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In need of a psycho-economic boost

All drivers of economic growth are sputtering a scal and monetary stimulus would boost animal spirits
The short point is that investor Keynesian tools. Corporate in-
enthusiasm is lacking, especially come tax can be reduced to 25% as
from the private sector. Added to promised two years ago. Excise
Carnage in Vegas their lack of demand is the reluct-
ance of supply of investible funds.
taxes on petrol and diesel need to
be reduced. These are indirect
The mass shooting must awaken the U.S. to taxes, hurt the poor more, are re-
the dangers of lax gun ownership regulation Cautious banks gressive and feed into general ina-
ajit ranade Banks, despite being ush with de- tion through logistics and energy

he famous Las Vegas Strip became the scene of a posits (partly thanks to demonet- costs.
bloody gun rampage when a shooter red high- hen a person decides to isation), are in no mood to extend

powered automatic rounds into dense crowds at a buy a at, it reects his or new credit. This is because of the Four steps
music concert, killing at least 59 people and injuring her optimism about the fu- increasing burden of bad loans On the spending side, the govern-
ture. There is condence that one (called non-performing assets, or ment can focus on the following
more than 500. This is the worst mass shooting in mod-
will have enough income owing NPAs). The ratio of NPAs has been four areas. First, provide fresh cap-
ern American history, although the June 2016 shooting in, to pay for the monthly instal- continuously going up for ve ital either to existing banks or the
at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, came close with 49 ments. This optimism is not be- years. Either you have to write-o new bad bank. Second, provide
people dead. Perched high on the 32nd oor of a nearby cause of job security, but because the loans and book losses, or ask some version of a wage subsidy as
hotel, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock sat in a virtual of the belief that one will get a new shareholders to bring more equity an incentive to labour intensive
snipers nest, armed with a collection of 23 ries, some job, even if one becomes unem- chological atmosphere that is con- that we are in danger of the self-ful- capital. The new bankruptcy code sectors. A version of this was
of them automatic ones. And some of the semi-auto- ployed. The same is true for an en- ducive to risk taking about the fu- lling prophecy nature of invest- and procedure is promising, but is oered to the textile and garment
trepreneur setting up a new fact- ture, and inspire condence in the ment and consumer behaviour. as yet untested for timeliness and sectors last year, but can be impro-
matic ries were boosted to automatic-speed ring us-
ory or new business. Its called risk people. The data need to be restated to un- eectiveness. There is also a sug- vised and extended. The successful
ing bump stocks. He was subsequently found dead in taking, but that is not to imply reck- derstand the seriousness of the gestion to collect all the bad loans model of Odisha in the garment
the room from a self-inicted injury. Initially, confusion less gambling. It reects the in- The Keynesian solution situation. GDP growth declining (that is, toxic waste) from the vari- sector can be replicated. Third,
prevailed over whether this attack was linked to the Is- vestors condence about the fu- John Maynard Keynes called these continuously for six quarters in a ous banks and move them to a give a big boost to aordable hous-
lamic State. Speculation mounted further after its ture returns on the investment. If the animal spirits which guide row, down from 9.2% to 5.7%. In- freshly capitalised bank, the so- ing, by funding land acquisition for
Amaq news agency reportedly claimed credit for the at- that condence starts to wane, buyer and investor behaviour. vestment share of GDP, which cre- called bad bank. The bad bank the builder, and interest rate sub-
tack. However, with the authorities saying there was no then potential home buyers refrain When those spirits are in a down- ates new factories and businesses would focus solely on liquidating vention for the home owner. The
or postpone their decisions. In- ward spiral, the end result could be for tomorrow, falling for almost the collateral, bringing in fresh States of Kerala and Maharashtra
evidence of a connection between Paddock and such
vestors adopt a wait-and-watch at- recession, if not outright depres- ve years. The latest data from the owners and managers to run dis- have interesting and replicable
terror groups, the authenticity of Amaqs claim has titude. If everyone in the economy sion. His remedy was to suggest Centre for Monitoring Indian Eco- tressed companies. Once freed models. Fourth, keep a big focus
been questioned by several experts. Whether Paddock starts becoming extra-cautious, countercyclical policy, which has nomy show that even the project from NPAs, the existing banks can on exporters, especially in labour
had links to the IS or not, the Las Vegas shooting once the decline in condence and eco- become the hallmark of Keynesian- pipeline is drying up. Newly an- resume lending to the healthy sec- intensive sectors, including agri-
again puts the spotlight on a painful and oft-debated nomic activity becomes self-ful- ism. This includes an injection of nounced projects at 84,500 crore tors. This is a promising idea as culture. This includes a weaker ex-
policy issue in the United States that of gun control lling. As the economy slows both scal and monetary stimulus. are at a four-year low. Even the well and worth pursuing. The gov- change rate, quicker refund of GST
reform. down, people say, See I told you This involves increasing govern- stalled projects which have been ernment cannot shy away from credit and expanding the scope of
so! It was wise to not invest and ment spending or cutting taxes, or revived are only 6% during this funding the rescue of Indias bank- the Merchandise Export from In-
Despite authoring 15 attempts to bring common-
take unnecessary risk now. both, and decreasing interest scal year, as against 25% last year. ing. It has to provide capital to the dia Scheme and Service Exports
sense gun control regulations to the oor of the U.S. This decline can happen even if rates. Despite many attempts at The value of stalled projects is at a new bad bank or to recapitalise from India Scheme.
Congress, former President Barack Obama had in the the economy is fundamentally discrediting the ecacy of Keyne- record high of 13.2 lakh crore. the beleaguered public sector All of these are short-term eco-
last days of his administration launched one nal at- sound. What causes investor or sian remedies, to this day policy- During the last years of the previ- banks, where most of the NPAs nomic stimuli, but can also provide
tempt to close loopholes in gun laws through executive home buyer condence to wane? It makers continue to repose faith in ous government, projects were reside. a psychological boost to the animal
action. These aimed at expanding background checks could be anecdotes, actual eco- them. Sure, the eects could last stalled due to delays in approvals This is where the Keynesian wis- spirits. Of course, consumer and
for gun ownership, boosting funding for federal agen- nomic evidence, broken trust in only for a short term, but if that and clearances, legal disputes and dom of stimulus is worth recalling. investor condence can return and
government or socio-political de- helps the economy into a higher charges of corruption. But these is- All four drivers of economic sustain only when the Keynesian
cies enforcing the laws, and improving treatment of
velopments. Not to overstate this, gear, or break out of the pessim- sues were tackled, and yet new growth are sputtering. While reviv- boost is buttressed by credibility of
mental health conditions nationwide. Earlier, his most but there is an element of psycho- ism spiral, it would have served its projects are not picking up. In fact, ing exports may need boosts like a implementing longer-term
ambitious push to tighten the lax regulation of gun pro- logy that keeps the economy chug- purpose. in terms of the number of new weaker rupee or more export- reforms.
liferation, oated in 2013 in the aftermath of the Sandy ging. The governments role is as We are not quite in a recession, private sector projects announced linked incentives, consumption
Hook Elementary School shooting, was speedily shut much to provide the right policy nor are we anywhere remotely in the latest quarter, it is at a 13-year and investment sentiment can cer-
environment, as to provide a psy- near a depression. But the fact is low. tainly be boosted by conventional Ajit Ranade is an economist
down by hostile conservative lawmakers. At the heart of
the U.S. Congresss reluctance to take steps to address
the regular occurrence of gun rampages in public
spaces is the insidious lobbying on Capitol Hill by the
deep-pocketed National Rie Association and a myriad
of gun manufacturers. After several mass shootings,
A legacy of liberalisation
NRA spokespersons have claimed that the only answer Before Sri Lanka ushers in new economic reforms, it must take a hard look at the story so far
to gun deaths is more guns. In President Donald Trump,
tion of wealth. Inequality has women, have slumped to third transport and distribution has
they may have found their strongest ally yet. Although
deepened: the Gini coecient, place in export income. However, abandoned producers to predat-
he described the Las Vegas shooting as an act of pure which was 0.35 in 1973, worsened migrant remittances of mainly wo- ory middlemen, aggravating
evil, during the 2016 campaign he had pandered to the to 0.48 by 2012-13. The richest 20% men in domestic work in West Asia agrarian distress.
gun lobbys interest on occasion, particularly through of households command 52.9% of amounted to nearly $7 billion last
fear-mongering that if the Democratic agenda suc- income, or more than the rest com- year, or almost equal to earnings Mounting debt

ceeded, Pretty soon, you wont be able to get guns. bined; the poorest 20% muster from textiles, tourism and tea All regimes have bridged the
b. skanthakumar only 4.5%. The bottom 40% of the combined. chasm between income and ex-
The gun lobbys multi-generational success in this re-
population survive on under $2.50 Womens work is the basis of the penditure with loans. External
gard is built upon a cultural proclivity for gun owner-

