Chapter 6 Integumentary

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Chapter 6: Integument


-conjunctiva: exposed portion of the eyeball, usually transparent; -light-emitting organs
covers the eardrum; directly continuous with mucous membranes that -arise in the epi and invade the derm
line all the passageways opening onto the surface -upper part: magnifying lens
-epidermis derived from ectoderm -base: blood sinus (raw materials needed for bioluminescence),
-dermis derived from mesoderm melanophores
-variations in the Morphological features of the epi & derm -functions of photopores
1. relative # and complexity of skin glands 1. species and sex recognition
2. extent of differentiation of specialization of the most superficial 2. lure/warning
layer of epi 3. aid to concealment by countershading
3. extent of bone development in dermi Keratin
-skin of amphioxus exhibits epi and dermi, but epi is only one cell -most fishes synthesize little/no keratin
thick. -aquatic urodeles: thin dessication-impeding stratum
-lampreys and hagfishes: conical cornified teeth
SKIN OF THE EFT (Notophthalmus) -tadpoles: horny toothlike structures
-aquatic urodeles: calluslike caps on toes
-eft: juvenile land stage of aquatic urodele Notophthalmus
-terrestrial craniates: keratin is a feature of the skin
-does not reflect ancient feature of craniate but illustrates contrasting
adaptations of craniate skin for life on land as opposed to life on
+[Epidermis of Tetrapods]
-stratified epithelium
-epi: stratified epithelium
-Petersons (Unnatural) Law: Anything that can happen will happen.
>columnar cells in the basal, or germinal, layer are constantly
-2 primary epidermal features of terrestrial tetrapods:
undergoing mitosis, replacing those lost from the surface.
1. integumentary glands
>proliferation from the basal layer causes older cells to be pushed
2. stratum corneum
Epidermal Glands
>as they approach the surface, they synthesize keratin: scleroprotein
-saccular/alveolar (dipnoans and amphis)
insoluble in water, and they become flattened (squamous).
-tubular: (abundant in mammals)digestive tract
>keratinization: -keratinized/cornified: causes cells to die
-3 basic categories:
> in efts: cornified layer is thin in contrast to thick cornified stratum in
1. merocrine glands: sweat glands of humans
2. holocrine glands: oil glands of birds/sebaceous glands of
-glands of the skin develop from the epi and, in efts, are simple
multicellular sacs that bulge into the dermis, where they are in the
3. apocrine glands: mammary glands
immediate vicinity of capillaries that supply nutrients and oxygen, and
-Mucus glands
carry away metab wastes.
+confined to lubricated surfaces
> they are able to synthesize mucus, but in the eft stafe they are
+synthesis of mucus would dehydrate a craniates lacking drinking
quiescent although not totally inactive.
-dermis of efts consists of connective tissue that supports the bases of
-Granular glands
the glands, bV, lymphatics, small nerves, and pigment cells.
+terrestrial amphis
> it adheres to underlying body wall muscle.
+not abundant in reptiles
-larvae live in water(many active mucous glands/no cornified
+absent in birds and mamals
epi)metamorphosed on land(skin glandsquiescent, epi
+source of many pheromones
keratinized, persists in land)sexually mature in water(mucous glands
+pheromone functions
become active again, cornified cells are shed and do not reappear)
-affect the behavior/physiology of other organisms/same
>skin of larvae and aqua adults resembles that of fishes, skin of efts is
like terrestrial amphi.
