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10/4/2017 CSS Forums - View Single Post - Posts for SBP officers Grade-II announced

View Single Post Thread: Posts for SBP officers Grade-II announced

Sunday, March 29, 2009 #22

Join Date: Sep 2007

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SBP Test Preparation

Panacea for Finance Abbreviations

Dear members I have tried to enlist all the common abbreviations used in our business /
finance/ industry circle. I have tried to focus on SBOTS test and any other banking or
business related test i.e. IBP test, NBP test etc.

ABL: Allied Bank Limited

ACAC: Agriculture Credit Advisory Committee
ACBL: Askari Commercial Bank Limited
ACU: Asian Clearing Unit
Ads: Authorized Dealers
ADB: Asian Development Bank
ADBP: Agriculture Development Bank of Pakistan (Now ZTBL)
ADD: Authorized Derivatives Dealer
ADFC: Agricultural Developmental Finance Corporation
AGM: Annual General Meeting
ALCO: Asset-Liability Management Committee
ALM: Asset - Liability Management
AML: Anti Money Laundering
AMU: Asian Monetary Unit
AOF: Account opening form
AOA: Articles of Association
APGML: Asia-Pacific Group on Money Laundering
ARM: Adjustable Rate Mortgages
ATM: Automated Teller Machine
BAFL: Bank Al Falah Limited
BBA: Basic Banking Account
BBFS: Borrowers Basic Fact Sheet
BCBS: Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
BCP: Business Contingency Plan
BCO: Banking Companies Ordinance
B/E: Bill of Exchange
BEL: Bankers Equity Limited
B/L: Bill of Lading
BLCO: Branch Line Compliance Officer
BM: Branch Manager
BMR: Balancing, Modernization and Replacement
BOD: Board of Directors
BOI: Board of Investment
BOP: Balance of Payment
BOT: Balance of Trade
BSC: Banking Services Corporation
BV: Book Value
CAELS: Capital, Assets Quality, Earnings, Liquidity and Sensitivity
CAMELS-S: Capital, Assets Quality, Management, Earning, Liquidity, Sensitivity and Systems &
CAD: Credit Administration Department
CAD: Cash Against Documents
CAF: Cost And Freight
C & F: Cost and Freight 1/5
10/4/2017 CSS Forums - View Single Post - Posts for SBP officers Grade-II announced
CAR: Capital Adequacy Ratio
CB: Commercial Bank
CBR: Central Board of Revenue
CD: Certificate of Deposit
CDC: Central Depository Company (of Pakistan Limited)
CDD: Customer Due Diligence
CDNS: Central Directorate of National Savings
CEO: Chief Executive Officer
CFS: Continuous Funding System
CFT: Combating the Financing of Terrorism
C & I: Cost and Insurance
CIB: Credit Information Bureau
CIF: Cost, Insurance and Freight
CIRC: Corporate and Industrial Restructuring Corporation
COD: Certificate of Deposit
COD: Cash On Delivery
COIs: Certificates of Investment
COT: Carry Over Transactions
CPD: Consumer Protection Department
CPI: Consumer Price Index
CRCP: Consumer Rights Commission of Pakistan
CRF: Committee on Rural Finance
CRSIU: Committee for Revival of Sick Industrial Units
CRM: Customer Relationship Manager
CRO: Customer Relationship Officer
CSEs: Customer Service Executives
CSM: Customer Service Manager
CSO: Customer Service Officer
CVT: Capital Value Tax
CY: Calendar Year
DAC: Disbursement Authorization Certificate
DAP: Documents against payment
DD: Demand Draft
DFI: Development Finance Institution
DFSD: Development Finance Support Department
DIS: Deposit Insurance System
DPD: Days Past Due
DRP: Disaster Recovery Plan
DSC: Defense Saving Certificates
EBIT: Earning Before Interest and Taxes
eCIB: Electronic Credit Information Bureau
ECNEC: Executive Committee of the National Economic Council
EES: Employee Engagement Survey
EFS: Export Finance Scheme
EFT: Electronic Funds Transfer
EOBI: Employees Old Age Benefit Institution
EOL: Excess Over Limit
EPF: Equity Participation Fund
EPZA: Export Processing Zones Authority
FATF: Financial Action Task Force
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
FB: Foreign Bank
FBR: Federal Board of Revenue
FDBR: Financial Derivatives Business Regulations
FDI: Foreign Direct Investment
FEEL: Foreign Exchange Exposure Limit
FIs: Financial Institutions
FIB: Federal Investment Bond
FMU: Financial Monitoring Unit
FOB: Free on Board
FOBC: Foreign Outward Bill for Collection
FPCCI: Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry
FRA: Forward Rate Agreement
FSAP: Financial Sector Assessment Program
FSV: Forced Sale Value 2/5
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Forex: Foreign Exchange
FWBL: First Women Bank Limited
FX: Foreign Exchange
FY: Fiscal Year
GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GBP: Great Britain Pound
GDDS: General Data Dissemination System
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
GFCF: Gross Fixed Capital Formation
GL: General Ledger
GNP: Gross National Product
GST: General Sales Tax
HBL: Habib Bank Limited
HBFC: House Building Finance Corporation
HSBC: Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation
IADI: International Association of Deposit Insurers
IAIB: International Association of Islamic Banks
IAIS: International Association of Insurance Supervisors
IASC: International Accounting Standards Committee
IASs: International Accounting Standards
IBC: Inward Bill For Collection
IBD: Islamic Banking Department
IBI: Islamic Banking Institution