he Sri Lankan government re- per day. monetised and care economy, but debt has ballooned to $46.6 billion
ship rooted in the Second Amendment of the constitu- cently released its Vision Ination is often runaway into their labour force participation (from under $942 million in 1976),
tion. Until Americans apply reasonable, if not stringent, 2025 manifesto, heralding a double digits, whereas before 1970 rate has plateaued at under 36%, or diverting resources from public
restrictions to gun ownership, they are unlikely to es- new wave of economic reforms. Its it was under 3%. Cost of living has less than half that of men. spending to debt-servicing.
cape the regular visitation of such mass tragedies. timing coincided with the 40th an- spiralled and household debt Sri Lankas main food imports of Foreign direct investment last
niversary of the islands embrace escalated. cessing zones. Employment in this wheat our, rice, sugar, milk and year was only $898 million,
of deregulation, trade liberalisa- Manufactured goods have sector has only reached over milk products, and sh and sh whereas foreign loans totalled
The cold facts tion, and privatisation ahead of the
rest of South Asia. While the cur-
soared in share of exports from
13.4% in 1977 to 77% in 2016, but are
470,000, or under 6% of the labour
force. Thats the same number as
products are unchanged. Demand
has risen along with population in-
$1.287 billion. This has been the
pattern despite generous incent-
Its vital that India scales up surveillance rent government seeks to revive dominated by ready-made appar- those who leave every two years crease and household income but ives to private capital and wage re-
neoliberal momentum, there is no els which have negligible local for foreign employment. Liberal- not purchasing power. The rupee pression in the export sector.
to track various inuenza viruses assessment of the legacy of liberal- value addition. isation has failed to create decent is currently trading at 153 Sri The war between 1983 and 2009