-signal the sex of an organism
-identify members of the same population
THE EPIDERMIS -leave trails
-avascular epi is the interface between organism and environment +restricted to a localized area of the body
-vascular derm provides physiologic support for the interfacing epi +parotoid gland (in toads) behind the eye
-2 kinds of nonliving coverings of the epi in craniates: +femoral gland: secrete a substance that hardens to form
1. mucus temporary spines that restrain the female during copulation
2. stratum corneum +musk turtles: yellowish fluid from 2 glands
-unicellular epi glands of larval amphi +crocs: row of (supposedly pheromonal) glands of unknown
-multicellular epi glands of metamorphosed amphi & amniotes (these function
invade the derm) -Avian oil glands
+uropygial gland: largest in aquatic birds and domestic fowl
+[Epidermis of Fishes & Aquatic Amphi) +water repellent
-predominant feature: abundance of epi glands +secretion during preening
-scales located beneath epi +smaller oil glands line the outer ear
Epi Glands of Fishes -Sebaceous glands
-mostly unicellular +oily exudate
-goblet cells: secrete only mucus +secretion: sebum (into hair follicles)
-granular cells: secrete mucus & other ingredients like (slime or +ceruminous glands secrete cerumen (hairs trap insects)
alkaloids) +meibomian glands moisten the conjunctiva
-slimy mucus secreted in quantity in response to stressful external +chalazion: inflamed swelling on the conjunctival surface of the lid
stimuli (hagfishes)
-alkaloids not common in aquatic fishes -Sudoriferous glands
-fucntions of mucus: +a.k.a.: sweat glands
1. nutrition (for babies/hatchlings) +tubular glands that extend deep into the derm of mammals
2. irritating toxins +predominant secretion: thermoregulatory
3. unknown +furry regions
Epi Glands of Aquatic Amphi +mammals that lack sweat glands: pangolins, cetaceans,
-mostly multicellular sireniands, echidnas
-mucous/granular glands +ciliary glands: open into the eyelash follicles
-tailed amphis that are semiaquatic have the largest number of +humans: largest # of sweat glands
integumentary glands -Scent glands
-functions of mucus: +both sebaceous and sudoriferous glands produce scents
1. respiratory membrane +functions
2. holdfasts -drive away enemies (skunks anal gland)
3. restraining the female during amplexus -signal the sex (musk deers anal gland)
-defense (kangaroos sebaceous gland)
Chapter 6: Integument
-for breeding (elephants temporal gland) +root surrounded by a network of sensory nerve endings- ex.
+not all pheromones are products of integumentary glands vibrissae(whiskers)
-Mammary glands Morphology of a Hair
+develop in both sexes from milk lines (elevated ectoderm -bulb: continual mitosis (how hairs elongate)
beneath the dermis) -root: where hair cells are dying and cornifying
+nipple: forms above a patch of a milk line (derived from the -shaft: remainder of the hair surrounded by sebum
ventrolateral milk line but displaced dorsad during ontogenesis) -cuticle: membranous cornified squamous cells covering the hair
+derived from sebaceous glands -medulla: coarse/spiny hairs contain these cornified cells separated by
+secretion: includes lipids large amounts of air and connected by intercellular bridges of keratin
+kinds -arrector pili: tiny smooth muscle responsible for elevating the hairs
-axillary (gooseflesh)
-thoracic -also a device for thermoregulaion
-abdominal -agglutinated hairs:
-inguinal +scales of pangolins
+cystern: terminal ducts at the base of the nipple where milk +horns of rhinos
accumulates after having been let down from the lobes -modifications of hair:
+oxytocin: hormone in the pituitary responsible for the smooth +bristles
muscle contractions that cause milk letdown +spines of anteaters
+monotremes: no nipples +porcupine quills
Stratum Corneum Origin of Hair
-early specializations: scales, claws, horny protuberances, hair, -conjectural
feathers (most remarkable). -protothrix: tactile bristle
-Epidermal scales -neomorphs: structures that have no ancestral precursor
+amniotes -Feathers, hair, and dermal papillae
+in squamates: stratum corneum is arranged on overlapping folds +morphogenesis of a feather: dermal papillaactivity in the
of the epi ectoderm
