /g/ depends on its position within the utterance;
Finished! [fini)].
aspiration and release of air stream depend on the sound's
position within the utterance; The affricate consonants
point of articulation and lip rounding are influenced by the
adjacent sounds: A. Articulation:
 if followed by a back vowel, the back of the tongue is To pronounce an affricate consonant
considerably retracted, e.g. cart [ka:t], court [k:t]; there is first a complete closure in
 when it precedes /j/, the pronunciation of /k/ is the oral cavity, then the air stream
palatalized, e.g. cure [kju]. is released gradually (instead of a
sudden release, as with plosives)
4. The glottal stop so that friction is induced.
Although many consonant
// glottal, fortis, voiceless
clusters behave in this way (e.g.
The glottal stop // a cough-like sound does not provide /tr/, /ts/, /tw/, /dz/), only /t/ and
minimal pairs of the pin bin type, so that its phonemic status
is questionable. Nevertheless, the sound is frequently used, /d/ qualify as phonemes, because
especially as a device to mark word boundaries. they give rise to minimal pairs,
e.g. tear [ti] cheer [ti];
Articulation dam [dm] jam [dm].
The glottal stop results from a complete closure in the mouth
cavity, the air stream being interrupted at the level of the Fig. 7 presents the position
Fig. 7: Tongue position for t and d
glottis. Then the vocal folds are suddenly drawn apart and the of the speech organs for
air escapes forcefully. There is no vibration of the vocal cords articulating /t/ and /d/.
B. Positional variants:
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 67 68 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

1. Lip rounding: The tip and blade of the tongue touch the alveolar ridge; the rims
 the degree of lip rounding for uttering /t/ and /d/ depends of the tongue touch the side teeth; the front of the tongue is
on the subsequent vowel, raised towards the hard palate. The tongue is then removed
e.g. gym, Jay, Jack, John, Jude, joke, etc. from the teeth ridge and the air escapes with friction.
2. Voicing: Distinctive features:
 depends on the sound's position of /d/ within the utterance, /t/ is fortis and is pronounced with great breath force and
muscular tension;
 /d/ is fully voiced between two voiced sounds,
/d/ is lenis and requires slighter muscular tension and force
e.g. urchin [':tin], adjourn ['d:n]; of the air stream;
 it is partially devoiced in initial position,
/ t/ is voiceless, i.e. the vocal cords do not vibrate because
e.g. chairman ['tmn], jealousy ['delsi]; they are held apart;
 it is completely devoiced in final position:
/d/ is voiced, i.e. the vocal cords are brought together and
e.g. teach [ti:to], sponge [spndo]. vibrate.
3. Free variation: Variants:
 in rapid colloquial, or uneducated speech,  in initial position, in stressed syllables, /t/ is sometimes
 /t/ is often pronounced /tj/, and vice-versa,
slightly aspirated, e.g. chalk ['th:k].
e.g. fortune ['f:tn] / ['f:tjn]; got you ['gt];
 /d/ and /dj/ are often used in free variation, especially before
 /dj/ and /d/ are also often used in free variation:
/u/, e.g. soldier ['suld] / ['suldj]; gradual ['grdjul] /
e.g. educate ['edjukeit] / ['edukeit]; told you ['tuld].
C. The affricates The fricative consonants
/t/: palato-alveolar, fortis, voiceless
e.g. chair [t], chalk [t:k], itchy [iti], kitchen ['kitn], teach, A. Characteristics
preach, lunch [lnt], etc. For uttering fricative sounds, the organs of speech are brought
 /t/ occurs in the pronunciation of suffixes, such as together and form a narrowing; the air stream that passes through
 t+ure, e.g. creature ['kri:t], sculpture ['sk^lpt], this narrowing escapes with a friction.
gesture ['dest]; Fricative consonants also come in pairs there are 4 pairs of
 t+ion / t+eous, e.g. question ['kwestn], combustion fricatives except the phoneme /h/, which is single. Fricatives have
[km'b^stn], righteous ['raits], etc. the following characteristics:
(1) Place of articulation:
/d/ palato-alveolar, lenis, voiced
/f, v/ labio-dental, i.e. the narrowing is produced by the
e.g. juice, engine, gaol [deil], revenge, wedge [wed], lower lip and the upper teeth;
spinach ['spinid], Greenwich ['grinid], Norwich ['nrid], etc. /, / dental, i.e. the narrowing is formed by the tip of the
Articulation: tongue and the upper teeth;
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 69 70 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

/s, z/ alveolar, i.e. the tip and blade of the tongue form a /f/: labio-dental, fortis, voiceless
narrowing with the alveolar ridge; e.g. father ['fa:], phonetics [fu'netiks], laughter ['la:ft],
/, / palato-alveolar, i.e. the narrowing is formed by the effort ['eft], lieutenant [lef'tennt], cough [k^f], etc.
tongue, the alveolar ridges, and the hard palate; /v/: labiodental, lenis, voiced
/h/ glottal, i.e. the narrowing is at the level of the glottis. e.g. very ['veri], cover ['k^v], Stephen ['sti:vn], achieve
(2) Force of articulation:
['ti:v], of [v], etc.
/f, , s, , h/ are fortis; Articulation
/v, , z, / are lenis. To pronounce /f/ or /v/, the lower lip touches the upper teeth
lightly. The air stream passes through this narrowing with a
(3) Voicing: friction.
the lenis consonants are voiced;
the fortis consonants are voiceless; Distinctive features
the fortis /f/ involves great muscular tension and breath effort;
(4) Oral-nasal:
/v/ is lenis, so the muscular tension and breath effort are slighter;
all English fricatives are oral.
to articulate /f/, the vocal cords are kept apart and do not
vibrate when the air stream passes;
B. Positional variants
they are brought together and vibrate when /v/ is
1. Lip-rounding and place of articulation depend on adjacent pronounced.
 they are uttered with rounded and slightly protruded lips if Positional variants
/u:/ precedes or follows, the degree of voicing of /v/ depends on its position within
e.g. smooth [smu:], hoot [hu:t], etc. the utterance;
 subsequent /j/ palatalizes /f/ or /v/, point of articulation and lip rounding are influenced by
e.g. feud [fju:d], view [vju:], etc. adjacent sounds:
 a rounded vowel or a bilabial plosive will make the
2. Voicing:
articulation of /f/ or /v/ more retracted,
 voicing of /v, , z, / depends on the sound's position within e.g. tough peace [t^fpi:s], obvious ['bvis], etc.
the utterance,
 fully voiced between two voiced sounds, e.g. ahead ['hed];
in final position, /v/ is often pronounced /f/ if the following
 partially devoiced in initial position, e.g. vanity ['vniti];
word begins with a fortis consonant,
 completely devoiced in final position, e.g. please [pli:zo]
e.g. have met [hf'met], give six [gifsiks], etc.;
word final /v/ in unstressed syllables is often elided in rapid speech,
3. Length of preceding vowel: e.g. cup of tea ['k^p'ti:], should have stayed [,ud'steid].
 the preceding vowel is shortened by fortis /f, , s, , h/:
e.g. /i:/ in teeth [ti:] is shorter than /i:/ in teethe [ti:].
2. // & //
C. The fricatives
1. /f/ & /v/ //: dental, fortis, voiceless
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 71 72 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

e.g. think [ik], thief [i:f], author [':], tooth [tu:],  // is sometimes pronounced /t/ or /h/:
mouth [mau], etc. e.g. fifth [fift]; Thank you ['hkju];
 // is often pronounced /d/: e.g. the book [d'buk];
//: dental, lenis, voiced
in rapid speech, // is often elided before /z/ and in clusters,
e.g. there [], father ['fa:], loathe [lu], with [wi], etc.
e.g. clothes [kluz], with zero [wi'zi()ru].
 the final [] of nouns or adjectives changes into [] when
 pluralized, if [] is preceded by a long vowel or a 3. /s/ & /z/
/s/: alveolar, fortis, voiceless
e.g. bath [ba:] baths [ba:z];
e.g. sun [sn], assess ['ses], scene [si:n], custom ['kstm],
mouth [mau] mouths [mauz];
pencil [pensl], pence [pens], conscience ['knns], etc.;
 when the noun / adjective is converted into a verb,
e.g. smooth [smu:] to smooth [smu:];  the letter -s is silent in
tooth [tu:] to teeth [ti:].  aisle [ail], isle [ail], island [ailnd], viscount ['vaikaunt];
 French loans ending in -s, e.g. bourgeois ['buwa:],
chamois ['mwa:];
To pronounce // and //, the tip of the tongue is projected
between the front teeth and the rims of the tongue are pushed  the -s ending (for the plural of nouns, the 3rd pers. sg. present
against the upper side teeth. The air-stream escapes through tense of verbs, the synthetical genitive) is pronounced /s/
when it follows a voiceless consonant,
this narrow passage with an audible friction.
e.g. books [buks], asks [a:sks], Kate's [keits], etc.
Distinctive features
great muscular tension and breath effort are required to /z/: alveolar, lenis, voiced
pronounce the fortis //; e.g. zero ['ziru], xerox ['zirks], exam [ig'zm], business
the lenis // needs less muscular tension and breath effort; ['biznis], possess [p'zes], sizzle ['sizl], tease ['ti:z], etc.
the vocal cords do not vibrate when // is pronounced;  the -s ending is pronounced /z/ when it comes after a voiced

with //, the vocal cords are drawn together and vibrate. consonant which is not a sibilant, or after a vowel,
e.g. pegs [pegz], psalms [sa:mz], plays [pleiz], John's [dnz];
Positional variants
 after sibilants (/s/, /z/, //, //, /t/, /d /), the ending is
the degree of voicing of // depends on its position within
the utterance: it is fully voiced between two voiced sounds pronounced /iz/,
(e.g. other []), partially devoiced in initial position (e.g. e.g. dresses [dresiz], splashes [spliz], watches [wtiz],
there []) devoiced in final position (e.g. bathe [beio]); Dickens's ['dikinsiz] (or Dickens' ['dikins]), etc.
point of articulation and lip rounding are influenced by Articulation
adjacent sounds: The tip and blade of the tongue touch the upper alveolar ridge and
 e.g. subsequent /r/ will make the pronunciation of // the front of the tongue is raised against the hard palate, forming a
more retracted (e.g. thrill [ril], etc.). narrow passage. The air-stream escapes with great friction.
Regional variants Distinctive features
in uneducated speech, especially when it occurs in clusters,
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 73 74 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

/s/ is fortis, i.e. articulation of /s/ requires great muscular articulation of // requires great muscular tension and breath
tension and breath effort; effort (but lesser than for uttering /s/);
/z/ is lenis, i.e. no great muscular and breath effort are required; slight muscular energy and breath effort are needed to
/s/ is voiceless, i.e. the vocal cords do not vibrate; articulate //;
/z/ is voiced, i.e. the vocal cords vibrate when the air to articulate //, the vocal cords are kept apart and do not vibrate;
passes through the glottis. they are brought loosely together when // is pronounced.
Variants Variants
voicing of /z/ depends on its position within the utterance;
voicing of // depends on its position within the utterance;
place of articulation is influenced by adjacent sounds,
 a back vowel or postalveolar /r/, induce a more retracted lip position and place of articulation depend on adjacent sounds;
articulation, e.g. soot [su:t], has rained [hz'reind]. // and // are sometimes in free variation,
the position of the lips varies depending on the adjacent sounds, e.g. Asia ['ei] / ['ei]; version ['v:n] / ['v:n];
e.g. seen, say, stay, sad the lips are spread or neutral;
swing, soot, swore the lips are rounded. 5. /h/
/h/: glottal, fortis, voiceless
4. // & // e.g. heart [ha:t], hurricane ['hrikein], behave [bi'heiv],
//: palato-alveolar, fortis, voiceless childhood ['taildhud], who [hu:], whole [hul], etc.
e.g. shoe [u:], sure [u], machine [m'i:n], pressure ['pre],  -h is silent in words such as,
action ['kn], patience ['peins], anxious ['ks], e.g. heir [], honourable ['nrbl], character ['krikt],
obnoxious [b'nks]; exhaustive [ig'z:stiv], rhyme [raim], vehicle ['vi:ikl], etc.
//: palato-alveolar, lenis, voiced Articulation
e.g. leisure [le], pleasure ['ple], treasure ['tre], casual The glottis and the mouth cavity are open and the air stream is
pushed out with audible friction. Great force and muscular
['kul], usually ['ju: uli], vision ['vin], television; tension are involved, but there is no vibration of the vocal cords.
 [] often appears in French loans, e.g. genre ['a:nr], Positional variants
bourgeoisie [,buwa'zi:], prestige [pre'sti:], regime [rei'i:m]; in medial position, between voiced sounds, /h/ may become
voiced, involving vibration of the vocal cords;
Articulation e.g. mayhem ['meihem], with him [wi'him];
The tip and blade of the tongue come in contact with the rear of
the alveolar ridge, the rims of the tongue touch the upper side Regional variants
teeth, and the front of the tongue is raised towards the hard in Scottish English, the narrowing occurs between the back of
palate. The narrowing is quite wide, so that there is lesser friction the tongue and the velum, and the air passes through the
than for uttering /s/ or /z/. narrowing with greater friction,
e.g. loch [l].
Distinctive features
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 75 76 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

this variant is also used in other parts of Northern England, as B. Positional variants
well as in some Southern states in the USA; 1. Voicing
in popular, uneducated English, and in some regional dialects,  partially devoiced when preceded by a voiceless consonant:
/h/ is dropped or replaced by a glottal stop, e.g. snore [sn:], smear [smi], topmost ['tpmust], etc.
e.g. hard [a:d] / [a:d]; hardly [a:dli] / [a:dli]; hill [il] / [il]; 2. Length:
in rapid speech in unstressed syllables, the initial /h/ of  nasals are shorter before fortis consonants,
pronouns or auxiliary verbs is generally elided, e.g. can't [ka:nt], compass ['kmps], conquer ['kk];
e.g. I met him [ai 'metim]; I have nothing [aiv'ni]. 3. Place of articulation:
 is influenced by that of the adjacent sounds, The nasal consonants e.g. in come fast [kmfa:st], the pronunciation of /m/
A. Characteristics becomes almost labio-dental because of the subsequent /f/;
Nasals rely on a complete closure in the vocal tract; the soft palate 4. Lip rounding
is lowered and the air stream escapes freely through the nasal  depends on that of the adjacent vowel sounds,
cavity, so that there is no audible friction. Nasals are continuants, e.g. need, neigh, night, nor, know; ring, rang, rung, wrong, etc.
i.e. the air stream is pushed out without any interruption.
C. The nasals
The 3 nasal consonants /m/, /n/ and // have the following /m/: bilabial, lenis, voiced
characteristics: e.g. mother ['m], common ['kmn], autumn [':tm], comb [kum];
1. Place of articulation:  word-initial -m is silent in mnemonic [ni'mnik].
/m/ is bilabial, i.e. the obstruction is produced by the lips;
/n/ is alveolar, i.e. the tip of the tongue articulates with the The lips are closed (as for articulating /p/ or /b/), but the soft
alveolar ridge; palate is lowered and the oral cavity is blocked, so that the air-
// is velar, the closure is produced by the back of the tongue stream is pushed out through the nasal cavity. The vocal cords
and the velum; vibrate, but no great muscular tension is needed.
2. Force of articulation: Variants
all nasals are lenis;  partially devoiced when preceded by a voiceless consonant;
3. Voicing:  place of articulation is influenced by that of the adjacent sounds,
 lip rounding depends on that of the adjacent vowel sounds.
all nasals are voiced sound;
4. Vocalic nature: /n/: alveolar, lenis, voiced
nasals have a syllabic function, i.e. just like vowels, nasals in e.g. nature ['neit], indefinite [in'definit], funny [fni], tune [tju:n];
final position or in final clusters can form syllables,  final -n is silent when following -m:
e.g. prism ['pri zm], season ['si: zn], blacken ['blk]; e.g. column [klm], damn [dm], solemn ['slm];
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 77 78 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

 when -n is preceded by -k or -p in initial position, or by -g in Regional variants:

initial or final position, those letters are silent:  in British English (especially in Midlands and the North
e.g. know [nu], pneumonia [nju:'muni], gnarl [na:l], of England), /g/ forms are preferred,
gnome [num], sign [sain], etc. e.g. longer [lg], longest [lgist], etc.
 in Wales, // is favoured,
e.g. longer [l], longest [list], etc.
The tip of the tongue presses against the alveolar ridge (like for /t/
 in less cultivated English (both British and American),
or /d/), but the soft palate is lowered, so that the oral cavity is
the -ing ending is pronounced /in/ instead of /i/,
blocked and the air-stream escapes through the nose. The vocal
e.g. going [guin] instead of [gui].
cords vibrate, but the muscular tension and breath effort are slight.
Positional variants The lateral consonants
 assimilation often occurs in rapid spoken language,
A. Characteristics
 word final /n/ is pronounced /m/ when followed by a
bilabial consonant, For the pronunciation of lateral consonants, there is a partial closure
e.g. nine books [naimbuks], fine pen [faimpen]; in the vocal cavity, and the air escapes on one or both sides of the
 word final /n/ is pronounced // when followed by a obstruction. Laterals are generally frictionless, and they may have
velar consonant, syllabic function (i.e. a vocalic feature), e.g. bottle ['b tl], giggle
e.g. one group [wgru:p], one kite [wkait], etc. ['gi gl], etc. However, their position in the syllable is marginal, so
they are ranged among consonants.
//: velar, lenis, voiced /l/: alveolar, lenis, voiced
e.g. brink [brik], think [ik], thing [i], tangle [tl], e.g. lame [leim], always [':lweiz], yellow ['jelu], lull [l], colour
England ['iglnd], playing ['plei], longer [lg], etc. [kl], useful ['jusful], etc.
Articulation  the letter -l is often silent if it occurs before a consonant,
The closure is formed by the back of the tongue raised against e.g. could [kud], should [ud], balm [ba:m], psalm [sa:m],
the soft palate (like for /k/ or /g/) and the soft palate is lowered, half [ha:f], talk [t:k], folk [fuk], Lincoln ['linkn], etc.
pushing the air-stream through the nasal cavity. The vocal cords Articulation
vibrate when the air passes through the glottis, but there is no The tip of the tongue touches the alveolar ridge and the rims of
great tension of the muscles or breath effort involved. the tongue are lowered, while the soft palate is raised. Thus a
Positional variants partial closure is achieved in the oral cavity. The air-stream
lip rounding and point of articulation are influenced by the escapes on one side (usually the right) or on both sides of the
preceding vowel, for example: tongue. The vocal cords vibrate, but there is little tension of
 the lips are spread, and it is more advanced, when it follows the muscles and little breath effort.
/i/, which is an unrounded front vowel, e.g. sing [si]; B. Positional variants
 the lips are rounded, and it is retracted, after //, which is a
rounded back vowel, e.g. song [s]. 1. Main allophones:
/l/ has three important positional allophones:
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 79 80 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

clear [l], which is used The phoneme /r/

 in prevocalic or intervocalic position, /r/: post-alveolar, lenis, voiced
e.g. lip [lip], alight ['lait], all over [:l'uv], etc.; e.g. run [rn], pride [praid], parade [p'reid], correct
 before /j/, e.g. lure [lju], failure ['feilj]; [k'rekt], write [rait], wrong [r], rhyme [raim];
"dark" [] a velarized variant which occurs Articulation:
 in word final position after a vowel, The central part of the tongue is lowered, the tip of the tongue
e.g. pull [pu], fill [fi], lull [l] (but lullaby ['llbai]); is pushed towards the rear part of the alveolar ridge, and the
 before a consonant,
rims of the tongue touch the upper molars. The soft palate is
e.g. milk [mik], elbow ['ebu], elder [ed], etc.;
raised, so that the air-stream escapes through the mouth freely,
When it occurs after a consonant and before a vowel, []
continuously and without friction. The vocal cords vibrate, but
acquires a syllabic function,
there is no great tension of the muscles and breath effort.
e.g. middle [mid], little [lit], cattle [kt], etc.
voiceless [l], which occurs Variants:
 especially after stressed, aspirated /p/ or /k/, /r/ is the consonant with the greatest number of allophones
e.g. play [ploei], class [kloa:s], clown [kloaun]; in the English language. The most popular variants are:
 it is partially devoiced after other fortis consonants, a post-alveolar frictionless continuant
e.g. slay [slei], flaw [fl:].  regional usage: it is the most common allophone in

2. Position of the lips British English;

 positional occurrence: in initial position before a vowel,
depends on adjacent sounds, e.g. lean, lax, low, lure, etc.
or when it comes after a lenis consonant other than /d/,
3. Place of articulation e.g. rain [rein], rumour ['ru:m], brave [breiv], etc.
influenced by that of the adjacent sounds  positional variants: post-alveolar /r/ can be:
 e.g. when followed by [] e.g. wealth [l]
 completely devoiced, after a fortis aspirated plosive,
becomes dentalized;
e.g. pray [proei], tree [troi:], crane [kroein],
 when followed by [r] e.g. all right the
 partially devoiced, after fortis consonants in
articulation is more retracted.
unaccented syllables
C. Regional variants e.g. comprehensive [,kmpri'hensiv], etc.
Choice between clear [l] and dark [], as well as the degree of  uttered with some friction by many native Britons,
velarization, are influenced by the geographical area in which especially after /t/ or /d/, e.g. try [trai], dry [drai].
the speaker lives, as well as by personal preferences, a retroflex continuant frictionless sound
 in American English, or in Scotland, there is a  regional usage: the most common allophone in American English
tendency to use dark [] in all positions; in Irish  articulation: the tip of the tongue is curled back towards the
English, /l/ is always "clear";
hard palate, then it returns to its normal position in the mouth;
 some speakers velarize [l] more than others.
e.g. car [ka:r], Carter [ka:rt], park [pa:rk], clerk [kl:rk];
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 81 82 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

 positional variants: intrusive /r/, not motivated orthographically, i.e. /r/ is

 voiced in initial or intervocalic positions, pronounced to link a word to the next one that begins with a
e.g. run [rn], carry [kri], etc. vowel, e.g. law and order ['l:rnd':d]
 voiceless between a fortis consonant and a vowel, the idea of equality [iai,dirvi'kw:lti].
e.g. crime [kraim], bring [bri], etc.
 voiceless retroflex fricative, after /t/, e.g. try; The semivowels
 voiced retroflex fricative, after /d/, e.g. dry.
In the English language, there are two semivowels: /w/ and /j/.
an alveolar tap, As far as their pronunciation is concerned, semivowels can be
 articulation: the tongue makes a single tag on the described as rapid vocalic glides, i.e. for their articulation, the
alveolar ridge, organs of speech first take the position of a close or a half-close
 positional occurrence: in intervocalic position or when it vowel, then they move rapidly in the direction of another longer
follows [] or [], and steadier vowel.
e.g. hurry [hri], Tory ['t:ri], array ['rei], parade Therefore, together with the subsequent vowels in the syllable,
[p'reid], hurray [hju'rei], through [ru:], etc. or in connected speech, the semivowels give birth to
a lingual roll or trill /r/,  rising diphthongs,
 regional occurrence: in Scottish English, Wales and e.g. [wu] as in wood; [we] when; [wi] win; etc.;
Ireland; also used by some R.P. speakers; [je] as in yet; [j] young; [j] your; [ju] youth;
 articulation: i.e. the tip of the tongue gives several taps  triphthongs, e.g. [ji] as in year, [wai] as in quite [kwait];
on the alveolar ridge;  longer chains of vowels, e.g. quiet [kwait], no one
['nuwn], no way ['nuwei].
a uvular variant:
 regional occurrence: in the North-East of England; In spite of their vocalic characteristics, semivowels are ranged
 articulation: the back of the tongue articulates with the uvula. among consonants because:
they have marginal position in the syllable and do not have
B. Positional variants: a syllabic function;
 in British English, -r in final position or before a the article (definite or indefinite) preceding a semivowel is
consonant is silent, that which precedes consonants, i.e. a (not an), and the []
e.g. car [ka:], bird [b:d], park [pa:k], pork [p:k], etc. (not [i]):
 in connected speech, though, /r/ is often used to help e.g. a window, the [] year;
speech flow smoothly, e.g. there is [r'iz] . no linking /r/ occurs when the second word begins with a
There are two types of connecting /r/: semivowel, e.g. their wishes ['wiiz].
linking /r/, which is motivated orthographically, i.e. the B. Characteristics
final postvocalic /r/ is pronounced when the following word
/j/ palatal, lenis voiced
begins with a vowel,
e.g. year [ji], young [j], new [nju:], tune [tju:n], beauty
e.g. here is ['hiriz], there are [ra:], where is
['bju:ti], opinion ['pinjn], simultaneous [,siml'teinjs], etc.
[w'riz], power of attorney ['paurv't:ni], etc.
CHAPTER 4: The speech sounds of the English language 83 84 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