IBP: Institute of Bankers Pakistan (The Institute of Bankers Pakistan)
ICP: Investment Corporation of Pakistan
IDB: Islamic Development Bank
IDBP: Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan
IFB: Invitation for Bids
IMF: International Monetary Fund
IOM: Inter Office Memorandum
IOU: I owe you
IPOs: Initial Public Offerings
IRAF: Institutional Risk Assessment Framework
IRB: Internal Ratings Based
IRS: Interest Rate Swap
ISE: Islamabad Stock Exchange
JCRA: Japan Credit Rating Agency
KASB: Khadum Ali Shah Bukhari
KIBOR: Karachi Inter-bank Offered Rate
KRI: Key Risk Indicators
KSE: Karachi Stock Exchange
KYC: Know Your Customer
LAF: Loan Application Form
LC: Letter of Credit
LCAC: Local Credit Advisory Committee
LDCs: Least Developed Countries
LG: Letter of Guarantee
LIBOR: London Inter-bank Offered Rate
LPB: Local Private Bank
LSE: Lahore Stock Exchange
LSM: Large Scale Manufacturing
LTFF: Long Term Financing Facility
LTF-EOP: Long Term Financing for the Export Oriented Projects
MCB: Muslim Commercial Bank (Now MCB Bank Ltd.)
MCR: Minimum Capital Requirement
MFB: Micro Finance Bank
MOA: Memorandum of Association
MT: Mail Transfer
MTB: Market Treasury Bill
NBFC: Non-Banking Finance Company
NBP: National Bank Of Pakistan
NCCC: National Credit Consultative Council
NDLC: National Development Leasing Corporation
NFC: National Finance Corporation
NIBAF: National Institute of Banking and Finance 3/5
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NIM: Net Interest Margin
NIRC: National Industrial Relations Commission
NIT: National Investment Trust
NMI: Non Market Maker Financial Institution
NNP: Net National Product
NOP: Net Open Position
NPF: Non Performing Finance
NPL: Non Performing Loan
NSC: National Saving Certificates
NSC: National Saving Centre
NSS: National Savings Schemes
OBC: Outward Bill for collection
OD: Overdraft
OECD: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
OGRA: Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority
OIC: Organization of Islamic Conference
OMO: Open Market Operations
OTC: Over the Counter
PACRA: Pakistan Credit Rating Agency
PAYE: Pay as you earn
PBA: Pakistan Banks Association.
PCC: Price Check Committee
PEPs: Politically Exposed Persons.
PIBs: Pakistan Investment Bonds
PICIC: Pakistan Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation
PIDC: Pakistan Industrial Developmental Corporation
PIDE: Pakistan Institute of Development Economics
PIU: Produce Index Units
PLS: Profit & Loss Sharing
PIN: Personal Identification Number
POS terminal: Point on Sale Terminal
PPCBL: Punjab Provincial Cooperative Bank Limited
PR: Prudential Regulation
PRGF: Poverty Reduction & Growth Facility
PSCB: Public Sector Commercial Bank
PSE: Public Sector Enterprise
PSUs: Public Sector Undertakings
PTC: Participation Term Certificate
QAU: Quality Assurance Unit
Repo: Re-purchase Agreement
RMMM: Risk Mitigation, Monitoring & Management
ROA: Return on Assets
ROE: Return on Equity
RSA: Rate Sensitive Asset
RSL: Rate Sensitive Liability
RTC: Rupee Travelers Cheque.
RTGS: Real Time Gross Settlement
RWA: Risk Weighted Assets
SA: Shariah Advisor
SAEU: South Asian Economic Union
SAFTA: South Asia Free Trade Area
SAPTA: South Asia Preferential Trading Agreement
SB: Specialized Bank
SBP: State Bank of Pakistan
SBLC: Stand by LC
SCB: Standard Chartered Bank
SCRA: Special Convertible Rupee Account
SDR: Special drawing rights
SECP: Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
SME: Small and Medium Enterprise
SPI: Sensitive Price Index
SSC: Special Savings Certificates
SSI: Social Security Institution
STR: Suspicious Transaction Report
SWIFT: Society for World-wide Interbank Financial Telecommunication 4/5
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TB: Trial balance
T-Bill: Treasury Bill
TD: Time Deposit
TDR: Term Deposit Receipt
TFC: Term Finance Certificate
TOR: Terms of Reference
TRIPS: Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
TPR: Trade Policy Review
TT: Telegraphic Transfer
UBL: United Bank Limited
UNO: United Nations Organization
USD: United States Dollar ($)
VAR: Value at risk
VAT: Value Added Tax
WB: World Bank
WEBCOP: Workers & Employers Bilateral Council of Pakistan
WPI: Wholesale Price Index
WPPF: Workers Profit Participation Fund
WTO: World Trade Organization
WWF: Workers Welfare Fund
YoY: Year on Year
YTD: Year to Date
ZTBL: Zarai Tarqiati Bank Limited

"Tumhary nafs ki qeemat Janat hay isy Janat say kam qeemat pey na bechna."
"Jiyo to istarh ky log tum sy milny ko tarsy; maro to istrah k log tumharee mot par royain"

The Following 15 Users Say Thank You to Raz For This Useful Post:
ALI SUBHAN (Tuesday, April 28, 2009), AsgharKhan (Thursday, January 02, 2014), beyrozgaar (Saturday,
April 13, 2013), courageneverdies (Sunday, December 09, 2012), Frankenstein of css (Sunday, March 29,
2009), Mashalkhan69 (Wednesday, March 26, 2014), Miss blue (Wednesday, September 11, 2013),
Mohsinayub (Saturday, July 15, 2017), musmanhussain (Monday, December 10, 2012),
Qasimg (Wednesday, February 03, 2016), sabba55 (Saturday, February 01, 2014), umairshahzad (Tuesday,
December 06, 2011), Uzma Bano (Wednesday, July 31, 2013), Warraich (Sunday, October 14, 2012),
wshaikh (Friday, December 11, 2009) 5/5

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