ver since the inuenza virus known as H1N1 isation even on narrow economic Industries that proted from and secure jobs. Lankan rupees to the U.S. dollar was disastrous but its economic
landed on Indian shores during the 2009 pan- benchmarks. textile and clothing quotas, duty- whereas it was 8.60 SL rupees in impact was diuse as export pro-
demic, outbreaks have been an annual occur- free imports, tax holidays, free in- Agriculture in decline 1977, but with no corresponding duction of goods and crops was
rence. The worst was in 2015, when 2,990 people suc- Modest growth frastructure, subsidised services Agriculture has drastically de- gain in export earnings. In 2015, in- outside the conict zone.
Growth in gross domestic product and lax environmental and labour clined in economic share to 7.1% in come from exports only equalled The promise of inclusive and
cumbed to it. This year the virus has been particularly
has been modest. It averaged 4.8% regulations still depend on imports 2016 from 35.1% in 1970-71, and in 55% of the cost of imports, widen- equitable growth and develop-
active; mortality, at 1,873 by the last week of September, between 1978 and 2009 compared of raw and semi-nished materials. export composition to 22.6% in ing further the balance of pay- ment in Vision 2025 is deceitful,
is quickly catching up with the 2015 toll. In comparison, to 3.5% between 1971 and 1976. This is a barrier to linkages in the 2016 from 94.6% in 1970-71. It is still ments decit. recycling as it does the market fun-
ocial gures show 2016 to be a relatively benign year, Some of the initial expansion was local economy and gobbles up net important to livelihood as over Chronic under-investment in damentalism that brought
with an H1N1 death toll of 265. The problem with these from massive inows of grants and foreign exchange earnings. 70% of the population is rural, and food production has intensied de- prosperity only to the few in Sri
ocial gures, however, is that they only capture H1N1 soft loans, as Western donors and Export-oriented industrialisa- marginally more are employed in pendence on imports and also in- Lanka.
numbers, a practice that has been adopted in response multilateral agencies rushed to re- tion is promoted as the cure-all for agriculture (27.1%) than in industry security as consumers are more ex-
ward a regime hailing the virtues of all ills. Its labour force is mostly of (26.4%). posed to world market price B. Skanthakumar is with the Social
to the severity of the 2009 pandemic. But inuenza was
high growth, foreign investment, women in low-wage and highly ex- There has been limited diversi- uctuations. The withdrawal of Scientists Association in Colombo and
present in India even before 2009 in the form of H3N2 and free market capitalism. ploitative conditions, and where cation as tea, rubber and coconut state support in access to credit, in- author of Growth with Inequality: The
and Inuenza B virus types. Out of these, H3N2 is cap- Average household income has unions are not allowed to organise predominate, as before 1977. Rev- puts and extension services as well Political Economy of Neo-Liberalism in
able of causing outbreaks as big as H1N1, and yet India risen rapidly, but so has concentra- inside and outside export-pro- enues from tea, plucked mostly by as in direct purchase, storage, Sri Lanka
does not track H3N2 cases as extensively as it does H1N1.
This means that seemingly benign years such as 2016
may probably not be benign at all. Data from outside LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters emailed to must carry the full postal address and the full name or the name with initials.
government surveillance systems are making this fact
apparent. For example, a surveillance project for acute Bloodshed in Vegas incident is the necessity of called the massacre an act religious lines in the Left that occurred centuries ago. The ve-day game
The United States is one of adopting stricter measures of pure evil, but it is not bastion. The depiction of No development can take Test cricket, the ultimate in
febrile illnesses, anchored at the Manipal Centre for
the few countries in the to curb gun violence. The enough unless he calls for a Kerala as a god-forsaken place in a fragmented the game of cricket, should
Virus Research in Karnataka, has found that inuenza world where people have proliferation of rearms has total ban on gun use. country and as a hub of society. continue to be played over
accounts for nearly 20% of fevers across rural areas in unhindered access to made it too easy for Nasir Soomro, jihadists does not go down The Prime Ministers ve days (Sport page,
10 Indian States fevers that are often undiagnosed and rearms and unleash individuals to obtain Karachi, Pakistan nicely with the people of the message of taking pride in Between wickets Test
classied as mystery fevers. During the years when violence and bloodshed to weapons. While it is State. The right wing may be religious diversity should cricket is irrational, lets
the H1N1 burden is low in these regions, H3N2 and Inu- the detriment of peace and impossible to stop all Saron vs red inclined to think that it can percolate to the cadres. The leave it that way,
enza B circulation tends to spike. tranquillity on the ground. violent impulses, the The right-wings accusation tap religious identity for Taj Mahal is the pride of September 27). Test cricket