Articulation  [w] appears frequently in the pronunciation of French loans,

The tongue takes first the position for a front half-close / close e.g. bourgeois ['buwa:], memoir ['memwa:], etc.
vowel, then moves rapidly towards the position of the
following sound. There is no friction. The vocal cords vibrate Articulation
when the air stream passes through the glottis. Muscular The lips are rounded and slightly protruded. The tongue, with
tension and breath effort are slight. the back raised towards the soft palate, takes first the position
for a back half-close / close vowel, then it moves rapidly
Variants towards the position of the following sound. The vocal cords
1. Voicing: vibrate. Muscular tension and breath effort are slight.
 completely devoiced and with friction after a fortis Positional variants
aspirated plosive: 1. Voicing:
e.g. tube [tjou:b], computer [km'pjou:t];  completely devoiced after a fortis aspirated plosive:
 partially devoiced after another fortis consonant: e.g. quit [kwoit], twilight [twoailait];
e.g. feud [fju:d], suitor ['sju:t];  partially devoiced after another fortis consonant:
 fully voiced after lenis voiced consonants: e.g. swim ['swim], awkward ['kwd], talk with
e.g. view [vju:], new [nju:], etc.; ['tkwi] wash wool [wwul];
2. Place of articulation and degree of closeness depend on 2. Place of articulation and degree of closeness depend on
the subsequent vowel subsequent vowel
e.g. [j] in yard [ja:d] has an open, back articulation due to e.g. [w] in wheat [wi:t] has a close front articulation, due
subsequent [a:]; in year [ji] it is front, close; in your [j:] to subsequent [i:]; in world ['w:ld], it is central and
it is close, back, etc.; half-close; in twilight ['twailait], it is back and open, etc.;
3. Lip-rounding depends on subsequent vowel, 3. Lip-rounding depends on the subsequent vowel,
e.g. in year [ji], the lips are spread; in yard [ja:d] they are e.g. win ['win], word [w:d], war [w:], wood [wud], etc.;
in neutral position; in your [j:] they are rounded, etc.;
Regional variants
4. Free variation  in parts of Northern England and in America, the wh- group
 /ju:/ often occurs in free variation with /u:/, especially in is pronounced [hw],
American English: e.g. what [hwt], where [hw], when [hwen], why
e.g. tune [tju:n] / [tu:n]; salute [s'lju:t] / [s'lu:t]; [hwai], which [hwit];
constitution [knsti'tju:n] / [knsti'tu:n];
This way, there is an explicit opposition between which
 [j] and [i] are often used in free variation before [E], witch; wine whine; etc. However, this kind of pronunciation
e.g. failure ['feilj] / ['feili]; onion ['njn] / ['nin]. is slowly but steadily losing adepts.
/w/ labio-velar, lenis, voiced
e.g. way [wei], whale [weil], switch [swit], quiet [kwait], question
['kwestn], language ['lgwid], persuade [p:'sweid], etc.

influence one another, achieving a certain degree of similarity"

(Prlog: 1997:114).
Assimilation can be of several types:
Chapter 5 progressive, i.e. the characteristics of one sound in the sequence
influence the characteristics of the next sound:
Connected speech  e.g. in rapid speech, open may be pronounced ['upm]
because the bilabial /p/ forces the subsequent /n/ to
become bilabial, too;
5.1 Suprasegmental phenomena
regressive, i.e. in anticipation of a certain speech sound, the
In rapid speech, sounds exert a powerful influence upon each other, speaker pronounces a sound with the characteristics of the one
changing each others quality partially or totally. that follows:
 e.g. granpa is pronounced ['grmpa:], i.e. alveolar /n/
5.1.1 The linguistic environment becomes bilabial /m/ under the pressure of the following
bilabial /p/;
It was mentioned in Chapter 2 (see 2.3) that one of the main  e.g. dismiss [dis'mis] is pronounced [diz'mis] because /m/
factors that induces change in the quality of a speech sound is voiced, so /s/ turns into a voiced sound, too;
producing allophonic variations of that sound is the linguistic
environment, or linguistic context, in which it occurs. In other coalescent, i.e. a fusion is achieved between two adjpacent
words, the quality of a speech sound is influenced by those of the sounds that influence each other:
sounds that precede and/or follow it.  e.g. dont you ['duntju:] becomes ['duntu:] because the
bilabial plosive /t/ and the palatal semivowel /j/ fuse,
For example, the plosive, alveolar, lenis, voiced consonant [d] is: turning into the affricate palato-alveolar /t/.
 labialized in dwell because of the subsequent rounded semivowel [w]; Assimilation can affect:
 in die [dai] the lips are spread because of the open unrounded
vowel [a] which follows; voicing and force of articulation:
 it is slightly palatalized in dupe [dju:p] because the semivowel  e.g. -s is pronounced /s/ after a voiced lenis consonant (e.g. /p/,
[j] which follows is palatal; /k/: caps [kps], books [buks]) and /z/ after a voiceless
 in drain [drain] it is retracted because of the post alveolar [r]; fortis consonant (e.g. /n/, /g/: coins [kinz], dogs [dgz]);
 e.g. // becomes // if the following word begins with a fortis
 in reindeer ['reindi] it is slightly nasalised by the preceding [n]; etc.
consonant, e.g. with him [wihim] is pronounced [wihim];
The major suprasegmental phenomena by which neighbouring  e.g. /v/ becomes /f/ when followed in the next word by a
speech sounds affect one another's quality are assimilation, fortis consonant, e.g. of course [v'k:s] becomes [f'k:s];
elision and juncture. they've told me [eiv'tuldmi] becomes [eif'tuldmi]; etc.
place of articulation: Assimilation  e.g. in rapid speech, granpa is pronounced ['grmpa:];
Assimilation is the process by which "two or more sound segments, can bring is uttered [kmbri] open mouth is
when joined together within the word or at word boundaries, pronounced ['upm'mau], i.e. alveolar /n/ becomes
CHAPTER 5: Connected speech 87 88 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

bilabial under the influence of the subsequent bilabial Juncture

/p/ or /m/; Among the phonetic features that signal word boundaries, the most
 e.g. in not that ['nt't], under the influence of the dental widely used is silence (or pause). In rapid speech, however, there is
fricative //, the alveolar /t/ that precedes it becomes dental, too; generally no silence to separate words, and yet we can distinguish
manner of articulation: linguistic units on the basis of certain phonetic changes in the
 e.g. in would you ['wudju:] the plosive /d/ fuses with quality of the phonemes. That is to say, phonemes are pronounced
the semivowel /j/ and together they produce the differently at word boundaries. This can be proved by comparing
affricate /d / (['wud u:]); phonologically identical sequences of sounds, such as:
the position of the lips:  e.g.1 ['weit'ktit] can be the way to cut it or the waiter cut it;
 e.g. /p/ in park /p/ is pronounced with the lips spread the distinction is obvious because:
because the adjacent vowel sound /a:/ is pronounced with  [ei] in way, being in word-final position, is longer than
spread lips; /p/ in pork is pronounced with rounded lips [ei] in waiter;
because the following /:/ is rounded;  moreover, [ei] in waiter is shorter because it is
followed by a fortis consonant;
nasality:  e.g.: [aikn'si:l] can be I can seal or I conceal; however, the
 e.g. // in man is nasalized by the surrounding nasal consonants; two pronunciations are distinct because:
 e.g. /d/ in good night can be completely nasalized, i.e.  the syllable [kn] is longer and more sonorous in the
pronounced ['gun'nait]; etc. first example, where it is a modal verb, while in the
second it is only an unstressed syllable of a word; Elision  the syllable [si:l] is also longer and more prominent in
Due to rapid speech, vowels, consonants, and even whole syllables, the first example, as it is a notional verb, while in the
both at syllable margins and in syllable internal position, can be second it is only part (a syllable) of a word;
elided (i.e. dropped). Thus, we may encounter:  e.g. [haustreind] can be house trained or how strained; the
distinction is marked by:
vowel elision: in unstressed position, // and /i/ are often elided:  [au] in house is shorter because it is followed in the word
 e.g. natural ['nt()rl]; family [fm()li]; by fortis /s/;
 e.g. as a matter of fact [z'mt()rv'fkt];  [au] in how is longer because it is in word-final position;
consonant elision: /t/, /d/, /k/ or dark //, in medial position in  e.g. [aiskri:m] can be ice-cream or I scream; the two
consonant clusters are often dropped: utterances are made distinct by the fact that:
 e.g. used to ['justu], last time [la:s'taim], handbag [hnbg],  the diphthong [ai] in ice is shorter because it is
grandpa [grnpa], asked [a:st], all right [u:'rait], etc.; followed by the fortis /s/;
 [ai] in I is longer because it is in word-final position.
syllable elision:
 e.g. literary ['litrri] becomes ['litrri] or ['litri];
 February ['februri] is pronounced ['febrri] or ['febri].
after Prlog, 1997: 118
CHAPTER 5: Connected speech 89 90 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

5.2 Phoneme clusters polysyllabic, i.e. composed of more than two syllables,
Looking at a written text one can easily distinguish the units by  e.g. economical [,i k n mi kl], industrialization
which it is organized: on each page there are probably several [in ,ds tri lai zei n], etc.
paragraphs, each consisting of several sentences which, in their turn, In English, monosyllabic and disyllabic words have very high
are made up of words, which in their turn consist of letters. For the occurrence.
spoken text, though, it is much harder to distinguish such units (or The succession of phonemes within a syllable or a word (which
constituents) because there is no pause between the phonemes/ may consist of one or several syllables) is constrained by the
allophones the speaker utters. In fact, what the speaker produces is a phonological system of the language. Thus, Slavonic languages accept
continuous ribbon of sound, interrupted now and then either long strings of consonants, while English like Romanian does not.
because he has finished an idea (or part of it), or simply because he As far as their ability to make up syllables on their own,
needs to breathe. phonemes can be grouped into two classes:
And yet, the listener who has learned the language and the phonemes which can form a syllable by themselves, or stand at the
unwritten rules of communication generally has no difficulty in centre of a syllable, e.g. the vowel phonemes and class B consonants;
distinguishing the structure of the speakers message. This is because,
phonemes which cannot form a syllable by themselves and can only
just like with the written text, the spoken text is based on a similar
stand at the periphery of the syllable, e.g. most consonant phonemes.
multi-level system of smaller and larger units/constituents: phonemes
the basic constituents; syllables consisting of one or more Within the syllable, vowels are generally more sonorous,
phonemes; feet made up of one or several syllables, tone groups therefore more prominent, than the surrounding consonants; they
consisting of one or more feet, etc. represent the syllables peak of sonority. Consonants, which are
less prominent, are the valleys of sonority in the syllable.
5.2.1 Syllables & words A longer syllable may consist of
In oral communication, phonemes or rather, their allophones an onset, i.e. the opening segment of the syllable;
rarely appear in isolation2. Generally they come in clusters that form the nucleus / peak, i.e. the central segment;
meaningful units, e.g. words or phrases. Such meaningful units can a coda, i.e. the final segment.
be broken down into smaller phonological units syllables defined For example, in the word/syllable strong [str] which has the
as "a unit of pronunciation which consists of a vocalic sound either structure CCC+V+C (consonant consonant consonant + vowel +
alone or surrounded by consonants (one or more) arranged in a consonant) the initial consonant phonemes /str/ are the onset, the
certain sequence" (Prlog, 1997: 101). central vowel phoneme // is the nucleus/peak of the syllable, and the
According to the number of syllables, words can be final consonant phoneme // represents the coda. Or, in length [le]
whose structure is C+V+CC the onset is the consonant /l/, the
monosyllabic, i.e. composed of only one syllable,
nucleus is the vowel /e/, and the coda consists of the consonants //.
 e.g. book [buk], cart [ka:t], quick [kwik];
disyllabic, i.e. composed of two syllables, (a) the nucleus
 e.g. worker [w: k], conquest [k kwist], better [be t]; The nucleus (or peak) of the syllable is generally a vowel or a
group of vowels,
People sometimes utter single sounds, which may function as interjections.  e.g. seen [si:n], town [taun], tower [tau], etc.
CHAPTER 5: Connected speech 91 92 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

However, in English, class B consonants (/m/, /n/, //, /l/, /r/, 5.2.2 The foot & the rhythm of speech
/w/, /j/) can stand as peak when preceded by a consonant or The foot
followed by a pause or another consonant:
When listening to a poem, it is quite easy to distinguish units that
 e.g. the second syllable of inflected words such as: are larger than the syllable.
functions ['fknz]; happened ['hpnd], struggles ['strglz]; Take, for example, two lines from the poem quoted in Chapter 1
of the present book:
The onset and the coda can be:
simple (i.e. consisting of one consonant), or I take it you already know
complex (i.e. containing various clusters of consonants). Of tough and bough and cough and dough?

(b) the onset

Listening to it, one can hear a succession of beats which occur at
fairly regular intervals. This is because some of the syllables are
In English, // and // are the only consonants that cannot appear in strong, or salient (e.g. take, you, -re-, know, tough, ), while others
initial position, so that they cannot function as onset. are weak (e.g. I, it, al-, dy, ).
Two consonant onsets are numerous: The phonological unit consisting of one strong/salient syllable
 e.g. p+l, as in please, s+t, as in still, etc. and the following weak syllable(s) that depend on it (e.g. 'take it,
'tough and, ) is called foot. In phonemic transcription, feet are
Semivowels, which function as consonants, often appear in marked off with a slash, as in:
initial clusters such as
 /tj/, /kj/, e.g. tune [tju:n], cube [kju:b], knew [nju:]; I 'take it / 'you al / 'ready / 'know
 /tw/, /sw/, e.g. twist [twist], sweet [swi:t], quite [kwait]. Of 'tough and / 'bough and / 'cough and / 'dough?
Three consonant onsets are also numerous: When an utterance begins with an unstressed syllable (e.g. I,
 /stj/, e.g. stew [stju:]; Of), it goes along with the first accented syllable (e.g. I 'take it).
 /spl/, e.g. splash [spl]; Since in poems strong syllables occur at relatively regular
 /skw/, e.g. squeeze [skwi:z], etc. intervals, the result is a definite sensation of rhythm. But in
ordinary communication there is also a sense of rhythm, even if it is
(c) the coda not as obvious as in poetry. For example,
For both monosyllabic and polysyllabic words, codas can be made  Im 'pleased to 'see you.
up of two or three consonants.  So 'nice of 'you to 'let me 'come.
Endings, especially the -s and the -ed inflections, contribute to
The rhythm of speech is given by a succession of beats, carried
increasing the number of codal consonant phonemes:
by the strong/salient/accented syllables. Such syllables, which stand
 e.g. ruffled ['rfld], grasps [gra:sps], lengths [les],
out by their increased loudness, duration, tenseness, etc. (thus are
asked [a:skt];
perceived as more prominent), represent the nuclei of the feet. The
Even four consonants can appear as coda: role of the weak/off-beat syllables is to fill the time. This is why the
 e.g. texts [teksts], thousandth ['auznd], etc. foot is also called the rhythmic unit (or rhythmic group) of the
language. For example, in
CHAPTER 5: Connected speech 93 94 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

 Im 'pleased to / 'see you. (a) Stress

 So 'nice of / 'you to / 'let me / 'come. The stress depends on the breath and muscular energy required for
consist of two, respectively four, rhythmic units. uttering a certain word/syllable. Phoneticians generally distinguish
three degrees of stress.
In Romanian, rhythm is syllable-timed, i.e. the duration of an For example, in the word
utterance is conditioned by the number of syllables uttered. environmentalist [,in va jn men t list]
Unlike Romanian, rhythmic groups in English have roughly
the same duration, irrespective of the number of syllables. This kind we can distinguish:
of rhythm is called stress-timed rhythm. a primary / strong stress ( ) on the syllable [men];
Take, for example, the following utterances: a secondary stress ( , ) on the syllable [,in];
 Reading a weak stress (or no stress) on the syllables [va] [jn] [t] and [list].
= 1 stressed syllable + 1 unstressed syllable
 Reading it (b) Pitch
= 1 stressed syllable + 2 unstressed syllables Pitch refers to the level of the voice, and pitch change associated
 He is reading with stress makes syllables more prominent.
= 1 stressed syllable + 3 unstressed syllables There are two main types of pitch accentuation:
 He is reading it
syllables that carry primary stress have nuclear / tonic pitch
= 1 stressed syllable + 4 unstressed syllables
accentuation; nuclear pitch accentuation is always associated
The utterances vary significantly as far as the number of syllables, with pitch change;
yet the time required to utter them is roughly the same. This is syllables that carry secondary stress have rhythmic / non-tonic pitch
possible because of the simplification and loss of prominence of accentuation, which is not always associated with pitch change.
phonemes in unaccented syllables, in rapid speech.
e.g. assassination [,ssinein] can be pronounced
In the same way, the two feet in Im pleased to see you are
both pronounced in roughly the same time. or
The phonological salience of the strong syllable is realized
The second syllable ([s]), which has the secondary stress,
with the help of the accent.
carries a rhythmic/non-tonic pitch accentuation; it can be
pronounced with a high or a low pitch, but there is no change Accent of pitch. It is the fourth syllable, ([nei]), which has the primary
The accent is a suprasegmental phenomenon, defined as "the stress and the tonic pitch accentuation; it also carries the pitch
prominence or emphasis which makes a particular syllable or word change symbolised by a downward curve following the dot.
stand out in the stream of speech" (Prlog, 1977: 191).
Quality and quantity influence the degree of prominence of a
(1) Components of the accent speech sound within its larger units.
Accent has four basic components: stress, pitch, quality and (c) Quality
quantity.  generally, vowels are more prominent than consonants;
CHAPTER 5: Connected speech 95 96 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

 among vowels, the more open the vowel, the more prominent it is;  e.g. engineer [,endini], outstanding [,autstndi],
 vowel-like consonants (e.g. the semivowels) have higher circulation [,s:kjulein];
prominence than the other consonants;
 fricatives (e.g. /f, v, s, z/) are more prominent than plosives (e.g. in some cases, though, both stresses are primary:
/p, b, t, d/); etc.  e.g. misinterpret [misint:prit], misunderstanding
(d) Quantity
 with compound words, the accent usually falls on the first
Long vowels and diphthongs are prominent, even in unstressed position, syllable, even though it may not be the main element; this is
 e.g. increase (n) [ikri:s], advertising [dvtaizi], etc. what distinguishes a compound from a free combination of words.
 e.g. the compound bluebird (adj. + noun) is pronounced
(2) Position of the accent
With some languages, the accent falls regularly upon a certain the free combination blue bird is stressed [,blu: 'b:d];
syllable: e.g. in French, it is the last syllable that is always stressed. In
even longer and more complex compounds carry the primary
English, there is no rule concerning the position of the accent it may
stress on the first element:
fall on any syllable of the word. However, some regularity can be noticed:
 e.g. merry-go-,round, good-for-,nothing, forget-me-,not, etc.
words of Germanic origin usually have the stress on the first syllable, nevertheless, when the second or third element carries the main
 e.g. father [fa:], mother [m], brother [br], etc. idea of the compound, the stress falls on that element, often with
words or phrases of French origin, especially more recent loans, a secondary stress on the first word:
have generally preserved the accent on the last syllable,  e.g. waste-paper-basket, self-determination, do-it-yourself.
 e.g. machine [mi:n], hotel [hutel], employee [emplji:], when both elements of a compound are equally important, both
restaurateur [,rest:rt:], faux pas [fu pa:], negligee carry primary stress:
[negliei], faade [fsa:d].  e.g. queen-mother, Lord-Chancellor, Knight Templar, etc.
many French words have been "anglicised" and the accent has (3) Accent in connected speech
been transferred to the first syllable:
The logical relevance and grammatical role of a word in a sentence is
 e.g. beauty [bju:ti], courage [krid], animal [niml],
closely related to its importance for the utterance. Accordingly, we
restaurant [restr:]/[restrnt], etc. can distinguish two classes of words:
words derived by affixation, with the help of a prefix, even when content words, which are strong/accented: nouns, notional
the prefix is no longer felt to be a separate, meaningful part of verbs, adjectives, adverbs, numerals, demonstrative,
the word carry the stress on the next syllable, interrogative and emphatic pronouns;
 e.g. about [baut], become [bikm], forget [fget], etc. form words (or function words), which are weak/unaccented:
longer words, which bear the stress on the second or third articles, prepositions, conjunctions, personal, possessive,
syllable, may have a secondary stress on the first, especially relative, reciprocal pronouns, auxiliary and modal verbs.
when the first syllable is a prefix: Sometimes, however, the speaker may stress a form word, so
as to emphasize or highlight a certain idea:
CHAPTER 5: Connected speech 97 98 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

 e.g. I(a)m [()m] a teacher. I am [m] a teacher. For example, when the speaker asks a yes/no question (e.g. Are
you coming?), his voice rises. Conversely, when he asks a Wh-
In the first case, the speaker merely declares his profession, so question (e.g. Who knows the answer?), his voice begins at a
the verb am is not stressed. In the second example, the speaker wants to relatively high level and descends gradually. Similarly, statements
emphasise the fact of his being a teacher, so the verb is stressed. (e.g. I know the answer) are uttered with a falling tone, while
In unstressed syllables, both vowels and consonants become encouragements (e.g. Come on!) are said with a rise in the speakers
shorter and less prominent, and are often elided. Thus, he is voice; etc.
pronounced [hi:] in a stressed position (e.g.1), but becomes [i] in Such melodic units are called tone groups. Obviously, a tone
rapid speech (e.g.2): group may consist of one or several feet, for example:
 e.g. He [hi:] is to blame for it. (1)  Come 'on! one foot;
I dont think he [(h)i] knows about it. (2)  'Are you / 'co ming? two feet;
Similarly, and is pronounced [nd] when it is stressed, and [n]  Of 'tough and / 'bough and / 'cough and / 'dough?
in unstressed position: four feet; etc.
 e.g. Both John and [nd] Mary will have to go. The boundary separating tone groups is marked with a double
fish and chips [fi()ntips] slash (//):
Consequently, many words in unstressed position are made to  // I 'know what you / 'mean // and I a'gree with / 'you //
sound alike, e.g. [] can stand for a, are, her, of, or, If the foot is the rhythmic unit of the language, the tone group is
 are: Theyre [] here. its melodic unit. As a linguistic feature, this melody is named
 her: I told her. [aituld] intonation (see & 5.3.3) and the construction of feet into
 of: a cup of tea [kpti:], etc. tone groups is called tonicity.
In connected speech, accent may also vary according to the Both the foot and the tone group are related to the way a certain
words/units syntactic function: attributive usage requires stress, language sounds: different languages have different rhythms and
predicative usage does not. they differ in their melodicity. As such, both the foot and the tone
 e.g. These are valuable paintings (paintings in group are phonological elements of the language.
attributive usage) But apart from its phonological role, the tone group also has a
semantic function: it represents a unit of information in the
 These paintings are valuable (in predicative usage)
speakers message.
 second hand books (book in attributive usage)
 I got the books second hand (predicative usage) Intonation
The term intonation refers to "the changes that take place in the
5.2.3 The tone group & the music of speech pitch of the voice (range, height, direction) when speaking ... These The tone group changes occur only in stressed syllables" (Prlog, 1997: 134).
Apart from the rhythm of speech, the listener can also identify a
kind of music in utterances. This music comes in the form of (1) Intonation patterns
rises and falls in the speakers voice. An intonation pattern (or tone) includes all the stressed and
unstressed syllables in an utterance.
CHAPTER 5: Connected speech 99 100 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