+thinning of stratum corneum permits mobility +morphogenesis of a hair: ectodermal invaginationdermal
+scutes: large thin quadrilateral/polygonal scales papilla
+turtle scutes and scales dont overlap -Horns and Antlers
+epi scales develop in birds on the apterylae +3 varieties of mammalian horns:
+armidillos: hair and scales interspersed -bovine horns
+mammals: confined to the legs and tail -hair horns
+pangolin scales are agglutinated hairs -horns of pronghorn antelopes
+lizards and snakes have 2 distinct layers: +antlers and giraffe horns are not true horns
-inner: deposited Bovine Horns and Pronghorns
-outer: molted -oxen, cows, sheep, goats & pronghorn antelopes
-Claws, hoofs, & nails -prime feature: core of dermal bone covered by a sheath of horn
+modifications of the stratum corneum -bovine horns in both sexes
+2 curved parts: unguis (dorsal) & subunguis (ventral) -pronghorns are branched and the horny covering is shed annually
+both wrap around the terminal phalanx Hair Horns
+cuneus: cornified pad -rhinos
-Feathers -agglutinated keratinized hairlike epidermal fibers
+3 morphological varieties: -roughened area of the nasal bone
-contour -present in both sexes
-down/plumules Antlers and Giraffe Horns
-filoplumes -not cornified structures
-dermal bone attached to the frontal bone
Morphological Varieties of Feathers -in velvet: new growing antlers
-Contour: -covered with a soft vascular skin and velvety hair
+shaft2 vanes -only in males
-base of shaft: calamus/quill -replaced annually
-vane bearing: rachis -giraffe horns: projections of the frontal bone and remain in velvet
+barbs barbules(have hooklets)&flanges throughout life
+superior umbilicus -Baleen and other Cornified Structures
+afterfeather +toothless whales have oral epithelium (baleen/whalebone)
+pterylae: feather tracts +rattles: rings of horny stratum corneum
+arrectores plumarum: smooth erector muscles +beaks: covered with a horny sheath
-Down: +combs of roosters: covered with a thick warty stratum corneum
+small fluffy feathers underneath and between contour feathers +ischial callosi: monkeys and apes sit on these
-Filoplumes: +knee pads: camels kneel on these
+hairlike feathers consisting of a shaft +tori: epidermal pads on most mammals rather than ungulates
+bristles: resemble filoplumes but lack terminal barbs (pussyfoot); ends of the tori : apical pads
Development of a Feather +corns and calluses: temporary thickenings of stratum corneum
-Dermal papilla: mound of mesodermal cells in the derm that indents located where skin has been subjected to unusual friction
the undersurface of the epi and induces mitotic activity in its basal
-feather primordium: pimplelike elevation on the surface of the skin -collagenous connective tissue
-feather follicle: pit lined with epi around the f.primordiums base -blood vessels, small nerves, pigment cells
-feather sheath: active growth zone at the base of the f.follicle -has an ancient and persistent potential to form bone
-pinfeather: feather still surrounded by its sheath
-full grown featherdermal papilla in the shaft dies and becomes +[The Bony Dermis of Fishes]
pulppapilla withdraws from the shaft base leaving an -bony plates or smaller bony scales beneath the epi (dermal bone)
openinginferior umbilicus -denticles: knobby/spiny elevations
Origin of Feathers -4 layers of primitive bone:
-derived from reptilian scales +lamellar bone
-both initiated by formation of a vascularized dermal papilla +spongy bone
-the 2 are dissimilar +dentin
-protofeathers (in the Chinese Sinosauropteryx) add to the validity of +enamel
scale-to-feather scenario -lamellar bone: compactly structured bone deposited in successive
-Hair layers/lamellae
+keratinized appendages -spongy bone: penetrated by blood channels of macroscopic size
Chapter 6: Integument
-dentin: another variety of bone
-dermal armor: protective; stores calcium and phosphates +[Amphibians]
-classification of dermal plates and scales +differs from that of fishes
+placoid -scales are absent
-derived from basal pate(root) -epi glands are multicellular
-spine in the dermis erupts epi -epi exhibits stratum corneum (except toads)
+rhomboid -Epidermis
-retain 4 primitive layers of dermal bone +glandular
-2 subtypes: ganoid and cosmoid +multicellular mucus glands