That a lone wolf inicted government can and should that the CPI(M) has been political gain in the State India irrespective of can be made more
All this indicates that Indias surveillance systems are
heavy human casualties is make it much more dicult siding with jihadi with high human whoever built it and absorbing and interesting if
still poor and underestimate the inuenza burden sub- not only shocking but also for people to act on them. elements is not worth development indices, but whatever it stands for. the International Cricket
stantially. If numbers are unsatisfactorily tracked, so bears testament to the Finally, the glorication of being taken seriously. that might just be wishful V. Subramanian, Council can consider the
are changes in the viral genome. As a 2015 commentary failure of successive state violence needs to stop. Most Before accusing the Left of thinking. Chennai following: the game should
by a pair of researchers from the Massachusetts Insti- and federal administrations mass murderers gain infamy murder politics, the right G. David Milton, be restricted to a maximum
tute of Technology pointed out, India submits a woe- in the U.S. to enforce curbs through round-the-clock wing should introspect over Maruthancode, Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu Losing out of 400 overs. Each side
fully small number of H1N1 genetic sequences to global when it comes to the access media portrayals. This leads how its cadres behave. The statistics (Datapoint should play a maximum of
and use of rearms by its to a culture in which stories During his yatra in Kerala, Omitted Nobels for noble work, 100 overs per innings. Thus
open-access databases for a country of its size and pop-
citizens. The Second of mass shootings circulate BJP president Amit Shah That one of the wonders of October 3) highlight the every Test match will
ulation. Sequencing is important because it can detect Amendment of the U.S. and gain momentum, should raise the world, the Taj Mahal, plight of Indian institutions become result-oriented.
mutations in genetic material that help the virus evade constitution, which protects making further shootings a consciousness on political did not feature in the in the eld of research. Spectators will also have the
human immune systems, making it more deadly. Be- the right of its citizens to greater possibility. violence against CPI(M) tourism booklet issued by Research in India has to be benet of watching players
cause India does not sequence a large enough sample of bear arms, warrants an Arun Anand, workers as much as against the Uttar Pradesh given the utmost priority at adopt playing styles of T20
immediate review. A Thiruvananthapuram his party cadres for his government is one more this point in time. It would and one-day internationals.
viral genomes, it would be missing mutations that could
explain changes in the lethality of the virus. Put to- country which takes pride mission to be of some instance of the intent of the be great if world-class Teams struggle to bowl 90
in its vibrant and liberal John Lennon, one of the success (Amit Shah to lead government to take its research institutions are overs in a day. Therefore,
gether, the numbers data and sequence data will enable
democratic framework worlds leading musician BJP march in Kerala, ideology to the next level established in India. The play should be restricted to
sensible vaccination decisions. Vaccination is the best cannot aord to remain a activists, sang: Imagine no October 3). (Taj Mahal missing in U.P. zeal and the talent of 80 overs per day.
weapon that India has against this menace, because Os- mute spectator to the possessions/I wonder if you When it comes to the cult of govt brochure, October 3). ambitious Indians ought to As far as poor attendance at
eltamivir, the antiviral commonly deployed against u, scenario where the lives of can.... Unfortunately, he political violence, leaders There are some who be made use of. The Test matches is concerned, I
is of doubtful ecacy unless administered early its own citizens continue to too was a victim of gun must rise above continue to harp on the modernisation of Indian suggest that entry to
enough. Yet, India has thus far stayed away from vaccin- remain stake owing to its violence. The world is numb partisanship. excesses committed by the institutes can be achieved stadiums be made free of
ating even high-risk groups such as pregnant women liberal legal framework on after the brutal attack in Las Kerala, a State famed for its Mughals, but one cannot by collaborating with cost, except for some
the access and use of Vegas. But this is not an communal harmony, has to ignore their rich foreign institutions. This enclosures. Players will
and diabetics, because inuenza is thought to be a more
rearms. isolated incident as history now guard itself against contributions in the elds of would ensure that much have the benet of playing
manageable public health challenge compared to mam- M. Jeyaram, will show. It is strange why attempts by the right wing art, literature, music, sought-after technological before large crowds.
moths such as tuberculosis. Better surveillance of inu- Sholavandan, Tamil Nadu America has such a soft to drive a wedge between poetry and architecture. No benets ow into and out of Mohan Thomas,
enza will possibly change this perception by revealing policy on the buying and communities. It is not easy purpose would be served in India. Chennai