A complete intonation pattern is called tune. A tune consists of: are uttered with a falling tone. Conversely, yes/no questions, such as
the nucleus of the pattern, i.e. the syllable that carries the  Do you know the answer?
change of pitch and is the main element in the tune; are pronounced with a rising tone.
the pre-head, i.e. the unaccented syllables that precede the first Moreover, depending on the level of the speakers voice (his
stressed syllable in the utterance; pitch level), both rising and falling tones can be differentiated as
the head, which stretches from the first accented syllable to the high and low, so that we can speak of a low rise and a high rise,
syllable that precedes the nucleus; of a low fall and a high fall.
the tail, i.e. all the accented and unaccented syllables that Let us take a simple
follow the nucleus.  Thank you.
For example, If the speaker is really thankful for what he has received, then his
I am 'sure she is \there by now. voice will start from a high pitch level (high fall). If, on the contrary,
pre-head + head + nucleus + tail; he is annoyed by having to express his gratitude for something he
the pre-head of the intonation pattern does not appreciate, his voice will be rather flat (low fall).
= I am (the initial unstressed syllables); Emotionally charged utterances are often uttered with mixed
the head of the tune tones. For example, when saying
= sure she is (1 stressed + 2 unstressed syllables);  Fine!
the nucleus the speaker may begin with a fall in his voice, then let his voice rise
= there (the accented syllable which carries the change of pitch); slightly; this falling-rising intonation suggests that he is
the tail encouraging his interlocutor to go on. Or, he may begin with a rise
= by now (the unaccented syllables which follow the nucleus). then go into a fall in which case his rising-falling intonation gives
voice to his surprise and delight.
Information units are realized with the help of pitch contour, To these, one more tone can be added, namely a level tone:
consisting of two components: a pitch level (i.e. the level of the i.e. there is no change in the speakers level of voice which
voice) and a terminal contour (i.e. the direction of the voice). suggests the speakers indifference or indecision, as in
Within the tone group, there is one foot, and within the foot
there is one syllable, which carries the main pitch movement, or its
tonic prominence. The tonic foot/syllable carries the piece of There are two main types of notation for recording intonation:
information the speaker considers to be the most important (his (a) using strokes:
information focus). (i) for the nucleus:
Pitch level and terminal contour belong determine the basic
[/] low rise; [/] high rise;
intonation patterns.
Basically, there are three types of pitch contours falling, rising [\] low fall [\] high fall
and mixed (falling-rising, rising-falling). [/\] rise-fall; [\/] fall-rise
For example, statements such as (ii) ['] for accented syllables uttered at level pitch;
 Youre right. (iii) [,] for syllables that carry a secondary accent;
CHAPTER 5: Connected speech 101 102 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

 e.g. 'Come 'forward / please. or low rise, i.e. the voice rises from low to medium pitch:
Come \forward 'please. / Go!
(b) using large or small dots placed between two horizontal high rise, i.e. rise from medium to high level:
lines. The dots represent the syllables, the lines stand for the upper /
and lower range of the voice.
The syllables are symbolized as follows: rise-fall, i.e. rise from medium to high pitch, then fall to low pitch:
for the nucleus: Go!
 a large dot, followed by fall-rise, i.e. fall from fairly high to rather low pitch, then rise to
 an upwards/downwards/combined curve, which medium pitch:
indicates the change of pitch; \/
for accented syllables: large dots;
for unaccented syllables: small dots. (ii) The syllables of the pre-head are generally uttered at low level:
The two systems of notation match as follows: e.g. That is quite \interesting.
 low rise: [/] or If the pre-head is uttered at a high pitch, it belongs to emphatic

high rise: [ ] or speech, conveying irritation or delight. The notation used to
indicate it is ( ) placed at the beginning of the utterance, as in:
 low fall: [\] or
 high fall: [\] or e.g. What a \tough 'case!

rise-fall: [ ] or Such a \great 'book!
 fall-rise: [ ] or (iii) Heads that begin at a low pitch level are called low heads.
They can be followed by:
For a full utterance, this would appear as:
a low rise nucleus, as in:
 e.g. 'Come 'forward / please. or
e.g. 'Stop 'saying 'that / please.
 'Come \forward 'please. or
a low fall nucleus, as in:
The various elements of the tune can be represented in the e.g. I 'think that is \not 'yours.
following ways: a high fall nucleus, as in:
(i) The nucleus: e.g. 'I know \nothing a'bout 'that.
low fall, i.e. the voice falls from medium to low pitch level: When the head begins at a high pitch level and the pitch level is
\Go! gradually lowered before the nucleus, it is called stepping head, as in:

high fall, i.e. the voice falls from high to low level: e.g. 'When do you 'think they got \home last night?
CHAPTER 5: Connected speech 103 104 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

(iv) Tails can be uttered converted words, i.e. words that result from a change of
at a low pitch level, as in: grammatical category, but no change of form:
e.g. I am \sure 'she is 'right.  to insult (vb) [inslt] = a insulta
insult (n) [inslt] = insult
or on a rising pitch, as in:  to import (vb) [imp:t] = a importa
e.g. 'Would you 'like to / go with them? import (n) [imp:t] = import
When the nucleus contains a fall-rise, the tail takes on the rising  to increase (vb) [ikri:z] = a spori
pitch of the nucleus, as in: increase (n) [ikri:s] = spor, cretere
 e.g. What an /\ interesting / story.  to present (vb) [prizent] = a prezenta
present (n) [preznt] = cadou
 to frequent [frikwent] = a frecventa
5.3 The phonemes of connected speech frequent (adj) [fri:kwnt] = frecvent
It was shown in Chapter 2 of the present book (see 2.3) that  to absent (vb) [bsent] = a absenta
phoneticians have used the commutation test to determine the absent (adj) [bsnt] = absent
exact number of vowel and consonant phonemes. The basic  concrete (adj) [kkri:t] = concret
criterion of distinction is semantic: difference of meaning. With the concrete (n) [kkri:t] = beton
help of minimal pairs (e.g. tin-pin; tin-ten; tin-tick) they have  August (n) [gst] = august
determined that speech sounds such as [t] and [p], [i] and [e], [n] august (adj.) [:gst] = mre
and [k], etc. change the meaning of otherwise similar lexical items,
 minute (n) [minit] = minut
so that they must be viewed as different phonemes.
minute (adj) [mainju:t] = minuios; etc.
In addition, the commutation test has also pointed out that,
apart from the 44 segmental (vowel and consonant) phonemes, there between compound words and free combinations:
are also certain suprasegmental elements that cause the meanings of lexical  e.g. a blackboard [blkb:d] = tabl pentru clas (today
items to change, so that they should also be considered phonemes. the blackboard is often white);
With the help of the commutation test, phoneticians have  a black board [blk b:d] = scndur neagr.
determined a number of 11 suprasegmental phonemes, Phoneticians generally distinguish 3 stress phonemes, marked
namely: 3 stress phonemes3, 1 juncture phoneme, 4 pitch level for narrow, phonemic, transcription as follows:
phonemes, and 3 terminal contour phonemes.
a primary stress, marked //;
a secondary stress, marked /, /;
5.3.1 Stress a weak stress, generally unmarked.
Variation of stress often brings about change of meaning, so that it The semantic changes these stresses can induce become more
must be viewed as phonemic. For example, change of stress obvious in longer stretches of language, such as sentences. Consider
distinguishes between: the following example:
Some phoneticians consider there are 4 stress phonemes, which would  Mary told ,John a story. (1)
bring the overall number of suprasegmental phonemes to 12.  Mary told John a ,story. (2)
CHAPTER 5: Connected speech 105 106 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

 Mary told ,John a story. (3) In writing it is easy to identity word boundaries, but in oral
 ,Mary told John a story. (4) communication words "flow" into one another in the stream of
speech, without any perceivable pause. This unmarked type of
Each of the variants has a different meaning. In variant (1),
transition is called close juncture.
where the primary stress and consequently, also the semantic Under normal circumstances, listeners can identify word
emphasis falls on story, the meaning conveyed is that she told boundaries easily. However, in rapid speech several groups of
him a story, not a lie. In variant (2), the word phonologically words may sound alike, which can lead to serious
highlighted is John, thus the suggestion carried is that she told the misunderstandings.
story to John, not to someone else. Variant (3) emphasizes the doer
Take the minimal pairs discussed in
of the action, thus suggesting that it was Mary, not someone else,
 [aikn'si:l] = I can seal, or I conceal;
who told the story. In (4) the emphasis falls on the type of action
 [haustreind] = house trained, or how strained.
performed, i.e. told, not sung.
The secondary stress carries the differences of meaning further. In writing, the difference is obvious, but the oral form as the
Thus, in (1) it indicates that the story (which represents the main phonetic transcription shows is quite similar.
information of the utterance) was told to John (not to someone To distinguish among similar sound chains, and thus avoid
else). In (2), the main information is John (it was he who listened, misunderstandings, speakers often make a slight pause between
not someone else), and the second-most-important item of adjacent sounds at word boundaries. This pause is referred to as open
information is story (not a lie, not a poem). In (3), the stresses juncture and is marked /+/ in phonemic transcription, e.g.
highlight the persons involved in the action, i.e. the doer (Mary) and  I can seal [aikn+si:l] I conceal [ai+knsi:l];
the recipient (John). In (4), where the main information is the action  house trained [haus+treind] how strained [hau+streind].
(told), second in importance is its doer (Mary).  a notion [+nun] an ocean [n+un]
 that stuff [t+stf] that's tough [ts+tf]
Similar differences of meaning can be demonstrated with any  an ice-cream [n+aiskri:m] a nice cream [+nais+kri:m]
utterance. For example,
Thus, by changing the place of the juncture, the speaker can
 I ,want him to come with us. change the meaning of an utterance. This means that juncture has
 ,I want him to come with us. phonemic value.
 I want him to ,come with us.
 I want him to ,come with us.
 I want ,him to come with us. Etc.4 5.3.3 Pitch level & terminal contour
Intonation is also phonemic because it affects meaning.
5.3.2 Juncture Consider the difference between:
As shown in, juncture, or transition, represents the  Hes there? rising intonation, reproduced graphically
passage from one phoneme to the next, either within words, or at with the help of the question mark (?); and
word boundaries.  Hes there falling intonation, reproduced graphically with
the help of the full stop (.) or the exclamation mark (!).
If four stress phonemes are accepted, then things get even more complex. In
reality, there are as many stresses as there are syllables in a word, but only two or
three of them are functional.
CHAPTER 5: Connected speech 107 108 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

In such cases, intonation takes over the part of grammar. But  if it is 4 Nothing 1 (the voice starts at level 4 and falls on 1),
the effects of intonation on the meaning of utterances are much  then it conveys irritation (the speaker does not like the
more complex. Let us analyze how pitch contour affects meaning. interference);
 if it is 2 Nothing 3 (the voice begins at level 2 and raises Intonation & intonation patterns slightly to 3),
It was shown in that pitch contour determines the basic  then it conveys annoyance (the speaker is upset and wants to
intonation patterns. be left alone); etc.
Four pitch levels function as phonemes in English:
/4/ highest /2/ next to lowest Intonation & its functions
/3/ next to highest /1/ lowest It was mentioned before that the tone group is the melodic unit
In terms of terminal contour we can distinguish: thus a phonological constituent of the language. At the same time,
/ / fall in pitch the tone group also has semantic dimensions: it is a unit of
/ / rise in pitch information in discourse.
// continuation. The main functions of intonation are:
Change in pitch level and direction of the terminal contour are (1) a grammatical function, i.e. intonation distinguishes between
significant for conveying and interpreting the speakers intended declarative, interrogative and exclamatory sentences, as in:
meaning and attitude.
 S1: You are \coming.
The various intonation patterns are typically associated with
 S2: You are /coming?
certain meaning.
Take, for example, a statement, such as  S3: You are \coming!
 He can do it. Lexically and grammatically the three sentences are identical,
yet their message is completely different: S1 informs the listener
Uttered with a falling pitch, it conveys the speakers certainty in about a certain action; S2 requests information concerning the
what he is saying; conversely, associated with a slightly rising, or with action; S3 commands that the listener should perform the action.
a level pitch, it shows that the speaker is not really certain it is so. Intonation also distinguishes between address forms and
Mixed intonations (fall-rise or rise-fall) point to emotional appositions, between restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses, etc.
involvement, and so do significant variations in the level of pitch  e.g. 'Meet my \friend, Mr. ,Smith. (address form the
(high rise, high fall) speaker is addressing Mr. Smith)
Take, for example, the answer part (Nothing!) in the exchange,  'Meet my \ friend, Mr. \ Smith. (apposition the speaker is
A: "What are you doing?" introducing Mr. Smith to someone else)
B: "Nothing."  My \friend who ,studies phi,losophy is \coming, / too. (restrictive
 if the answer is 3 Nothing 1 (i.e. the voice starts at level 3 and only my friend who studies philosophy is coming)
falls to level 1),  My \/friend, who 'studies phi \losophy, is 'coming, / too. (non-
 then the answer is merely informational there is no emotion restrictive I am merely giving certain information about
involved; my friend)
CHAPTER 5: Connected speech 109 110 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

(2) an attitudinal (interpersonal) function, i.e. with the help of a low rise nuclear tone:
intonation the speaker signals his attitude:  You look / tired. (tentative, polite)
Intonation a high rise nuclear tone:
Example Attitude  Are you / sure? (surprised, disbelieving)
\ Good! low fall neutral assent a rise-fall nuclear tone:
Good! high fall strong assent  That is /\ marvelous! (delighted)
/ Good! low rise encouragement a fall-rise nuclear tone:
Good! high rise surprise  Take \/ care. (insistence, emotional involvement)
Good! rise-fall delight (ii) Compound tunes contain more than one nuclear tone. They
Good! fall-rise doubt can use:
a series of high fall nuclei:
(3) an accentual function, i.e. the speaker highlights the important
 \ Dont say \ such \ stupid \ things! (strong emphasis)
element in the communication by changing the pitch of his voice.
It was shown in that the same utterance conveys a series of low rise nuclei:
different information according to the word which carries the  / Dont keep / saying / that to / me. (threatening)
primary stress. But primary stress is also accompanied by change of a series of high rise nuclei:
pitch. For example,  /Arent you going to / tell me what it's / all a / bout? (urgency)
 \ I visited Mary yesterday. a fall nucleus + a rise:
= emphasizes the performer of the action;  I \ never thought that would / happen. (emphatic, lively)
 I visited \ Mary yesterday. The fall-rise nuclear tone often functions as a compound tune, the
= emphasizes the object of the action; two parts of the tune falling on different words of the utterance.
 I visited Mary \ yesterday. a low rise nucleus + a fall:
= the emphasis falls on the period of time. Etc.  /Dont be such a / darn \fool! (quiet insistence) etc.
Compound tunes are also related to emphatic language: by Simple tunes & compound tunes
changing the nucleus of the utterance, the speaker highlights a certain item:
Tunes (see that have only one nucleus are called simple
 You should \come with me. You \should come with / me.
tunes, while those which have two or more nuclei are called
compound tunes. Thus, by manipulating pitch level, the speaker changes the
meaning of his words. The first utterance contains a mere (neutral)
(i) Simple tunes can use: suggestion. By placing a high fall on the word should and a low rise
a low fall nuclear tone: on the final me, the speaker conveys his insistence that the listener
 \Why do you ,say ,that? (neutral, informational) should perform the act.
a high fall nuclear tone:
 \ Why do you say that? (surprised, indignant)
112 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

Sound effects can be employed in such a way as to suggest

some of the products qualities or improve its image. As a result,
sound symbolism is often exploited in when naming product brands.
Chapter 6 For example, liquids and semivowels are used to name
detergents, e.g. Glide, GloWhite. Plosives and short close vowels
Sound symbolism in advertising are employed to suggest the crispy quality of some food product
(e.g. Twix, Picnic). Voiceless fricatives (/s/, //), nasals and long
It was shown in Chapter 2 (see 2.3) that phonemes do not have a vowels may be used to suggest the softness of a towel or of a bed
meaning of their own. And yet, the sound system of a language (e.g. Smooth); conversely, a voiced fricative associated with short
carries its own meanings. On the one hand, phonemes may have vowels will connote determined, aggressive action (e.g. Vanish);
strong suggestive powers (sound symbolism), conveying information etc. A good brand name may contribute significantly to the
about the object, action or phenomenon described. On the other, products marketing success.
phonemic variants (allophones) can give us information concerning the
speakers geographical, ethnic or educational background. 6.2 Prosody
It was also shown in Chapter 2 (see 2.1) that phonology also
Prosody refers to the patterning of sounds, to poetic meters and
deals with features that pertain to the speaker and the way he
versification, so that it is typical for poetry. But prosody is also a
organizes his utterances, and that these features are of two main
paralinguistic phenomenon which grants extra meaning to the text.
types: prosodic and paralinguistic.
Prosody can enhance the memorability of the advertising message,
In this chapter, therefore, we shall analyze the way advertisers
so that many slogans are based on euphony and alliteration, on
exploit sound symbolism, prosodic and paralinguistic features, in
rhyme, assonance1, rhythm, etc.
order to make their texts more interesting and memorable.

6.2.1 Alliteration & euphony

6.1 Sound symbolism
Alliteration (i.e. the repetition of the same sound, as a consonant
Phonemes, singly or in clusters, can be very suggestive.
or cluster, at the beginning of two or more stressed syllables) and
For example, plosives (/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/) and short close vowels
euphony (i.e. agreeableness of sound, pleasing effect to the ear,
(e.g./i/) give a sensation of beat or explosion; affricatives (/t/, /d/) esp. a pleasant sounding or harmonious combination or succession
connote scratching or friction; nasals (/m/, /n/) suggest humming; of words Webster) induce musicality in the text, thus
liquids (/l/), diphthongs (/ai/, /i/) and semivowels (/w/, /j/) convey contributing to its effectiveness.
a sensation of smoothness and flow; etc. Clusters of consonants For example:
(/sl/, /gl/, /sm/, /tw/), or vowels used repetitively (pall mall) or Birds Eye (food). Only peas picked at their peak pass
contrastively (chit-chat), endow the words with onomatopoeic the Birds Eye.
sonorities or musicality. Vigorex forte. A pill to pep-up your love life.

i.e. similarity of sounds in words or syllables;
CHAPTER 6: Sound symbolism in advertising 113 114 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