-no living fish have cosmoid scales +cornified appendages are rare
-ganoine : form of enamel (found in Polypterus and +tadpoles have horny teethat metamorphosis, teeth are shed
Calamoichthyes) and adult becomes insectivorous
+elasmoid -Dermis
-seen in most teleosts & lobe-finned fishes +firmly attached to underlying musculature
-flexible&translucent +dermal chromatophores capable of color changes
-formed from thin laminar bone
-associated with a fibrous plate +[Nonavian Reptiles]
-2 subtypes: cycloid and ctenoid(comblike) -Epidermis
-consist of a very thin layer of acellular lamellar bone underlain by +thick water impervious stratum corneum
a plate of dense collagen +ecdysis: molting of entire outer layer of stratum corneum in one
-ability to form scales lost by lampreys bony eels and others piece/cast
-scale analagen: develop transitorily in the embryos +epi glands are almost entirely granular
+protective and pheromonal secretions are most effective in
+[Dermal Ossification in Tetrapods] response to external stimuli
-osteoderms: minute bony scales +dry
-only armadillos: dermal armor -Dermis
-bone is covered by epi scales +dermal bone
-dermis has an anceitn and persistent potential to form bone
+[Dermal Pigments] -Epidermis
-chromatophores: cells that contain pigment granules +thin-skinned
-melanophores (melanin graules/shades of brown/melanosomes) +epi scales typically reptilian
+hairs receive only melanin +uropygial gland
-xanthophores (yellow granules) +oily secretion
-iridophores (guanine; silvery/iridescent granules) -Dermis
-erythrophores (red granules) +supports feather follicles and erector muscles
-feathers receive melanin, xantho, and erythro +thermoregulatory role
-colors changes occur only in ectotherms +no osteoderms
-craniates cant because chromatophores cant aggregate nor disperse
-morphologic color changes: (getting a tan) +[Mammals]
-pigment cells not confined to just the skin; found in meninges and +notable features
striated muscles (melanocytes) -hair
-not all skin color is due to pigment; blood capillaries lie immediately -grater functional epi glands
under the epi -thick cornified epidermis
-thicker dermis
+[Agnathans] -Epidermis
-Epidermis +3 strata:
+abundance of unicellular mucous glands -stratum germinativum (actively mitotic)
+all layers are mitotic -stratum granulosum (keratohyaline)
+only cornified structures(shed and replaced): -stratum corneum (forelimbs and hindlimbs)
-horny denticles +4 cellular layer: stratum lucidum (palms and soles)
-biting-scraping cornified teeth +2 major types of epi glands:
-Dermis -sebaceous
+thiner than epi -sudoriferous
+exceptionally tough collagenous connective tissue +mammary glands of viviparous mammals appear to be modified
+[Cartilaginous Fishes] sebaceous glands
-Epidermis +mammary glands of monotremes appear to be modified
+more layers than the agnathans sudoriferous glands
+unicellular are less abundant +Claws have become hoofs in ungulatesand flat nails in primates
+goblet cells secrete toxins (chimaeras) +horns: either entirely keratin or have a horny sheath overlying a
+multicellular glands at base of claspers(chimaeras) bony core
+photophores: modified multicellular epidermal glands that have -Dermis
invaded the dermis +thickness: result of many hair follicles, erector muscles,
sweat&oil glands, connective tissue, vascularity
-Dermis +superficial fascia: loose connective tissue that separates skin
+thicker than epi from underlying muscle
+2 more/less well-defined layers
+sandpaper texture ROLES OF INTEGUMENT
+sheet of melanophores under the epi -protective (primary/dermal armor/fur/pigment)
+chimaeras lost scales but more mucus glands than -exteroceptive (nerve endings/whiskers)
elasmobranchs, slippery skin -respiration (salamanders)
-excretion (aquatic amphi)
+[Bony Fishes] -thermoregulation (feathers)
-Epidermis -locomotion (webs)
+epi glands are unicellular mucus glands -maintenance of homeostasis (fishes via dermal scales)
+few granular glands that secrete irritating/poisoinous alkaloids -nourishment (teleost hatchlings feed on mothers mucus)
+no placoid scales -skin coloration (vit. D)
+presence of ganoid scales
+modern cycloid and ctenoid

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