the true scale of this public health issue. The most important selling guns. President to spread religious hatred carrying forward Anji Naik Mudavath, more letters online:
takeaway from this horric Donald Trump may have and polarise people on grievances over incidents Kharagpur, West Bengal





The West puts conditions, the East helps

Syrias Grand Mufti on Indias support for the country, the threat to Islam today, and the Kashmir issue
Peerzada Ashiq found this example in India ence inflicted in places like vice to all women in India is
in universities, mosques and London, Spain, etc. We have to protect their country.
Grand Mufti Ahmad Bader Eddin Mohammad Adib Hassoun is temples. been warning not to let this
the highest Islamic authority in Syria. The Islamic scholar, who fire spread to Syria and the You choose to visit
openly supports Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, wields con- What poses a greater region because this will Kashmir, which too is
siderable influence over the entire Levant. In a rare visit to In- threat to Islam today: reach the sponsors too. We going through a rough
dia, Mr. Hassoun held a series of meetings with different sections extremism or sectarian are cooperating with India to phase of conflict.
of society besides visiting temples and Islamic centres in Delhi divide? reach the sources of
and Lucknow. In an interview in Srinagar, Mr. Hassoun spoke terrorism. The sons of Kashmir
about the Syrian war, the difference between the West and East The most dangerous thing should unify and say a big no
in their attitude towards Syria, and issues before the Islamic we face is that some Muslims In your meeting with to those who wish to divide
world at the moment. Excerpts: dont understand real Islam Jammu and Kashmir Chief it. Kashmir is also a part of
and start issuing certificates Minister Mehbooba Mufti, ummah. Kashmirs power
Syria is going through tions date back to the days of to non-Muslims. They do not you described her as a stems from Indias strength.
difficult times. Is peace on the ancient Silk Route. I pray represent the majority of role model and raised There are powers who want
the horizon now? this continues. Syria is re- Muslims. Today, terrorism many an eyebrow in to divide Kashmir, weaken
building itself. We will not and Islam are seen together, Kashmir and outside. Kashmir, and weaken India. I
We are at the gates of victory. rely on Western countries, which is wrong. If Islam What was the context of pray to Allah to guide leaders
We are highly thankful to, which destroyed it. Two preached terrorism, over 1.5 your reference? in the continent. BRICS was
and appreciate the role of, weeks ago, Syrian President billion Muslims would not be created to join the economy
India, Russia, China, and Bashar al-Assad told all Syr- practising it and living to- When I saw Chief Minister and the people. It could be