Brook Bond PG tips (tea). A Brook Bond blender could which relies on identity or similarity of sounds ignores spelling: it
spot the connection. Can you? focuses on sonorities and works on the homophonic principle, even
Churchs (English shoes). Lingfield, Linen Lined, Leather Sole. crossing word borders (as in an ice-cream and a nice cream).
Haagen-Dazs (icecream). The Longer Lasting Pleasure. Rhyme is generally supported by an alert rhythm induced by
Honda. The Accord Sedan. Thoughtful through and through. the regular succession of tonic syllables (beats), which enlivens the
Cover Girl. easy. breezy. beautiful. text.
The musicality of these slogans is based both on the alliterative Consider the following slogans:
repetition of the initial consonant and on the rhythm induced by the Jack Sprat British Pork. Less fat for Jack Sprat.
rapid succession of salient syllables. Spry (cooking oil). Crispn Dry, the perfect way to fry.
Thus, the Birds Eye slogan plays on the rhythmic effect caused NordicTrack (fitness equipment). NordicTrack gets you
by alliteration on plosive /p/ associated with the close vowel /i:/. back on the right track.
Together they connote a strict, soldier-like, quality control for the Spor (paint). Vopseti uor. Vopseti cu SPOR!
product merchandised. Similarly, plosive /p/ introducing The British Pork slogan advertises the improved quality (less fat)
monosyllabic words confer a fuzzy quality to the Vigorex ad, of the food with the help of full rhyme (fat and Sprat) and stress-
connoting the users renewed sexual ardor. timed rhythm: the first foot consists of two syllables (/less fat /),
Conversely, the Brook Bond Tips slogan sounds softer, the way while the second has three (/ for Jack Sprat), but they are uttered in
high-quality tea should a sensation enhanced by the liquid roughly equal times.
sonority of the consonant cluster in the word blender. The longer Similarly, the Spry and the Nordic Track slogans recall the
words based on lateral /l/ endow Churchs shoes with connotations crispiness of freshly fried food and, respectively, the friskiness of a
of softness and comfort. In the case of Haagen-Dazs, the well-kept body, by deploying a combination of rhyme and rhythm.
succession of 2-syllable words beginning with liquid /l/ endows the The Spry slogan sounds like a poem, whose tone units consist
icecream with a sense of smoothness and flow. of an increasing number of rhyming feet: the first has one foot
Finally, alliteration on // and the succession of closed vowels (// spry//), the second has two feet (//crisp n / dry //), the third has
endow the Honda ad with a sense of heavy rolling, which is well in three (// the per fect / way to / fry //). The increasing number of
tone with the object of their description (a car). In opposition stands feet conveys a sensation of growth and improvement.
In the Nordic Track ad, the three tone units follow one another in
the Cover Girl slogan, where long /i:/, repetition of the cluster /i:z/,
similar progression: the first (//Nor dic / Track //) introduces the brand
and the /ju/ (semivowel + close vowel) cluster suggest diminutive
name of the product, the second (// gets you / back //) presents the
size and fluidity.
action performed by it, while the third (// on the / right / track //)
shows the improvement it brings about.
6.2.2 Rhyme & rhythm In opposition, the Spor slogan follows the syllable-timed rhythm
Ads often use rhyme to make their texts more musical and more characteristic to the Romanian language. Just like the English slogans,
easily memorizable. It may be full rhyme, pararhyme (near rhyme), it sounds like a poem consisting of two rhyming lines, but the feet that
make up the two tone units (//vop seti u / or // vop seti cu / spor //)
reverse rhyme (repetition of the initial sounds of the word),
are made up of an equal number of syllables (2 in each). The double
assonance (repetition of the vowels in the word), etc. Rhyme
CHAPTER 6: Sound symbolism in advertising 115 116 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

meaning of the brand name (1. a name; 2. "speedy achievement", For example, the Aspirante ad connotes style by recalling
"efficiency") makes the slogan interesting. haute couture (= stylish clothing, Fr.), although the products
advertised (bathroom fixtures) have nothing to do with clothing. By
6.2.3 Phoneme substitution deleting a phoneme ([:] < [:t]), the advertiser managed to change a
word eau (= water, Fr.) < haute (= high, Fr.) , thus adapting
The unexpected is probably the advertisers best friend: whenever his text to the product range and, at the same time, preserving the
he manages to produce something that does not follow the ordinary connotations of stylishness.
course, the receiver is shocked into attention. The Economist offers its readers The written world instead of
Phoneme substitution is often used in advertising for the traditional "written word". Although phonologically the
special effects and humour. In many cases, it also manages to difference is slight (/w:ld/ for /w:d/), the change makes the text
convey additional meaning, as in the examples below: semantically rich: it suggests that The Economist is offering its
Jack Sprat (food). Bon Appetat. Jack Sprat. readers more than mere words, i.e. that the entire world is to be
British Airways. Be there double click. found in the magazines pages.
Montblanc (accessories, pens). Stainless style. A line of leather clothing is advertised as Hide and Sleek. The
Aspirante (bathroom fixtures). Eau couture. slogan conveys connotations of playfulness, borrowed from the well-
The Economist (magazine). The written world. known childrens game it recalls (i.e. hide and seek). However, the
(leather clothes). Hide and Sleek. name of the children's game consists of two verbs (to hide and to
Jack Sprat wishes its customers Bon Appetat. The French seek) coordinated by the conjunction and; but in the leather-goods
appetit is "adapted" (// instead of /i/) so as to rhyme with the slogan, the words are not verbs, but a noun (hide) and an adjective
product's brand name, Jack Sprat. The wrongly spelt word looks (sleek), so that the slogan is grammatically anomalous.
and sounds funny, enhancing the memorability of the slogan. The ad plays on double meaning: the word hide can be a verb
Conversely, the British Airways ad suggests the efficiency of (= to conceal) and a noun (= the skin of a large animal). The
the companys services and the speed of their transports by adjective sleek (= smooth, glossy) would be a fitting attribute for
transferring the experience to the world of computers: with British the noun hide (= leather), but adjectives cannot be coordinated with
Airways, the ad implies, you get what you want by merely clicking nouns: leather and smooth is grammatically incorrect. The
twice on your mouse. grammatical anomaly is obviously intentional, employed to convey
The Montblanc ad (fig. 8) promotes those famous accessories connotations of fun and playfulness; in addition, it is the mistake
under the slogan Stainless style, which recalls "stainless steel" an which makes the slogan funny and attractive.
inscription to be found on steel products (e.g. watches, cutlery)
resistant to the staining effect of water on metals. But the mere /i:/ 6.3 Oral paralanguage
/ai/ substitution triggers a much more serious change of meaning: it
endows the product range with connotations of style, as well as of Paralinguistic phonological features are carried by the speakers
duration. In other words, the Montblanc products are presented not voice and by the tone of his voice.
only as stainless (= flawless), but also as stylish. The importance of voices becomes obvious when listening to radio
In other cases, a phoneme is deleted or added to produce a commercials, where you can hear but not see the characters.
different word. Voices carry two types of features: indexical (i.e. the speakers
permanent characteristics), and paralinguistic (i.e. attitudinal).
CHAPTER 6: Sound symbolism in advertising 117 118 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

The speakers indexical features tell us who the speaker is (i.e. Voice2 (male, middle-aged, highly accented): Piiiiiiic b !!!
to what geographical, social or educational category he belongs). (Its faaaaalliiiing !!!)
The identity of the speaker is important because it is known that Further noises of things crashing.
Voice2: ine-m verde, vecine, da tu ce materiale folosti? (Ill be
listeners react positively to people who are just like them. As a
damned, neighbour, what kind of materials are you using?)
result, voices and accent2 are carefully selected so as to embody, Voice1: Indistinct, embarrassed, interjections.
and thus attract, the products target audience. For example, the Voice2: Da tu n-ai auzit de Bodimar, m? La Bodimar gsti tt ce
voices of two middle-aged women speaking with regional accent vrei. apn, ieftin i durabil. (You never heard of Bodimar? At
may be used to advertise a detergent; a soft drink will probably be Bodimar you find everything you want. Good, cheap and durable).
promoted by the voices of teenagers. Voice-over (young, male, unaccented, confident): La Bodimar gseti ....
On the other hand, the speakers paralinguistic features (the The two voices are powerfully accented, the lexis is regional,
tone of his voice, as well as his facial expression) inform us of his with regionally typical allophones, and there are numerous
attitude towards the world around him (e.g. enthusiastic or interjections to suggest casual face-to-face conversation. The voice-over,
disappointed). In advertising, these features are manipulated in the on the other hand, is unaccented, educated and stylistically neutral.
hope of making receivers embrace a similar attitude.
Thus, voices are generally used to identify the target audience. In
6.3.1 Voice & accent some cases, though, they can be used as a mere means to attract
The main role of the voice is to personalize the sender (and thus For example, some years ago a radio commercial for a local
reduce social distance) and to identify the target audience. computer company featured the voice of a very young child (about
In radio commercials we hear two categories of voices: 5 years old) who, to the background of a joyful tune announced, BB
 the voices of the characters, i.e. the persons talking to one Computer, a reliable partner! The rest of the copy, spoken to the
another and performing certain roles; and background of the same music, but by the voice of an educated
 the voice-over, i.e. the commentator, who summarizes the informa- adult male (the voice-over), gave detailed information concerning
tion and repeats the slogan against the background of the jingle. the sales and services provided by the company. The commercial
The two categories of voices are quite different in character. was a great success. Of course, nobody imagined that the child
While the characters voices are meant to be socially and regionally who could hardly pronounce the words correctly was a producer
identifiable (so as to create a sense of intimacy, and thus enhance or even a user of the products advertised. But the childs voice had
the receivers affective involvement), the voice-over is regionally that essential attention-grabbing quality that selling ads require.
neutral (unaccented) and educated (connoting well-informedness
and authority).
6.3.2 Quality & tone of the voice
The following radio commercial (aired on the local station) can
be viewed as typical for its category: Apart from giving identity to the speaker, voices which can be
described as hard or soft, big or small, shrill or sensual, etc. can
Noises of objects falling.
Voice1 (male, young, highly accented): Na niiiiiiii!!! (interjection also create atmosphere.
denoting surprise) The paralinguistic features of the speakers voice (e.g. his tone
of voice, intonation, pitch, etc.) carry information concerning the
speakers momentary mood, telling us how he feels about a certain
In the context, accent means regional pronunciation.
CHAPTER 6: Sound symbolism in advertising 119 120 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

object or situation, e.g. hopeful that the detergent will remove the The second variant takes the sexual connotations even further.
spots, delighted at the taste of a drink (soft drink ads often end with The young couple is somewhere in the mountains (there is a
a satisfied sigh, to connote the enjoyment produced by drinking it), waterfall) and the woman keeps complaining (in English, with
impressed by an electronic device, etc. In the case of TV Italian accent) about having nothing to do and being bored. He
commercials, the paralanguage of the voice is doubled by that of the suggests various things, but to no avail. Then he gives her a bottle
face (e.g. a smiling face), and body language (e.g. gestures, of Nestea. We can see her empty the bottle. The next moment, she
movement, etc.) also affects interpretation. says Antooonio!!! in a happy and sexually charged voice. He looks
The following radio commercial for Alpha taxi (on local radio at her, then at the bottle, and says, Mamma mia! His tone of voice,
station) shows clearly how efficiently tone of voice carries meaning: as well as his facial expression, denotes great surprise and delight.
SHE (middle-aged, slightly accented, irritated, high pitched,
loud): Nu sta! (Not this one!)
HE (middle-aged, shy, low pitched): De ce? (Why?)
SHE (same): Tu nu vezi? Tariful!!! (Dont you see? The fare!!!)
HE (same, ashamed): Woops!
Voice-over1 (male, middle-aged, educated, confident):
Alpha taxi. ntotdeauna la cele mai mici tarifuri. (Alpha
taxi. Always at the lowest fares.)
Voice-over2 (female, middle-aged, knowledgeable and
confident): Ba pardon! La cel mai mic tarif! (Nay, at the
lowest fare.)
In this ad there are two voice-overs. In fact, they are still the
voices of the characters, but they sound different: now, that he
knows, the man is no longer shy, but confident and self-possessed.
Nor is the woman irritated any longer: she sounds pleased to have
initiated him, so that her voice is calm and authoritative.
Today, when the role of language in advertising has diminished
considerably, TV commercials also rely heavily on paralanguage.
Take, for example, the following commercial series for Nestea
In the first spot, we see a young couple lying in bed; it is
obviously very hot and we hear the womans voice (bored, irritated)
saying, Antonio, fa caldo! He gets up and opens the window; turns
on the electric fan; but she keeps complaining. Finally he gives her
a bottle of Nestea from the fridge; she drinks it, says (in a shivering,
but happy, voice), Antonio, fa fredo! and quickly moves to his side
of the bed and into his embrace.
ANNEX 1 123 124 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

Exercise 2
Annex 1 Read out loud the following phonetic transcripts, then write them in
Exercise 1 fluent English. Check your answers with the key at the end of the
Match spellings and pronunciations, according to the model. Check your section.
answers with the key at the end of the section. 1. [eks'kwizit] 2. [krikt'ristik] 3. [p'reinl]
1. engineering a. ['rli] 4. ['v:n] 5. [lit'rein] 6. ['kwlti]
2. untouchables b. [n'tikwiti] 7. [':dnsi] 8. ['gigl] 9. [edju'keinl]
3. jeopardize c. ['f:]
10. ['ivlrs] 11. [f'netiks] 12. ['pl^mi]
4. handsome d. [':sti]
5. eventually e. ['ks] 13. [l'u] 14. [k^mpri'hensiv] 15. [spi:t]
6. legendary f. ['nuw] 16. ['defri 't:s] 17. [nlid] 18. ['daunludi]
7. thoroughly g. [^n't^tblz] 19. [in'kaunt] 20. [k^ntri'bju:n] 21. [geid]
8. assassination h. ['tu:mstun] 22. [ditmi'nein] 23. [di'sendnt] 24. [in'ta:ntid]
9. linguistics i. ['lkimist] 25. ['k^k] 26. [prn^nsi'ein] 27. ['kwait]
10. tombstone j. ['tritbl]
28. [mnsi'lbik] 29. [in'tru:d] 30. [kn'strein]
11. enjoyable k. ['hnsm]
31. ['si:kwns] 32. [^nb'li:vbl] 33. ['diknri]
12. thirsty l. [f'nldi]
34. [dp'ni:z] 35. [l'pel] 36. ['tful]
13. educational m. [endi'niri]
37. [sai'kldi] 38. [saik'ldikl] 39. ['lgwid]
14. charitable n. [trnsp:t'biliti]
15. nowhere o. [t^f] 40. ['prut] 41. ['d:ni] 42. ['rgdu]
16. jewelry p. [lu'kein] 43. [fi'nminn] 44. [aut'reids] 45. [s:kju'lein]
17. antiquity q. ['lednd()ri] 46. ['neibhud] 47. ['drifa:m] 48. ['m:tnt]
18. thoughtful r. [ssi'nein] 49. [k'i:drl] 50. [str'nmikl] 51. ['prpti]
19. alchemist s. ['depdaiz] 52. [i'ventuli] 53. [ritn] 54. [k^mpn'sein]
20. anxious t. [edju'keinl] 55. ['gri:mnt] 56. [in'geidd] 57. ['eksptaiz]
21. transportability u. [li'gwistiks] 58. ['teritri] 59. [p'f:m] 60. [t is]
22. therefore v. ['teindi] 61. ['biznis] 62. [knsid'rein] 63. [wr'z]
23. changing w. ['dulri] 64. ['ridinli] 65. ['^waiz] 66. ['eidnsi]
24. location x. ['tful] 67. ['kauntnt] 68. [in'u:rns] 69. [lu'kein]
25. tough y. [i'ventuli] 70. ['prefrns] 71. ['wimin] 72. [' rli]
26. phonology z. [in'djbl] 73. ['j^gst] 74. [in'f:smnt] 75. [p:'sweid]
ANNEX 1 125 126 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

Exercise 3 Exercise 4
Give the phonetic transcription for the following words, then check Look up and write down the pronunciation for the following place
your transcripts with the key: names, then locate the ones you can on the map.
1. furthermore 2. amount 3. subject
A. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
4. simultaneously 5. to acquire 6. exhibition
7. identifiable 8. pseudo-scientist 9. rightfully 1. Aberdeen 2. Ailesbury 3. Anglesey
10. actually 11. to induce 12. enthusiasm 4. Auchindachie 5. Belfast 6. Bettwys-i-Coed
7. Birmingham 8. Bournemouth 9. Carlisle
13. inheritance 14. heirloom 15. ancient
10. Cairns 11. Cambridge 12. Chaffey
16. unconsciously 17. environment 18. advertising
13. Cheshire 14. Chillingham 15. Chiswick
19. telegraphic 20. composition 21. awkward 16. Coventry 17. Colchester 18. Dartmouth
22. convertible 23. additional 24. conquest 19. Devizes 20. Devonshire 21. Dorchester
25. to urge 26. establishment 27. furniture 22. Dovedale 23. Dundee 24. Dunfernline
28. insubordination 29. thereupon 30. occupancy 25. Durham 26. Edinburgh 27. Exeter
31. anxious 32. physician 33. monthly 28. Galashields 29. Glasgow 30. Gloucester
34. antiquity 35. throughout 36. morphology 31. Greenwich 32. Guildford 33. Guisborough
37. journalism 38. entertainment 39. laughter 34. Henley-on-Thames 35. Harlech 36. Harrogate
40. inconceivable 41. finances 42. straightforward 37. Hereford 38. Ipswich 39. Isles of Scilly
40. Inverness 41. Kinnaird 42. Leicester
43. tremendous 44. inefficiency 45. junkyard
43. Liverpool 44. Llandudno 45. Llandilo
46. stock-exchange 47. sausages 48. to dispatch
46. London 47. Lyme Regis 48. Middlesborough
49. search 50. condescending 51. affectionate 49. Newcastle 50. Newquay 51. Norfolk
52. expectations 53. usefulness 54. second-hand 52. Northumberland 53. Norwich 54. Oxford
55. addiction 56. appointment 57. lexicography 55. Pembrokeshire 56. Perth 56. Peterborough
58. wholeheartedly 59. courtyard 60. contemporary 58. Plymouth 59. Portsmouth 60. Salisbury
61. optimism 62. real-estate 63. featherbed 61. Sherborne 62. Shrewsbury 63. St. Austell
64. obnoxious 65. to swallow 66. presupposition 64. Stratford-upon-Avon 65. Swansea 66. Torquay
67. challenging 68. to indulge 69. literature 67. Ullswater 68. Warminster 69. Warrington
70. announcement 71. insufficient 72. manufacture 70. Warwickshire 71. Wiltshire 72. Wolverhampton
73. reindeer 74. railway station 75. trustworthy 73. Worcester 74. Yarmouth 75. Yorkshire
ANNEX 1 127 128 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

B. The United States of America

1. Albany 2. Adirondack 3. Albuquerque
4. Amarillo 5. Anchorage 6. Arkansas
7. Bakersfield 8. Baltimore 9. Biscayne Bay
10. Boca Raton 11. Buchanan 12. Chesapeake Bay
13. Cheyenne 14. Chicago 15. Cincinnati
16. Delaware 17. Detroit 18. Eureka
19. Fayetteville 20. Fort Lauderdale 21. Fredericksburg
22. Grand Canyon 23. Galveston Bay 24. Idaho
25. Illinois 26. Iroquois 27. Iowa
28. Ithaca 29. Juneau 30. Kentucky
31. Knoxville 32. Lake Eire 33. La Jolla
34. Louisiana 35. Lubbock 36. Massachusetts
37. Miami 38. McKinnleyville 39. Michigan
40. Milwaukee 41. Minneapolis 42. Minnesota
43. Monterey 44. Nashville 45. Nantucket
46. Newcombe 47. New Orleans 48. New Hampshire
49. Niagara Falls 50. Ohio 51. Oklahoma
52. Pasadena 53. Pennsylvania 54. Phoenix
55. Raleigh 56. Sacramento 57. Santa Barbara
58. San Joaquin 59. Sioux City 60. San Diego
61. Savannah 62. Schenectady 63. Seattle
64. Sioux Falls 65. Shamrock 66. Tallahasee
67. Tennessee 68. Tombstone 69. Tucson
70. Ulysses 71. Utah 72. Vermont
73. Wisconsin 74. Wyoming 75. Yosemite Valley
ANNEX 1 129 130 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

Exercise 5
A. Read out loud the following phonetic transcripts:
1. [ 'ba:ki 'dgz 'nev bait ]
2. [ meik 'hei wail 's^n 'ainz ]
3. [ wn 'swlu d^z 'nt meik 's^m ]
4. [ 'w ' z 'wil / ' z 'wei ]
5. [ 'livi 'dg iz 'bet n 'ded 'lain ]
6. [ 'b:d in 'hnd iz w: 'tu: in 'bu ]
7. [ wen 'fks 'pri:tiz / bi'w j: 'gi:s ]
8. [ 'dunt kil 'gu:s t 'leiz 'guldn 'egz ]
9. [ 'pru:f v 'pudi iz in i 'i:ti ]
10. [ 'wn gud 'hed iz 'bet n 'h^drid str 'hndz ]
11. [ 'sm:l 'li:k wil 'sik 'greit 'ip ]
12. [ 'ha:f 'luf iz 'bet n 'nu 'bred ]
13. [ 'kluz meik 'mn // 'neikid pi:pl hv 'lit : 'nu influns in
s'saiti ]
14. [ 'mn wi 'nju: ai'di r iz 'krk ^n'til i ai'di s'ksi:dz]

B. Write the phonetic transcription for the following sentences:

1. Beware the little expenses.
2. There is no smoke without a fire.
3. When the cat's away, the mice will play.
4. They are not all cooks who carry long knives.
5. Every cloud has a silver lining.
6. The early bird catches the worm.
7. One ill weed mars the whole porridge.
8. Birds of a feather flock together.
9. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
10. Good wine ruins the purse, bad wine ruins the stomach.
11. You can lead a horse to the water, but you can't make it drink.
12. Man is the only animal who blushes. Or needs to. (Mark Twain)
13. Few of us can stand prosperity. Another mans, I mean. (Twain)
14. When the cock crows on the dunghill, the weather will change or
will stay as it is.
ANNEX 2 131 132 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

Annex 2 'kmi tu 'gri:t him // wen i 's: t h 'fa: wz p'set / i

Read the texts and analyze their phonetic transcripts: asked him, What's the matter, Father? and touched his hand. But
'a:skt him / 'wtz 'mt / 'fa: ? / nd 'ttt hiz 'hnd // bt
Text 1 the moment she touched him, she turned into gold.
The Legend of King Midas 'mumnt i 'ttt him / i 't:nd intu 'guld /
[ 'lednd v 'ki 'maids ] And since all his food would turn into gold, in the end the
Once upon a time there lived a king, King Midas, who loved / nd sins ':l hiz 'fu:d wud 't:n intu 'guld / in i 'end
[ 'wns 'pn 'taim 'livd 'ki / ki 'maids / hu 'lvd king died of hunger.
gold more than anything else in the world. No matter how much 'ki 'daid v 'hg ]
'guld 'm: n 'enii g 'els in 'w:ld // nu 'mt 'hau mt
gold his subjects brought him, he always wanted more.
Text 2:
'guld hiz 'sbdikts 'brt him / hi ':lweiz 'wntid 'm: /
One day a strange figure appeared in his room and asked him
[ if ]
/ 'wn dei 'streind 'fig r 'pid in hiz 'ru:m nd 'a:skt him if By Rudyard Kipling
if he was happy. No, I'm not answered the king. And I won't [ bai 'rdjd 'kipli ]
hi wz 'hpi // 'nu / aim 'nt / 'a:nsd 'ki // nd ai 'wunt If you can keep your head when all about you
be happy until everything I touch turns into gold. [ if ju kn 'ki:p j' hed wen ':l 'baut ju
bi 'hpi ntil 'evrii ai 'tt 't:nz intu 'guld / Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
The stranger promised to fulfil the king's wish and told him a: 'lu:zi 'z / nd 'bleimi it n 'ju: /
/ 'streind 'prmist tu ful'fil 'kiz 'wi nd 'tuld him If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
to touch an object. The king touched a book and, to his great / if ju kn 'trst j:'self wen ':l men 'daut ju /
tu 'tt n 'bdikt // 'ki 'ttt 'buk nd / tu hiz 'greit But make allowance for their doubting, too;
delight, it turned into gold at once. bt 'meik 'launs f : 'dauti 'tu: /
di'lait /it 't:nd intu 'guld t 'wns / If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
The next morning the king woke up feeling cold and uncomfor- / if ju kn 'weit nd 'nt bi 'taid bai 'weiti /
/ nekst 'm:ni / 'ki 'wuk p 'fi:li 'kuld nd n'kmf Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
table. And no wonder! His bed and clothes had turned into gold. : 'bi:i 'laid 'baut / 'dunt 'di:l in 'laiz /
tbl//nd 'nu 'wnd // hiz 'bed nd 'kluz hd 't:nd intu 'guld/ Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
The next moment, the king saw his beloved daughter who was : 'bi:i 'heitid / 'dunt giv 'wei tu 'heiti /
/ 'nekst 'mumnt / 'ki 's: hiz bi'lvid 'd:t hu wz And yet don't look too good nor talk too wise;
coming to greet him. When she saw that her father was upset she nd 'jet 'dunt 'luk 'tu: gud / 'n: 't:k 'tu: waiz /
ANNEX 2 133 134 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

If you can dream and not make dreams your master; If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
/ if ju kn 'dri:m nd 'n t meik 'dri:mz j ' ma:st / / if ju kn 't :k wi 'kraudz nd 'ki:p j ' v:tju
If you can think and not make thoughts your aim; Or walk with kings nor lose the common touch;
if ju kn 'ik nd 'n t meik ' t j r 'eim / : 'w :k wi 'kiz / 'n : 'lu:z 'k mn 't t
If you can meet with triumph and disaster If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
if ju kn 'mi:t wi 'traimf nd di'za:st r / if 'nai 'fuz / 'n : 'lvi 'frendz kn 'h:t ju
And treat those two impostors just the same; If all men count with you, but none too much;
if ':l men 'kaunt wi 'ju: / bt 'nn 'tu: mt /
nd 'tri:t uz 'tu: im'pstz 'dst 'seim / If you can fill the unforgiving minute
If you can bear to hear the truth've spoken / if ju kn 'fil i ' nfgivi 'minit
/ if ju kn 'b tu 'hi 'tru v 'spukn With sixty seconds' worth of distance run
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, wi 'siksti 'sekndz 'w: v 'distns 'rn /
'twistid bai 'neivz / tu 'meik 'trp f' fu:lz / Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken, 'j:z iz i ': / nd 'evrii ts 'in it /
: 'w t 'iz ju geiv j ' laif tu 'brukn And which is more you'll be a Man, my son!
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools; nd / 'wit iz 'm: / jul bi 'mn / mai 's n ]
nd 'stu:p nd 'bild m 'p wi 'w:n aut 'tu:lz /
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
Text 3:
/ if ju kn 'meik 'w n 'hi:p v ' :l j ' winiz King Lear
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, [ 'ki 'li ]
nd 'risk it n 'w n 't:n v 'pit n 't s After William Shakespeare
And lose, and start again at your beginnings [a:ft 'wiljm 'eikspi]
nd 'lu:z / nd 'sta:t 'gen t j bi'giniz Lear, the king of ancient Britain, had three daughters: Goneril, Regan
And never breathe a word about your loss; [ 'li / 'ki v 'einnt 'britn / hd 'ri: 'd:tz / 'gnril / 'ri:gn
nd 'nev 'bri: 'w:d 'baut j ' l s / and Cordelia. Goneril and Regan were married to Danish Dukes, but
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew nd k:'dilj // 'gnril nd' ri:gn w 'mrid tu 'dni 'dju:ks / bt
/ if ju kn 'f :s j ' ha:t nd 'n:v nd 'sinju fair Cordelia was yet unmarried. Lear was now 80 years of age
To serve your turn long after they are gone, 'f k:'dilj wz 'jet n'mrid // 'li wz nau 'eiti 'jiz v 'eid
tu 's:v j ' t:n 'l g 'a:ft ei a: 'g n and decided to divide his kingdom among his three daughters
And so hold on when there is nothing in you nd di'saidid tu di'vaid hiz 'kidm 'm hiz 'ri: 'd :tz
nd 'su 'huld ' n wen riz 'n i g in ju: according to the affection they would declare to the king publicly.
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on"; 'k:di tu i 'fekn ei wud di'kl tu 'ki 'p blikly /
Goneril declared that she loved her father more than any words
ik'sept 'wil wit 'sez tu 'm / 'huld ' n /
ANNEX 2 135 136 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

/ 'gnril di'kld t i 'l vd h 'fa: 'm: n 'eni w:dz in 'tru: 'klz / ei 'meid 'fa: 'fi:l t hiz 'prezns
could tell, more than her eyesight, freedom, health, beauty and was not wanted in their homes, and later even refused to open
kud 'tel / 'm: n h r 'aisait / 'fri:dm / 'hel / 'bju:ti nd 'n / nd wz 'nt 'wntid in 'humz nd 'leit 'i:vn ri'fju:zd tu 'upn
honour, and all the riches in the world. In her turn, Regan made the their gates for him to enter.
' :l 'ritiz in 'w:ld // in h 't:n / 'ri:gn meid 'geits f: 'him tu 'ent /
same speech, adding that she knew no other joy in life greater than When she found out how badly her father was being treated
'seim 'spi:t / 'di t i 'nju: 'nu 'ji in 'laif 'greit n / wen i 'faund 'aut hau 'bdli h 'fa: wz bi:i 'tri:tid
that of loving her father. But Cordelia, disgusted with the flattery of by her sisters, Cordelia persuaded her husband to send troops to
't v 'l vi h 'fa: // bt k:'dilj / diz'g stid wi 'fltri v bai h 'sistz / k:'dilj p:'sweidid h 'hsbnd tu 'send 'tru:ps tu
her sisters, whom she knew false, said that she loved her father rewin her father's kingdom, and came over to Britain herself.
h 'sistz / hum i nju: 'f :ls / 'sed t i 'l vd h 'fa: r ri'win h 'fa:z 'kidm nd 'keim 'uv tu 'britn h'self /
according to her duty, adding that, if she were to marry, she would She found Lear already mad, wandering about the fields in a
'k:di tu h 'dju:ti / 'di t / if i 'w: tu 'mri / i wud / 'i faund 'li l'redi 'md /'wndri g 'baut 'fildz in
have to give half her love to her husband. pitiable state. Some skilful physicians, well paid by Cordelia, helped
'hv tu 'giv 'ha:f h 'lv tu h 'hsbnd / 'pitibl 'steit // sm 'skilful fi'zinz / 'wel peid bai k:'dilj / 'helpt
The king flew into a rage and declared that he disowned her as him to recover and soon the old king was able to recognize his
/ 'ki 'flu: intu 'reid n di'kld t hi di'zund h r z him tu ri'kv r nd 'su:n i uld 'ki wz 'eibl tu 'rekgnaiz hiz
a daughter and did not want to see Cordelia any more. He also said dutiful daughter and to repent for having mistreated her.
'd:t r nd did 'nt 'wnt tu 'si: k:'dilj eni 'm: // hi 'lzu 'sed 'djutiful 'd:t r nd tu ri'pent f: 'hvi mis'tri:tid h /
that he would give his possessions to her sisters and live in turn with The decisive battle took place and the British troops won.
t hi wud 'giv hiz p'zenz tu h 'sistz nd 'liv in 't:n wi / di'saisiv 'bt tuk 'pleis nd 'briti 'tru:ps 'w n /
them, one month with Goneril, the next with Regan. Cordelia and Lear were ordered to prison. As a result of a plot,
'em / 'wn mn wi 'gnril / 'nekst wi 'ri:gn / / k:'dilj r nd 'li w r ':dd tu 'prizn // z ri'zlt v 'plt /
The king of France, realizing that the princess was a dowry in Goneril poisoned Regan, and then stabbed herself. Cordelia was
/ 'ki v 'fra:ns / 'rilaizi t prin'ses wz 'dauri in 'gnril 'piznd 'ri:gn nd en 'stbd h'self // k:'dilj wz
herself, asked her to marry him. She accepted, but departed with a hanged and the heart-broken king died, too.
h'self / 'a:skt h tu 'mri him // i k'septid bt di'pa:tid wi 'hd nd 'ha:tbrukn ki 'daid / 'tu: ]
heavy heart, for she knew the cunning of her sisters and that her
'hevi ha:t / f: i 'nju: 'kni g v h 'sistz nd t h
father was not left in good hands. And indeed, no sooner had
'fa: wz 'nt 'left in 'gud 'hndz // nd in'di:d / 'nu 'su:n
Cordelia gone to France than her sisters began to show themselves
hd k:'dilj gn tu 'fra:ns n h 'sistz bi'gn tu 'u em'selvz
in their true colours: they made their father feel that his presence
ANNEX 3 137 138 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction
Text 2
Annex 3 [ 'junik:n in 'ga:dn ]
[ bai 'deimz ':b ]
Read the following phonetic transcripts: [ 'wns 'pn 'sni 'm:ni 'mn 'lukt p frm hiz 'skrmld ,egz tu
'si: 'wait 'junik:n wi 'guld 'h:n 'kwaitli 'krpi 'ruziz in
Text 1: 'ga:dn // 'mn 'went tu 'bedrum w hiz 'waif wz 'stil 'sli:p nd
[ 'klev 'g:l ] 'wuk h /
a:ft r 'edwd d 'bunu / 'z 'ju:nik:n in 'ga:dn / hi 'sed / 'i:ti 'ruziz /
[ 'wns 'pn 'taim ' wz 'm:tnt hu 'lst hiz 'f:tn // z hi / i 'upnd wn 'nfrendli 'ai nd 'lukt t him // 'junik:n iz
':dntli 'ni:did sm 'mni / hi 'faund himself 'blaidd tu 'gu tu 'miikl 'bi:st / i 'sed /
'mni,lend f r 'lun // bt wen 'taim 'keim wen hi 'hd tu 'giv / 'mn 'wkt 'sluli aut intu 'ga:dn // 'hi / 'junik:n / hi 'sed
'mni 'bk / hi 'faund t hi 'stil 'didnt 'hv it // su / hi 'rilaizd / hi nd hi 'puld p E 'lili nd 'geiv it tu 'him / 'junik:n 'et it 'greivli /
wud 'hv tu 'gu tu 'deil / / wi 'lait 'ha:t / bi'kz wz 'junik:n in hiz 'ga:dn / 'mn
/ bt 'mni,lend / hu wz 'uld nd 'gli / 'fnsid 'm:tnts 'rauzd hiz 'waif 'gen // 'junik:n / hi 'sed / 'et 'lili /
'bju:tful 'ti:neid 'd:t r nd pr'puzd 'ba:gn // hi 'sed hi wud / hiz 'waif 'st p in 'bed nd 'lukt t him 'kuldli // 'ju a: r 'bu:bi /
'knsl 'm:tnts 'det if hi kud 'mri hiz 'd:t / i 'sed / nd ai m 'gui tu 'hv ju 'put in 'bu:biht /
/ 'bu 'm:tnt nd hiz 'd:t ri'dektid /'hrifaid / pr'puzl / 'mn / hu hd 'nev 'laikt 'w:dz 'bu:bi nd 'bubiht 't
// en 'mnilend 'keim p wi 'n r ai'di / s'desti ei ud let f: r 'mumnt / wil 'si: 'baut 't // hi 'wkt tu 'd: // hi hz
'prvidns di'said // hi wud put 'tu: 'peblz intu n 'empti 'mnibg / 'guldn 'h:n in 'midl v hiz 'f:hed / hi 'tuld h // en hi went 'bk
'blk pebl nd 'wait pebl / nd 'g:l wud 'pik aut 'wn / /if i 'pikt tu 'ga:dn / bt 'junik:n hd 'gn 'wei /
'blk pebl / i wud 'hv tu 'mri him / bt 'm:tnts 'det wud bi / 'waif gt 'p nd 'drest z 'fa:st z i 'kud // i wz 'veri
'knsld // if i 'pikt 'wait pebl / i wud bi 'fri: nd h: 'fa:z 'det wud ik'saitid nd wz 'glut in h r 'ai // i 'telfund p'li:s nd i
'stil bi 'knsld / 'telfund sai'kaitrist / i 'tuld m tu 'hri tu h 'hauz nd 'bri g
/ 'g:l 'didnt laik 'ba:gn bt i 'nju t / if i ri'fju:zd it / h: 'streitdkit /
'fa: wud bi 'sent tu 'deil nd i wud bi 'left 'lun in 'w:ld / / wen p'li:s nd sai'kaitrist 'raivd / ei 'lukt t 'h: wi
/ z ei w: 'w:ki g 'l 'pebl,kvd 'pa: in 'mnilendz 'greit 'intrist /
'ga:dn nd 't:ki iz 'uv / 'mnilend 'stu:pt daun nd 'pikt p 'tu: / mai 'hsbnd / i 'sed / 's: 'junik:n is 'm:ni /
'peblz // bt wen hi 'put m intu 'mnibg / 'g:lz a:p 'aiz / p'li:s 'lukt t sai'kaitrist nd sai'kaitrist lukt t
'nutist t ei w: 'bu blk / p'li:s /
/ 'a:ft r 'mumnts 't / 'g:l 'put h 'hnd intu 'mnibg / / hi 'tuld mi it 'et 'lili / i 'sed // hi 'tuld mi hi 'hd 'guldn 'h:n
'kwikli 'dru: aut 'pebl / nd 'let it 'f:l n 'pa: wi'aut 'luki g t it in 'midl v its 'f:hed /
: 'ui g it tu i 'z // 'pebl wz 'instntli lst 'm g ':l i 'z / t 'signl frm sai'kaitrist / p'li:s 'li:pt frm 'tz
n 'pa: // en i iks'kleimd/ nd 'si:zd 'waif // i 'put p te'rifik 'strg bt ei 'fainli 'gt h r
/ 'u / aim 'sri ai 'drpt it // hau 'klmzi v 'mi: // bt 'nev maind // intu 'streitdkit 'dst z 'hsbnd keim 'in /
ju kn 'tel 'kl r v 'mai pebl bai luki g t 'wn t wz 'left in / 'did ju 'tel j: 'waif ju 's: 'junik:n ? / 'a:skt p'li:s /
'bg ] / v 'k:z 'nt / 'sed 'hsbnd // 'junik:n iz 'miikl 'bi:st/
ANNEX 3 139 140 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

/ ts ':l ai 'wntid tu 'nu / 'sed sai'kaitrist // 'teik h r 'wei // / 'k ju / hi 'sed nd 'gt tu hiz 'fi:t / 'sweid frm 'said tu 'said /
aim 'sri / 's: / bt j' waif iz 'z 'kreizi 'z 'deib:d / nd en 'st daun 'bkw:dz in 'dst // ai wz 'teiki 'k r v i
/ su ei 'tuk h r 'wei / 'k:si g nd 'skri:mi / nd 't h r 'p in 'nimlz / hi sed 'dlli / bt 'nu 'lg tu 'mi: // ai wz 'unli 'teiki 'k
n ,insti'tjun // 'hsbnd livd 'hpili 'ev r 'a:ft / r v i 'nimlz /
/ 'mrl // 'dunt 'kaunt j: 'bu:biz n'til ei a: 'htt ] / ' wz 'ni tu 'du: 'baut him // it wz 'sndei nd 'fsists
w: r d'va:nsi 'tu:wdz i 'ebru // it wz 'grei 'uvka:st 'dei wi
Text 3 'lu 'si:li su 'pleinz w 'nt p // 't / nd 'fkt t 'kts 'nu hau tu
'luk a:ft m'selvz wz i 'unli gud 'lk i uld 'mn wud 'ev hv ]
[ i 'uld 'mn t 'brid ]
[ a:ft r ':nist 'hemigwei ]
Text 4
[n 'uld 'mn wi 'sti:l,rimd 'spektklz nd 'veri dsti 'kluz 'st bai [ mk'be ]
'said v 'rud // wz 'brid 'krs 'riv r nd 'ka:ts / 'trks [a:ft 'wiljm 'eikspi]
nd 'men / 'wimin nd 'tildrn w: 'krsi g it // bt i 'uld mn 'st [ in 'taim wen 'sktlnd wz 'reind bai 'dnkn 'mi:k / 'livd
wi'aut 'mu:vi // hi wz 'tu: 'taid tu 'gu eni 'fa: / 'greit ein / mk'be // hi: wz in 'greit i'sti:m t 'k:t f: hiz 'vl r
/ 'w du ju 'km frm ? / ai 'a:skt him / nd 'krid in 'w:z /
/ frm sn 'ka:ls / hi 'sed // ai wz 'teiki 'k r v i 'nimlz / hi
iks'pleind / / 'wn dei / wail mk'be nd 'n 'denrl / 'bkwu / w:
/ 'u / ai 'sed 'nt kwait nd'stndi / ri't:ni frm 'bt ei hd 'dst 'wn / 'pa:si bai 'bla:stid 'hi: ei
/ 'jes / hi 'sed // ai 'steid / ju 'si: / 'teiki 'k r v i 'nimlz / ai w 'stpt bai 'ri: uld 'wimin / hu w: r in 'fkt 'witiz // 'witiz
wz 'la:st wn tu 'li:v 'taun v sn 'ka:ls // ai 'hd tu 'li:v m / 'gri:tid mk'be z 'ein v 'kaud: / wit hi wz 'nt / nd 'prfsaizd
/ 'wt 'nimlz 'w: ei ? / ai 'a:skt / t mk'be wud bi'km ki // ei 'lzu 'sed t 'wn v 'bkwuz
'snz wud bi 'ki // a:ft 't / 'witiz vnit //
/ w 'tu: 'guts nd 'kt nd 'f: pz v 'pidnz /
/ mk'be nd 'bnkwu w: 'stil 'meizd bai i p'rinz wen
/ nd ju 'hd tu 'li:v m ? / ai 'a:skt /
/ 'jes // bi'k:z v i a:'tilri // 'kptn 'tuld mi tu 'gu / 'keim 'kigz 'mesind hu 'naunst mk'be t hi hd bi:n 'knfd
/ nd ju hv 'nu 'fmli ?/ ai 'a:skt 'w:ti 'fa: r 'end v 'digniti v 'ein v 'kaud: / 's 't:ni wn v 'witiz 'prfsiz tru: /
/ 'nau mk'be 'sta:tid to 'ik v 'run nd v 'hau tu 'kmpli
i ' 'prfsi 'witiz hd 'meid // 'hi: nd hiz 'waif / hu: wz 'veri
/ 'nu / hi 'sed / 'unli i 'nimlz ai 'steitid // ai m 'sevnti 'siks
m'bis 'wu:mn / di'saidid tu 'm:d 'ki /
jiz uld // ai hv 'km 'twelv ki'lmitz nau nd ai 'ik ai kn 'gu
'nu 'fa: / / it 'su 'hpnd t 'ki 'keim f: r 'vizit tu mk'bes 'ka:sl
/ is iz 'nt 'gud pleis tu 'stp / ai 'sed / 'kmpnid bai hiz 'tu: 'snz / 'mlkm nd 'dnlbein / nd 'nju:mrs
'sju:t // mk'be 'welkmd him wi ':l i 'n 'dju: tu 'ki /
/ ai wil 'weit 'lit 'wail / hi 'sed / nd 'en ai wil 'gu // hi 'lukt t
mi 'veri 'blkli nd 'taidli / en 'sed 'hvi tu ' is 'wri wi / 'a:ft r 'bizi 'dei taid 'ki 'went tu 'bed /
'smwn // 'kt wil bi u 'rait // ai m 'u // bt i 'z ? / nau 'wt / 'leidi mk'be / hu 'fid t h 'hsbnds 'neit wz 'tu: wi:k /
di'saidid tu 'kil 'ki h:'self nd 'went tu hiz 'rum wi 'dg r in h
du ju 'ik 'baut i 'z ? / 'wt wil ei 'du: 'nd i a:'tilri ? /
'hnd // bt in hiz 'sli:p 'ki lukt 'veri mt laik h r un 'fa: / su i
/ 'did ju 'li:v 'dvkeid n'lkt ? / ai 'a:skt // 'en eil 'flai /
/ bt i 'z // its 'bet 'nt tu 'ik 'baut i 'z / hi 'sed / 'didnt hv 'krid tu 'kil him // i 'went 'bk tu h 'hsbnd nd
kn'vinst him tu 'teik 'dg /
/if ju a: 'restid ai wud 'gu / ai ':dd // 'get p nd 'trai tu 'w:k nau/ / mk'be 'heziteitid / 'iki t 'ki wz hiz 'gest / 'nd hiz
pr'tekn / bt in i 'end hi geiv 'in tu hiz waifs ':di nd / 'dg r in
ANNEX 3 141 142 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

'hnd / hi 'went tu kigz 'rum // 'z hi wz 'gui hi hd 'vin v Text 5

'dg in i ' wi 'drps v 'bld n 'bleid / /geti 'rid v hiz 'fi / [ 'wt n ': a: wi 'du:i ? ]
hi 'kild 'ki g nd ri't:nd tu hiz 'waif hu 'tuk 'dg r nd 'pleist it [ ru 'must v 'tu: 'milin 'jiz : 'su v ig'zistns / 'mn hz livd
in 'hnd v 'sli:pi 'ga:dsmn / 'wel in ':iz in'vainmnt p'hps 'tu: wel // bai ei'ti:n hdrid /
/ in 'm:ni / wen 'm:d wz dis'kvd / 'men in kiz w: 'wn 'bilin 'hju:mn 'bi:iz n 'plnit // 'nau r a: 'uv 'faiv
'ga:d w: 'faund 'gilti / l'u 'meni 'l:dz 't it wz mk'bes du:i // bilin nd / if 'krnt 'b: reits 'huld / is nmb wil 'dbl in nekst
'kiz 'snz 'fled / 'mlkm tu i 'igli 'k:t nd 'dnlbein tu 'ailnd / 'fifti 'jiz // 'fraitni 'airni v is di'velpmnt iz t ,ppju'lein
/ s mk'be wz 'kraund 'ki / iks'plun / wit 'demnstreits sk'ses v 'mn z 'spi:iz / kud
/ nau ri'membri t 'witiz hd 'sed t 'wn v 'bkwuz 'mi:n i 'end v 'hju:mn 'laif n ': /
'tildrn wud bi 'ki g a:ft 'him / mk'be di'saidid tu 'kil 'bkwu / d'va:nsiz in 'sains nd tek'nldi hv 'brt 'baut sm v
nd hiz 'sn / 'flins // ei 'hd 'bkwu 'kild / bt hiz sn 'mnidd tu 'greitist 'ti:vmnts v 'm:dn 'taimz / bt ei hv ':lweiz bi:n
is'keip / 'kmpnid bai 'drstik disri'ga:d f' neit // 'ms pr'dkn / f: r
/ sins 'kraim / mk'be nd hiz 'kwi:n hd 'sli:p 'fliktid wi ig'za:mpl / hs 'reizd au 'stndd v 'livi nd 'meid au 'laivz m:
'teribl 'dri:mz // 'bld v 'bkwu wz 'trbli m z 'mt z i
i'skeip v 'flins / 'kmftbl / bt iz 'lzu 'la:dli ris'pnsibl f: p'lu:n 'prblmz //
/ en mk'be went 'wns 'gen tu 'witiz / hu 'tuld him t 'nn 'jus v 'f:tilaizz nd in'sektisaidz in ,gri'klt hz in'kri:zd
'b:n v 'wumn kud 'h:t him nd t hi wud 'nt bi 'vkwit n'til 'krp,ji:ldz / bt 'p:zd 'm: r nd m: 'rets tu 'hju:mn 'hel /
'frist v 'b:nm 'keim 'genst 'him / / 'neit r iz 'straiki 'bk // la:st 'sm r 'sevn wi:k 'hi:t,weiv hit
/ 'mi:nwail 'mlkm / 'leit kiz 'sn / wz 'pruti wi 'str ju'naitid 'steits // 'grein,krps w 'prktikli dis'trid nd 'frists
g 'a:mi nd mk'df / 'ein v 'faif / 'dind him // f: is 'di:d mk'be 'went p in 'fleimz // in 'saui:st 'ei / 'terbl 'hrikeinz 'devsteitid
'hd 'ltz 'waif nd 'tildrn 'kild / 'va:st 'riz v 'lnd 'k:zi 'ls v 'meni 'laivz // i:z di'velpmnts
/ leidi mk'be kud 'nu lg 'b h 'gilt nd 'pblik 'heit nd hv meid 'pi:pl 'rilaiz t di'strkn v au r in'vainmnt / 'meinli
'daid / s'puzidli bai h r 'un 'hnd / dju tu p'lu:n hz 'ri:tt 'kritikl 'levl /
/ 'left 'lun mk'be 't him'self in hiz 'ka:sl / 'weiti i 'prut / 'saintists pri'dikt i:vn 'm: di'za:strus i'fekts n'les di'saisiv steps
v 'mlkm / a: 'teikn // 'must 'bvis 'prblmz 'fekt au r tms'fi // z
/ in ':d tu diz'gaiz i 'prut v i 'a:mi 'mlkm ':dd t 'evri ri'zlt v 'gri:nhaus i'fekt / 'plnts ,vrid 'temprit kud 'raiz
'suld ud 'b r 'bu bi'f: him'self // 's ei 'geiv i im'pren t bai 'sevrl di'gri:z / 'knsikwntli 'pul r 'aiskps wud melt nd
'frist wz 'mu:vi / 'kustl 'sitiz wud bi 'fldid // 'm:ruv / i 'ev ,waidni 'hul in i
/ 'tf bt 'flud nd mk'be keim 'feis tu 'feis wi mk'df // 'zun 'leij wud iks'puz 'hju:mn 'bi:iz tu in'krizd ltr'vailet
mk'be wz 'knfidnt / hi 'tuld mk'df t 'nu mn 'b:n bai a rdi'ein / 'k:z v 'meni siris 'skin ,knsz / 'taim iz rni g 'aut /
'wumn kud 'h:t him // mk'df 'la:ft nd ri'plaid t hi hd 'nt bi:n tu pri'vent 'f: dis'trknz / pi:pl ud 'teind 'klis / 'weistful
'b:n bai 'wumn z hi hd bi:n 'teikn 'wei frm hiz 'm r n'taimli
'laifstailz // in 'din / ':l 'neinz v 'w:ld mst nd'stnd t
// mk'be / hu b'li:vd in wt 'witiz hd 'sed / gt 'fraitnd nd wz
p'lu:n iz 'glubl 'prblm t mst 'f: bi 'tri:tid 'glubli // wi
'kild in 'bt /
/ 'mlkm 'sendid tu 'run nd mk'df pri'zentid mk'bes 'u is 'nt unli tu au'selvz / bt 'lzu tu i n'b:n ,den'reinz hu
'hed tu nju: 'ki ] wil 'wn dei in'herit 'plnt ]
ANNEX 4 143 144 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