Iran. All these countries ian ambassadors in a rare gether with Hindus, Mehbooba Mufti, I wished replicated in the entire In-
stood by Syria against the meeting that we should not Buddhists and Christians that all Indian women, irre- dian subcontinent. Its not
scourge of terrorism. Those rely on Western countries across the world. The real spective of their religion, difficult if honest people are
who claim that there is a sec- but should look towards the Muslim is one who facilitates should also learn to have a there and intend to have
tarian war going on in Syria East. The West puts condi- a life, not one who termin- bigger role in life and work peace for their future genera-
should also probe what tions if they extend any help. ates it. All those who show towards safeguarding their tions. If Bangladesh, India
stokes fighting in places like On the other hand, the East the way towards happiness nation. Ms. Mufti is an ex- and Pakistan join hands,
Libya, Somalia, Yemen, not only helps, but also sees You have held an stay within the country and are our brothers, irrespective ample by virtue of her ethics they will emerge as the
Palestine. Would they also
term these struggles as sec-
Syria as a partner. This is the
difference between the East
extensive tour of India
this time. What was the
should not wield weapons
against the government.
> Europeans are
trying to describe
of their religion. and work. I have never met
Ms. Mufti before. I was happy
biggest economical power.
Indias culture is a treasure
tarian ones? I am inviting all and the West. prime purpose of your Gandhiji could achieve his the war in Syria as How can Muslims fight the that an Indian woman has a for the whole world. Indian
of you to visit Syria and see On behalf of the govern- visit? objectives without holding or a sectarian or extremism prevalent in role in politics. This Indian culture has taught us about
the reality with your own ment of Syria, I request In- giving any weapon. If they religious war. In many parts? subcontinent has produced diversity and unification. It
eyes. People need to read dian companies and busi- It was to deliver the mes- were the real opposition, reality, its a war people like Benazir Bhutto, has preserved Muslim,
again about Syria. nessmen to visit Syria. A lot sage of Syria. Europeans are they should not have des- Only a culture of dialogue Indira Gandhi. I wish Ms. Buddhist and pre-historic
of Chinese, Russian, and Ira- trying to describe it (the war troyed their own country
against will help to end extremism. Mufti becomes more than an heritage sites, which is diffi-
What role could India nian companies are already in Syria) as a sectarian or reli- and brought outsiders and colonialism. Besides, the Western media example for Indian Muslims. cult to recreate otherwise.
play in restoring order there. India has advanced gious war. In reality, its a external forces under the needs to stop misrepresent- Prophet Muhammad has We need to learn from India
there? technology in many fields war against colonialism. It pretext of changing the re- all are one ummah or one na- ing the truth about Islam. We made it clear that education how to hand down to next
and bilateral visits are the started with the war in Iraq. gime, especially when the tion and not sons of different should also seek those who is a requisite for both men generations real treasure and
Syrians would like to thank need of the hour and should Then they tried to divide the government was an elected sects or madhab (religions). I sponsor the extremist ideo- and women. If we educate not hatred.
India for keeping its embassy be considered actively by Levant and Lebanon along one. This is what they have asked them to keep this na- logy. There are ideological women, it will spread to the I wish Kashmir develops
open in our country even both sides. Besides, we re- religious lines, which is what tried to do with Indian lead- tion strong and said, Dont sponsors and financial spon- entire family and society. An soon. The Almighty has
when there was pressure quire an engagement we have prevented. Amer- ers in the past, including fall prey to extremism. The sors. There are countries ex- educated woman serves not made it beautiful with awe-
from Britain and the United between Muslim scholars ican and European air forces (former Indian Prime Minis- diversity that India enjoys re- porting this ideology to the only her family but the some weather. The sons of
States to close it. These coun- here and there to see for came from the Mediter- ter) Indira Gandhi. flects its rich culture. I visited outside world. Who has whole of humanity and the the soil should spread love
tries exerted pressure on themselves that there is no ranean seas to target Iraq, an Islamic institute in Luc- given weapons to these ex- nation. The mother of all and peace all over the world.
other countries too to close sectarian divide. People are but Syria faced them and During the tour, you met know and similar institutes tremists? This question Muslims, Hazrat Khadijah, The powers that want to di-
their embassies. India stuck one there and belong to one prevented them from going Muslim and Hindu of Buddhists and Christians needs to be posed to the U.S., was the biggest merchant in vide and weaken India and
to its position on Syria all nation. over its territory. Later, they scholars and visited this is the real wealth that France, especially Germany Mecca. Hazrat Fatima Zahra Kashmir wont achieve it. I
along. Its because our rela- gathered 3.5 lakh terrorists temples and Islamic India possesses. The more and Britain. All of Britains was an orator and produced could see India emerging as a
and mercenaries to enter centres. How fruitful were India increases it, the more it mosques are occupied by the poetry. Ayesha, the mother great power in the Indian
Syria to destroy it and co- the meetings? will make Indian culture extremists. If a scholar or of all Muslims, would deliver subcontinent. But dont let
> Today, terrorism and Islam are seen together,
which is wrong. If Islam preached terrorism, over operated with some Syrian richer. Almighty Allah imam is tolerant, he is kicked the best speeches. All Muslim the Europeans divide you
people who dont represent I tried to spread one mes- wanted to see the universe out of Britain. We need to women should be like them. again. Some of them are with
1.5 billion Muslims would not be practising it and
any opposition. Such people sage to all the people I met in like this. We should make it a seek them in Tora Bora I asked Ms. Mufti too to fol- Pakistan and others are with
living together with Hindus, Buddhists and are settled in Riyadh, Istan- (different) parts of India, in- happy universe and allow (Afghanistan), in Riyadh low these great women and India. They love neither In-
Christians across the world. The real Muslim is one bul, Cairo and Europe. The cluding Islamic, Hindu and people to enjoy their lives. (Saudi Arabia), in Manhattan learn from Benazir Bhutto dia nor Pakistan. They are
who facilitates a life, not one who terminates it. healthy opposition should Buddhist scholars that we And see all as one family. I (U.S.). We condemn the viol- and Indira Gandhi. My ad- afraid of any unification.