Annex 4 Text 2
Women in Japan
Write the phonetic transcripts for the following texts: After M. Hatsuni
There is a saying current in Japan that two things became strong after
Text 1: the war: stockings and women.
A Wise Judge The end of World War II and the arrival of the American
One day a poor man found a bag with one hundred silver coins in it. He Occupation Forces brought among other things, the idea of democracy,
was very pleased now he could buy food and clothes for his children. including the equality of the sexes.
But that very day he heard that a rich man in the town had lost a bag of For almost a thousand years, Japanese women had been virtual
money and was offering a reward to the man who brought it back to slaves. According to a Buddhist precept, women were a sinful lot,
him. whose sole function was to tempt men, and the only way they could
At first the poor man thought to himself, expiate their sins was by serving men. During her lifetime, a woman
"Shall I give the money back, or shall I keep it? The rich man has had three masters: her father when she was young, her husband when
plenty more riches, but my poor children need food."
she married, and her son when she was old. And her husband could
For a minute he was tempted to keep the money, but then he said
divorce her for any of these seven reasons: if she did not bear children,
to himself,
if she was immoral, if she did not serve his parents, if she stole, talked
"No, of course I mustnt keep it. It would be like stealing. I will
too much, was jealous, or had a communicable disease.
take it back at once."
He went to the rich mans house and gave him the bag of money. A good wife was supposed to be the first one up in the morning
Now the rich man was mean and stingy and did not want to give a and the last to go to bed at night. Even if there were servants, she was
reward. He hardly said "Thank you" and straight away started counting supposed to do the menial household tasks herself. She was not
his money. allowed to leave the house, except to pray at the temples, and never,
The poor man waited and waited, then he said quietly, under any circumstances, should she be seen talking to strange men.
"I heard that you would give a reward."
Text 3
"Reward?" said the rich man. "You will get no reward. You saw me
The Tempest
count one hundred silver coins. There were two hundred in the bag when I
After William Shakespeare
lost it. You must have stolen a hundred."
"I did not steal a single coin," replied the poor man, and he was so There was an island in the sea whose only inhabitants were an old
angry that he took the rich man to court. man called Prospero, and his beautiful young daughter, Miranda.
The judge asked the poor man to tell his story, then he asked the Prospero was a learned man and had magical powers. The former
rich man to tell his. After listening carefully to both of them, the judge inhabitant of the island had been a wicked witch, who had imprisoned
asked the rich man, many good spirits. On his arrival on the island, Prospero had managed
"How much money did you say was in the bag that you lost?" to free them, and now they obeyed him. The most faithful was Ariel,
"Two hundred silver coins," replied the latter. who was invisible to everyone except Prospero. On the island there also
Then the judge turned to the poor man and asked him, lived a monster, Caliban, the son of the wicked witch, whom Prospero
"How much money did you say was in the bag you found?" had taught to speak, and who now worked as a slave in his house.
"One hundred silver coins," replied the latter. With the help of the spirits, Prospero could command the wind
The judge thought a minute, then he turned to the rich man and told him, and the waves of the sea.
"If you lost a bag of money with two hundred silver coins, this bag One day, by Prosperos orders, the spirits raised a violent storm.
cannot be yours. You must give it back to the man who found it." Prospero showed his daughter a large ship, struggling with the waves.
ANNEX 4 145 146 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

Miranda begged her father to help the poor souls. Prospero assured With tears in their eyes, Antonio and the king begged Prospero
Miranda that no harm would come upon those people, then he told his to forgive them and to take on his dukedom again. Prospero
daughter how they had come to that island: twelve years before he had accepted to forget the past and to go back to Milan. Then he told
been duke of Milan, but his brother, Antonio, and the latters friend, them about the love between Ferdinand and Miranda. The king, who
the king of Naples, had deprived him of his dukedom, then forced him had thought his son had drowned, was happy to see him again, and
and his infant daughter into a small boat, far out at sea, and had left he was enchanted by Miranda's beauty.
them to perish. But a good friend had provided them with food and Prospero informed them that their ship was safe and ready to sail.
some books of magic, so they had managed to reach that far away Before leaving the island, Prospero set Ariel free. Ariel had been a
island where they had lived ever since. faithful servant, but now he was happy to be free, able to wander in the
Now his brother Antonio and the king of Naples were on the air, like a wild bird. Yet, as a last sign of respect, he promised to help
ship and would soon be cast ashore. Prospero touched his daughter Prospero to get home safely.
with his magic wand and she fell fast asleep. Then he told Ariel to Prospero buried his magical books and wand deep in the earth
arrange things so that, when Miranda opened her eyes, she should first and decided to make use of his powers no more. In happy
set eyes on young Prince Ferdinand, the son of the king of Naples. expectation of Miranda and Prince Ferdinands wedding, he
Ariel lured the prince to where Miranda was sleeping. When returned to his land and took possession of his dukedom once again.
she opened her eyes, Miranda thought Ferdinand was a spirit, as she
had long not seen a human being. Ferdinand, too, thought he was on Text 4
an enchanted island and that Miranda was the goddess of the place. Notes of a Native Son
They were both delighted when Prospero told them the truth. After James Baldwin
Prospero was pleased to find that there was love at first sight From all available evidence no black man had ever set foot in this tiny
between the youngsters, but he wanted to enhance their love, so that he Swiss village before I came. Everyone in the village knows my name,
threw some difficulties in their way. He accused the prince of being a spy though they scarcely ever use it, knows that I come from America
and gave him some hard chores to do. When Ferdinand wanted to fight, though, this, apparently, they will never really believe: black men come
Prospero touched him with his magic wand, and Ferdinand had to obey him. from Africa and everyone knows that I am the friend of the son of a
Miranda felt very sorry for the poor prince and tried to help him, woman who was born here, and that I am staying in their chalet. But I
but Ferdinand would not let her, so that soon they were talking rather remain as much a stranger today as I was the first day I arrived, and the
than working. children shout Neger! Neger! as I walk along the streets.
Ferdinand declared that he loved Miranda more than any lady he It must be admitted that in the beginning I was far too shocked to
knew and asked her to become his wife. Miranda accepted and have any real reaction. In so far as I reacted at all, I reacted by trying to
Prospero, happy that his daughter would be queen of Naples, gave be pleasant it is a great part of the American Negros education (long
them his blessing. Then he went to see how the others were doing. before he goes to school) that he must make people 'like' him. This
Ariel told Prospero how he had frightened the travellers to death smile-and-the-world-will-smile-with-you routine worked about as well
making them hear all sorts of noises and appearing before them under in this situation as it had in the situation for which it was designed it
different faces. Thus he had reminded them of what they had done to did not work at all. My smile was simply another unheard-of
Prospero. Now the false brother and the King of Naples bitterly phenomenon which allowed them to see my teeth they did not, really,
repented the injustice they had done to Prospero. see my smile, and I began to think that, should I take to snarling, no
Hearing this, Prospero ordered that they be brought before him. one would notice any difference. All of the physical characteristics of
the Negro which had caused me, in America, a very different an almost
forgotten pain, were nothing less than miraculous or infernal in the
ANNEX 4 147 148 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

eyes of the village people. Some thought my hair was the color of tar, thing well, he will come to believe that he can do other things well and
that it had the texture of wire, or the texture of cotton. It was jocularly he will become a problem-solver.
suggested that I might let it all grow long and make myself a winter Enthusiasm. It was Emerson who said that nothing great was ever
coat. If I sat in the sun for more than five minutes some daring creature achieved without enthusiasm. With children it's not so much a matter
was certain to come along and gingerly put his fingers on my hair, as of implanting this quality - most of them are born with it - as of
though he were afraid of an electric shock, or put his hand on my hand, protecting it. This isn't easy, because enthusiasm is fragile, easily
astonished that the color did not rub off. In all of this, in which it must damaged by scorn, ridicule or repeated failure. Sometimes a small
be conceded there was the charm of genuine wonder and in which there child's enthusiasms may seem amusing to grown-ups. But laughter
was certainly no element of intentional unkindness, there was yet no dampens enthusiasm. You must be careful not to laugh; that can-do
suggestion that I was human: I was simply a living wonder. attitude is very important.
I knew that they did not mean to be unkind, and I know it now; it Compassion. Most children are exquisitely sensitive to pain or
is necessary, nevertheless, for me to repeat this to myself each time suffering in other living creatures. Every parent who has had to console
that I walk out of the chalet: the children who shout Neger! have no a child desolated by the death of a frog or a cat knows this. This
way of knowing the echoes this sound raises in me. They are sensitivity can be preserved or it can be blunted. If the climate of the
brimming with good humor and the more daring swell with pride home is one of sympathy and concern for others, then that capacity is
when I stop to speak with them. Just the same, there are days when I strengthened.
cannot pause and smile, when I have no heart to play with them; Respect. Respect conditions a person's whole approach to life: the
when, indeed, I mutter sourly to myself, exactly as I muttered on the conviction that certain values are worthy of esteem and need to be
streets of a city these children have never seen, when I was no bigger preserved. Many of our troubles may be ascribed to a lack of respect.
than these children are now, Your mother was a nigger. Joyce is right What is crime but lack of respect for law? What is pollution but lack of
about history being a nightmare - but it may be the nightmare from respect for the rights of others? What is inferior workmanship but lack
which no one can awaken. People are trapped in history, and history of respect for quality? What is slanted news reporting but lack of
is trapped in them. respect for truth?
Adaptability. The ability to cope with change is a crucial requirement
Text 5 in the years ahead. Those who cling rigidly to the status quo are the
Six Gifts to Make Your Children Strong ones most likely to be victims of future shock. Parents must encourage
The other day my daughter Elizabeth left two of her youngsters with their childrens warm-heartedness, curiosity or humor by
me for the morning. Watching my two small granddaughters run demonstrating it themselves. A famous psychiatrist once told me that
happily through our old farmhouse, I found myself comparing the he had never been called on to treat anyone who had the gift of self-
predictable world of my own childhood with their uncertain, crisis- directed humor.
haunted future. Suppose, I said to myself, that I was a young mother Hope. It's the bravest quality of all, this ability to look past dark times
again, what qualities of heart and mind and spirit would I concentrate to brighter ones, to believe that questions do have answers, that
on? Gradually, some answers took shape in my mind. challenges can be met, that problems will be solved. To bring up
Self-confidence. Only those who believe in themselves and in their hopeful children, a parent needs to be hopeful himself. Pessimism, fear
capacity to meet challenges will be the crisis-copers of the future. It may and gloom are highly contagious. But if the child is taught that when
be difficult for a father who was a crack athlete to understand a son who there's failure there's always a next time, that when hard times come
would rather play chess than football. But chess, not football, is what they can build character and endurance, this attitude will make
such a boy needs, if confidence is to grow in him. If he does that one uncertainties seem less frightening and crises less critical.
(Abridged, The Saturday Evening Post, 1991)
ANNEX 5 149 150 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

Annex 5
Exercise 1
Give several intonation patterns for each of the following utterances and decide on
the speaker's attitude, according to the model: Desiderata
Model: ,Good \morning! routine, rather indifferent greeting; By Max Ehrmann
,Good \morning! hearty, cheerful;
,Good /\morning! ironical; Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there
,Good morning! threatening etc. may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good
terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen
1. Come on! 2. It wasn't me! to others, even the dull and ignorant, they too have a story.
3. Are you coming? 4. How kind of you! Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If
5. Stop complaining! 6. That's great! you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for
7. How can I help you? 8. You know him, don't you? always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your
9. What an interesting story! 10. He couldn't have said that!
achievements, as well as your plans.
Exercise 2
Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real
possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your
Give an intonation pattern for each of the following utterances using both business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you
systems of notation, according to the model: to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals and everywhere
Model: I'm de lighted to 'see you. life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection; neither be cynical
1.What else do you want from me? 2. What a wonderful surprise!
about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is
3. He obviously said no such thing! 4. Isn't he going to open the door?
perennial as the grass.
5. I know what you mean by that. 6. Is he your boyfriend, or Mary's?
Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the
7. You are being such a damn fool! 8. So nice of you to finally get here!
things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden
9. I find it quite interesting. 10. This is the right one, you mean?
misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imagining. Many fears are
11. It is amazing how fast bad news spreads.
born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be
12. Don't keep them waiting too long, please.
gentle with yourself.
13. What have you been doing with my pen?
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the
14. As a matter of fact, I heard they're quite interested.
stars; you have a right a to be here. And whether or not it is clear to
15. Could you tell me how to get there, please?
you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
16. Never before have I heard such beautiful music.
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to
17. Tell him to go away before I call the police!
be, and whatever your labours and aspirations, in the noisy confusion
18. Why don't you tell her the truth before it's too late!
of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a
Exercise 3
beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.
Give the phonetic transcription of the following text and include the
intonation patterns by using the system of strokes:

53. written [ritn] 54. compensation [kmpn'sein]

KEY TO EXERCISES 55. agreement ['gri:mnt] 56. engaged [in'geidd]
Annex 1 57. expertise ['eksptaiz] 58. territory ['teritri]
Exercise 1: 1-m; 2-g; 3-s; 4-k; 5-y; 6-q; 7-a; 8-r; 9-u; 10-h; 11-z; 12-
59. to perform [p'f:m] 60. choice [t is]
d; 13-t; 14-j; 15-f; 16-w; 17-b; 18-x; 19-i; 20-e; 21-n; 22-c; 23-v; 24-p; 61. business ['biznis] 62. consideration [knsid'rein]
25-o; 26-l. 63. whereas [wr'z] 64. originally ['ridinli]
65. otherwise ['waiz] 66. agency ['eidnsi]
Exercise 2: 67. accountant ['kauntnt] 68. insurance [in'u:rns]
1. exquisite [eks'kwizit] 2. characteristics [krikt'ristik] 69. location [lu'kein] 70. preference ['prefrns]
3. operational [p'reinl] 4. version ['v:n] 71. women ['wimin] 72. thoroughly [' rli]
5. alliteration [lit'rein] 6. quality ['kwlti] 73. youngster ['jgst] 74. enforcement [in'f:smnt]
7. urgency [':dnsi] 8. to giggle ['gigl] 75. to persuade [p:'sweid]
9. educational [edju'keinl] 10. chivalrous ['ivlrs]
Exercise 3:
11. phonetics [f(u)'netiks] 12. plumbing ['plmi]
13. although [l'u] 14. comprehensive [kmpri'hensiv] 1. furthermore ['f:m:] 2. amount ['maunt]
15. speech [spi:t] 16. Geoffrey Chaucer ['defri 't:s] 3. subject ['sbdikt] 4. simultaneously [siml'teinjsli]
17. knowledge [nlid] 18. downloading ['daunludi] 5. to acquire ['kwai] 6. exhibition [egzi'bin]
7. identifiable [ai'dentifaibl] 8. pseudo-scientist ['sju:du'saintist]
19. encounter [in'kaunt] 20. contribution [kntri'bju: n]
9. rightfully ['raitfuli] 10. actually ['ktuli]
21. gauge [geid] 22. determination [ditmi'nein] 11. to induce [in'dju:s] 12. enthusiasm [in'u:zizm]
23. descendant [di'sendnt] 23. enchanted [in'ta:ntid] 13. inheritance [in'heritns] 14. heirloom [lu:m]
25. to conquer ['kk] 26. pronunciation [prnnsi'ein] 15. ancient ['einnt] 16. unconsciously [n'knsli]
27. quiet [kwait] 28. monosyllabic ['mnsi'lbik] 17. environment [in'vainmnt] 18. advertising ['dvtaizi]
29. intruder [in'tru:d] 30. to constrain [kn'strein] 19. telegraphic [tel'grfik] 20. composition [kmp'zin]
31. sequence ['si:kwns] 32. unbelievable [nbi'li:vbl] 21. awkward [':kwd] 22. convertible [kn'v:tibl]
33. dictionary ['diknri] 34. Japanese [dp'ni:z] 23. additional ['dinl] 24. conquest ['kkwist]
35. lapel [l'pel] 36. thoughtful ['tful] 25. to urge [:d] 26. establishment [i'stblimnt]
37. psychology [sai'kldi] 38. psychological [saik'ldikl] 27. furniture ['f:nit] 28. insubordination [insb:di'nein]
29. thereupon [r'pn] 30. occupancy ['kjupnsi]
39. language ['lgwid] 40. approach ['prut]
31. anxious ['ks] 32. physician [fi'zin]
41. journey ['d:ni] 42. wrong-doer ['rdu] 33. monthly [mnli] 34. antiquity [n'tikwiti]
43. phenomenon [fi'nminn] 44. outrageous [aut'reids] 35. throughout [ru'aut] 36. morphology [m:'fldi]
45. circulation [s:kju'lein] 46. neighbourhood ['neibhud] 37. journalism ['d:nlizm] 38. entertainment [ent'teinmnt]
47. dairy farm ['drifa:m] 48. merchant ['m:tnt]
39. laughter ['la:ft] 40. unconceivable [nkn'si:vbl]
49. cathedral [k'i:drl] 50. astronomical [str'nmikl]
41. finances ['fainsiz] 42. straightforward ['streitf:wd]
51. property ['prpti] 52. eventually [i'ventuli]

43. tremendous [tri'mends] 44. inefficiency [ini'finsi] 33. Guisborough ['gizbr] 34. Henley-on-Thames ['henlin'temz]
45. junkyard ['dkja:d] 46. stock-exchange ['stkiksteind] 35. Harlech ['ha:lek] 36. Harrogate ['hrgit]
37. Hereford ['hrifd] 38. Ipswich ['ipswit]
47 sausages ['s:sdiz] 48. to dispatch [dis'pt] 39. Isles of Scilly ['ailz v 'sili] 40. Inverness [inv'nes]
49. search [s:t] 50. condescending [kndi'sendi] 41. Kinnaird [ki'nd] 42. Leicester ['lest]
51. affectionate ['feknit] 52.expectations [ekspek'teinz] 43. Liverpool ['livpu:l] 44. Llandudno [ln'didnu]
53. usefulness ['jusfulnis] 54. second-hand ['sekndhnd] 45. Llandilo [ln'dailu] 46. London ['lndn]
55. addiction ['dikn] 56. appointment ['pintmnt] 47. Lyme Regis ['laim 'redis] 48. Middlesborough ['midlzbr]
57. lexicography [leksi'kgrfi] 58. wholeheartedly ['hulha:ditli] 49. Newcastle ['nju:ka:sl] 50. Newquay ['nju:'ki]
59. courtyard ['k:tja:d] 60. contemporary [kn'temp()rri] 51. Norfolk ['n:fk] 52. Northumberland [n:'mblnd]
61. optimism ['ptimizm] 62. real-estate ['rilisteit] 53. Norwich ['nrid] 54. Oxfordshire ['ksfdi]
63. featherbed ['febed] 64. obnoxious [b'nks] 55. Pembrokeshire ['pembruk] 56. Perth [p:]
65. to swallow ['swlu] 66. presupposition [prisup'zin] 57. Peterborough ['pi:tbr] 58. Plymouth ['plim]
59. Portsmouth ['p:tsm] 60. Salisbury ['s:lzbri]
67. challenging ['tlndi] 68. to indulge [in'dld]
61. Sherborne [':bn] 62. Shrewsbury ['rauzbri]
69. literature ['litrit] 70. announcement ['naunsmnt] 63. St. Austell [snt'sl] 64.Stratford-upon-Avon ['strtfd'pn 'eivn]
71. insufficient [ins'fint] 72. to manufacture [mnju'fkt] 65. Swansea ['swnsi:] 66. Torquay ['t:'ki:]
73. reindeer ['reindi] 74. railway station ['reilweistein] 67. Ullswater ['lzw:t] 68. Warminster ['w:minst]
75. trustworthy ['trstw:i] 69. Warrington ['writn] 70. Warwickshire ['wrik]
71. Wiltshire ['wilt] 72. Wolverhampton ['wulvhmptn]
Exercise 4: 73. Worcester ['wust] 74. Yarmouth ['ja:m]
a. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 75. Yorkshire ['j:k]
[ ju'naitid 'kidm v 'greit 'britn nd 'n:n 'ailnd]
b. The United States of America:
1. Aberdeen ['bdi:n] 2. Ailesbury ['eilzbri] [ ju:'naitid 'steits v 'merik]
3. Anglesey ['lzi] 4. Auchindachie ['kin'dki]
5. Belfast [bel'fa:st] 6. Bettwys-i-Coed ['betsi'kid] 1. Albany [':lbni] 2. Adirondack [d'rndk]
7. Birmingham ['b:mim] 8. Bournemouth ['b:nm] 3. Albuquerque ['lbkki:] 4. Amarillo [m'rilju]
9. Carlisle [ka:'lail] 10. Cairns [knz] 5. Anchorage ['krid] 6. Arkansas ['a:kns:]
11. Cambridge ['keimbrid] 12. Chaffey ['teifi] 7. Bakersfield ['beiksfild] 8. Baltimore ['b:ltim:]
13. Cheshire ['te] 14. Chillingham ['tilinm] 9. Biscayne Bay ['biskeinbei] 10. Boca Raton ['buk r'tn]
15. Chiswick ['tizik] 16. Coventry [vntri] 11. Buchanan [bju'knn] 12. Chesapeake Bay ['tespikibei]
17. Colchester ['kest] 18. Dartmouth ['da:tm] 13. Cheyenne [i'jen] 14. Chicago [i'ka:gu]
19. Devizes [di'vaizis] 20. Devonshire ['devn] 15. Cincinnati [sins'nti] 16. Delaware ['delw]
21. Dorchester ['d:tist] 22. Dovedale ['dvdeil] 17. Detroit [di'trit] 18. Eureka [ju:'ri:k]
23. Dundee [dn'di:] 24. Dunfernline [dn'f:nlin] 19. Fayetteville [f'jitvil] 20. Fort Lauderdale ['f:t 'l:ddeil]
25. Durham ['drm] 26. Edinburgh ['edinbr] 21. Fredericksburg ['fri:driksb:g] 22. Grand Canyon ['grnd 'knjn]
27. Exeter ['ekset] 28. Galashields ['gli:ldz] 23. Galveston Bay ['glvstn 'bei] 24. Idaho ['aidhu]
29. Glasgow ['gla:sgu] 30. Gloucester ['glst] 25. Illinois [ili'ni] 26. Iroquois ['irkwoa:]
31. Greenwich ['grinid] 32. Guildford ['gilfd] 27. Iowa ['ajw] 28. Ithaca ['itk]

29. Juneau ['du:nu] 30. Kentucky [ken'tki] 13. Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society.
31. Knoxville ['nksvil] 32. Lake Eire [leik'ai(r)] (Mark Twain)
33. La Jolla [l'hji] 34. Louisiana [lu:izi'n] 14. The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. (Twain)
35. Lubbock ['lbk] 36. Massachusetts [ms'tu:sts] B. 1. [ bi'w r v 'lit iks'pensiz ]
37. Miami [mai'mi] 38. McKinnleyville [mk'kinlivil] 2. [ 'riz 'nu 'smuk wi'aut 'fai ]
39. Michigan ['miign] 40. Milwaukee [mil'w:ki] 3. [ wen 'kts 'wei / 'mais wil 'plei ]
41. Minneapolis [mini'plis] 42. Minnesota [mine'sut] 4. [ei a: 'nt :l 'kuks hu 'kri l 'naivz ]
43. Monterey [mnt'rei] 44. Nashville ['nvil] 5. [ 'evri 'klaud hz 'silv 'laini ]
45. Nantucket [nn'tkit] 46. Newcombe ['nju:km] 6. [ i ':li 'b:d 'ktiz 'w:m ]
47.New Orleans [n(j)u: :'li:nz] 48. New Hampshire [nju:'hmp] 7. [ 'wn il 'wi:d 'ma:z 'hul 'prid ]
49. Niagara Falls [nai'g()r'fa:lz] 50. Ohio [u'haiu] 8. [ 'b:dz v 'fe 'flk tu'ge ]
51. Oklahoma [kl'hum] 52. Pasadena [ps'di:n] 9. [ 'dunt bait 'hnd t 'fi:dz ju ]
53. Pennsylvania [pensl'veinj] 54. Phoenix ['fi:niks] 10. [ 'gud wain 'ru:inz j: 'p:s / 'bd wain ru:inz j: 'stmk ]
55. Raleigh ['r:li] 56. Sacramento [skr'mentu] 11. [ ju kn 'li:d 'h:s tu 'w:t / bt ju 'ka:nt meik it 'drink ]
57. Santa Barbara ['snt 'ba:br] 58. San Joaquin [sn'w:kin] 12. [ 'mn iz i 'unli 'niml hu 'bliz // : 'ni:dz tu ]
59. Sioux City ['su:siti] 60. San Diego [sn di'eigu] 13. [ 'fju: v s kn 'stnd pr'speriti // 'n mnz / ai 'mi:n ]
61. Savannah [s'vn] 62. Schenectady [sk'nektdi:] 14. [ wen 'kk 'kruz n 'dhil / 'we wil 'teind / : r it wil
63. Seattle [si'tl] 64. Sioux Falls ['su:f:lz] 'stei z it 'iz ]
65. Shamrock ['mrk] 66. Tallahasee [tl'hsi:]
67. Tennessee ['ten'si:] 68. Tombstone ['tu:mst(u)n]
69. Tucson [tu:'sn] 70. Ulysses [ju:'lisiz] Annex 3
71. Utah ['ju:ta:] 72. Vermont [v:'mnt] Text 1
73. Wisconsin [wis'knsn] 74. Wyoming [wai'jumi] A Clever Girl
75. Yosemite Valley [jus'miti 'vli] After Edward de Bono
Once upon a time there was a merchant who lost his fortune. As he
Exercise 5 urgently needed some money, he found himself obliged to go to a money-
A. 1. Barking dogs never bite. lender for a loan. But when the time came when he had to give the money
2. Make hay while the sun shines. back, he found that he still didn't have it. So, he realized, he would have to
3. One swallow does not make a summer. go to jail.
4. Where there's a will, there's a way. But the money-lender, who was old and ugly, fancied the merchant's
5. A living dog is better than a dead lion. beautiful teenage daughter and proposed a bargain: he said he would
6. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. cancel the merchant's debt if he could marry his daughter.
7. When the fox preaches, beware your geese. Both the merchant and his daughter rejected, horrified, the proposal.
8. Don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. Then the money-lender came up with another idea, suggesting they should
9. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. let Providence decide: he would put two pebbles into an empty money-bag
10. One good head is better than a hundred strong hands. (a black pebble and a white pebble) and the girl would pick out one. If she
11. A small leak will sink the great ship. picked the black pebble, she would have to marry him, but the merchants
12. Half a loaf is better than no bread. debt would be cancelled. If she picked the white pebble, she would be free,
and her father's debt would still be cancelled.

The girl didn't like the bargain, but she knew that, if she refused When the police and the psychiatrist arrived, they looked at her with
it, her father would be sent to jail and she would be left alone in the world. great interest.
As they were walking along the pebble-covered path in the money lender's "My husband," she said, "saw a unicorn this morning."
garden and talking things over, the money-lender stooped down and picked up The police looked at the psychiatrist and the psychiatrist looked at the
two pebbles. But when he put them into the moneybag, the girl's sharp eyes police.
noticed that they were both black. "He told me it ate a lily," she said. "He told me it had a golden horn
After a moment's thought, the girl put her hand into the money-bag, in the middle of its forehead."
quickly drew out a pebble, and let it fall on the path without looking at it or At a signal from the psychiatrist, the police leaped from their chairs
showing it to the others. The pebble was instantly lost among all the others and seized the wife. She put up a terrific struggle, but they finally got her
on the path. Then she exclaimed: into the straitjacket just as the husband came back.
"Oh, I'm sorry I dropped it. How clumsy of me! But never mind! You "Did you tell your wife you saw a unicorn?" asked the police.
can tell the colour of my pebble by looking at the one that was left in the bag." "Of course not," said the husband. "The unicorn is a mythical beast."
"That's all I wanted to know," said the psychiatrist. "Take her away.
Text 2: I'm sorry, sir, but your wife is as crazy as a jaybird."
The Unicorn in the Garden So they took her away, cursing and screaming, and shut her up in an
By James Thurber institution. The husband lived happily ever after.
Once upon a sunny morning a man looked up from his scrambled eggs to Moral. Don't count your boobies until they are hatched.
see a white unicorn with a gold horn quietly cropping the roses in the
garden. The man went to the bedroom where his wife was still asleep and Text 3:
woke her. The Old Man at the Bridge
"There's a unicorn in the garden." he said. "Eating roses." after Ernest Hemingway
She opened one unfriendly eye and looked at him: "The unicorn is a An old man with steel-rimmed spectacles and very dusty clothes sat by the
mythical beast," she said. side of the road. There was a bridge across the river and carts, trucks and
The man walked slowly out into the garden. men, women and children were crossing it. But the old man sat there
"Here, unicorn," he said, and he pulled up a lily and gave it to him. without moving. He was too tired to go any farther.
The unicorn ate it gravely. "Where do you come from? I asked him.
With a light heart, because there was a unicorn in his garden, the man "From San Carlos," he said and smiled. "I was taking care of the
roused his wife again. "The unicorn," he said, "ate a lily." animals," he explained.
His wife sat up in bed and looked at him coldly. "You are a booby," she said, "Oh," I said not quite understanding.
"and I am going to have you put in the booby hatch." "Yes," he said, "I stayed, you see, taking care of the animals. I was the last
The man, who had never liked the words "booby" and "booby hatch", one to leave the town of San-Carlos. I had to leave them."
thought for a moment. "We'll see about that," he said. He walked to the "What animals were they?" I asked.
door. "He has a golden horn in the middle of his forehead," he told her. "There were two goats and a cat and four pairs of pigeons."
Then he went back to the garden but the unicorn had gone away. "And you had to leave them?" I asked.
The wife got up and dressed as fast as she could. She was very "Yes. Because of the artillery. The captain told me to go."
excited and there was a gloat in her eye. She telephoned the police and she "And you have no family?" I asked watching the far end of the
telephoned a psychiatrist; she told them to hurry to her house and bring a bridge.
straitjacket. "No," he said, "only the animals I stated. I am seventy-six years old. I
have come twelve kilometers now and I think I can go no further."

"This is not a good place to stop," I said. It so happened that the king came for a visit to Macbeths castle,
"I will wait a little while," he said, "and then I will go." He looked at accompanied by his two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, and numerous suit.
me very blankly and tiredly, then said, having to share this worry with Macbeth welcomed him with all the honour due to the king.
someone. "The cat will be all right. I am sure. But the others. Now what do After a busy day, the tired king went to bed.
you think about the others? What will they do under the artillery?" Lady Macbeth, who feared that her husband's nature was too weak,
"Did you leave the dove cage unlocked?" I asked. "Then they'll fly." decided to kill the king herself and went to his room with a dagger in her
"But the others. It's better not to think about the others," he said. hand. But in his sleep, the king looked very much like her own father, so she
"If you are rested, I would go," I urged. "Get up and try to walk didn't have the courage to kill him. She went back to her husband and con-
now." vinced him to take the dagger. Macbeth hesitated, thinking that the king was
"Thank you," he said and got to his feet, swayed from side to side and his guest, under his protection, but in the end he gave in to his wifes urgings
then sat down backwards in the dust. "I was taking care of the animals," he and, dagger in hand, he went to the king's room. As he was going, he had a
said dully, but no longer to me. "I was only taking care of the animals." vision of a dagger in the air with drops of blood on the blade. Getting rid of
There was nothing to do about him. It was Sunday and the Fascists his fear, he killed the king and returned to his wife, who took the knife and
were advancing toward the Ebro. It was a grey overcast day with a low placed it in the hand of a sleeping guardsman.
ceiling, so their planes were not up. That and the fact that cats know how to In the morning, when the murder was discovered, the men in the
look after themselves was all the good luck that old man would ever have. king's guard were found guilty, although many lords thought it was
Macbeth's doing. The king's sons fled Malcolm to the English court, and
Text 4 Donalbain to Ireland.
Macbeth Thus Macbeth was crowned king.
After William Shakespeare Now, remembering that the witches had said that one of Banquo's
In the time when Scotland was reigned by Duncan the Meek, there lived a children would be king after him, Macbeth decided to kill Banquo and
great Thane, Macbeth. He was in great esteem at the court for his valour his son Fleance. They had Banquo killed, but his son managed to escape.
and courage in the wars. Since the crime, Macbeth and his queen had their sleep afflicted with
One day, while Macbeth and another general, Banquo, were returning terrible dreams. The blood of Banquo was troubling them just as much as
from a battle they had just won, passing by a blasted heath they were the escape of Fleance.
stopped by three old women, who were, in fact, witches. The witches Macbeth went once again to the witches, who told him that none born
greeted Macbeth as Thane of Cawdor which he was not and of a woman could hurt him, and that he would not be vanquished, until the
prophesized that Macbeth would become king. They also said that Banquo forest of Birnam came against him.
would not become king, but one of his sons would. After that, the witches Meanwhile, Malcolm, the late king's son, was approaching with a
vanished. strong army, and Macduff, Thane of Fife, joined him. For this deed,
Macbeth and Banquo were still amazed by the apparitions, when Macbeth had the latter's wife and children killed.
there came the kings messenger who announced Macbeth that he had been Lady Macbeth could no longer bear her guilt and public hate, and
conferred the dignity of Thane of Cawdor, thus turning one of the witches' died, supposedly by her own hand.
prophecies true. Left alone, Macbeth shut himself in his castle, awaiting the approach
Now Macbeth started to think of the throne and of how to accomplish the of Malcolm.
other prophecy the witches had made. He and his wife, who was a very In order to disguise the approach of his army, Malcolm ordered that
ambitious woman, decided to murder the king. every soldier should bear a bough before himself. Thus they gave the
impression that the forest was moving.

A tough battle followed, and Macbeth came face to face with Time is running out. To prevent further distructions, people should change
Macduff. Macbeth was confident: he told Macduff that no man born by a their careless, wasteful life-styles. In addition, all the nations of the world must
woman could hurt him. understand that pollution is a global problem that must therefore be treated
Macduff laughed and replied that he had not been born by a woman, globally. We owe this not only to ourselves, but also to the unborn
as he had been taken away from his mother untimely. Macbeth, who generations who will one day inherit the planet.
believed in what the witches had said, got frightened and was killed in (Adapted from Time, Jan.2, 1989)
Malcolm ascended to the throne and Macduff presented Macbeth's Annex 4
head to the new king. Text 1:
[ 'waiz 'dd ]
Text 5 [ 'wn dei 'pu mn 'faund 'bg wi 'wn 'h^ndrid 'silv kinz in 'it // hi
What on Earth Are We Doing? wz 'veri 'pli:zd / nau hi kud 'bai 'fu:d nd 'kluz f hiz 'tildrn // bt
Through most of the 2 million years or so of existence, man has lived well in
't 'veri 'dei hi 'h:d t 'rit mn in 'taun hd 'lst 'bg v
earth's environment perhaps too well. By 1800, there were 1 billion
'm ni nd wz 'fri ri'w :d tu 'mn hu 'br t it 'bk tu 'him /
human beings on the planet. Now there are over 5 billion and, if current
/ t 'f:st 'pu mn ' t tu him'self /
birth rates hold, this number will double in the next 40 years. The
frightening irony of this development is that the population explosion / 'l ai 'giv 'm ^ni 'bk ' : l ai 'ki:p it // 'rit mn hz
which demonstrates the success of man as a species could mean the end 'plenti m: 'ritiz / bt mai 'pu 'tildrn 'ni:d 'fu:d /
of human life on earth. / f r 'minit hi wz 'temptid tu 'ki:p 'mni / bt 'en hi 'sed tu
Advances in science and technology have brought about some of the him'self /
greatest achievements of modern times, but they have always been / 'nu / v 'k:z ai 'msnt 'ki:p it // it wud 'bi: laik 'sti:li // ai wil 'teik it
accompanied by a drastic disregard for nature. Mass production, for 'bk t 'wns /
example, has raised our standard of living and made our lives more / hi 'went tu 'rit mnz 'haus nd 'geiv him 'bk 'bg v
comfortable, but is also largely responsible for pollution problems. The use 'mni /
of fertilizers and insecticides in agriculture has increased crop yields, but / nau 'rit mn wz 'mi:n nd 'stidi nd did 'nt 'wnt tu 'giv
posed more and more threats to human health. 'ri'w:d // hi 'ha:dli sed 'k 'ju: nd 'streit 'wei 'sta:tid 'kaunti hiz
Nature is striking back. Last summer, a seven-week heat wave hit the
'm^ni /
United States. Grain crops were practically destroyed and forests went up
/ 'pu mn 'weitid nd 'weitid / en hi 'sed 'kwaitli /
in flames. In Southeast Asia, terrible hurricanes devastated vast areas of
land, causing the loss of many lives. These developments have made
/ ai 'h:d t ju wud 'giv ri'w:d/
people realize that the destruction of our environment, mainly due to / ri'w:d / 'sed 'rit mn / ju wil get 'nu ri'w:d // ju 's: mi 'kaunt
pollution, has reached a critical level. 'wn 'hndrid silver kinz // w: 'tu: 'hndrid in 'bg wen ai 'lst
Scientists predict even more disastrous effects unless decisive steps are it // ju mst hv 'stuln 'hndrid /
taken. The most obvious problems affect our atmosphere. As a result of /ai did 'nt 'sti:l 'sil 'kin // rip'laid 'pu mn nd hi wz
the "greenhouse effect", the planet's average temperature could rise by 'su 'gri t hi 'tuk 'rit mn tu 'k:t /
several degrees; consequently, the polar ice-caps would melt and coastal / 'd d  'a:skt 'pu mn tu tel 'hiz stri / 'en hi 'a:skt
cities would be flooded. Moreover, the ever-widening hole in the ozone
'rit mn tu 'tel 'hiz // a:ft 'lisni 'kfuli tu 'bu v 'm / 'dd
layer would expose human beings to increased ultraviolet radiation, the
cause of many serious skin cancers. 'a:kst 'rit mn /

/ hau 'mt 'mni did ju 'sei wz in 'bg t ju 'lst / Text 3.

/ 'tu: 'hndrid 'silv kinz / ri'plaid 'lt / [ 'tempist ]
/ 'en dd 't:nd tu 'pu mn nd a:skt 'him / [ a:ft 'wiljm 'eikspi ]
[ ' wz n 'ailnd in 'si: huz 'unli in'hbitnts w: r n 'uld mn
/ hau 'm t 'm ni did ju 'sei wz in E 'bg ju 'faund / k:ld 'prspru nd hiz 'bju:tiful j 'd:t / mi'rnd /
/ 'wn 'hndrid 'silv kins / ri'plaid 'pu mn /
/ 'prspru wz 'l:nid mn nd hd 'mdikl 'pauz //
/ 'dd 't 'minit / en hi 't:nd tu 'rit mn nd 'tuld him/ 'f:m r in'hbitnt v i 'ailnd hd bi:n 'wikid 'wit hu hd
/ if ju 'lst 'bg v 'mni wi 'tu: 'hndrid silv kins / 'is bg 'knt im'priznd 'meni gud 'spirits // n hiz 'raivl n i 'ailnd / 'prspru
bi 'j:z // ju mst 'giv it 'bk tu 'mn hu 'faund it ] hd 'mnidd tu fri: m nd nau ei 'beid him // 'must 'feiful
Text 2: wz 'ril / hu wz in'vizibl tu 'evriwn / ik'sept 'prspru // n i
'ailnd 'lzu livd 'klibn / 'mnst sn v 'wikid 'wit / hum
[ 'wimin in d'p n ] 'prspru hd 't:t tu 'spi:k nd hu nau 'w:kt z 'sleiv in hiz 'hauz /
[ a:ft r ,em ha:'tsuni] / wi 'help v 'spirits / 'prspru kud k'ma:nd 'wind nd
[ ' r iz 'sei 'krnt in d'pn t 'tu: iz bi'keim 'str g a:ft 'weivz v 'si: /
'w: / 'stkiz nd 'wimin/ / 'wn dei / bai 'prspruz ':dz / 'spirits 'reizd 'vailnt
/i 'end v 'w:ld w : 'tu: nd i 'raivl v i 'merikn 'st:m // 'prspru 'ud hiz 'd:t r 'la:d 'ip 'strgli wi 'weivz //
kju'pein 'f:siz brt 'm ' iz / i ai'di r v di'mkrsi / mi'rnd begd h 'fa: tu 'help pu 'sulz // 'prspru 'ud
in'klu:di i i'kwlti v 'seksiz / mi'rnd t 'nu ha:m wud 'km 'pn uz 'pi:pl / en hi 'tuld hiz
/ f: l'must 'auznd 'jiz / ,dp'ni:z 'wimin hd bi:n 'v:tul 'd:t 'hau ei hd 'km tu t 'ailnd // 'twelv jiz bi'f: hi hd bi:n
'dju:k v mi'ln / bt hiz 'br r n'tuniu nd 'ltz 'frend / 'ki
'sleivz // 'k:di tu 'bu:dist 'prisept / 'wimin w: r 'sinful 'lt /
v 'neiplz / hd di'praivd him v hiz 'dju:kdm / en 'f:st him nd hiz
huz 'sul 'fkn w z tu 'tempt 'men nd i 'unli 'wei ei kud 'infnt 'd:t r intu 'sm:l 'but / 'fa: r aut t 'si: / nd hd 'left m tu
'ekspieit 'sinz wz bai 's:vi 'men // dju:ri h: 'laiftaim / 'wu:mn 'peri // bt 'gud frend hd pr'vaidid em wi 'fu:d nd sm 'buks v
hd 'ri: 'ma:stz / h 'fa: wen i w z 'j / h 'h sbnd wen i
'mdik / 'su ei hd 'mnidd tu 'ri:t t 'fa: r 'wei 'ailnd / w
'mrid / nd h 's n wen i w z 'uld // nd h 'h sbnd kud
ei hd 'livd 'ev sins /
di'v:s h f r 'eni v i:z 'sevn 'ri:znz // if i did 'nt b 'tildrn / if
/ 'nau hiz 'br r n'tuniu nd 'ki v 'neiplz w r n 'ip
i wz i'mrl / if i did 'n t s:v hiz 'prnts / if i 'stul / 'tkt 'tu:
nd wud 'su:n bi 'ka:st ' : // 'prspru 'ttt hiz 'd:t wi hiz 'mdik
m t / w z 'd els / : hd k'mju:nikbl di'zi:z/
/ 'gud 'waif wz s'puzd tu bi 'f:st wn p in 'm:ni nd 'wnd nd i fel 'fa:st 'sli:p // en hi tuld 'ril tu 'reind iz 'su
'la:st tu 'gu tu 'bed t 'nait // 'i:vn if w: 's:vnts / i wz s'puzd tu t / wen mi'rnd 'upnd h r 'aiz / i ud 'f:st set 'aiz n 'j prins
'du: 'mi:nil 'haushuld 'ta:sks h:'self // i wz 'nt 'laud tu 'li:v v 'neiplz /
/ 'ril 'lud 'prins tu w mi'rnd wz 'sli:pi // wen i 'upnd h
'haus ik'sept tu 'prei t 'templz / nd 'nev / nd r 'eni 's:kjumstnsis /
r 'aiz / mi'rnd t 'f:dinnd wz 'spirit / z i hd 'l nt 'si:n
ud i bi 'si:n 't:ki tu 'streind 'men ] 'hju:mn 'bi:i // 'f:dinnd / 'tu: / 't hi wz n n in'ta:ntid 'ailnd nd
t mi'rnd wz 'gdis v 'pleis // ei w 'bu di'laitid wen
'prspru 'tuld m 'tru/