Awaiting police reforms FIFTY YEARS AGO OCTOBER 4, 1967

Naval exercises in Arabian Sea

Only strong public opinion can move
The Indian Fleet sailed out of Cochin to-day [October 3] to
the political class to implement the take part in extensive exercises in the Arabian Sea. The three-
2006 Supreme Court directives day exercises, under the command of Vice-Admiral A.K. Chat-
terji, are being conducted with the primary aim of enabling
N.K. SINGH the Chief of Naval Staff to assess the operational efficiency of
the Fleet. Early to-day, one by one, the small ships slipped
The Indian Police Foundation was in- from their moorings in the Cochin channel and sped out to
augurated in 2015 to mount pressure predetermined search areas in the sea, to clear the harbour
on State governments to implement approaches of lurking enemy submarines. Later, the main
the directions of the Supreme Court on body of the Fleet, the carrier Vikrant and cruises Mysore and
police reforms (Prakash Singh v. Union Delhi steamed out of harbour to rendezvous with the re-

of India). The court in 2006 had issued mainder of the Fleet.

seven binding directions to implement
those reforms. It took the court a little
over 10 years to give its verdict on the writ petition led by A HUNDRED YEARS AGO OCTOBER 4, 1917
Prakash Singh and me in 1996. We were happy when the or-
ders came because almost all the submissions made by us and Appeal to Anglo-Indians
several others such as the Commonwealth Human Rights Initi-
ative, the Human Rights Commission, and the Ribeiro Com- In view of the recent actions of the Government of India, the
mittee were accepted. Eleven years have passed, but States Honorary Secretary of the Federal Council of the Anglo-Indian
have taken only some grudging steps to implement the re-
forms. September 22 is is observed every year by the Police ciation immediately so that when action is taken it may really
CONCEPTUAL NOTEBOOK be with the authority and support of the people [according to
Foundation as Police Reform Day to create awareness for the
much-needed reforms. Weekend effect a report from Bangalore]. He writes: Without exception, the
Finance From Delhi to Mumbai members of both Anglo-Indian Associations and the Empire
League are united in deploring the recent policy of the Gov-
Stronghold over the police
The fact is that political authorities still have a stronghold over This refers to a phe- The experience of reviewing lms changes from city to city ernment of India which they feel to be weak and unworthy of
the police. When a new government is elected, the rst thing it nomenon observed in fin- the dignity of British statesmanship. They view with alarm the
does (as it happened recently in Uttar Pradesh) is to replace ancial markets wherein Namrata Joshi critics WhatsApp group is Sunny Super Sound, results of the policy already apparent to a man the members
the Director General of Police (DGP) of the State. In some the returns that investors enterprising and organ- Lightbox, and The View seem prepared to support the action of the European Associ-
cases, this is also happening with the Chief Secretaries. There earn on stocks on Theres a WhatsApp group ised. Before a Friday ends, (its recliners are perfect to ation, but there are many hundreds of Anglo-Indians who
are a few exceptions, no doubt the Chief Minister of Bihar Mondays is lower than that I am a part of called the next weeks films are practise shavasana when have not yet associated themselves with either Association or
changed neither the DGP nor the Chief Secretary, both of what they earned on them Dilliwalas whose mem- listed; by the beginning of the film threatens to bore League and to such this appeal is made. No Anglo-Indian can
whom he inherited from his predecessor under rather acrimo- on the preceding Fridays. bers are film critics and the following week, show you to death). The chut- afford to remain outside or indifferent when such important
nious circumstances. There are many theories journalists in Delhi with timings are fixed and pos- ney sandwiches are nice crisis in his communitys history is at stake.
The result is that the police even today is not trusted by the that have been proposed whom I have spent most sible clashes of film pre- as is the cutting chai, but
people. They perceive the force as being partisan, politicised, by market experts to ex- of my career watching views averted after negoti- the samosas in Mumbai
and generally not very competent. Nothing conrms this more plain the prevalence of the movies. It is also a forum ations with PRs. Mumbai theatres just dont match CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
than the frequent demand for probes by the CBI into crimes weekend effect. Some at- for venting why does the is deeply involved with up to Delhi.

which can be handled by Criminal Investigation Departments. tribute lower returns on Mumbai press get to watch films; Delhi courts them On the flip side, late- DATA POINT
Even in the recent murder case of journalist-activist Gauri Mondays to the fact that all the films, that too in ad- from a distance. night screenings in Delhi
Lankesh, there was a demand for a CBI probe. companies usually release vance, while Delhi has to In Delhi, things are sim- would mean waiting for
And what about the CBI? Only a few years back, the Su- bad news on Fridays after remain largely clueless? pler. There is just one the office cab to safely
preme Court had called it a caged parrot. If at all, the lock of the market closes, so the Often I am told how the venue the delightful, ferry you home. In peren-
that cage has become tighter. And very often now, the demand news has its negative im- right-hand corner aisle old-worldly Delite Dia- nially awake Mumbai,
for a CBI probe is accompanied by a Supreme Court-mon- pact on the stock price on seat at Delite Diamond in mond on Asaf Ali Road theres always an auto to
itored probe. Monday rather than on Delhi, fourth row from the whose interiors look like jump into, without a care,
Friday. Others have dis- back, has been missing Mughal-e-Azam sets. In my even at 2 a.m.
Implementing Lokpal puted the validity of the me. I yearn for my favour- younger days there was Many of the screenings
Much of the problem would not have been if the 2013 Lokpal weekend effect arguing ite spot from where I have also the Films Division in Delhi were preceded or
legislation was put in place. The Lokpal would have the either that it never existed carried out my film review Auditorium on Mahadev followed by our own chai
powers to oversee the CBIs work and would ease the burden or that its impact has ten- duties for the longest Road, where films were and sabudana vada ses-
of the court. However, even the Opposition is not enthusiastic ded to fade over the years. time, while eating a maha served to the press along sions at the Indian Wo-
about the Lokpal as parties across the political spectrum have samosa (four times the with a modest cardboard mens Press Corps or tea,
a vested interest in continuing with the present police system. normal size) and drinking snack pack. pakoda and egg-on-toast
Ultimately, it is only strong public opinion that can move the expresso from disposable In Mumbai there is no at the Press Club of India.
political class to implement the 2006 directives. But the police CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC styrofoam cups. dearth of venues from In Mumbai, the possibility
has to set examples to win public trust. Reform must start at Reviewing a film comes Famous Studios in Ma- of nei idlis, rasam rice, ven
home. Since the political class has a vested interest in the with its own rituals which halaxmi for Marathi films, pongal and filter coffee at
present system, no amount of pressure will work. We will have change from city to city. to the NFDC preview Dakshinayan between
to fall back on the judiciary, which wants an impartial and pro-
The only constant for me theatre in Nehru Planet- noon and matinee screen-
fessional police force because it knows that the criminal justice from Delhi to Mumbai is arium for English releases, ings in Juhu brightens up a
Americas gun problem in
system cannot function without a healthy police and investig- my obsession with the to Cinepolis in Andheri critics day. The spoilers to
five charts
ative agency. aisle seat. I cant do with and PVRs in Juhu and filmi dates in Mumbai are any other. Andheri for Hindi films. the citys infamous traffic
N.K. Singh is a former Joint Director of the CBI and member, National AmericaGunProblem WhatsApp groups too But my favourites are the snarls, especially if its a
Executive of the JD(U) are different. The Mumbai small preview theatres week of 10 Hindi releases.

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