/ 'prspru wz 'pli:zd tu 'faind t wz 'lv t fst 'sait bi'twi:n 'neim / 'u ei 'sksli 'ev 'juz it / 'nuz t ai 'km frm 'merik /
'jstz / bt hi 'wntid tu in'ha:ns 'lv / su t hi ru: sm 'u / 'is / 'pirntli / ei wil 'nev 'rili b'li:v / 'blk men km frm
'difikltiz in 'wei // hi 'kju:zd 'prins v 'bi:i 'spai nd 'geiv him 'frik / nd 'evriw n 'nuz t ai 'm 'frend v 'sn v
sm 'ha:d t:z tu 'du: // wen 'f:dinnd 'wntid tu 'fait / 'prspru 'ttt 'wumn hu wz 'b :n hi / nd t ai m 'steji in 'tlei // bt ai
him wi hiz 'mdik 'wnd nd 'f:dinnd hd tu 'bei him / ri'mein 'z 'mt 'streind tu'dei / z ai 'w z 'f:st dei ai 'raivd /
/ mi'rnd felt 'veri sri f: 'pu 'prins nd 'traid tu 'help him / nd 'tildrn aut / 'ne:g / 'ne:g / z ai 'w :k 'l 'stri:ts /
bt 'f:dinnd wud 'nt 'let h / su t 'su:n ei w 't:ki ra: n / it 'mst bi d'mitid t in bi'gini ai wz 'fa: tu: 'kt tu hv 'eni
'w:ki // 'f:dinnd di'kld t hi 'lvd mi'rnd m: n 'eni 'leidi hi 'ril ri'kn // 'in su fa: r z ai ri'ktid t ':l / ai ri'ktid bai 'trai tu bi
'nju: nd 'a:skt h tu bi'km hiz 'waif // mi'rnd k'septid nd 'pleznt / it iz 'greit 'pa:t v i 'merikn 'ni:gruz ,edju'kein / 'l bi'f: hi
'prspru / 'hpi t hiz 'd:t wud bi'km 'kwi:n v 'neiplz / 'geiv 'guz tu 'sku:l / t hi mst 'meik pi:pl 'laik him /
m hiz 'blesi // 'en hi 'went tu 'si: hau i 'z w 'du:ri / / is 'smailnd,wldwil'smailwi ,ju ru'ti:n 'w:kt 'baut 'z wel
/ 'ril tuld 'prspru 'hau hi hd 'fraitnd 'trvlz tu 'de in is ,sitju'ein z it 'hd in ,sitju'ein f' wit it w z di'zaind / it did
'meiki m hi ':l 's:ts v 'niziz nd 'piri bi'f: m nd 'difrnt 'nt wk t ' :l // mai 'smail w z 'simpli 'n r n'h:d v fi'n minn
'feisis // 's hi hd ri'maindid m v 'wt ei hd 'dn tu 'prspru // wit 'laud m tu 'si: mai 'ti: / ei did 'n t rili 'si: mai 'smail / nd ai
bi'gn tu 'ik t / 'ud ai 'teik tu 'sna:li / 'nu w n wud 'nutis eni
'nau fa:ls 'br r nd 'ki v 'neiplz 'bitli ri'pentid i in'dstis
'difrns // ' :l v 'fizikl ,krikt'ristiks v 'ni:gru / wit hd
ei hd 'dn tu 'prspru / 'k:zd mi / in 'merik / 'veri 'difrnt / nd l'must f'g tn 'pein / w:
/ hiri 'is / 'prspru ':dd t ei bi 'brt bi'f: him /
'ni 'les n mi'rkjuls / r in'f:nl / in i 'aiz v 'vilid pi:pl //
/ wi 'tiz in r 'aiz / n'tuniu nd 'ki 'begd 'prspru tu f'giv
m nd tu 'teik n hiz 'dju:kdm 'gen // 'prspru k'septid tu f'get 'sm 't mai 'h w z 'kl r v 'ta: / 't it 'hd 'tekst r v
'pa:st nd tu gu 'bk tu mi'ln // 'en hi 'tuld m v 'lv bi'twi:n 'wai / : 'tekst r v 'ktn / it wz 'dkjulli s'destid t ai mait
'f:dinnd nd mi'rnd // 'ki / hu hd ' t t hiz sn hd 'draund / 'let it :l 'gru 'l nd 'meik mai'self 'wintkut // if ai 'st in 'sn
wz 'hpi tu 'si: him 'gen / nd hi wz in'ta:ntid bai mi'rndz 'bju:ti / f' m : n 'faiv 'minits / sm 'dri 'kri:t wz 's:tn tu 'km 'l nd
/ 'prspru in'f:md m t 'ip wz 'seif nd 'redi tu 'seil / 'dindli put hiz 'figz n mai 'h / z 'u hi w: r 'freid v n
/ bi'f: 'li:vi i 'ailnd / 'prspru 'set 'ril 'fri: // 'ril hd i'lektrik ' k / : 'put hiz 'hnd n mai 'hnd / 'st nit t 'kl did
bi:n 'feiful 's:vnt / bt 'nau hi wz 'hpi tu bi 'fri: / 'eibl tu 'nt 'rb f // in ' :l v 'is / in wit it 'mst bi kn'si:did / wz
'wnd r in i ' laik 'waild 'b:d // 'jet / z 'la:st sain v ri'spekt 'ta:m v 'denjuin 'w nd r nd in wit w z 's:tnli 'nu elemnt v
/ hi 'prmist tu 'help 'prspru tu 'get hum 'seifli /
in'tennl n'kaindnis / w z 'jet 'nu s'destn t ai w z 'hju:mn
/ 'prspru 'berid hiz 'mdikl 'buks nd 'wnd 'di:p in i ': nd / ai wz 'simpli 'w nd /
di'saidid tu 'meik 'jus v hiz 'pauz nu 'm: // in 'hpi ,ekspek'tein v / ai 'nju: t ei did 'n t 'mi:n tu bi n'kaind / nd ai 'nu it 'nau //
mi'rnd r nd prins 'f:dinndz 'wedi / hi ri't:nd tu hiz 'lnd nd tuk it iz 'nesesri / 'nevles / f : 'mi: tu ri'pi:t 'is tu mai'self 'i:t taim t
p'zen v hiz 'dju:kdm 'wns 'gen// ai 'w :k 'aut v 'tlei // 'tildrn hu 'aut 'ne:g hv 'nu wei v
'nui i 'ekuz is 'saund 'reiziz in 'mi: / ei a: 'brimi wi 'gud
Text 4: 'hju:m nd m : 'dri 'swel wi 'praid wen ai 'stop tu 'spi:k wi
[ 'nuts v 'neitiv sn ]
'm // 'dst 'seim / r a: 'deiz wen ai 'kn t 'p :z nd 'smail /
[ a:ft 'deimz 'ba:ldwin]
wen ai hv 'nu 'ha:t tu 'plei wi m / wen in'di:d / ai 'mt 'sauli tu
// fr m ' :l 'veilbl 'evidns / 'nu 'blk mn hd 'ev set 'fut in is mai'self / ig'zktli z ai 'mtd n 'stri:ts v 'siti 'i:z 'tildrn hv
'taini swis 'vilid bi'f : r 'ai keim // 'evriw n in 'vilid 'nuz mai 'nev 'si:n / wen ai w z 'nu big n 'i:z 'tildrn a: 'nau / j : 'm

w z 'nig // 'djs iz 'rait 'baut 'histri 'bi:i 'naitm / bt it 'mei bi 'raits v 'z // 'wt iz in'firi 'w:kmnip bt 'lk v ris'pekt f:
'naitm fr m wit 'nu w n kn 'weikn // 'pi:pl a: 'trpt in 'histri 'kwlti // 'wt iz 'slntid 'nju:z ri'p:ti bt 'lk v ris'pekt f: 'tru ]
nd 'histri iz 'trpt in 'em ] [,dpt'biliti ] [ i 'biliti tu 'kup wi 'teind iz 'kru:l
ri'kwaimnt in 'jiz 'hed // 'uz hu 'kli 'rididli tu 'steits
Text 5: 'kwu a: wnz 'must 'laikli tu bi 'viktimz v 'fju:t , k // 'prnts
[ 'siks gifts tu 'meik j: 'tildrn 'hpi ]
[ i ' 'dei mai 'd:t r i'li:zbe left 'tu: v h 'jgstz wi 'mi: f: mst in'krid tildrnz 'w:mha:tidnis / ,kjuri'zti : 'hju:m / bai
'm:ni // 'wti mai 'tu: sm:l 'grnd:tz rn 'hpili ru: au r uld 'demnstreiti it em'selvz // 'feims sai'kaitrist wns 'tuld mi t hi
'fa:mhaus / ai 'faund mai'self km'pri pri'diktbl 'w:ld v mai 'un hd 'nev bi:n 'k:ld n tu 'tri:t 'eniwn hu hd 'gift v 'self di'rektid
'taildhud wi r n's:tn / 'kraisis ,h:ntid 'fju:t //s'puz / ai 'sed tu 'hju:m ]
mai'self / t ai wz 'j 'm r 'gen // wt 'kwltiz v 'ha:t nd [ hup ] [ its 'breivist 'kwlti v ':l / is 'biliti tu luk 'pa:st 'da:k taimz
'maind nd 'spirit wud ai 'knsntreit 'n // 'grdjuli sm 'a:nsz tuk 'eip tu 'brait wnz / tu b'li:v t 'kwestnz 'du hv 'a:nsz / t 'tlndiz
in mai 'maind ] 'kn bi 'met / t 'prblmz wil bi 'slvd // tu 'bri p 'hupful 'tildrn
[ 'self ,knfidns ] [unli 'uz hu b'li:v in em'selvz nd in 'prnt 'ni:dz tu bi 'hupful him'self // 'pesimkizm / 'fi r nd 'glu:m
k'psti tu 'mi:t 'tlndiz wil bi 'kraisis ,kupz v 'fju:t // it a: 'haili kn'teid s // bt if 'taild iz 't :t t wen z 'feilj
mei bi 'difiklt f : r 'fa: hu w z 'krk 'lit tu nd'stnd 'sn ':lweiz 'nekst taim / t wen 'ha:d ,taimz 'k m ei kn 'bild
hu wud 'ra: ,plei 'tes n 'futb :l // bt 'tes / n t 'futb :l / iz w t 'st 'krikt r nd in'dju:rns / is 'titjud wil 'meik n's:tntiz si:m 'les
'bj 'ni:dz if 'knfidns iz tu 'gru in him // if hi dz 't 'wn i 'wel 'fraitni nd 'kraisi:z 'les 'kritikl ]
/ hi wil 'km tu b'li:v t hi kn 'du: ' iz 'wel nd hi wil bi'km
'prblm ,slv / Annex 5
[ in'u:zizm ] [ it w z 'emersn hu 'sed t 'ni 'greit w z 'ev r Exercise 1
'ti:vd wi'aut in'u:zizm // wi 'tildrn / its 'nt su 'mt 'mt r 1. Come \ on! polite, non-insistent urge
v im'pla:nti is 'kwlti / 'must v m a: 'b:n wi it / z v Come \ on! insistent, slightly irritated
pr'tekti g it // it 'iznt 'i:zi bi'k z in'u:zizm iz 'frdail / 'i:zili Come \/ on irritated, threatening
2. It \ wasn't me! matter-of-fact denial
'dmidd bai 'sk :n / 'ridikjul : ri'pi:tid 'feilj // sm'taimz 'sm:l It \ wasn't me! strong rejection, outrage
taildz in'u:zizm mei si:m 'mju:zi tu 'grun ps // bt 'la:ft It wasn't /\ me! the speaker knows who it really was
'dmpnz in'u:zizm // ju mst bi 'kful 'n t tu 'la:f / t 'kn 3. Are you / coming? neutral or tentative request for information
do 'titjud iz 'veri im'p:tnt ] Are you / coming? insists the listener should come
[ km'pn ] [ 'must 'tildrn a: r 'ekskwizitli 'senzitiv tu 'pein : Are / you co/ ming? the focus is on listener
'sfri g in ' livi 'kri:tz // 'evri 'prnt hu hz 'hd tu kn'sul 4. How \ kind of you! polite formula to express one's appreciation
'taild 'dezleitid bai 'de v 'frg : r 'kt 'nuz is // is How \ kind of you! gratitude, delight
,senzi'tiviti kn bi pri'z:vd : r it kn bi 'blntid // if 'klaimit v How /\ kind of you! mock irony
'hum iz 'wn v 'simpi nd kn's:n f: r 'z / 'en t k'psiti iz 5. Stop com / plaining! polite, but categoric, request
'strend / Stop com \ plaining! irritated order change behaviour
[ ris'pekt ] [ ris'pekt kn'dinz 'p:snz 'hul 'prut tu 'laif // \ Stop com plaining! threatening

kn'vikn t 's:tn 'vljuz a: 'w:i v is'ti:m nd 'ni:d tu bi pri'z:vd 6. That's /\ great! enthusiastic
// 'meni v au 'trblz mei bi 'skraibd tu 'lk v ris'pekt // 'wt iz That's \ great! delighted
That's \ great! unimpressed
'kraim bt 'lk v ris'pekt f: 'l: // 'wt iz p'lu:n bt 'lk v ris'pekt f: \
That's / great! ironic, critical

7. \ How can I help you? polite but non-insistent inquiry Exercise 3

How can I \ help you? eager to help [ dezidera:t // bai mks :mn]
How can I help you? eager, but unable, to help [ gu \plsidli ,mid \niz nd \heist nd ri\memb wt \pi:s mei
How can \I help / you? focus on speaker and listener \
,bi: in \sailns // z ,fa: r z ,psibl / wi,aut s,rend / bi n gud
8. You \ know him don't / you? tentative: I'm not sure you know him
You \know him, don't /you? more categorical, but still uncertain t:mz wi \:l 'p:snz // ,spi:k j ,tru: / kwaitli nd / klili / nd \lisn tu
You \ know him, don't \ you? positive: I'm sure you know him. 'z / \i:vn 'dl nd 'ignrnt / ei /\tu: hv 'stri/
9. What an \ interesting story! polite words, but lack of interest / \vid ,laud nd ,gresiv ,p:snz / ,ei a: r vek\sein tu 'spirit
What an \ interesting / story! mild show of curiosity
\ // if ju km,p j: ,self wi \z / ju mei bi,km \vein nd \bit / f: r
What an \ interesting \ story! lively, delighted
:lweiz wil bi greit r nd \les ,p:snz n j: ,self // in di j: r
/\ \ \
What an \ interesting / story! amusement, irony
10. He \ couldn't have said that! disbelief, polite rejection /ti:vmnts / z ,wel z j\ plnz /
He \ couldn't have said that! strong, emotional, rejection
He \ couldn't have \ said \ that! categorical, emotionally charged
/ ki:p \intristid in j r un k,ri / hau \ev ,h mbl / it iz /\ril
p'zen in ,teind i 'f:tnz v ,taim // 'ekssaiz \k:n in j
Exercise 2
'bizniz ,fz / f ,w:ld iz \ful v 'trikri // bt 'let is \nt 'blaind ju
1.What 'else do you \ want from 'me?
tu wt 'v:tu r 'iz / /\meni 'p:snz 'straiv f' hai ai'dilz nd /\evriw
2. What a /\ wonderful sur'prise!
laif iz 'ful v \ hiruizm /
3. He / obviously said \ no such 'thing!
/ 'bi j:\self // is\peli du 'nt fein 'fekn / /\nai bi 'sinikl 'baut
4. 'Isn't he 'going to \ open the / door?
'lv / f: r in ,feis v ':l /riditi nd ,dizin/ta:ntmnt / it iz pe\renil
5. I 'know what you 'mean by \ that. z 'gra:s /
6. Is he / your ,boyfriend, \ or ,Mary's? / teik \kaindli ,kaunsl v /jiz / \greisfuli s'rendri 'iz
7. You are being \/ such a 'damn \ fool! v ,ju / 'n:t \stre v 'spirit tu 'i:ld ju in ,sdn mis,f:tn // bt du
8. /\ So 'nice of you to 'finally \ get here! \
nt di'stres j:'self wi i,mdni // /\meni 'fiz a: 'b:n v f'ti:g nd
9. I 'find that quite \ interesting, you / know.
,lunlins // bi,jnd ,hulsm /disiplin / bi \dentl wi j:'self /
10. \ This is the 'right one, you / mean? -
11. It is a\ mazing how \ fast bad news 'spreads. / ju a: r \taild v 'ju:niv:s / \nu 'les n 'tri:z nd
'sta:z / ju hv /\rait tu bi 'hi // nd / we r : ,nt it iz 'kli tu 'ju: /
12. 'Don't keep them 'waiting too \ long, / please. \/
nu 'daut 'ju:nivs iz n\fuldi z it 'ud /
13. /\ What have you been \ doing with my / pen?
/ /\f: bi t \pi:s wi 'gd / w/\tev ju kn'si:v him tu 'bi / nd
14. As a 'matter of \ fact, I 'heard they're quite \ interested.
w tev j: 'leibz nd spi'reinz / in ,nizi kn,fju:n v /laif / ki:p

15. , Could you , tell me \ how to get , there, / please? /pi:s wi j\ sul /

16. /\ Never be'fore have I 'heard such \ beautiful 'music. / wi /\:l its 'm / 'drdri nd brukn 'dri:mz / it iz /\stil
bju:tiful 'w:ld // bi /\kful // \straiv tu bi \hpi ]
17. 'Tell him to 'go a / way be'fore I \ call the po/ lice!

18. \ Why have you been a'voiding him late / ly?



Project 1
e.g. to lay off = to dismiss employees, esp. temporarily
Instruction: Select an English-speaking TV program. You may choose from Employers had to lay off people due to financial difficulties.
the types enumerated below: 1 ..
 a series of films on Animal Planet or Discovery; ......
 a talk-show series; etc.
 news reports on CNN;
 a sit-com series; Task 4: Make a list of 5 idiomatic phrases that you have heard in the show;
 10 individual movies; etc. look them up in the dictionary, give their phonetic transcription, and the
Romanian idiomatic equivalent. Write down the entire sentence in which it
Watch and listen to 10 shows (at least 30 min. each) and perform the occurred, as suggested below:
following tasks for each of them:
e.g. as drunk as a lord = very drunk; = beat cri;
. You were as drunk as a lord when you finally got home last night.
Task 1: Listen to a TV program and summarize it in no more than 25 words:

Task 5: Record a program on an audio cassette and summarize it in no more

than 25 words.

Task 2: Make a list of 10 new words you heard in the show; look them up in
the dictionary, write down their phonetic transcription, and choose the
meaning that is best suited for the context in which you heard it. Write down Task 6: Write down one section of the program (1 min.) and give its phonetic
the entire sentence in which you heard it, as suggested in the example: transcription.

e.g. to report = to relate, as result of one's observation or investigation.

Newspapers report serious casualties in the area.
1. .
Task 7: Translate at least 10 sentences that you find more difficult.

Task 3: Make a list of 5 phrasal verbs you heard in the show; look them up in the
dictionary, give their phonetic transcription, and choose the meaning that is best
suited for the context in which it occurred. Write down the entire sentence in which you
heard it, as suggested in the example:

Project 2 Task 4: Find 5 idiomatic phrases in the text; look them up in the dictionary, and
Instruction: Read 10 newspaper or magazine articles, then perform the give their phonetic transcription and the Romanian idiomatic equivalent. Write down
following tasks for each of them: the entire sentence in which it occured:
Task 1: Summarize the article in no more than 25 words:

Task 5: Write down one paragraph of the article and give its phonetic

Task 2: Find 10 new words, look them up in the dictionary, write down their
phonetic transcription, and choose the meaning that is best suited for the context in
which it occured. Write the entire sentence:

Task 6: Write down and translate 10 sentences in the text that you find more

Task 3: Find 5 phrasal verbs in the article; look them up in the dictionary,
write their phonetic transcription and choose the meaning that is best suited
for the context in which it occurred. Write down the entire sentence: Task 7: Make comments on the article (50 words). Use at least 10 new words,
which you have looked up in the dictionary. Write down their phonetic
Task 5: Describe briefly one of the moments in the novel that you consider
Project 3 artificial or unlikely to happen. Give the phonetic transcription for at least 5 new
Instruction: Choose one of the novels indicated by your teacher and read it
in English, then perform the following tasks:
Task 1: Make a list of proper nouns (place names, characters' names) you
encountered and look up their pronunciation.

Task 6: Describe a passage in which one of the characters behaved very

wisely; say why you consider s/he did the right thing. Give the phonetic
transcription for at least 5 new words:
Task 2: Summarize the novel in no more than 100 words, then give the
phonetic transcription for at least 5 new words.

Task 7: Describe a passage in which one of the characters behaved unwisely;

Task 3: Make a brief character portrayal for three of the protagonists. Give the
say what you would have done in his/her place. Give the phonetic transcription
phonetic transcription for at least 5 new words: for at least 5 new words:

Task 8: Comment on the ending of the novel. Give the phonetic transcription
for at least 5 new words:

Task 4: Describe briefly one of the moments in the novel that impressed you. Give Task 9: Imagine a different ending to the novel and explain your choice. Give
the phonetic transcription of at least 5 new words: the phonetic transcription for at least 10 new words

1. By solving this task I learned
a ..
b. .
c. .
d. .
2. In solving this task, I came across the following difficulties
3. I think I could improve my performance if
4. The things (related to this activity) I liked
5. I think my activity can be appreciated as .. (grade)

Appendix 1 Appendix 2

The Speech Tract

B back of tongue Bl blade of tongue
E epiglottis F front of tongue
FP food passage H hard palate
LL lips P pharynx
R root of tongue S soft palate (velum)
TR teeth-ridge TT teeth
U uvula V vocal cords
W wind pipe


Front Centre Back The closing diphthongs The opening diphthongs
/ei/ falling, narrow, closing /i/ falling, centring, narrow, opening
i: u: /ai/ falling, wide, closing /u/ falling, centring, narrow, opening
/i/ falling, wide, closing // falling, centring, narrow, opening
i u /u/ falling, narrow, closing
Half-close : : /au/ falling, wide, closing

Half-open ^

Open a:

The English Vowels on the Cardinal Vowel Scale

The front vowels ai au
/i:/ front, close, tense, long, unrounded
/i/ front, retracted, close, lax, short, unrounded The English closing diphthongs
/e/ front, mid-open, lax, short, unrounded
// front, open, lax, short, unrounded
The back vowels
/u:/ back, close, tense, long, rounded
/u/ back, advanced, close, lax, short, rounded
/:/ back, mid-open, tense, long, rounded
// back open, lax, short, slightly rounded
/a:/ back, open, tense, long, unrounded
i u
The central vowels
/^/ central, open, lax, short, unrounded
/:/ central, mid-open, tense, long, unrounded
// central, mid-open, lax, short, unrounded

The English opening diphthongs


Appendix 4






3 stress phonemes:
A. Plosives p, b t, d k, g
Affricates a primary stress, marked //;
t, d
Fricatives f, v , s, z h a secondary stress, marked /, /;
,  a weak stress, generally unmarked.
B. Nasal m n  Mary told ,John a story.
Lateral l  Mary told John a ,story. Etc.
Flap/Roll r
Semivowels w j
The plosive consonants 1 juncture phoneme open juncture
/p/ bilabial, fortis, voiceless /b/ bilabial, lenis, voiced  I can seal [aikn+si:l] I conceal [ai+knsi:l];
/t/ alveolar, fortis, voiceless /d/ alveolar, lenis, voiced
 house trained [haus+treind] how strained [hau+streind].
/k/ velar, fortis, voiceless /g/ velar, lenis, voiced
// glottal, fortis, voiceless
The affricate consonants
4 pitch level phonemes:
/t/ palato-alveolar, fortis, voiceless /d/ palato-alveolar, lenis, voiced
/4/ highest /2/ next to lowest
The fricative consonants /3/ next to highest /1/ lowest
/f/ labio-dental, fortis, voiceless /v/ labio-dental, lenis, voiced
// dental, fortis, voiceless // dental, lenis, voiced 3 terminal contour phonemes:
/s/ alveolar, fortis, voiceless /z/ alveolar, lenis, voiced / / fall in pitch
// palato-alveolar, fortis, voiceless // palato-alveolar, lenis, voiced / / rise in pitch
/h/ glottal, fortis, voiceless // continuation.
The nasal consonants 3
 Nothing 1 informational;
/m/ bilabial, lenis, voiced /n/ alveolar, lenis, voiced
// velar, lenis, voiced  Nothing 1 conveys irritation;
The lateral consonants The phoneme /r/  2 Nothing conveys annoyance; etc.
/l/ alveolar, lenis, voiced /r/ post-alveolar, lenis, voiced
The semivowels
/j/ palatal, lenis, voiced /w/ labio-velar, lenis, voiced
189 190 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY: An introduction

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